
     Pursuant  to  resolutions adopted by Board of Directors  on
March  25,  1996, the Atlantic Richfield Savings  Plan  III  (the
"Plan") is hereby amended effective as of August 5, 1996:

1.   Paragraph 1.17(a) of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

     "(a) All corporations which are members of a controlled
          group of corporations within the meaning of 1563(a)  of
          the  Code [determined without regard to 1563(a)(4)  and
          1563(e)(3)(C)  of  said  Code] and  of  which  Atlantic
          Richfield  Company is then a member.  For  purposes  of
          Paragraphs  1.6 and 1.11 and Subparagraphs  11.8(b)(i),
          (ii)  and (iii), Subsidiary or Affiliate shall  include
          Lyondell Petrochemical Company and its Subsidiaries  or
          Affiliates; and"

2.   Paragraph 2.1 of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

     "2.1 Membership

          An  Employee  who  is paid on the  United  States
          dollar  payroll of the Company may become a  Member  on
          the Employee's date of employment.

3.   Subparagraph  3.2(a)  of the Plan  is  amended  to  read  as

    "(a)  To the extent that a Member has directed pursuant
          to  Paragraph 6.2 that Member contributions be invested
          in  an  option  other  than Atlantic  Richfield  Common
          Stock,  such contributions shall be paid to the Trustee
          in cash."

4.   Paragraph 4.1 of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

     "4.1 Company Contribution

          Effective  August 5, 1996, Company  contributions
          ceased.   Prior  to such date, the Company  contributed
          200  percent of the Member's contribution which did not
          exceed one percent of the Member's Base Pay."

5.   Subparagraph  4.5(a)  of the Plan  is  amended  to  read  as

     "(a) If   the   Administrator  determines,   in   its
          discretion,  that  the allocation of  contributions  to
          Members'  Accounts  for a Plan Year  does  not  meet  a
          requirement  of  Paragraph 4.3, the  Administrator  may
          reduce  the  allocation of such  contributions  to  the
          Accounts  of certain Members who are Highly Compensated
          Employees   to  the  extent  necessary  to  meet   that
          requirement.   The  reduction will be  accomplished  by
          reducing allocations to the Accounts of Members who are
          Highly  Compensated Employees in order of their  Actual
          Contribution Percents, beginning with the Member having
          the  highest  percent until a requirement of  Paragraph
          4.3  is met.  The reduced amounts, adjusted by gain  or
          loss  allocable  thereto for the  Plan  Year,  will  be
          returned  to  affected  Members  by  the  end  of   the
          following Plan Year."

6.   Section 6 of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

                           "SECTION 6

                               - 1 -

     6.1  Members' Accounts

          The Administrator shall establish and maintain an
          Account  in the name of each Member.  Separate  records
          shall  be maintained with respect to the portion  of  a
          Member's  Account attributable to Member  contributions
          under  Section 3 and earnings thereon, and the  portion
          of   a   Member's  Account  attributable   to   Company
          contributions under Section 4 and earnings thereon.

     6.2  Investment of Member Contributions

          Upon  receipt  of  a Member's contributions,  the
          Trustee  shall invest such amounts among the  following
          investment alternatives, in the proportion indicated by
          the Member in his or her investment directions provided
          to the Administrator:

          (a)  In Atlantic Richfield Company Common  Stock
               held under the ESOP Part of the Plan;

          (b)  In  Atlantic Richfield Company  Common
               Stock held under the non-ESOP Part of the Plan;

          (c)  In the Money Market Fund, consisting of
               specified  types of fixed income investments  such
               as  deposits  in  interest-bearing bank  accounts,
               certificates of deposit, corporate or governmental
               obligations maturing in not more than five  years,
               financial  futures  contracts,  deposits  under  a
               deposit administration or similar contract  issued
               by  an  insurance  company or in a  commingled  or
               common investment account or fund established  and
               maintained  by  an investment advisor  or  a  bank
               (which bank may be the Trustee) and the assets  of
               which  are invested primarily in debt obligations,
               or   in   any  combination  thereof  as   Atlantic
               Richfield  Company  or  a  delegate  thereof   may

