Washington, D.C.  20549

                                 FORM 10-Q

                                (Mark One)

       X Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
	Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       For the period ended June 24, 2006


         Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
		Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Commission File Number: 0-14616

                           J & J SNACK FOODS CORP.
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                New Jersey                   22-1935537
       (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)        Identification No.)

                   6000 Central Highway, Pennsauken, NJ 08109
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                           Telephone (856) 665-9533

           Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
       reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
       Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such
       shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports),
       and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
                X    Yes                           No

           Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated
       filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act)

                X    Yes                           No

           Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company
       (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

                     Yes                      X    No

           As of July 16, 2006, there were 18,459,201 shares of the
       Registrant's Common Stock outstanding.



       Part I.   Financial Information

         Item l. Consolidated Financial Statements

           Consolidated Balance Sheets - June 24, 2006
            (unaudited) and September 24, 2005               3

           Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited)
             - Three Months and Nine Months Ended June 24,
            2006 and June 25, 2005                           5

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited)
             - Nine Months Ended June 24, 2006 and June 25,
            2005                                             6

            Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements   7

         Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                   Financial Condition and Results of
                   Operations                               20

         Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
                   About Market Risk                        26

         Item 4. Controls and Procedures                    26

       Part II.  Other Information

         Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K           27

                       PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

       Item 1.   Consolidated Financial Statements

                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                              (in thousands)

                                     June 24,      September 24,
                                         2006           2005
       Current assets
        Cash and cash equivalents     $ 13,247       $ 15,795
        Marketable securities           45,650         54,225
        Accounts receivable, net        58,952         46,921
        Inventories                     40,810         33,684
        Prepaid expenses and other       1,542          1,215
        Deferred income taxes            2,444          2,393

                                       162,645        154,233

       Property, plant and equipment,
        at cost
         Land                              556            556
         Buildings                       4,497          4,497
         Plant machinery and
          equipment                    106,631        105,815
         Marketing equipment           188,132        188,601
         Transportation equipment        1,472          1,271
         Office equipment                8,572          8,966
         Improvements                   15,162         15,083
         Construction in progress        3,504          1,354
                                       328,526        326,143
          Less accumulated deprecia-
           tion and amortization       245,023        237,098

                                        83,503         89,045

       Other assets
         Goodwill                       57,109         53,622
         Other intangible assets, net   23,146          7,043
         Other                           2,980          1,981
                                        83,235         62,646
                                      $329,383       $305,924

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial



                                              - Continued
                              (in thousands)

         LIABILITIES AND               June 24,     September 24,
       STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY             2006            2005

       Current liabilities
         Accounts payable            $ 43,045       $ 37,029
         Accrued liabilities           15,210         14,731
         Dividends payable              1,383          1,142

                                       59,638         52,902

       Deferred income taxes           17,987         17,987
       Other long-term liabilities        696            273
                                       18,683         18,260

       Stockholders' equity
       Capital stock
         Preferred, $1 par value;
          authorized, 10,000
          shares; none issued               -              -
         Common, no par value;
          authorized 50,000
          shares; issued and
          outstanding, 18,446 and
          18,272 shares, respectively   38,793         36,091
       Accumulated other comprehen-
         sive loss                      (2,121)        (1,918)
       Retained earnings               214,390        200,589

                                       251,062        234,762
                                      $329,383       $305,924

       All share amounts reflect the 2-for-1 stock split effective
       January 5, 2006.

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial


                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                          Three months ended     Nine months ended
                           June 24,   June 25,   June 24,   June 25,
                             2006       2005       2006       2005

       Net Sales            $140,132   $129,452   $360,747   $327,323
       Cost of goods sold     89,399     83,177    241,671    218,856
         Gross profit         50,733     46,275    119,076    108,467

       Operating expenses
         Marketing             16,175     15,799    44,187     41,451
         Distribution          12,050     10,541    32,545     28,763
         Administrative         4,638      4,445    14,254     13,240
         Impairment charge      1,193          -     1,193          -
         Other general
          (income)expense        (71)       (47)       (42)       129
                               33,985     30,738    92,137     83,583

       Operating income        16,748     15,537    26,939     24,884

       Other income(expenses)
         Investment income        786       429     2,244       1,143
         Interest expense
          and other              (40)       (45)       (99)      (103)

         Earnings before
          income taxes         17,494     15,921    29,084     25,924

       Income taxes             6,708      6,042    11,151      9,773

         NET EARNINGS        $ 10,786    $ 9,879  $ 17,933   $ 16,151

       Earnings per
         diluted share         $ .57      $ .53      $ .95      $ .87

       Weighted average number
         of diluted shares     18,866     18,648    18,792     18,566

       Earnings per
        basic share             $ .58      $ .54     $ .97      $ .89

       Weighted average number
         of basic shares       18,469     18,242    18,394     18,156

       (1) Includes share-based compensation expense of $80 and $221 for
	   the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.
       (2) Includes share-based compensation expense of $155 and $427 for
	   the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.
       (3) Includes share-based compensation expense of $7 and $19 for
	   the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.
       (4) Includes share-based compensation expense of $108 and $300 for
	   the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.

       All share amounts reflect the 2-for-1 stock split effective
	     January 5, 2006.

