EXHIBIT 4(d) EXIDE ELECTRONICS 401(K) Retirement Benefit Plan Enrollment/Change Application Check One: (For Office Use Only) ----- ---- ---- Month Day Year ___ NEW ENROLLMENT (Complete all items in Sections A,B,C & D) ___ CHANGE IN CONTRIBUTIONS (Complete all items in Sections A,B,& D) ___ SUSPENSION OF CONTRIBUTIONS (Complete all items in Sections A & D) ___ REINSTATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS (Complete all items in Sections A,B,& D) SECTION A Employee Name: (First, M.I., Last) Please Print in ink or use typewriter. - ------------------------------------------------------------ Employee Address: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Street City State Zip Code Social Security No.: __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ Employee No.: _________ SECTION B: EMPLOYEE TAX DEFERRED CONTRIBUTIONS Check One: - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% SECTION C: INVESTMENT OPTIONS(New Enrollment Only) Investment Options MUST BE Made In Increments of 10% (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90, or 100%). Please Ensure Your TOTAL ELECTION EQUALS 100%. Changes In Investment Options Are Made By Contacting Fidelity Directly By Phone. FIDELITY INVESTMENTS: RETIREMENT GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET FUND..............______ % PURITAN FUND.........................................______ % ASSET MANAGER FUND...................................______ % GROWTH & INCOME FUND.................................______ % U.S. EQUITY INDEX FUND...............................______ % GROWTH COMPANY FUND..................................______ % EXIDE ELECTRONICS GROUP INC. COMMON STOCK FUND.......______ % TOTAL 100 % SECTION D: AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize my employer to deduct the above indicated percentages from my compensation (as defined in the Plan), to forward such amounts to the Trustee, or to amend my prior elections if indicated above. - ---------------------- -------------------------------- DATE EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE