Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-Q

         [x]      Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 1997.

         [  ]     Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the transition period from              to

                         Commission file number 0-15438

                 PLM Transportation Equipment Partners IXB 1986
                                   Income Fund
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         California                                          94-2992019
(State or other jurisdiction of                           (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                          Identification No.)

One Market, Steuart Street Tower
  Suite 800, San Francisco, CA                               94105-1301
   (Address of principal                                      (Zip code)
     executive offices)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 974-1399

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes    X    No ______

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                                March 31,           December 31,
                                                                                  1997                   1996

   Equipment held for operating leases, at cost                              $   3,147,224          $   3,486,094   
   Less accumulated depreciation                                                (2,861,437 )           (3,140,358 )
     Net equipment                                                                 285,787                345,736

   Cash and cash equivalents                                                       263,812                211,878
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $59,314 in 1997 and $57,870 in 1996                                78,384                 97,754
   Prepaid insurance                                                                 1,833                  2,438

   Total assets                                                              $     629,816          $     657,806   



   Due to affiliates                                                         $      5,059          $       5,059   
   Accounts payable and other liabilities                                           6,886                  9,350
         Total liabilities                                                         11,945                 14,409

   Partners' capital (deficit):

   Limited Partners (24,285 units)                                                718,647                743,918
   General Partner                                                               (100,776 )             (100,521 )
         Total partners' capital                                                  617,871                643,397

   Total liabilities and partners' capital                                   $    629,816          $     657,806  

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                                                                March 31,
                                                                                         1997              1996

     Lease revenue                                                                $     74,417     $     111,137
     Interest and other income                                                           2,487            10,965
     Gain on disposition of equipment                                                   58,174             2,669
   Total revenues                                                                      135,078           124,771

     Depreciation                                                                       41,804            53,234
     Management fees to affiliate                                                       15,178            16,026
     Repairs and maintenance                                                             6,401            11,994
     Insurance expense                                                                     906             2,942
     General and administrative
       expenses to affiliates                                                           17,917            23,657
     Other general and administrative expenses                                          11,353            17,635
     Provision for bad debts                                                             1,331               354
   Total expenses                                                                       94,890           125,842

   Net income (loss)                                                              $     40,188     $      (1,071 )

   Partners' share of net income (loss)

     Limited Partners - 99%                                                       $     39,786     $      (1,060 )
     General Partner - 1%                                                                  402               (11 )

   Total                                                                          $     40,188     $      (1,071 )

   Net income (loss) per Limited
     Partnership Unit - 24,285 units                                              $       1.64     $       (0.04 )

   Cash distributions                                                             $     65,174     $      74,465

   Cash distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                             $       2.68     $        3.04

   Special cash distributions                                                     $         --     $   1,000,000

   Special cash distributions per weighted average
     Limited Partnership Unit                                                     $         --     $       40.77

   Total cash distribution per weighted average
     Limited Partnership Unit                                                     $       2.68     $       43.81

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

               the period from December 31, 1995 to March 31, 1997

                                                           Limited           General
                                                          Partners           Partners            Total

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1995                              $    2,087,769        $   (86,946 )      $   2,000,823

   Net income                                                 317,231              3,204              320,435

   Quarterly cash distributions                              (275,082 )           (2,779 )           (277,861 )

   Special distributions                                   (1,386,000 )          (14,000 )         (1,400,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1996                                     743,918           (100,521 )            643,397

   Net income                                                  39,786                402               40,188

   Quarterly cash distributions                               (65,057 )             (657 )            (65,714 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at March 31, 1997                                 $      718,647        $  (100,776 )      $     617,871

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                  For the three months
                                                                                    ended March 31,
                                                                                 1997               1996
   Operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                                           $    40,188         $     (1,071 )    
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
       Gain on disposition of equipment                                            (58,174 )             (2,669 )
       Depreciation                                                                 41,804               53,234
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities
         Accounts receivable, net                                                   19,370               27,375
         Prepaid insurance                                                             605                1,384
         Accounts payable and other liabilities                                     (2,464 )            (13,303 )
         Lessee deposits and reserves                                                   --              (18,272 )
   Cash provided by operating activities                                            41,329               46,678

   Investing activities:
     Proceeds from disposition of equipment                                         76,319                3,301
     Payments received on sales-type lease                                              --            1,003,564
   Cash provided by investing activities                                            76,319            1,006,865

   Financing activities:
     Cash distributions paid to Limited Partners                                   (65,057 )         (1,063,720 )
     Cash distributions paid to General Partner                                       (657 )            (10,745 )
   Cash used in financing activities                                               (65,714 )         (1,074,465 )

   Cash and cash equivalents:

   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                             51,934              (20,922 )

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                211,878              251,709

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                  $   263,812         $    230,787  

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

1.   Opinion of Management

In the opinion of the  management of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc., the General
Partner, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments
necessary,  consisting only of normal recurring accruals,  to present fairly the
Partnership's financial position as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the
statements  of  operations  and cash flows for the three  months ended March 31,
1997 and 1996, and the statements of changes in partners' capital for the period
from  December  31, 1995 to March 31,  1997.  Certain  information  and footnote
disclosures  normally  included in financial  statements  prepared in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have been condensed or omitted
from the accompanying financial statements.  For further information,  reference
should be made to the financial  statements  and notes  thereto  included in the
Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 1996,
on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.   Reclassification

Certain  amounts in the 1996  financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to
conform to the 1997 presentation.

3.   Equipment

Equipment  held for  operating  leases  is  stated at cost.  The  components  of
equipment are as follows:

                                                 March 31,          December 31,
                                                    1997                1996

   Marine containers                           $   1,109,619       $   1,128,798
   Trailers                                        2,037,605           2,357,296
                                                   3,147,224           3,486,094
   Less accumulated depreciation                  (2,861,437 )        (3,140,358 )

   Net equipment                               $     285,787       $     345,736

With the  exception  of one  sidelift,  all  equipment  was  either  on lease or
operating in  PLM-affiliated  short-term  rental facilities as of March 31, 1997
and December 31, 1996.  The net carrying  value of this sidelift was $21,793 and
$28,433, respectively, as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997, the  Partnership  sold or disposed
of a marine  container and trailers with an aggregate  book value of $18,145 for
proceeds  of  $76,319.  During  the  three  months  ended  March 31,  1996,  the
Partnership  sold or disposed of a marine container with an aggregate book value
of $633 for proceeds of $673.  Additional  proceeds of $2,629 were  received for
the commuter aircraft which was under sales-type lease.

4.   Liquidation and special distributions

During the first  quarter of 1996,  the  Partnership  completed its 10th year of
operations.  As originally  anticipated by the General Partner,  the Partnership
will be liquidated in an orderly manner in its 11th and 12th years of operation.
The General Partner is actively marketing the remaining equipment portfolio with
the intent of  maximizing  sale  proceeds.  As sale  proceeds  are  received the
General  Partner  intends  to  periodically  declare  special  distributions  to
distribute the sale proceeds to the partners.  During the  liquidation  phase of
the Partnership the equipment will continue to be leased under operating  leases
until  sold.  Operating  cash  flows,  to the  extent  they  exceed  Partnership
expenses, will continue to be

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

4.   Liquidation and special distributions (continued)

distributed on a quarterly basis to partners.  The amounts  reflected for assets
and liabilities of the Partnership have not been adjusted to reflect liquidation
values.  The  equipment  portfolio  continues  to be  carried  at the  lower  of
depreciated  cost or fair  value  less cost to  dispose.  Although  the  General
Partner  estimates that there will be distributions  after liquidation of assets
and  liabilities,  the amounts cannot be accurately  determined  prior to actual
liquidation  of the  equipment.  Any excess  proceeds over expected  Partnership
obligations  will be  distributed  to the Partners  throughout  the  liquidation
period. Upon final liquidation, the Partnership will be dissolved.

No special  distributions  were paid in the first  quarter  of 1997.  During the
three  months  ended  March  31,   1996,   the  General   Partner  paid  special
distributions  of $40.77 per Limited  Partnership  Unit which were the result of
proceeds  from  the sale of  equipment.  The  Partnership  is not  permitted  to
reinvest  proceeds from sales or liquidations of equipment.  These proceeds,  in
excess of operational cash  requirements,  are periodically  paid out to limited
partners in the form of special distributions.  The sales and liquidations occur
because of equipment destructions, the determination by the General Partner that
it is the  appropriate  time to maximize the return on an asset  through sale of
that asset, and, in some leases,  the ability of the lessee to exercise purchase

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                            March 31,         December 31,
                                                                              1997                 1996

   Equipment held for operating leases, at cost                          $   1,721,058         $   1,961,397
   Less accumulated depreciation                                            (1,574,834 )          (1,769,486 )
     Net equipment                                                             146,224               191,911

   Cash and cash equivalents                                                   165,786               478,922
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $22,285 in 1997 and $22,285 in 1996                            31,787                28,720
   Prepaid insurance                                                             1,383                 1,879

   Total assets                                                          $     345,180         $     701,432



   Due to affiliates                                                     $       3,637         $       3,637
   Accounts payable and other liabilities                                        6,567                 9,637
         Total liabilities                                                      10,204                13,274

   Partners' capital (deficit):

   Limited Partners (17,460 units)                                             408,493               758,143
   General Partner                                                             (73,517 )             (69,985 )
                                                                         --------------        --------------
                                                                                       --------              --
         Total partners' capital                                               334,976               688,158

   Total liabilities and partners' capital                               $     345,180         $     701,432

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                               Three Months Ended
                                                                                                     March 31,
                                                                                               1997            1996
     Lease revenue                                                                          $  20,242      $   77,492
     Interest and other income                                                                  4,109           4,095
     Gain on disposition of equipment                                                          31,354          11,851
   Total revenues                                                                              55,705          93,438

     Depreciation                                                                              26,041          38,369
     Management fees to affiliate                                                              10,913          10,913
     Repairs and maintenance                                                                    2,773           9,658
     Insurance expense                                                                            716           1,892
     General and administrative
       expenses to affiliates                                                                  11,207          19,388
     Other general and administrative expenses                                                  9,174           9,431
      Provision for (recovery of) bad debts                                                        --          (1,254 )
   Total expenses                                                                              60,824          88,397
   Equity in net loss of unconsolidated special
     purpose entity                                                                                --         (20,867 )
   Net loss                                                                                 $  (5,119 )    $  (15,826 ) 

   Partners' share of net loss

     Limited Partners - 99%                                                                 $  (5,068 )    $  (15,668 ) 
     General Partner - 1%                                                                         (51 )          (158 )

   Total                                                                                    $  (5,119 )    $  (15,826 ) 

   Net loss per Limited
     Partnership Unit - 17,460 units                                                        $   (0.29 )    $    (0.90 ) 

   Cash distributions                                                                       $  48,063      $  101,751  

   Cash distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $    2.73      $     5.77  

   Special distributions                                                                    $ 300,000      $       --  

   Special distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $   17.01      $       -- 

   Total distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $   19.74      $     5.77

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

               the period from December 31, 1995 to March 31, 1997

                                                           Limited           General
                                                          Partners           Partners            Total

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1995                              $   1,132,364        $ (66,205 )      $   1,066,159

   Net income                                                468,643            4,734              473,377

   Quarterly cash distributions                             (397,364 )         (4,014 )           (401,378 )

   Cash distributions                                       (445,500 )         (4,500 )           (450,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1996                                    758,143          (69,985 )            688,158

   Net loss                                                   (5,068 )            (51 )             (5,119 )

   Quarterly cash distributions                              (47,582 )           (481 )            (48,063 )

   Special cash distributions                               (297,000 )         (3,000 )           (300,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at March 31, 1997                                 $     408,493        $ (73,517 )      $     334,976

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                               For the three months ended
                                                                                       March 31,
                                                                                1997               1996
   Operating activities:
   Net loss                                                                   $   (5,119 )      $   (15,826 )
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss
     to net cash provided by operating activities:
       Gain on disposition of equipment                                          (31,354 )          (11,851 )
       Depreciation                                                               26,041             38,369
       Equity in net loss from unconsolidated special
         purpose entity                                                               --             20,867
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
         Accounts receivable, net                                                 (3,067 )           10,295
         Prepaid insurance                                                           496                956
         Accounts payable and other liabilities                                   (3,070 )           (2,909 )
         Lessee deposits and reserve for repairs                                      --             (9,304 )
   Cash (used in) provided by operating activities                               (16,073 )           30,597

   Investing activities:
     Proceeds from disposition of equipment                                       51,000             35,592
     Distributions from unconsolidated special purpose entity                         --             16,156
   Cash provided by investing activities                                          51,000             51,748

   Cash flows used in financing activities:
     Cash distributions paid to Limited Partners                                (344,582 )         (100,733 )
     Cash distributions paid to General Partner                                   (3,481 )           (1,018 )
   Cash used in financing activities                                            (348,063 )         (101,751 )

   Cash and cash equivalents:

   Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                    (313,136 )          (19,406 )

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                              478,922            351,363

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                 $  165,786        $   331,957 

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

1.   Opinion of Management

In the opinion of the  management of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc., the General
Partner, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments
necessary,  consisting only of normal recurring accruals,  to present fairly the
Partnership's financial position as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the
statements  of  operations  and cash flows for the three  months ended March 31,
1997 and 1996, and the statements of changes in partners' capital for the period
from  December  31, 1995 to March 31,  1997.  Certain  information  and footnote
disclosures  normally  included in financial  statements  prepared in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have been condensed or omitted
from the accompanying financial statements.  For further information,  reference
should be made to the financial  statements  and notes  thereto  included in the
Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 1996,
on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.   Reclassification

Certain  amounts in the 1996  financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to
conform to the 1997 presentation.

3.   Equipment

Owned  equipment held for operating  leases is stated at cost. The components of
owned equipment are as follows:

                                                 March 31,        December 31,
                                                   1997               1996

   Marine containers                           $     325,115      $     325,115
   Trailers and tractor                            1,395,943          1,636,282
                                                   1,721,058          1,961,397
   Less accumulated depreciation                  (1,574,834 )       (1,769,486 )

   Net equipment                               $     146,224      $     191,911

With the  exception  of one  sidelift,  all  equipment  was  either  on lease or
operating in PLM affiliated  short-term  rental  facilities as of March 31, 1997
and December 31, 1996.  The  carrying  value of this  sidelift  were $39,804 and
$46,438, respectively, as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997, the  Partnership  sold or disposed
of trailers with a net book value of $19,646 for proceeds of $51,000. During the
three months ended March 31, 1996, the Partnership  sold or disposed of trailers
and marine  containers  with an aggregate net book value of $23,741 for proceeds
of $35,592.

4.   Liquidation and special distributions

During the first  quarter of 1996,  the  Partnership  completed its 10th year of
operations.  As originally  anticipated by the General Partner,  the Partnership
will be liquidated in an orderly manner in its 11th and 12th years of operation.
The General Partner is actively marketing the remaining equipment portfolio with
the intent of  maximizing  sale  proceeds.  As sale  proceeds  are  received the
General  Partner  intends  to  periodically  declare  special  distributions  to
distribute the sale proceeds to the partners.  During the  liquidation  phase of
the Partnership the equipment will continue to be leased under operating  leases

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

4.   Liquidation and special distributions (continued)

sold. Operating cash flows, to the extent they exceed Partnership expenses, will
continue  to be  distributed  on a  quarterly  basis to  partners.  The  amounts
reflected for assets and liabilities of the  Partnership  have not been adjusted
to reflect  liquidation  values. The equipment portfolio continues to be carried
at the lower of  depreciated  cost or fair value less cost to dispose.  Although
the General Partner estimates that there will be distributions after liquidation
of assets and liabilities,  the amounts cannot be accurately determined prior to
actual  liquidation  of  the  equipment.   Any  excess  proceeds  over  expected
Partnership  obligations  will be  distributed  to the Partners  throughout  the
liquidation period. Upon final liquidation, the Partnership will be dissolved.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997,  the General  Partner paid special
distributions  of $17.01 per Limited  Partnership  Unit which were the result of
proceeds from equipment liquidations.  No special distributions were paid in the
first quarter of 1996.  The  Partnership  is not permitted to reinvest  proceeds
from  sales  or  liquidations  of  equipment.   These  proceeds,  in  excess  of
operational cash requirements,  are periodically paid out to limited partners in
the form of special  distributions.  The sales and liquidations occur because of
equipment destructions,  the determination by the General Partner that it is the
appropriate  time to maximize the return on an asset through sale of that asset,
and, in some leases, the ability of the lessee to exercise purchase options.