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                          (Unaudited) (in thousands)
                                            Nine months ended
                                           June 24,     June 25,
                                            2006         2005
       Operating activities:
         Net earnings                      $17,933     $16,151
       Adjustments to reconcile net
        earnings to net cash provided
        by operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization
          of fixed assets                   17,125      17,255
         Amortization of intangibles
          and deferred costs                 1,220         828
         Share-based compensation              967           -
         Deferred income taxes                 (51)          -
         Loss from disposals and impairment of
          property, plant and equipment       1,127         39
         Changes in assets and liabilities,
          net of effects from purchase of
           Increase in accounts receivable  (10,051)    (2,855)
           Increase in inventories           (4,880)    (4,943)
           Increase in prepaid expenses        (239)       (85)
           Increase in accounts payable
            and accrued liabilities          5,920       4,544
         Net cash provided by operating
          activities                        29,071      30,934
       Investing activities:
        Purchase of property, plant
         and equipment                     (12,792)    (15,583)
        Payments for purchases of companies,
         net of cash acquired              (25,152)    (16,088)
        Purchase of marketable securities              (24,075)
        Proceeds from sales of marketable
         securities                         32,650      14,000
        Proceeds from disposals of
         property and equipment                750         604
        Other                                 (532)       (377)
        Net cash used in investing
         activities                        (29,151)    (34,844)
       Financing activities:
        Proceeds from issuance of stock      1,624       1,881
        Payments of cash dividend           (3,889)     (2,260)
         Net cash used in financing
          activities                        (2,265)       (379)
         Effect of exchange rate on cash
          and cash equivalents                (203)        172
         Net decrease in cash
          and cash equivalents              (2,548)     (4,117)

       Cash and cash equivalents at
        beginning of period                 15,795      19,600
       Cash and cash equivalents at
        end of period                      $13,247     $15,483

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial




       Note 1 In the opinion of management, the accompanying
               unaudited consolidated financial statements contain
               all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring
               adjustments) necessary to present fairly the
               financial position and the results of operations and
               cash flows.  Certain prior period amounts have been
               reclassified to conform to the current period
               presentation.  These reclassifications had no effect
               on reported net earnings.

               The results of operations for the three months and
               nine months ended June 24, 2006 and June 25, 2005
               are not necessarily indicative of results for the
               full year. Sales of our frozen beverages and frozen
               juice bars and ices are generally higher in the
               third and fourth quarters due to warmer weather.

               While we believe that the disclosures presented are
               adequate to make the information not misleading, it
               is suggested that these consolidated financial
               statements be read in conjunction with the
               consolidated financial statements and the notes
               included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
               for the year ended September 24, 2005.

       Note 2  We recognize revenue from Food Service, Retail
               Supermarkets, The Restaurant Group and Frozen
               Beverage products at the time the products are
               shipped to third parties.  When we perform services
               under service contracts for frozen beverage
               dispenser machines, revenue is recognized upon the
               completion of the services on specified machines.
               We provide an allowance for doubtful receivables
               after taking into consideration historical
               experience and other factors.

       Note 3  Depreciation of equipment and buildings is provided
               for by the straight-line method over the assets'

               estimated useful lives. Amortization of improvements
               is provided for by the straight-line method over the
               term of the lease or the assets' estimated useful
               lives, whichever is shorter. Licenses and rights
               arising from acquisitions are amortized by the

               straight-line method over periods ranging from 4 to
               20 years.

       Note 4  Our calculation of earnings per share in accordance
               with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," is as
               follows (all share amounts reflect the 2-for-1 stock
               split effective January 5, 2006):

                               Three Months Ended June 24, 2006
                               Income       Shares    Per Share
                             (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                          (in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Basic EPS
       Net Earnings available
        to common stockholders   $10,786    18,469      $ .58

       Effect of Dilutive Securities
       Options                         -       397       (.01)

       Diluted EPS
       Net Earnings available to
        common stockholders plus
        assumed conversions      $10,786    18,866      $ .57

                               Nine Months Ended June 24, 2006
                               Income       Shares    Per Share
                             (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                          (in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Basic EPS
       Net Earnings available
        to common stockholders   $17,933     18,394      $ .97

       Effect of Dilutive Securities
       Options                         -        398       (.02)

       Diluted EPS
       Net Earnings available to
        common stockholders plus
        assumed conversions      $17,933     18,792      $ .95


                               Three Months Ended June 25, 2005
                               Income       Shares    Per Share
                             (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                          (in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Basic EPS
       Net Earnings available
        to common stockholders   $9,879      18,242     $ .54

       Effect of Dilutive Securities
       Options                        -         406     ( .01)

       Diluted EPS
       Net Earnings available to
        common stockholders plus
        assumed conversions      $9,879      18,648     $ .53

                               Nine Months Ended June 25, 2005
                               Income       Shares    Per Share
                             (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                          (in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Basic EPS
       Net Earnings available
        to common stockholders   $16,151    18,156      $ .89

       Effect of Dilutive Securities
       Options                        -        410       (.02)

       Diluted EPS
       Net Earnings available to
        common stockholders plus
        assumed conversions      $16,151    18,566      $ .87

       Note 5  Effective with this fiscal year, the Company follows
               FASB Statement No. 123(R), "Share-Based Payment".
               Statement 123(R) requires that the compensation cost
               relating to share-based payment transactions be
               recognized in financial statements.  That cost is
               measured based on the fair value of the equity or
               liability instruments issued.

               Statement 123(R) covers a wide range of share-based
               compensation arrangements including share options,
               restricted share plans, performance-based awards,
               share appreciation rights, and employee share
               purchase plans.

               In addition to the accounting standard that sets
               forth the financial reporting objectives and related
               accounting principles, Statement 123(R) includes an
               appendix of implementation guidance that provides
               expanded guidance on measuring the fair value of
               share-based payment awards.