         (d)   In  the  Equity  Fund,  consisting  of
               specified  equity investments such  as  common  or
               capital  stock of issuers (other than the Company,
               Subsidiaries    or   Affiliates,    or    Lyondell
               Petrochemical  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
               or  Affiliates),  bonds, debentures  or  preferred
               stocks convertible into common or capital stock of
               such   issuers,   financial   futures   contracts,
               interests in any commingled or common equity  fund
               established   and  maintained  by  an   investment
               advisor or a bank (which bank may be the Trustee),
               interests  in  any  mutual fund or  other  similar
               types  of  equity investments and cash  equivalent
               short-term investments maturing in less  than  one
               year,  or  in any combination thereof as  Atlantic
               Richfield  Company  or  a  delegate  thereof   may

         (e)   In  the  Bond  Fund,  consisting   of
               specified types of fixed income investments,  such
               as  public  obligations of the  United  States  or
               foreign governments or their agencies, securitized
               financing  or  corporate bonds of  issuers  (other
               than  the Company, Subsidiaries or Affiliates,  or
               Lyondell  Petrochemical  Company  or  any  of  its
               Subsidiaries or Affiliates), debentures, financial
               futures contracts, interests in any commingled  or
               common   fixed   income   fund   established   and
               maintained by an investment advisor or bank (which
               bank  may be the Trustee), interests in any mutual
               fund  or  other  similar  types  of  fixed  income
               investments   and   cash   equivalent   short-term
               investments,  or  in  any combination  thereof  as
               Atlantic  Richfield Company or a delegate  thereof
               may determine;

        (f)    In  the  International  Equity  Fund
               consisting  of  specified  investments  in  global
               issuers  such  as common or capital  stock  (other
               than  common  or  capital stock  of  the  Company,
               Subsidiaries    or   Affiliates,    or    Lyondell
               Petrochemical  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
               or   Affiliates),  preferred  stocks,   securities
               convertible into common or capital stock  of  such
               issuers,  financial  futures  contracts,  currency
               futures  or  options, forward currency  contracts,
               interests in any commingled or common equity  fund
               established   and  maintained  by  an   investment
               advisor or a bank (which bank may be

                                    - 2 -

               the Trustee), interests in any mutual fund or other
               similar types of equity investments and cash equivalent
               investments,  or  similar investments  or  in  any
               combination thereof as Atlantic Richfield  Company
               or a delegate thereof may determine; or

          (g)  In the Balanced Fund consisting of units
               of  the Equity Fund, the International Equity Fund
               and  the  Bond Fund.  The weighing of the Balanced
               Fund  shall  be  approximately 45  percent  Equity
               Fund, 15 percent International Equity Fund and  40
               percent Bond Fund.

          A Member's directions as to the initial investment
          of  his or her contributions shall be provided in  such
          manner  as  is  prescribed by the Administrator.   Such
          directions  shall remain in effect until new directions
          are  provided  to the Administrator by the  Member.   A
          Member  may  change  the direction as  to  the  initial
          investment of his or her contributions at any  time  by
          providing notice in such manner as may be prescribed by
          the  Administrator. Any change of investment directions
          shall  be effective with respect to contributions  paid
          to  the  Trustee  for pay periods beginning  after  the
          notice is received by the Administrator.

     6.3  Investment of Company Contributions

          All  contributions  by the  Company  pursuant  to
          Paragraph 4.1, and any amounts of interest attributable
          to  the  proceeds of an Acquisition Loan  allocated  to
          Members'  Accounts pursuant to Paragraph 5.2 after  the
          Acquisition Loan has been repaid in full, shall at  all
          times  be invested in Atlantic Richfield Company Common
          Stock  under  the ESOP Part of the Plan.  Contributions
          under  Paragraph  4.1  made in  cash  were  applied  to
          purchase  shares of Atlantic Richfield  Company  Common
          Stock or to make payments on an Acquisition Loan within
          a  reasonable time after being paid to the  Trustee  or
          after being allocated to Members' Accounts.

     6.4  Funds Invested in the Money Market Fund

          (a)   There shall be invested in the Money Market Fund:

               (i)  Amounts which a Member elects
                    to   have   so  invested  under  Subparagraph
                    6.2(c); and

              (ii)  On an interim basis, amounts
                    being  accumulated in a Member's Account  for
                    investment  under Subparagraphs 6.2(a),  (b),
                    (d), (e), (f) and (g).

