                     LOUISVILLE HOTEL, LLC


                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   Organization                                               1
     1.1  Formation                                             1
     1.2  Name and Place of Business                            1
     1.3  Business and Purpose of the Company                   1
     1.4  Term                                                  1
     1.5  Required Filings                                      1
     1.6  Registered Office and Registered Agent                1
     1.7  Certain Transactions                                  1

2.   Definitions                                                1

3.   Capitalization and Financing                               1
     3.1  Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.'s Capital Contribution         1
     3.2  Louisville Hotel, L.P.'s Capital Contribution         2
     3.3  Additional Capital Contributions                      2
          3.3.1   Enforcement of Obligation                     2
          3.3.2   Rights of Nondefaulting Members               2
          3.3.3   Interim Loan                                  2
          3.3.4   Percentage Interest Adjustment                3
          3.3.5   Further Documents                             3
          3.3.6   Remedies of the Company                       3
     3.4  Liabilities of Members                                3
     3.5  Member Loans                                          3

4.   Allocation of Tax Items                                    3
     4.1  Allocation of Net Income and Net Loss From Operations 3
          4.1.1   Net Income Allocations                        3
          4.1.2   Net Loss Allocations                          4
     4.2  Allocation  of Net Income and Net Loss  From  Sale
          or Exchange                                           4
          4.2.1   Net Income Allocations                        4
          4.2.2   Net Loss Allocations                          5
     4.3  Special Allocations.                                  5
     4.4  Curative Allocations                                  6
     4.5  Contributed Property                                  7
     4.6  Recapture Income                                      7
     4.7  Allocation of Company Items                           7
     4.8  Assignment                                            7
     4.9  Power of Manager to Vary Allocations                  7
     4.10 Consent of Members                                    7
     4.11 Withholding Obligations                               8

5.   Distributions                                              8
     5.1  Cash From Operations                                  8
     5.2  Cash From Sale or Refinancing                         8

6.   Compensation to the Manager and Affiliates                 9
     6.1  Manager's and Affiliates' Compensation                9
     6.2  Company Expenses                                      9
          6.2.l   Operating Expenses                            9

7.   Authority, and Responsibilities of the Manager             9
     7.1  Management                                            9
     7.2  Number, Tenure and Qualifications                    10
     7.3  Manager Authority                                    10
     7.4  Administration of Company                            11
     7.5  Tax Matters Member                                   11
     7.6  Indemnification of Manager                           11
     7.7  No Personal Liability for Return of Capital          11
     7.8  Authority as to Third Persons                        12

8.   Rights, Authority and Voting of the                       12
     8.1  Members Are Not Agents.                              12
     8.2  Voting by a Member                                   12
     8.3  Member Vote; Consent of Manager                      12
     8.4  Meetings of the Members                              13
     8.5  Action Without Meeting                               13
     8.6  Rights of Members                                    13
     8.7  Return of Capital of Member                          13

9.   Resignation, Withdrawal or Insolvency of Members          13
     9.1  Resignation or Withdrawal of the Members             13
     9.2  Purchase of Member's Interest; Conversion to             
          Economic Interest                                    13
     9.3  Purchase Price of a Withdrawing Member's Interest    14
     9.4  Damages                                              14

10.  Assignment of Membership Interest                         14
     10.1 Permitted Assignments                                14
     10.2 Substitute Manager                                   14
     10.3 Substituted Member                                   15
          10.3.1   Conditions to be Satisfied                  15
          10.3.2   Consent of Manager                          15
          10.3.3   Consent of Member.                          15
     10.4 Loss of Rights                                       15
     10.5 Removal of Member                                    15
     10.6 Rights of Economic Interest Owner                    15
     10.7 Right to Inspect Books                               16
     10.8 Transfer Subject to Law                              16
     10.9 Right of First Refusal                               16
     10.10  Assignment to Affiliates                           16
     10.11  Transfer in Violation Not Recognized               16

11.  Books, Records, Accounting and Reports                    16
     11.1 Records, Audits and Reports                          16
     11.2 Delivery to Members and Inspection                   17
     11.3 Annual Report                                        17
     11.4 Tax Information                                      17

12.  Termination and Dissolution of the Company                18
     12.1 Termination of Company                               18
     12.2 Certificate of Cancellation.                         18
     12.3 Liquidation of Assets                                18
     12.4 Distributions Upon Dissolution                       18

13.  Buy/Sell Option                                           18
     13.1 Purchase or Sale Offer                               18
     13.2 Closing                                              19
     13.3 Default                                              19

14.  Option to Purchase                                        20
     14.1 Right to Purchase Interest                           20
     14.2  Termination  of  Management  Agreement  for  Cause  or
     Nonperformance                                            20
     14.3 Right to Sell LLC or the Hotel                       20

15.  Representations by Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.                 20
     15.1 Status                                               21
     15.2 Due Authorization                                    21
     15.3 Other Agreements                                     21

16.  Representations by Louisville Hotel, L.                   21
     16.1 Status                                               21
     16.2 Due Authorization                                    21
     16.3 Other Agreements                                     21

17.  Representations of Each Member                            21

18.  Relationship of this Agreement to the Act                 22

19.  Miscellaneous                                             22
     19.1 Counterparts                                         22
     19.2 Successors and Assigns                               22
     19.3 Severability                                         22
     19.4 Notices                                              22
     19.5 Manager's Address                                    22
     19.6 Governing Law                                        22
     19.7 Captions                                             22
     19.8 Gender                                               23
     19.9 Time                                                 23
     19.10  Additional Documents                               23
     19.11  Descriptions                                       23
     19.12  Legal Counsel                                      23
     19.13  Advice of Counsel                                  23
     19.14  Partition                                          23
     19.15  Integrated and Binding Agreement                   24

                      OPERATING AGREEMENT
                     LOUISVILLE HOTEL, LLC

     This  Operating Agreement, effective this 5th day  of  June,
1998,  is  entered  into by and among Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc.  a
Delaware  corporation,  and Louisville Hotel,  L.P.,  a  Delaware
limited  partnership, pursuant to the Act on the following  terms
and conditions.

1.   Organization.

     1.1  Formation.  On April 13, 1998 a Certificate of Formation was
filed  in  the  office of the Secretary of State of  Delaware  in
accordance with and pursuant to the Act.

     1.2  Name and Place of Business.  The name of the Company shall
be  Louisville Hotel, LLC,  and its principal place  of  business
shall be 6900 East Second Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251.  The
Manager  may  change such name, change such place of business  or
establish  additional places of business of the  Company  as  the
Manager may determine to be necessary or desirable.

     1.3  Business and Purpose of the Company.  The primary purpose of
the  Company is to (i) lend $3,623,690.32 to RW Hotel  Investment
Associates,  LLC  and  Ridgewood  Georgia,  Inc.  (the   "Loan"),
(ii) acquire an option (the "Option") to purchase all of RW Hotel
Investment  Associates,  LLC's  and  Ridgewood  Georgia,   Inc.'s
interest   in  RW  Louisville  Hotel  Investors,  LLC  ("Optioned
Property") and (iii) acquire the Optioned Property.

     1.4  Term.  The term of this Agreement shall be the period of
duration of the Company provided in the Certificate of Formation,
unless  the  Company  is sooner dissolved  as  provided  in  this

     1.5  Required Filings.  The Manager shall execute, acknowledge,
file,  record and/or publish such certificates and documents,  as
may  be  required by this Agreement or by law in connection  with
the formation and operation of the Company.

     1.6   Registered Office and Registered Agent.  The Company's
initial  registered office and initial registered agent shall  be
as  provided  in  the Certificate of Formation.   The  registered
office  and registered agent may be changed from time to time  by
the  Manager  by filing the address of the new registered  office
and/or  the name of the new registered agent pursuant to the Act.

     1.7  Certain Transactions.  Any Manager, Owner, or any Affiliate,
or  any shareholder, officer, director, employee, partner, member
or  any  person  owning an interest therein,  may  engage  in  or
possess  an  interest in any other business  or  venture  of  any
nature  or description, whether or not competitive with  the
Company  including, but not limited to, the acquisition,  syndica
tion,  ownership,  financing,  leasing,  operation,  maintenance,
management,  brokerage, construction and development of  property
similar  to  the Optional Property or the Hotel and  no  Manager,
Owner  or other person or entity shall have any interest in  such
other  business  or venture by reason of their  interest  in  the

2.    Definitions.  Definitions for this Agreement are set  forth
on Exhibit A and are incorporated herein.

3.   Capitalization and Financing.

     3.1   Ridgewood  Hotels, Inc.'s Capital Contribution.   Upon
execution  of  this  Agreement,  Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc.   shall
contributeThree  Hundred Sixty Two Thousand Three  Hundred  Sixty
Nine  Dollars  ($362,369).   Ridgewood  shall  also  transfer  an
additional  $200,000  to  the  Company  upon  execution  of  this
Agreement  [as  a  fee to participate in the  management  of  the
Hotel]  and  shall not receive any Capital Account  credit  as  a
result of such payment and such amount shall not be considered  a
Capital Contribution.
     3.2   Louisville  Hotel, L.P.'s Capital Contribution.   Upon
execution  of  this  Agreement,  Louisville  Hotel,  L.P.   shall
contribute  Three  Million Two Hundred Sixty One  Thousand  Three
Hundred Twent-One Dollars and Thirty-two cents ($3,261,321.32).

     3.3  Additional Capital Contributions.  If the Manager determines
that the Company requires cash in addition to the initial Capital
Contributions  in  order  to  carry  out  the  purposes  of  this
Agreement  or  to carry on the business of the Company,  no  more
than 30 days after the written request of the Manager, each Owner
shall  contribute  to the Company his pro rata  share,  based  on
Percentage  Interests, of the additional capital  required.   The
requirement to make additional Capital Contributions shall not be
required   with  respect  to  any  cost,  expense  or   liability
involuntarily incurred by the Company.

     3.3.1     Enforcement of Obligation.  Only the Company or the
Manager    (other   than   a   Member   in   its   capacity    as
debtor-in-possession) and no third party creditor (either in  its
own  right  or  as  a successor-in-interest of the  Company,  and
including  a  trustee,  receiver or other representative  of  the
Company   or  a  Member),  shall  be  entitled  to  enforce   the
requirements  to  make  additional  Capital  Contributions.   The
Members intend and agree that the obligation of a Member to  make
Capital  Contributions constitutes an agreement to make financial
accommodations  to and for the benefit of the other  Members  and
the Company.

     3.3.2     Rights of Nondefaulting Members.  A Member other than a
Defaulting  Member shall have the right, but not the  obligation,
to  make a contribution on behalf of a Defaulting Member,  and  a
Member who makes part of the contribution in default shall  enjoy
and  exercise  the  rights of a Nondefaulting Member  under  this
Agreement.   A  Nondefaulting Member may elect  any  one  of  the
courses of action described below in Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.

