                       ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS

DATE OF AGREEMENT:       March 27, 2001

SELLER:                  ARAMARK Educational Resources, Inc.
                         d/b/a Children's World Learning Centers,
                         a Delaware corporation

                              Address:  573 Park Point Drive
                                        Golden, CO  80401
                                        Attn.: John Rosen, Exec.VP

                              Telephone:     (303) 526-3254
                              Facsimile:     (303) 526-3394

                         AEI   Real  Estate  Fund  85-A   Limited
                         Partnership  as  to  an  undivided   20%
                         interest as tenant in common, AEI Income
                         &  Growth  Fund XXII Limited Partnership
                         as  to  an  undivided  25%  interest  as
                         tenant  in  common, and AEI Private  Net
                         Lease     Millennium    Fund     Limited
                         Partnership  as  to  an  undivided   55%
                         interest as tenant in common for:
                         CWLC # 668, 15950 FREDRICK DRIVE,
                         PLAINFIELD, IL :

                         AEI Fund Management XVII, Inc.
                         CWLC #00561, 7901 OAKMONT BLVD, FT. WORTH,

                         AEI Net Lease Income & Growth Fund  XX
                         Limited Partnership as to an undivided
                         35% interest as tenant in common, AEI
                         Income & Growth Fund 23LLC as to an
                         undivided 30% interest as tenant in
                         common, and AEI Fund Management XVII,
                         Inc as to an undivided 35% interest as
                         tenant in common for:
                         CWLC  #0556, 5524 NEW ALBANY RD, NEW
                         ALBANY, OH

                         AEI Income & Growth Fund XXI  Limited
                         Partnership          CWLC #0496, 800 SOUTH
                         ROUTE 83, MUNDELEIN, IL

                         AEI Fund Management XVII, Inc
                         CWLC  #0667, 1512 N. ROUTE 83, ROUND  LAKE
                         BEACH, IL

                         Address: 1300 MN World Trade Center
                                  30 East Seventh Street
                                  St. Paul, MN  55101
                                  Attn: Robert P. Johnson, President

                              Telephone:     (651)227-7333
                              Facsimile:     (651) 227-7705

ESCROW AGENT:            Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation

                              Address:  3636 North Central Avenue
                                        Suite 350
                                        Phoenix, AZ 85012
                                        Attn.:  David Nowlin

                              Telephone:     (602) 287-3500
                              Facsimile:     (602) 263-0433

PROPERTIES:              Those  real properties, individually  or
                         collectively, listed below and described
                         on   EXHIBIT  "A",  together  with   all
                         improvements  thereon,   and   all   the
                         rights,   easements,  and  appurtenances
                         pertaining  thereto, including,  without
                         limitation,   any  right,   title,   and
                         interest  of  Seller in and to  adjacent
                         streets, alleys, or right of way.

PRICES:                  The  purchase  price  of  each  property
                         shall  be  as  described  on  Exhibit  A


1.         CWLC #0668         15950 Fredrick Drive
                              Plainfield, Il.

2.         CWLC #0561         7901 Oakmont Blvd
                              Ft. Worth, TX

3.        CWLC #0556          5524 New Albany Road
                              New Albany, OH

4.        CWLC #0496          800 South Route 83
                              Mundelein, IL

5.       CWLC #0667           1512 North Route 83
                              Round Lake Beach, IL

                               (To Be Inserted By Escrow Agent)


A.   Seller  is  the  owner  of  the Properties,  each  of  which
     consists of improved real property.

B.   Seller  desires  to  sell the Properties to  Purchaser,  and
     Purchaser  desires to purchase the Properties  from  Seller,
     upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.

C.  It  is  the intent of the parties that, contemporaneous  with
     the  Closing as defined on page 4 of this Agreement,  Seller
     shall  lease  the Properties from the Purchaser pursuant  to
     the  terms  and  conditions stated in  the  form  net  lease
     attached  hereto  as Exhibit B.  A separate  lease  will  be
     signed  for each Property purchased, subject only  to  those
     modifications  of  the  attached  form  lease,   which   are
     necessary  for the lease to be legally binding in the  state
     in which the property is located.


      NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and valuable consideration,  the
receipt  and  sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the
parties agree as follows:


       1.1   PURCHASE  AND  SALE.   Seller  agrees  to  sell  and
Purchaser  agrees  to purchase the Properties on  the  terms  and
conditions  set  forth in this Agreement and further  agree  that
Purchaser may purchase all, none, or some, of the Properties.

       1.2    PURCHASE  PRICE.      The  purchase  price,   which
Purchaser  agrees  to  pay  for each Property,  is  described  on
Exhibit A hereto (the "Purchase Price(s)"):

      1.3   TERMS  OF  PAYMENT.    The Purchase  Price  shall  be
payable as follows:

           1.3.1      EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT.   Upon execution  of
this  document  by  both parties and receipt of  a  Seller-signed
copy  by Purchaser, $20,000 in immediately available funds  shall
be  deposited  for  each property (a total  of  $  100,000)  with
Escrow  Agent  as  an  earnest  money  deposit  ("Earnest   Money
Deposit").   Upon  receipt of the Earnest Money  Deposit,  Escrow
Agent  shall  immediately  deposit  it  in  a  federally  insured
account   and   open  an  escrow  account  for  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.   Any  interest earned  on  escrowed  funds
shall remain the property of, and be paid to, Purchaser.

