DALLAS DIVISION

McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND                               Case No. 394-33903-HCA-11
XXIII, L.P.,                                         
                                                      Chapter 11

                                  (AS MODIFIED)

       This First  Amended Plan of  Reorganization  is being  proposed by McNeil
Real Estate Fund XXIII,  L.P., Debtor and Debtor in Possession,  for the benefit
of its creditors and interest holders:



         For the  purposes  of this Plan,  the  following  terms  shall have the
following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:

         1.  "Allowed  Claim  or  Allowed  Interest"  means a Claim  against  or
interest  in the Debtor (a) to the extent  that a proof of claim was filed on or
before the claims Bar Date, or with leave of the Court or without objection by a
party  in  interest,  filed  after  such  date,  or (b) as to  which a party  in
interest,  including  the Debtor,  does not file an  objection,  or the claim or
interest is allowed by a Final Order of the Court, or (c) that was listed on the
Debtor's  schedules  and statement of affairs,  or any  amendments  thereto,  as
undisputed,  liquidated and  noncontingent  and is not the subject of a proof of
claim or objection.

         2.  "Affiliate(s)"  shall mean  affiliate(s) as defined under 101(2) of
the Bankruptcy Code.

         3. "Bankruptcy Code" or "Code" means the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978,
as amended, principally codified in 11 U.S.C. 101, et seq.

         4.  "Bar Date" means November 1, 1994.

         5. "Beckley" means the partnership  interest in the limited partnership
known as Beckley Associates  Limited  Partnership which owns the Harbour Club II
Apartment in Belleville, Michigan.

         6. "Claim"  means a right to payment,  whether or not  asserted,  or as
otherwise set forth in 11 U.S.C. 101(4).

         7.  "Closing"  means the date  that  Debtor  completes  the sale of the
Woodbridge Apartments as provided and defined in the Sales Agreement.

         8. "Confirmation" and "Confirmation Date" mean,  respectively,  (a) the
entry by the Court of an Order  confirming  the  Plan,  or at or after a hearing
pursuant to 1129 of the Code, and (b) the date on which such order is signed.

         9.  "Consummation"  shall occur upon the payment in full of the Classes
1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

         10. "Costs of Administration"  means Allowed Claims pursuant to Section
503(b) of the Code that are entitled to priority under Section  507(a)(1) of the

         11. "Court" means the United states  Bankruptcy  Court for the Northern
District  of  Texas,  Dallas  Division,  or any court or  tribunal  subsequently
constituted to adjudicate matters arising under the Bankruptcy Code or any other
bankruptcy laws.

         12. "Creditor" means a person or entity holding a Claim.

         13.  "Debtor"  means  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIII,  L.P.,  debtor and
debtor in  possession in this  bankruptcy  case, a limited  partnership,  and as
reorganized pursuant to this Plan.

         14.  "Effective  Date" means the first day after ten (10) business days
after the entry of the Order of the Court confirming the Plan, unless such Order
is stayed.

         15.  "Final  Order"  means an order of the Court as to which any appeal
that has been taken or may be taken has been resolved or the time for appeal has

         16.  "General  Partner"  shall mean the general  partner of the Debtor,
McNeil Partners, L.P.

         17.  "HUD"  means the United  States  Department  of Housing  and Urban
Development, which is the first lienholder of the Woodbridge Apartments.

         18. "Interest  Holder(s)" means the General and Limited Partners of the
Debtor, collectively or individually.

         19. "Net Operating  Income" shall mean income from property  operations
(exclusive of refundable  tenant deposits) minus operating  expenses  (including
but not limited to professional  property management fees, monthly estimates for
property  taxes  and  insurance,   utility  expenses,   owner  and  general  and
administrative   expenses,  and  required  property  repairs  and  improvements,
including capital improvements).

         20.   "Plan"  means  this  Plan  of   Reorganization,   including   any
modifications,  amendments or corrections made in accordance with the provisions
of the Code.

         21.  "Purchaser"  means  the  purchaser  of the  Woodbridge  Apartments
pursuant to this Plan.