     3.3.3     Interim Loan.  The Defaulting Member shall (unless the
Nondefaulting Member elects the alternative remedy of  Percentage
Interest adjustment described in Section 3.3.4 below) be indebted
to the Nondefaulting Member contributing or loaning on his behalf
for  the  full amount of such contribution or loan plus  interest
thereon at the lesser of (i) the Prime Rate plus 4%, or (ii)  the
maximum  rate  allowed  by  Arizona  law  at  the  time  of   the
contribution  or loan, from the date the advance  is  made  until
paid.   By  this Agreement, the Defaulting Member grants  to  the
Nondefaulting  Member a security interest in and a  lien  on  the
interest  in  the Company of the Defaulting Member securing  such
indebtedness, which shall be due and payable upon demand  by  the
Nondefaulting Member upon the expiration of 30 days from the date
such  advance  is made or such longer period as the Nondefaulting
Member  may specify at the time the contribution or loan is  made
on behalf of the Defaulting Member.  At the time the contribution
or  loan  is  made  on  behalf of the Defaulting  Member  by  the
Nondefaulting  Member, the Defaulting Member  shall  execute  and
deliver  to the Nondefaulting Member a promissory note,  security
agreement, UCC-1 financing statement and such other documents  as
may  reasonably  be  required  by  the  Nondefaulting  Member  to
evidence  such indebtedness and security interest.  In the  event
such indebtedness is not paid upon demand upon expiration of such
30-day  period (or such longer period as may have been  specified
by  the  Nondefaulting Member), the interest  of  the  Defaulting
Member  may,  at  the  option  of the  Nondefaulting  Member,  be
retained  by  the  Nondefaulting Member in satisfaction  of  such
indebtedness  or sold pursuant to the provisions of  the  Uniform
Commercial  Code of Arizona, reserving to all Members the  rights
and  remedies contained therein.  Without limiting the rights  or
remedies  of  the  Nondefaulting Member, the  Members  agree  and
acknowledge that any such loan shall be repaid by the  Defaulting
Member from his share of Cash From Operations or Cash From  Sales
or  Refinancing and the Manager is hereby authorized and directed
to  withhold amounts distributable to the Defaulting  Member  and
pay  them  over to the Nondefaulting Member until all such  loans
are paid in full.

     3.3.4     Percentage Interest Adjustment.  As an alternative
remedy,  the Nondefaulting Member may elect that the contribution
or  loan made on behalf of the Defaulting Member be treated as  a
Capital  Contribution made by the Nondefaulting Member.   If  the
Nondefaulting  Member so elects, the Percentage Interest  of  the
Defaulting  Member shall be reduced, and the Percentage  Interest
of  the  Nondefaulting Member shall be increased, by a number  of
percentage  points  equal to 125% of the  percentage  derived  by
dividing (A) the amount of the contribution or loan made  by  the
Nondefaulting Member on behalf of the Defaulting Member by reason
of  the default, by (B) the total of all Capital Contributions or
loans  made  by all Members, including the contribution  or  loan
made  by  the  Nondefaulting Member on behalf of  the  Defaulting
Member  by  reason of the default (or such outstanding  balance).
In  the  event  a  Member's Percentage Interest is  reduced,  the
Member's  share  of Net Income and Net Loss in Section  4.1.1(d),
Section  4.1.2(d),  Section 4.2.1(d)  and  Section  4.2.2(d)  and
distributions  pursuant  to Sections 5.1.4  and  5.2.4  shall  be
reduced  in the same proportion (i.e. if the Percentage  Interest
is  reduced from 50% to 40% (a 20% reduction) the allocations and
distributions shall also be reduced by 20%).

     3.3.5     Further Documents.  The Defaulting Member agrees to
execute  any  and all further documents reasonably  necessary  to
carry  out  the  provisions of this Section 3.3 and  to  pay  all
costs,  including  reasonable attorneys' fees,  incurred  by  the
Nondefaulting Member or the Company in enforcing  the  same.   In
addition, the Defaulting Member agrees that damages would  be  an
inadequate  remedy and that injunctive relief may be  granted  to
compel  compliance herewith.  Each Member hereby appoints as  his
attorney  in fact each other Member for the purpose of executing,
acknowledging,  verifying,  filing,  certifying,  publishing  and
delivering   any  promissory  note,  security  agreement,   UCC-1
financing statement and other documents required of the Member if
he  is a Defaulting Member or as otherwise necessary to carry out
the provisions of this Section 3.3.

     3.3.6     Remedies of the Company.  In the event that no
Nondefaulting Member contributes all of the Capital  Contribution
in  default or makes a required loan within 60 days following the
occurrence  of  the default, then the Nondefaulting  Members  may
request  that the Manager cause the Company to sue the Defaulting
Member to collect the balance, together with interest thereon  at
the  lesser  of  the  Prime Rate plus  4%  or  the  maximum  rate
allocated  by Arizona law and all collection expenses,  including
attorneys' fees.

     3.4  Liabilities of Members.  Except as specifically provided in
this  Agreement,  neither the Manager nor  any  Member  shall  be
required to make any additional contributions to the Company  and
no  Manager or Member shall be liable for the debts, liabilities,
contracts, or any other obligations of the Company, nor shall the
Manager  or  the  Members be required to lend any  funds  to  the
Company  or to repay to the Company, any Member, or any  creditor
of  the  Company any portion or all of any deficit balance  in  a
Member's Capital Account.

     3.5  Member Loans.  The Manager or Affiliates may, but will have
no obligation to, make loans to the Company to pay Company operat
ing  expenses.  Any such loan shall bear interest at  the  actual
cost  of  funds  to the Manager and provide for  the  payment  of
principal and any accrued but unpaid interest in accordance  with
the terms of the promissory note evidencing such loan, but in  no
event later than dissolution of the Company.

4.   Allocation of Tax Items.

     4.1  Allocation of Net Income and Net Loss From Operations.  For
each fiscal year, the Net Income and Net Loss From Operations  of
the Company shall be allocated as follows:

          4.1.1     Net Income Allocations.  After giving effect to the
special allocations set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, Net Income
for any fiscal year shall be allocated as follows:

               (1)  First, between the Members in proportion to and to the
     extent  of  Net  Loss allocated to the Members  pursuant  to
     Section 4.1.2(d) until the aggregate Net Income allocated to the
     Members pursuant to this Section 4.1.1(a) for such fiscal year
     and all previous fiscal years is equal to the aggregate Net Loss
     allocated to the Members pursuant to Section 4.1.2(d) for all
     previous fiscal years;

               (2)  Second, to Louisville Hotel, L.P. until Louisville Hotel,
     L.P.  has been allocated a net amount equal to its Preferred
     Return for all fiscal years;

               (3)  Third, to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. until Ridgewood Hotels,
     Inc.  has been allocated a net amount equal to its Preferred
     Return for all fiscal years; and

               (4)  Thereafter, 20% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 80% to
     Louisville Hotel, L.P.

          4.1.2     Net Loss Allocations.  After giving effect to the
special  allocations set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, Net  Loss
for any fiscal year shall be allocated as follows:

          (1)  First, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.1.1(d)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.1.2(a) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.1.1(d) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (2)  Second, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.1.1(c)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.1.2(b) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.1.1(c) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (3)  Third, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.1.1(b)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.1.2(c) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.1.1(b) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (4)  Thereafter, 20% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 80% to
     Louisville Hotel, L.P.

     4.2  Allocation of Net Income and Net Loss From Sale or Exchange.
For  each fiscal year, the Net Income and Net Loss From  Sale  or
Exchange of the Optioned Property or the Hotel shall be allocated
as follows:

          4.2.1     Net Income Allocations.  After giving effect to the
special allocations set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, Net Income
for any fiscal year shall be allocated as follows:

               (1)  First, between the Members in proportion to and to the
     extent  of  Net  Loss allocated to the Members  pursuant  to
     Section 4.2.2(d) until the aggregate Net Income allocated to the
     Members pursuant to this Section 4.2.1(a) for such fiscal year
     and all previous fiscal years is equal to the aggregate Net Loss
     allocated to the Members pursuant to Section 4.2.2(d) for all
     previous fiscal years;

               (2)  Second, to Louisville Hotel, L.P. until Louisville Hotel,
     L.P.  has been allocated a net amount equal to its Preferred
     Return for all fiscal years; and

               (3)  Third, to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. until Ridgewood Hotels,
     Inc.  has been allocated a net amount equal to its Preferred
     Return for all fiscal years;

               (4)  Thereafter, 10% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 90% to
     Louisville Hotel, LP.

          4.2.2     Net Loss Allocations.  After giving effect to the
special  allocations set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, Net  Loss
for any fiscal year shall be allocated as follows:

          (1)  First, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.2.1(d)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.2.2(a) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.2.1(d) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (2)  Second, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.2.1(c)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.2.2(d) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.2.1(c) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (3)  Third, among the Members in proportion to and to the extent
     of Net Income allocated to the Members under Section 4.2.1(b)
     until  the  aggregate Net Loss allocated  pursuant  to  this
     Section 4.2.2(c) for such fiscal year and all previous fiscal
     years equals the aggregate Net Income allocated to the Members
     pursuant to Section 4.2.1(b) for all previous fiscal  years;
     provided that Net Loss shall not be allocated to any Member to
     the extent such allocation would cause such Member to have an
     Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of a fiscal year;

          (4)  Thereafter, 10% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 90% to
     Louisville Hotel, L.P.

     4.3  Special Allocations.

          (1)  Qualified Income Offset.  Except as provided in Section
     4.3(c),  in  the event any Member unexpectedly receives  any
     adjustments, allocations, or distributions described in Treasury
     Regulations    Sections   1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(4),    1.704-
     1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(5), or 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(6), items of Company
     income and gain shall be specially allocated to such Member in an
     amount and manner sufficient to eliminate, to the extent required
     by the Treasury Regulations, the Adjusted Capital Account Deficit
     created by such adjustment, allocation or distribution as quickly
     as possible.

          (2)  Gross Income Allocation.  Net Loss shall not be allocated to
     any Member to the extent such allocation would cause any Member
     to have an Adjusted Capital Account Deficit at the end of  a
     fiscal year.  In the event any Member has an Adjusted Capital
     Account Deficit at the end of any fiscal year, each such Member
     shall be specially allocated items of Company gross income and
     gain in the amount of such Adjusted Capital Account Deficit as
     quickly as possible.

          (3)  Company Minimum Gain Chargeback.  Notwithstanding any other
     provision  of this Section 4, if there is a net decrease  in
     Company Minimum Gain during any Company fiscal year, each Member
     shall be specially allocated items of Company income and gain for
     such year (and, if necessary, subsequent years) in an amount
     equal  to such Member's share of the net decrease in Company
     Minimum Gain, determined in accordance with Treasury Regulations
     Section 1.704-2(g)(2).  This Section 4.3(c) is intended to comply
     with the partnership minimum gain chargeback requirement in the
     Treasury  Regulations and shall be interpreted  consistently
     therewith.  This provisions shall not apply to the extent the
     Member's share of net decrease in Company Minimum Gain is caused
     by  a  guaranty, refinancing, or other change  in  the  debt
     instrument causing it to become partially or wholly recourse debt
     or Member Nonrecourse Debt, and such Member bears the economic
     risk of loss (within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section
     1.752-2)  for the newly guaranteed, refinanced or  otherwise
     changed debt or to the extent the Member contributes cash to the
     capital of the Company that is used to repay the Nonrecourse
     Debt,  and the Member's share of the net decrease in Company
     Minimum Gain results from the repayment.

          (4)  Member Minimum Gain Chargeback.  Notwithstanding any other
     provision of this Section 4, except Section 4.3(c), if there is a
     net decrease in Member Minimum Gain, any Member with a share of
     that  Member  Minimum  Gain  (as determined  under  Treasury
     Regulations Section 704-2(i)(5)) as of the beginning of the year
     shall be allocated items of Company income and gain for such year
     (and, if necessary, subsequent years) in an amount equal to such
     Member's  share of the net decrease in Member Minimum  Gain,
     determined in accordance with Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-
     2(g)(2).  This Section shall not apply to the extent the net
     decrease in Member Minimum Gain arises because the liability
     ceases  to  be  Member Nonrecourse Debt due  to  conversion,
     refinancing or other change in a debt instrument that causes it
     to become partially or wholly a Nonrecourse Debt.  This Section
     is intended to comply with the partner minimum gain chargeback
     requirements in the Treasury Regulations and shall be interpreted
     consistently  therewith and applied  with  the  restrictions
     attributable thereto.

          (5)  Nonrecourse Deductions.  Nonrecourse Deductions for any
     fiscal year or other period shall be allocated 10% to Ridgewood
     Hotels, Inc. and 90% to Louisville Hotel, L.P. and each Member's
     share of excess Nonrecourse Debt shall be in the same proportion.

