Washington, D.C. 20549

                                      FORM 10-Q

        (Mark One)


        For the quarterly period ended    March 31, 1994



        For the transition period from              to                 

                   Commission file number          0-15815        

                        Krupp Insured Plus Limited Partnership

        Massachusetts                                    04-2915281
        (State or other jurisdiction of                (IRS employer
        incorporation or organization)                identification no.)
        470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts          02210
        (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

                                    (617) 423-2233
                 (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

        Indicate  by check  mark whether  the registrant  (1) has  filed all
        reports  required  to  be  filed  by  Section  13  or 15(d)  of  the
        Securities Exchange Act  of 1934 during the preceding 12  months (or
        for such  shorter period that  the registrant was  required to  file
        such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing  requirements
        for the past 90 days.
        Yes   X    No      

                                  PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

          Item 1.      FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                              KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                          BALANCE SHEETS

                                                             March 31,    December          31,
                                                                 1994           1993   

          Participating Insured Mortgages ("PIMs")           $ 60,204,914   $ 60,322,532
          Mortgage Backed Securities and Insured 
           Mortgages ("MBS")                                   32,319,679     34,652,217  

                 Total mortgage investments                    92,524,593     94,974,749

          Cash and cash equivalents                            10,384,673      8,775,797
          Interest receivable and other assets                    765,256        697,394
          Prepaid acquisition fees and expenses, net of
           accumulated amortization of $3,084,670 and
           $2,893,353, respectively                             3,035,838      3,227,155   
          Prepaid participation servicing fees, net of
           accumulated amortization of $1,556,932 and
           $1,508,624, respectively                               843,067        891,375

                 Total assets                                $107,553,427   $108,566,470                        

                                     LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

          Liabilities                                        $      4,167   $      5,376

          Partners' equity (Note 2)                           107,549,260    108,561,094

                 Total liabilities and Partners' equity      $107,553,427   $108,566,470                        

                                  The accompanying notes are an integral
                                     part of the financial statements.


                                  KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                           STATEMENTS OF INCOME


                                                                For the Three Months  
                                                                  Ended March 31,     
                                                                1994           1993   

              Interest income - PIMs                         $1,218,843     $1,143,787
              Interest income - MBS                             691,601        809,698
              Other interest income                              77,167         92,188

                    Total revenues                            1,987,611      2,045,673

              Asset management fee                              173,153        192,382
              Expense reimbursements to affiliates               61,885         59,047
              Amortization of prepaid fees and expenses         239,625        231,380
              Other                                              26,061         40,034

                    Total expenses                              500,724        522,843

          Net income                                         $1,486,887     $1,522,830                    

          Allocation of net income (Note 2):

              Average net income per Unit
               (7,499,999 Units outstanding)                 $      .19     $      .20                    

              Corporate Limited Partner                      $       19     $       20                    

              General Partners                               $   44,607     $   45,685                    

                                  The accompanying notes are an integral
                                     part of the financial statements.


                                  KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                         STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS


                                                                     For the Three Months  
                                                                       Ended March 31,     
                                                                      1994           1993

          Operating activities:
            Net income                                            $ 1,486,887    $ 1,522,830
              Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
               provided by operating activities:
                Amortization of prepaid fees and expenses             239,625        231,380
                Premium amortization Treasury Note                     -              55,441
                Premium amortization MBS                                9,584          6,902
                Changes in assets and liabilities:
                  Increase in interest receivable and
                   other assets                                       (67,862)      (174,421)
                  Decrease in liabilities                              (1,209)        (8,074)

                      Net cash provided by operating activities     1,667,025      1,634,058

          Investing activities:
            Decrease in other investments                              -           6,000,000
            Principal collections on MBS                            2,322,954      2,423,726
            Principal collections on PIMs                             117,618        107,877
            Proceeds from insurance claims on PIMs                     -             475,727
            Investment in MBS                                          -          (3,297,903)

                      Net cash provided by investing activities     2,440,572      5,709,427

          Financing activities:
            Quarterly distributions                                (2,498,721)    (2,585,067)
            Special distributions                                      -            (450,006)

                      Net cash used for financing activities       (2,498,721)    (3,035,073)

          Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 1,608,876      4,308,412

          Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period            8,775,797      5,395,292

          Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                $10,384,673    $ 9,703,704                      

                                   The accompanying notes are an integral
                                     part of the financial statements.