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                            March 31,            December 31,
                                                                              1997                  1996

   Equipment held for operating leases, at cost                          $   2,765,542          $   3,088,393
   Less accumulated depreciation                                            (2,513,614 )           (2,767,149 )
       Net equipment                                                           251,928                321,244

   Cash and cash equivalents                                                   197,895                264,450
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $5,165 in 1997 and $2,249 in 1996                              52,847                 66,079
   Prepaid insurance                                                             2,023                  2,663

   Total assets                                                          $     504,693          $     654,436



   Due to affiliates                                                     $       3,523          $       3,523
   Accounts payable and other liabilities                                        8,833                 14,382
         Total liabilities                                                      12,356                 17,905

   Partners' capital (deficit):

   Limited Partners (16,914 units)                                             561,876                704,628
   General Partner                                                             (69,539 )              (68,097 )
                                                                         --------------         --------------
                                                                                       ---------              --
         Total partners' capital                                               492,337                636,531

   Total liabilities and partners' capital                               $     504,693          $     654,436

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                                    March 31,
                                                                                                1997          1996

     Lease revenue                                                                          $  73,450      $  106,638
     Interest and other income                                                                  2,629           2,915
     Gain on disposition of equipment                                                          49,863           1,688
   Total revenues                                                                             125,942         111,241

     Depreciation                                                                              39,629          53,986
     Management fees to affiliate                                                              10,568          11,434
     Repairs and maintenance                                                                   22,763          33,878
     Insurance expense                                                                          1,003           1,827
     General and administrative
       expenses to affiliates                                                                  27,531          31,942
     Other general and administrative expenses                                                  8,709           9,460
     Provision for (recovery of) bad debts                                                      2,916          (5,667 )
   Total expenses                                                                             113,119         136,860

   Equity in net loss of unconsolidated special
     purpose entity                                                                                --         (12,550 )
   Net income (loss)                                                                        $  12,823      $  (38,169 )  

   Partners' share of net income (loss):

     Limited Partners - 99%                                                                 $  12,695      $  (37,787 ) 
     General Partner - 1%                                                                         128            (382 )

   Total                                                                                    $  12,823      $  (38,169 )

   Net income (loss) per Limited
     Partnership Unit (16,914 units)                                                        $    0.75      $    (2.23 ) 

   Cash distributions                                                                       $  57,017      $   98,773   

   Cash distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $    3.34      $     5.78  

   Special distributions                                                                    $ 100,000      $        -  

   Special distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $    5.85      $       --  

   Total distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $    9.19      $     5.78  

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

               the period from December 31, 1995 to March 31, 1997

                                                           Limited            General
                                                          Partners           Partners             Total

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1995                              $   1,208,326        $ (63,009 )        $  1,145,317

   Net income                                                103,990            1,050               105,040

   Quarterly cash distributions                             (310,688 )         (3,138 )            (313,826 )

   Cash distributions                                       (297,000 )         (3,000 )            (300,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1996                                    704,628          (68,097 )             636,531

   Net income                                                 12,695              128                12,823

   Quarterly cash distributions                              (56,447 )           (570 )             (57,017 )

   Special distributions                                     (99,000 )         (1,000 )            (100,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at March 31, 1997                                 $     561,876        $ (69,539 )        $    492,337

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                            For the three months ended March
                                                                                 1997               1996
   Operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                                          $   12,823        $   (38,169 )
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
       Gain on disposition of equipment                                          (49,863 )           (1,688 )
       Depreciation                                                               39,629             53,986
       Equity in net loss from unconsolidated special purpose entity                                 12,550
       Change in operating assets and liabilities
         Accounts receivable, net                                                 13,232             40,417
         Prepaid insurance                                                           640            (10,335 )
         Accounts payable and other liabilities                                   (5,549 )           (2,259 )
         Lessee deposits and reserves for repairs                                     --            (27,601 )
   Cash provided by operating activities                                          10,912             26,901

   Investing activities:
     Proceeds from disposition of equipment                                       79,550              5,208
     Distributions from unconsolidated special purpose entity                         --              3,130
   Cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                79,550              8,338

   Cash flows used in financing activities:
     Cash distributions paid to Limited Partners                                (155,447 )          (97,785 )
     Cash distributions paid to General Partner                                   (1,570 )             (988 )
   Cash used in financing activities                                            (157,017 )          (98,773 )

   Cash and cash equivalents:

   Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                     (66,555 )          (63,534 )

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                              264,450            248,504

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                 $  197,895        $   184,970  

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

1.   Opinion of Management

In the opinion of the  management of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc., the General
Partner, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments
necessary,  consisting only of normal recurring accruals,  to present fairly the
Partnership's financial position as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the
statements  of  operations  and cash flows for the three  months ended March 31,
1997 and 1996, and the statements of changes in partners' capital for the period
from  December  31, 1995 to March 31,  1997.  Certain  information  and footnote
disclosures  normally  included in financial  statements  prepared in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have been condensed or omitted
from the accompanying financial statements.  For further information,  reference
should be made to the financial  statements  and notes  thereto  included in the
Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 1996,
on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.   Reclassification

Certain  amounts in the 1996  financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to
conform to the 1997 presentation.

3.   Equipment

Equipment held for operating leases is stated at cost.

The components of owned equipment are as follows:

                                                  March 31,         December 31,
                                                    1997                1996

   Marine containers                           $     114,623       $     114,623
   Trailers and tractor                            2,650,919           2,973,770
                                                   2,765,542           3,088,393
   Less accumulated depreciation                  (2,513,614 )        (2,767,149 )
   Net equipment                               $     251,928       $     321,244

All of the  equipment  was  either  on  lease  or  operating  in  PLM-affiliated
short-term rental facilities as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997, the  Partnership  sold or disposed
of trailers with a net book value of $29,687 for proceeds of $79,550. During the
three months ended March 31, 1996, the Partnership  sold or disposed of a marine
container with a net book value of $3,520 for proceeds of $5,208.

