                                       WASHINGTON D.C. 20549
                                             FORM 10-Q

Commission File Number 333-42749

                              AMERICAN SAFETY INSURANCE GROUP, LTD.
                     (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                  Bermuda                                         Not Applicable
       (State or other jurisdiction                             (I.R.S. Employer
             of incorporation)                               Identification No.)

                                               44 Church Street
                                                 P.O. Box 2064
                                            Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda
                              (Address, zip code of principal executive offices)

                                                  (441) 296-8560
                            (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether Registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to
be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that Registrant was required
to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
the past 90 days. Yes x No

The aggregate number of shares  outstanding of Registrant's  common stock,  $.01
par value, on November 13, 1998 was 6,074,770.


                                       AMERICAN SAFETY INSURANCE GROUP, LTD.

                                                     FORM 10-Q

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS


Item 1.  Financial Statements................................................................          3
Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
              of Operations..................................................................          9
Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risks.........................         14


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings...................................................................         15
Item 2.  Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds...........................................         15
Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities.....................................................         15
Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.................................         15
Item 5.  Other Information...................................................................         15
Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K....................................................         15

                          PART I- FINANCIAL INFORMATION

ITEM 1. Financial Statements

                          American Safety Insurance Group, Ltd. and Subsidiaries
                                                     Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                       December 31,   September 30,
                                                                         Assets          1997             1998
                                                                         ------          ----             ----

     Securities available for sale, at fair value:
         Fixed maturities............................................................ $26,462,275    $47,468,356
         Equity investments..........................................................   1,054,549      3,995,367
     Short-term investments..........................................................   1,823,830      1,037,049
                                                                                        ---------      ---------
            Total investments........................................................  29,340,654     52,500,772
Cash              ...................................................................   2,768,831      6,234,933
Accrued investment and interest income...............................................     781,798      2,196,895
Notes receivable:
     Related parties.................................................................     580,000        580,000
     Other        ...................................................................   4,697,804     13,723,188
Premiums receivable..................................................................   6,809,436      6,390,636
Commissions receivable...............................................................      18,630         40,598
Ceded unearned premium...............................................................     649,175      1,222,833
Reinsurance recoverable..............................................................     778,975      1,000,627
Due from affiliate...................................................................     288,951        228,371
Income tax recoverable...............................................................     152,802        205,189
Deferred income taxes................................................................     209,795        205,533
Goodwill          ...................................................................     270,010        256,681
Other assets      ...................................................................     321,339        864,701
                                                                                          -------        -------
            Total assets............................................................. $47,668,200    $85,650,957
                                                                                      ===========    ===========

                        Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

     Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses...................................... $11,571,539    $12,677,533
     Unearned premiums...............................................................   2,331,579      4,438,636
     Liability for deductible fees held..............................................   3,539,032      2,852,353
     Reinsurance on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses...........................     256,085        779,373
     Reinsurance deposits on retroactive contract........................... ........     537,500        373,444
     Ceded premiums payable..........................................................   5,990,907      3,385,783
     Due to affiliate:
         Ceded premiums payable......................................................     217,062        595,649
         Reinsurance on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses.......................      41,085        328,072
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses...........................................   1,342,515      2,223,008
                                                                                        ---------      ---------
            Total liabilities........................................................  25,827,304     27,653,851
                                                                                       ==========     ==========

  Shareholders' equity:
        Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 5,000,000 shares; no shares
           issued and outstanding
         Common stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 15,000,000 shares; issued and
         outstanding at December 31, 1997, 2,925,230 shares and at September 30,
     1998, 6,074,770 shares..........................................................      29,252         60,747
     Additional paid-in capital......................................................   2,751,789     33,814,677
     Retained earnings...............................................................  18,751,222     22,954,963
     Other comprehensive income......................................................     308,633      1,166,719
            Total shareholders' equity...............................................  21,840,896     57,997,106
                                                                                       ----------     ----------
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity...................................... $47,668,200    $85,650,957
                                                                                      ===========    ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).


                          American Safety Insurance Group, Ltd. and Subsidiaries
                                             Consolidated Statements of Earnings

                                                                Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                                                 September 30,              September 30,
                                                              1997         1998        1997              1998

