CORPORATION LOGO]

                                                              October 18, 2001

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

     You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of Birmingham
Steel  Corporation (the "Company"),  which will be held on Friday,  November 16,
2001,  at 10:00  A.M.,  local  time,  at the  Birmingham  Marriott  Hotel,  3590
Grandview Parkway, Birmingham, Alabama 35243.

     The formal  notice of the  meeting  and the proxy  statement  appear on the
following pages and describe the matters to be acted upon. Time will be provided
during  the  meeting  for  discussion  and you will have an  opportunity  to ask
questions about your Company.

     Whether or not you plan to attend the  meeting in person,  it is  important
that your shares be represented and voted.  After reading the enclosed notice of
the  Annual  Meeting  and proxy  statement,  please  sign,  date and  return the
enclosed proxy card at your earliest convenience. Return of the signed and dated
proxy card will not  prevent  you from  voting in person at the  Annual  Meeting
should you later decide to do so.

                                         Sincerely yours,

                                         /s/ John D. Correnti
                                         John D. Correnti
                                         Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                          BIRMINGHAM STEEL CORPORATION
                         To Be Held On November 16, 2001

     The Annual Meeting of Stockholders  of Birmingham  Steel  Corporation  (the
"Company") will be held on November 16, 2001, at 10:00 A.M.,  local time, at the
Birmingham  Marriott Hotel, 3590 Grandview Parkway,  Birmingham,  Alabama 35243,
for the following purposes:

(1)  To elect ten  directors,  each to serve  until the next  Annual  Meeting of
     Stockholders and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified.

(2)  To amend the Company's  Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation to increase
     the number of shares of common stock,  par value $.01 per share,  which the
     Company  is  authorized  to issue  from  75,000,000  shares to  195,000,000

(3)  To approve the bonus performance goals for the Chief Executive Officer.

(4)  To approve and ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
     auditors for the Company and it's  subsidiaries  for the fiscal year ending
     June 30, 2002.

(5)  To transact such other  business as may, in  accordance  with the Company's
     Bylaws,  be  properly  brought  before the  meeting or any  adjournment  or
     postponement thereof.

     Only  stockholders  of record at the close of  business on October 1, 2001,
are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  meeting or any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof.

     Please sign and date the enclosed  proxy card and return it promptly in the
enclosed reply envelope.  If you are able to attend the meeting, you may, if you
wish,  revoke the proxy and vote  personally on all matters  brought  before the

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         /s/ Catherine W. Pecher
                                         Catherine W. Pecher
                                         Vice President-Administration
                                         and Corporate Secretary

Birmingham, Alabama
October 18, 2001

                          BIRMINGHAM STEEL CORPORATION
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of Birmingham  Steel  Corporation,  a Delaware
corporation (the  "Company"),  to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
to be held at the Birmingham Marriott Hotel, 3590 Grandview Parkway, Birmingham,
Alabama 35243, on Friday,  November 16, 2001, at 10:00 A.M.,  local time, and at
any adjournment or postponement thereof (the "Annual Meeting").

     All proxies in the enclosed form that are properly executed and received by
the Company  prior to or at the Annual  Meeting and not revoked will be voted at
the  Annual  Meeting  or  any  adjournments   thereof  in  accordance  with  the
instructions  thereon,  or,  if no  instructions  are  made,  will be voted  FOR
approval of proposals  1, 2, 3 and 4 set forth in the Notice of Annual  Meeting.
Any proxy  given  pursuant  to this  solicitation  may be  revoked by the person
giving it at any time  before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by (i) filing
with the  Secretary of the  Company,  at or before the taking of the vote at the
Annual  Meeting,  a written  notice of revocation  bearing a later date than the
proxy,  (ii) duly  executing a  subsequently  dated  proxy  relating to the same
shares and  delivering  it to the  Secretary  of the  Company  before the Annual
Meeting,  or (iii)  attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person  (although
attendance  at the  Annual  Meeting  will  not in and  of  itself  constitute  a
revocation of a proxy).  Any written  notice  revoking a proxy should be sent to
Birmingham Steel Corporation,  1000 Urban Center Drive,  Suite 300,  Birmingham,
Alabama 35242,  Attention:  Catherine W. Pecher,  Corporate  Secretary,  or hand
delivered to the Corporate  Secretary at or before the taking of the vote at the
Annual  Meeting.  A  stockholder  may  abstain  or  withhold  his  or  her  vote
(collectively,   "abstentions")   with  respect  to  each  item   submitted  for
stockholder  approval.  In  addition,  brokers  and  other  nominees  may not be
entitled  to vote  shares  held in "street  name" on certain  non-routine  items
absent customer  instructions (known as a "broker nonvote").  Shares represented
by proxies indicating  abstentions and broker nonvotes,  if any, will be counted
as present for purposes of  determining  the existence of a quorum.  Because the
election of directors is  determined  by a plurality of votes cast at the Annual
Meeting, abstentions and broker nonvotes, if any, will not affect such election.
However,  with respect to other proposals,  abstentions and broker nonvotes,  if
any, will have the effect of a vote against those proposals.

     The mailing  address of the principal  executive  offices of the Company is
1000 Urban  Center  Drive,  Suite 300,  Birmingham,  Alabama  35242.  This Proxy
Statement and the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy card are first
being mailed to stockholders on or about October 18, 2001.


     The record  date for  determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to receive
notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting  is  October  1, 2001 (the  "Record
Date"). At the close of business on the Record Date, 31,341,816 shares of common
stock,  par value $.01 per share,  of the  Company  (the  "Common  Stock")  were
outstanding.  Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote with respect to
each matter to be voted on at the Annual Meeting.

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Common  Stock,  as of the Record Date,  by (i) persons known to
the Company to be the beneficial  owners of more than 5% of the Company's Common
Stock,  (ii) each of the Company's  directors  and nominees for director,  (iii)
each executive officer included in the Summary  Compensation Table, and (iv) all
directors and  executive  officers of the Company as a group.  Unless  otherwise
noted in the  footnotes to the table,  the persons  named in the table have sole
voting and  investment  power with respect to all  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock shown as beneficially owned by them.

                                         Number of Shares          Percent
Name of Beneficial Owner                 Beneficially Owned         of Class
------------------------                 ------------------        ---------
5% Shareholders
  Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.........  2,658,400   (1)             8.3%
  The United Company....................  2,599,633   (2)             8.1%
  SLS Management, LLC...................  1,596,300   (3)             5.0%
Directors and Officers
  James W. McGlothlin...................  2,654,524   (4)(5)          8.3%
  John D. Correnti .....................    572,956   (6)             1.8%
  James A. Todd, Jr. ...................    479,289   (7)             1.5%
  Robert G. Wilson .....................     84,060   (8)               *
  Philip L. Oakes ......................     51,130   (9)               *
  Jerry E. Dempsey .....................     48,482   (10)              *
  J. Daniel Garrett ....................     47,382   (11)              *
  Richard de J. Osborne ................     39,612   (12)              *
  Steven R. Berrard ....................     38,878   (10)              *
  Donna M. Alvarado ....................     36,485   (10)              *
  Alvin R. Carpenter ...................     34,539   (13)              *
  Robert H. Spilman ....................     33,173   (10)              *
  Robert M. Gerrity ....................     31,431   (10)              *
Directors and executive officers
   as a group (13 persons) .............  4,151,941   (14)              13.0%
  *  Less than 1%

(1)  This  information  was taken from a Schedule 13G filed by Dimensional  Fund
     Advisors Inc. on February 2, 2001,  reflecting  information  as of December
     31, 2000, and represents shares held by various  investment funds for which
     Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. acts as investment  advisor or manager.
(2)  This  information  was taken from a Form 4 filed by James W.  McGlothlin on
     September  6,  2001,  reflecting  information  as of August 31,  2001,  and
     represents shares over which The United Company may have direct or indirect
     voting and/or investment  discretion and which are held for its own benefit
     or for the benefit of its clients by separate accounts,  externally managed
     accounts,  subsidiaries,  and/or other affiliates.  James W. McGlothlin,  a
     director  of the  Company,  shares  controlling  ownership  over The United
     Company and therefore shares voting and dispositive  powers with respect to
     the aforementioned shares. See footnote (4).
(3)  This  information  was taken from a Schedule  13F filed by SLS  Management,
     LLC, on August 13, 2001,  reflecting  information  as of June 30, 2001, and
     represents  shares over which it may have direct or indirect  voting and/or
     investment discretion.
(4)  Includes  2,599,633  shares  owned of record or  beneficially  owned by The
     United  Company  and its  affiliates.  Mr.  McGlothlin  shares  controlling
     ownership  over  The  United  Company  and  therefore   shares  voting  and
     dispositive powers with respect to the aforementioned shares.
(5)  Includes  25,000 shares owned directly by Mr.  McGlothlin's  spouse,  5,264
     phantom stock units and 10,000 shares subject to stock options  exercisable
     within 60 days.
(6)  Includes  66,667  shares  of  Restricted   Stock  awarded  under  the  1990
     Management   Incentive  Plan,  200,000  shares  subject  to  stock  options
     exercisable  within 60 days, 5,846 shares held in the Company's 401(k) Plan
     and 8,000 shares owned directly by Mr. Correnti's spouse.
(7)  Includes 74,549 shares owned directly by Mr. Todd's spouse,  200,000 shares
     subject to stock options  exercisable within 60 days and 18,790 shares held
     in the Company's 401(k) Plan.
(8)  Includes 12,290 shares held in the Company's  401(k) Plan and 44,263 shares
     subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days.
(9)  Includes 47,798 shares subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days.
(10) Includes 10,000 shares subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days.
(11) Includes 82 shares  held in the  Company's  401(k)  Plan and 40,998  shares
     subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days.
(12) Includes 11,500 shares subject to stock options  exercisable within 60 days
     and 4,500 shares owned jointly with his spouse.
(13) Includes  21,539  phantom  stock units and 10,000  shares  subject to stock
     options exercisable within 60 days.
(14) Includes an aggregate of (i) 533,059  shares  subject to stock options held
     by certain officers of the Company, (ii) an aggregate of 37,008 shares held
     in the  Company's  401(k)  Plan,  (iii) an  aggregate  of 66,667  shares of
     Restricted Stock awarded under the 1990 Management  Incentive Plan, (iv) an
     aggregate of 81,500 shares  subject to options  granted under the Company's
     1996 and 2000 Director  Stock Option Plans,  and (v) an aggregate of 26,803
     shares granted as phantom stock units.

     Employees,  Officers and Directors own  approximately  25% of the Company's
Common Stock. The Company is not aware of any arrangement,  including any pledge
of  securities  of the  Company,  which at a  subsequent  date could result in a
change of control of the Company.

                                 AGENDA ITEM ONE
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Ten directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting,  each to hold office
until the next  Annual  Meeting  and until  his or her  successor  has been duly
elected and  qualified.  Proxies  received from  stockholders,  unless  directed
otherwise,  will be voted FOR the election of the  following  nominees:  John D.
Correnti,  Donna M. Alvarado,  Steven R. Berrard,  Alvin R. Carpenter,  Jerry E.
Dempsey,  Robert M. Gerrity, James W. McGlothlin,  Richard de J. Osborne, Robert
H.  Spilman,  and  James A.  Todd,  Jr.  If any  nominee  is unable to stand for
election,  the  persons  named in the proxy  may vote the same for a  substitute
nominee. All of the nominees are currently directors of the Company. The Company
is not aware  that any  nominee  is or will be unable to stand for  re-election.
Directors  shall be elected by a plurality of the votes of the shares present in
person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote on the
election of directors.

     In August  1993,  the Board of  Directors  approved a mandatory  retirement
policy for its  members,  pursuant to which any person  serving as a director of
the Company who attains age 75 shall retire from the Board of Directors upon the
expiration of his or her term of office at the next succeeding annual meeting of
stockholders;  provided,  however,  that each incumbent  director of the Company
serving  at the  date of  adoption  of the new  policy  will not be  subject  to
mandatory  retirement,  and may continue to serve as a director  notwithstanding
the attainment of age 75.

     Set forth  below is the  name,  age,  position  with the  Company,  present
principal  occupation or employment and five-year  employment history of each of
the Company's nominees for director of the Company.

Name And Year First
Became Director           Business Experience
--------------------      -------------------

John D. Correnti          Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
1999                      the Company since December 2,1999; President, Chief
Age 54                    Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of Nucor
                          Corporation, a mini-mill manufacturer of steel
                          products, from 1996 to 1999 and President and Chief
                          Operating Officer from 1991 to 1996; director of
                          Correction Corporation of America and Navistar
                          International Corporation.

Donna M. Alvarado         Managing Director of Aguila International, an
1999                      international business development consulting firm,
Age 52                    since 1994;  President and Chief Executive Officer of
                          Quest International, a non-profit organization engaged
                          worldwide in developing, publishing, and marketing
                          training products for public and private education
                          systems, from 1989 to 1994; director of Park National

Steven R. Berrard         Managing Partner of NewRiver Capital Partners, a
1999                      private equity firm with an investment strategy
Age 47                    focused on branded specialty retail, e-commerce and
                          education; Co-Chief Executive Officer of AutoNation,
                          Inc., the world's largest automotive retailer and a
                          leading provider of vehicle rental services, from 1997
                          to 1999; President and Chief Executive Officer of the
                          Blockbuster Entertainment Group, a division of Viacom,
                          from 1994 to 1997; President and Chief Executive
                          Officer of Spelling Entertainment Group, Inc. from
                          1993 to 1996; director of Gerald Stevens, Inc. and
                          Boca Resorts,Inc.

Alvin R. Carpenter        Retired; Vice Chairman of the Board of CSX Corporation
1999                      from 1999 to 2001; President and CEO of CSX Transpor-
Age 59                    tation, Inc., a railroad corporation, from 1992 to
                          1999; director of Regency Centers Corporation, Florida
                          Rock Industries and Stein Mart, Inc.

Jerry E. Dempsey          Retired; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
1999                      Officer of PPG Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of
Age 69                    protective  and  decorative coatings, fiberglass
                          products, and specialty chemicals, from 1993 to  1997;
                          director of Eastman Chemical Company and Navistar
                          International Corporation.

Robert M. Gerrity         Self-employed consultant since 1995; Vice Chairman of
1999                      the Board of New  Holland N.V., an agricultural and
Age 63                    industrial equipment manufacturing company, from 1991
                          to 1995; President and Chief Executive  Officer of
                          Ford New Holland, Inc. from 1987 to 1991; director of
                          Standard Motor Products.

James W. McGlothlin       Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and
1999                      President of The United Company, a financial services,
Age 61                    oil and gas, and real estate company, since 1987;
                          director of CSX Corporation.

Richard de J. Osborne     Retired; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
1998                      Officer of ASARCO Incorporated, a leading producer of
Age 67                    nonferrous  metals from 1985 to 1999; Chairman of the
                          Board of Datawatch Corporation; director of Schering-
                          Plough  Corporation, Goodrich Corporation and NACCO
                          Industries, Inc.

Robert H. Spilman         Sole-proprietor of Spilman Properties, an investment
1999                      company; Served in various capacities at Bassett
Age 74                    Furniture Industries, Inc.,a manufacturer and retail
                          seller of home furniture, from 1957 to 1997, including
                          as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer;
                          director of Dominion Resources, Inc.

James A. Todd, Jr.        Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Administrative
1999                      Officer of the Company; Chairman of the Board and
Age 73                    Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company from 1991 to
                          January 1996.

     The Board of  Directors  held  fifteen (15)  meetings,  including  four (4)
actions by  unanimous  written  consent,  during the fiscal  year ended June 30,
2001.  During fiscal 2001, each director  attended at least 75% of the aggregate
number of  meetings of the Board and of  committees  of the Board on which he or
she served.

     The Company has Audit,  Executive,  Nominating,  Environmental  Affairs and
Safety,  Finance,  and Compensation and Stock Option  Committees of the Board of

     The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Berrard (chairman), Gerrity,
Osborne, and Spilman. The principal functions of the Audit Committee are to make
recommendations  to the Board as to the engagement of independent  auditors,  to
review the scope of the audit and the  engagement of  independent  auditors,  to
review the audit fees, to discuss the results of the audit with the  independent
auditors  and  determine  what action,  if any, is required  with respect to the
Company's  internal  controls,  to review  auditor  independence,  and to make a
general review of developments and financial reporting and accounting. The Audit
Committee is governed by a written charter approved by the Board of Directors. A
copy of this  charter is included as Appendix A. The Audit  Committee  held four
(4) meetings during fiscal 2001.

     The members of the  Executive  Committee are Messrs.  Correnti  (chairman),
Berrard,  Dempsey,  McGlothlin,  and Todd. The Executive Committee exercises all
the powers of the Board of Directors  during the intervals  between  meetings of
the  Board  of  Directors,  subject  to  certain  limitations  set  forth in the
Company's Bylaws.  The Executive  Committee held five (5) meetings during fiscal

     Ms.  Alvarado and Messrs.  Spilman  (chairman),  Gerrity and McGlothlin are
members  of  the   Nominating   Committee.   The  Nominating   Committee   makes
recommendations  to the Board of Directors  respecting  nominations for director
prior to each annual meeting of stockholders.  The Nominating Committee held one
(1) meeting during fiscal 2001.

     Messrs. Gerrity (chairman),  Carpenter, Spilman and Todd are members of the
Environmental Affairs and Safety Committee. The Environmental Affairs and Safety
Committee  monitors  environmental  and safety  issues  impacting  the Company's
operations   and  reviews  and  evaluates   environmental   compliance,   safety
performances,  and  processes at the  Company's  facilities.  The  Environmental
Affairs and Safety Committee held two (2) meetings during fiscal 2001.

     Ms. Alvarado and Messrs.  Dempsey  (chairman),  Carpenter,  and Osborne are
members of the  Finance  Committee.  The  Finance  Committee  reviews  and makes
recommendations with respect to the Company's financial policies, including cash
flow,  borrowing and dividend policy and the financial terms of acquisitions and
dispositions.  Acting  with  the  Executive  Committee,  it  reviews  and  makes
recommendations  on  significant  capital  investment  proposals.   The  Finance
Committee held three (3) meetings during fiscal 2001.

     Ms. Alvarado and Messrs.  Carpenter  (chairman),  Dempsey,  and Berrard are
members of the  Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee.  The Compensation and
Stock  Option  Committee  reviews and  approves  employment  agreements,  annual
salaries, bonuses, profit participation,  and other compensation of employees of
the Company and its  subsidiaries.  This  Committee  also reviews the  executive
officers' and employees'  performances and administers all stock-based and other
benefit plans (unless otherwise specified in plan documents) affecting officers'
direct and indirect  remuneration.  The  Compensation and Stock Option Committee
held five (5) meetings during fiscal 2001.


     The ten  nominees  receiving  the  greatest  number of votes of the  shares
present and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will be elected as directors.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")
requires the Company's  directors,  certain  officers,  and persons who own more
than 10% of the  outstanding  Common  Stock  of the  Company,  to file  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission reports of changes in ownership of the Common
Stock of the Company held by such persons. Such officers,  directors and greater
than 10%  stockholders  are also  required to furnish the Company with copies of
all forms they file under this  regulation.  To the Company's  knowledge,  based
solely on a review of the copies of such  reports  furnished  to the Company and
representations that no other reports were required, during fiscal year 2001 all
Section 16(a) filing requirements  applicable to its officers and directors were

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit  Committee  (the  "Committee")  oversees the Company's  financial
reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors.  The Company's management
has the primary  responsibility  for the financial  statements and the reporting
process,  including the systems of internal control. In fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities,  the  Committee  reviewed  the  audited  financial  statements
contained in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2001, with management,  including a discussion of the quality, not just
the  acceptability,   of  the  accounting  principles,   the  reasonableness  of
significant  judgments,   and  the  clarity  of  disclosures  in  the  financial

     All  members  of  the  Committee  are  "independent"  under  the  standards
established  by the New  York  Stock  Exchange.  A copy of the  Audit  Committee
charter is included as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.

     The Committee reviewed with the independent  auditors,  who are responsible
for  expressing  an  opinion  on  the  conformity  of  those  audited  financial
statements with generally accepted accounting principles,  their judgments as to
the quality, not just the acceptability,  of the Company's accounting principles
and such other matters as are required to be discussed with the Committee  under
generally accepted auditing standards.  In addition, the Committee has discussed
with the independent auditors the auditors' independence from management and the
Company,  including  the  matters in the  written  disclosures  required  by the
Independence  Standards Board, and considered the compatibility of any non-audit
services with the auditors' independence.

     The Committee discussed with the Company's independent auditors the overall
scope  and  plans of their  audit.  The  Committee  meets  with the  independent
auditors,  with and without management  present, to discuss the results of their
examinations,  their  evaluations of the Company's  internal  controls,  and the
overall quality of the Company's financial reporting.

     In  reliance  upon the  reviews  and  discussions  referred  to above,  the
Committee has recommended to the Board of Directors (and the Board has approved)
that the audited financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year  ended June 30,  2001,  for  filing  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                     SUBMITTED BY THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                     OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

                                     Steven R. Berrard, Chairman
                                     Robert M. Gerrity
                                     Richard de J. Osborne
                                     Robert H. Spilman

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following  table provides  certain  summary  information for the fiscal
years ended June 30, 2001, 2000 and 1999 concerning compensation paid or accrued
by the Company to or on behalf of the Company's Chief Executive Officer and each
of the four other most highly compensated  executive officers of the Company who
were  serving  as  executive  officers  at  the  end  of the  2001  fiscal  year
(hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  "Named  Executive  Officers").   "Long-Term
Compensation"  includes  Restricted  Stock  awarded under both the 1990 and 1997
Management  Incentive  Plans  ("1990 MIP" and "1997 MIP") and  Restricted  Stock
issued under the 1995 Stock  Accumulation  Plan ("SAP").  See footnotes (2), (8)
and (11) to the Summary Compensation Table.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                        (AS OF JUNE 30, 2001, 2000, 1999)

                                           Annual Compensation                Compensation Awards
                                   ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------
                                                             Other Annual   Restricted      Options/       All Other
                                    Salary        Bonus      Compensation     Stock          SARs         Compensation
Name and Principal Position   Year   ($)         ($)(1)           ($)        ($)(2)          (#)              ($)(3)
---------------------------- ----- ------------  ----------- -------------  --------------- -----------  -------------
John D. Correnti (4)          2001  534,231      273,170 (5)  170,182 (6)         0                 0       57,189
   Chief Executive Officer    2000  300,115 (7)  288,300 (5)        0       630,250 (8)     1,000,000       30,463

James A. Todd, Jr. (9)        2001  454,808 (5)        0      227,684 (10)        0                 0       11,266
   Chief Administrative       2000  175,000 (5)        0      236,441 (10)        0           300,000        6,007