               Statement 123(R) replaces FASB Statement No. 123,
               Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, and
               supersedes APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock
               Issued to Employees.  Statement 123, as originally
               issued in 1995, established as preferable a fair-
               value-based method of accounting for share-based
               payment transactions with employees.  However, that
               Statement permitted entities the option of
               continuing to apply the guidance in Opinion 25, as
               long as the footnotes to financial statements
               disclosed what net income would have been had the
               preferable fair-value-based method been used.  The
               impact of Statement 123(R), if it had been in
               effect, on the net earnings and related per share
               amounts of our fiscal years ended in September 2005,
               2004 and 2003 were disclosed in Note A13 Accounting
               for Stock-Based Compensation of our Financial
               Statements included in our Form 10-K for the fiscal
               year ended September 24, 2005.

               Since the Company adopted Statement 123(R) using the
               modified-prospective transition method, prior
               periods have not been restated.  Under this method,

               we are required to record compensation expense for
               all awards granted after the date of adoption and
               for the unvested portion of previously granted
               awards that remain outstanding as of the beginning
               of the period of adoption.  We measured share-based

               compensation cost using the Black-Scholes option
               pricing model.

               At June 24, 2006, the Company has two stock-based
               employee compensation plans.  Share-based
               compensation of $277,000, net of a tax benefit of
               $73,000, or $.015 per share, was recognized for the
               three months ended June 24, 2006.  For the nine
               months ended June 24, 2006, share-based compensation
               expense of $699,000, net of a tax benefit of
               $268,000, or $.037 per share was recognized.  The
               Company anticipates that share-based compensation
               will not exceed $1,000,000, net of tax benefits, or
               approximately $.053 per share for the year ending
               September 30, 2006.  At June 24, 2006, the Company
               has unrecognized compensation expense of
               approximately $1.8 million to be recognized over the
               next three fiscal years.  Reported net income,
               adjusting for share-based compensation that would
               have been recognized in last year's quarter if
               Statement 123(R) had been followed is (all share
               amounts reflect the 2-for-1 stock split effective
               January 5, 2006):

                          Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                          June 24,  June 25,   June 24, June 25,
                             2006      2005       2006    2005
       Net income,
        as reported       $10,786    $9,879    $17,933   $16,151

       Less: stock-based
        costs determined
        under fair value
        based method for
        all awards, net
        of tax                  -       210          -       629

       Adjusted net income $10,786   $9,669    $17,933   $15,522

       Earnings per share
        of common stock -
         As reported       $   .58   $  .54    $   .97    $  .89

         Share-based compensation
          costs                   -    (.01)         -      (.04)
         Adjusted net
          earnings         $   .58   $  .53    $   .97    $  .85

       Earnings per share
        of common stock -
         As reported        $   .57   $  .53    $   .95   $  .87
         Share-based compensation
          costs                   -     (.01)         -     (.03)
         Adjusted net
          earnings          $   .57   $  .52    $   .95   $  .84

               The fair value of each option grant is estimated on
               the date of grant using the Black-Scholes options-
               pricing model with the following weighted average
               assumptions used for grants in fiscal 2006: expected
               volatility of 34%; risk-free interest rate of 4.38%
               and expected lives ranging between 5 and 10 years.

               Expected volatility is based on the historical
               volatility of the price of our common shares over

               the past 53 months for 5 year options and 10 years
               for 10 year options.  We use historical information
               to estimate expected life and forfeitures within the
               valuation model.  The expected term of awards
               represents the period of time that options granted

               are expected to be outstanding.  The risk-free rate
               for periods within the expected life of the option
               is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect
               at the time of grant.  Compensation cost is
               recognized using a straight-line method over the
               vesting or service period and is net of estimated

       Note 6  In December 2004, the FASB issued Statement 151,
               "Inventory Costs, an amendment of ARB No. 43,
               Chapter 4".

               Statement 151 retains the general principle of ARB
               43, Chapter 4, "Inventory Pricing (AC Section I78)",
               that inventories are presumed to be stated at cost;
               however, it amends ARB 43 to clarify that

               .  abnormal amounts of idle facilities, freight,
                  handling costs, and spoilage should be recognized
                  as charges of the current period
               .  allocation of fixed production overheads to
                  inventories should be based on the normal
                  capacity of the production facilities.

               Statement 151 defines normal capacity as the
               production expected to be achieved over a number of
               periods or seasons under normal circumstances,
               taking into account the loss of capacity resulting
               from planned maintenance. The Board concluded that
               normal capacity refers to a range of production
               levels that will vary based on business- and
               industry-specific factors.  Accordingly, an entity
               will have to use judgment to determine when
               production is outside the range of expected
               variation in production (either abnormally low or
               abnormally high).  In periods of abnormally low
               production (for example, periods in which there is
               significantly lower demand, labor and material
               shortages exist, or there is unplanned equipment
               downtime) the amount of fixed overhead allocated to
               each unit of production should not be increased.
               However, in periods of abnormally high production
               the amount of fixed overhead allocated to each unit

               of production is decreased to assure inventories are
               not measured above cost.

               The guidance in Statement 151 is effective for
               inventory costs during fiscal years beginning after

               June 15, 2005 and should be applied prospectively.
               Since we essentially follow the guidelines of
               Statement 151, the adoption did not have a material
               impact on our financial statements.

               In June 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48
               (FIN 48), Accounting for Uncertainty in Income
               Taxes, an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109
               (SFAS 109).

               FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in
               income taxes recognized in an entity's financial
               statements in accordance with SFAS 109.  FIN 48
               prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement
               attribute for the financial statement recognition
               and measurement of a tax position taken or expected
               to be taken in a tax return.  FIN 48 also provides
               guidance on derecognition, classification, interest
               and penalties, accounting in interim periods,
               disclosure and transition.