         22. "Sales  Agreement" shall mean the Real Estate Sales Agreement dated
as of January 24, 1995 between the Debtor and TGM Realty Corp. #4 which provides
for, among other things, the sale of the Woodbridge Apartments free and clear of
all liens, encumbrances,  security interests,  assignments and all other adverse
interests (other than the Permitted  Exceptions as defined therein),  including,
without limitation, all claims (as such term is defined in Section 101(5) of the
Bankruptcy  Code) for a  purchase  price of  $3,200,000,  and terms of which are
incorporated herein by reference and in the event of a conflict between the Plan
and the Sales Agreement, the Sales Agreement shall control.

         23.  "Secured  Claim" means an Allowed Claim or a portion of that Claim
as set forth in Section 506 of the Bankruptcy Code for which there is collateral
consisting  of assets of the debtor which have been pledged to the holder of the
Claim for  repayment  of the Claim or for which the holder has a duly  perfected
security  interest  under the  federal or state law  applicable  to that type of
collateral.  To the extent not a Secured  Claim, a Claim or a portion of a Claim
is an Unsecured Claim.

         24.  "Unsecured  Claim" means an Allowed  Claim which is in whole or in
part:  (1) not secured by a lien,  security  interest or other charge against or
interest  in  property on which  Debtor has an  interest;  or (2) not subject to
setoff  under  Section 553 of the  Bankruptcy  Code.  Unsecured  Claims  include
Creditors  holding  rejection  claims pursuant to the rejection of any executory
contract under Section 365 of the Code.

         25. "Woodbridge  Apartments" means the Woodbridge Apartments located in
Wichita, Kansas.

         26. "Woodbridge  Company" means Woodbridge  Company,  L.P. which is the
second lienholder of the Woodbridge Apartments.



         27. A Claim is in a  particular  class  only to the  extent  the  Claim
qualifies  within the  description of that class and is in a different  class to
the extent the  remainder of the Claim  qualifies  within the  description  of a
different  class.  A  subclass  shall  constitute  a  separate  class for voting
purposes.  A Claim or Interest is in a  particular  class only to the extent the
Claim or Interest is an Allowed Claim or Interest as defined herein.  Under this
Plan  Classes  1,  2,  3 and 5 are  unimpaired.  Classes  4,  6,  7, 8 and 9 are
impaired.  Administrative  expenses  are to be paid in the  ordinary  course  of
business and are not separately classified.

         28. Classification of Claims or Interests

                  Class 1:  Class 1  consists  of all  holders  of those  claims
arising under ss.507(a)(1)  through (a)(6), and any quarterly fees due and owing
the U.S. Trustee.

                  Class 2:  Class 2 consists  of all  holders  of  priority  tax
Claims as set forth in Section 507 of the Bankruptcy Code. 

                  Class 3: Class 3 consists of the secured claim of HUD.

                  Class  4:  Class  4  consists  of  the  secured  claim  of the
Woodbridge Company.

                  Class 5: Class 5 consists  of the  holders of claims  based on
claims for recision of limited partnership  interest or other claims for damages
arising  from the  purchase or sale of a security of the Debtor.  Subclass  5(a)
consists of those  claimants  in Class 5 who claim a judgment  lien on assets of
the Debtor.  Subclass  5(b)  consists of those  claimants  in Class 5 who assert
unsecured claims.

                  Class  6:  Class 6  consists  of the  holders  of all  general
Unsecured Claims, not included in Class 5 or Class 7.

                  Class 7: Class 7 consists of the holders of  Unsecured  Claims
of insiders of Affiliates of the Debtor.

                  Class 8:  Class 8  consists  of the  Interest  Holders  of the

                  Class 9: Class 9 consists  of all Secured  Creditors  who hold
mechanic's liens or materialmen's liens against the Woodbridge Apartments.