                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

        1.  Accounting Policies

            Certain information and  footnote disclosures normally included
            in  financial statements prepared in  accordance with generally
            accepted accounting  principles have been  condensed or omitted
            in  this  report  on  Form  10-Q  pursuant  to  the  Rules  and
            Regulations   of  the   Securities  and   Exchange  Commission.
            However, in  the opinion  of the  General  Partners, The  Krupp
            Corporation  and  The   Krupp  Company  Limited  Partnership-IV
            (collectively the  "General Partners"),  of Krupp  Insured Plus
            Limited  Partnership   (the  "Partnership")   the   disclosures
            contained in  this report are adequate  to make the information
            presented not  misleading.   See Notes to  Financial Statements
            included  in the  Partnership's Form  10-K for  the year  ended
            December  31,  1993  for  additional  information  relevant  to
            significant accounting policies followed by the Partnership.

            In the opinion of the General Partners of the Partnership,  the
            accompanying  unaudited   financial  statements   reflect   all
            adjustments  (consisting  of only  normal  recurring  accruals)
            necessary  to   present  fairly   the  Partnership's  financial
            position as of March 31, 1994 and its results of operations and
            cash flows for the three months ended March 31,  1994 and 1993.

            The results of operations for the three months ended March  31,
            1994 are not necessarily indicative of the results which may be
            expected  for the  full year.  See  Management's Discussion and
            Analysis  of  Financial  Condition and  Results  of  Operations
            included in this report.

            Certain  prior period  balances  have been  reclassified  to be
            consistent with current year financial statement presentation.

        2.  Changes in Partners' Equity

            A summary of  changes in Partners' Equity for the  three months
            ended March 31, 1994 is as follows:

                                                           Corporate                 Total
                                                            Limited   General      Partners'
                                             Unitholders    Partner   Partners      Equity   

              Balance at December 31, 1993   $108,680,479   $1,528    $(120,913) $108,561,094

              Net income                        1,442,261       19       44,607     1,486,887

              Quarterly distributions          (2,448,158)     (33)     (50,530)   (2,498,721)

              Balance at March 31, 1994      $107,674,582   $1,514    $(126,836) $107,549,260                                       



          Liquidity and Capital Resources

            The most  significant demand on the  Partnership's liquidity is
          regular  quarterly  distributions  paid  to  investors  averaging
          approximately $10 million per year, and $2.5 million per quarter.
          Funds used for investor distributions come from interest received
          on  the PIMs, MBS, cash  and cash equivalents,  and the principal
          collections  received  on the  PIMs  and  MBS.   The  Partnership
          received   cash  inflows   related  to   these   items  totalling
          approximately  $4.4 million during the first quarter of 1994.  To
          the  extent the Partnership  funds a portion  of the distribution
          from  principal   collections,  the  capital   resources  of  the
          Partnership will decrease.   As  a result of  this decrease,  the
          total  cash inflows to  the Partnership will  also decrease which
          may result in periodic adjustments to the quarterly distributions
          paid to investors.

            At March  31, 1994,  the Partnership has  significant liquidity
          consisting  of  approximately  $10.4  million in  cash  and  cash
          equivalents,  and the cash inflows provided by PIMs, MBS and cash

          Assessment of Credit Risk

            The Partnership's  investments in  mortgages are  guaranteed or
          insured by  the Federal National  Mortgage Association  ("FNMA"),
          the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation  ("FHLMC") and HUD and
          therefore  the  certainty of  their cash  flows  and the  risk of
          material   loss  of   the   amounts  invested   depends  on   the
          creditworthiness of these entities.

            FNMA  is   a  federally  chartered   private  corporation  that
          guarantees obligations originated under its programs.  FHLMC is a
          federally  chartered  corporation  that   guarantees  obligations
          originated under its  programs and is wholly-owned  by the twelve
          Federal Home Loan Banks.  These obligations are not guaranteed by
          the U.S.  Government or  the Federal Home  Loan Bank Board.   The
          Government National Mortgage Association ("GNMA")  guarantees the
          full  and timely payment of  principal and basic  interest on the
          securities  it  issues,  which  represents  interest  in   pooled
          mortgages  insured by HUD.  Obligations insured by HUD, an agency
          of the U.S. Government, are  backed by the full faith  and credit
          of the U.S. Government.