               FIN 48 also provides guidance on financial reporting
               and classification of differences between tax
               positions taken in a tax return and amounts
               recognized in the financial statements.

               FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after
               December 15, 2006; earlier application is
               encouraged.  We are currently evaluating the
               provisions of FIN 48 to determine its impact on our
               financial statements, but presently we anticipate
               that its adoption will not have a material impact on
               our financial statements.

       Note 7 Inventories consist of the following:

                                           June 24,    September 24,
                                            2006           2005
                                              (in thousands)

              Finished goods                $21,563      $16,016
              Raw materials                   5,508        4,935
              Packaging materials             3,866        3,485
              Equipment parts & other         9,873        9,248

                                            $40,810      $33,684

       Note 8  Operating expenses include an impairment charge of
               $1,193,000 in the foodservice segment in the three
               and nine month periods for the writedown of robotic

               packaging equipment based on a determination made
               during the quarter that we would not be able to make
               the equipment work as intended.

       Note 9  We principally sell our products to the food service
               and retail supermarket industries.  We also
               distribute our products directly to the consumer
               through our chain of retail stores referred to as
               The Restaurant Group.  Sales and results of our
               frozen beverages business are monitored separately
               from the balance of our food service business and
               restaurant group because of different distribution
               and capital requirements.  We maintain separate and
               discrete financial information for the four
               operating segments mentioned above which is
               available to our Chief Operating Decision Makers.
               We have applied no aggregate criteria to any of
               these operating segments in order to determine
               reportable segments. Our four reportable segments
               are Food Service, Retail Supermarkets, The
               Restaurant Group and Frozen Beverages.  All inter-
               segment net sales and expenses have been eliminated
               in computing net sales and operating income (loss).
               These segments are described below.

               Food Service

               The primary products sold to the food service group
               are soft pretzels, frozen juice treats and desserts,
               churros and baked goods.  Our customers in the food
               service industry include snack bars and food stands
               in chain, department and discount stores; malls and
               shopping centers; fast food outlets; stadiums and
               sports arenas; leisure and theme parks; convenience
               stores; movie theatres; warehouse club stores;
               schools, colleges and other institutions.  Within
               the food service industry, our products are
               purchased by the consumer primarily for consumption
               at the point-of-sale.

               Retail Supermarkets

               The primary products sold to the retail supermarket
               industry are soft pretzel products, including

               SUPERPRETZEL, LUIGI'S Real Italian Ice, MINUTE MAID
               Juice Bars and Soft Frozen Lemonade, ICEE frozen
               novelties and TIO PEPE'S Churros.  Within the retail
               supermarket industry, our frozen and prepackaged
               products are purchased by the consumer for
               consumption at home.
               The Restaurant Group

               We sell direct to the consumer through our
               Restaurant Group, which operates BAVARIAN PRETZEL
               BAKERY and PRETZEL GOURMET, our chain of specialty
               snack food retail outlets.

               Frozen Beverages

               We sell frozen beverages to the food service
               industry, including our restaurant group, primarily
               under the names ICEE and ARCTIC BLAST in the United
               States, Mexico and Canada.

               The Chief Operating Decision Maker for Food Service,
               Retail Supermarkets and The Restaurant Group and the
               Chief Operating Decision Maker for Frozen Beverages
               monthly review and evaluate operating income and
               sales in order to assess performance and allocate
               resources to each individual segment. In addition,
               the Chief Operating Decision Makers review and
               evaluate depreciation, capital spending and assets
               of each segment on a quarterly basis to monitor cash
               flow and asset needs of each segment.  Information
               regarding the operations in these four reportable
               segments is as follows:


                          Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                            June 24,  June 25,  June 24, June 25,
                              2006      2005      2006     2005
                                      (in thousands)

       Sales to External Customers:
         Food Service      $ 82,979  $ 78,031  $228,969  $202,966
         Retail Supermarket  14,510    12,742    32,204    29,478
         Restaurant Group       824     1,152     3,079     4,379
         Frozen Beverages    41,819    37,527    96,495    90,500
                           $140,132  $129,452  $360,747  $327,323

       Depreciation and Amortization:
         Food Service      $  3,492  $  3,605  $ 10,510  $ 10,202
         Retail Supermarket       -         -         -         -
         Restaurant Group        24        52        82       170
         Frozen Beverages     2,593     2,629     7,753     7,711
                           $  6,109  $  6,286  $ 18,345  $ 18,083

       Operating Income(Loss):
         Food Service      $  9,283  $  8,115  $ 21,097  $ 18,340
         Retail Supermarket     729     1,191     1,003     1,667
         Restaurant Group       (81)     (110)      (45)     (347)
         Frozen Beverages     6,817     6,341     4,884     5,224
                           $ 16,748  $ 15,537  $ 26,939  $ 24,884

       Capital Expenditures:
         Food Service      $  2,756  $  2,256  $  7,843  $  6,450

         Retail Supermarket       -         -         -         -
         Restaurant Group         2         -         2        40
         Frozen Beverages     1,940     3,499     4,947     9,093
                           $  4,698  $  5,755  $ 12,792  $ 15,583

         Food Service      $204,117  $200,682  $204,117  $200,682
         Retail Supermarket       -         -         -         -
         Restaurant Group       871     1,062       871     1,062
         Frozen Beverages   124,395    96,167   124,395    96,167
                           $329,383  $297,911  $329,383  $297,911

       (1) Includes share-based compensation expense of $248 and $686
	   for the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.
       (2) Includes share-based compensation expense of $17 and $47
	   for the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.
       (3) Includes share-based compensation expense of $85 and $234 for
	   the three and nine months ended June 24, 2006, respectively.