                              TREATMENT OF CLASSES

         29. Class 1: The Allowed Claims of the Class 1 Creditors, including all
quarterly fees due and owing the U.S.  Trustee,  will be paid in cash in full on
the Effective  Date of the Plan, or as soon  thereafter as the allowed amount of
any such Claims are determined by Final Order. Class I is not impaired.

         30. Class 2: The Allowed  Claims of the Class 2 Creditors  will be paid
in cash in full on the Effective Date of the Plan, or as soon  thereafter as the
allowed amount of any such Claims are determined by Final Order.  Class 2 is not

         31. Class 3: The  Woodbridge  Apartments  shall be sold pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the Sales Agreement.  The Class 3 Creditor's liens shall
attach in accordance  with their priority to the proceeds  generated by the sale
of the  Woodbridge  Apartments  and  will be paid  in full on the  later  of the
Effective Date or Closing. The Class 3 Creditor shall not be allowed to seek the
appointment of a receiver or foreclose on its collateral unless Closing does not
occur on or before June 1, 1995. Class 4 is impaired.

         32.  Class 4: The Class 4 Creditor's  liens shall attach in  accordance
with their  priority to the  proceeds  generated  by the sale of the  Woodbridge
Apartments and will be paid on the later of the Effective  Date or Closing.  The
Class 4 Creditor will receive from the sale of the Woodbridge  Apartments on the
later of the Effective  Date or Closing the amount of its claim less  $40,000.00
in full  satisfaction  of their Claims against the Debtor.  The Class 4 Creditor
shall not be allowed to seek the  appointment  of a receiver or foreclose on its
collateral  unless Closing does not occur on or before June 1, 1995.  Class 4 is

         33.  Class 5: In  satisfaction  of the Class 5 Claims,  each Class 5(a)
creditor will receive,  in full satisfaction of their Claims against the Debtor,
their  pro  rata  share  of the cash  proceeds  from the sale of the  Woodbridge
Apartments after payment of the Class 3 and Class 4 Claims under the plan in the
amount of  $156,566.00  which includes all interest and  attorneys'  fees.  This
amount will be paid on the later of the  Effective  Date or Closing.  Class 5(b)
claims  will be  subordinated  to the  level  of the  Class 8  Interest  Holders
pursuant to 11 U.S.C. ss. 510(b) and they will retain their limited  partnership
interests under Class 8 in full satisfaction of their Claims against the Debtor.

         34.  Class 6: The Class 6 Unsecured  Claims will be paid their pro rata
share of cash proceeds realized from the sale of the Woodbridge Apartments after
payment  to the  Class  1, 2, 3 and 4  Creditors  on the  later  of (a) the next
business day after 30 days after Closing, and (b) the date such claim becomes an
Allowed Claim by Final Order in full  satisfaction  of their claims  against the
Debtor.  If  Closing  does not  occur on or  before  June 1,  1995,  the Class 6
Unsecured  Claims will receive their pro rata share of unencumbered  cash of the
Debtor. Class 6 is impaired.

         35.  Class 7: The Class 7  Unsecured  Creditors  will be paid their pro
rata share of the cash proceeds from the sale of the Woodbridge Apartments after
payment to the Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Creditors  in full  satisfaction  of their
Claims against the Debtor. Class 7 is impaired.

         36. Class 8: The Class 8 Interest  Holders shall have the option (a) to
retain their ownership interests in the percentages and amounts set forth in the
debtor's Partnership Agreement,  except as modified by the treatment provided to
Class 5, or (b) to redeem their  interest  pursuant to paragraph 45 of the Plan.
Class 8 is impaired.

         37. Class 9: The Class 9 Creditors, if any, will be paid in full on the
later of the  Effective  Date or  Closing.  The Class 9  Creditors'  liens shall
remain in effect until Closing.  If Closing does not occur by June 1, 1995, then
the Class 9 Creditors will receive their pro rata share of unencumbered  cash of
the Debtor. Class 9 is impaired.