           1.3.2      CLOSING PAYMENT.    An amount equal to  the
difference  between  the Purchase Price  and  the  Earnest  Money
Deposit  shall  be  paid  by Purchaser in  immediately  available
funds at Closing (the "Closing Payment").

           1.3.3      RENTAL RATE.   The initial annual rent  for
each  Property  will be equal to 9.50% of the Purchase  Price  as
defined  in Exhibit "A".  Beginning in the sixth lease year,  and
every  fifth lease year thereafter, the annual rent will increase
by  an  amount equal to the lesser of the prior year's  scheduled
rent  multiplied  by  10.0%, or the prior year's  scheduled  rent
increased by 200% of the cumulative change in the consumer  price
index over the previous five (5) lease years.

2.    CLOSING.  The closing of this transaction ("Closing") shall
occur,  at  the offices of Escrow Agent located at Lawyers  Title
Insurance  Company ("Title Company"), 3636 North  Central  Avenue
Suite  350,  Phoenix,  Arizona  85012,  attention  David  Nowlin,
unless another location is mutually agreed to by the parties,  on
the  date  twenty (20) business days following the expiration  of
the  Properties Review Period ("Closing Date").  Either party may
participate in the Closing by mail.

3.    DEED.          At the Closing, Seller shall convey title to
the  Properties  to  Purchaser by form of Special  Warranty  Deed
customarily  used in the County where the Properties are  located
("Deed"),  subject  only to those specific  matters  approved  by
Purchaser  as  herein  provided  in  connection  with  the  title
insurance   policy  to  be  issued  by  Lawyers  Title  Insurance
Corporation (the "Title Insurer").


      4.1   TITLE  REPORT.   Within twenty (20)  days  from  each
Opening Date, Escrow Agent shall deliver a current Commitment for
Title Insurance or a Preliminary Title Report ("Title Report") on
the  Properties  from Title Insurer (as defined  below)  to  both
Purchaser and Seller. Such Title Report shall show the status  of
title  to  the Properties as of the date of the Title Report  and
shall  be  accompanied by legible copies of all title  exceptions
documents referred to in the Title Report.

      4.2  TITLE REVIEW PERIOD.     With respect to each Property
separately, Purchaser shall have a period of time beginning  upon
Purchaser's  receipt  of  the Title  Report  and  copies  of  all
documents  referred to therein and ending at 5:00  p.m.,  Central
Standard time, fifteen (15) business days thereafter (the  "Title
Review  Period"), to review the Title Report and to  give  Seller
and  Escrow  Agent  notice  of  any title  exceptions  which  are
unacceptable   to  Purchaser.  If  Purchaser  gives   notice   of
dissatisfaction  as to any exception to title  as  shown  in  the
Title Report, or any amendment thereto, Seller may, but shall not
be  obligated to, attempt to eliminate the disapproved  exception
from  the  Title  Report or any amendment thereto  prior  to  the
Closing  Date.  If  Seller  does not  eliminate  the  disapproved
exception  prior  to  the  Closing  Date,  Purchaser's  sole  and
exclusive remedies shall be to either cancel this Agreement  with
respect  to such Property only by giving Seller and Escrow  Agent
written notice of cancellation, or to close such transaction with
respect   to  such  Property  only  subject  to  such  previously
disapproved exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if  Seller
notifies Purchaser in writing of its election not to eliminate  a
disapproved  exception to title, Purchaser shall have  until  the
earlier  of  the  Closing Date or five (5)  business  days  after
receiving  Seller's notice of making its election in  writing  as
described  above to either cancel this transaction or proceed  to
Closing  with respect to such Property only. Purchaser's  failure
to  make a timely election shall be deemed its election to  close
this transaction with respect to such Property only, taking title
subject  to  any  previously disapproved  title  exception.  With
respect  to  any  amendments or updates to the  Title  Report  or
previous  amendments or updates thereto, the same provisions  and
procedures   described  above  shall  apply   with   respect   to
Purchaser's  review  and  approval of,  and  Seller's  option  to
eliminate,  disapproved exceptions, except that  Purchaser  shall
have five (5) business days after its receipt of the amendment or
update  to  give its notice of dissatisfaction of any  new  title

Purchaser's failure to approve or disapprove any exception during
the Title Review Period as to a specific Property shall be deemed
an  approval  of  title as described in the Title  Report  and  a
waiver of Purchaser's right to cancel this Agreement according to
this Article. Upon any cancellation of this Agreement in full  in
accordance with this Article, Escrow Agent shall, without further
instruction  from either party, return the Earnest Money  Deposit
to  Purchaser and this Agreement and the escrow shall  terminate.
Upon  any  cancellation of this Agreement in part,  Escrow  Agent
shall  return  to Purchaser, along with a pro-rata share  of  any
interest  earned thereon, a pro-rata share of the  Earnest  Money