          (b)  Subject   to  the   requirement   of
               Subparagraph  6.5(c), a Member  may  direct,  once
               during  each  15-calendar-day period,  that  funds
               invested   in   the   Money  Market   Fund   under
               Subparagraph  6.2(c) be invested  in  any  of  the
               other  permitted alternatives; provided, that  (i)
               only  one direction whether made solely under this
               subparagraph, or in combination with  a  direction
               under  Paragraph  6.5, may be made  during  a  15-
               calendar-day  period; and (ii) a  direction  under
               this  subparagraph  may not be made  earlier  than
               seven  days  following (A) the date of receipt  by
               the  Administrator  of a Member's  application  to
               make  a  withdrawal under Paragraph 7.1,  (B)  the
               date a loan application is made under Section  12,
               or  (C)  the  date a loan repayment is made  under
               Subparagraph 12.8(c)(i).

          (c)  Interest shall be allocated on a monthly
               basis  to  funds held for a Member  in  the  Money
               Market  Fund  as  of the last day  of  a  calendar
               month.  However, such allocation shall not be made
               with  respect to funds resulting from a conversion
               to  cash  of  Atlantic  Richfield  Company  Common
               Stock,   Equity  Fund,  Bond  Fund,  International
               Equity  Fund or Balanced Fund units which occurred
               in  the  calendar  month in  which  allocation  of
               interest is made.

                                   - 3 -

     6.5  Sale and Reinvestment of Common Stock, Equity Fund
          Units, Bond Fund Units, International Equity Fund Units
          or Balanced Fund Units

         (a)   A  Member  may direct that  shares  of
               Atlantic  Richfield  Company Common  Stock,  other
               than  shares  purchased with Company contributions
               made after July 1, 1988, units of the Equity Fund,
               Bond   Fund,  International  Equity  Fund   and/or
               Balanced  Fund  held  in the Member's  Account  be
               converted  to cash and the proceeds thereof,  less
               any applicable expenses of sale, be invested in  a
               different  option  described  in  Paragraph   6.2;
               provided,  that  (i)  only one direction,  whether
               made   solely  under  this  subparagraph,  or   in
               combination with a direction under Paragraph  6.4,
               may  be made during a 15-calendar-day period; (ii)
               a  direction under this subparagraph  may  not  be
               made  earlier  than seven calendar days  following
               (A) the date of receipt by the Administrator of  a
               Member's  application to make a  withdrawal  under
               Paragraph 7.1, (B) the date a loan application  is
               made  under  Section 12, or (C) the  date  a  loan
               repayment  is made under Subparagraph  12.8(c)(i);
               and  (iii) a Member who has attained age 55 as  of
               the  date of the direction to convert may, subject
               to  the  restrictions described in this paragraph,
               direct  that  shares  of Common  Stock  (including
               Common  Stock  of  a Subsidiary  or  Affiliate  or
               Lyondell  Petrochemical  Company  attributable  to
               contributions  of  such  companies)  held  in  the
               Member's Account which are attributable to Company
               contributions be sold and the proceeds  reinvested
               in  one or more of the other options described  in
               Paragraph 6.2.

         (b)   The  conversion of shares of  Atlantic
               Richfield Company Common Stock to shares  of  such
               stock  held in the ESOP Part of the Plan described
               in  Subparagraph  6.2(a), and  the  conversion  of
               shares of Atlantic Richfield Company Common  Stock
               held  in  the ESOP Part of the Plan to the  shares
               held  under Subparagraph 6.2(b) of the Plan, shall
               be  accomplished  by a recharacterization  of  the
               shares, pursuant to procedures established by  the
               Administrator; provided, that only one  direction,
               whether made solely under this subparagraph or  in
               combination with a direction under Paragraph  6.4,
               may be made during a 15-calendar-day period.

          (c)  Proceeds of the conversion of shares of
               Atlantic  Richfield Company Common Stock  to  cash
               may   not  be  reinvested  in  Atlantic  Richfield
               Company Common Stock until 15 calendar days  after
               the  date  of  such conversion.  Proceeds  of  the
               conversion of units of the Equity Fund, Bond Fund,
               International Equity Fund or Balanced Fund to cash
               may  not  be  reinvested in the Equity Fund,  Bond
               Fund,  International Equity Fund or Balanced Fund,
               as  the case may be, until 15 calendar days  after
               the date of such conversion.