                    Execution and Implementation of the Plan

         38. The Debtor or any other party in interest  may object to any Claim.
All  objections  to Claims  must be filed on or before the later to occur of (1)
ninety  (90) days after the  Effective  Date,  or (2) ninety (90) days after the
receipt by the Debtor of a Proof of Claim of such Claim made after the Effective

         39. No  distribution  or  payment  shall be made  under this Plan which
would result in any Creditor receiving any payment or property in excess of that
specifically  provided for in this Plan. To the extent that any  distribution or
payment would result in any Creditor  receiving more than specifically  provided
for in this Plan, such distribution or payment, to such extent, shall be made to
the Debtor.

                  40. Upon Confirmation, all assets and property of every nature
of the Debtor, other than the distributions to be made hereunder,  shall vest in
the Debtor.

         41. Upon the Effective Date, Debtor shall execute all promissory notes,
mortgages,  deeds, and other  documentation which may be attached as exhibits to
this Plan and  Disclosure  Statement  or which are  necessary  to  document  the
obligations set forth herein.

         42.  The  Debtor  will  sell,  pursuant  to 11  U.S.C.  ss.363(f),  the
Woodbridge Apartments in an arm's length transaction, for a total purchase price
in excess of the Class 3 and Class 4 Claims, free and clear of all liens, claims
and encumbrances, except for Permitted Exceptions (as defined in the Real Estate
Sales  Agreement).  If Closing  does not occur on or prior to June 1, 1995,  the
Class 3 and Class 4 Creditors shall be allowed to have a receiver  appointed for
the Woodbridge Apartments and foreclose on the Woodbridge Apartments.

         43. The limited  partnership  agreement  shall be modified to authorize
the issuance of additional units of limited partnership interests as provided in
this Plan.

         44.      The Debtor shall retain its interest in Beckley.

         45. On or before 120 days after the  Effective  Date,  the Debtor  will
send an election form for each limited partner to make a one-time choice whether
to redeem  their  interest  to the  Debtor.  The  election to redeem the limited
partner  interest  must be  returned  to the  Debtor  within 30 days after it is
distributed.  The  redemption  price  would  be  1/1000th  of a cent per unit of
limited partnership interest.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this plan,
if the Debtor is not able to secure a "no action" letter from the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  in a form  satisfactory  to the  Debtor  in its  sole  and
absolute  discretion  within  120 days  after  the  Effective  Date,  then  this
paragraph  shall be void and the limited  partners will retain their  interests.
The  "no-action"  letter  shall,  at a minimum,  provide  that the  purchase  of
partnership  interests can be accomplished without compliance with Rule 13e-3 of
the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and that the Securities Exchange Commission
has not been advised by the Division issuing the letter to pursue an enforcement
action  if the Plan is  consummated.  In the  event  that a  "no-action"  letter
satisfactory to the Debtor is not issued by the SEC, the limited  partners shall
retain their  interests.  If one hundred percent (100%) of the limited  partners
elect to  redeem  their  interests,  then this  paragraph  shall be void and the
limited partners will retain their interests.


                               EXECUTORY CONTRACTS

         46.  Unless  the  Debtor  files  an  application  to  assume  executory
contracts  prior to or within  thirty  (30) days  after the  Closing,  or unless
rejected or modified during the proceedings in this bankruptcy  case,  including
through this Plan, each executory contract or unexpired lease of Debtor shall be
rejected as of Closing.  The Debtor shall assume and assign to the Purchaser all
leases  with  tenants,  as well  as  such  service  contracts  as the  Purchaser
designates  pursuant to the Real Estate Sales  Agreement to sell the  Woodbridge
Apartments. Executory contracts or unexpired leases modified during the case, if
not already assumed, shall be rejected, as modified, as of Closing.


                         TO THE DEBTOR OR TO THE ESTATE

         47. All rights  pursuant to Sections  502, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, and
553 of the Bankruptcy  Code, all claims relating to  post-petition  transactions
under  Section  549 of the  Bankruptcy  Code,  all  claims  and causes of action
against any third party on account of an indebtedness or any other claim owed to
or in favor of the Debtor and on account of any action or  omission by any third
party creating  liability to or in favor of the Debtor are hereby  preserved and
retained  for  enforcement  by the  Debtor for the  benefit  of their  creditors
subsequent to the Effective Date of the Plan.  Such claims of the Debtor against
third parties may be used by the Debtor to offset any payment due to such person
under the Plan.


