As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 17, 1995.

                              SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION

                                    WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                           FORM 8-K

                                        CURRENT REPORT

                              Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of

                              The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                Date of Report:  March 15, 1995
                               (Date of earliest event reported)

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;           I.R.S. Employer 
File Number          Address; and Telephone Number           Identification No.

  1-9130             CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION        34-1479083
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
                       Independence, Ohio  44131
                       Telephone (216) 447-3100

  1-2323             THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC                     34-0150020
                       ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       55 Public Square
                       Cleveland, Ohio  44113
                       Telephone (216) 622-9800

  1-3583             THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY              34-4375005
                       (An Ohio Corporation)
                       300 Madison Avenue
                       Toledo, Ohio  43652
                       Telephone (419) 249-5000

This combined Form 8-K is separately filed by Centerior Energy Corporation
("Centerior Energy"), The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company ("Cleveland
Electric") and The Toledo Edison Company ("Toledo Edison").  Centerior Energy,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are sometimes referred to collectively as 
the "Companies".  Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are sometimes referred to
collectively as the "Operating Companies".  Information contained herein 
relating to any individual registrant is filed by such registrant on its 
behalf.  No registrant makes any representation as to information relating to 
any other registrant, except that information relating to either or both of 
the Operating Companies is also attributed to Centerior Energy.

Item 5.  Other Events

1.  1995 Rate Requests.  For background and further developments related to this
topic, see "Item 1. Business--Electric Rates" in the Companies' Annual Reports 
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993.

On March 15, 1995, the Operating Companies announced that they each plan to
notify The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio ("PUCO") on March 17, 1995 of 
their intent to file a request for a rate increase to be effective in 1996.  
Cleveland Electric's requested increase will be $82,800,000 in annual revenue 
and Toledo Edison's requested increase will be $34,800,000.  The requested 
rates would result in an average increase of 4.9% in Cleveland Electric's 
existing rates and an average increase of 4.7% in Toledo Edison's existing 

The Operating Companies plan to freeze rates until at least 2002 if their rate
requests are approved, although they are not precluded from requesting 
additional rate increases.  This plan is premised on the Operating Companies 
obtaining full recovery of all costs including an acceptable rate of return on 
equity in order to continue to apply Statement of Financial Accounting Standard 
71 ("SFAS 71") for financial reporting purposes.  The Operating Companies plan 
to avoid the need for further rate increases through additional cost reductions,
an enhanced marketing program and other factors.  The Operating Companies will 
periodically assess their continued compliance with SFAS 71 criteria and the 
appropriateness of continuing to record additional deferrals pursuant to the 
Rate Stabilization Plan approved by the PUCO in October 1992.  They will modify 
their intended course of action as necessary to maintain compliance.

The rate increases are necessary to recover capital investment and increases in 
costs incurred since the Operating Companies' last rate cases, which were 
decided in January 1989, and to recover certain costs deferred since 1992.  The 
amounts of the requested rate increases are lower than the authorized limits 
set forth in the Rate Stabilization Plan referred to above.  The additional 
cash resulting from the rate increases will strengthen the Operating Companies' 
financial and competitive positions.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the under-
signed thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING 

                                    THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY

                                  By: JANIS T. PERCIO  
                                      Janis T. Percio,  
                                      Secretary of each Registrant

March 17, 1995

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