      4.4   OWNER'S TITLE POLICY.    Provided Purchaser approves,
or is deemed to have approved, the status of title to each of the
Properties  during  the Title Review Period, Seller  shall  cause
Escrow  Agent  to  provide  Purchaser with  a  standard  coverage
owner's policy of title insurance (the "Owner's Title Policy") at
the  Closing or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible. The
Owner's Title Policy shall be issued by the Title Insurer in  the
full amount of the Purchase Price, be effective as of the Closing
Date,  and  shall insure Purchaser that fee simple title  to  the
Properties  is  vested  in Purchaser, subject  only  (i)  to  the
exceptions  to  title approved by Purchaser as  provided  for  in
ARTICLES  4.2  AND  4.3  of this Agreement  (ii)  any  exceptions
regarding survey matters; and (iii) any other matter approved  in
writing  by Purchaser or resulting from the acts of Purchaser  or
Purchaser's  agents. The cost of any endorsement to  the  Owner's
Title Policy shall be paid in by Purchaser.


     5.1  PROPERTIES REVIEW PERIOD.     During the period of time
beginning  upon  the date that Seller has met its obligations  as
defined  in  ARTICLE 5.4 HEREOF, and ending at  5:00  PM  Central
Standard  time  sixty (60) business days thereafter  ("Properties
Review Period"), Purchaser shall have the right to enter upon the
Properties,  (only  if accompanied by Seller's representative  or
agent)  for  the purpose of further examination and investigation
of  the  Properties.  Purchaser, its representatives  and  agents
shall  have  the  right during this Properties Review  Period  to
conduct  all  testing  and examinations  it  deems  necessary  to
determine   the   desirability  of  purchasing  the   Properties.
Purchaser  shall  have  the right during this  Properties  Review
Period  to cancel this Agreement in whole or in part if Purchaser
is  dissatisfied, in its sole and absolute discretion,  with  the
results of its examination of the Properties or any documentation
related  thereto, or for any other reason. If this  Agreement  is
canceled with respect to one or more of the Properties,  but  not
all of them, then, upon written notice by Purchaser to the Escrow
Agent,  a  pro-rata portion of the earnest money  deposit,  along
with any interest earned or accrued thereon, shall be immediately
paid by the Escrow Agent to the Purchaser and this Agreement  and
the  Escrow Account shall remain in effect for the balance of any
remaining, non-canceled, Properties.

before  expiration  of  the Properties Review  Period,  Purchaser
shall  give  written  notice to Seller and Escrow  Agent  of  its
election  to either cancel this Agreement or to proceed to  close
the  transaction  upon  the  terms  and  conditions  herein.   If
Purchaser elects to cancel this Agreement in accordance with this
Article,  Escrow  Agent shall, without further  instruction  from
either  party, return the Earnest Money Deposit to Purchaser  and
the  escrow  shall terminate. If Purchaser elects to  proceed  to
close  this  transaction, the Earnest Money Deposit shall  become
nonrefundable  to  Purchaser, except if Seller fails  to  perform
when  due  any act required of it by this Agreement.  Purchaser's
failure  to give written notice of its election to either  cancel
or  proceed to close this transaction shall be deemed a waiver of
its election to cancel this Agreement.

      5.3  INDEMNIFICATION.    All entries on, and inspections or
studies  of, the Properties shall be at the expense of  Purchaser
and  Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from  and
against  any  and all liens, claims, demands, injuries,  damages,
losses, costs, expenses (including all reasonable attorney fees),
or liability incurred by or asserted against the Seller or any of
the  Properties as a result of any of those entries,  inspections
or  studies, which Purchaser's indemnification shall survive  the
Closing or any termination of this Agreement.

     5.4. DUE DILIGENCE.

          5.4.1     DUE DILIGENCE DOCUMENTS. Purchaser shall have
until  the  later of 1) the end of the business day on April  16,
2001,  or  2) the end of the tenth (10th) business day after  the
delivery  of  all  of  the  First  Due  Diligence  Documents,  as
described  below,  to be delivered by Seller at Seller's  expense
unless   specifically  designated  herein  to  be   obtained   by
Purchaser, and such documents to be of current or recent date and
certified  to Buyer, (the "First Contingency Period") to  conduct
all  of  its  inspections, due diligence and  review  to  satisfy
itself regarding each item, the Property and this transaction:

     (a)  The Title Commitment and policy;

     (b)  As-Built ALTA boundary survey of the Property as described
          on Exhibit "C" attached hereto;

     (c)  Phase I environmental assessment report and reliance
          letter prepared by a company satisfactory to Buyer
          containing evidence that the Property complies with all
          federal, state and local environmental regulations,
          current within the last 6 months;

     (d)  Copies of the certificates of insurance for Lessee;

     (e)  Final plans and specifications for the Improvements;

     (f)  Zoning compliance letter from the municipality or
          county exercising land use control over the Property in
          form and substance satisfactory to Purchaser, to be
          obtained by Purchaser at Purchaser's cost;

