Washington, D.C. 20549


                            Form 11-K


     [ X ]                ANNUAL REPORT
                    PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d)
                             OF THE

                    For the fiscal year ended
                        December 31, 1993


     [   ]              TRANSITION REPORT
                    PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d)
                             OF THE

     For the transition period from           to           
                                    ---------    ----------
                  Commission File Number 1-9052

A.  Full title of plan and the address of plan, if different 
    from that of named issuer below:


B.  Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan 
    and the address of its principal executive office:

                            DPL INC.
                      Courthouse Plaza S.W.
                       Dayton, Ohio  45402

                       Report of Independent Accountants

To the Operating Committee of The Dayton Power and Light Company and the
  Members of The Dayton Power and Light Company Savings Plan for Collective
  Bargaining Employees:

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of net assets available for benefits 
and the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits 
present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits 
of The Dayton Power and Light Company Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining 
Employees at December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the changes in its net assets 
available for benefits for each of the three years in the period ended 
December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally accepted accounting 
principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the plan's 
management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial 
statements based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in 
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we 
plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the 
financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes 
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in 
the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and 
significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial 
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis 
for the opinion expressed above.

Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial 
statements taken as a whole.  The additional information included in 
Schedules I and II is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not 
a required part of the basic financial statements but is additional information 
required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  Such 
information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit 
of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all 
material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a 

Price Waterhouse
Dayton, Ohio
June 15, 1994


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                       December 31,
                                                    1993          1992   
                                                 ----------   -----------
- - ------


Investments at fair value (Note 3):

  Guaranteed Investment Contracts                $                 $ 3,530,565
  DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund                       2,403,497
  Short-term Investments and Cash                  3,687,769         3,716,315
  IDS Collective Income Fund                       3,294,129         2,028,301
  IDS Research 150 Fund                            1,929,225         1,004,259
  IDS Mutual Fund                                  3,292,707         1,204,053
  IDS Cash Management Fund                           441,513           215,073
                                                 -----------       -----------
    Total Investments                             15,048,840        11,698,566


  Accrued Contributions                               40,830            30,093
                                                 -----------       -----------
    Net Assets Available for Benefits            $15,089,670       $11,728,659
                                                 ===========       ===========

  (The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.)


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
            Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                       Statement of Changes in Net Assets
                             Available for Benefits

                                                  Year Ended December 31,      
                                              1993          1992        1991   
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------


Investment income (Note 4):
  Interest Earned                          $  299,936    $  556,019  $  584,972
  Investment Earnings                         503,187       197,479
  Dividends                                    77,367
  Net Appreciation in Fair Value
   of Investments                             256,804        21,034
  Net Realized Gain on Investments             14,667         1,473            
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------
                                            1,151,961       776,005     584,972

Employee contributions (Note 6)             2,691,460     2,537,406   2,200,071
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------
  Total additions                           3,843,421     3,313,411   2,785,043

Benefits paid to participants (Note 9)       (450,530)     (512,682)   (109,681)
Transfers from plan (Note 9)                  (31,880)                         
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------
  Total deductions                           (482,410)     (512,682)   (109,681)
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------
  Net increase                              3,361,011     2,800,729   2,675,362

Net assets available for benefits:
  Beginning of year                        11,728,659     8,927,930   6,252,568
                                           ----------    ----------  ----------
  End of year                             $15,089,670   $11,728,659  $8,927,930
                                           ==========    ==========  ==========

    (The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.)