J. Daniel Garrett             2001  199,423            0            0             0                 0       24,651
   Chief Financial Officer    2000  161,923 (7)        0            0             0            72,000       26,736
                              1999  137,375 (7)  160,000 (7)        0        38,682 (8)(11)    28,000       23,494

Robert G. Wilson              2001  174,154            0            0             0                 0        5,878
   Vice President - Rebar     2000  178,615 (7)        0            0             0            98,000       10,266
   Sales                      1999  166,262 (7)        0            0         8,990 (8)         2,000       11,504

Philip L. Oakes               2001  166,615            0            0             0                 0       21,811
   Vice President - Human     2000  163,654 (7)        0            0             0            72,000       27,260
   Resources                  1999  139,702 (7)   80,000            0        14,980 (8)        28,000       24,519


(1)  Represents  cash  incentive  compensation  accrued for the fiscal year (but
     paid in the subsequent fiscal year).
(2)  The value of the Restricted  Stock awards shown in the table above reflects
     the number of shares awarded  during the year  indicated  multiplied by the
     closing market price of the Company's unrestricted common stock on the date
     of the  award  (net  of any  consideration  paid  by  the  Named  Executive
     Officer).  The number and dollar value of all Restricted  Stock holdings of
     the Named Executive  Officers with respect to which the  restrictions  have
     not lapsed as of the Record Date, calculated using the closing market price
     of the  Company's  unrestricted  common  stock  on June  30,  2001,  was as
     follows: 66,667 shares ($69,334) by Mr. Correnti.
(3)  The compensation  reported  represents Company  contributions to the 401(k)
     Plan,  premiums for life  insurance,  and  contributions  to the Birmingham
     Steel Corporation  Executive Retirement and Compensation Deferral Plan (the
     "ERP/CDP").  The  following  information  is provided  with  respect to the
     specific  allocation  of  compensation  shown in this  column for the Named
     Executive Officers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

                                                  Term and Whole
        Name                      401(k)Plan $    Life Insurance $    ERP/CDP $
        ---------                 ------------    ---------------    ----------
        John D. Correnti..........    2,354             1,412           53,423
        James A. Todd, Jr.........    9,900             1,366                0
        J. Daniel Garrett.........    3,983               726           19,942
        Robert G. Wilson..........    5,165               713                0
        Philip L. Oakes...........    4,618               555           16,638

(4)  Mr. Correnti  became  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer of
     the Company on December 2, 1999.
(5)  Paid principally in common stock of the Company except for sufficient funds
     to pay income taxes.  Mr.  Correnti's  bonus for the fiscal year ended June
     30, 2001,  resulted in 149,723 shares at a share price of $1.05. Mr. Todd's
     compensation  for the first quarter of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001,
     was paid in shares of common  stock  and  resulted  in 20,768  shares at an
     average share price of $2.70.
(6)  Includes $162,126 for reimbursement of relocation  expenses and $26,946 for
     reimbursement of payroll taxes on the vesting of restricted stock.
(7)  Includes  amounts  deferred  by Named  Executive  Officers  pursuant to the
(8)  Includes the value of  Restricted  Stock awards  granted under the 1990 and
     1997 MIP on the date of such grants. Restricted Stock awards under the 1990
     and 1997 MIP were  made in the  discretion  of the  Compensation  and Stock
     Option  Committee  of the Board of  Directors,  and  recipients  pay only a
     nominal consideration (par value) for the issuance of the Restricted Stock.
     Mr.  Correnti was awarded 100,000 shares on December 7, 1999 at a per share
     price of $6.3125,  which vest in equal  increments of one-third  over three
     years.  Mr.  Garrett was awarded  1,558  shares on August 10, 1998 at a per
     share price of $9.625, which vested at the end of two years. Mr. Wilson was
     awarded  935 shares on August  10,  1998,  at a per share  price of $9.625,
     which vested at the end of two years. Mr. Oakes was awarded 1,558 shares on
     August 10, 1998 at a per share price of $9.625,  which vested at the end of
     two years.
(9)  Mr.  Todd  rejoined  the  Company  as a director  and Chief  Administrative
     Officer on December 2, 1999. Mr. Todd previously  served as Chairman of the
     Board and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company from 1991 until  January
(10) Represents  retirement  payments  made to Mr. Todd under  provisions of the
     Company's  Management  Security  Plan.  Mr. Todd also received  $227,684 in
     fiscal 1999 under the Management Security Plan.
(11) Includes the value of Restricted Stock issued under the SAP in lieu of cash
     compensation  to which the  Named  Executive  Officer  would  otherwise  be
     entitled on the date of such issuance. Each of the Named Executive Officers
     was required to take 10% of his bonus in shares of  Restricted  Stock under
     the  terms  of the  SAP,  and  could  elect  to take up to 20% of his  base
     compensation  and 50% of his cash bonus in shares of Restricted  Stock. The
     SAP was  terminated on January 14, 2000.  Shares of Restricted  Stock under
     the SAP were issued at a 25% discount to the market,  but the amounts shown
     include  the full  market  value of the  shares  issued.  The  shares  were
     restricted  from  transfer  for a period  of three  years  from the date of
     issuance.  The  amount  of cash  compensation  from both  salary  and bonus
     foregone  by Mr.  Garrett in fiscal  1999 was  $17,778.  Such amount is not
     included in the "Salary" or "Bonus" columns in the table above.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

         The following table provides certain information concerning each
exercise of stock options during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, by each of
the Named Executive Officers, and the fiscal year-end value of unexercised
options held by such persons, under the Company's 1990 MIP, 1997 MIP and 2000

                                                  Number Of
                                                  Securities      Value Of
                                                  Underlying     Unexercised
                                                 Unexercised    In-The-Money
                                                  Options At     Options At
                                                  FY-End (#)     FY-End ($)

                 Shares Acquired    Value        Exercisable/   Exercisable/
Name             On Exercise (#)  Realized ($)  Unexercisable  Unexercisable (1)
---------------- ---------------  -----------  --------------- -----------------

John D. Correnti         0             0       200,000/800,000      0/0
James A. Todd,Jr.        0             0       200,000/100,000      0/0
J.Daniel Garrett         0             0        40,998/64,502       0/0
Robert G. Wilson         0             0        44,263/66,737       0/0
Philip L. Oakes          0             0        47,798/67,202       0/0

(1)  The stock  options  were  granted  under the 1990 MIP, the 1997 MIP and the
     2000 MIP. The closing price of the Common Stock at June 30, 2001, was $1.04
     per share.  The actual value,  if any, an executive may realize will depend
     upon the amount by which the market  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock
     exceeds the exercise price when the options are exercised.

Executive Retirement And Compensation Deferral Plan

     The  Company's   Executive   Retirement  and  Compensation   Deferral  Plan
("ERP/CDP") is a  non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plan pursuant to which,
prior to January 1, 2001, key members of management could defer  compensation in
amounts  between  2% and 20% of  bi-weekly  base pay and 5% to 50% of bonus pay,
which  amounts were deemed to be credited to their CDP Accounts  under the Plan.
Effective  January 1, 2001,  the deferred  compensation  portion of the Plan was
suspended  and  the  CDP  Accounts  of the  plan  participants  were  thereafter
distributed  to  plan  participants.  The  retirement  components  for  the  ERP
participants  consist of ongoing Company  contributions equal to 10% of eligible
compensation,  which  contributions are deemed to be credited at the end of each
quarter and are fully  vested.  Benefits  under the ERP/CDP are unfunded and are
payable  from the  Company's  general  assets.  CDP  accounts  were deemed to be
credited  with bonus  interest of 4% for those  employed at the end of each plan
year,  with  interest  becoming  100% vested after  completion  of five years of
participation  in the  ERP/CDP,  except  full  vesting  occurs in the event of a
Change in Control or the  participant's  death,  disability,  attainment  of the
normal  retirement age of sixty-five,  or attainment of age sixty and completion
of fifteen  years of service.  Upon normal  retirement,  benefits are paid based
upon the method of distribution  previously selected by the participant.  A lump
sum of the vested balance is paid upon other  termination  of  employment.  Upon
death,  all account balances plus twice the  participant's  annual base pay rate
are paid to the participant's designated beneficiary.