          (6)  Member Nonrecourse Deductions.  Member Nonrecourse
     Deductions for any fiscal year shall be allocated to the Member
     who bears the economic risk of loss as set forth in Treasury
     Regulations  Section  1.752-2 with  respect  to  the  Member
     Nonrecourse Debt.  If more than one Member bears the economic
     risk  of  loss  for  a Member Nonrecourse Debt,  any  Member
     Nonrecourse Deductions attributable to that Member Nonrecourse
     Debt shall be allocated among the Members according to the ratio
     in which they bear the economic risk of loss.

          (7)  Code Section 754 Adjustments.  To the extent an adjustment
     to the adjusted tax basis of any Company asset pursuant to Code
     Section 734(b) or Code Section 743(b) is required, pursuant to
     Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(m), to be taken
     into account in determining Capital Accounts, the amount of such
     adjustment to the Capital Accounts shall be treated as an item of
     gain (if the adjustment increases the basis of the asset) or loss
     (if the adjustment decreases such basis), and such gain or loss
     shall  be  specially allocated to the Members  in  a  manner
     consistent with the manner in which their Capital Accounts are
     required to be adjusted pursuant to such section of the Treasury

     4.4  Curative Allocations.  Notwithstanding any other provision
of this Agreement, the Regulatory Allocations shall be taken into
account  in allocating items of income, gain, loss and  deduction
among the Members so that, to the extent possible, the net amount
of such allocations of other items and the Regulatory Allocations
to  each Member shall be equal to the net amount that would  have
been  allocated to each such Member if the Regulatory Allocations
had not occurred.

     4.5  Contributed Property.  Notwithstanding any other provision
of  this Agreement, the Members shall cause depreciation  and  or
cost  recovery  deductions  and  gain  or  loss  attributable  to
Property contributed by a Member or revalued by the Company to be
allocated among the Members for income tax purposes in accordance
with  Section  704(c)  of the Code and the  Treasury  Regulations
promulgated thereunder.

     4.6  Recapture Income.  The portion of each Member's distributive
share  of  Company Net Income that is characterized  as  ordinary
income  pursuant  to Section 1245 or 1250 of the  Code  shall  be
proportionate  to  the amount of Net Income  or  Net  Loss  which
included  the  corresponding depreciation  deductions  that  were
allocated  to  such  Member  as  compared  with  the  amount   of
depreciation deductions allocated to all Members.

     4.7  Allocation of Company Items.  Except as otherwise provided
herein,  whenever a proportionate part of Net Income or Net  Loss
is  allocated  to a Member, every item of income, gain,  loss  or
deduction entering into the computation of such Net Income or Net
Loss, and every item of credit or tax preference related to  such
allocation  and  applicable to the period during which  such  Net
Income  or Net Loss was realized shall be allocated to the  Owner
in the same proportion.

     4.8  Assignment.

          4.8.1     In the event of the assignment of an Interest, the Net
Income and Net Loss From Operations shall be allocated as between
the  Owner  and the assignee based upon the number of  months  of
their  respective ownership during the year in which  the  assign
ment  occurs,  without  regard to the results  of  the  Company's
operations  during  the period before or after  such  assignment.
Distributions  shall be made to the Owner or the Assignee  as  of
the  date  of  the  Distribution.  An assignee  who  receives  an
Interest  during  the first 15 days of a month will  receive  any
allocations relative to such month.  An assignee who acquires  an
Interest on or after the sixteenth day of a month will be treated
as  acquiring  the  Interest on the first day  of  the  following
month.   Net  Income and Net Loss From Sale or Exchange  will  be
allocated  between the Owner and its assignee as of the  date  of
any such transaction.

          4.8.2     In the event of the assignment of the Manager's
Interest, the allocations of Net Income or Net Loss shall  be  as
agreed  between the Manager and its assignee.  In the absence  of
an agreement, the Net Income, Net Loss and Distributions shall be
allocated in a manner similar to that provided in Section 4.8.1.

     4.9  Power of Manager to Vary Allocations.  It is the intent of
the  Members that each Member's share of Net Income and Net  Loss
be  determined and allocated in accordance with Section 704(b) of
the  Code  and  the  provisions of this  Agreement  shall  be  so
interpreted.   Therefore,  if  the  Company  is  advised  by  the
Company's  legal  counsel that the allocations provided  in  this
Section  4  are unlikely to be respected for federal  income  tax
purposes,  the Manager is hereby granted the power to  amend  the
allocation  provisions of this Agreement to  the  minimum  extent
necessary  to comply with Section 704(b) of the Code  and  effect
the  plan of allocations and distributions provided for  in  this

     4.10 Consent of Members.  The allocation methods of Net Income
and Net Loss are hereby expressly consented to by each Member  as
a condition of becoming a Member.

     4.11 Withholding Obligations.

          4.11.1    If the Company is required (as determined in good faith
by the Manager) to make a payment ("Tax Payment") with respect to
any  Member  to discharge any legal obligation of the Company  or
the  Manager to make payments to any governmental authority  with
respect to any federal, foreign, state or local tax liability  of
such Member arising as a result of such Member's interest in  the
Company,  then,  notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this
Agreement  to the contrary, if the amount of such withholding  is
not  available  from distributions the amount  of  any  such  Tax
Payment  shall  be  deemed to be a loan by the  Company  to  such
Member, which loan shall bear interest at the Prime Rate  and  be
payable  upon  demand  or  by offset to  any  Distribution  which
otherwise would be made to such Member.

          4.11.2    If and to the extent the Company is required to make
any  Tax  Payment with respect to any Member, or elects  to  make
payment  on any loan described in Section 4.11.1 by offset  to  a
Distribution  to a Member, either (i) such Member's proportionate
share of such Distribution shall be reduced by the amount of such
Tax  Payment, or (ii) such Member shall pay to the Company  prior
to such Distribution an amount of cash equal to such Tax Payment.
In  the event a portion of a Distribution in kind is retained  by
the  Company pursuant to clause (i) above, such retained property
may,  in the discretion of the Manager, either (A) be distributed
to  the  other Members, or (B) be sold by the Company to generate
the  cash necessary to satisfy such Tax Payment.  If the property
is  sold, then for purposes of income tax allocations only  under
the  Agreement, any gain or loss from such sale or exchange shall
be  allocated to the Member to whom the Tax Payment relates.   If
the  property is sold at a gain, and the Company is  required  to
make any Tax Payment on such gain, the Member to whom the gain is
allocated  shall  pay the Company prior to the due  date  of  Tax
Payment an amount of cash equal to such Tax Payment.

          4.11.3    The Manager shall be entitled to hold back any
Distribution to any Member to the extent the Manager believes  in
good  faith  that a Tax Payment will be required with respect  to
such  Member  in the future and the Manager believes  that  there
will not be sufficient subsequent Distributions to make such  Tax

     4.12 Special Allocations.  Notwithstanding any other provision in
this  Agreement, upon any sale, exchange, or other  transfer,  or
the  Optional  Property  or the Hotel,  or  any  dissolution  and
termination  of  the  CompanyNet Income  and  Net  Loss,  and  if
necessary,  gross income and gross deductions shall be  allocated
in  such a manner in the year of Liquidation of the Company  such
that  the  Member's  Capital Accounts are in  proportion  to  the
Distributions to be made pursuant to Section 12.3.3.

5.   Distributions.

     5.1  Cash From Operations.  Except as otherwise provided  in
Section  12, Distributable Cash From Operations with  respect  to
each  fiscal  year  shall be distributed to the  Members  in  the
following order of priority:

          5.1.1     First, to pay any Member Loans made pursuant to Section
3.5  in  proportion  to  the outstanding interest  and  principal
balances, such loans; and

          5.1.2     Second, 100% to Louisville Hotel, L.P. until Louisville
Hotel,  L.P. has been distributed an amount equal to its  accrued
but unpaid Preferred Return; and

          5.1.3     Third, 100% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. until Ridgewood
Hotels,  Inc. has been distributed an amount equal to its accrued
but unpaid Preferred Return;

          5.1.4     Fourth, 20% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 80% to
Louisville Hotel, L.P.

     5.2   Cash  From  Sale or Refinancing.  Cash  From  Sale  or
Refinancing shall be distributed to the Members in the  following
order of priority:

          5.2.1     First, to repay the Mortgage Loan or any other
outstanding debt;

          5.2.2     Second, 100% to Louisville Hotel, L.P. until Louisville
Hotel,  L.P. has been distributed an amount equal to its  accrued
but unpaid Preferred Return; and

          5.2.3     Third, 100% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. until Ridgewood
Hotels,  Inc. has been distributed an amount equal to its accrued
but unpaid Preferred Return;

          5.2.4     Fourth, 10% to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc., and 90% to
Louisville Hotel, L.P.

6.   Compensation to the Manager and Affiliates.

     6.1  Manager's and Affiliates' Compensation.  The Manager and its
Affiliates  shall  receive  compensation  from  the  Company  for
services  rendered  or to be rendered only as specified  in  this

          6.1.1     The Manager shall receive an asset management fee equal
to  1%  of the Gross Revenues of the Hotel, which shall  be  paid
monthly.  Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. shall receive the fees set forth
in the Property Management Agreement pursuant to the terms in the
Property Management Agreement.
     6.2  Company Expenses.

          6.2.1     Operating Expenses.  The Company shall pay directly, or
reimburse  the Manager as the case may be, for all of  the  costs
and  expenses  of  the Company's operations,  including,  without
limitation,   the   following  costs  and  expenses:    (i)   all
organization and offering expenses advanced or otherwise paid  by
the  Manager; (ii) all costs of personnel employed by the Company
and  directly  involved  in  the Company's  business;  (iii)  all
compensation  due  to  the Manager or its Affiliates;   (iv)  all
costs of personnel employed by the Manager or its Affiliates  and
directly  involved in the business of the Company; (v) all  costs
of  borrowed  money, taxes and assessments on  the  Property  and
other  taxes  applicable to the Company; (vi) legal,  accounting,
audit, brokerage, and other fees; (vii) fees and expenses paid to
independent  contractors, mortgage bankers, real estate  brokers,
and  other agents; (viii) costs of acquiring, owning, developing,
improving,  operating, and disposing of Property;  (ix)  expenses
incurred in connection with the alteration, maintenance,  repair,
remodeling, refurbishment, leasing and operation of Property; (x)
all  expenses  incurred  in connection with  the  maintenance  of
Company  books and records, the preparation and dissemination  of
reports,  tax  returns or other information to  Members  and  the
making of Distributions to the Members; (xi) expenses incurred in
preparation   and  filing  reports  or  other  information   with
appropriate  regulatory agencies; (xii) expenses of insurance  as
required  in connection with the business of the Company;  (xiii)
costs  incurred in connection with any litigation  in  which  the
Company  may  become involved, or any examination, investigation,
or   other  proceedings  conducted  by  any  regulatory   agency,
including  legal and accounting fees; (xiv) the actual  costs  of
goods and materials used by or for the Company; (xv) the costs of
services  that  could be performed directly for  the  Company  by
independent  parties  such as legal, accounting,  secretarial  or
clerical,   reporting,  transfer  agent,  data   processing   and
duplicating  services  but which are in  fact  performed  by  the
Manager or its Affiliates, but not in excess of the lesser of (a)
the  actual  costs to the Manager or its Affiliates of  providing
such  services,  or  (b)  the amounts  which  the  Company  would
otherwise   be  required  to  pay  to  independent  parties   for
comparable services in the same geographic locale; (xvi) expenses
of   Company   administration,  accounting,   documentation   and
reporting;  (xvii) expenses of revising, amending,  modifying  or
terminating this Agreement; and (xviii) all travel.