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 1 - Plan Description:
- - -------------------------

The Dayton Power and Light Company Employee Savings Plan For Collective 
Bargaining Employees (the Plan), effective December 1, 1986, as amended, was 
established by the Board of Directors of The Dayton Power and Light Company 
(the Company) to provide union employees of the Company with a 401(k) plan.  An 
eligible employee may execute a deferral agreement directing the Company to 
contribute to the Plan on behalf of the employee, subject to certain 
limitations, at least 1% or a fixed dollar amount per pay period (in multiples 
of $5) of regular compensation.  In addition, the Plan allows a participant to 
contribute either 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of any productivity bonus.  All 
employee contributions to the Plan are 100% vested.  There are no contributions 
by the Company under the Plan.  The Company may match employee contributions 
made to the Plan on or after November 1, 1993, with shares of stock in the 
Company's parent, DPL Inc., held in the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) of 
DPL Inc., adopted on October 8, 1992.  In general, benefit payments are made in 
a lump sum distribution on the first to occur of the participant's termination 
of employment, at the participant's death, or April 1 of the calendar year 
following the calendar year in which the participant attains age 70 1/2.
The Plan was amended November 1, 1993 to coordinate the Plan with the employer 
matching opportunity in the ESOP.  The Dayton Power and Light Company Savings 
Trust for Collective Bargaining Employees (Trust) was amended effective 
January 1, 1992, to provide four investment options replacing the Guaranteed 
Investment Contract (GIC) investment option.  Investment option participants 
may elect to invest their contributions in the IDS Cash Management Fund, the 
IDS Collective Income Fund, the IDS Mutual Fund and/or the IDS Research 150 
Fund.  The Trust was also revised effective January 1, 1993, to add an option 
to invest in a DPL Inc. common stock fund.

The following is a brief description of the available Funds:

Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs) are an "income" type of investment that 
is managed to protect principal from loss while maintaining a steady rate of 
return.  A GIC is a contract with an insurance company that pays a fixed rate 
of return on an investment and returns the principal upon maturity of the 

The IDS Cash Management Fund is a money market fund.  This Fund has three main 
goals:  conservation of capital, constant liquidity, and the highest possible 
current income consistent with these objectives.  Capital growth is not an 


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 1 - Plan Description: - Continued
- - -------------------------

The IDS Collective Fund is in the "income" category of funds.  This Fund is 
managed to help protect principal from loss while seeking an attractive, steady 
rate of return.  This Fund invests in GICs, Bank Investment Contracts and 
short-term investments.

The IDS Mutual Fund is a growth and income fund.  The Fund focus is on balanced 
growth from debt and equity securities of medium to large, well-established 
companies that offer long-term capital appreciation and income from dividends 
and interest.

The IDS Research 150 Fund is a growth and income fund.  The Fund focus is on 
equity securities of about 150-200, well-established U.S. companies that offer 
long-term capital appreciation and income from dividends and interest.

The DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund is an investment Fund in which the only equity 
security held is DPL Inc. common shares.  This Fund is offered to allow 
employees the opportunity to participate directly in the success of the Company 
through ownership of DPL Inc. common shares.  The objective for this Fund is 
the growth of capital through both appreciation and current dividend income.

Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:
- - ---------------------------------------------------

Basis of Accounting
- - -------------------

The financial statements of the Plan have been prepared on the accrual basis of 

Investment Valuation
- - --------------------

Investments are valued using quoted market prices except for GIC's, which are 
valued at contract value.  Contract value represents contributions made, plus 
interest at the contract rate.

Income Taxes
- - ------------

The Plan, prior to November 1, 1993, is exempt from federal income tax purposes 
as a qualified employee benefit plan under Sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the 
Internal Revenue Code and all earnings of the Plan are exempt from federal 
income tax; the Plan received a determination letter from the Internal Revenue 
Service dated May 18, 1987 indicating that the Plan is so qualified.  The 
Company is currently requesting a determination letter with respect to the 
November 1, 1993 amendment to the Plan.  Management believes the Plan remains 
qualified as tax exempt.


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 3 - Investments:
- - --------------------

The following table presents the fair value and cost of investments held by the 
Plan at December 31, 1993 and 1992.  Investments that represent five percent or 
more of the Plan's net assets are separately identified.