          Distributable  Cash  Flow  and  Net Cash  Proceeds  From  Capital

            Shown below is  the calculation of Distributable Cash  Flow and
          Net Cash  Proceeds  from  Capital  Transactions,  as  defined  by
          Section 17 of the  Partnership Agreement, and the source  of cash
          distributions for the three  months ended March 31, 1994  and the
          period from  inception  to  March  31,  1994.    The  Partnership
          calculated  Distributable Cash  Flow and  Net Cash  Proceeds from
          Capital  Transactions  using  information prepared  according  to
          generally  accepted accounting  principles ("GAAP").  (Amounts in
          thousands, except per Unit amounts).

                                              Three Months Ended   Inception through
                                                         March 31, 1994       March 31, 1994 

          Distributable Cash Flow:
          Net Income                                        $ 1,487             $ 56,311
          Items not requiring or (not providing)
           the use of operating funds:
           Amortization of prepaid expenses
            and organization costs                              240                4,692
           Amortization of MBS premiums                           9                  278
           Acquisition expenses paid from
            offering proceeds charged to operations            -                   1,098
           Gain on sale of MBS                                 -                    (114)

           Total Distributable Cash Flow ("DCF")            $ 1,736             $ 62,265
           Limited Partners Share of DCF                    $ 1,684             $ 60,397
           Limited Partners Share of DCF per Unit           $   .22             $   8.05               
           General Partners Share of DCF                    $    52             $  1,868               
          Net Proceeds from Capital Transactions:
           Insurance claim proceeds and
            principal collections on PIMs                   $   118             $ 45,516  
           Principal collections on MBS                       2,323               34,307
           Insurance claim proceeds and
            principal collections on 
            PIMs and MBS reinvested in PIMs and MBS            -                 (40,775)
           Gain on sale of MBS                                 -                     114

           Total Net Proceeds from Capital
            Transactions                                    $ 2,441             $ 39,162
          Cash available for distribution
             (DCF plus Net Proceeds from 
             Capital Transactions)                          $ 4,177             $101,427                 
           Limited Partners                                 $ 2,395 (a)         $ 90,926 (a)
           Limited Partners Average per Unit                $   .32 (a)         $  12.12 (a)(b)
           General Partners                                 $    49 (a)            1,868 (a)

                 Total Distributions                        $ 2,444             $ 92,794               

        (a)  This includes an estimate of the May 1994 distribution.
        (b)  Limited  Partners average per Unit return of capital  as of May
             1994 is $4.07 {$12.12-$8.05}.  Return of capital represents 
             that  portion of  distributions which is not funded from DCF 
             such as proceeds from the  sale  of  assets and 
             substantially  all   of  the  principal collections 
             received from MBS and PIMs.



            The  following  discussion relates  to  the  operations  of the
          Partnership  during the  three months  ended March  31,  1994 and


                                                                (Amounts in thousands)
                                                                 1994           1993

                    Interest income on PIMs                   $ 1,219         $1,144
                    Interest income on MBS                        701            817
                    Other interest income                          77             92
                    Partnership expenses                         (261)          (291)

                      Distributable Cash Flow                 $ 1,736         $1,762

               Distributable Cash Flow ("DCF")  for the first quarter  of
          1994  decreased slightly when  compared to  the first  quarter of
          1993.   This happened  since  the Partnership  had lower  average
          asset balances in  the first  quarter of 1994.   The  Partnership
          will continue to  see a decrease in DCF  as the Investors receive
          distributions that represent a return of capital thereby reducing
          the overall asset balances held by the Partnership.



                             PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

       Item 1. Legal Proceedings
               Response:  None

       Item 2. Changes in Securities
               Response:  None

       Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities
               Response:  None

       Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
               Response:  None

       Item 5. Other Information
               Response:  None

       Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
               Response:  None



          Pursuant to  the requirements of  the Securities Exchange  Act of
          1934, the registrant has duly caused this  report to be signed on
          its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                  Krupp Insured Plus Limited Partnership

                                    BY: /s/Marianne Pritchard         
                                        Marianne Pritchard
                                        Treasurer and Chief Accounting
                                        Officer of The Krupp Corporation,
                                        a General Partner of the

          DATE:  April 23, 1994