     6.6  Directives

          All elections and directions by Members concerning
          the  investment of their Accounts shall be made in  the
          manner  prescribed  by  the  Administrator,  shall   be
          irrevocable and shall become effective upon receipt  by
          the Administrator.

    6.7   Purchases  and  Sales  of Atlantic  Richfield  Company
          Common Stock

          Effective December 1, 1995, purchases and sales of
          Common  Stock  of Atlantic Richfield Company  shall  be
          handled in accordance with the following rules and such
          additional  procedures,  consistent  with  such  rules,
          which   the  Administrator may establish from  time  to

          (a)  Purchases and sales of Common Stock  of
               Atlantic  Richfield Company pursuant to a Member's
               directive  under  Paragraph  6.4  or  6.5,  or  to
               accommodate a distribution or withdrawal  pursuant
               to  Section  7  or 8, shall be made in  the  open-
               market as follows:

               (i)  Each Wednesday and Friday the Administrator
                    shall execute  an  open-market transaction, at
                    a  time determined  at  the discretion of the

                                  - 4 -

                    Administrator, covering all
                    participant   directives  received   by   the
                    Administrator  by such time as determined  by
                    the   Administrator,  and   communicated   to
                    Members,  on  the preceding Company  business
                    day, except that if a Wednesday or Friday  is
                    a  Company holiday or a day on which  trading
                    on the New York Stock Exchange is closed, the
                    transaction  will occur on the  next  day  (a
                    Wednesday  or  Friday)  on  which  the   Plan
                    executes a transaction in the open- market.

            (ii)    If    an   unforeseeable
                    administrative   difficulty   prevents    the
                    execution   of  the  open-market  transaction
                    otherwise   scheduled  for  a  Wednesday   or
                    Friday, such transaction will be executed  on
                    the  first business day thereafter which does
                    not fall within one of the two exceptions  in
                    Subparagraph 6.7(a)(i).

           (iii)    The Administrator may, in
                    its  discretion, match the purchase and  sale
                    orders    scheduled   for   an    open-market
                    transaction and transact the net purchase  or
                    sale,   whichever  the  case  may  be.    The
                    Administrator   may  also  agree   with   the
                    Administrator of one or more other individual
                    account  plans  (as  described  in  3(34)  of
                    ERISA, and which is maintained by the Company
                    or   its  Subsidiaries  or  Affiliates,   and
                    provides  for  the same purchases  and  sales
                    pursuant  to participant directives described
                    in  Paragraphs  6.4 and 6.5) to  combine  and
                    match  orders  from  all  of  the  plans  and
                    execute  a  "net" transaction,  as  described
                    above.  The price per share allocated to each
                    purchase  or  sale order shall be  the  price
                    transacted for the "net" shares on the  open-
                    market  transaction date otherwise  scheduled
                    for  the orders under Subparagraph 6.7(a)(i).
                    The  price transacted for a "net" transaction
                    shall  be  the  price obtained on  the  open-
                    market  in  the case of a single transaction,
                    and   the  weighted  average  of  the  prices
                    obtained  on the open-market in the  case  of
                    multiple transactions.

            (iv)    Brokerage commissions, transfer fees and
                    other expenses  actually incurred in any such
                    sale or purchase shall be equitably allocated
                    and added to the cost or substracted from the
                    proceeds of all purchases or salles, as the
                    case  may be, effected  on  a  pricing day,
                    whether pursuant to the netting process
                    described in Subparagraph 6.7(a)(iii),  or  
                    pursuant to actual separate  transactions
                    per Member order.

         (b)   Purchases of Common Stock of  Atlantic
               Richfield Company with Member's Elective Deferrals
               or Company contributions under Sections 3 and 4:

              (i)   Purchases shall normally  be
                    made   either  in  the  open-market  or  from
                    Atlantic Richfield Company, at prices to  the
                    Plan  not in excess of the fair market  value
                    of  such  Atlantic Richfield  Company  Common
                    Stock  on  the date of purchase  thereof,  as
                    determined by the Trustee.

