Washington, D.C. 20549
                                   FORM 10-Q
  (Mark One)

            QUARTERLY  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO   SECTION  13  OR   15(d)  OF  THEx

  For the quarterly period ended    September 30, 1995



  For the transition period from                          to                  

                  Commission file number          0-15815     

                     Krupp Insured Plus Limited Partnership

              Massachusetts                   04 - 2915281
  (State or other jurisdiction of            (IRS employer
  incorporation or organization)           Identification no.)
  470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts       02210
  (Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip Code)

                                 (617) 423-2233
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

  Indicate by  check mark  whether the  registrant (1) has  filed all  reports
  required to be filed by Section 13 or  15(d) of the Securities Exchange  Act
  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the
  registrant was required to  file such reports), and (2) has been subject  to
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No      

                                   PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                               KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                           BALANCE SHEETS


                                                             September 30,     December 31,
                                                                  1995           1994   

  Participating Insured Mortgages ("PIMs")                   $ 59,448,811   $ 59,837,946
  Mortgage Backed Securities ("MBS") (Note 2)                  28,375,993     29,648,678

      Total mortgage investments                               87,824,804     89,486,624

  Cash and cash equivalents                                     2,491,756      2,931,523
  Interest receivable and other assets                            873,023        983,130 
  Prepaid acquisition fees and expenses, net of
   accumulated amortization of $4,232,579 and
   $3,658,625, respectively                                     1,887,929      2,461,883
  Prepaid participation servicing fees, net
   of accumulated amortization of $1,846,776
   and $1,701,854, respectively                                   553,223        698,145

            Total assets                                     $ 93,630,735   $ 96,561,305

                                  LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

  Liabilities                                                $     12,023   $     14,734

  Partners' equity (Note 3):

      Limited Partners
       (7,500,099 Limited Partner interests
       outstanding)                                            93,783,656    96,689,550
      General Partners                                           (164,944)      (142,979)

            Total Partners' equity                             93,618,712     96,546,571
            Total liabilities and Partners' equity           $ 93,630,735   $ 96,561,305

                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                 part of the financial statements.

                               KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                        STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                         For the Three Months Ended  For the Nine Months Ended  
                                              September 30,              September 30,     
                                           1995          1994          1995           1994  
       Interest income - PIMs           $1,118,398    $1,060,124     $3,362,494     $3,392,118
       Interest income - MBS               612,974       654,697      1,868,392      2,002,880 
       Other interest income                37,109        33,861        119,330        203,341

         Total revenues                  1,768,481     1,748,682      5,350,216      5,598,339

       Asset management fee to an
        affiliate                          167,148       171,581        499,089        516,416
       Expense reimbursements to
        affiliates                          29,556        61,885         88,665        185,654
       Amortization of prepaid
        fees and expenses                  239,625       239,624        718,876        718,876
       General and administrative           28,465        16,727         80,498         79,950 

         Total expenses                    464,794       489,817      1,387,128      1,500,896

  Net income                            $1,303,687    $1,258,865     $3,963,088     $4,097,443

  Allocation of net income (Note 3):

       Limited Partners                 $1,264,576    $1,221,099     $3,844,195     $3,974,520

       Average net income per
        Limited Partner interest
        (7,500,099 Limited Partner
        interests outstanding)          $      .17    $      .16     $      .51     $      .53

       General Partners                 $   39,111    $   37,766     $  118,893     $  122,923

                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                 part of the financial statements.

                               KRUPP INSURED PLUS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                               For the Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,     

                                                                   1995          1994

  Operating activities:
       Net income                                              $ 3,963,088   $ 4,097,443
       Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
        provided by operating activities:
         Amortization of prepaid fees and expenses                 718,876       718,876
         Premium amortization MBS                                    -            17,701
         Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Decrease (increase) in interest receivable
            and other assets                                       110,107        (7,470)
           (Decrease) increase in liabilities                       (2,711)        7,313

           Net cash provided by operating activities             4,789,360     4,833,863

  Investing activities:
       Principal collections on MBS                              1,272,685     4,441,344
       Principal collections on PIMs                               389,135       359,864

           Net cash provided by investing activities             1,661,820     4,801,208

  Financing activities:
       Quarterly distributions                                  (6,890,947)   (7,452,051)
       Special distributions                                         -        (7,950,106)

           Net cash used for financing activities               (6,890,947)  (15,402,157)

  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                       (439,767)   (5,767,086)

  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                 2,931,523     8,775,797

  Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                     $ 2,491,756   $ 3,008,711

                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                 part of the financial statements.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
  1.    Accounting Policies

        Certain  information  and footnote  disclosures  normally  included  in
        financial  statements prepared  in  accordance with  generally accepted
        accounting principles have been condensed or  omitted in this report on
        Form 10-Q pursuant  to the Rules and  Regulations of the Securities and
        Exchange Commission.  However, in the  opinion of the General Partners,
        The  Krupp Corporation  and The  Krupp Company  Limited  Partnership-IV
        (collectively the  "General Partners")  of Krupp  Insured Plus  Limited
        Partnership  (the  "Partnership") the  disclosures  contained  in  this
        report  are adequate to make the information  presented not misleading.
        See Notes  to Financial Statements included  in the Partnership's  Form
        10-K for  the year ended December  31, 1994  for additional information
        relevant   to   significant  accounting   policies   followed  by   the

        In  the  opinion  of  the  General  Partners  of  the  Partnership, the
        accompanying  unaudited financial  statements reflect  all  adjustments
        (consisting of  only normal  recurring accruals)  necessary to  present
        fairly  the Partnership's financial position as of  September 30, 1995,
        its  results  of  operations  for  the  three  and  nine  months  ended
        September 30, 1995  and 1994 and  its cash  flows for  the nine  months
        ended September 30, 1995 and 1994.

        The  results  of  operations  for  the  three  and  nine  months  ended
        September 30, 1995 are not necessarily  indicative of the results which
        may  be expected  for the full  year.  See  Management's Discussion and
        Analysis of Financial Condition and  Results of Operations  included in
        this report.

  2.    MBS

        At  September 30, 1995,  the Partnership's  MBS portfolio  had a market
        value   of  approximately   $29,087,000   with   unrealized  gains   of
        approximately $711,000 and maturity dates ranging from 2004 to 2033.

  3.    Changes in Partners' Equity

        A  summary of  changes in  Partners' equity  for the nine  months ended
        September 30, 1995 is as follows:

                                            Limited   General    Partners'
                                           Partners   Partners    Equity  

  Balance at December 31, 1994         $96,689,550    $(142,979)  $ 96,546,571

  Net income                             3,844,195      118,893      3,963,088

  Quarterly distributions               (6,750,089)    (140,858)    (6,890,947)

  Balance at September 30, 1995          $93,783,656  $(164,944)  $ 93,618,712


  Liquidity and Capital Resources

  The  most significant  demands on  the  Partnership's liquidity  are regular
  quarterly distributions  paid to  investors of  approximately $2.3  million.
  Funds  used for  investor distributions come  from interest  received on the
  PIMs, MBS, cash and cash  equivalents and the principal collections received
  on the PIMs  and MBS.   The Partnership funds a portion  of the distribution
  from  principal collections  and as  a result  the capital  resources of the
  Partnership  will continually decrease.   As a result  of this decrease, the
  total cash inflows to the Partnership will  also decrease which will  result
  in periodic adjustments to the quarterly distributions paid to investors.

  During the last half of 1994 and  the first nine months of  1995 prepayments
  on the  Partnership's MBS  portfolio decreased dramatically  as compared  to
  the  level of prepayments during  1993 and the  beginning of  1994. The high
  level of  MBS prepayments during 1993 and early 1994 caused such an increase
  in available cash that the Partnership made a special distribution  of $1.06
  per  Unit  during 1994.   Also  during  1994, the  Partnership adjusted  its
  distribution  to $1.20  per Unit  per year  to reflect  the anticipated cash
  inflows that would be available to fund distributions in the near term.  