4.   Liquidation and special distributions

During the first  quarter of 1996,  the  Partnership  completed its 10th year of
operations.  As originally  anticipated by the General Partner,  the Partnership
will be liquidated in an orderly manner in its 11th and 12th years of operation.
The General Partner is actively marketing the remaining equipment portfolio with
the intent of  maximizing  sale  proceeds.  As sale  proceeds  are  received the
General  Partner  intends  to  periodically  declare  special  distributions  to
distribute the sale proceeds to the partners. During the

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

4.   Liquidation and special distributions (continued)

liquidation  phase of the  Partnership  the equipment will continue to be leased
under  operating  leases until sold.  Operating  cash flows,  to the extent they
exceed  Partnership  expenses,  will continue to be  distributed  on a quarterly
basis to  partners.  The amounts  reflected  for assets and  liabilities  of the
Partnership have not been adjusted to reflect  liquidation values. The equipment
portfolio continues to be carried at the lower of depreciated cost or fair value
less cost to dispose.  Although the General Partner estimates that there will be
distributions after liquidation of assets and liabilities, the amounts cannot be
accurately  determined prior to actual liquidation of the equipment.  Any excess
proceeds  over  expected  Partnership  obligations  will be  distributed  to the
Partners  throughout  the  liquidation  period.  Upon  final  liquidation,   the
Partnership will be dissolved.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997,  the General  Partner paid special
distributions  of $5.85 per  Limited  Partnership  Unit which were the result of
proceeds from equipment liquidations.  No special distributions were paid in the
first quarter of 1996.  The  Partnership  is not permitted to reinvest  proceeds
from  sales  or  liquidations  of  equipment.   These  proceeds,  in  excess  of
operational cash requirements,  are periodically paid out to limited partners in
the form of special  distributions.  The sales and liquidations occur because of
equipment destructions,  the determination by the General Partner that it is the
appropriate  time to maximize the return on an asset through sale of that asset,
and, in some leases, the ability of the lessee to exercise purchase options.

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                            March 31,            December 31,
                                                                              1997                  1996

   Equipment held for operating leases, at cost                          $   1,316,871          $   1,463,355
   Less accumulated depreciation                                            (1,171,746 )           (1,280,566 )
     Net equipment                                                             145,125                182,789

   Cash and cash equivalents                                                   107,814                 77,140
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $29,668 in 1997 and $29,601 in 1996                             4,601                 15,839
   Prepaid insurance                                                             2,012                  2,293

   Total assets                                                          $     259,552          $     278,061



   Due to affiliates                                                     $       1,985          $       1,985
   Accounts payable and other liabilities                                        6,557                  9,477
      Total liabilities                                                          8,542                 11,462

   Partners' capital (deficit):

   Limited Partners (9,529 units)                                              290,326                305,760
   General Partner                                                             (39,316 )              (39,161 )
         Total partners' capital                                               251,010                266,599

    Total liabilities and partners' capital                              $     259,552          $     278,061

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                                   March 31,
                                                                                               1997           1996

     Lease revenue                                                                          $  19,219      $   55,242
     Interest and other income                                                                    837           2,566
     Gain (loss) on disposition of equipment                                                   25,044            (997 )
   Total revenues                                                                              45,100          56,811

     Depreciation                                                                              19,489          23,563
     Management fees to affiliate                                                               5,956           5,956
     Repairs and maintenance                                                                    2,716          11,225
     Provision for (recovery of) bad debts                                                         67          (3,328 )
     Insurance expense                                                                            435             352
     General and administrative
       expenses to affiliates                                                                   6,904          15,417
     Other general and administrative expenses                                                  6,573           8,900
   Total expenses                                                                              42,140          62,085

   Net income (loss)                                                                        $   2,960      $   (5,274 ) 

   Partners' share of net loss:

     Limited Partners - 99%                                                                 $   2,930      $   (5,221 ) 
     General Partner - 1%                                                                          30             (53 )

   Total                                                                                    $   2,960      $   (5,274 ) 

   Net income (loss) per Limited
     Partnership Unit (9,529 units)                                                         $    0.31      $    (0.55 ) 

   Cash distributions                                                                       $  18,549      $   48,245  

   Cash distributions per weighted average Limited
     Partnership Unit                                                                       $    1.93      $     5.01  

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

               the period from December 31, 1995 to March 31, 1997

                                                           Limited            General
                                                          Partners           Partners             Total

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1995                              $     603,509        $ (36,153 )        $    567,356

   Net loss                                                  (16,504 )           (167 )             (16,671 )

   Quarterly cash distributions                             (132,745 )         (1,341 )            (134,086 )

   Special distributions                                    (148,500 )         (1,500 )            (150,000 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at December 31, 1996                                    305,760          (39,161 )             266,599

   Net income                                                  2,930               30                 2,960

   Cash distributions                                        (18,364 )           (185 )             (18,549 )

   Partners' capital (deficit)
     at March 31, 1997                                 $     290,326        $ (39,316 )        $    251,010

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                               For the three months ended
                                                                                       March 31,
                                                                                1997               1996
   Operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                                          $    2,960        $    (5,274 ) 
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
     cash provided by operating activities:
       Gain (loss) on disposition of equipment                                   (25,044 )              997
       Depreciation                                                               19,489             23,563
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities
         Accounts receivable, net                                                 11,238             (6,220 )
         Prepaid insurance                                                           281             14,811
         Accounts payable and other liabilities                                   (2,920 )              480
   Cash provided by operating activities                                           6,004             28,357

   Investing activities:
     Proceeds from disposition of equipment                                       43,219              3,279
   Cash provided by investing activities                                          43,219              3,279

   Cash flows used in financing activities:
     Cash distributions paid to Limited Partners                                 (18,364 )          (47,763 )
     Cash distributions paid to General Partner                                     (185 )             (482 )
   Cash used in financing activities                                             (18,549 )          (48,245 )

   Cash and cash equivalents:

   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                           30,674            (16,609 )

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                               77,140            191,840

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                 $  107,814        $   175,231 

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

1.   Opinion of Management

In the opinion of the  management of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc., the General
Partner, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments
necessary,  consisting only of normal recurring accruals,  to present fairly the
Partnership's financial position as of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the
statements  of  operations  and cash flows for the three  months ended March 31,
1997 and 1996, and the statements of changes in partners' capital for the period
from  December  31, 1995 to March 31,  1997.  Certain  information  and footnote
disclosures  normally  included in financial  statements  prepared in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have been condensed or omitted
from the accompanying financial statements.  For further information,  reference
should be made to the financial  statements  and notes  thereto  included in the
Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 1996,
on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.   Reclassification

Certain  amounts in the 1996  financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to
conform to the 1997 presentation.