              (ii)  Allocations to Members'  Accounts
                    will be made in full and fractional shares.

             (iii)  The Trustee may limit the
                    daily  volume of purchases to the  extent  it
                    believes  such  action  to  be  in  the  best
                    interests  of  the  Members.   When  Atlantic
                    Richfield  Company Common Stock is purchased,
                    the  cost charged to the Accounts of  Members
                    affected by such purchase shall be determined
                    on  an  equitable  basis in  accordance  with
                    rules to be adopted by the Administrator  and
                    incorporating the following principles:

                    (A)  The cost charged to
                         each affected Member's Account shall  be
                         based  on the average cost per share  of
                         all  Atlantic  Richfield Company  Common
                         Stock  purchased during whatever  period
                         may be established by the Administrator.

                                   - 5 -

                    (B)  Brokerage commissions,  transfer  fees  and
                         other expenses  actually incurred in any  such
                         purchase shall be added to the  cost  of
                         any such purchase.

          (c)  A Member may direct the Administrator to
               use  any  available  cash or funds  held  for  the
               Member  under Subparagraph 6.2(c) to exercise  any
               options, rights or warrants issued with respect to
               Atlantic  Richfield Company Common  Stock  in  the
               Member's   Account.   In  the  absence   of   such
               direction, or if there are no available funds, any
               such  option,  right or warrant  having  a  market
               value shall be sold for the Member's Account.

     6.8  Voting of Atlantic Richfield Company Common Stock

          (a)  The Trustee shall vote whole shares  of
               Atlantic  Richfield Company Common Stock  credited
               to  each Member's Account in accordance with  such
               Members' written instructions.  Fractional  shares
               of  Atlantic Richfield Company Common Stock  shall
               be aggregated into whole shares of stock and voted
               by  the Trustee, to the nearest whole vote, in the
               same  proportion as shares are to be voted by  the
               Trustee pursuant to Members' written instructions.
               In  the  absence of voting instructions by one  or
               more  Members, the Trustee shall vote uninstructed
               shares,  to  the nearest whole vote, in  the  same
               proportion  as  shares are  to  be  voted  by  the
               Trustee pursuant to Members' written instructions.
               The  Trustee shall vote unallocated shares, to the
               nearest  whole  vote, in the  same  proportion  as
               allocated  shares are to be voted by  the  Trustee
               pursuant to Members' written instructions.

          (b)  The Trustee shall exercise rights other
               than voting rights attributable to whole shares of
               Atlantic  Richfield Company Common Stock  credited
               to  each Member's Account in accordance with  such
               Members'     written     instructions.      Rights
               attributable  to  fractional  shares  of  Atlantic
               Richfield  Company Common Stock  (which  for  this
               purpose  shall be aggregated into whole shares  of
               stock)  shall be exercised by the Trustee  in  the
               same  proportion as rights which are exercised  by
               the   Trustee   pursuant   to   Members'   written
               instructions.   In the absence of instructions  by
               one  or  more Members, the Trustee shall  exercise
               uninstructed  rights  in the  same  proportion  as
               rights  which are to be exercised by  the  Trustee
               pursuant  to  Members' written instructions.   The
               Trustee  shall  exercise  rights  attributable  to
               unallocated  shares  in  the  same  proportion  as
               rights attributable to allocated shares which  are
               to   be  exercised  by  the  Trustee  pursuant  to
               Members' written instructions.

          (c)  The Trustee shall notify the Members of
               each  occasion  for the exercise of voting  rights
               and  rights  other  than voting  rights  within  a
               reasonable  time  before such  rights  are  to  be
               exercised.   This notification shall  include  all
               the  information that the Company  distributes  to
               shareholders  regarding  the  exercise   of   such

     6.9  Title of Investments

          All  investments will be held in the name of  the
          Trustee or its nominees.

    6.10  Allocation  of Trust Earnings and Valuation  of  Trust

          (a)  Any cash dividends declared on Atlantic
               Richfield Company Common Stock held in a  Member's
               Account under the ESOP Part of the Plan as of  the
               record date for the dividend shall be paid in cash
               to  the Member (or, in the event of death, to  the
               Member's  beneficiary) on, or as soon as  possible
               following, the payment date for the dividend.

