ARCO [LOGO]   Media Relations                      N E W S
              515 South Flower Street
              Los Angeles, CA   90071-2201
              Telephone  213 486-3385
              Facsimile  213 486-0169

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                   March 27, 1995


     LOS ANGELES -- ARCO'S President and Chief Executive
Officer Mike R. Bowlin has been elected to succeed Lodwrick
M. Cook as Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective July 1.

     As previously announced, Cook will step down as
Chairman, a post he has held since 1986, following his 67th
birthday in June.  He will remain a member of the Board of
Directors.  Bowlin, 52, will continue as Chief Executive Officer.

     "Since becoming Chief Executive Officer last July, Mike
has proved himself as inspiring and dynamic leader," said
Cook in announcing today's decision by the Board of Directors.
"Our company could not be in better hands, and we look forward
to its continued success and growth under Mike's leadership."

     Citing Cook's 39-year ARCO career, Bowlin said:  "Lod has
played a major role in every aspect of our company's growth.
He has led us through several difficult reorganizations and
guided our expansion overseas.  He has also been an exemplary
corporate citizen and a far-sighted industry leader who
pioneered the development of cleaner-burning gasoline.  The


entire ARCO family sends its best wishes to Lod and his wife,

     Bowlin, a native of Amarillo, Texas, and a graduate of
the University of North Texas where he received BBA and MBA
degrees, joined ARCO as a Human Resources representative in
1969.  He held a number of Human Resources positions before
becoming Vice President of Finance, Planning and Control for
ARCO Oil and Gas Company in 1982.  During his career, he
served as Senior Vice President of ARCO Resources, Senior
Vice President of International Oil and Gas Acquisitions,
President of ARCO Coal Company and ARCO International Oil and
Gas Company, and ARCO Executive Vice President.

     He became President and Chief Operating Officer in 1993,
and Chief Executive Officer in July, 1994 following Cook's
retirement as CEO.

     Cook joined ARCO in 1956 as an engineer trainee.  He
went on to hold management positions in Labor Relations,
Refining/Marketing, Planning, Supply and Transportation.
He was elected a Corporate Vice President in 1970 and
advanced through a number of executive positions.  While
President of ARCO Transportation Company, he served as
Chairman of the Owners' Committee of the Trans Alaska
Pipeline System.

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     Cook became President and Chief Executive Officer in
October, 1985, and Chairman in January, 1986.  He has been a
member of the Board of Directors since 1980.
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For information, contact:  Albert Greenstein (213) 486-3384