     Direct premiums earned...................................$1,280,313   $1,051,603   $2,419,322       $3,086,805
     Assumed premiums earned:
         Affiliate............................................  517,367     1,015,857    1,773,776        2,429,850
         Nonaffiliates........................................1,915,436      895,562     3,830,017        3,936,552
                                                              ---------      --------    ---------        ---------
              Total assumed premiums earned...................2,432,803     1,911,419    5,603,793        6,366,402
                                                              ---------     ---------   ----------        ---------
     Ceded premiums earned:
         Affiliate............................................  333,647       677,600      870,369        2,111,717
         Nonaffiliates........................................  397,069       485,547      646,840        1,264,067
                                                                -------       -------      -------        ---------
              Total ceded premiums earned.....................  730,716     1,163,147    1,517,209        3,375,784
                                                                -------     ---------    ---------       ---------
              Net premiums earned.............................2,982,400     1,799,875    6,505,906        6,077,423
                                                              ---------    ----------    ---------       ---------
     Net investment income....................................  465,885       825,279    1,177,217        2,307,049
     Interest on notes receivable.............................  178,939       791,060      635,504        1,486,678
     Brokerage commission income..............................  484,970       229,392    1,564,706          890,342
     Management fees from affiliate...........................  157,034       183,186      443,950          549,722
     Net realized gains(losses)...............................    9,357        60,529       14,243          155,608
     Other income.............................................    2,081         3,900       10,748           15,483
                                                                  -----         -----       ------           ------
         Total revenues.......................................4,280,666     3,893,221   10,352,274       11,482,305
                                                              ---------     ---------   ----------       ----------
     Losses and loss adjustment expenses incurred.............1,524,045     1,150,611    3,533,048        3,621,763
     Acquisition expenses.....................................1,155,052       (85,635)   1,768,834          334,584
     Other expenses...........................................  854,355     1,299,582    2,445,573        3,352,077
                                                                -------     ---------    ---------        ---------
         Total expenses.......................................3,533,452     2,364,558    7,747,455        7,308,424
                                                              ---------     ---------    ---------        ---------
     Earnings before income taxes.............................  747,214     1,528,663    2,604,819        4,173,881
Income tax expense (benefit)..................................   91,444      (69,520)      382,528         (29,862)
                                                                 ------      --------      -------         --------
         Net earnings......................................... $655,770    $1,598,183   $2,222,291       $4,203,743
                                                               ========    ==========   ==========       ==========
Net earnings per share:
     Basic    ................................................   $ 0.23       $  0.26        $0.77            $0.76
                                                                 ======       =======        =====            =====
     Diluted  ................................................   $ 0.22       $  0.26        $0.75            $0.75
                                                                 ======       =======        =====            =====
Common shares used in computing earnings per share:
     Basic    ................................................2,872,830     6,074,770    2,872,830        5,522,497
                                                              =========     =========    =========       ==========
     Diluted  ................................................2,974,133     6,119,089    2,974,133        5,607,457
                                                              =========     =========    =========        =========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).


                          American Safety Insurance Group, Ltd. and Subsidiaries
                                            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

                                                                             Nine months ended September 30,
                                                                             1997                     1998
                                                                             ----                      ----

Cash flow from operating activities:
   Net earnings........................................................      $2,222,291               $ 4.203,743
   Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by
      Realized losses (gains) on sale of investments...................         (14,243)                 (155,608)
      Amortization of deferred acquisition costs.......................         485,871                   343,967
      Change in:
         Accrued investment and interest income........................         311,074                (1,415,097)
         Premiums receivable...........................................      (2,887,190)                  418,800
         Commissions receivable........................................          35,666                   (21,968)
         Reinsurance recoverable and ceded unearned premiums...........        (285,915)                 (795,310)
         Due from affiliate............................................          95,207                    60,580
         Income taxes..................................................          57,451                   (48,125)
         Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses....................       1,820,173                 1,105,994
         Unearned premiums.............................................         759,632                 2,107,057
         Liability for deductible fees held............................       2,764,485                  (850,735)
         Ceded premiums payable .......................................       1,641,711                (2,605,124)
         Due to affiliate..............................................          66,805                    665,574
         Accounts payable and accrued expenses.........................        (312,317)                   880,493
         Other, net....................................................        (368,118)                 (156,138)
                                                                               ---------                 ---------
                  Net cash provided by operating activities............       6,392,583                  3,738,103
                                                                              ----------                 ---------

Cash flow from investing activities:
   Purchases of fixed maturities.......................................     (12,553,086)               (72,086,248)
   Purchases of equity investments.....................................      (1,170,146)                (3,527,435)
   Proceeds from maturity and redemption of fixed maturities...........               -                  7,441,489

   Proceeds from sale of fixed maturities..............................       4,322,883                 44,773,017
   Proceeds from sale of equity investments............................         712,955                    330,941
   Decrease (increase) in short-term investments.......................      (1,124,265)                   786,781
   Increase in notes receivable-other..................................        (119,423)                (9,025,384)
   (Increase) decrease in notes receivable-related parties.............       1,292,506                          -

   Purchase of fixed assets, net.......................................        (147,755)                   (68.137)
                                                                               ---------                  --------
                  Net cash used in investing activities................      (8,786,331)               (31,374,976)
                                                                             -----------              ------------
Cash flow financing activities:
   Proceeds from sale of common stock..................................         297,279                 31,102,975
   Proceeds from surplus note..........................................       1,250,000                          -
                                                                              ---------          -----------------
                  Net cash provided by financing activities............       1,547,279                 31,102,975
                                                                              ----------                ----------
                  Net increase (decrease) in cash......................        (846,469)                 3,466,102
Cash at beginning of period............................................        3,271,957                 2,768,831
                                                                       -----------------                 ---------
Cash at end of period..................................................      $2,425,488                $ 6,234,933
                                                                             ===========               ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).