       Note 10  We follow SFAS No. 142 "Goodwill and Intangible
                Assets".  SFAS No. 142 includes requirements to
                test goodwill and indefinite lived intangible
                assets for impairment rather than amortize them;
                accordingly, we do not amortize goodwill.

                Our four reporting units, which are also reportable
                segments, are Food Service, Retail Supermarkets,
                The Restaurant Group and Frozen Beverages.

                The carrying amount of acquired intangible assets
                for the Food Service, Retail Supermarkets, The
                Restaurant Group and Frozen Beverage segments as of
                June 24, 2006 are as follows:

                                  Gross                  Net
                                Carrying  Accumulated    Carrying
                                 Amount   Amortization   Amount
                                        (in thousands)


       Amortized intangible assets
         Licenses and rights     $ 9,013   $2,748       $ 6,265


       Amortized intangible assets
         Licenses and rights     $    -    $    -       $     -


       Amortized intangible assets
         Licenses and rights     $    -    $    -       $     -


       Indefinite lived intangible
         Licenses and rights     $ 8,960   $    -       $ 8,960

       Amortized intangible assets
         Licenses and rights     $ 8,175   $  254       $ 7,921
                                 $17,135   $  254       $16,881

            Licenses and rights are being amortized by the
       straight-line method over periods ranging from 4 to 20
       years and amortization expense is reflected throughout

       operating expenses. In January 2006, intangible assets of
       $1,746,000 were acquired in the ICEE of Hawaii acquisition
       and a product license agreement for $100,000 was entered
       into by the food service segment.  In May 2006, intangible
       assets of $15,188,000 were acquired in the SLUSH PUPPIE
       acquisition.  Aggregate amortization expense of intangible
       assets for the three months ended June 24, 2006 and June
       25, 2005 was $356,000 and $403,000, respectively and for
       the nine months ended June 24, 2006 and June 25, 2005 was
       $931,000 and $681,000, respectively.

            Estimated amortization expense for the next five
       fiscal years is approximately $1,400,000 in 2006,
       $1,900,000 in 2007 and 2008 and $1,600,000 in 2009 and
       2010. The weighted average amortization period of the
       intangible assets is 10.24 years.


            The carrying amounts of goodwill for the Food Service,
       Restaurant Group and Frozen Beverage segments are as

                      Food      Retail    Restaurant Frozen
                      Service Supermarket Group     Beverages  Total
                                     (in thousands)
       Balance at
        June 24,
          2006        $21,386    $ -        $386    $35,337   $57,109

            Goodwill of $500,000 in the frozen beverages segment
       was acquired in the January 2006 acquisition of ICEE of
       Hawaii.  Goodwill of $2,987,000 in the frozen beverages
       segment was acquired in the May 2006 acquisition of the
       SLUSH PUPPIE branded business.

       Note 11 The amortized cost, unrealized gains and losses,
               and fair market values of our investment securities
               available for sale at June 24, 2006 are summarized
               as follows:


                                       Gross       Gross     Fair
                           Amortized Unrealized  Unrealized   Market
                              Cost    Gains        Losses    Value
                                     (in thousands)

       Available for Sale
        Equity Securities   $40,650    $    -      $   -     $40,650
        Municipal Government
          Securities          5,000         -          -       5,000
                            $45,650    $    -      $   -     $45,650

            The amortized cost, unrealized gains and losses, and
            fair market values of the Company's investment
            securities available for sale at September 24, 2005
            are summarized as follows:

                                       Gross      Gross     Fair
                           Amortized Unrealized Unrealized   Market
                               Cost    Gains       Losses    Value
                                     (in thousands)

       Available for Sale
        Equity Securities  $49,225     $  -        $  -    $49,225
        Municipal Government
         Securities          5,000        -           -      5,000
                           $54,225     $  -        $  -    $54,225

            Because of the short term nature of our investment
       securities held at June 24, 2006 and September 24, 2005,
       they do not fluctuate from par.

            Proceeds from the sale of marketable securities were
       $17,100,000 and $32,650,000 in the three and nine months
       ended June 24, 2006, respectively, with no gain or loss
       recognized.  We use the specific identification method to
       determine the cost of securities sold.

       Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                 Financial Condition and Results of Operations

       Liquidity and Capital Resources

            Our current cash and marketable securities balances
       and cash expected to be provided by future operations are
       our primary sources of liquidity.  We believe that these
       sources, along with our borrowing capacity, are sufficient
       to fund future growth and expansion.

            The Company's Board of Directors declared a regular
       quarterly cash dividend of $.075 per share of its common
       stock payable on July 6, 2006 to shareholders of record as
       of the close of business on June 15, 2006.

            In the three months ended June 24, 2006 and June 25,
       2005, fluctuations in the valuation of the Mexican peso
       caused a decrease of $197,000 and a increase of $116,000,
       respectively, in stockholders' equity because of the
       translation of the net assets of the Company's Mexican
       frozen beverage subsidiary. In the nine month periods,
       there was a decrease of $203,000 in fiscal year 2006 and a
       increase of $172,000 in fiscal year 2005.

            In March 2005, we acquired all of the assets of
       Snackworks LLC, d/b/a Bavarian Brothers, a manufacturer of
       soft pretzels which operates a production facility in
       Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and markets its products under
       the brand names SERIOUSLY TWISTED!, BAVARIAN BROTHERS and
       CINNAPRETZEL. Snackworks sells throughout the continental
       United States primarily to mass merchandisers and theatres.