     (g)  Financial  statements  of the Lessee  as  described  on
          Exhibit  "D" attached hereto; and financial  statements
          of  Seller and Lessee and to the extent Seller prepares
          the  following documents: (1) evidence of a  profitable
          operation  of  each Property, which has been  operation
          more  than  one  year,  (2)  or  a  proforma  operating
          statement for each Property in operation less than  one
          year.    Annual  corporate  financial  statements   are
          required  of  Lessee thereafter,  in  the  form  of  an
          audited,   if   available,  reviewed  or   consolidated
          statement  and  requested by  Purchaser.   Reviewed  or
          consolidated statements must be certified to  Purchaser
          by an the Chief Financial Officer of the Seller;

     (h)  Copies of the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws
          and a current Certificate of Good Standing for the
          Lessee, together with all other documents Purchaser or
          Title Company deem necessary to support the authority
          of the persons executing any documents on behalf of the
          Seller, or Lessee;

     (i)  Soils report;

     (j)  Appraisal, current within the last 12 months, to be
          obtained by Purchaser at Purchaser's expense;

     (k)  Certificate of Occupancy;

     (l)  Proposed warranty deed;

     (m)  Verification of zoning classification, to be obtained
          by Purchaser at Purchaser's expense;

     (n)  Notwithstanding the other items in this paragraph 5.4.1
          (a)  -  ( m), if conditions listed below are met,  then
          Seller shall be under a duty to disclose certain  facts
          and conditions relating to the Properties if:

           (i)   Such  facts  and conditions  are  not  known  to

          (ii) Such facts and conditions materially and adversely
     affect Purchaser's  investment in the Property

           (iii)      It  is  commercially reasonable  to  expect
     Seller to disclose such facts and conditions,

           (iv)  Such  facts  and  conditions  arise  after  the
     execution of this Agreement; and

           (v)  Seller, to its knowledge, has received written or
     oral notice of  such facts  and  conditions. Knowledge being
     defined  as  and  limited  to  the  actual knowledge of John
     Rosen, or those  persons  immediately under his  supervision
     limited  to   Chris Bardwell and Leslie Armstrong.

     (All of the above-described documents (a) through (n) are
hereinafter collectively the "Due Diligence Documents").

      After receipt and review of the Due Diligence Documents  or
after  Purchaser's  inspection of  the  Property,  Purchaser  may
cancel  this  Agreement for any reason in its sole discretion  by
delivering  a  cancellation notice, return receipt requested,  to
Seller  and  Closing  Agent prior to the end  of  the  Properties
Review  Period,  but  in no event subsequent  to  the  Properties
Review Period, and the Earnest Money shall be returned in full to
Purchaser  immediately and neither party shall have  any  further
duties or obligations to the other hereunder.  Such notice  shall
be deemed effective upon receipt by Seller.

      5.4.  2.    SITE  INSPECTION.    Purchaser may  conduct  an
inspection  of  each  Property and may, in its  sole  discretion,
terminate  this  Agreement as a result thereof.  Within  10  days
after  any inspection of the Properties, the Seller shall  pay  a
site  inspection fee to Purchaser in the amount of $2500 for  the
Ohio  site, $2500 for the Mundelein, IL and Round Lake Beach,  IL
sites, $2500 for the Plainfield, IL site and $2500 for the  Texas
site  for a grand total of $10,000.  As a result, at the  request
of  Seller, the purchase price of the Properties may be  increase
by  the  appropriate amount, at the sole discretion of Purchaser,
and  the  annual  base rent for each Property  may  be  increased
appropriately.   No  refund  will be  given  to  Seller  for  the
inspection  fee paid for any Property not purchased by Purchaser.
If  Purchaser has inspected one or both properties the inspection
fee  is due from Seller regardless if Purchaser purchases all  or
none of the properties.

      5.5   NONINTERFERENCE  WITH BUSINESS.  The  Properties  are
presently being used as daycare centers. Notwithstanding anything
to  the  contrary, Purchaser may not conduct any of its tests  or
examinations during normal business hours except with  the  prior
written  permission of Seller, which may be arbitrarily  withheld
by  Seller. No chemicals or hazardous substances shall be used in
any   testing  or  examination  except  with  the  prior  written
permission  of  Seller. No tools or materials shall  be  left  or
stored  in or around the Properties during the Properties  Review
Period.  Purchaser  agrees to indemnify Seller  and  hold  Seller
harmless from the cost, liability, expense or injury to person or
property  arising  out  of any violation of  this  Paragraph  5.5
including but not limited to attorney fees.

financing contingency connected with this Agreement. If Purchaser
obtains  financing  to purchase the Properties,  then  the  total
Purchase  Price  shall be increased by Twenty-five  Thousand  and
No/100  Dollars ($25,000.00). This increase is due to  the  extra
time, money, effort, and problems that Seller experiences and may
experience due to a financed sale.