          (b)  Any cash dividends declared on Atlantic
               Richfield  Company Common Stock  held  in  a  loan
               suspense  account as of the record  date  for  the
               dividend  shall  be used to make

                                    - 6 -

               payments  on  the Acquisition Loan used to acquire
               the  shares  of stock held in such account.

         (c)   Except  as  provided in  Subparagraphs
               6.10(a)   and   (b),   all  dividends   or   other
               distributions attributable to shares  of  Atlantic
               Richfield  Company Common Stock shall be allocated
               to  the  Account  of the Member whose  Account  is
               credited with such shares.

         (d)   On  the  last day of each  month,  all
               income attributable to the Money Market Fund shall
               be  allocated to the Member's Account in the ratio
               that  each  Member's  Money  Market  Fund  Account
               balance bears to such account balance of all  such
               Members.  For  the  purpose  of  determining  such
               allocation, the Money Market Fund shall be  valued
               at fair market value.

    6.11  Purchase and Redemption of the Equity Fund,  Bond
          Fund, International Equity Fund and Balanced Fund Units

          Effective   December  1,  1995,   purchase   and
          redemption of the Equity Fund, Bond Fund, International
          Equity Fund and Balanced Fund units shall be handled in
          accordance with the following rules and such additional
          procedures,   consistent  with  such  rules,   as   the
          Administrator may establish from time to time:

         (a)   Units  of the Equity Fund, Bond  Fund,
               International Equity Fund and Balanced Fund  shall
               be  purchased  or  redeemed,  pursuant  to  Member
               directions under Paragraph 6.5, on each  Wednesday
               and   Friday,   covering  all  Member   directives
               received  by  the Administrator by  such  time  as
               determined  by the Administrator, and communicated
               to Members, on the preceding Company business day,
               except  that if a Wednesday or Friday is a Company
               holiday or a day on which trading on the New  York
               Stock   Exchange  is  closed,  the   purchase   or
               redemption  will be executed on the  next  day  (a
               Wednesday or Friday) on which the Plan executes  a
               transaction under this Subparagraph 6.11(a).

         (b)   If  an  unforeseeable  administrative
               difficulty prevents the execution of a transaction
               under Subparagraph 6.11(a), otherwise scheduled on
               a  Wednesday or Friday, such transaction  will  be
               executed  on  the  first business  day  thereafter
               which  does  not  fall  within  one  of  the   two
               exceptions in Subparagraph 6.11(a).

        (c)    The   Administrator  may,   in   its
               discretion,  combine the purchase  and  redemption
               orders  scheduled for a Wednesday  or  Friday  and
               transact   the   net  purchase  or  sale   orders,
               whichever the case may be.  The Administrator  may
               also  agree with the Administrator of one or  more
               individual  account plans [as described  in  3(34)
               of  ERISA, and which is maintained by the  Company
               or  its  Subsidiaries or Affiliates, and  provides
               for  the  same  purchase and redemption  procedure
               described  in  Subparagraph 6.11(a)],  to  combine
               orders  from all of the plans and execute a  "net"

         (d)   When  units of the Equity  Fund,  Bond
               Fund, International Equity Fund and Balanced  Fund
               are   purchased  or  redeemed,  the  cost  or  net
               proceeds  charged or credited to the  Accounts  of
               Members  affected by such purchase  or  redemption
               shall  be  determined  on an  equitable  basis  in
               accordance  with  rules  to  be  adopted  by   the
               Administrator, which are consistent with the rules
               described  in  this section, and  incorporate  the
               following principles:

              (i)   The net proceeds of any such
                    redemption  of  fund  units  in  a   Member's
                    Account  shall  be credited to such  Member's

             (ii)   The cost of any such purchase
                    of fund units for a Member's Account shall be
                    charged to such Member's Account.

                               - 7 -

            (iii)   The net proceeds and cost
                    of fund units shall be based on the net asset
                    value   of  such  units  determined  on   the
                    valuation  date next following the  date  the
                    purchase  or redemption order is received  by
                    the  Administrator.  The valuation date shall
                    be  determined by the Administrator and shall
                    occur  on at least a weekly basis.   The  net
                    asset  value of fund units will be calculated
                    by  dividing the difference between the value
                    of  the  fund assets and fund liabilities  by
                    the  number of units outstanding with respect
                    to each fund.