  During the  nine months ended September  30, 1995,  the Partnership received
  MBS principal  collections  of $1.3  million  as  compared to  $4.4  million
  during the nine months ended  September 30, 1994, reflecting a significantly
  lower  level  of  prepayments.  To  date,  this  decrease  in  MBS principal
  collections has not  adversely affected the  Partnership's liquidity  or its
  ability  to maintain  the current distribution  rate of  $1.20 per  Unit per
  year.   However,  as the  portion  of  distributions funded  with  principal
  collections  on  MBS and  PIMs reduces  the asset  base of  the Partnership,
  future  cash  inflows  will  decrease.   To  the  extent  cash inflows  from
  operations  decrease and prepayments do not increase  sufficiently to offset
  the  decrease  in cash  inflows, the  Partnership  will  need to  adjust the
  distribution rate accordingly.

  The Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA") is  currently negotiating
  a  loan  workout  with  the  underlying  borrower of  the  Royal  Palm Place
  Apartments PIM, which has a current face value  of $5.9 million.  Should the
  negotiations be unsuccessful FNMA would  foreclose on the property and repay
  the Partnership the outstanding  balance of the PIM.  The Partnership  would
  then  distribute  the  proceeds  to   the  Limited  Partners  as  a  special

  If the  Partnership receives  a repayment  of the  Royal Palm  PIM it  would
  reduce  the asset  base  of the  Partnership and  future  cash  inflows from
  operating activities,  so the Partnership would  need to  adjust the current
  distribution rate  to reflect these  lower cash inflows.   Also, a repayment
  of  the Royal Palm  PIM as  a result  of a  foreclosure would  eliminate any
  future  collection  of additional  interest  related  to  the  participation
  features  by the  Partnership.  At  this time,  the General  Partners cannot
  determine if the PIM will be restructured or paid off.

  Assessment of Credit Risk

      The Partnership's investments in mortgages are guaranteed or insured  by
  FNMA, the  Government National  Mortgage Association  ("GNMA"), the  Federal
  Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC") and  the Department of Housing  and
  Urban Development  ("HUD") and therefore the  certainty of  their cash flows
  and  the risk  of  material loss  of the  amounts  invested depends  on  the
  creditworthiness of these entities.

      FNMA  is  a  federally  chartered private  corporation  that  guarantees
  obligations originated under its programs.   FHLMC is a federally  chartered
  corporation that  guarantees obligations originated  under its programs  and
  is wholly-owned by  the twelve Federal Home  Loan Banks.  These  obligations
  are not  guaranteed by  the U.S. Government  or the Federal  Home Loan  Bank
  Board.  GNMA guarantees the full and timely  payment of principal and  basic
  interest on  the securities it issues,  which represents  interest in pooled
  mortgages insured  by HUD.   Obligations insured  by HUD, an  agency of  the
  U.S. Government,  are backed  by  the full  faith  and  credit of  the  U.S.

  Distributable Cash Flow and Net Cash Proceeds From Capital Transactions

      Shown  below is the calculation of Distributable  Cash Flow and Net Cash
  Proceeds  from  Capital  Transactions,  as  defined  by  Section  17  of the
  Partnership  Agreement, and  the source of  cash distributions  for the nine
  months ended September 30,  1995 and the period  from inception to September
  30, 1995.  The General Partners  provide certain of the information below to
  meet requirements  of the  Partnership  Agreement and  because they  believe
  that  it is an  appropriate supplemental  measure of  operating performance.
  However,  Distributable  Cash  Flow  and  Net  Cash  Proceeds  from  Capital
  Transactions should not be  considered by the reader  as a substitute to net
  income as  an indicator  of the  Partnership's operating  performance or  to
  cash flows as a measure of liquidity.

                                                 (amounts in thousands, except
                                                     per Unit amounts)
                                                       Nine Months Ended    Inception through
                                                       September 30, 1995   September 30, 1995
          Distributable Cash Flow (Federal income
          tax basis):
          Income for tax purposes                           $ 4,580             $ 65,604
          Items not requiring or (not providing)
           the use of operating funds:

           Amortization of prepaid fees and expenses            102                4,729
           Amortization of MBS premiums                        -                     284
           Acquisition expenses paid from
            offering proceeds charged to operations            -                   1,098
           Gain on sale of MBS                                 -                    (114)

           Total Distributable Cash Flow ("DCF")            $ 4,682             $ 71,601

           Limited Partners Share of DCF                    $ 4,542             $ 69,453

           Limited Partners Share of DCF per Unit           $   .61             $   9.26 (b)