6.   ESCROW.

     6.1  ESTABLISHMENT OF ESCROW. An escrow for this transaction
shall be established with Escrow Agent and Escrow Agent is hereby
employed  by  the  parties to handle the escrow.  This  Agreement
shall  constitute  escrow instructions and an original  or  fully
executed  copy  shall  be deposited with Escrow  Agent  for  this
purpose.  Should  Escrow  Agent  require  the  execution  of  its
standard  form printed escrow instructions, Purchaser and  Seller
agree  to  execute the same; however, such instructions shall  be
construed as applying only to Escrow Agent's employment,  and  if
there  are conflicts between the terms of this Agreement and  the
terms  of  the  printed escrow instructions, the  terms  of  this
Agreement shall control.

      6.2   CANCELLATION OF ESCROW.  If the escrow fails to close
because  of  Seller's default, Seller shall  be  liable  for  all
customary  escrow cancellation charges. If the  escrow  fails  to
close  because of Purchaser's default, Purchaser shall be  liable
for  all  customary escrow cancellation charges.  If  the  escrow
fails  to close for any other reason, Seller and Purchaser  shall
each  be  liable  for  one-half (1/2)  of  all  customary  escrow
cancellation charges.

      6.3   LEASE.     The parties hereby agree upon the form  of
the  Lease  and  memorandum of lease as  attached  as  Exhibit  B
hereto.  At closing, duplicate copies of such form lease will  be
signed  for  each  Property purchased, subject  only  to  changes
necessary  for each lease to be legally binding in the  state  in
which  the  Property is located. Upon Closing, the  Escrow  Agent
shall  insert  into the Lease, and the parties  hereby  give  the
Escrow  Agent Power of Attorney to insert, the Lease Commencement
Date  that  shall be the Closing Date. If closing does not  occur
for  any  reason whatsoever, the Escrow Agent shall  destroy  the
Leases.  The Escrow Agent is further instructed upon  Closing  to
record that certain Memorandum of Lease referred to in Exhibit  C
of  Exhibit B. Such Memorandum shall be recorded in the office of
the  clerk  and  recorder, register of deeds or analogous  office
immediately  subsequent to the recording of  the  Deed,  with  no
intervening documents being recorded.


      7.1   SELLER'S  CLOSING COSTS.  Seller  will  pay  for  and
provide  AEI  with a standard title policy and pay any  recording
fees  charged by the Title Company or taxing authority. All other
closing  costs for each Parcel shall be borne equally  by  Seller
and  AEI.  Seller will pay AEI a due diligence expense  allowance
(the  "Allowance") of $23,500 per Parcel, payable at the  closing
of  the purchase of each Parcel. No Allowance shall be payable to
AEI  for  any Parcel not purchased by AEI.  Each party shall  pay
its  own attorney fees and costs.  AS A RESULT, UPON THE PURCHASE

      7.2   PRORATIONS.     Real estate taxes, personal  property
taxes  and assessments, if any, shall be prorated through escrow,
as  of  the  Closing Date, and be based upon the latest available
information.  Any other closing costs shall be  paid  equally  by
Purchaser and Seller.

8.    POSSESSION.    Possession of the Properties sold  shall  be
delivered to Purchaser upon Closing, subject to a lease  executed
between the parties.

9.   BROKERAGE.     Purchaser and Seller warrant and represent to
each other that neither has dealt with any real estate broker  or
salesperson  in connection with this transaction. If  any  person
shall assert a claim to a finder's fee, brokerage commission,  or
any  other  compensation on account of alleged  employment  as  a
finder or broker or performance of services as a finder or broker
in  connection  with this transaction, the party under  whom  the
finder  or broker is claiming shall indemnify and hold the  other
party  harmless  from and against any such claim and  all  costs,
expenses  and liabilities incurred in connection with such  claim
or any action or proceeding brought on such claim, including, but
not  limited  to,  counsel and witness fees and  court  costs  in
defending  against such claim. This indemnity shall  survive  the
Closing or cancellation and termination of this Agreement and the


      10.1  SELLER'S REMEDIES.  If Purchaser fails to perform  as
required  by this Agreement, in the time and manner set forth  in
this  Agreement,  and  provided Seller is not  then  in  default,
Seller,  as  Seller's sole and exclusive remedy, may cancel  this
Agreement  and  the  escrow, such cancellation  to  be  effective
immediately upon Seller giving written notice of cancellation  to
Purchaser and Escrow Agent. Upon such cancellation, Seller  shall
be  entitled  to, and Escrow Agent shall deliver to  Seller,  the
Earnest  Money Deposit, as consideration for acceptance  of  this
Agreement, for taking the Properties off the market, and  as  the
parties'  best  estimate  of  Seller's  damages  resulting   from
Purchaser's  default,  but  not as a  penalty.  Subject  to  16.5
hereof,  the Earnest Money Deposit released to Seller  upon  such
cancellation  shall  be  retained  by  Seller  as  its  sole  and
exclusive  remedy against Purchaser in all respects. Any  accrued
interest shall be paid to Purchaser.

