1 FORM AW SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL PURSUANT TO RULE 477 UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 T. ROWE PRICE NEW AMERICA GROWTH FUND WITHDRAWAL REQUEST The undersigned registered open-end investment company hereby notifies the Securities and Exchange Commission that it requests to withdraw Form 485BPOS for T. Rowe Price New America Growth Fund, CIK 0000773485, File # 002-99122/811-4358, Accession Number 0000773485-97-000007, which was filed on April 22, 1997. This Form was refiled with the corrected module name and accepted by the SEC on April 22, 1997, at 17:53, Accession Number 0000773485-97-000009. SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of Rule 477 under the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant has caused this request for withdrawal to be duly executed on its behalf in the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland on the 14th day of May, 1997. T. ROWE PRICE NEW AMERICA GROWTH FUND By: /s/Henry H. Hopkins ________________________________ Henry H. Hopkins, Vice President May 14, 1997 Ruth Sanders, Esq. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: T. Rowe Price New America Growth Fund File Numbers 002-99122/811-4358 Dear Ms. Sanders: We are hereby filing a withdrawal request on Form AW with respect to the above-referenced Registrant. If you have any questions, please contact me at 410-345-6601. Sincerely, /s/Forrest R. Foss ___________________ Forrest R. Foss