            On January 31, 2006, we acquired the stock of ICEE of
       Hawaii.  ICEE of Hawaii, headquartered in Waipahu, Hawaii,
       distributes ICEE frozen beverages and related products
       throughout the Hawaiian islands.  Annual sales are
       approximately $2.3 million.

            On May 26, 2006, The ICEE Company, our frozen carbonated
       beverage distribution company, acquired the SLUSH PUPPIE
       branded business from Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., a Cadbury
       Schweppes Americas Beverages Company for $18.1 million plus
       approximately $4.7 in working capital.  SLUSH PUPPIE, North
       America's leading brand for frozen non-carbonated beverages,

       is sold through an existing established distributor network to
       over 20,000 locations in the United States and Canada as well

       as to certain international markets.  Sales of the SLUSH
       PUPPIE business were approximately $18 million in 2005.  The
       allocation of the purchase price is as follows:

                                                 (in thousands)
            Working capital                        $ 4,650
            Property, plant and equipment               25
            Prepaid license                          1,400
            Trade names                              7,460
            Customer relationships                   6,180
            Covenant not to compete                    148
            Goodwill                                 2,987

            These acquisitions were accounted for under the
       purchase method of accounting, and their operations are
       included in the consolidated financial statements from
       their respective acquisition dates.

            Our general-purpose bank credit line provides for up
       to a $50,000,000 revolving credit facility. The agreement
       contains restrictive covenants and requires commitment fees
       in accordance with standard banking practice. There were no
       outstanding balances under this facility at June 24, 2006.

       Results of Operations

            Net sales increased $10,680,000 or 8% for the three
       months to $140,132,000 and $33,424,000 or 10% to
       $360,747,000 for the nine months ended June 24, 2006
       compared to the three and nine months ended June 25, 2005.
       Excluding sales from the acquisitions of Snackworks, LLC in
       March 2005, ICEE of Hawaii in January 2006 and SLUSH PUPPIE
       in May 2006, net sales increased $8,092,000 or 6% for the
       three months and $24,804,000 or 8% for the nine months
       ended June 24, 2006 compared to the three and nine months
       ended June 25, 2005.


            Sales to food service customers increased $4,948,000
       or 6% in the third quarter to $82,979,000 and increased
       $26,003,000 or 13% for the nine months. Excluding sales
       from the acquisition of Snackworks, LLC, sales to food

       service customers increased $20,262,000 or 10% for the nine
       months. Soft pretzel sales to the food service market
       increased 7% to $25,937,000 in the third quarter and 14% to
       $73,369,000 in the nine months. Excluding sales from the
       acquisition of Snackworks, LLC, soft pretzel sales

       increased 5% for the nine months. Much of the increase for
       the quarter and year to date resulted from new business
       generated by Snackworks' products.  Italian ice and frozen
       juice treat and dessert sales increased 2%, or $290,000, to
       $13,692,000 in the three months and increased 8%, or
       $2,052,000, to $29,061,000 in the nine months due primarily
       to strong sales increases to school foodservice customers,
       offset somewhat in the third quarter by lower sales to
       warehouse club stores. Churro sales to food service
       customers increased 60% to $6,101,000 in the third quarter
       and increased 52% to $16,257,000 in the nine months
       primarily due to increased sales to one customer. Sales of
       bakery products were essentially flat at $33,896,000 in the
       third quarter and increased $8,477,000 or 9% for the nine
       months due primarily to increased sales to private label
       customers. Bakery product sales were impacted by the loss
       of one customer which accounted for $1.2 million of sales
       in last year's third quarter.  In the third quarter, sales
       of our funnel cake product were up $568,000, or 23%, and in
       the nine months were up $606,000, or 14% due to increased
       sales to one customer. The changes in sales throughout the
       food service segment were from a combination of volume
       changes and price increases.


            Sales of products to retail supermarkets increased
       $1,768,000 or 14% to $14,510,000 in the third quarter and
       increased $2,726,000, or 9%, in the nine months. Soft
       pretzel sales increased 1% to $4,976,000 for the quarter
       and increased 2% to $17,411,000 for the nine months due
       entirely to price increases. Sales of frozen juices and
       ices increased $1,201,000 or 14% to $9,881,000 in the third
       quarter and $753,000 or 5% to $15,732,000 in the nine
       months. Case sales of frozen juices and ices products were
       up 17% in the quarter and 11% for the nine months due to
       the introduction of several new products. Coupon costs, a
       reduction of sales, decreased by $563,000, or 54%, in the
       third quarter and by $1,671,000, or 54% in the nine months.


            Sales of our Restaurant Group decreased 28% to

       $824,000 in the third quarter and 30% to $3,079,000 for the
       nine month period.  The sales decreases were caused
       primarily by the closing or licensing of unprofitable
       stores in the past year.  Sales of stores open for both
       year's quarter and nine months were down about 3% from last
       year.  Operating income was impacted by approximately

       $18,000 of store closing and related costs in the nine
       month period compared to $108,000 in the year ago period.


            Frozen beverage and related product sales increased
       $4,292,000 or 11% to $41,819,000 in the third quarter and
       $5,995,000 or 7% to $96,495,000 in the nine months.
       Excluding the benefit of sales from the acquisitions of
       ICEE of Hawaii and SLUSH PUPPIE, frozen beverages and
       related product sales would have been up 5% for the quarter
       and 3% for the nine months.  Beverage sales alone were up
       8% to $28,911,000 in the third quarter and 3% to
       $63,636,000 in the nine months.  Excluding the benefit of
       sales from the acquisitions, beverage sales alone would
       have been unchanged in the quarter and down 1% in the nine
       months due to a change in a pricing program to a major
       customer.  Service revenue increased 5% to $6,911,000 in
       the third quarter and 2% to $17,846,000 in the nine months
       even though sales to one customer were down about $300,000
       in the quarter and $1,600,000 for the nine months. Sales of
       beverage machines were $3,868,000 higher this year than
       last in the nine month period with two customers accounting
       for more than half of the increase.  In the third quarter,
       sales of machines were higher by $1,759,000 compared to
       last year.