      10.2 PURCHASER'S REMEDIES.    Only if Seller fails to close
any transaction(s) as required by this Agreement, in the time and
manner set forth in this Agreement, and provided Purchaser is not
in  default,  Purchaser, as its sole and  exclusive  remedy,  may
cancel  this  Agreement and the Escrow, such cancellation  to  be
effective  immediately upon Purchaser giving  written  notice  of
cancellation  to Seller and Escrow Agent. Upon such cancellation,
Purchaser shall be entitled to, and Escrow Agent shall deliver to
Purchaser,  the  Earnest Money Deposit and  any  interest  earned
thereon,  and Seller shall pay to Purchaser $20,000 per  Property
as to any Property not closed due to Seller's failure to Close as
required  by  this Agreement as consideration for  entering  into
this  Agreement and as the parties' best estimate of  Purchaser's
damages  resulting from Seller's default, but not as  a  penalty.
Subject  to  16.5  hereof,  the Earnest  Money  Deposit  and  any
interest earned thereon released to Purchaser and the $20,000  TO
BE  PAID BY SELLER shall be retained by Purchaser as its sole and
exclusive remedy against Seller in all respects.

      10.3 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: After endeavoring to estimate what
the  actual  loss  would be in the event of a default  and  as  a
material  inducement to execution hereof, the parties agree  that
it  would  be impractical and extremely difficult to  fix  actual
damages  in  case of a default. The amount of the  Earnest  Money
Deposited is a reasonable estimate of Seller's damages and Seller
shall  retain  the  Earnest Money Deposit as  stated  above,  and
Purchaser shall be entitled to payment from Seller of $20,000 per
Property as set forth in Article 10.2 above, as their sole remedy
against each other in case of default. The parties shall also  be
entitled to attorney fees pursuant to 16.5.

11.  OPENING DATE.  The "Opening Date" shall be the date on which
the Earnest Money Deposit, together with a fully executed copy or
counterpart copies of the Purchase Agreement are received by  the
Escrow  Agent.  Escrow Agent is hereby instructed to  enter  that
Opening  Date  on the first page of this Agreement and  return  a
copy to both Seller and Purchaser.

represents  and  warrants to Purchaser (and on the  Closing  Date
shall be deemed to represent and warrants) as follows:

      12.1  LEGAL, VALID AND BINDING.     This Agreement and  all
other  instruments or documents executed or delivered  with  this
transaction  each constitute legal, valid and binding obligations
of  Seller,  enforceable against Seller in accordance with  their
respective terms.

approval,     authorization,     registration,     qualification,
designation,   declaration  or  filing  with   any   governmental
authority  is  required  in connection  with  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement by Seller.

      12.3 NO CONFLICT.   The execution, delivery and performance
of   this  Agreement  by  Seller  and  the  consummation  of  the
transaction contemplated herein will not:  (i) result in a breach
or   acceleration  of  or  constitute  a  default  or  event   of
termination  under the provisions of any agreement or  instrument
by  which the Properties is bound or affected; (ii) result in the
creation  or imposition of any lien, charges or encumbrance,  not
provided for herein, on or against the Properties or any  portion
thereof; (iii) constitute or result in the violation or breach by
Seller  of any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree issued
against or imposed upon Seller, or result in the violation of any
applicable law, rule or regulation of any governmental authority.

     12.4 NO LAWSUITS.   Seller, having undertaken no independent
inquiry,   there   are   no   actions,  suits,   proceedings   or
investigations  pending,  to the best of  Seller's  knowledge  or
threatened,  with respect to or in any manner affecting  Seller's
ownership  of the Properties or otherwise affecting  any  portion
thereof,  or  which  will become a cloud  on  the  title  to  the
Properties  or  question the validity or  enforceability  of  the
transaction contemplated herein.

      12.5 NO LEASES.     There will be no existing leases and/or
tenancies  affecting all or any portion of the Properties  as  of
the  Closing  Date,  except for that certain  lease  between  the
parties attached as Exhibit "B".

     12.6 NO MECHANICS LIENS. No work has been performed or is in
progress  at,  and  no  materials have  been  furnished  to,  the
Properties  or  any  portion thereof, which might  give  rise  to
mechanics',  materialmen's  or  other  lien  against  Purchaser's
interest  in  the  Properties or any portion thereof,  except  as
disclosed in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated  herein
by  reference.  Seller hereby agrees to indemnify Purchaser  from
and  against  any and all claims of third parties, and  from  all
mechanics' liens in connection with the Properties whose claim of
lien  arises  from labor or material provided to  the  Properties
prior  to  Closing  or pursuant to a contract entered  into  with
Seller prior to Closing, including all costs and attorneys' fees.

      12.7 NON-FOREIGN AFFIDAVIT.   Seller is not, and as of  the
Closing  Date will not be, a "foreign person" within the  meaning
of  Internal Revenue Code Section 1445, and Seller shall  deliver
to  Purchaser  at  Closing a Non-Foreign  Affidavit  pursuant  to
Section 1445(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Non-Foreign

13.   AS  IS.         Except for the express representations  and
warranties  contained  in this Article 12,  Seller  has  made  no
representations  or  warranties of any  kind,  and  will  at  the
Closing  make  no representations or warranties of any  kind,  in
connection with the physical condition of the Properties.  Except
for  the  representations and warranties contained in Article  12
and  the  covenants and warranties to be contained in  the  Deed,
Seller  shall  have no responsibility, liability  or  obligations
subsequent to the Closing with respect to any conditions or as to
any  matters  whatsoever respecting in any  way  the  Properties,
which  Purchaser acknowledges is being purchased in  an  "AS  IS,
WHERE  IS" condition. Seller does represent and warrant  that  it
has  given  Purchaser  all  environmental  reports  (Phase  I  or
otherwise)   in   Seller's  possession,  which  relate   to   the