                                                 December 31, 1993             
                                    Number of Shares  Fair Value        Cost   
                                    ----------------  -----------    -----------


DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund               227,949      $ 2,403,497    $ 2,308,546
Short-term Investments and Cash                         3,687,769      3,687,769
IDS Collective Income Fund               239,138        3,294,129      3,295,381
IDS Research 150 Fund                    121,902        1,929,225      1,810,191
IDS Mutual Fund                          264,199        3,292,707      3,248,636
IDS Cash Management Fund                                  441,513        441,513
                                                      -----------    -----------
                                                      $15,048,840    $14,792,036
                                                      ===========    ===========

                                                 December 31, 1992             
                                    Number of Shares  Fair Value        Cost   
                                    ----------------  -----------    -----------


Guaranteed Investment Contract,
 Metropolitan Life, 8.38%,
 due 1-1-94                                           $ 3,530,565    $ 3,530,565
Short-term Investments and Cash                         3,716,315      3,716,315
IDS Collective Income Fund               156,047        2,028,301      2,027,832
IDS Research 150 Fund                     69,803        1,004,259        959,294
IDS Mutual Fund                          100,472        1,204,053      1,228,453
IDS Cash Management Fund                                  215,073        215,073
                                                      -----------    -----------
                                                      $11,698,566    $11,677,532
                                                      ===========    ===========


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 4 - Investment Income:
- - --------------------------
The following table details the $1,151,961 and $776,005 investment income 
related to the Plan's investments for years ended December 31, 1993 and 1992, 

                                             Year Ended December 31, 1993              
                               Interest  Investment             Appreciation   Realized
                                Earned    Earnings   Dividends  in Fair Value    Gains 
                               --------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------

Guaranteed Invest. Contracts   $290,833
DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund                             $77,367   $ 94,951       $   848
IDS Collective Income Fund                $186,865                 (1,252)        1,304
IDS Research 150 Fund                       33,185                119,034         4,868
IDS Mutual Fund                            283,137                 44,071         7,647
IDS Cash Management Fund          9,103                                                
                               --------   --------     -------   --------       -------
                               $299,936   $503,187     $77,367   $256,804       $14,667
                               ========   ========     =======   ========       =======

                                            Year Ended December 31, 1992            
                                 Interest    Investment    Appreciation    Realized
                                  Earned      Earnings     in Fair Value     Gains 
                                 --------    ----------    -------------   --------

Guaranteed Invest. Contracts     $556,019
IDS Collective Income Fund                    $ 84,345       $    468       $  359
IDS Research 150 Fund                           14,157         44,962          833
IDS Mutual Fund                                 98,977        (24,396)         281
                                 --------     --------       --------       ------
                                 $556,019     $197,479       $ 21,034       $1,473
                                 ========     ========       ========       ======

Note 5 - Priorities Upon Termination of The Plan:
- - ------------------------------------------------
Although the Company expects that the Plan will be permanent, it reserves the 
right to discontinue or terminate the Plan at any time.  If the Plan should be 
terminated, in whole or in part, participants will be entitled to withdraw the 
full value of their accounts, to the extent allowed by law.


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 6 - Contributions:
- - ----------------------

Employee contributions withheld by the Company are paid into the Plan within 
ten days of the related payroll deductions.

The following table provides a detailed listing of employee contributions 
presented in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits.

                                           Year Ended           Year Ended
                                        December 31, 1993    December 31, 1992
                                        -----------------    -----------------


DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund                $  893,827            $    -
IDS Collective Income Fund                   519,852             1,112,876
IDS Research 150 Fund                        458,881               624,123
IDS Mutual Fund                              710,500               661,168
IDS Cash Management Fund                      97,663               139,239
Net Accrued Contributions                     10,737                 -    
                                          ----------            ----------
                                          $2,691,460            $2,537,406
                                          ==========            ==========

Note 7 - Administrative Expenses:
- - --------------------------------

The Plan is administered by the Company, without charge to the Plan, and 
trusteed by IDS Trust.  All fees incurred in the administration of the Plan and 
the trust fund are borne by the Company, including the trustee's compensation 
and expenses and any broker's fees incurred by the trust.