Executive Severance Plan

     The Birmingham Steel Corporation  Executive  Severance Plan (the "Severance
Plan") is limited to a select number of key members of management of the Company
as designated by the Board of Directors,  including the executive officers named
in the Summary  Compensation  Table and is designed to reassure  participants in
the event of a Change in Control (as defined below) of the Company, so that they
can continue to focus their time and energy on business-related  concerns rather
than  personal  concerns.  A Change in Control is  generally  defined as (i) the
acquisition  by any  person,  entity,  or group  of 15% or more of the  combined
voting  power of the  Company's  outstanding  securities;  (ii) a change  in the
majority of the Board of Directors  within a period of two consecutive  years or
less unless the new directors  were elected or nominated by at least  two-thirds
of  the  continuing  directors;  or  (iii)  the  consummation  of a  transaction
requiring  stockholder  approval for the acquisition of the Company by an entity
other than the  Company or a  subsidiary  through  the  purchase  of assets,  by
merger, or otherwise.  A participant is entitled to benefits under the Severance
Plan  if,  within  two  years  after a  Change  in  Control,  the  participant's
employment is terminated by the Company  without  Substantial  Cause (as defined
below) or is  voluntarily  terminated  by the  participant  for Good  Reason (as
defined  below).  "Substantial  Cause" for purposes of the Severance  Plan shall
mean: (i) a participant's  felony conviction (or failure to contest  prosecution
for a felony); or (ii) a participant's willful misconduct or dishonesty, in each
case that is  materially  harmful to the business or  reputation of the Company.
"Good  Reason" is defined as: (i) the  assignment to the  participant  of duties
that are materially  inconsistent  with the participant's  position  immediately
prior to the Change in Control or a change in the participant's  title or office
from that in effect  immediately  prior to the Change in Control  without his or
her  consent;  (ii)  a  reduction  in  the  participant's  salary  as in  effect
immediately  prior to the Change in Control or the Company's failure to increase
the  participant's  salary by a specified  percentage  and by a specified  date;
(iii) a change in the  participant's  principal work location to a location more
than 25 miles from his or her principal work location  immediately  prior to the
Change in  Control;  (iv) the  Company's  failure  to  maintain  any  benefit or
compensation  plan   (collectively,   "Plans")  in  which  the  participant  was
participating  immediately  prior to the Change in Control,  a reduction  of the
participant's   benefits  under  the  Plans,  or  the  failure  to  provide  the
participant  with  the  same  number  of  vacation  days to  which he or she was
entitled  prior to the Change in Control;  (v) the Company's  failure to pay the
participant any compensation within seven days of its due date; (vi) the failure
of any  successor  to the  Company to assume  the  obligations  pursuant  to the
Severance  Plan;  or  (vii)  any  purported  termination  of  the  participant's
employment by the Company in a manner inconsistent with the Severance Plan.

     Severance payments and benefits under the Severance Plan include (i) a lump
sum  payment  equal  to  two or  three  times  (as  applicable)  the  sum of the
participant's annual salary and target bonus and (ii) continued participation in
Company  welfare  benefit  plans  for a number  of years  equal to the  multiple
applicable to the participant as described in clause (i).

     In the event any payment or benefit  received by a participant is deemed to
be a "parachute  payment"  under the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
(the "Code"), the payments and benefits payable under the Severance Plan will be
reduced  so that they will not be subject  to the  excise  taxes  imposed by the
Code,  but only if reducing the  payments and benefits  will result in a greater
after-tax benefit to the participant.

Director Compensation

     For fiscal 2001 and pursuant to the Company's Directors' Compensation Plan,
the Company  awarded each  non-employee  director 1,500 shares of Company Common
Stock as his or her  annual  retainer  fee and paid each  non-employee  director
$1,000  (in  Company  stock)  for each  meeting  of the  Board of  Directors  or
committee  thereof  ($1,500 to the  Chairman  of a  committee)  attended by such
director,  plus reasonable travel expenses.  Directors who are also employees of
the Company are not separately compensated for their services as a director.

     A non-employee  director is permitted to defer receipt of his or her annual
retainer  award and/or  meeting fees during the term of his or her  directorship
pursuant  to a Deferred  Compensation  Plan  adopted by the Board of  Directors.
Currently,   one  director  has  elected  to  have  meeting  fees  deferred  and
accumulated in phantom stock units.  Phantom stock units are hypothetical shares
of the Company's  stock.  Phantom stock units are credited to an account for the
director  and no tax is payable by the  director at the time of such  crediting.
Upon  termination  as a director of the Company,  the director  receives  actual
shares of the  Company  in an amount  equal to the  number of  deferred  phantom
shares  credited  to such  director's  account.  Upon a Change in  Control,  all
deferred accounts will be paid out to the directors.

Director Stock Option Plan

     In 2000,  the Company's  Board of Directors and  shareholders  approved the
Birmingham Steel Corporation 2000 Director Stock Option Plan (the "2000 Director
Plan").  The 2000 Director  Plan is a  continuation  of the  Company's  original
Director  Stock  Option Plan  adopted in 1996 (the "1996  Director  Plan").  The
purpose of the Director Plan is to provide stock-based  compensation to eligible
directors  of the Company in order to  encourage  the highest  level of director
performance  and to promote  long-term  stockholder  value.  The  Director  Plan
provides such directors with a proprietary interest in the Company's success and
progress  through  annual grants of options to purchase  shares of the Company's
Common Stock.

     Participation in the Director Plan is limited to Company  directors who are
not  employees of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries.  There are  currently
eight  directors  eligible to  participate in the Director Plan. An aggregate of
100,000  shares of Common Stock is reserved for issuance under the 1996 Director
Plan.  The Company has 6,000 shares  remaining for issuance in the 1996 Director
Plan.  An aggregate  of 200,000  shares of Common Stock is reserved for issuance
under the 2000  Director  Plan.  The Company has 186,500  shares  remaining  for
issuance in the 2000 Director Plan.

     Under  the  Director  Plan,  on the  date of  each  Annual  Meeting  of the
Company's   stockholders,   each   non-employee   director  will  be  granted  a
non-qualified  stock  option to  purchase  5,000  shares  of  Common  Stock at a
purchase  price equal to the  greater of the fair market  value per share of the
common stock on such grant date or $4.5625.

     Each  option  granted  under  either  Director  Plan  vests  on  the  first
anniversary  of the date of grant and  remains  exercisable  for a period of ten
(10) years  beginning on the date of its grant.  In the event of  termination of
service of a director by reason of  disability  or death,  options  held by such
director shall be immediately exercisable and, if issued under the 1996 Director
Plan, may be exercised until the earlier of the expiration of the stated term of
the option or the first  anniversary of the death or disability of such director
(as the case may be),  or,  if  issued  under  the 2000  Director  Plan,  may be
exercised until the expiration of the stated term of the option. In the event of
termination of service of a director by reason of  retirement,  any options held
by such director may  thereafter  be exercised (to the extent then  exercisable)
until the  earlier of the  expiration  of the  stated  term of the option or the
third  anniversary of the effective date of the director's  retirement if issued
under the 1996 Director  Plan, or until the expiration of the stated term of the
option if issued  under the 2000  Director  Plan.  If a director who has retired
dies while any option is still  outstanding,  the option may be exercised by the
former  director's legal  representative  until the earlier of the expiration of
the  stated  term of the  option  or the first  anniversary  of the death of the
former  director if issued under the 1996 Director Plan, or until the expiration
of the stated term of the option if issued under the 2000 Director Plan.