14.   RISK  OF LOSS.  If prior to the Closing all of any Property
shall  be taken by condemnation or eminent domain, this Agreement
shall  be  automatically canceled, the Earnest Money Deposit  and
any  interest earned thereon shall be returned to Purchaser,  and
thereupon  neither  party  shall, except  as  otherwise  provided
herein, have any further liability or obligation to the other. If
prior  to  the  Closing, less than all of any Property  shall  be
taken  by condemnation or eminent domain, then Purchaser may,  at
its  option, cancel this Agreement as to such Property  only,  in
which  event  Escrow Agent shall return to Purchaser its  Earnest
Money  Deposit,  and  any interest earned  thereon,  as  to  such
Property  [i.e., twenty thousand dollars ($20.000) plus interest]
and  thereupon neither party shall have any further liability  or
obligation  to each other (except as otherwise stated herein)  as
to  such Property, or Purchaser may accept title subject  to  the
taking,  in  which event after the Closing the  proceeds  of  the
award or payment shall be assigned by Seller to Purchaser and any
money  theretofore  received by Seller in  connection  with  such
taking  shall be paid over to Purchaser. Notwithstanding anything
above  to  the  contrary, Seller hereby discloses that  potential
proceeds  from  a  condemnation  relating  to  a  right  of   way
acquisition for Route 83, Mundelein, Illinois, which  is  pending
in  connection with said Property, has been assigned to the prior
fee  owner  of  the Property.  Purchaser reserves  the  right  to
review   and  approve  all  information  in  Seller's  possession
relating to such pending condemnation as a condition precedent to
Purchaser's  obligation to purchase said Property. In  the  event
any Property shall be damaged by fire or other casualty prior  to
the  time of Closing in an amount of more than ten percent  (10%)
of  the total Purchase Price of said Property, either party shall
have  the option to terminate this Agreement as to such Property.
Should  the  parties elect to carry out this Agreement  regarding
such Property despite such damage, Purchaser shall be entitled to
a credit for the insurance proceeds resulting from such damage to
the Property not exceeding, however, the total Purchase Price  of
said  property. In all other regards, the risk of loss or  damage
to the Property until the Closing shall be borne by Seller.

15.   NOTICES.   All notices required or permitted  to  be  given
under  this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be  given  by
personal  delivery, recognized overnight courier services  or  by
deposit in the United States mail, certified mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, addressed to Seller and Purchaser  at
the addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement or at
such  other address as a party may designate by notice  similarly
given.  Notices  shall  be  deemed effective  upon  delivery;  if
personally delivered: on the next business day after deposit with
a  recognized overnight courier service; or on the expiration  of
three  (3) days after deposit in the US mail, as described above.
A copy of any notice shall be given to Escrow Agent.

Copies shall be given to:

                    Leslie Armstrong, Esq.
                    ARAMARK Educational Resources, Inc.
                    573 Park Point Drive
                    Golden, CO  80401
                    Ph No.:  303-526-3381


      16.1  INCORPORATION OF RECITALS.    The  recitals  of  this
Agreement are hereby affirmed by the parties as true and  correct
and are incorporated herein by this reference.

      16.2  WAIVERS.  No waiver of any of the provisions of  this
Agreement  shall  constitute a waiver  of  any  other  provision,
whether  or  not  similar, nor shall any waiver be  a  continuing
waiver. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no waiver
shall  be binding unless executed in writing by the party  making
the  waiver.  Either  party  may  waive  any  provision  of  this
Agreement   intended  for  its  sole  benefit;  however,   unless
otherwise provided for herein, such waiver shall in no way excuse
the  other  party  from  the performance  of  any  of  its  other
obligations under this Agreement.

      16.3  CONSTRUCTION.   This Agreement shall  be  interpreted
according  to  the  law  of the state where  the  Properties  are
located, and shall be construed as a whole and in accordance with
its  fair  meaning and without regard to, or taking into account,
any  presumption  or  other  rule of law  requiring  construction
against the party preparing this Agreement or any part hereof.

     16.4 TIME.     Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

     16.5  ATTORNEY'S FEES.    If any action is brought by either
party  in  respect  to  its  rights  under  this  Agreement,  the
prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys'  fees
and court costs as determined by the court.

      16.6  ASSIGNMENT.    Purchaser may assign its rights  under
this Agreement prior to Closing without the prior written consent
of Seller.

      16.7 BINDING EFFECT.     This Agreement and all instruments
or  documents entered into pursuant hereto are binding  upon  and
shall  inure  to the benefit of the parties and their  respective
successors and assigns.

agrees  in  good faith to take such further actions  and  execute
such  further  documents as may be necessary  or  appropriate  to
fully carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

      16.9 TIME PERIODS.  If the time for the performance of  any
obligation under this agreement expires on a Saturday, Sunday  or
legal holiday, the time for performance shall be extended to  the
next  succeeding  day which is not a Saturday,  Sunday  or  legal

      16.10     HEADINGS. The headings of this Agreement are  for
purposes  of  reference only and shall not limit  or  define  the
meaning of any provision of this Agreement.

