July 13, 1995 
          Messrs:  Kenneth Brown 
                   Joe Poe 
          Cooper Manufacturing Corporation 
          12900 Preston Road   Suite 900 
          Dallas, Texas  75230 
                               LETTER OF INTENT 


               The  purpose  of  this  letter  is  to  express our  serious
          willingness and intent to pursue  a plan of acquisition or merger
          by and between  Messrs. Kenneth Brown  and Joe Poe,  (hereinafter
          referred  to  a "Brown/Poe")  who  own  100%  of the  issued  and
          outstanding  stock  of   Cooper  Manufacturing  Co.  (hereinafter
          referred to  as "Cooper")  and  Electric  & Gas  Technology, Inc.

               Cooper  has   delivered  to  ELGT  certain  purchase  orders
          supported by bank Letter of Credit, lists of proposals to several
          International  customers and  unaudited  financial statements  of
          Cooper, all of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

               Based  on  verification  and confirmation  by  ELGT  of said
          information to  the satisfaction of ELGT, the  following would be
          basic  highlights of  an  agreement by  and  between the  parties

               1.     ELGT would  establish a  new corporate  subsidiary or
          affiliate  to  be  named Cooper  Industrial  International,  Inc.
          (CII),   or  similar   name)  into   which   we  would   transfer
          approximately  $2  million of  ELGT preferred  convertible stock.
          The common  stock  is presently  trading on  the NASDAQ  National
          Market System and valued at approximately $3.00 per share.

               2.   The preferred stock would have a priority par  value of
          $20.00 per  share and would be  convertible at the option  of CII
          into common stock  of ELGT valued at $8.00 per share based on one
          share of preferred for 2.5 shares of ELGT common.

              3.    CII would issue to  ELGT a total of  two million shares
          (2,000,000) of CII  in exchange for said preferred  stock of ELGT


          based on a tax free exchange of stock.

          Messrs:   Brown 
          Page 2.

               4.   CII would then immediately issue to Brown/Poe:

                    A.    A total of 500,000  shares of CII  in a tax  free
          exchange  for 100%  of the  stock of  Cooper transferred  to CII,
          which ELGT understands  is presently pledged to  Allied Products,

                    B.   In addition Brown/Poe would be issued an option to
          acquire 100% of  the $2 million ELGT  convertible preferred stock
          or up to an additional 30% of Cooper stock based on formula where
          said shares  would be issued  based on future earnings  of Cooper
          and attached hereto as Exhibit "B".

                   C.     thus  CIT would  have a  beginning certified  net
          worth of  $ 2 million  with 2.5 million shares  outstanding.  The
          balance shares of Cooper would then be consolidated with CII.

               5.    ELGT would then supply  financial corporate guarantees
          for the  purpose  of obtaining  loans and  financial funding  for
          completing production  and inventory  purchased for  the existing
          orders on the books of Cooper.

               6.   In addition ELGT could establish a legal and proper tax
          shelter  to minimize  income  taxes for  Cooper  from its  future

               7.   The then existing management of Cooper would remain  as
          officers  and  ELGT  would  supply  a  designated  CFO  following
          completion of  the transaction.  A mutually  agreed employment or
          consulting arrangement is to be made with Brown and Poe.

               8.    Messrs. Brown and  Poe are presently owed  $650,000 by
          Cooper.  ELGT will  cause Cooper to execute a  promissory note in
          the amount  of $200,000  to Gateway Bank   with proceeds  paid to
          Brown and Poe and to issue to Brown and  Poe $450,000 of a $20.00
          par value ELGT  redeemable preferred stock convertible  into ELGT
          common at $5.00 per share all in accordance with S.E.C. rules.

               Upon signing of this Letter of Intent the following would be

          1.   ELGT would cause  Gateway National Bank to lend $300,000  to
          Cooper secured by the Polar  contract and release of the existing

          2.    ELGT will additionally cause Gateway National  Bank to lend


          $200,000 to Cooper which will  be a portion of the  $650,000 owed
          by Cooper to Brown and Poe with proceeds of  said loan to be paid
          to Brown and Poe.

          Messrs:  Brown
          Page 3.

          3.    ELGT would authorize its  accountants to engage on  a "high
          spot" audit to  verify the  financial condition  of Cooper  which
          could be completed in a period of perhaps seven business days.

          4.    ELGT would send its  representative to visit the  Brady (or
          Houston or North Dakota) plants to review production operations.

          5.     ELGT would  immediately pursue  financing by  offering its
          financial guarantee  to Maxwell Sterling for $2.8 million and for
          SBA and XM bank loans from Gateway National Bank.

          6.     ELGT  will meet  with a  Cooper representative  to analyze
          existing accounts  payable  in order  to  make contact  with  key
          suppliers to help workout certain past due payables.