                          American Saftey Insurance Group, Ltd. and Subsidiaries
                               Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Earnings

                                                                         Three months ended      Nine months ended
                                                                            September 30,            September 30,
                                                                          1997       1998       1997          1998

Net earnings..................................................         $ 655,769  $1,598,182  $2,222,291  $4,203,742
Other comprehensive earnings before income taxes:
Unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale....           263,238     857,248     195,414     748,235
Reclassification adjustment for realized gains included in net earnings   9,357       60,529      14,243     155,608
                                                                          ------      ------     -------    -------
Total other comprehensive earnings before taxes...............           272,595     917,777     209,657     903,843
Income tax expense related to items of  comprehensive income..            41,714      70,192      37,686      45,757
                                                                          ------      ------     --------     ------
Other comprehensive earnings net of income taxes..............           230,881     847,585     171,971    858,086
                                                                         -------     -------     -------    -------
Total comprehensive earnings..................................         $ 886,650  $2,445,767  $2,394,262  $5,061,828
                                                                       ========= ===========  ==========  ==========

                     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements



                          American Safety Insurance Group, Ltd. and Subsidiaries
                          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Note 1 - Basis of Presentation

The accompanying unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of American
Safety  Insurance  Group,   Ltd.   ("American   Safety")  and  its  subsidiaries
(collectively, the "Company") are prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting  principles in the United  States and, in the opinion of  management,
reflect all adjustments,  consisting of normal recurring adjustments, considered
necessary  for  a  fair  presentation  of  the  interim  period  presented.  The
preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles requires management to make estimates,  based on the best
information  available,   in  recording  transactions  resulting  from  business
operations.  The  balance  sheet  amounts  that  involve  a  greater  extent  of
accounting estimates and actuarial  determinations subject to future changes are
the Company's  liabilities  for unpaid losses and loss adjustment  expenses.  As
additional  information  becomes available (or actual amounts are determinable),
the recorded estimates may be revised and reflected in operating results.  While
management  believes that the  liability  for unpaid losses and loss  adjustment
expenses is adequate to cover the ultimate liability, such estimates may be more
or less than the amounts  actually paid when claims are settled.  

The results of operations  for the nine months ended  September 30, 1998 may not
be  indicative  of the  results  that may be  expected  for the full year ending
December 31, 1998. These unaudited interim consolidated financial statements and
notes should be read in  conjunction  with the  financial  statements  and notes
included in the audited consolidated financial statements of American Safety and
its  subsidiaries  for the year ended December 31, 1997.  The unaudited  interim
consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of American Safety and
each of its  subsidiaries.  All  significant  intercompany  balances  have  been
Note 2 - Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1997, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement
of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income"
(Statement  130).   Statement  130  establishes   standards  for  reporting  and
displaying  comprehensive  income  and its  components  in a full set of general
purpose  financial  statements.  The Company  adopted  Statement  130  effective
January 1, 1998. The primary component of the differences between net income and
comprehensive  income for the Company is unrealized  gains on securities.  Total
comprehensive  income for the three months ended September 30, 1997 was $886,650
as compared to $2,445,767 for the three months ended  September 30, 1998.  Total
comprehensive  income  for  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1997,  was
$2,394,262  as compared to  $5,061,828  for the nine months ended  September 30,

Note 3 - Nature of Operations

The following is a description of certain risks facing casualty insurers:

Legal/Regulatory  Risk is the risk  that  changes  in the  legal  or  regulatory
environment  in which an insurer  operates will create  additional  expenses not
anticipated  by the insurer in pricing its products and beyond those recorded in
the financial  statements.  Regulatory  initiatives  designed to reduce  insurer
profits or otherwise  affecting the industry in which the Company operates,  new
legal  theories  or  insurance  company   insolvencies   through  guaranty  fund
assessments,  may create  costs for the  Company  beyond  those  recorded in the
financial  statements.  The Company  attempts  to mitigate  this risk by writing
insurance  business in several states,  thereby spreading this risk over a large
geographic area, and by obtaining reinsurance.