            Gross profit as a percentage of sales increased to
       36.20% in the three month period from 35.75% last year but
       decreased to 33.01% in the nine month period from 33.14% a
       year ago.  The nine month drop in gross profit percentage
       resulted from increased sales of lower margin beverage
       machines in our frozen beverages segment.  The third
       quarter improvement in gross profit percentage resulted
       from efficiencies from higher volume and pricing, which
       included reduced coupon expense in our retail supermarkets
       segment, which more than offset continuing commodity and
       utility cost increases as well as slotting expense to
       introduce new retail supermarket products.  We were
       impacted by higher commodity and packaging costs of
       approximately $1,500,000 and $3,100,000 and higher utility

       costs of approximately $450,000 and $1,700,000 for the
       three and nine month periods, respectively.  We expect to
       continue to be impacted by higher commodity and packaging
       pricing, utility cost increases and slotting costs over the
       short term.

            Total operating expenses increased $3,247,000 in the
       third quarter but as a percentage of sales were 24% in both
       year's quarters. For the nine months, operating expenses
       increased $8,554,000 but as a percentage of sales were 26%
       for both years. Marketing expenses were at 12% in both
       years' three month period although they dropped about 3/4 of
       a percentage point as a percent of sales in the period. For
       the nine months, marketing expenses dropped about 4/10% of
       a percentage point to 12% from 13% last year. The
       percentage decreases were the result of controlled spending
       throughout all of our businesses and the increased level of
       sales. Distribution expenses increased about 1/2 of a
       percentage point to 9% in the three months, primarily
       because of higher fuel and third party trucking costs and
       were 9% of sales in both year's nine month period.  We
       expect higher gasoline costs and third party trucking costs
       to continue to impact our operating income over the short
       term.  Administrative expenses as a percent of sales were
       3% in both years' third quarter and were 4% for the nine
       months in both years.  Operating expenses include an
       impairment charge of $1,193,000 in the food service segment
       in the three and nine month periods for the writedown of
       robotic packaging equipment based on a determination made
       during the quarter that we would not be able to make the
       equipment work as intended.

            Operating income increased $1,211,000 or 8% to
       $16,748,000 in the third quarter and $2,055,000 or 8% to
       $26,939,000 in the nine months as a result of the
       aforementioned. Operating income also benefitted by lower
       group health insurance costs of about $300,000 in the
       quarter and $850,000 for the nine months.  Excluding the
       impact of share-based compensation expense recognized this
       year and not last year, operating income increased 10% for
       the quarter and 12% for the nine months.  Excluding the
       impact of share-based compensation expense recognized this
       year and not last year and excluding the impact of the
       writedown of impaired robotic packaging equipment,
       operating income increased 18% for the quarter and 17% for
       the nine months.

            Investment income increased by $357,000 to $786,000 in
       this year's third quarter and by $1,101,000 to $2,244,000

       in the nine months primarily due to an increase in the
       general level of interest rates.

            The effective income tax rate has been estimated at
       38% for the third quarter and nine months this year
       compared to 37% in last year's periods due a higher level

       of state taxes and a lower tax benefit on share-based

            Net earnings increased $907,000 or 9% in the three
       month period to $10,786,000 and increased 11% or $1,782,000
       in the nine months this year from $16,151,000 last year.
       Excluding the impact of share-based compensation expense
       recognized this year and not last year, net earnings
       increased 12% for the quarter and 15% for the year.
       Excluding the impact of share-based compensation expense
       recognized this year and not last year and excluding the
       impact of the writedown of impaired robotic packaging
       equipment, net earnings increased 19% for the quarter and
       20% for the year.

       Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
               Market Risk

               There has been no material change in the Company's
               assessment of its sensitivity to market risk since
               its presentation set forth, in item 7a.
               "Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
               Market Risk," in its 2004 annual report on Form 10-K
               filed with the SEC.

       Item 4. Controls and Procedures

              The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer
	      of the Company (its principal executive officer and
	      principal financial officer, respectively) have concluded,
	      based on their evaluation as of June 24, 2006, that the
	      Company's disclosure controls and procedures are effective
	      to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the
	      Company in the reports filed or submitted by it under the
	      Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is recorded,
        processed, summarized and reported within the time periods
        specified in the SEC's rules and forms, and include controls
	      and procedures designed to ensure that information
        required to be disclosed by the Company in such reports is
        accumulated and communicated to the Company's management,
        including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
        Officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding
        required disclosure.

        There were no changes in the Company's internal controls
        over financial reporting or in other


         factors that could significantly affect these controls
         subsequent to the date of such evaluation.

                           PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION

       Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

             a) Exhibits

                31.1 & Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of
                31.2   the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

                99.5 & Certification Pursuant to the 18 U.S.C.
                99.6   Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to
                         Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

            b) Reports on Form 8-K - Reports on Form 8-K were
               filed on April 21, 2006, May 25, 2006 and May 31,



            Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
       Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this
       report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
       thereunto duly authorized.

                                   J & J SNACK FOODS CORP.