Employment Agreements

     The Company has entered into an Employment Agreement with John D. Correnti,
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. See "REPORT OF



     The Compensation and Stock Option Committee (the  "Committee") of the Board
of  Directors  is  comprised  of  four  non-employee  directors.  The  Committee
generally  is  responsible  for  the  compensation  and  benefit  plans  for all
employees and is directly accountable for evaluating and approving  compensation
and benefit plans,  and payments and awards under those plans, for the Company's
senior  executives,  including the Chief  Executive  Officer and the other Named
Executive  Officers.  The Committee  represents the  stockholders'  interests by
ensuring an  appropriate  link exists  between the  Company's  strategic  goals,
business performance, stockholder returns, and the executive compensation plans.

Compensation Philosophy

     The Company's  compensation  philosophy is to provide competitive wages and
salaries  with  the  opportunity  to  earn  above-average  compensation  through
performance-based incentives. The Committee believes that incentive compensation
provides the best means of motivating and rewarding  performance while providing
necessary controls on cost. This philosophy is reflected in the Company's use of
incentive compensation at virtually every level of the organization, not just in
the executive ranks. In the case of production and supervisory employees, weekly
incentives may be earned for exceeding base  production  levels.  Executives may
earn incentives based on Company or business unit profitability. In fiscal 2001,
production and supervisory  incentives averaged 29% of total  compensation,  and
executive incentives averaged 8%. These percentages vary from year to year based
on performance.

Compensation Policy

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program is designed to achieve the
following objectives:

1.   To attract, retain, motivate, and reward executives who have the skills and
     experience  necessary  to  conceive  and  implement a  successful  business

2.   To recognize the individual  contributions of the executives to stockholder
     value, as reflected in the profitability of the Company.

3.   To align the interests of the executives with those of the  stockholders by
     linking a significant portion of executive compensation to the value of the
     Company's Common Stock through the award of stock incentives.

     To accomplish  these  objectives,  the Company has established an executive
compensation  program  consisting of base salary, an annual cash incentive based
on Company  profitability,  and long-term compensation plans which include stock
options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, and deferred compensation.
The   Company's   policies  with  respect  to  each  element  of  the  executive
compensation program are discussed below.

Base Salaries

     To  provide   competitive  base  salaries  while   recognizing   individual
performance,  the Company,  with the approval of the Committee,  establishes and
maintains base salary ranges for salaried personnel.  The competitiveness of the
salary  ranges  is  reviewed  annually  with the  assistance  of an  independent
consultant and through participation in salary surveys. The surveys used include
nationally  publicized  data  from  a  number  of  sources,  including  ECS  Top
Management Report, PricewaterhouseCoopers Executive Compensation Review, William
M. Mercer  Executive & Management  Compensation  Study and The Conference  Board
Publication.  The survey group is comprised of a broad base of  manufacturers in
many different industries,  including the steel industry. Within this framework,
executive  salaries are  determined  based on individual  performance,  level of
responsibility,  and experience.  The salary of the Chief  Executive  Officer is
evaluated by the Committee in consultation with the Board of Directors. Salaries
for the other Named  Executive  Officers are  recommended by the Chief Executive
Officer and reviewed and  approved by the  Committee.  The salaries of the Named
Executive Officers are listed in the Summary Compensation Table.

Management and Sales Incentive Bonus Plan

     Effective  November 1, 1998, the Company's  Management and Sales  Incentive
Bonus Plan was established. This plan is formula-based and provides participants
with an annual cash bonus award for the achievement of specified  divisional and
corporation  financial  goals. The goals for each participant are the applicable
return on assets and sales goals as specified.  Each eligible  position has been
assigned a "target" bonus  percentage.  The target  represents a percent of base
salary and the bonus is earned only after  accomplishing the financial goals for
the fiscal  year.  The bonus plan was  designed  to place a greater  emphasis on
divisional  performance and to achieve the financial goals of the Company. Under
this plan, the participants have a clearer  understanding of what is required to
earn a bonus and have incentive to focus their attention on profitability.

     The  purpose  of the cash  bonus  plan is to link  directly  a  significant
portion of  executive  compensation  to Company  profitability.  Under the plan,
executives  and other key employees can earn annual cash  incentives  based upon
Company  profitability.  The plan is intended to motivate executives to increase
profitability  and to reward  them with  respect to the  Company's  success.  In
keeping with the Company's  compensation  philosophy and the incentive  plans in
which the Company's other employees  participate,  the plan provides  executives
the opportunity to earn significant bonuses, contingent upon profitable results.

     Bonus awards for fiscal 2001 were paid by September 5, 2001,  and represent
compensation earned for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

Long-Term Incentive Plans

     The purpose of the Company's  long-term  incentive plans discussed below is
to promote the Company's continued success by providing financial  incentives to
executives  and other key  employees to increase  the value of the  Company,  as
reflected in the price of its stock.  By providing the  opportunity to acquire a
significant  proprietary  interest in the Company, the plans align the interests
of the executives with those of the stockholders.

     Under the 1990 MIP,  1997 MIP, and 2000 MIP, each of which were approved by
the Board of Directors  and the  stockholders  of the Company,  the Committee is
authorized  to  make  awards  of  stock  options,   stock  appreciation  rights,
restricted stock, and other stock-related incentives. The Committee has the sole
authority to select the  officers and other key  employees to whom awards may be
made under these plans.  Since the value of stock options and other stock awards
is determined by the price of the Company's Common Stock, the Committee believes
these awards benefit  stockholders by linking a significant portion of executive
compensation  to the  performance  of the Company's  stock.  In addition,  these
awards  enable the  Company to attract  and retain key  employees  and provide a
competitive compensation opportunity.

     The 2000 MIP was submitted to and approved by the Company's stockholders at
the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  The 2000 MIP is intended to be a continuation  of the
Company's incentive  compensation program provided by the 1990 MIP and 1997 MIP.
The 2000 MIP does not allow for awards to be granted  at an  exercise  or strike
price  below  $4.5625  per share.  The 2000 MIP is also  designed to comply with
certain of the  provisions  of Section  162(m) of the Code in order that certain
compensation  attributable  to awards under the Company's  management  incentive
program will qualify as  performance-based  compensation  and  therefore  not be
subject to the  limitation on the  deductibility  of  compensation  set forth in
Section 162(m) of the Code.

     In fiscal 2001, no options were granted to the Named Executive Officers.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     As of December 2, 1999, the Committee approved an Employment Agreement with
Mr. Correnti  pursuant to which the Company has agreed to employ Mr. Correnti as
Chief  Executive  Officer.  The  Employment  Agreement  is  similar in terms and
compensation  to the proposed  employment  agreement that Mr. Correnti agreed to
with the  dissident  shareholder  group when he joined the group as their  Chief
Executive  Officer and Chairman of the Board nominee during the proxy contest in

     The  Employment  Agreement  has a five-year  term and  provides  for a base
salary of $600,000 annually and a bonus equal to 1% of adjusted  earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Mr. Correnti's bonus is payable
principally in shares of common stock of the Company except for cash  sufficient
to pay the  taxes  incurred  on the  bonus  award.  Pursuant  to the  Employment
Agreement, if Mr. Correnti's employment is terminated (i) by the Company without
cause (ii) by Mr. Correnti for good reason,  or (iii) as a result of a change in
control of the Company,  Mr. Correnti will receive a severance  payment equal to
three times (a) Mr. Correnti's currently effective annual base compensation plus
(b) the average  bonuses  received by Mr.  Correnti  for the three prior  fiscal