Note 8 - Change in Trustee:
- - --------------------------

Effective January 1, 1992, IDS Trust, a division of the IDS Bank and Trust, was 
appointed trustee of the Plan by the Company, superseding the previous trustee, 
Society Bank.

Note 9 - Benefits:
- - -----------------

In 1991, the Plan changed its method of accounting for benefit obligations to 
persons who have withdrawn from participation in the Plan.  In order to comply 
with guidance for accounting and disclosure requirements for employee benefit 
plans, the Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits does not include 
benefit obligations payable.  As of December 31, 1993, there were no benefit 
obligations for persons who had withdrawn from participation in the Plan.


                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
           Employee Savings Plan for Collective Bargaining Employees
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                           December 31, 1993 and 1992

Note 9 - Benefits: - Continued
- - -----------------

The following table provides a detailed listing of benefits paid to 
participants in the year ended December 31, 1993 and 1992.

                                           Year Ended           Year Ended
                                        December 31, 1993    December 31, 1992
                                        -----------------    -----------------


Guaranteed Investment Contract             $128,352             $378,916
DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund                   29,291                 -
IDS Collective Income Fund                  207,001              105,406
IDS Research 150 Fund                        36,504               12,856
IDS Mutual Fund                              40,333                7,682
IDS Cash Management Fund                      9,049                7,822
                                           --------             --------
                                           $450,530             $512,682
                                           ========             ========

In 1993, there were transfers of $31,880 between the Employee Savings Plan for 
Collective Bargaining Employees and the Employee Savings Plan for Non-Union 
Employees.  These transfers reflect the movement of savings for employees who 
have moved between Union and Non-Union status.


                                                                   Schedule I

                       The Dayton Power and Light Company
         Employee Savings Plan for the Collective Bargaining Employees
     Statement of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at December 31, 1993

                                   Number of
                                    Shares         Fair Value          Cost   
                                   ---------      ------------     -----------


DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund          227,949       $ 2,403,497      $ 2,308,546
Short-term Investment and Cash                      3,687,769        3,687,769
IDS Collective Income Fund          239,138         3,294,129        3,295,381
IDS Research 150 Fund               121,902         1,929,225        1,810,191
IDS Mutual Fund                     264,199         3,292,707        3,248,636
IDS Cash Management Fund                              441,513          441,513
                                                  -----------      -----------
                                                  $15,048,840      $14,792,036
                                                  ===========      ===========


                                                                             Schedule II

                            The Dayton Power and Light Company
              Employee Savings Plan for The Collective Bargaining Employees
                  Transactions or Series of Transactions in Excess of 5%
               of the Value of the Plan's Net Assets Available for Benefits
                           For the Year Ended December 31, 1993

                                                                               Number of
Identity of Party Involved   Purchased     Sold        Cost     Gain/(Loss)  Transactions
- - --------------------------   ---------  ---------   ---------   -----------  ------------
                                 $           $           $          $


DPL Inc. Common Stock Fund*  2,342,992       -           -          -             90
                                 -         35,294      34,446       848           13

IDS Mutual Fund              2,176,976       -           -          -             93
                                 -        140,034     133,708     6,326           29

IDS Research 150 Fund        1,008,761       -           -          -             75
                                 -        207,693     197,345    10,348           36

IDS Collective Income Fund   1,853,909       -           -          -             67
                                 -        588,136     586,753     1,383           52

Guaranteed Investment            -      3,821,398   3,821,398       -             14
Contract, Metropolitan
8.38%, 01/01/94

*Party in Interest



The Plan.  
- - --------
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the Operating Committee has duly caused this annual report 
to be signed by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                             The Dayton Power and Light Company
                                Savings Plan for Collective    
                                    Bargaining Employees
                                       (Name of Plan)

Date    June 29, 1994        By Thomas M. Jenkins              
      ------------------        -------------------------------
                                Thomas M. Jenkins
                                Member of Plan's Administrative