                            RETENTION OF JURISDICTION

         48. Until this case is closed, the Court shall have jurisdiction of all
matters  arising  under,  arising  out  of or  relating  to  those  proceedings,
notwithstanding the limitations set forth in 28 U.S.C ss. 157(b), including, but
not limited to proceedings:

         (i) To insure that the purpose  and  intention  of the Plan are carried

         (ii) To  approve  sales or  refinancing  relating  to the assets of the

         (iii) To consider any  modification  of this Plan under Section 1127 of
the  Bankruptcy  Code  and/or   modification  of  this  Plan  after  substantial
consummation as defined in Section 1101 of the Bankruptcy Code;

         (iv) To  hear  and  determine  all  claims,  controversies,  suits  and
disputes against the Debtor;

         (v) To hear,  determine  and  enforce  all claims and causes of actions
which  may  exist on behalf of the  Debtor  or its  estate,  including,  but not
limited to, any right of the Debtor or its estate to recover assets  pursuant to
the provisions of the  Bankruptcy  Code;  whether or not such claims,  causes or
rights are enumerated in Article VI hereinabove;

         (vi) To hear and determine all  controversies,  suits and disputes that
may arise in connection with the interpretation or enforcement of the Plan;

         (vii)  To hear and  determine  all  requests  for  compensation  and/or
reimbursement of expense which may be made under the Effective Date of the Plan;

         (viii) To hear and determine all objections to claims, reinstatement of
debt  issues,  controversies,  suits  and  disputes  that may be  pending  at or
initiated after the Effective Date of the Plan,  except as provided in the Final
Order confirming the Plan;

         (ix) To consider and act on the  compromise and settlement of any claim
against or cause of action in behalf of the Debtor or its estate;

         (x) To enforce and  interpret by  injunction or otherwise the terms and
conditions of the Plan;

         (xi) To enter any order, including injunction, necessary to enforce the
title,  rights  and  powers  of the  Debtor  and  to  impose  such  limitations,
restrictions,  terms and  conditions  on such  title,  rights and powers as this
Court may deem necessary;

         (xii) To enter an order concluding and terminating this case;

         (xiii) To correct any  defect,  cure any  omission,  or  reconcile  any
inconsistency  in the Plan or Final  Order  confirming  the  Plan  which  may be
necessary or helpful to carry out the purpose and intent of the Plan;

         (xiv) To determine all questions  and disputes  regarding  title to the
assets of the Debtor and its estate;

         (xv) To classify the claims of any creditors  and to re-examine  claims
which have been  allowed for  purposes of voting,  and to  determine  objections
which may be filed to creditors' claims;

         (xvi) To consider and act on such other  matters  consistent  with this
Plan as may be provided in the Final Order confirming the Plan;

         (xvii) To consider the  rejection of executory  contracts  that are not
discovered  prior to  confirmation  and allow claims for damages with respect to
the rejections of any such executory  contracts within such further time as this
Court may direct.

         (xviii) To determine all offset rights, if any, of the Debtor including
but not  limited to the right to offset  payments  due to Class 3 or 4 claimants
under the terms of the  modified  notes and deeds set forth  herein due to their
failure to improperly apply or allocate payments received prior to confirmation.



         1. Confirmation of this Plan and the Debtor's compliance with the terms
of the Plan shall confer upon the Debtor a discharge of all obligations  treated
herein as provided for under Section 1141 of the Code.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this _____ day of February, 1995.

                                           McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIII, L.P.

                                           By:      McNeil Partners, L.P.,
                                                    Its General Partner

                                           By:      McNeil Investors, Inc.,
                                                    Its General Partner,

                                                    Vice President

                                                /s/  Harold C. Abramson
                                            THE HONORABLE HAROLD C. ABRAMSON
                                            UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE