As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 18, 1997.


                          WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                 FORM 8-K

                              CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of

                     The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                     Date of Report:  June 11, 1997
                       (Date of earliest event reported)

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;   I.R.S. Employer 
File Number        Address; and Telephone Number        Identification No.

  1-9130          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION             34-1479083
                  (An Ohio Corporation)
                  6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
                  Independence, Ohio  44131
                  Telephone (216) 447-3100

  1-2323          THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC                   34-0150020
                  ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                  (An Ohio Corporation)
                  c/o Centerior Energy Corporation
                  6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
                  Independence, Ohio  44131
                  Telephone (216) 622-9800

  1-3583          THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY                34-4375005
                  (An Ohio Corporation)
                  300 Madison Avenue
                  Toledo, Ohio  43652
                  Telephone (419) 249-5000

This combined Form 8-K is separately filed by Centerior Energy 
Corporation ("Centerior"), The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 
("Cleveland Electric") and The Toledo Edison Company ("Toledo Edison"). 
Centerior, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are sometimes referred 
to collectively as the "Companies".  Cleveland Electric and Toledo 
Edison are sometimes referred to collectively as the "Operating 
Companies".  Information contained herein relating to any individual 
registrant is filed by such registrant on its behalf.  No registrant 
makes any representation as to information relating to any other 
registrant, except that information relating to either or both of the 
Operating Companies is also attributed to Centerior. 

Item 5. Other Events

Pending Merger with Ohio Edison.  For additional information relating to 
this topic, see "Outlook-Pending Merger with Ohio Edison" under Item 7. 
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results 
of Operations in the Companies' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year 
ended December 31, 1996.

On June 11, 1997, an agreement was reached between FirstEnergy Corp. 
("FirstEnergy") and the City of Cleveland that provides the framework 
for resolving transmission and distribution issues between Cleveland 
Electric and Cleveland Public Power ("CPP").  FirstEnergy believes that 
the agreement will enable both Cleveland Electric and CPP to better 
serve their customers while enhancing opportunities for economic 
development and growth within their respective service areas.  In a 
related development, an agreement was also reached with American 
Municipal Power-Ohio ("AMP-Ohio") that forms a framework for resolving 
certain transmission and operating issues.  As a result of the 
agreements, the City of Cleveland and AMP-Ohio will withdraw their 
opposition to the pending merger of Centerior and Ohio Edison Company at 
both the federal and state levels and all pending litigation involving 
the City of Cleveland or CPP and the Companies will be stayed for 90 
days to allow for settlement discussions. 

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

                                    THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING 

                                    THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY

                                By:  JANIS T. PERCIO                    
                                     Janis T. Percio, 
                                     Secretary of each Registrant

June 18, 1997

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