            (iv)    Brokerage   commissions,
                    transfer  fees  and  other expenses  actually
                    incurred  in any such purchase or  redemption
                    shall be added to the cost or subtracted from
                    the  gross proceeds, of any such purchase  or
                    redemption, respectively.

         (e)   Income earned by the Equity Fund, Bond
               Fund   and   International   Equity   Fund   shall
               automatically  be reinvested in the  Equity  Fund,
               Bond  Fund and International Equity Fund,  as  the
               case  may  be.  Income, gains and losses shall  be
               reflected in the net asset value of the  units  of
               the  Equity  Fund,  Bond  Fund  and  International
               Equity Fund.

     6.12 Voting of the Money Market Fund, Equity Fund, Bond
          Fund and International Equity Fund Investments

          The   Trustee,  in  accordance  with  the  Trust
          Agreement,  shall exercise all voting and other  rights
          associated  with  any investments  held  in  the  Money
          Market  Fund,  Equity Fund, Bond Fund and International
          Equity Fund.

     6.13 Investment Advisory Fees

          The investment advisory fees, if any, incurred for
          management of the Money Market Fund, Equity Fund,  Bond
          Fund,  International Equity Fund and Balanced Fund  are
          charged to each respective fund.

     6.14 Member Protection

          No shares of Atlantic Richfield Company Common
          Stock held by the ESOP Part of the Plan may be subject
          to a put, call or other option, or buy/sell or similar
          arrangement.  The provisions of this Paragraph 6.14
          shall continue to be applicable to the shares of
          Atlantic Richfield Company Common Stock held by the
          ESOP Part of the Plan even if such part ceases to be an
          Employee Stock Ownership Plan under 4945(e)(7) of the

     6.15 Confidentiality

          The Savings Plan Administrative Committee shall be
          responsible for ensuring the adequacy of procedures
          established by the Administrator to safeguard the
          confidentiality of information relating to the
          purchasing, holding and selling of Atlantic Richfield
          Company Common Stock and any voting, tender or similar
          rights relating to such stock."

7.   Subparagraph  12.3(e)  of the Plan is  amended  to  read  as

    "(e)  The  value of Common Stock, the Equity Fund,  the
          International  Equity  Fund,  the  Bond  Fund  and  the
          Balanced  Fund  for  purposes of Subparagraph  12.3(a),
          will  be  determined  on  the sale  date,  pursuant  to
          Paragraph 6.7 or 6.11, immediately preceding  the  date
          the loan application is received by the Administrator."

8.   Paragraph  12.4  of  the Plan is  amended  to  read  as

     "12.4     Frequency

               (a)   A Member may have such number of loans
                     outstanding at any time as shall be determined  by
                     the Administrator.

                                     - 8 -

               (b)   A loan application may be submitted only
                     once   during  any  15-day  period  and   a   loan
                     application  may  not  be submitted  earlier  than
                     seven  days following receipt by the Administrator
                     of  a  Member's application to make a purchase  or
                     sale  under  Paragraph 6.5 or a partial withdrawal
                     under Paragraph 7.1.

                (c)  A loan application may not be submitted
                     earlier  than  15 days following  repayment  of  a
                     previous  loan  under  this  Plan  or  any   other
                     Atlantic Richfield Capital Accumulation or Savings
9.   Subparagraph  12.7(b)  of the Plan is  amended  to  read  as

    "(b)  The  value of Common Stock, the Equity Fund,  the
          International  Equity  Fund,  the  Bond  Fund  and  the
          Balanced  Fund sold to provide the loan proceeds  shall
          be  determined on the sale date, pursuant to  Paragraph
          6.7  or  6.11, immediately following the date the  loan
          application is received by the Administrator."

     Executed this 24th day of July, 1996.

ATTEST                             ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY

   /s/  ARMINEH SIMONIAN             /s/  JOHN  H. KELLY
BY:_______________________         By:_________________________________
                                          JOHN H. KELLY
                                          Vice President
                                          Human Resources

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