3.   Equipment

Equipment  held for  operating  leases  is  stated at cost.  The  components  of
equipment are as follows:

                                                 March 31,          December 31,
                                                    1997                1996

   Marine containers                           $     238,005       $     255,421
   Trailers                                        1,078,866           1,207,934
                                                   1,316,871           1,463,355
   Less accumulated depreciation                  (1,171,746 )        (1,280,566 )

   Net equipment                               $     145,125       $     182,789

All  equipment  owned by the  Partnership  was either on lease or  operating  in
PLM-affiliated  short-term  rental  facilities as of March 31, 1997 and December
31, 1996.

During the three months ended March 31, 1997, the  Partnership  sold or disposed
of marine  containers  and trailers  with an aggregate net book value of $18,175
for  proceeds of $43,219.  During the three  months  ended March 31,  1996,  the
Partnership  sold or disposed of marine  containers  with an aggregate  net book
value of $4,276 for proceeds of $3,279.

4.   Liquidation

During the first  quarter of 1996,  the  Partnership  completed its 10th year of
operations.  As originally  anticipated by the General Partner,  the Partnership
will be liquidated in an orderly manner in its 11th and 12th years of operation.
The General Partner is actively marketing the remaining equipment portfolio with
the intent of  maximizing  sale  proceeds.  As sale  proceeds  are  received the
General  Partner  intends  to  periodically  declare  special  distributions  to
distribute the sale proceeds to the partners.  During the  liquidation  phase of
the Partnership the equipment will continue to be leased under operating  leases

                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 March 31, 1997

4.   Liquidation (continued)

sold. Operating cash flows, to the extent they exceed Partnership expenses, will
continue  to be  distributed  on a  quarterly  basis to  partners.  The  amounts
reflected for assets and liabilities of the  Partnership  have not been adjusted
to reflect  liquidation  values. The equipment portfolio continues to be carried
at the lower of  depreciated  cost or fair value less cost to dispose.  Although
the General Partner estimates that there will be distributions after liquidation
of assets and liabilities,  the amounts cannot be accurately determined prior to
actual  liquidation  of  the  equipment.   Any  excess  proceeds  over  expected
Partnership  obligations  will be  distributed  to the Partners  throughout  the
liquidation period. Upon final liquidation, the Partnership will be dissolved.


(I)  Results of operations

Comparison of the Partnership's Operating Results for the Three Months Ended 
March 31, 1997 and 1996


(A)  Revenues

Total revenues of $135,078 for the quarter ended March 31, 1997,  increased from
$124,771  for  the  same  period  in  1996,  due  primarily  to  higher  gain on
disposition  on  equipment  in the first  quarter of 1996,  compared to the same
period in 1997,  offset by lower lease  revenues  and lower  interest  and other

(1) Lease revenue  decreased to $74,417 in the first quarter 1997, from $111,137
in the same period of 1996. The following  table lists lease revenues  earned by
equipment type:

                                                For the three months ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                  1997             1996

   Trailers                                    $   56,096       $   55,317
   Rail equipment                                      --           25,950
   Marine containers                               18,321           29,870

                                               $   74,417       $  111,137

The decline was due primarily to the following:

     (a)  Railcar  revenue  decreased  $25,950  due to the sale of all  railcars
during 1996;

     (b) Container  revenue  decreased $11,549 due to the sale or disposition of
equipment  and lower  utilization  in the first  quarter of 1997 compared to the
same period of 1996.

(2) For the quarter  ended March 31, 1997,  the  Partnership  realized a gain of
$58,174 on the sale or disposition of marine container and trailers. In the same
period in 1996, the Partnership  realized a gain of $2,669 which included a gain
of $40 on the disposition of a marine container and an additional gain of $2,629
from a commuter aircraft which was under a sales-type lease.

(B)  Expenses

Total  expenses of $94,890 for the quarter ended March 31, 1997,  decreased from
$125,842  for the same  period in 1996.  The  decrease  in expenses in the first
quarter of 1997,  was  attributable  to decreases in general and  administrative
expenses, depreciation expense, and repairs and maintenance.

(1) Direct operating expenses (defined as repairs and maintenance and insurance)
decreased  to $7,307 in the first  quarter  of 1997,  from  $14,936 in the first
quarter of 1996,  due  primarily  to the sale of  equipment  during 1996 and the
first quarter of 1997.

(2) Indirect  operating  expenses (defined as depreciation  expense,  management
fees, bad debt expense,  and general and administrative  expenses)  decreased to
$87,583 in the first  quarter  1997,  from  $110,906 in the same period in 1996.
This change resulted primarily from:

     (a) a decrease in depreciation expense of $11,430 reflecting asset sales or
dispositions during the first quarter of 1997 and during 1996;

     (b) a decrease in general and  administrative  expenses of $12,022 reflects
the decreased  accounting  and  administrative  costs related to the  short-term
rental facilities due to the sale of equipment.

(C)  Net Income (loss)

As a result of the foregoing,  the Partnership generated a net income of $40,188
in the first  quarter  1997,  versus a net loss of $1,071 in the same  period in
1996. The Partnership's  ability to operate or liquidate assets,  secure leases,
and  re-lease  those  assets  whose  leases  expire  during the  duration of the
Partnership is subject to many factors, and the Partnership's performance in the
first quarter  1997, is not  necessarily  indicative of future  periods.  In the
first quarter 1997, the Partnership distributed $65,057 to the Limited Partners,
or approximately $2.68 per weighted average unit.