     Pursuant to the Employment Agreement,  Mr. Correnti received 100,000 shares
of the  Company's  common  stock (the "Stock  Award") on December 7, 1999 at the
fair market value of $6.3125 per share. Mr. Correnti becomes vested in one-third
of the Stock  Award at the end of each of his first  three  years of  service so
that at the end of his third year of service  (the  "Third  Anniversary")  he is
completely  vested in the full amount of the Stock  Award.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if prior to the Third  Anniversary,  Mr.  Correnti's  employment  is
terminated  (i)  without  cause by the  Company,  (ii) for  good  reason  by Mr.
Correnti, (iii) after a change in control of the Company, or (iv) as a result of
his death or disability,  Mr. Correnti will receive the full amount of the Stock

     Pursuant to the  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Correnti  received a total of
1,000,000 Stock Options (the "Options")  vesting in increments of 200,000 shares
each year over a period of five years beginning on January 14, 2000. The Options
were granted under the 2000 MIP. All unvested Options will vest upon termination
of Mr.  Correnti's  employment  other than  termination for cause.  The exercise
price for the Options is $4.625;  the Options  expire ten years from their grant


     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program  encourages  executives to
increase   profitability  and  stockholder  value.  The  emphasis  on  incentive
compensation  for executives is consistent with the  pay-for-performance  policy
applied  throughout the Company.  The Committee  believes this approach provides
competitive compensation and is in the best interests of the stockholders.

                                     SUBMITTED BY THE COMPENSATION AND STOCK
                                     OPTION COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

                                     Alvin R. Carpenter, Chairman
                                     Donna M. Alvarado
                                     Steven R. Berrard
                                     Jerry E. Dempsey


     During  fiscal  2001,  the Company paid an aggregate of $66,947 for private
aircraft  services to Nicholas  Aviation,  which is 80% owned by Mr.  Correnti's
spouse.  The  Company  pays  Nicholas  Aviation  normal  market  rates  for such


     Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly  percentage  change in
the cumulative  total  stockholder  return on the Company's Common Stock against
the cumulative total return of the Standard & Poor's ("S&P") 500 Stock Index and
the S&P Steel  Industry  Group Index for the period of five years  commencing on
July 1, 1996,  and ending on June 30, 2001.  The graph assumes that the value of
the investment in the Company's  Common Stock and each index was $100 on July 1,
1996, and that all dividends were reinvested.

                             [INSERT GRAPH]

                                 AGENDA ITEM TWO

                       TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SHARES OF
                             AUTHORIZED COMMON STOCK

     On October 5, 2001, the Company's Board of Directors  approved an amendment
to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the aggregate
number of shares of Common Stock which the Company is  authorized  to issue from
75,000,000   shares  to  195,000,000   shares.  If  approved  by  the  Company's
stockholders,  the  amendment  will  become  effective  upon  the  filing  of  a
Certificate  of Amendment  with the Delaware  Secretary of State.  The amendment
would increase the number of shares of Common Stock available for issuance,  but
would have no effect upon the terms of the Common  Stock or rights of holders of
the Common Stock.

     The Company currently has  approximately  31,341,816 shares of Common Stock
outstanding,  and  approximately  4,375,533  shares reserved for future issuance
under the  Company's  stock  incentive  and award plans,  and  3,000,000  shares
reserved for issuance upon  exercise of warrants held by the Company's  lenders.
Based upon the foregoing  number of  outstanding  and reserved  shares of Common
Stock, the Company currently has  approximately  36,282,651 shares remaining for
other purposes.

     The Board of Directors  believes that it is in the Company's best interests
to increase  the number of  authorized  but  unissued  shares of Common Stock in
order to have additional  shares available to meet the Company's future business
needs as they  arise.  Although  the  Company  has no  immediate  plans to issue
additional  shares  of  Common  Stock,  the  Company  may  in the  future  issue
additional shares in connection with  acquisitions,  mergers,  financings,  debt
restructuring, use in employee benefit plans, or other corporate purposes.


     Approval of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the  outstanding  shares of the Company  present or  represented  by
proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.


                                AGENDA ITEM THREE

     Pursuant to Mr.  Correnti's  employment  agreement with the Company,  he is
entitled to receive a bonus if the Company achieves  positive  adjusted earnings
before interest,  taxes,  depreciation and amortization  ("the Bonus Performance
Goal"). See "Chief Executive Officer Compensation." Any such bonus will be equal
to one percent of adjusted  earnings before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation and
amortization  and will be payable  principally  in common  stock of the  Company
except for cash sufficient to pay the taxes incurred on the bonus.  The bonus is
intended  to be  qualified  under  Section  162(m)  of the  Code,  and the Bonus
Performance  Goal is being  submitted to  stockholders  for approval in order to
qualify the bonus compensation for deduction under Section 162(m).


     Approval of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the  outstanding  shares of the Company  present or  represented  by
proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.


                                AGENDA ITEM FOUR

     The  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  has,  subject  to  approval  and
ratification  by the  stockholders,  selected  Ernst & Young LLP as  independent
auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending June 30,  2002.  The Company
has been informed that neither Ernst & Young LLP nor any of its partners has any
direct or indirect financial interest in the Company or any of its subsidiaries,
or has had any  connection  with the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  in the
capacity  of  promoter,   underwriter,  voting  trustee,  director,  officer  or

     A  representative  of Ernst & Young LLP is  expected  to be  present at the
Annual  Meeting.  Such  representative  will  have  the  opportunity  to  make a
statement if he desires to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate

     Audit Fees, Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees
     and All Other Fees

     Ernst & Young LLP has audited the consolidated  financial statements of the
Company for many years and during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001,  provided
both audit and  non-audit  services.  Fees for the fiscal year 2001 audit of the
Company's consolidated financial statements and the reviews of quarterly reports
on Form 10-Q were  $448,000,  and all other fees of $324,550 were audit related,
including  fees  relating  to  subsidiary  and  employee  benefit  plan  audits,
accounting  consultations  and services  related to various other accounting and
reporting  matters.  Ernst & Young LLP did not provide any  services  related to
financial  information systems design and implementation  during the last fiscal


     The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual  Meeting  by the  stockholders  entitled  to vote on the  matter  will be
required to approve the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors.



     The Company's  Bylaws  require that notice of  nominations  to the Board of
Directors  proposed by stockholders be received by the Secretary of the Company,
along with certain other specified material, at least 60 days prior to the first
anniversary of the preceding year's annual meeting of stockholders. Accordingly,
notice of proposed  nominees to the Board of  Directors  must be received by the
Secretary of the Company no later than September 17, 2002. Any  stockholder  who
wishes to nominate a candidate for election to the Board should obtain a copy of
the relevant section of the Bylaws from the Secretary of the Company.

     Stockholders who intend to present  proposals for action at the 2002 Annual
Meeting must comply with the requirements of the proxy rules  established by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Proposals of  stockholders  intended to be
presented for  consideration  at the 2002 Annual Meeting must be received by the
Secretary of the Company no later than June 20, 2002, in order to be included in
the proxy statement and proxy card for the 2002 Annual Meeting.

     The enclosed proxy card grants the proxy holders discretionary authority to
vote on any matter  raised at the  Annual  Meeting.  Stockholders  who intend to
submit a  proposal  at the  2002  Annual  Meeting,  which  is not  eligible  for
inclusion in the proxy  statement and proxy card relating to that meeting,  must
do so no later than September 3, 2002. If a stockholder fails to comply with the
foregoing  notice  provision,  the proxy  holders  will be  allowed to use their
discretionary  voting  authority  when the proposal is raised at the 2002 Annual


     The Board of  Directors  of the Company is not aware of any  matters  other
than the aforementioned  matters that will be presented for consideration at the
Annual Meeting.  If other matters properly come before the Annual Meeting, it is
the  intention  of the persons  named in the  enclosed  proxy to vote thereon in
accordance with their best judgment.