       Dated:  July 24, 2006       /s/ Gerald B. Shreiber
                                   Gerald B. Shreiber

       Dated:  July 24, 2006       /s/ Dennis G. Moore
                                   Dennis G. Moore
                                   Senior Vice President and
                                   Chief Financial Officer


       Exhibit 31.1

                         CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                                SECTION 302
                     OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

       I, Dennis G. Moore, certify that:

            1.   I have reviewed this report on Form 10-Q of J & J
       Snack Foods Corp.;

            2.   Based on my knowledge, this report does not
       contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
       state a material fact necessary to make the statements
       made, in light of the circumstances under which such
       statements were made, not misleading with respect to the
       period covered by this report;

            3.   Based on my knowledge, the financial statements,
       and other financial information included in this report,
       fairly present in all material respects the financial
       condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
       registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this

            4.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I
       are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure
       controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
       13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal controls and
       procedures for financial reporting (as defined in Exchange
       Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and

                 a)   designed such disclosure controls and
       procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and
       procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure
       that material information relating to the Registrant,
       including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
       us by others within those entities, particularly during the
       period in which this report is being prepared;

                 b)   designed such internal controls and
       procedures for financial reporting, or caused such internal
       controls over financial reporting to be designed under our
       supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
       reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of
       financial statements for external purposes in accordance
       with generally accepted accounting principles;

                 c)   evaluated the effectiveness of the
       registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and
       presented in this report our conclusions about the
       effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as
       of the end of the period covered by this report based on
       such evaluation; and

                 d)   disclosed in this report any change in the
       registrant's internal control over financial reporting that
       occurred during the registrant's third fiscal quarter that
       has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
       materially affect, the registrant's internal control over
       financial reporting; and

            5.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I
       have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of
       internal control over financial reporting, to the
       registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
       registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the
       equivalent functions):

                 a)   all significant deficiencies and material
       weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control
       over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to
       adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,
       process, summarize and report financial information; and

                 b)   any fraud, whether or not material, that
       involves management or other employees who have a
       significant role in the registrant's internal controls over
       financial reporting.

       Date: July 24, 2006

                                     /s/ Dennis G. Moore
                                     Dennis G. Moore
                                     Chief Financial Officer

       Exhibit 31.2

                         CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                                SECTION 302
                     OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

       I, Gerald B. Shreiber, certify that:

            1.   I have reviewed this report on Form 10-Q of J & J
       Snack Foods Corp.;

            2.   Based on my knowledge, this report does not
       contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
       state a material fact necessary to make the statements
       made, in light of the circumstances under which such
       statements were made, not misleading with respect to the
       period covered by this report;

            3.   Based on my knowledge, the financial statements,
       and other financial information included in this report,
       fairly present in all material respects the financial
       condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
       registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this

            4.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I
       are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure
       controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
       13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal controls and
       procedures for financial reporting (as defined in Exchange
       Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and

                 a)   designed such disclosure controls and
       procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and
       procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure
       that material information relating to the Registrant,
       including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
       us by others within those entities, particularly during the
       period in which this report is being prepared;

                 b)   designed such internal controls and
       procedures for financial reporting, or caused such internal
       controls over financial reporting to be designed under our
       supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
       reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of
       financial statements for external purposes in accordance
       with generally accepted accounting principles;

                 c)   evaluated the effectiveness of the
       registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and
       presented in this report our conclusions about the
       effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as
       of the end of the period covered by this report based on
       such evaluation; and

                 d)   disclosed in this report any change in the
       registrant's internal control over financial reporting that
       occurred during the registrant's third fiscal quarter that
       has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
       materially affect, the registrant's internal control over
       financial reporting; and

            5.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I
       have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of
       internal control over financial reporting, to the
       registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
       registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the
       equivalent functions):

                 a)   all significant deficiencies and material
       weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control
       over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to
       adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,
       process, summarize and report financial information; and

                 b)   any fraud, whether or not material, that
       involves management or other employees who have a
       significant role in the registrant's internal controls over
       financial reporting.

       Date: July 24, 2006

                                     /s/ Gerald B. Shreiber
                                     Gerald B. Shreiber
                                   Chief Executive Officer

       Exhibit 99.5

                         CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                          18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
                          AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO
               SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

            Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
       2002 (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United
       States Code), the undersigned officer of J & J Snack Foods
       Corp. (the "Company"), does hereby certify with respect to
       the Quarterly Report of the Company on Form 10-Q for the
       quarter ended June 24, 2006 (the "Report") that:

            (1)  The Report fully complies with the requirements
                 of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities
                 Exchange Act of 1934; and

            (2)  The information contained in the Report fairly
                 presents, in all material respects, the financial
                 condition and results of operations of the

       Dated: July 24, 2006

                                     /s/ Dennis G. Moore
                                     Dennis G. Moore
                                     Chief Financial Officer

       The foregoing certification is being furnished solely
       pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
       (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United
       States Code) and is not being filed as part of the Report
       or as a separate disclosure document.

       Exhibit 99.6

                         CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                          18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
                          AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO
               SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

            Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
       2002 (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United
       States Code), the undersigned officer of J & J Snack Foods
       Corp. (the "Company"), does hereby certify with respect to
       the Quarterly Report of the Company on Form 10-Q for the
       quarter ended June 24, 2006 (the "Report") that:

            (1)  The Report fully complies with the requirements
                 of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities
                 Exchange Act of 1934; and

            (2)  The information contained in the Report fairly
                 presents, in all material respects, the financial
                 condition and results of operations of the

       Dated: July 24, 2006
                                     /s/ Gerald B. Shreiber
                                     Gerald B. Shreiber
                                     Chief Executive Officer

       The foregoing certification is being furnished solely
       pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
       (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United
       States Code) and is not being filed as part of the Report
       or as a separate disclosure document.