(A)  Owned equipment operations

Revenues  less direct  expenses  (defined as repairs and  maintenance  and asset
specific insurance  expense) on owned equipment  decreased for the quarter ended
March 31, 1997,  when compared to the same period of 1996.  The following  table
presents revenues less direct expenses by owned equipment type:

                                                                             For the three months
                                                                                ended March 31,
                                                                            1997               1996
   Trailers                                                              $    10,184         $  38,958
   Railcar equipment                                                           2,431            21,579
   Marine containers                                                           4,420             6,835

Trailers:  Trailer  revenues  and  direct  expenses  were  $13,206  and  $3,022,
respectively,  for the  quarter  ended March 31,  1997,  compared to $48,721 and
$9,763,  respectively,   during  the  same  period  of  1996.  The  decrease  in
contribution was due to lower  utilization of trailers in the short-term  rental
facilities and the disposition of trailers;

Railcar  equipment:  Railcar  revenues and direct expenses were $2,550 and $119,
respectively,  for the  quarter  ended March 31,  1997,  compared to $21,870 and
$291, respectively, during the same period of 1996. The decrease in contribution
was due to the sale of all  railcars  owned  by the  Partnership  in the  fourth
quarter of 1996;

Marine containers: Marine container revenues and direct expenses were $4,486 and
$66, respectively,  for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, compared to $6,901 and
$66,  respectively,  during  the same  period  of 1996.  The  number  of  marine
containers  owned  by the  Partnership  has  been  declining  due to  sales  and
dispositions.  The  result  of this  declining  fleet is a  decrease  in  marine
container contribution.

(B)  Indirect expenses related to owned equipment

Total  indirect  expenses  of $57,617  for the  quarter  ended  March 31,  1997,
decreased from $78,278 for the same period of 1996. The variance is explained as

     (a) a $12,328 decrease in depreciation  expense  reflecting assets sales or
dispositions during the first quarter of 1997 and during 1996;

     (b) a $8,438 decrease in general and  administrative  expenses reflects the
decreased accounting costs and administrative costs related to short-term rental
facilities due to sale of equipment.

(C)  Gain on disposition of equipment

For the quarter ended March 31, 1997, the Partnership realized a gain of $31,354
on the  disposal  of trailers  compared  to the same  period of 1996,  where the
Partnership  realized a gain of $11,851 on the sale or  disposition  of trailers
and marine containers.

(D)  Equity in net loss of unconsolidated special purpose entity

Equity in net loss of unconsolidated  special purpose entity was $20,867 for the
quarter ended March 31, 1996,  and  represented  the net loss generated from the
Partnership's interest in an entity which owned an aircraft, accounted for under
the equity method. The investment was sold in the third quarter of 1996.

(E)  Net Loss

The  Partnership  generated  net loss of $5,119 for the quarter  ended March 31,
1997,  compared  to a net loss of  $15,826  for the  same  period  in 1996.  The
Partnership's  ability  to operate  or  liquidate  assets,  secure  leases,  and
re-lease those assets whose leases expire during the duration of the Partnership
is subject to many factors,  and the  Partnership's  performance for the quarter
ended March 31, 1997, is not necessarily  indicative of future periods.  For the
quarter  ended  March 31,  1997,  the  Partnership  distributed  $344,582 to the
Limited  Partners,  or  approximately  $19.74 per  weighted  average  unit which
included a special distribution of $17.01 per weighted average unit.


(A)  Owned equipment operations

Revenues  less direct  expenses  (defined as repairs and  maintenance  and asset
specific insurance  expenses) on owned equipment decreased for the quarter ended
March 31, 1997 when  compared to the same period of 1996.  The  following  table
presents revenues less direct expenses by owned equipment type:

                                                                               For the three months
                                                                                 ended March 31,
                                                                             1997                1996
   Trailers                                                              $   51,728          $   71,991
   Railcar equipment                                                         (2,590 )            (1,400 )
   Marine containers                                                            804               1,643

Trailers:  Trailer  revenues  and direct  expenses  were  $75,172  and  $23,444,
respectively,  for the  quarter  ended March 31,  1997,  compared to $97,171 and
$25,180,  respectively,  during  the  same  period  of  1996.  The  decrease  of
contribution was due to lower  utilization of trailers in the short-term  rental
facilities and the disposition of trailers;

Railcar equipment:  Railcar revenues and direct expenses were a credit of $2,550
and $40, respectively,  for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, compared to $7,800
and  $9,200,  respectively  during  the same  period of 1996.  The  decrease  in
contribution was due to the sale of all railcars owned by the Partnership in the
fourth  quarter of 1996.  The credit in revenue in the first quarter of 1997 was
due to a credit given back to a former lessee;

Marine  containers:  Marine container revenues and direct expenses were $828 and
$24, respectively,  for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, compared to $1,667 and
$24,  respectively,  during  the same  period  of 1996.  The  number  of  marine
containers  owned  by the  Partnership  has  been  declining  due to  sales  and
dispositions.  The  result  of this  declining  fleet is a  decrease  in  marine
container contribution.

(B) Indirect expenses related to owned equipment

Total  indirect  expenses  of $89,611  for the  quarter  ended  March 31,  1997,
decreased  from $102,456 for the same period of 1996.  The variance is explained
as follows:

     (a) a $14,357  decrease  in  depreciation  expense  reflecting  asset sales
during the first quarter of 1997 and during 1996;

     (b) a $5,162 decrease in general and  administrative  expenses due to lower
accounting costs and administrative costs due to sale of equipment;

     (c) a $8,583  increase in bad debt  expense  due to the  General  Partner's
evaluation of the collectibility of trade receivables.

(C)  Gain on disposition of equipment

For the quarter ended March 31, 1997, the Partnership realized a gain of $49,863
on the  sale of  trailers,  compared  to the  same  period  in  1996,  when  the
Partnership realized a gain of $1,688 on the disposal of a marine container.

(D)  Equity in net loss of unconsolidated special purpose entity

Equity in net loss of unconsolidated  special purpose entity was $12,550 for the
quarter ended March 31, 1996,  and  represents  the net loss  generated from the
Partnership's interest in an entity which owned an aircraft, accounted for under
the equity method. The investment was sold in the second quarter of 1996.