     The cost of preparing, printing and mailing this proxy statement and of the
solicitation   of  proxies  by  the  Company  will  be  borne  by  the  Company.
Solicitation  will be made by mail and, in addition,  may be made by  directors,
officers and employees of the Company  personally,  or by  telephone,  telegram,
courier service,  telecopier, or the Internet. The Company will request brokers,
custodians,  nominees,  and  other  like  parties  to  forward  copies  of proxy
materials to beneficial  owners of the Company's common stock and will reimburse
such  parties for their  reasonable  and  customary  charges or expenses in this

     The Company will provide to any stockholder of record, without charge, upon
written  request to its  Corporate  Secretary,  a copy of the  Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.


                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         /s/ Catherine W. Pecher
                                             Catherine W. Pecher
                                             Vice President -Administration and
                                             Corporate Secretary

October 18, 2001

                                                                    Appendix A
                          Birmingham Steel Corporation
                             Audit Committee Charter

This charter  governs the  operation  of the Audit  Committee  (Committee).  The
Committee shall review and reassess the charter at least annually and obtain the
approval of the board of  directors.  The  Committee  shall be  appointed by the
board of directors and shall comprise at least three directors, each of whom are
independent  of management  and the Company.  Members of the Committee  shall be
considered  independent if they have no relationship that may interfere with the
exercise of their  independence  from management and the Company.  All Committee
members  shall be  financially  literate,  and at least one  member  shall  have
accounting or related financial management expertise.

Statement of Policy

The Committee  shall provide  assistance to the board of directors in fulfilling
their oversight responsibility to the shareholders,  potential shareholders, the
investment community,  and others relating to the Company's financial statements
and the financial  reporting  process,  the systems of internal  accounting  and
financial controls, the internal audit function, the annual independent audit of
the Company's financial statements, and the legal compliance and ethics programs
as  established  by  management  and  the  board.   In  so  doing,   it  is  the
responsibility of the Committee to maintain free and open communication  between
the  Committee,   independent   auditors  and  management  of  the  Company.  In
discharging  its oversight  role, the Committee is empowered to investigate  any
matter  brought  to its  attention  with  full  access  to all  books,  records,
facilities,  and personnel of the Company and power to retain outside counsel or
other experts for this purpose.

Responsibilities and Processes

The  primary  responsibility  of  the  Committee  is to  oversee  the  Company's
financial  reporting  process on behalf of the board and  report the  results of
their  activities  to the board.  Management  is  responsible  for preparing the
Company's financial statements, and the independent auditors are responsible for
auditing  those  financial  statements.   The  Committee  in  carrying  out  its
responsibilities believes its policies and procedures should remain flexible, in
order to best react to changing  conditions and  circumstances and the Committee
shall review the Company's efforts to ensure quality financial reporting,  sound
business risk practices and ethical practices.

The  following  shall be the principal  recurring  processes of the Committee in
carrying out its  oversight  responsibilities.  The processes are set forth as a
guide with understanding that the Committee may supplement them as appropriate.

o    The Committee  shall have a clear  understanding  with  management  and the
     independent   auditors  that  the   independent   auditors  are  ultimately
     accountable to the board and the audit committee, as representatives of the
     Company's shareholders. The Committee shall have the ultimate authority and
     responsibility to evaluate and, where appropriate,  replace the independent
     auditors.  The Committee shall discuss with the auditors their independence
     from  management  and the Company  and the matters  included in the written
     disclosures  required by the Independence  Standards Board.  Annually,  the
     Committee  shall  review and  recommend  to the board the  selection of the
     Company's independent auditors, subject to shareholders' approval.

o    The Committee shall discuss with the internal  auditors and the independent
     auditors the overall scope and plans for their respective  audits including
     the  adequacy of staffing  and  compensation.  Also,  the  Committee  shall
     discuss  with  management  and the  independent  auditors  the adequacy and
     effectiveness  of the  accounting  and  financial  controls,  including the
     Company's system to monitor and manage business risk, and legal and ethical
     compliance programs.  Further, the Committee shall meet separately with the
     internal auditors and the independent auditors, with and without management
     present, to discuss the results of their examinations.

o    The Committee shall review the interim financial statements with management
     and the independent auditors prior to the filing of the Company's Quarterly
     Report on Form 10-Q.  Also, the Committee  shall discuss the results of the
     quarterly  review and any other matters  required to be communicated to the
     Committee by the  independent  auditors under generally  accepted  auditing
     standards.  The independent auditor shall provide written  communication to
     the Committee on the results of their quarterly  reviews.  The Chair of the
     Committee  may  represent  the entire  Committee  for the  purposes of this

o    The Committee shall review with management and the independent auditors the
     financial  statements to be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
     10-K (or the annual report to the shareholders if distributed  prior to the
     filing of Form 10-K),  including a review of management and the independent
     auditors judgement about the quality, not just acceptability, of accounting
     principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the clarity of
     the  disclosures  in the financial  statements.  Also the  Committee  shall
     discuss the results of the annual audit and any other  matters  required to
     be  communicated  to  the  Committee  by  the  independent  auditors  under
     generally   accepted  auditing   standards,   such   communication  by  the
     independent auditors to the Committee shall be in writing.

                            Adopted by the Board of Directors on April 20, 2000


                          BIRMINGHAM STEEL CORPORATION

     This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors  for use at the
2001  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held on  November  16,  2001.  The
undersigned  hereby appoints John D. Correnti and Catherine W. Pecher,  and each
of them,  attorneys and proxies with full power of substitution,  to vote in the
name of and as proxy for the  undersigned at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders
of  Birmingham  Steel  Corporation  to be held on Friday,  November 16, 2001, at
10:00 A.M., local time at the Birmingham  Marriott  Hotel,  Birmingham,  Alabama
35243, and at any adjournment or postponement  thereof,  according to the number
of votes that the undersigned would be entitled to cast if personally present.

PARAGRAPHS (2), (3), AND (4).

[X] Please mark your votes as in this sample.

(1)  To elect the following nominees as directors to serve until the next Annual
     Meeting  of  Stockholders  and  until  their  successors  are  elected  and
     qualified: John D. Correnti, Donna M. Alvarado, Steven R. Berrard, Alvin R.
     Carpenter,  Jerry E.  Dempsey,  Robert  M.  Gerrity,  James W.  McGlothlin,
     Richard de J. Osborne, Robert H. Spilman, and James A. Todd, Jr.

         [ ] FOR all nominees listed above            [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
         (except as indicated to the contrary below)


(2)  To amend the Company's  Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation to increase
     the number of shares of common stock,  par value $.01 per share,  which the
     Company  is  authorized  to issue  from  75,000,000  shares to  195,000,000

         [  ]  FOR             [  ]  AGAINST          [  ]  ABSTAIN

(3)  To approve the bonus performance goals for the Chief Executive Officer.

         [  ]  FOR             [  ]  AGAINST          [  ]  ABSTAIN

(4)  To approve and ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
     auditors  for the Company and it's subsidiaries  for the fiscal year ending
     June 30, 2002.

         [  ]  FOR             [  ]  AGAINST          [  ] ABSTAIN

(5)  To consider and take action upon such other  matters as may  properly  come
     before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

The undersigned revokes any prior proxies with respect to the shares covered by
this Proxy.

Dated: __________________, 2001




                    This Proxy should be dated and signed by the  stockholder(s)
                    exactly  as his or her  name  appears  hereon  and  returned
                    promptly in the  enclosed  envelope.  Persons in a fiduciary
                    capacity  should so  indicate.  If shares  are held by joint
                    tenants or as community property, both should sign.