Credit  Risk is the risk that  issuers  of  securities  owned by the  Company or
secured  notes  receivable  will  default  or  that  other  parties,   including
reinsurers that have  obligations to the insurer,  will not pay or perform.  The
Company attempts to mitigate this risk by adhering to a conservative  investment
strategy, by obtaining sufficient collateral for secured note obligations and by
maintaining sound  reinsurance,  credit and collection  policies.  

Interest  Rate Risk is the risk that  interest  rates  will  change  and cause a
decrease  in the value of an  insurer's  investments.  The  Company  attempts to
mitigate this risk by attempting to match the  maturities of its assets with the
expected payouts of its liabilities.
Note 4 - Investments

The amortized cost and estimated fair values of investments at December 31, 1997
and September 30, 1998 are as follows:

                                                                            Gross      Gross                    at which
                                                             Amortized     Unrealized  Unrealized  Estimated    Shown in the
                                                               Cost           Gains     Losses     Fair Value   Balance Sheet

December 31, 1997:
  Securities available for sale:
  Fixed maturities:
      U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
      of U.S. Government corporations and agencies.......   11,725,010      128,883     2,376      11,851,517  11,851,517
      Obligations of states and political subdivisions....   4,782,325      220,175        --       5,002,500   5,002,500
      Corporate securities................................   6,545,888       51,986    13,508       6,584,366   6,584,366
      Mortgage-backed securities .........................   3,016,040       30,693    22,841       3,023,892   3,023,892
                                                             ---------       ------    ------       ---------   ---------
          Total Fixed maturities..........................  26,069,263      431,737   38,725       26,462,275  26,462,275
  Equity investments - common stocks....................     1,045,493       12,688     3,632       1,054,549   1,054,549
                                                             ---------       ------     -----       ---------   ---------
        Total............................................. $27,114,756      444,425    42,357      27,516,824  27,516,824
                                                           ===========      =======    ======      ==========  ==========

September 30, 1998:
  Securities available for sale:
     Fixed maturities:
      U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
      of U.S. Government corporations and agencies......   $18,443,594      817,499    11,276      19,249,817  19,249,817
      Obligations of States and political subdivisions....   6,521,633      316,529     9,321       6,828,841   6,828,841
      Corporate securities................................  18,451,509      430,534    19,031      18,863,012  18,863,012
      Mortgage-backed securities..........................   2,464,617       63,062       993       2,526,686   2,526,686
                                                           -----------       ------       ---      ----------  ----------
          Total Fixed maturities..........................  45,881,353    1,627,624    40,621      47,468,356  47,468,356
    Equity investments - common stocks....................   4,253,529        4,855   263,018       3,995,366   3,995,366
                                                             ---------        -----   -------       ---------   ---------
          Total..........................................  $50,134,882    1,632,479   303,639      51,463,722  51,463,722
                                                           ===========    =========   =======      ==========  ==========

Note 5 - Notes Receivable

Notes   receivable   represent   indebtedness   under  various  secured  lending
arrangements  with related and unrelated  parties.  On May 29, 1998, the Company
made a loan to an unaffiliated borrower,  which amounts to 8.2% of the Company's
total assets. The note is secured by real estate and the personal  guaranties of
the principals of the borrower.

Note 6 - Shareholder Matters

On January 29, 1998,  the Company  effectuated a  1,310-for-one  share split and
increased  its  authorized  capital to  15,000,000  common  shares and 5,000,000
preferred shares in contemplation of the Company's initial public offering which
became  effective  February 12, 1998.  All share and per share amounts have been
retroactively adjusted to effect this split. 



Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
        Results of Operations


American  Safety is a specialty  insurance  holding  company which,  through its
subsidiaries,  develops,  underwrites,  manages  and  markets  primary  casualty
insurance and reinsurance  programs in the alternative  insurance market for (i)
environmental  specialty  risks;  (ii)  employee  leasing and staffing  industry
risks; and (iii) other specialty  risks. The Company has demonstrated  expertise
in developing  specialty insurance coverages and custom designed risk management
programs not generally available in the standard insurance market.

     The Company's  specialty  insurance  programs include coverages for general
liability,  pollution liability,  professional liability,  workers' compensation
and surety,  as well as custom  designed  risk  management  programs  (including
captive and  rent-a-captive  programs),  for contractors,  consultants and other
businesses and property owners who are involved with  environmental  remediation
or exposures,  employee leasing and staffing, and other specialty risks. Through
its U.S.  brokerage  and  management  services  subsidiaries,  the Company  also
provides   specialized   insurance  program  development,   underwriting,   risk
placement,  reinsurance,  program management,  brokerage,  loss control,  claims
administration and marketing services.