7.   Authority, and Responsibilities of the Manager.

     7.1  Management.  The business and affairs of the Company shall
be managed by its Manager.  Except as otherwise set forth in this
Agreement,  the  Manager shall have full and complete  authority,
power  and discretion to manage and control the business, affairs
and  properties  of the Company, to make all decisions  regarding
those matters and to perform any and all other acts or activities
customary   or  incident  to  the  management  of  the  Company's

     7.2  Number, Tenure and Qualifications.  The Company shall have
one  Manager  which shall be Louisville Hotel L.P.   The  Manager
shall hold office until such Manager withdraws or resigns.

     7.3  Manager Authority.  The Manager shall have all authority,
rights  and powers conferred by law and those required  or  appro
priate to the management of the Company's business, which, by way
of  illustration but not by way of limitation, shall include  the
right, authority and power to cause the Company to:

          7.3.1     Acquire, hold, develop, lease, rent, operate, sell,
exchange,  subdivide and otherwise dispose of Property  including
the LLC and the Hotel;

          7.3.2     Borrow money, and, if security is required therefor, to
pledge or mortgage or subject Property to any security device, to
obtain replacements of any mortgage or other security device  and
to  prepay, in whole or in part, refinance, increase, modify, con
solidate,  or extend any mortgage or other security device.   All
of  the  foregoing shall be on such terms and in such amounts  as
the  Manager,  in its sole discretion, deems to be  in  the  best
interest of the Company;

          7.3.3     Enter into such contracts and agreements as the Manager
determines   to   be  reasonably  necessary  or  appropriate   in
connection  with  the Company's business and  purpose  (including
contracts  with Affiliates of the Manager), and any  contract  of
insurance that the Manager deems necessary or appropriate for the
protection  of the Company and the Manager, including errors  and
omissions  insurance, for the conservation of Company assets,  or
for any purpose convenient or beneficial to the Company;

          7.3.4     Employ persons, who may be Affiliates of the Manager,
in the operation and management of the business of the Company;

          7.3.5     Prepare or cause to be prepared reports, statements,
and other relevant information for distribution to the Members;

          7.3.6     Open accounts and deposits and maintain funds in the
name  of  the  Company in banks, savings and  loan  associations,
"money  market" mutual funds and other instruments as the Manager
may deem in its discretion to be necessary or desirable;

          7.3.7     Cause the Company to make or revoke any of the
elections  referred  to in the Code (the Manager  shall  have  no
obligation to make any such elections);

          7.3.8     Select as its accounting year a calendar or fiscal year
as  may  be approved by the Internal Revenue Service (the Company
initially intends to adopt the calendar year);

          7.3.9     Determine the appropriate accounting method or methods
to be used by the Company;

          7.3.10    Require in any Company contract that the Manager shall
not  have  any personal liability, but that the person or  entity
contracting with the Company is to look solely to the Company and
its assets for satisfaction;

          7.3.11    Lease personal property for use by the Company;

          7.3.12    Establish reserves from income in such amounts as the
Manager may deem appropriate;

          7.3.13    Make secured or unsecured loans to the Company and
receive interest at the rates set forth herein;

          7.3.14    Represent the Company and the Members as "tax matters
partner"  within the meaning of the Code in discussions with  the
Internal Revenue Service regarding the tax treatment of items  of
Company  income, loss, deduction or credit, or any  other  matter
reflected  in the Company's returns, and, if deemed in  the  best
interest of the Members, to agree to final Company administrative
adjustments or file a petition for a readjustment of the  Company
items in question with the applicable court;

          7.3.15    Hold an election for a successor Manager before the
resignation, expulsion or dissolution of the Manager;

          7.3.16    Initiate legal actions, settle legal actions and defend
legal actions on behalf of the Company;

          7.3.17    Make all decisions and take all actions regarding the
Loan  and  the  Optioned Property, including whether  or  not  to
execute the Option;

          7.3.18    Perform any and all other acts which the Manager is
obligated to perform hereunder; and

          7.3.19    Execute, acknowledge and deliver any and  all
instruments to effectuate the foregoing and take all such actions
in  connection  therewith as the Manager may  deem  necessary  or
appropriate.   Any  and  all  documents  or  instruments  may  be
executed on behalf and in the name of the Company by the Manager.

     7.4  Administration of Company.  So long as it is the Manager and
the   provisions   of   this  Agreement  for   compensation   and
reimbursement  of  expenses  of the  Manager  are  observed,  the
Manager shall have the responsibility of providing the management
of  the  Company,  including  decisions  regarding  the  sale  or
refinancing  or other disposition of Property.  In  this  regard,
the  Manager  may  retain  the services  of  such  Affiliates  or
unaffiliated  parties  as  the Manager may  deem  appropriate  to
provide management and financial consultation and advice, and may
enter into agreements for the management and operation of Company

     7.5  Tax Matters Member.  The Members hereby appoint the Manager
to act as the "tax matters partner."

     7.6  Indemnification of Manager.  The Manager, its shareholders,
Affiliates, officers, directors, partners, employees, agents  and
assigns,  shall  not be liable for, and shall be indemnified  and
held  harmless (to the extent of the Company's assets) from,  any
loss  or  damage incurred by them, the Company or the Members  in
connection with the business of the Company, including costs  and
reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and any  amounts  expended  in  the
settlement of any claims of loss or damage resulting from any act
or  omission performed or omitted in good faith, which shall  not
constitute  gross negligence or willful malfeasance, pursuant  to
the  authority granted, to promote the interests of the  Company.
Moreover, the Manager shall not be liable to the Company  or  the
Member  because  any taxing authority disallows  or  adjusts  any
deductions or credits in the Company's income tax return.

     7.7  No Personal Liability for Return of Capital.  The Manager
shall  not be personally liable or responsible for the return  or
repayment  of  all or any portion of the Capital Contribution  of
any  Member  of  any loan made by any Member to the  Company,  it
being  expressly understood that any such return  of  capital  or
repayment of any loan shall be made solely from the assets (which
shall  not include any right of contribution from any Member)  of
the Company.

     7.8  Authority as to Third Persons.

          7.8.1     No third party dealing with the Company shall be
required  to investigate the authority of the Manager  or  secure
the  approval  or confirmation by any Member of any  act  of  the
Manager in connection with the Company business.  No purchaser of
any  Property or interest owned by the Company shall be  required
to determine the right to sell or the authority of the Manager to
sign  and  deliver any instrument of transfer on  behalf  of  the
Company, or to see to the application or distribution of revenues
or proceeds paid or credited in connection therewith.

          7.8.2     The Manager shall have full authority to execute on
behalf   of  the  Company  any  and  all  agreements,  contracts,
conveyances,  deeds,  mortgages and other  instruments,  and  the
execution thereof by one or more officers of the general  partner
of  the Manager, executing on behalf of the Company shall be  the
only  execution  necessary  to  bind  the  Company  thereto.   No
signature of any Member shall be required.

          7.8.3     The Manager shall have the right by separate instrument
or  document to authorize one or more individuals or entities  to
execute  leases  and lease-related documents  on  behalf  of  the
Company and any leases and documents executed by such agent shall
be binding upon the Company as if executed by the Manager.

8.   Rights, Authority and Voting of the Member.

     8.1   Members Are Not Agents.  Pursuant to Section 7 and the
Certificate of Formation, the management of the Company is vested
in  the Manager.  No Member, acting solely in the capacity  of  a
Member,  is  an agent of the Company nor can any Member  in  such
capacity  bind  nor  execute  any instrument  on  behalf  of  the

     8.2  Voting by a Member.  Members shall be entitled to cast one
vote   for   each  Percentage  Interest  attributable  to   their
Membership  Interest.  Except as otherwise specifically  provided
in  this  Agreement, Members (but not Economic  Interest  Owners)
shall have the right to vote only upon the following matters:

          8.2.1     Admission of a Manager or election to continue the
business  of  the  Company after the Manager  ceases  to  be  the
Manager when there is no remaining Manager;

          8.2.2     Amendment of this Agreement;

          8.2.3     Any merger or combination of the Company or roll-up of
the Company.

          8.2.4     Dissolution and winding up of the Company as set forth
in Section 12.1; and

          8.2.5     Election to continue the business of the Company as set
forth in Section 12.1.3 when there is a Dissolution Event.

     8.3  Member Vote; Consent of Manager.  Except as specifically
provided  in  this Agreement, matters upon which the Members  may
vote shall require a Majority Vote of the Members and the consent
of  the  Manager to pass and become effective.  Any amendment  to
this  Agreement  shall  require  the  unanimous  consent  of  the

     8.4  Meetings of the Members.  Meetings of Members shall  be
called by the Manager at its discretion.

     8.5  Action Without Meeting.  Except as otherwise provided in
this  Agreement, any action which may be taken at any meeting  of
the  Members  may  be taken without a meeting  if  a  consent  in
writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by  all  of
the  Members.   Any  action  taken  without  a  meeting  will  be
effective immediately after the requested consent is given.

     8.6  Rights of Members.  No Member or Owner shall have the right
or  power to:  (i) withdraw or reduce its Capital Contribution to
the   Company,  except  as  a  result  of  the  dissolution   and
termination  of  the  Company or as otherwise  provided  in  this
Agreement  or by law; (ii) bring an action for partition  against
the  Company; or (iii) demand or receive property other than cash
in  return  for his Capital Contribution.  Except as provided  in
this  Agreement, no Member or Owner shall have priority over  any
other Member or Owner either as to the return of Capital Contribu
tions  or  as  to  allocations of the Net  Income,  Net  Loss  or
Distributions  of the Company.  Other than upon  the  termination
and  dissolution  of the Company as provided by  this  Agreement,
there has been no time agreed upon when the contribution of  each
Member is to be returned.

     8.7  Return of Capital of Member.  In accordance with the Act, an
Owner may, under certain circumstances, be required to return  to
the  Company, for the benefit of the Company's creditors, amounts
previously  distributed to the Owner.  If any court of  competent
jurisdiction holds that any Owner is obligated to make  any  such
payment,  such obligation shall be the obligation of  such  Owner
and not of the Company, the Manager or any other Owner.

9.   Resignation, Withdrawal or Insolvency of Members.

     9.1   Resignation or Withdrawal of the Members.  Subject  to
Section 10, the Members shall not resign or withdraw as a  Member
or do any act that would require its resignation or withdrawal.

     9.2   Purchase of Member's Interest; Conversion to  Economic
Interest.  Upon the (i) occurrence of any event that would  cause
a  person  to  cease to be a Member under the  Act,  including  a
Dissolution  Event when the remaining Members elect  to  continue
the  business  of  the Company, or (ii) upon the  transfer  of  a
Membership  Interest in violation of the terms of this Agreement,
the  remaining Member may, subject to the provisions of the  Act,
elect one of the two following provisions:

          9.2.1      The disassociated Member's interest  in  the
Distributions  and allocations of Net Income  and  Net  Loss  set
forth  in this Agreement, and its interest in its rights  to  any
earned  but  unpaid fees and other compensation remaining  to  be
paid under this Agreement, shall be purchased by the Company  for
a  purchase price equal to the aggregate fair market value of the
Member's  Interest  determined according  to  the  provisions  of
Section  9.3.  The purchase price of such interest shall be  paid
by  the  Company  to the Member in cash within  60  days  of  the
determination  of  the  fair market value or,  at  the  Company's
option,  said debt may be evidenced by a promissory note  bearing
interest  at the Prime Rate, which shall be due and payable  upon
the  earlier of (i) expiration of five years or (ii) the sale  or
other  disposition  of  all of the Property  in  the  normal  and
ordinary course as contemplated herein; or

          9.2.2     The Member's interest in the Net Income, Net Loss and
Distributions,  and assets of the Company will be converted  into
an  Economic Interest which will entitle such Member to its share
of Net Income, Net Loss and Distributions in accordance with this
Agreement,  but  no  voting  or  other  rights  with  respect  to
management  or operation of the Company other than those  granted
to any Economic Interest Owner.