          7.    ELGT would authorize its attorneys to  prepare a definitive
          agreement following  receipt of a satisfactory  accounting report
          from the high  spot audit.   However, prior to  execution of  the
          definitive  agreement,  ELGT  is willing  to  initiate  and cause
          financing for Cooper  with the understanding that  the definitive
          agreement will be signed as soon as possible but during August of
          1995.  In the  event for any reason whatsoever a  final agreement
          is not executed then Brown and Poe will be required to replace or
          repay said ELGT/Gateway financing on mutually agreed basis.

          Electric & Gas Technology, Inc.

          /s/ S. Mort Zimmerman
          S. Mort Zimmermann
          Chairman of the Board and President

          The above is approved and agreed to this 12th day of July, 1995.

          Cooper Manufacturing Corporation

           /s/ Kenneth Brown      
            Kenneth Brown

           /s/ Joe Poe            
            Joe Poe



          CC:  Jim Taylor

                            AMENDMENT TO LETTER OF INTENT

               Amendment to Letter  of Intent, dated July 13,  1995, by and
          between Electric  & Gas Technology, Inc. ("ELGT")  and Kenneth D.
          Brown and Joe A. Poe, ("Brown and Poe").

               The purpose of  thus amendment  is to  supplement and  amend
          certain  terms and provisions  of the above-referenced  Letter of
          Intent in the following fashion:

               1.      ELGT  will  make  available  immediately  to  Cooper
          Manufacturing  Corporation ("Cooper")  One  Hundred Thousand  and
          No/00 Dollars ($100,000) which Cooper  will then pay to Brown and
          Poe  as a  reduction of  the balance  of the Three  Hundred Fifty
          Thousand and No/00 Dollars ($350,000) owed to them jointly.

              2.    ELGT will  immediately establish a  line of  credit for
          Cooper in the amount of  Four Hundred Thousand and N0/100 Dollars
          ($400,000) to utilize for working capital.

              3.     ELGT  will  assume absolute  control  of the  business
          operations, bank accounts, etc. of Cooper.

              4.   Cooper  will be required to utilize  sixty percent (60%)
          of  accounts   receivable,  contract   down  payments,  and   all
          unincumbered cash  flow into Cooper  other than the  Four Hundred
          Thousand and No/100 Dollar ($400,000) referred to above, to repay
          monies still  owed Brown and  Poe in  the amount  of Two  Hundred
          Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000).

               5.   The  parties agree that the  original Letter of  Intent
          shall be extended  until December 31, 1995 and ELGT  will use its
          best efforts to implement the terms of such  Letter of Intent and
          will enter into a definitive purchase and sale agreement prior to
          that date.   During  the extension period,  the parties  will use
          their  best efforts to  enter into the  necessary agreements with
          Allied  Products Corporation, Texas  Central Bank and  Totisa, in
          order that the financing and business plan  of the Company may be

               6.   Poe and  Brown agree to transfer their  stock ownership
          (pledged to  Allied) in Cooper  Eighty-Five percent (85%)  to Mr.
          Edmund Bailey and Fifteen percent  (15%) to Mr. Jim Taylor, which
          stocks shall be held during  the term of the extension, in  trust
          for Brown and Poe, and shall be returned to Poe  and Brown if the
          Purchase and Sale  Agreement is not finalized during  the term of
          the Letter  of Intent.   This  portion of  the  agreement may  be
          mutually  extended for financing purposes by written agreement by


          and among the parties.

               7.     It is  the intention  of ELGT  to  receive bids  from
          Cardwell  International and  others for  turn  key production  of
          Cooper Rigs and  ELGT is authorized to negotiate equity positions
          with Cardwell
          and/or with its President.  Mr. Art Teichgraeber, however, such  
          negotiations will in no way dilute  Brown and Poe of the ultimate
          20  percent ownership  unless otherwise  agreed in writing.   The
          parties  agree  that  prior to  contacting  any  potential equity
          investors in the  Company they will notify the  other party prior
          to  such contact.    Poe  and Brown  agreed  that they  will,  if
          necessary, make  available  to ELGT  one  percent (1%)  of  their
          additional  thirty percent  options, if  necessary,  in order  to
          close  a  mutually  satisfactory  transaction  with  a  potential

               8.     Ms. Carolyn  Brown will  be retained on  a consulting
          contract at the rate of $1600.000  per month during the Letter of
          Intent term.

               9.    ELGT  agrees to cause  Cooper to  pay Brown  and Poe's
          reasonable travel expenses in relation to Cooper's business.

              10.    Poe and  Brown will  remain employees of  the Company,
          however, their compensation will be deferred until such time as a
          definitive agreement  is entered into by and between the parties,
          however, they will remain on Company insurance, etc.

               All other  terms and conditions  of the  original Letter  of
          Intent dated July 13, 1995 shall remain in full force and effect.

               Executed this 22nd day of September, 1995.


          By:   /s/ S. Mort Zimmerman       
                 S. Mort Zimmerman
                 Chairman and President

             /s/ Joe Poe                    
                Joe Poe

            /s/ Kenneth D. Brown            
              Kenneth D. Brown