         The  Company  insures  and  places  risks  through  its U.S.  insurance
subsidiary,   American  Safety  Casualty  Insurance  Company,  as  well  as  its
non-subsidiary  risk retention group  affiliate,  American Safety Risk Retention
Group, Inc., and substantial  unaffiliated  insurance and reinsurance companies.
The  Company  also  reinsures  and  places,   through  its  Bermuda  reinsurance
subsidiary,  American Safety  Reinsurance,  Ltd., and  substantial  unaffiliated
reinsurers,  a portion of the risk underwritten  directly by its U.S.  insurance
subsidiary, American Safety Casualty Insurance Company, its risk retention group
affiliate and other insurers. Substantially all of the reinsurance business that
the Company currently assumes is for primary insurance programs that the Company
has developed and  underwritten.  In January 1998, the Company  formed  American
Safety Reinsurance,  Ltd., a Bermuda reinsurance  subsidiary,  and transferred a
substantial portion of its reinsurance  business on a going forward basis to the

The  Company  is  able  to  select  its  roles  as  program  developer,  primary
underwriter,  reinsurer,  program  manager and broker based on its assessment of
each risk  profile.  After  determining  its roles,  the  Company  utilizes  its
insurance and reinsurance  subsidiaries,  its insurance brokerage and management
services  subsidiaries,  and its risk retention group affiliate to generate risk
premium revenues, program management fees, insurance and reinsurance commissions
and investment income.

A.M. Best Company ("A.M. Best"), an independent  nationally recognized insurance
rating  service and  publisher,  has assigned a rating of "A  (Excellent)"  on a
group basis to American Safety, as well as its U.S. insurance subsidiary and its
non-subsidiary  risk  retention  group  affiliate.  On June 15, 1998,  A.M. Best
increased American Safety's financial size rating from a VI to a VII as a result
of the  Company's  initial  public  offering on February 12, 1998.  A.M.  Best's
ratings  are  an  independent  opinion  of an  insurer's  ability  to  meet  its
obligations  to  policyholders,   which  opinion  is  of  concern  primarily  to
policyholders,  insurance  agents and brokers,  and should not be  considered an
investment recommendation.

The Company's financial position and results of operations are subject to change
based on various  factors,  including  competitive  conditions  in the insurance
industry,  unpredictable  developments in loss trends, changes in loss reserves,
market  acceptance of new coverages and  enhancements,  and changes in levels of
general  business  activity and  economic  conditions.  During this decade,  the
Company has  operated in a soft market  cycle which is  characterized  by excess
insurance capacity and declining insurance premium rates. The Company's reported
combined ratio for its insurance operations may not provide an indication of the
Company's overall profitability from insurance and



reinsurance  programs  due to the  exclusion  of fee and  commission  income and
expenses generated in related management and agency subsidiaries.

Certain of the Company's insurance policies and reinsurance  assumed,  including
general and pollution  liability  policies  covering  environmental  remediation
risks,  as well as  workers'  compensation  policies,  may be  subject to claims
brought years after an incident has occurred or the policy period had ended. The
Company maintains reserves to cover its estimated  liability for losses and loss
adjustment expenses with respect to reported and unreported claims incurred.

The Company has  reviewed its internal  business  systems and believes  that the
systems, primarily its computer system, will process date information accurately
and without  interruption  when  required to process  dates in the year 1999 and
beyond.  The Company has not been  required to expend  significant  resources to
address  the  year  2000  issue  and  does  not   anticipate   any   significant

Statements made in this Report that are not based on historical  information are
deemed to be  "forward-looking  statements" under applicable  federal securities
laws. Such forward-looking  statements are based largely on current expectations
and  assumptions  of  management  and are  subject  to a  number  of  risks  and
uncertainties  which could cause actual results to differ  materially from those
contemplated,  including,  without  limitation,  competitive  conditions  in the
insurance industry,  unpredictable  developments in loss trends, changes in loss
reserves,  market acceptance of new coverages and  enhancements,  and changes in
levels of general business activity and economic conditions.
Results of Operations

The following table sets forth the Company's  consolidated  revenues (dollars in

                                                                                                Increase (Decrease)
                                                                                                Three       Nine
                                                       Three months ended   Nine Months ended  months       months
                                                          September 30,       September 30,     ended       ended
                                                          1997      1998    1997      1998     1997        1998

Net earned premium
    Workers' compensation.............................. $1,857     $742    $3,794   $3,633     (60.0)%      (4.2)%
    General Liability from affiliate...................    402      904     1,447    2,020     124.9         39.6%
                                                           ---      ---     -----    -----   --------      -----
    Total reinsurance..................................  2,259    1,646     5,241    5,653     (27.1)%       7.9%

Primary insurance:
    Surety.............................................    723      153     1,265      424     (78.8)%     (66.5)%
    Total primary insurance............................    723      153     1,265      424     (78.8)%     (66.5)%

Total net earned premium...............................  2,982    1,799     6,506    6,077     (39.7)%      (6.6)%

Net investment income..................................    466      825     1,177    2,307      77.0%       96.0%
Interest on notes receivable...........................    179      791       636    1,487     341.9%      133.8%

Commission and fee income:

    Brokerage commission income........................    485      229     1,565      890     (52.8)%     (43.1)%
    Management fees from affiliates....................    157      183       444      550      16.6%       23.9%

Total commission and fee income........................    642      412     2,009    1,440     (35.8)%     (28.3)%

Net realized gains (losses)............................      9       61        14      156     577.8%     1014.3%
Other income...........................................      2        4        11       15     100.0%       36.4%
         Total revenues................................ $4,280   $3,892   $10,353  $11,482      (9.1)%      10.9%



The following  table sets forth the  components  of the Company's  GAAP combined
ratio for the periods indicated:

                                                                 Three months ended             Nine months ended
                                                                    September 30                  September 30
                                                                    ------------                  ------------
                                                                1997            1998           1997          1998
                                                                ----            ----           ----          ----

Insurance operations:
   Loss and loss adjustment expense ratio....................   51.1%           63.9%          54.3%          59.6%
   Expense ratio.............................................   41.1             4.1           33.7            9.2
                                                                ----             ---           ----           ---
       Combined ratio........................................   92.2%           68.0%          88.0%          68.8%
                                                                =====           =====          =====          =====

   Quarter Ended September 30, 1998 Compared to Quarter Ended September 30, 1997

     Net Premiums Earned.  Net premiums  decreased 39.7% to $1.8 million for the
quarter  ended  September  30,  1998  from $3.0  million  in the  quarter  ended
September  30,  1997.  The  primary  factor  accounting  for this  result is the
decrease of bail bond premium  production  from a  discontinued  program  during
1997.  Although net premiums earned  decreased $1.2 million as stated above, net
income  was not  significantly  impacted  since  bail bond  premiums  have a low

     General liability  reinsurance  premiums  increased 124.9% from $402,000 in
the quarter ended  September 30, 1997 to $904,000 in the quarter ended September
30, 1998. In the Company's primary insurance business,  net premiums earned from
the Company's U.S. insurance subsidiary's surety program decreased from $723,000
in the quarter  ended  September  30,  1997 to  $153,000  in the  quarter  ended
September 30, 1998 primarily as a result of the discontinued bail bond program.

     Net Investment  Income. Net investment income increased 77.0% from $466,000
in the quarter  ended  September  30,  1997 to  $825,000  in the  quarter  ended
September 30, 1998 as a result of the  investment of additional  cash flows from
insurance  operations  and  from  investment  of the  Company's  initial  public
offering  proceeds.  The average annual pre-tax yield on investments was 7.4% in
the quarter ended September 30, 1997 and 6.2% in the quarter ended September 30,
1998. The average annual  after-tax yield on investments was 6.8% in the quarter
ended September 30, 1997 and 5.7% in the quarter ended September 30, 1998.

     Interest from Notes  Receivable.  Interest from notes receivable  increased
341.9% from $179,000 in the quarter ended  September 30, 1997 to $791,000 in the
quarter ended  September 30, 1998 as a result of increases in outstanding  notes

     Brokage  Commission  Income.  Income from  insurance  brokerage  operations
decreased  52.8% from  $485,000  in the  quarter  ended  September  30,  1997 to
$229,000  in the quarter  ended  September  30,  1998 as a result of  additional
premiums being directly  written by the Company's U.S.  insurance  subsidiary in
which   acquisition   expenses  and  brokerage  income  are  eliminated  due  to

     Management  Fees.  Management  fees  increased  16.6% from  $157,000 in the
quarter ended  September 30, 1997 to $183,000 in the quarter ended September 30,
1998 as a result of increased service levels provided by the Company to its risk
retention group affiliate.



     Net  Realized  Gains  (Losses).   Net  realized  gains  from  the  sale  of
investments  increased from a gain of $9,000 in the quarter ended  September 30,
1997 to a gain of $61,000 in the quarter ended September 30, 1998.

     Losses and Loss Adjustment  Expenses.  Losses and loss adjustment  expenses
decreased  24.5% from $1.5 million in the quarter  ended  September  30, 1997 to
$1.2 million in the quarter ended  September 30, 1998 due to the 39.7%  decrease
in net premiums earned and a corresponding  decrease in reserves  resulting from
the decrease in the workers' compensation line of business.

     Acquisition  Expenses.  Policy  acquisition  expenses decreased 107.4% from
$1.2 million in the quarter ended September 30, 1997 to $(86,000) in the quarter
ended September 30, 1998 as a result of increased  premiums  directly written by
the Company's U.S. insurance subsidiary where acquisition expenses and brokerage
income  are  eliminated  due to  consolidation,  and the  decrease  in bail bond
premiums  discussed above. This decrease is also attributable to the decrease in
bail bond premium discussed above.

     Other Expenses. Other expenses increased 52.1% from $854,000 in the quarter
ended September 30, 1997 to $1.3 million in the quarter ended September 30, 1998
due to salary and benefit increases and increased  staffing for new and existing

     Income Taxes.  Federal and state income taxes  decreased from an expense of
$91,000 in the quarter  ended  September 30, 1997 to a benefit of $70,000 in the
quarter ended  September 30, 1998 due to additional  premiums being ceded to the
Company's  Bermuda  reinsurance  subsidiary  and  investment  income  earned  in

Nine months ended September 30, 1998 Compared to Nine months ended September 30,

     Net Premiums Earned.  Net premiums earned decreased 6.6% to $6.1 million in
the nine months ended  September  30, 1998 from $6.5 million in the nine months
ended  September 30, 1997. The primary factor  accounting for this result is the
decrease of bail bond premium  production  from a  discontinued  program  during
1997.  Although net premiums  earned  decreased  $400,000 as stated  above,  net
income  was not  significantly  impacted  since  bail bond  premiums  have a low

     General liability reinsurance premiums increased 39.6% from $1.4 million in
the nine months  ended  September  30,  1997 to $2.0  million in the nine months
ended  September 30, 1998.  In the Company's  primary  insurance  business,  net
premiums earned from the Company's U.S.  insurance  subsidiary's  surety program
decreased  from $1.3  million in the nine  months  ended  September  30, 1997 to
$424,000 in the nine months ended  September  30, 1998  primarily as a result of
the discontinued bail bond program.

     Net Investment  Income.  Net investment  income  increased  96.0% from $1.2
million in the nine months ended  September 30, 1997 to $2.3 million in the nine
months ended September 30, 1998 as a result of the investment of additional cash
flows from  insurance  operations  and from  investment  of the  proceeds of the
Company's  initial  public  offering.   The  average  annual  pre-tax  yield  on
investments was 6.9% in the nine months ended September 30, 1997 and 7.5% in the
nine months ended  September 30, 1998.  The average  annual  after-tax  yield on
investments was 6.2% in the nine months ended September 30, 1997 and 6.9% in the
nine months ended September 30, 1998.

     Interest from Notes  Receivable.  Interest from notes receivable  increased
133.8% from $636,000 in the nine months ended September 30, 1997 to $1.5 million
in the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998 as a  result  of  increases  in
outstanding notes receivable.

     Brokerage  Commission Income.  Income from insurance  brokerage  operations
decreased 43.1% from $1.6 million in the nine months ended September 30, 1997 to
$890,000 in the nine months ended September 30, 1998.



as a result of additional  premiums being directly written by the Company's U.S.
insurance  subsidiary in which  acquisition  expenses and  brokerage  income are
eliminated due to consolidation.

     Management Fees.  Management fees increased 23.9% from $444,000 in the nine
months ended  September 30, 1997 to $550,000 in the nine months ended  September
30, 1998 as a result of increased  services  provided by the Company to its risk
retention group affiliate.

     Net  Realized  Gains.  Net  realized  gains  from the  sale of  investments
increased  from $14,000 in the nine months ended  September 30, 1997 to $156,000
in the nine months ended September 30, 1998.

     Losses and Loss Adjustment  Expenses.  Losses and loss adjustment  expenses
increased 2.5% from $3.5 million in the nine months ended  September 30, 1997 to
$3.6  million in the nine months  ended  September  30, 1998 which  results from
changes in the net  premiums  earned and a  corresponding  increase in reserves
resulting from an increase in the general liability line of business.

     Acquisition Expenses. Policy acquisition expenses decreased 81.1% from $1.8
million in the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1997 to $335,000 in the nine
months ended September 30, 1998 as a result of increased premiums being directly
written by the Company's U.S. insurance subsidiary in which acquisition expenses
and brokerage  income are eliminated due to  consolidation,  and the decrease in
bail bond premium discussed above.

     Other  Expenses.  Other expenses  increased  37.1% from $2.4 million in the
nine months  ended  September  30, 1997 to $3.4 million in the nine months ended
September  30,1998 due to salary and benefit  increases and  increased  staffing
required to handle new and existing programs.

     Income taxes.  Federal and state income taxes  decreased from an expense of
$383,000 in the nine months ended  September 30, 1997 to a benefit of $30,000 in
the nine months ended September 30, 1998 due to additional  premiums being ceded
to the Company's Bermuda reinsurance  subsidiary and investment income earned in

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The Company  historically  has met its cash  requirements  and financed its
growth principally  through cash flows generated from operations.  The Company's
primary  sources of cash flow are proceeds from the sale or maturity of invested
assets,  premiums earned,  investment  income,  commission income and management
fees.  The  Company's  short-term  cash  requirements  are  primarily for claims
payments,  reinsurance premiums,  commissions,  salaries,  employee benefits and
other operating expenses, and the purchase of investment securities,  which have
historically  been satisfied from operating cash flows.  Due to the  uncertainty
regarding  settlement of unpaid claims, the long-term liquidity  requirements of
the Company may vary,  and the Company has attempted to structure its investment
portfolio  to take into  account  the  historical  payout  patterns.  Management
believes that the Company's current cash flows are sufficient for its short-term
needs and the Company's  invested assets are sufficient for its long-term needs.
The Company also purchases reinsurance to mitigate the effect of large claims.

     On a consolidated basis, net cash provided from operations was $6.4 million
for the nine months ended September 30, 1997 as compared to $3.7 million for the
nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998 due to a  discontinued  rent-a-captive
program. The positive cash flows for both periods were primarily attributable to
net premiums written, net earnings, and increases in reserves for unpaid losses.
Because workers'  compensation and general  liability claims may be paid over an
extended  period of time,  the Company has  established  loss  reserves for such
lines of business. The assets supporting the Company's reserves continue to earn
investment income until claims payments are made.



     Total  assets  increased  from $47.7  million at December 31, 1997 to $85.7
million at September  30, 1998,  primarily  due to the proceeds of the Company's
initial  public  offering  in February  1998.  Cash,  invested  assets and notes
receivable  increased  from $34.9 million at September 30, 1997 to $73.0 million
at September 30, 1998.

     American Safety is an insurance  holding company whose principal assets are
its  investment  portfolio  and  its  investment  in the  capital  stock  of its
subsidiaries.  As an insurance holding company, American Safety's ability to pay
dividends  to its  shareholders  will  depend,  to a  significant  degree on the
ability of the Company's  subsidiaries to pay dividends to American Safety.  The
jurisdictions   in  which  the  Company  and  its  insurance   and   reinsurance
subsidiaries are domiciled place limitations on the amount of dividends or other
distributions payable by insurance companies in order to protect the solvency of
insurers.  Managements believes it has significant liquidity in the near term to
accomplish its business objectives.

     As of  September  30,  1998 the Company had no  investments  in  derivative
financial instruments.
Income Taxes

     American  Safety is  incorporated  under  the laws of  Bermuda  and,  under
current  Bermuda law, is not  obligated  to pay any taxes in Bermuda  based upon
income or capital gains.  American  Safety has received an undertaking  from the
Minister  of Finance in  Bermuda  pursuant  to the  provisions  of The  Exempted
Undertakings  Tax Protection  Act 1966,  which exempts  American  Safety and its
shareholders,  other than shareholders  ordinarily resident in Bermuda, from any
Bermuda  taxes  computed  on  profits,  income  or any  capital  asset,  gain or
appreciation,  or any tax in the nature of  estate,  duty or  inheritance  until
March 28, 2016. The Company,  exclusive of its United States subsidiaries,  does
not expect to be subject to direct United States income taxation.  The Company's
U.S. subsidiaries are subject to taxation in the United States.


     Property and casualty insurance premiums are established before the amounts
of losses and loss adjustment expenses are known and therefore before the extent
by which inflation may affect such expenses is known. Consequently,  the Company
attempts,  in establishing  its premiums,  to anticipate the potential impact of
inflation.  However,  for competitive and regulatory reasons, the Company may be
limited in raising its premiums consistent with anticipated inflation,  in which
event the  Company,  rather than its  insureds,  would absorb  inflation  costs.
Inflation also affects the rate of investment return on the Company's investment
portfolio with a corresponding effect on the Company's investment income.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risks.

     Not Applicable.




Item 1.   Legal Proceedings.

          Not applicable.

Item 2.   Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds.

          Not applicable.

Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities.

          Not applicable.

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

          Not applicable.

Item 5.   Other Information.

          Not applicable.

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

          (a) The following exhibits are filed as part of this Report:

                  Exhibit No.                    Description
                       11          Computation of Earnings Per Share
                       27          Financial Data Schedule

          (b) Reports on Form 8-K.

              No  reports  on Form 8-K were  filed by the  Company during the 
              period covered by this Report.




     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this Report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, on the 14th day of August 1998. 

                                     American Safety Insurance Group, Ltd.

                                     By: /s/ Lloyd A. Fox
                                         Lloyd A. Fox
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                     By: /s/ Steven B. Mathis
                                         Steven B. Mathis
                                         Chief Financial Officer
                                         (Principal Financial Officer)