     9.3  Purchase Price of a Withdrawing Member's Interest.  The fair
market  value  of  a  Member's Interest to be  purchased  by  the
Company  pursuant to Section 9.2 shall be determined by agreement
between the terminated Member and the Company, which agreement is
subject to approval by a unanimous vote of the Members.  For this
purpose,  the fair market value of the interest of the terminated
Member shall be computed as the amount which could reasonably  be
expected  to  be  realized by such Member upon the  sale  of  the
assets  of the Company in the ordinary course of business at  the
time  of  the event specified in Section 9.2.  If the Member  and
the  Company  cannot  agree upon the fair market  value  of  such
Membership Interest within 30 days of the termination event,  the
fair  market value thereof shall be determined by appraisal,  the
Company  and  the terminated Member each to choose one  appraiser
and the two appraisers so chosen to choose a third appraiser.  In
the event that one Member does not select an appraiser within  30
days after the end of the 30-day period indicated above, then the
only  appraiser  shall  be the one selected  by  the  Member  who
selected  the appraiser. The appraisers shall make their decision
within  60  days and the decision of a majority of the appraisers
(or the one appraiser in the event both Members do not select  an
appraiser)  as  to  the  fair market  value  of  such  Membership
Interest shall be final and binding and may be enforced by  legal
proceedings.   The terminated Member and the Company  shall  each
compensate the appraiser appointed by it and the compensation  of
the third appraiser shall be borne equally by such parties.

     9.4  Damages.  The provision set forth herein shall not affect
any   claim  for  damages  the  Company  may  have  against   the
withdrawing Member (or Manager) if such withdrawal or resignation
is  in  violation of this Agreement.  The Company shall have  the
right to offset against any payments due under this Section 9 any
damages that the Company may incur as a result of a withdrawal or
resignation  of  a Member (or Manager) in contravention  of  this

10.  Assignment of Membership Interest.

     10.1 Permitted Assignments.  Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement,  an Owner may not sell, assign, hypothecate,  encumber
or  otherwise  transfer any part or all of its  interest  in  the
Company  except  with  the consent of  a  Majority  Vote  of  the
Members,  which consent may be withheld by such Members in  their
sole and absolute discretion and without reason or for any reason
whatsoever.  If the Members consent to the transfer, the interest
may  only  be transferred to the proposed transferee  within  the
time  period approved by the Members, or within 90 days  of  such
consent on the proposed terms and price, if later.  All costs  of
the  transfer,  including reasonable attorneys'  fees  (if  any),
shall be borne by the transferring Owner.

          10.1.1    Any assignment or transfer of a Member's interest
provided  for by this Agreement can be an assignment or  transfer
of all of its interest or any portion or part of its interest.
          10.1.2    Any transfer of all or a part of any Member's interest
may  be  made only pursuant to the terms and conditions contained
in this Section 10.

          10.1.3    Any such assignment shall be by a written instrument of
assignment, the terms of which are not in contravention of any of
the  provisions  of  this  Agreement, and  which  has  been  duly
executed  by the assignor of such Member's interest and  accepted
by the Members pursuant to a Majority Vote.

          10.1.4    The assignor and assignee shall have executed,
acknowledged, and delivered such other instruments as the Members
pursuant  to a Majority Vote, may deem necessary or desirable  to
effect such substitution.

     10.2 Substitute Manager.  Upon acceptance by the Members of an
assignment  by  the  Manager,  any  assignee  of  such  Manager's
interest  in compliance with this Section 10 shall be substituted
as the Manager.

     10.3 Substituted Member.

          10.3.1    Conditions to be Satisfied.  No Economic Interest Owner
shall  have  the right to become a Substituted Member unless  the
Manager  shall consent thereto in accordance with Section  10.3.2
and all of the following conditions are satisfied:

               (1)  A duly executed and acknowledged written instrument of
     assignment  shall  have been filed with the  Company,  which
     instrument shall specify the Membership Interest being assigned
     and set forth the intention of the assignor that the assignee
     succeed to the assignor's interest as a Substituted Member in his

               (2)  The assignor and assignee shall have executed, acknowledged
     and delivered such other instruments as the Manager may deem
     necessary or desirable to effect such substitution, which may
     include an opinion of counsel regarding the effect and legality
     of  any such proposed transfer, and which shall include  the
     written acceptance and adoption by the Economic Interest Owner of
     the provisions of this Agreement; and

               (3)  A transfer fee sufficient to cover all reasonable expenses
     connected with such substitution shall have been paid to the

          10.3.2    Consent of Manager.  The consent of the Manager shall
be  required to admit an Economic Interest Owner as a Substituted
Member.   The  granting or withholding of such consent  shall  be
within the sole and absolute discretion of the Manager.

          10.3.3    Consent of Member.  By executing or adopting this
Agreement,  each  Member  hereby consents  to  the  admission  of
additional  or Substituted Members, and to any Economic  Interest
Owner  becoming a Substituted Member upon consent of the  Manager
and in compliance with this Agreement.

     10.4 Loss of Rights. A Member shall cease to have the power to
exercise any rights with respect to that portion of the assigning
Member's  Membership Interest that is assigned to  a  Substituted
Member. In the event that Member has assigned all of the Member's
Membership  Interest  when  the assignee  becomes  a  Substituted
Member, the assigning member shall cease to be a Member and shall
cease to have the power to exercise any rights of a Member.

     10.5 Removal of Member. In the event a Member assigns all of its
Economic  Interest  upon  the  sole determination  by  the  other
Member, the Company may purchase from such Member and the  Member
shall transfer to the Company for the consideration of $100,  all
of  the  Member's  remaining  rights  in  the  Company,  and  the
assigning  Member  shall  cease  to  be  a  Member.  Each  Member
acknowledges and agrees that the right of the Company to purchase
such remaining rights and interest from a Member who transfers  a
Membership  Interest  in  violation of this  Section  10  is  not
unreasonable  under the circumstances existing  as  of  the  date
hereof.  No such purchase by the Company of the remaining  rights
and  interest  of  the Member shall operate to  make  a  Member's
assignee  a Substituted Member. An Economic Interest Owner  shall
only become a Substituted Member in accordance with Section 10.6.

     10.6 Rights of Economic Interest Owner.  An Economic Interest
Owner shall be entitled to receive Distributions from the Company
attributable  to  the  interest  acquired  by  reason   of   such
assignment  from and after the effective date of the  assignment;
provided,  however, that notwithstanding anything herein  to  the
contrary, the Company shall be entitled to treat the assignor  of
such interest as the absolute owner thereof in all respects,  and
shall  incur no liability for allocations of Net Income  and  Net
Loss  or  Distributions,  or for the transmittal  of  reports  or
accounting  until the written instrument of assignment  has  been
received by the Company and recorded on its books.  The effective
date  of  such assignment shall be the date on which all  of  the
requirements of this Section have been complied with, subject  to
Section 4.8.

     10.7 Right to Inspect Books.  Economic Interest Owners shall have
no  right to inspect the Company's books or records, to  vote  on
Company  matters, or to exercise any other right or privilege  as
Members,  until  they are admitted to the Company as  Substituted
Members except as provided in the Act.

     10.8 Transfer Subject to Law.  No assignment, sale, transfer,
exchange or other disposition of any Membership Interest  may  be
made  except in compliance with the applicable governmental  laws
and regulations, including state and federal securities laws.

     10.9 Right of First Refusal.  This Section 10.9 is applicable
whenever  any Member desires to sell, sign or otherwise  transfer
any part or all of its Interest.

          10.9.1    If a Member desires to sell or otherwise transfer all
or  any portion of its Interest, it (the "Offering Member") shall
first  give  written notice ("Notice of Transfer") to  the  other
Member setting forth the proposed transferee's name, the terms in
which the Member's Interest is to be transferred and the purchase
price of the Interest.

          10.9.2    For 10 days after the Notice of Transfer is received,
the  other  Member shall have the right to purchase all  of  such
Offering  Member's Interest on the same terms and  conditions  as
stated  in  the  Notice  of  Transfer, including  the  price,  by
providing written notice of the exercise of such election to  the
Offering  Member  and  including  with  such  notice  a  $100,000
applicable nonrefundable deposit towards the Purchase Price.  The
completion  of  the  purchase and sale of the  Offering  Member's
Interest must occur within thirty (30) days after the date of the
Notice of Transfer.

          10.9.3    To the extent that the other Member does not exercise
their  right  to  purchase  all the  Offering  Member's  Interest
offered  or does not complete the purchase as required by Section
10.9.2, then, the Offering Member may, within sixty days from the
date  the  Notice  of Transfer was given and  on  the  terms  and
conditions stated in the Notice of Transfer, sell or transfer the
portion of the Interest, but only to the proposed transferee  and
upon the terms stated in the Notice of Transfer.

     10.10     Assignment to Affiliates.  Notwithstanding Section
10.1,  a  Member may assign its Membership Interest to an  entity
that  is 100% controlled by such Member with the consent  of  the
other Member which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.

     10.11     Transfer in Violation Not Recognized. Any assignment,
sale,  exchange  or  other  transfer  in  contravention  of   the
provisions  of this Section 10 shall be void and ineffectual  and
shall not bind or be recognized by the Company.
11.  Books, Records, Accounting and Reports.

     11.1 Records, Audits and Reports.  The Company shall maintain at
its  principal office the Company's records and accounts  of  all
operations   and  expenditures  of  the  Company  including   the

          11.1.1    A current list in alphabetical order of the full name
and  last  known business or resident address of each  Owner  and
Manager, together with the Capital Contribution and the share  in
profits and losses of each Owner;

          11.1.2    A copy of the Certificate of Formation and all
amendments thereto, together with any powers of attorney pursuant
to  which the Certificate of Formation or any amendments  thereto
were executed;

          11.1.3    Copies of the Company's Federal, state, and local
income  tax or information returns and reports, if any,  for  the
six most recent taxable years;

          11.1.4    Copies of this Agreement and any amendments thereto
together  with  any  powers of attorney  pursuant  to  which  any
written accounting or any amendments thereto were executed;

          11.1.5    Copies of any financial statements of the Company, if
any, for the six most recent years; and

          11.1.6    The Company's books and records as they relate to the
internal affairs of the Company for at least the current and past
four fiscal years.

     11.2 Delivery to Members and Inspection.

          11.2.1    Each Member has the right, upon reasonable written
request for purposes related to the interest of that person as  a
member, to receive from the Company:

               (1)  True and full information regarding the status of the
     business and financial condition of the Company;

               (2)  Promptly after becoming available, a copy of the Company's
     federal, state and local income tax returns for each year;

               (3)  A current list of the name and last known business,
     residence or mailing address of each Member and Manager;

               (4)  A copy of this Agreement and the Certificate of Formation
     and all amendments thereto, together with executed copies of any
     written powers of attorney pursuant to which this Agreement and
     any certificate and all amendments thereto have been executed;

               (5)  True and full information regarding the amount of cash and
     description and statement of the agreed value of any property or
     services contributed by each Member and which each Member has
     agreed to contribute in the future, and the date on which each
     became a Member.

     11.3 Annual Report.  The Manager will cause the Company, at the
Company's expense, to prepare an annual report containing a  year
end balance sheet, income statement and a statement of changes in
financial   position.   Copies  of  such  statements   shall   be
distributed  to each Member within 120 days after  the  close  of
each fiscal year of the Company.
     11.4 Tax Information.  The Manager shall cause the Company, at
the  Company's  expense, to prepare and timely  file  income  tax
returns  for  the  Company with the appropriate authorities,  and
shall  cause all Company information necessary in the preparation
of the Owners' individual income tax returns to be distributed to
the  Owners not later than 75 days after the end of the Company's
fiscal year.