           General Partners Share of DCF                    $   140             $  2,148

          Net Proceeds from Capital Transactions:

           Insurance claim proceeds and
            principal collections on PIMs                   $   389             $ 46,272
           Principal collections on MBS                       1,273               38,275
           Insurance claim proceeds and
            principal collections on PIMs
            and MBS reinvested in PIMs and MBS                 -                 (40,775)
           Gain on sale of MBS                                 -                     114

           Total Net Proceeds from Capital
            Transactions                                    $ 1,662             $ 43,886

Distributable Cash Flow and Net Cash Proceeds From Capital
Transactions, Continued

                                                       Nine Months Ended    Inception through
                                                       September 30, 1995   September 30, 1995

          Cash available for distribution

                (DCF plus Net Proceeds from 
                Capital Transactions)                         $ 6,344           $115,487


              Limited Partners                                $ 6,751 (a)       $112,588 (a)

              Limited Partners Average per Unit               $   .90 (a)       $  15.01 (a)(b)

              General Partners                                $   140 (a)       $  2,148 (a)

                    Total Distributions                       $ 6,891           $114,736

 (a) This includes an estimate of the November 1995 distribution.
 (b) Limited Partners average per Unit return of capital as of November 1995 is
     $5.75  [$15.01 -  $9.26]   Return  of capital  represents that  portion of
     distributions which is not funded from  DCF such as proceeds from the sale
     of assets and substantially all of the principal collections received from
     MBS and PIMs.


 The  following discussion  relates  to the  operations of  the Partnership
 during the three and nine months ended September 30, 1995 and 1994:

                                                             (Rounded to $1,000)

                                                 For the Three Months      For the Nine Months
                                                 Ended September 30,       Ended September 30,

                                                   1995       1994         1995        1994

          Interest income on PIMs                 $1,118     $1,060       $3,362      $3,392
          Interest income on MBS                     613        652        1,868       2,021
          Other interest income                       37         34          119         203
          Partnership expenses                      (225)      (251)        (667)       (782)

              Distributable Cash Flow              1,543      1,495        4,682       4,834

          Amortization of MBS premium                -            4          -           (18)
          Amortization of prepaid fees
           and expenses                             (239)      (240)        (719)       (719)

              Net income                          $1,304     $1,259       $3,963      $4,097

  Net  income decreased  during  the nine  months  ended September  30,  1995 as
  compared to the nine months ended September 30, 1994 primarily as a result  of
  a lower average asset balance  during 1995.  Interest income on  MBS decreased
  $153,000 during  the nine months ended  September 30, 1995 as  compared to the
  corresponding period in 1994  due primarily to the significant  prepayments of
  the  mortgages underlying  the MBS  during 1993  and the  first half  of 1994.
  Interest  income on  PIMs  and other  interest  income decreased  $30,000  and
  $84,000,  respectively, during the nine months ended September 30, 1995 versus
  the same period in 1994, but were offset by a $115,000 decrease in Partnership
  expenses during  the nine months ended  September 30, 1995 as  compared to the
  same  period in  1994.  Partnership  expenses decreased  due to  lower expense
  reimbursements to  affiliates  and  a lower  asset  management fee  due  to  a
  declining asset base.

  There was no material change in net income  during the third quarter of 1995
  as compared to  the corresponding period in  1994. The decrease  in interest
  income on MBS  during the  third quarter  of 1995  as compared  to the  same
  period in 1994 reflects  the slowdown of prepayments during the second  half
  of 1994 and the first nine months of 1995.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

  Item 1.     Legal Proceedings
              Response:  None

  Item 2.     Changes in Securities
              Response:  None

  Item 3.     Defaults upon Senior Securities
              Response:  None

  Item 4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
              Response:  None

  Item 5.     Other Information
              Response:  None

  Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
              Response:  None


  Pursuant to  the requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934, the
  registrant has  duly caused this Report  to be signed  on its  behalf by the
  undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                          Krupp Insured Plus Limited Partnership

                    BY:/s/Robert A. Barrows                   
                    Robert A. Barrows
                    Vice President and  Chief Accounting Officer of  The Krupp
                    Corporation, a General Partner of the Registrant.

Date:  October 24, 1995