(E)  Net Income

The  Partnership's  net income  increased to $12,823 for the quarter ended March
31,  1997,  from a net  loss  of  $38,169  in  the  same  period  in  1996.  The
Partnership's  ability  to operate  or  liquidate  assets,  secure  leases,  and
re-lease those assets whose leases expire during the duration of the Partnership
is subject to many factors,  and the  Partnership's  performance for the quarter
ended March 31, 1997, is not necessarily  indicative of future periods.  For the
quarter  ended  March 31,  1997,  the  Partnership  distributed  $155,447 to the
Limited  Partners,  or  approximately  $9.19 per  weighted  average  unit  which
included a special distribution of $5.85 per weighted average unit.


(A) Revenues

Total  revenues of $45,100 for the quarter ended March 31, 1997,  decreased from
$56,811 for the same period in 1996,  due primarily to lower lease  revenues and
lower interest and other income in the first quarter of 1997, as compared to the
same period in 1996, offset by a gain on sale of equipment for the first quarter
of 1997,  compared to a loss on  disposition  of equipment in the same period in

(1) Lease revenues  decreased to $19,219 in the first quarter 1997, from $55,242
in the same period in 1996.  The following  table lists lease revenue  earned by
equipment type:

                                                For the three months ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                  1997             1996

   Trailers                                    $   11,583       $   35,873
   Marine containers                                7,636           19,369

                                               $   19,219       $   55,242

The decline was due primarily to the following:

     (a) Trailer revenue decreased $24,290 due primarily to the sale of trailers
during  1996  and in the  first  quarter  of  1997,  and  lower  utilization  in
short-term rental facilities operated by an affiliate of the General Partner;

     (b)  Marine  container  revenue  decreased  $11,733  primarily  due  to the
disposal of marine containers during 1996 and in the first quarter of 1997.

(2) For the quarter  ended March 31, 1997,  the  Partnership  realized a gain of
$25,044 on the disposal of marine containers and trailers, as compared to a loss
of $997 on the  disposal of marine  containers  for the quarter  ended March 31,

(B)  Expenses

Total  expenses of $42,140 for the quarter ended March 31, 1997,  decreased from
$62,085  for the  same  period  in  1996.  The  decrease  in 1997  expenses  was
attributable  primarily  to decreases  in general and  administrative  expenses,
repair and maintenance and depreciation  expenses,  offset by an increase in bad
debt expenses.

(1) Direct operating expenses (defined as repairs and maintenance and insurance)
decreased to $3,151 in the first quarter  1997,  from $11,577 in the same period
in 1996. This change resulted primarily from the disposition of equipment.

(2) Indirect  operating  expenses (defined as depreciation  expense,  management
fees, bad debt expense,  and general and administrative  expenses)  decreased to
$38,989 in the first quarter 1997, from $50,508 in the same period in 1996. This
change resulted primarily from:

     (a) a decrease  in general  and  administrative  expense of $10,840  due to
lower accounting  costs and  administrative  costs related to short-term  rental
facilities due to sale of equipment;

     (b) a decrease in depreciation expense of $4,074, reflecting asset sales or
dispositions during the first quarter of 1997 and during 1996;

     (c) an increase of $3,395 in bad debt expense due to the General  Partner's
evaluation of the collectibility of trade receivables.

(C)  Net Income (loss)

The  Partnership  incurred  a net  income of $2,960 in the first  quarter  1997,
compared to a net loss of $5,274 in the same period in 1996.  The  Partnership's
ability to operate or liquidate assets, secure leases, and re-lease those assets
whose leases  expire during the duration of the  Partnership  is subject to many
factors,  and the  Partnership's  performance  in the first quarter 1997, is not
necessarily  indicative  of future  periods.  In the  first  quarter  1997,  the
Partnership  distributed $18,364 to the Limited Partners, or approximately $1.93
per weighted average unit.

(II) Asset Sales

Equipment  sales and  dispositions  result from  General  Partner  decisions  on
liquidations,  the  exercise by lessees of fair market  value  purchase  options
provided  for in certain  leases,  or the payment of  stipulated  loss values on
equipment lost or disposed of during the time it is subject to lease agreements.
During the three months ended March 31,  1997, a marine  container  and trailers
owned by TEP IXA were  sold for a total of  $76,319.  Trailers  owned by TEP IXB
were  sold  for a total of  $51,000;  trailers  owned  by TEP IXC were  sold for
$79,550;  and  marine  containers  and  trailers  owned by TEP IXD were  sold or
disposed of for $43,219. As discussed in note 4, the General Partner is actively
marketing the remaining  equipment  portfolio with the intent of maximizing sale

(III)    Market Values

As of March 31,  1997,  the General  Partner  estimated  the current fair market
value of each  Partnership's  equipment  portfolio  to be  approximately  : $0.9
million,  $0.4 million,  $0.9 million and $0.6 million for TEP IXA, TEP IXB, TEP
IXC and TEP IXD, respectively.

(IV) Outlook for the Future

The General  Partner  intends to continue its  strategy of closely  matching the
level of cash  distributions  to that of net operating cash flows.  However,  as
stated  above,  the  difficulty in predicting  market  conditions  precludes the
General  Partner  from  accurately  determining  the impact of this  strategy on
liquidity.  The  Partnerships  have  entered  into their  liquidation  phase and
pursuant to the original  operating  plan, the  Partnerships  continue to market
equipment for sale as current lease terms expire.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

     (a) Exhibits


     (b) Reports on Form 8-K


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          PLM TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT
                                          PARTNERS IXB 1986 INCOME FUND

                                          By:  PLM Financial Services, Inc.
                                               General Partner

Date:  May 9, 1997                        By:  /s/ David J. Davis
                                               David J. Davis
                                               Vice President and
                                               Corporate Controller