12.  Termination and Dissolution of the Company.

     12.1 Termination of Company.  The Company shall be dissolved,
shall  terminate  and its assets shall be disposed  of,  and  its
affairs wound up upon the earliest to occur of the following:

          12.1.1    Upon the happening of any event of dissolution
specified in the Certificate of Formation;

          12.1.2    A determination by the Manager, with a Majority Vote,
to terminate the Company;

          12.1.3    The occurrence of a Dissolution Event unless the
business  of  the  Company is continued by  the  consent  of  the
remaining Member within 90 days following the occurrence  of  the
event; or

          12.1.4    The expiration of the term of the Company.

     12.2 Certificate of Cancellation.  As soon as possible following
the  occurrence of any of the events specified in  Section  12.1,
the  Manager who has not wrongfully dissolved the Company or,  if
none, the Members, shall execute a Certificate of Cancellation in
such form as shall be required by the Act.

     12.3 Liquidation of Assets.  Upon a dissolution and termination
of  the Company, the Manager (or in case there is no Manager, the
Members or person designated by a Majority Vote) shall take  full
account  of  the Company assets and liabilities, shall  liquidate
the  assets as promptly as is consistent with obtaining the  fair
market value thereof, and shall apply and distribute the proceeds
therefrom in the following order:

          12.3.1    To the payment of creditors of the Company, including
Members  who  are creditors to the extent permitted by  law,  but
excluding secured creditors whose obligations will be assumed  or
otherwise transferred on the liquidation of Company assets;

          12.3.2    To the setting up of any reserves as required by law
for  any  contingent liabilities or obligations of  the  Company;
provided, however, that said reserves shall be deposited  with  a
bank  or  trust company in escrow at interest for the purpose  of
disbursing  such  reserves  for  the  payment  of  any   of   the
aforementioned  contingencies  and,  at  the  expiration   of   a
reasonable  period, for the purpose of distributing  the  balance
remaining  in  accordance  with  remaining  provisions  of   this
Section 12.3; and

          12.3.3    To the Owners in proportion as set forth in Section

     12.4 Distributions Upon Dissolution.  Each Member shall look
solely to the assets of the Company for all Distributions and its
Capital Contributions, and shall have no recourse therefor  (upon
dissolution or otherwise) against any Manager or any Member.

13.  Buy/Sell Option.

     13.1 Purchase or Sale Offer.  Either Member (the "Initiating
Party"), may deliver to the other Member (the "Responding Party")
a  written  offer  ("Offer").  The Offer  shall  state  a  value,
together  with  any required terms or conditions imposed  by  the
Initiating  Party   ("Stated Value") for  all  of  the  Company's
Property  and  shall  contain  an  offer  to  do  either  of  the
following, at the election of the Responding Party:
          13.1.1    Purchase the Responding Party's interest for a price
equal  to  the amount that would be distributed to the Responding
Party  if  the  Company sold all of its Property for  the  Stated
Value  and  on  the  terms in the Offer and the  affairs  of  the
Company  were  completely wound up and liquidated  in  accordance
with this Agreement.

          13.1.2    Sell to the Responding Party the Initiating Party's
interest  for  a  price  equal  to  the  amount  that  would   be
distributed  to the Initiating Party if the Company sold  all  of
its  Property for the Stated Value and on the terms in the  Offer
and  the  affairs  of the Company were completely  wound  up  and
liquidated in accordance with this Agreement.

          13.1.3    If the Responding Party fails within 14 days after
receipt  of the Offer to respond in writing by accepting  one  of
the  alternatives  in  the  Offer and  including  the  amount  of
$100,000  as  a nonrefundable deposit applicable to the  Purchase
Price,  then the Responding Party shall be deemed to have  agreed
to sell its interest to the Initiating Party.

          13.1.4    In the event that the purchased interest is subject to
an  encumbrance (whether or not in breach of this Agreement), the
purchase  price shall be reduced by the amount of the encumbrance
and the party purchasing the interest shall be entitled to reduce
the  purchase  price  in  addition by any  reasonable  costs  and
expenses  incurred in connection with removal of the  encumbrance
or  its assumption or acquisition of the interest subject to  the

     13.2 Closing.  The party or parties purchasing the interest of
the  other  or  others are referred to herein as the  "Purchasing
Party"  and the other party or parties the "Selling Party."   The
closing ("Closing") or a purchase pursuant to this Section  shall
be  held at a mutually acceptable place, on a mutually acceptable
date  not  more  than 30 days after the date of delivery  of  the
Offer.  At the Closing the following shall occur:

          13.2.1    The Selling Party shall assign to the Purchasing Party
its  interest in the Company so sold free and clear of all liens,
claims  and  encumbrances, and, at the request of the  Purchasing
Party,  in  order properly to set forth the record title  to  the
assets  of  the  Company,  shall  convey  and  transfer  to   the
Purchasing  Party  or  its designee, with  covenants  of  special
warranty  to  the effect that no transfer or encumbrance  of  the
Company's Property or the Selling Party's interest in favor of  a
third  party has occurred in breach of the Agreement, all of  the
Selling Party's interest in the assets of the Company, and  shall
execute  and deliver to the Purchasing Party all other documents,
if  any,  that may be required to give effect to the purchase  of
the Selling Party's interest in the Company.

          13.2.2    The Purchasing Party shall pay to the Selling Party, by
cashier's or certified check, the entire purchase price.

          13.2.3    The Purchasing Party shall indemnify and hold the
Selling  Party  harmless from all indebtedness,  liabilities  and
other obligations of the Company arising after the purchase.

     13.3 Default.  If, pursuant to this Section 13, any party hereto
becomes obligated to purchase the interest of any other party  in
the  Company  but then, without fault by the Selling  Party,  the
Purchasing Party does not perform its obligation to purchase such
interest in accordance with this Section, then it shall be deemed
that the Purchasing Party is in default hereunder, whereupon  the
Selling  Party,  may,  in addition to all its  other  rights  and
remedies  hereunder, (i) continue the Company; and (ii)  purchase
the  interest  in  the  Company of the Purchasing  Party  at  the
purchase  price and on the terms that would have applied  if  the
Selling  Party  were  the Purchasing Party; or  (iii)  cause  the
Company  to be dissolved and liquidated.  The Selling  Party  and
Purchasing Party's obligations shall be specifically enforceable.

14.  Option to Purchase.

     14.1 Right to Purchase Interest.  In addition to the other rights
set  forth  in  this Agreement, Louisville Hotel,  L.P.,  or  its
assignee,  shall  have absolute right, at any time,  to  purchase
Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.'s Interest for an amount equal to the  sum
of  the  following  items:  (1) Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc.'s  total
Capital  Contributions, (2) a thirteen percent  (13%)  cumulative
but  not  compounded return on such original Capital Contribution
which  amount shall be reduced by any distributions made pursuant
to  the  terms  of  this  Agreement by the Company  to  Ridgewood
Hotels,  Inc. thereon excluding distributions in satisfaction  of
any  Member loan and (3) $50,000.  Louisville Hotel, L.P., or its
assignee,  shall  have  the  right to  exercise  this  Option  by
providing  at  least  thirty (30) days prior  written  notice  to
Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. with the closing occurring as provided  in
Section 13.2.

     14.2  Termination  of  Management  Agreement  for  Cause  or
Nonperformance.  Notwithstanding Section 14.1, in the  event  the
Management   Agreement  with  Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc.   or   its
Affiliates  to manage the Hotel is terminated for  cause  or  for
nonperformance,  as  defined  in the Management  Agreement,  then
Louisville  Hotel,  L.P.  shall  be  obligated  to  purchase  the
interest  of  Ridgewood  Hotels, Inc.  in  the  Company  and  the
purchase  price  shall be the same as set forth in  Section  14.1
except  that Section 14.1 shall be revised such that the purchase
price  shall  be  equal  to the lesser of (i)  Ridgewood  Hotels,
Inc.'s  unreturned Capital Contribution, or (ii) the amount  that
Ridgewood  Hotels, Inc. would receive in the event  the  Optioned
Property  was sold at its fair market value and the  Company  was
liquidated.  There shall be no additional $50,000 payment  for  a
termination pursuant to this Section 14.2.

     14.3 Right to Sell LLC or the Hotel.  In the event the Company
acquires the Optioned Property, Louisville Hotel, L.P. shall have
the  absolute right to elect to sell the LLC or the  Hotel  to  a
third party at a purchase price and on other terms and conditions
as  are  satisfactory  to  Louisville Hotel,  L.P.  in  its  sole
discretion.  In the event Louisville Hotel, L.P. elects  to  sell
the  Hotel as provided herein, Louisville Hotel, L.P. shall first
provide a written notice ("Notice") to Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.  of
the terms and conditions of the sale and in the event the Company
acquires the Optioned Property, Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. shall have
the  right,  within ten (10) Business Days after receipt  of  the
Notice to elect to purchase Louisville Hotel, L.P.'s Interest for
the  amount  that Louisville Hotel, L.P. would have  received  in
connection  with  the sale to the designated third  party.   (The
date  of  Ridgewood's  election  shall  be  referred  to  as  the
"Ridgewood Notice".)  If Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. does not elect to
exercise  this right within this ten (10) Business Day period  by
providing written notice to Louisville Hotel, L.P. together  with
a  $100,000 deposit which shall be nonrefundable but which  shall
be  applicable to the Purchase Price, then Louisville Hotel, L.P.
shall  be  free to sell the Hotel on the terms and conditions  as
set  forth in the Notice.  Any purchase by Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.
under  this  Section shall occur within thirty (30) days  of  the
date of the Ridgewood Notice and any failure to close within such
time  period  shall be a default by Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc.   In
addition  to  all  other remedies available to Louisville  Hotel,
L.P.  and the Company under applicable law, the Company  may,  in
the  Manager's sole and absolute discretion, sell the LLC or  the
Hotel on whatever terms and conditions it may determine.

     14.4 Termination of Management Agreement.  In the event  the
Management  Agreement to manage the Hotel is terminated  for  any
reason  other  than  "for  cause"  or  for  "nonperformance"   of
Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc., or its Affiliates, as  such  terms  are
defined in the Management Agreement, then Louisville Hotel,  L.P.
shall  be obligated to purchase the interest of Ridgewood Hotels,
Inc.  in the Company and the purchase price shall be the same  as
set forth in Section 14.1

15.    Representations  by  Ridgewood  Hotels,  Inc..   Ridgewood
Hotels, Inc. warrants and represents (each of which warranty  and
representation  shall be deemed to be a continuing  warranty  and
representation   and   a   covenant  that   such   warranty   and
representation shall remain true and correct at all times  during
the  term  of this Company and thereafter to the extent material)

     15.1 Status.  Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. is a Delaware corporation
duly  formed and organized, validly existing and in good standing
under  the  laws of the State of Delaware, and has the power  and
authority  to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement,  which
upon   execution  and  delivery  will  be  a  valid  and  binding
obligation enforceable in accordance with its terms (subject only
to  the  application of bankruptcy, insolvency or  other  similar
laws regarding the rights of creditors generally and the exercise
of judicial discretion in equity).

     15.2 Due Authorization.  The execution, delivery and performance
of  this  Agreement by Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. are duly authorized
and do not require the consent or approval of any person that has
not been obtained, and are not in contravention of or in conflict
with   any   term  or  provision  of  Ridgewood  Hotels,   Inc.'s
organizational documents.

     15.3 Other Agreements.  The execution, delivery and performance
of  this Agreement will not breach or constitute a default  under
any  agreement,  indenture, undertaking or  other  instrument  to
which  Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. or any Affiliate is a party  or  by
which  any  of such persons or any of their respective properties
may  be  bound or affected, which breach or default would have  a
materially  adverse effect on the financial condition, properties
or  operations of this Company, and other than as contemplated by
this Agreement, such execution, delivery and performance will not
result  in  the  creation or imposition of (or the obligation  to
create or impose) any lien or encumbrance on any of the Company's

16.  Representations by Louisville Hotel, L.P.  Louisville Hotel,
L.P.  warrants  and  represents  (each  of  which  warranty   and
representation  shall be deemed to be a continuing  warranty  and
representation   and   a   covenant  that   such   warranty   and
representation shall remain true and correct at all times  during
the  term  of this Company and thereafter to the extent material)

     16.1  Status.  Louisville Hotel, L.P. is a Delaware  limited
partnership  duly formed and organized, validly existing  and  in
good  standing under the laws of the State of Delaware,  and  has
the  power  and  authority to execute, deliver and  perform  this
Agreement, which upon execution and delivery will be a valid  and
binding  obligation  enforceable in  accordance  with  its  terms
(subject  only  to the application of bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
other  similar  laws regarding the rights of creditors  generally
and the exercise of judicial discretion in equity).

     16.2 Due Authorization.  The execution, delivery and performance
of  this  Agreement by Louisville Hotel, L.P. are duly authorized
and do not require the consent or approval of any person that has
not been obtained, and are not in contravention of or in conflict
with   any   term   or  provision  of  Louisville   Hotel,   L.P.
organizational documents.

     16.3 Other Agreements.  The execution, delivery and performance
of  this Agreement will not breach or constitute a default  under
any  agreement,  indenture, undertaking or  other  instrument  to
which  Louisville Hotel, L.P. or any Affiliate is a party  or  by
which  any  of such persons or any of their respective properties
may  be  bound or affected, which breach or default would have  a
materially  adverse effect on the financial condition, properties
or  operations of this Company, and other than as contemplated by
this Agreement, such execution, delivery and performance will not
result  in  the  creation or imposition of (or the obligation  to
create or impose) any lien or encumbrance on any of the Company's

17.   Representations of Each Member.  Each Member represents  as

     17.1 The Member has read this Operating Agreement and understands
and agrees to its terms;

     17.2 The Member is capable of evaluating the risks and merits of
acquiring  an interest in the Company, has no need for  liquidity
of  investment  with  respect  to  the  purchase  price  of  such
Membership Interest, and can afford to sustain a complete loss of
such purchase price;

     17.3 The Member understands that the interests represented by the
Membership Interest issued to the Member have not been registered
or  qualified  and  have been offered and  sold  in  reliance  on
exemptions  from  registration and qualification requirements  of
federal,   state  or  foreign  securities  laws   and   that   no
governmental  agency  has  passed  on  the  merits  or  risks  of
acquiring an interest in the Company;
     17.4  The  Member is acquiring the Membership  Interest  for
investment  purposes  only  and not with  a  view  to  resell  or
distribute to any other person.

18.   Relationship  of this Agreement to the Act.   Many  of  the
terms   of  this  Agreement  are  intended  to  alter  or  extend
provisions  of  the Act as they may apply to the Company  or  the
Members.   Any failure to mention or specify the relationship  of
such terms to provisions of the Act that may affect the scope  or
application of such terms shall not be construed to mean that any
of  such  terms  is  not  intended to be  a  operating  agreement
provision authorized or permitted by the Act or which in whole or
in part alters, extends or supplants provisions of the Act as may
be allowed thereby.

19.  Miscellaneous.

     19.1 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts, and all so executed shall constitute one Agreement,
binding on all of the parties hereto, notwithstanding that all of
the  parties  are  not  signatory to the  original  or  the  same

     19.2 Successors and Assigns.  The terms and provisions of this
Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
the successors and assigns of the respective Members.

     19.3 Severability.  In the event any sentence or Section of this
Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to  be
void,  such sentence or Section shall be deemed severed from  the
remainder  of  this Agreement and the balance of  this  Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect.

     19.4 Notices.  All notices under this Agreement shall be  in
writing  and  shall  be given to the Member or Economic  Interest
Owner entitled thereto, by personal service or by mail, posted to
the  address maintained by the Company for such person or at such
other address as he may specify in writing.

     19.5 Manager's Address.  The name and address of the Manager is
as follows:

          Louisville Hotel, L.P.
          6900 East Second Street
          Scottsdale, Arizona  85251

     19.6 Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

     19.7 Captions.  Section titles or captions contained in this
Agreement  are  inserted  only as a  matter  of  convenience  and
reference.   Such  titles and captions in no way  define,  limit,
extend or describe the scope of this Agreement nor the intent  of
any provisions hereof.

     19.8  Gender.  Whenever required by the context hereof,  the
singular  shall include the plural, and vice versa, the masculine
gender  shall include the feminine and neuter genders,  and  vice

     19.9  Time.   Time  is of the essence with respect  to  this

     19.10     Additional Documents.  Each Member, upon the request of
the  Manager,  shall  perform any further acts  and  execute  and
deliver any documents which may be reasonably necessary to  carry
out  the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited
to,  providing  acknowledgment before  a  Notary  Public  of  any
signature made by a Member.

     19.11     Descriptions.  All descriptions referred to in this
Agreement  are expressly incorporated herein by reference  as  if
set forth in full, whether or not attached hereto.

     19.12     Legal Counsel.  Ridgewood Hotels, Inc. acknowledges and
agrees  that  counsel representing the Company, the  Manager  and
their Affiliates does not represent and shall not be deemed under
the  applicable  Codes  of Professional  Responsibility  to  have
represented or to be representing Ridgewood Hotels, Inc.  or  any
of its Affiliates in any respect.  In addition, Ridgewood Hotels,
Inc. consents to the Manager hiring counsel for the Company which
is also counsel to the Manager.

     19.13     Advice of Counsel.  Each Member represents and warrants
that it has received the advice of independent counsel of its own
choosing  with  respect  to  the  meaning  and  effect  of   this
Agreement.  No provision of this Agreement shall be construed  in
favor  of  or against any party on the ground that such party  or
its  counsel  drafted  the  provision.   Each  Member  shall   be
responsible  for  its own attorneys' fees in the  preparation  of
this Agreement and formation of the Company.

     19.14     Partition.  The Members agree that the assets of the
Company   are  not  and  will  not  be  suitable  for  partition.
Accordingly,  each of the Members hereby irrevocably  waives  any
and  all rights that he may have, or may obtain, to maintain  any
action for partition of any of the assets of the Company.

     19.15      Integrated and Binding Agreement.  This Agreement
contains the entire understanding and agreement among the Members
with respect to the subject matter hereof, and there are no other
agreements,  understandings, representations or warranties  among
the  Members  other  than  those  set  forth  herein  except  the
Subscription  Documents.  This Agreement may be amended  only  as
provided in this Agreement.

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their hands to
this Agreement as of the date first set forth in the preamble.

                              RIDGEWOOD HOTELS, INC., a  Delaware

                              By: ______________________________

                               Its: ____________________________

                              LOUISVILLE  HOTEL, L.P. a  Delaware
                              limited partnership

                              By: LOUISVILLE   HOTEL,   INC.,   a
                                  Delaware corporation

                                  By: __________________________
                                      Peter Gold, President

                           Exhibit A


     "Act" shall mean the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act,
as the same may be amended from time to time.

     "Adjusted Capital Account Deficit" shall mean, with  respect
to  any  Member,  the deficit balance, if any, in  such  Member's
Capital Account as of the end of the relevant fiscal year,  after
giving effect to the following adjustments:

          (i)   Credit to such Capital Account any amounts  which
     the Member is obligated to restore and the Member's share of
     Member Minimum Gain and Company Minimum Gain and;

          (ii)  Debit to such Capital Account the items described
     in  Treasury  Regulations  Sections 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(4),
     1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(5), and 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)(6).

     "Affiliate" shall mean (i) any person directly or indirectly
controlling,  controlled by or under common control with  another
person;  (ii) a person owning or controlling 10% or more  of  the
outstanding  voting securities of such other  person;  (iii)  any
officer,  director or partner of such other person; and  (iv)  if
such other person is an officer, director or partner, any company
for  which  such person acts in any capacity.  The term  "person"
shall  include  any  natural  person,  corporation,  partnership,
trust, unincorporated association or other legal entity.

     "Agreement" shall mean this Operating Agreement, as  amended
from time to time.

     "Book  Gain"  shall mean the excess, if  any,  of  the  fair
market  value of the Property over its adjusted basis for federal
income  tax  purposes at the time a valuation of the Property  is
required   under   this   Agreement   or   Treasury   Regulations
Section  1.704-1(b)  for purposes of making  adjustments  to  the
Capital Accounts.

     "Book  Loss" shall mean the excess, if any, of the  adjusted
basis  of Property for federal income tax purposes over its  fair
market  value at the time a valuation of the Property is required
under  this  Agreement or Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-1(b)
for purposes of making adjustments to the Capital Accounts.

     "Book  Value" shall mean the adjusted basis of Property  for
federal income tax purposes increased or decreased by Book  Gain,
Book  Loss, Built-In Gain and Built-In Loss as reduced  by  depre
ciation,  amortization  or  other cost  recovery  deductions,  or
otherwise, based on such Book Value.

     "Built-In Gain (or Loss)" shall mean the amount, if any,  by
which  the  agreed value of contributed Property exceeds  (or  is
lesser  than) the adjusted basis of Property contributed  to  the
Company  by  a Member immediately after its contribution  by  the
Member to the capital of the Company.

     "Capital  Account"  with  respect to  any  Member  (or  such
Member's  assignee)  shall  mean such  Member's  initial  Capital
Contribution adjusted as follows:

          (i)  A Member's Capital Account shall be increased by:

               (a)  such Member's share of Net Income;

               (b)   any income or gain specially allocated to  a
     Member and not included in Net Income or Net Loss;
               (c)  any additional cash Capital Contribution made
     by such Member to the Company; and

               (d)   the  fair  market value  of  any  additional
     Capital  Contribution consisting of property contributed  by
     such  Member  to the capital of the Company reduced  by  any
     liabilities assumed by the Company in connection  with  such
     contribution or to which the property is subject.

          (ii) A Member's Capital Account shall be reduced by:

               (a)  such Member's share of Net Loss;

               (b)  any deduction specially allocated to a Member
     and not included in Net Income or Net Loss;

               (c)   any  cash Distribution made to such  Member;

               (d)   the fair market value, as agreed to  by  the
     Manager and the Members pursuant to a Majority Vote, of  any
     Property  (reduced by any liabilities assumed by the  Member
     in   connection  with  the  Distribution  or  to  which  the
     distributed Property is subject) distributed to such Member;
     provided  that,  upon  liquidation and  winding  up  of  the
     Company, unsold Property will be valued for Distribution  at
     its fair market value and the Capital Account of each Member
     before  such  Distribution shall be adjusted to reflect  the
     allocation of gain or loss that would have been realized had
     the  Company  then  sold the Property for  its  fair  market
     value.   Such fair market value shall not be less  than  the
     amount  of  any nonrecourse indebtedness that is secured  by
     the Property.

     Property  other  than money may not be  contributed  to  the
Company  except  as  specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement.
Property  of  the  Company may not be revalued  for  purposes  of
calculating  Capital Accounts unless the Manager and the  Members
pursuant to a Majority Vote agree on the fair market value of the
Property  and Company complies with the requirements of  Treasury
Regulations  Section  1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f)  and  (g);   provided,
however, for purposes of calculating Book Gain or Book Loss  (but
not  for  purposes of adjusting Capital Accounts to  reflect  the
contribution and distribution of such Property), the fair  market
value  of  Property  shall be deemed  to  be  no  less  than  the
outstanding  balance of any nonrecourse indebtedness  secured  by
such Property.

     The  Capital  Account of a Substituted Member shall  include
the  Capital Account of his transferor.  Notwithstanding anything
to  the contrary in this Agreement, the Capital Accounts shall be
maintained  in  accordance  with  Treasury  Regulations   Section
1.704-1(b).   References  in  this  Agreement  to  the   Treasury
Regulations shall include corresponding subsequent provisions.

