As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 4, 1994.


                           WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 8-K

                               CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of

                     The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                     Date of Report:  December 22, 1993
                      (Date of earliest event reported)

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;         I.R.S. Employer 
File Number          Address; and Telephone Number           Identification No.

  1-9130               CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION              34-1479083
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
                       Independence, Ohio  44131
                       Telephone (216) 447-3100

  1-2323               THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC                    34-0150020
                          ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       55 Public Square
                       Cleveland, Ohio  44113
                       Telephone (216) 622-9800

  1-3583               THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY                 34-4375005
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       300 Madison Avenue
                       Toledo, Ohio  43652
                       Telephone (419) 249-5000

This combined Form 8-K is separately filed by Centerior Energy Corporation 
("Centerior Energy"), The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company ("Cleveland 
Electric") and The Toledo Edison Company ("Toledo Edison").  Centerior 
Energy, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are sometimes referred to 
collectively as the "Companies".  Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are 
sometimes referred to collectively as the "Operating Companies".  Information 
contained herein relating to any individual registrant is filed by such 
registrant on its behalf.  No registrant makes any representation as to 
information relating to any other registrant, except that information 
relating to either or both of the Operating Companies is also attributed to 
Centerior Energy.

Item 5.  Other Events

1.  Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison Securities Downgraded.  For 
background and earlier developments relating to this topic, see "Item 5. 
Other Information- 3. Potential Downgrading of Securities" in the Companies' 
Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1993 and 
"Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
Results of Operations" in the Companies' Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the 
year ended December 31, 1992.

On December 22, 1993, Moody's Investors Service, Inc. announced that it 
downgraded the credit ratings of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison as 

                      Security                 Old Rating   New Rating
            first mortgage bonds, secured
            medium-term notes and secured 
            pollution control bonds               Baa3         Ba2
            unsecured pollution control
            notes and debentures                  Ba1          Ba3
            preferred stock 
               Cleveland Electric                 ba1          b1
               Toledo Edison                      ba2          b1
            secured lease obligation 
            bonds*                                Ba1          Ba3
            commercial paper                    Prime-3     Not Prime   
            *Issued by CTC Beaver Valley Funding Corporation, Beaver 
             Valley II Funding Corporation and CTC Mansfield Funding 
             Corporation and secured by rental payments made by 
             Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison.
Also on December 22, 1993, Standard & Poor's Corporation ("S&P") announced 
that it downgraded the credit ratings of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison 
as follows:

                     Security               Old Rating      New Rating
             first mortgage bonds and
             secured pollution control
             bonds                             BBB-            BB 
             unsecured pollution control
             notes and debentures               BB+            B+ 
             preferred stock                    BB+            B 
             secured lease obligation bonds
               issued by CTC Mansfield
               Funding Corporation              BB+            B+
               issued by CTC Beaver Valley
               Funding Corporation and 
               Beaver Valley II Funding
               Corporation                      BB+            B
             commercial paper                   A-3            B      
S&P also stated that the outlook for the Companies remains negative.

The lower ratings are expected to increase Cleveland Electric's and Toledo 
Edison's cost of any new financing.

2.  Strategic Plan, Dividends and Write-offs.  For background and earlier 
developments related to these topics, see "Item 7. Management's Discussion 
and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and Notes 
3(c), 6 and 10(d) in "Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data", 
all in the Companies' Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 
31, 1992 and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
Results of Operations" in the Companies' Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for 
the quarters ended March 31, 1993, June 30, 1993 and September 30, 1993. 

On January 4, 1994, the Board of Directors of Centerior Energy approved 
management's comprehensive new strategic plan to strengthen the Companies' 
financial and competitive position.  As part of the plan, the Board of 
Directors of Centerior Energy declared a quarterly common stock dividend of 
$.20 per share payable February 15, 1994, a reduction from the $.40 per share 
declared for previous quarters.  The Board believes that the new level is 
sustainable barring unforeseen circumstances and that the new plan will 
provide the opportunity to increase the dividend as the Companies' strategic 
objectives are achieved.  Nevertheless, future dividend action by the Board 
of Directors will continue to be decided on a quarter-to-quarter basis after 
the evaluation of financial results, potential earnings capacity and cash 
flow.  The Board also authorized the write-off of the Companies' investment 
in Unit 2 of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant ("Perry Unit 2") and the write-off 
of certain deferred charges related to Unit 1 of the Perry Nuclear Power 
Plant and Unit 2 of the Beaver Valley Power Station pursuant to a January 
1989 rate agreement authorized by The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio 
("PUCO") ("phase-in plan"). 

These financial actions resulted from a comprehensive strategic planning 
initiative which assessed existing strategies and developed new ones.  In 
addition to the financial actions, the plan involves new strategic objectives 
to increase revenues, increase customer satisfaction, motivate employees, 
reduce power production costs, control total expenditures and provide greater 
total return to share owners over the long term.  The new plan is expected to 
strengthen the Companies financially and competitively in order to ultimately 
improve financial results.  

The after-tax write-off of Perry Unit 2 is about $260 million for Cleveland 
Electric, about $170 million for Toledo Edison and about $430 million for 
Centerior Energy.  The write-off was taken because the Companies determined 
that it is probable that Perry Unit 2 would not be completed or sold for the 
foreseeable future.  

The after-tax write-off of the phase-in plan deferrals is about $430 million 
for Cleveland Electric, about $160 million for Toledo Edison and about $590 
million for Centerior Energy.  The phase-in plan was designed so that 
projected revenues would provide for the recovery of all nuclear-related 
deferred costs over a ten-year period.  The plan required the deferral of 
costs during the first five years and amortization and recovery of such costs 
in the last five years.  Current forecasts now indicate that revenues 
projected over the 1994-1998 period will not provide for the recovery of 
these deferrals as scheduled, due primarily to the effects of economic and 
competitive pressures.  Accordingly, the Board concluded that it was 
necessary to write off the cumulative deferred balance.

The provisions of the Rate Stabilization Program approved by the PUCO in 1992 
are not affected by these actions.  

The write-offs will result in a loss in 1993 and a negative retained earnings 
balance for the Companies.  Nevertheless, the Operating Companies expect to 
continue to pay all preferred stock dividends out of appropriated retained 
earnings and current earnings.  The Operating Companies also expect to pay a 
common dividend to Centerior out of appropriated retained earnings and 
current earnings, although dividend action by the Boards of Directors of the 
Operating Companies will continue to be determined on a quarter-to-quarter 
basis after an evaluation of financial results, potential earning capacity 
and cash flow.  

As of September 30, 1993 and giving effect to these write-offs, Cleveland 
Electric would have been permitted to issue approximately $325 million of 
first mortgage bonds only on the basis of refundable bonds.  Toledo Edison 
would have been permitted to issue approximately $286 million of first 
mortgage bonds only on the basis of refundable bonds.  

Certain fixed charge and capitalization covenants contained in various 
financial agreements in an aggregate amount of $473 million will not be met 
as a result of the write-offs.  The Companies have entered into discussions 
with the affected creditors to seek waivers or amendments where necessary.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING 

                                    THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY

                                By:  J. T. Percio                            
                                     J. T. Percio,   
                                     Assistant Secretary of each Registrant

January 4, 1994