      16.11     ENTIRE AGREEMENT.   This Agreement, together with
all  exhibits  referred to herein, which are incorporated  herein
are  made  a part hereof by this reference and the Lease  between
the parties, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
pertaining to the subject matter contained in this Agreement.  No
supplement, modification or amendment of this Agreement shall  be
binding unless in writing and executed by Purchaser and Seller.

      16.12     COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed  in
any  number  of counterparts, each of which shall  be  deemed  an
original,  but  all of which shall constitute one  and  the  same

     16.13     SURVIVAL. Each of the terms and provisions of this
Agreement, including the representations and warranties contained
in ARTICLE 12, which are not incorporated into the Deed, or which
are  not satisfied by the execution and delivery of the Deed,  or
which by their nature require the parties to perform certain acts
subsequent to the Closing, shall survive the Closing, except that
the  representations and warranties contained in ARTICLE 12 shall
survive the Closing for a period of only six (6) months only.

           IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.


ARAMARK  Educational  Resources,  Inc.,  d/b/a  Children's  World
Learning Centers, Inc., a Delaware Corporation

By: /s/ John Rosen
Its: Executive Vice President


March 28, 2001

PROPERTY KNOWN AS CWLC # 0668, 15950 Fredrick Drive,  Plainfield,

The  following limited partnerships, in the respective percentage
designated, are obligating themselves to purchase the Plainfield,
IL. Property only, under the terms of this Agreement,:

AEI Real Estate Fund 85-A Limited Partnership                  20%
BY:  Net Lease Management 85-A, Inc.

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson, Chief Financial Officer

AEI Income & Growth Fund XXII Limited Partnership              25%
BY:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

AEI Private Net Lease Millennium Fund Limited Partnership      55%
BY:  AEI Fund Management XVIII, Inc.

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

The   following   corporation,  in  the   respective   percentage
designated, is obligating itself to purchase the Oakmont Property
only, under the terms of this Agreement:

AEI Fund Management XVII, Inc.                                 100%

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

The   following   corporation,  in  the   respective   percentage
designated,  is  obligating itself to  purchase  the  New  Albany
Property only, under the terms of this Agreement:

AEI Net Lease Income & Growth Fund XX Limited Partnership      35%
BY:  AEI Fund Management XX, Inc.

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

AEI Income & Growth Fund 23LLC                                 30%
BY:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.

By: /s/ Mark Larson
        Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

AEI Fund Management XVII, Inc.                                 35%

By: /s/ Mark Larson
        Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

The   following   corporation,  in  the   respective   percentage
designated,  is  obligating  itself  to  purchase  the  Mundelein
Property only, under the terms of this Agreement:

AEI Income & Growth Fund XXI Limited Partnership               100%
BY:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.

By:/s/ Mark Larson
       Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

The   following   corporation,  in  the   respective   percentage
designated, is obligating itself to purchase the Round Lake Beach
Property only, under the terms of this Agreement:

AEI Fund Management XVII, Inc.                                 100%

By: /s/ Mark Larson
        Mark Larson Chief Financial Officer

                    ACCEPTANCE BY ESCROW AGENT

      Escrow  Agent hereby (a) acknowledges receipt  of  a  fully
executed  copy  or counterpart copies of this Agreement  on  this
29th  day of March, 2001 and has inserted said date on the  first
page  of  this  Agreement, and (b) hereby agrees to establish  an
escrow  (Escrow No. N01-40086DDN*) and to administer the same  in
accordance  with  the  provisions hereof.  Escrow  Agent  further
agrees  to immediately deliver to Purchaser and Seller copies  or
counterpart of this fully executed Agreement.

* master file
                         Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation

                         By:  /s/ Patricia Keil

                         Its: National Title Officer

                            EXHIBIT A
                       ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS

      Attached  to  and  forming  a part  of  PURCHASE  AND  SALE
EDUCATIONAL   RESOURCES,  INC.  DBA  Children's  World   Learning
Centers, Inc., dated 3/27/01, 2001:


                   Closing            AEI       Est. Site     Purchase
              Costs+ Base Price +  Allowance  + Inspection     Price

CWLC # 0620
Plainfield, IL,  $1,503,000     +   $23,500   +  $2,500  =   $1,529,000

CWLC # 0561
Oakmont Blvd,
Ft.  Worth       $1,405,000     +   $23,500   +  $2,500  =   $1,431,000

CWLC # 0556
New Albany,
New  Albany      $1,530,000     +   $23,500   +  $2,500  =   $1,556,000

CWLC # 0496
S. Route 83,
Mundelein        $1,593,250     +   $23,500   +  $1,250  =   $1,618,000

CWLC # 0667
N. Route 83,
Round Lake
Beach            $1,728,250     +   $23,500   +  $1,250  =   $1,753,000