     "Capital Contribution" shall mean the gross amount  of  cash
actually  contributed by a Member to the capital of  the  Company
pursuant to Section 3 and the agreed upon fair market value of  a
contributing Members equity in any property actually  contributed
pursuant Section 3.  In the plural, "Capital Contributions" shall
mean  the  aggregate amount contributed by all of the Members  in
the Company.

     "Cash  From Operations" shall mean the net cash realized  by
the Company from the operations of the Company (exclusive of Cash
From  Sale or Refinancing) after payment of all cash expenditures
of   the  Company,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  operating
expenses,   including  all  fees  payable  to  the   Manager   or
Affiliates,   all   payments  of  principal   and   interest   on
indebtedness,  expenses  for  repairs  and  maintenance,  capital
improvements  and replacements, and such reserves and  retentions
as   the  Manager  reasonably  determines  to  be  necessary  and
desirable  in  connection with Company operations with  its  then
existing assets and any anticipated acquisitions.

     "Cash  From  Sale or Refinancing" shall mean  the  net  cash
realized by the Company (or any entities in which the Company has
an  interest)  from  the sale, financing,  refinancing  or  other
disposition of the Property after retirement of any debt  secured
by  the Property and payments of all cash expenditures related to
the  transaction (and after establishing any reserves the Manager
may  deem  reasonably necessary), and cash from any source  other
than  Cash From Operations.  Cash From Sale or Refinancing  shall
include, but not be limited to, the net proceeds from the sale of
all  or  a  portion of the Property (including  any  interest  on
deferred   proceeds),  from  the  disposition  of  the   Property
following  a dissolution of the Company, from hazard or  casualty
insurance  payments  in  excess  of  amounts  expended   in   the
restoration  or  repair  of the Property or  applied  to  Company
obligations, from the condemnation of the Property, or  any  part
thereof,  in  excess  of the amount expended  in  replacement  or
restoration  of  the  Property affected by  the  condemnation  or
applied  to Company obligations, and from any other voluntary  or
involuntary conversion of the Property, and from any financing or
refinancing of the Property.

     "Certificate  of  Formation" shall mean the  Certificate  of
Formation of the Company as filed with the Secretary of State  of
Delaware  as  the same may be amended or restated  from  time  to

     "Closing"  shall  have the meaning as set forth  in  Section

     "Code"  shall  mean the Internal Revenue Code  of  1986,  as
amended,  or  corresponding provisions  of  subsequently  enacted
federal revenue laws.

     "Company" shall refer to Louisville Hotel, LLC.

     "Company  Minimum  Gain" shall meaning "partnership  minimum
gain" as set forth in Treasury Regulations Sections 1.704-2(d).

     "Defaulting  Member"  means a Member who  fails  to  make  a
required additional capital contribution or required loan.

     "Dissolution Event" shall mean with respect to a Manager one
or  more  of  the  following:  the death,  insanity,  withdrawal,
resignation,  expulsion,  Event  of  Insolvency,  dissolution  or
occurrence  of  any  other event which terminates  the  continued
membership  of any Member unless the Members consent to  continue
the business of the Company pursuant to Section 8.2.5.

     "Distributable  Cash" shall mean Cash From Operations,  Cash
From Sale or Exchange and Capital Contributions determined by the
Manager to be available for Distribution to the Members.

     "Distribution"  shall refer to any money or  other  property
transferred without consideration to Owners with respect to their
interests  in the Company, but shall not include any payments  to
the Manager pursuant to Section 6.

     "Economic  Interest"  shall mean  an  interest  in  the  Net
Income,  Net Loss and Distributions of the Company but shall  not
include any right to vote or to participate in the management  of
the Company.

     "Economic  Interest  Owner"  shall  mean  the  owner  of  an
Economic Interest who is not a Member.

     "Event  of Insolvency" shall occur when an order for  relief
against  the  Member is entered under Chapter 7  of  the  federal
bankruptcy  law,  or  (A)  the  Member:   (1)  makes  a   general
assignment  for the benefit of creditors, (2) files  a  voluntary
petition  under the federal bankruptcy law, (3) files a  petition
or  answer seeking for that Member a reorganization, arrangement,
composition,  readjustment, liquidation, dissolution  or  similar
relief  under any statute, law or regulation, (4) files an answer
or  other  pleading admitting or failing to contest the  material
allegations  of  a  petition  filed against  the  Member  in  any
proceeding  of  this  nature,  or  (5)  seeks,  consents  to,  or
acquiesces  in  the  appointment  of  a  trustee,  receiver,   or
liquidator of that Member or of all or a substantial part of that
Member's  properties,  or (B) the expiration  of  60  days  after
either  (1) the commencement of any proceeding against the Member
seeking  reorganization, arrangement, composition,  readjustment,
liquidation,  dissolution or similar relief  under  any  statute,
law, or regulation, if the proceeding has not been dismissed,  or
(2)  the appointment without the Member's consent or acquiescence
of  a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the Member or of all or
any   substantial  part  of  the  Member's  properties,  if   the
appointment has not been vacated or stayed (or if within 60  days
after  the  expiration of any such stay, the appointment  is  not

     "Gross  Revenues"  shall  mean all cash  received  from  the
operation of the Hotel.

     "Hotel"  shall  mean  the hotel known  as  the  Holiday  Inn
located at 1325 Hurstbourne Lane, Louisville, Kentucky.

     "Initiating  Party" shall have the meaning as set  forth  in
Section 13.1.

     "Interest"  shall mean a Membership Interest or an  Economic

     "Liquidation" means in respect to the Company the earlier of
the   date   upon   which   the  Company  is   terminated   under
Section  708(b)(1) of the Code or the date upon which the Company
ceases  to  be  a  going concern (even though it  may  exist  for
purposes  of  winding  up  its  affairs,  paying  its  debts  and
distributing  any  remaining balance  to  its  Members),  and  in
respect to a Member where the Company is not in Liquidation means
the date upon which occurs the termination of the Member's entire
interest in the Company by means of a distribution or the  making
of  the last of a series of Distributions (whether or not made in
more than one year) to the Member by the Company.

     "LLC" shall mean the RW Louisville Hotel Investors, LLC  and
all  of  the  assets  held  directly or indirectly  by  the  LLC,
including, but not limited to the Hotel.

     "Loan" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.3.

     "Majority  Vote"  shall mean the vote of Members  (including
the  Manager)  holding  more  than fifty  percent  (50%)  of  the
Percentage Interests in the Company.

     "Manager" shall refer to Louisville Hotel, L.P., a  Delaware
limited partnership.  The term "Manager" shall also refer to  any
successor or additional Manager who is admitted to the Company as
the Manager.

     "Member" shall mean any person or entity who is admitted  to
the  Company  as a Member or Substitute Member and  who  has  not
ceased to be a Member.

     "Member  Minimum Gain" shall mean "partner nonrecourse  debt
minimum  gain"  as determined under Treasury Regulations  Section

     "Member  Nonrecourse  Debt" shall mean "partner  nonrecourse
debt" as set forth in Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(b)(4).

     "Member  Nonrecourse  Deductions"  shall  mean  of  "partner
nonrecourse deductions," and the amount thereof shall be, as  set
forth in Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(i).

     "Membership Interest" shall mean a Member's entire  interest
in the Company including such Member's Economic Interest and such
voting and other rights and privileges that the Member may  enjoy
by being a Member.

     "Net  Capital  Contribution" of  any  Member  shall  be  the
excess,  if  any,  of (a) the aggregate Capital Contributions  of
such  Member  or (b) the aggregate distributions to  such  Member
pursuant to Section 5.2.4 of this Agreement.

     "Net  Income"  or  "Net Loss" shall mean, respectively,  for
each  taxable year of the Company the taxable income and  taxable
loss  (exclusive  of Built-In Gain or Loss)  of  the  Company  as
determined  for  federal income tax purposes in  accordance  with
Section 703(a) or the Code (including all items of income,  gain,
loss,  or deduction required to be separately stated pursuant  to
Section  703(a)(1) of the Code) (other than any specific item  of
income,  gain  (exclusive of Built-In Gain), loss  (exclusive  of
Built-In Loss), deduction or credit subject to special allocation
under this Agreement), with the following modifications:

          (a)  The amount determined above shall be increased  by
     any income exempt from federal income tax;

          (b)   The  amount determined above shall be reduced  by
     any  expenditures described in Section 705(a)(2)(B)  of  the
     Code  or  expenditures treated as such pursuant to  Treasury
     Regulations Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(i);

          (c)  Depreciation, amortization and other cost recovery
     deductions shall be computed based on Book Value instead  of
     on  the  amount  determined in computing taxable  income  or
     loss.   Any item of deduction, amortization or cost recovery
     specially  allocated  to a Member and not  included  in  Net
     Income  or Net Loss shall be determined for Capital  Account
     purposes in a similar manner; and

          (d)  For purposes of this Agreement, Book Gain and Book
     Loss  attributable to a revaluation of Property attributable
     to unrealized gain or loss in such Property shall be treated
     as Net Income and Net Loss.

     "Net Income and Net Loss From Operations" shall mean all  of
the  Net  Income and Net Loss from the operations of the  Company
but  excluding any Net Income or Net Loss from the sale, exchange
or transfer of the Hotel or the LLC.

     "Net  Income and Net Loss From Sale or Exchange" shall  mean
all  Net  Income  and Net Loss from the sale, exchange  or  other
transfer of the LLC or any of the assets in the LLC or the Hotel.

     "Nondefaulting Member" shall mean a Member who has made  the
full amount of any additional capital contribution required under
Section  3.3  and  who  contributes  all  or  a  portion  of  the
additional capital contribution that was to have been made  by  a
Defaulting Member.

     "Nonrecourse  Debt"  shall have the  meaning  set  forth  in
Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(b)(3).

     "Nonrecourse  Deductions" shall have the  meaning,  and  the
amount  thereof  shall  be, as set forth in Treasury  Regulations
Section 1.704-2(c).

     "Notice"  shall  have the meaning as set  forth  in  Section

     "Notice of Transfer" shall have the meaning as set forth  in
Section 10.9.1.

     "Offer" shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 13.1.

     "Offering  Member" shall have the meaning as  set  forth  in
Section 10.9.1.

     "Option" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.3.
     "Optioned  Property"  shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 1.3.

     "Owner"  shall  mean a Member or the holder of  an  Economic

     "Percentage  Interest"  shall  be  ten  percent  (10%)   for
Ridgewood  Hotels, Inc., and ninety percent (90%) for  Louisville
Hotel, L.P.

     "Preferred  Return"  shall mean  for  each  fiscal  year  or
portion  thereof,  on  amount equal  to  thirteen  percent  (13%)
(cumulative,  but  not compounded and prorated  for  any  partial
fiscal year) return on the average Net Capital Contribution of  a
Member during such year or portion thereof.

     "Prime  Rate"  shall mean the reference rate announced  from
time-to-time by the Wall Street Journal, and changes in the Prime
Rate  shall be deemed to occur on the date that changes  in  such
rate are announced.

     "Property"  shall  refer to any or  all  of  such  real  and
tangible or intangible personal property or properties as may  be
acquired by the Company including the LLC and the Hotel.

     "Property  Management  Agreement" shall  mean  the  Property
Management Agreement entered into between Ridgewood Hotels,  Inc.
and  RW  Louisville Hotel Associates, LLC to manage the Hotel  as
amended from time to time.

     "Regulatory  Allocations"  shall mean  the  allocations  set
forth in Sections 4.3(a) through (g).

     "Responding  Party" shall have the meaning as set  forth  in
Section 13.1.

     "Selling  Party"  shall have the meaning  as  set  forth  in
Section 13.2.

     "Stated  Value"  shall  have the meaning  as  set  forth  in
Section 13.1.

     "Substituted Member" shall mean any person admitted as a sub
stituted Member pursuant to this Agreement.

     "Tax  Payment" shall have the meaning set forth  in  Section