(see appendix for logo description)

caption to photograph:
Growing With Our Customers

(see appendix for photograph description)


DPL is well positioned to perform at the top of the industry
both today and in a competitive environment.

Delivering above average earnings and dividend growth needed
to maximize shareholder value are our major focus.

Strong local economy ensures growth now and in years to

Prices for total energy package of electricity and natural
gas services rank among the lowest in the region.

Company-wide cost management reduces risk, enhances
flexibility and ensures consistent superior financial

Industry-leading operations keep costs competitive and
reliability high.

DPL's financial strength and strong balance sheet will be a
major advantage during the transition.

(see appendix for artwork description)

Growing With Our Customers

     As West Central Ohio has grown, DPL has grown as a full
service energy provider to more than 1.3 million people.
Broad-based economic expansion over the past several years,
low unemployment and a low cost living environment have
resulted in a climate of shared success--among businesses,
industry and community.  As the energy industry transitions
to a less regulated and more open one, DPL will build upon
its tradition of success in West Central Ohio and its
position of financial strength to grow and serve customers--
in West Central Ohio and beyond.  On the cover are three
products used daily by families across America, which are
made by companies headquartered or having major facilities
in our area--The Chevy Blazer, Iams pet foods and Huffy


     DPL Inc. was formed in 1986 as a holding company.  Its
principal subsidiary is The Dayton Power and Light Company
("DP&L").  DP&L sells electricity and natural gas to
residential, commercial, industrial and governmental
customers in a 6,000 square mile area of West Central Ohio.
Electricity for DP&L's 24 county service area is generated
at eight power plants and is distributed to 480,000 retail
customers.  Natural gas service is provided to 298,000
customers in 16 counties.  The corporate offices of DPL Inc.
are located at:

Courthouse Plaza Southwest, Dayton, Ohio 45402

                    [inside front cover]


                                                       1996     1995  % change
Earnings per share of common stock                 $    1.72     1.63     6
Dividends paid per share                           $    1.30     1.24     5
Return on shareholders' equity                     %    14.7     14.3
Return on total capital                            %    11.7     11.5
Market value per share at December 31              $  24 1/4   24 3/4    (2)
Book value per share at December 31                $   11.95    11.54     4
Total electric and natural gas revenues (millions) $ 1,252.7  1,249.6    --
Taxes per share                                    $    2.32     2.25     3
Number of common shareholders                         46,532   48,919    (5)
Cash provided by operating activities (millions)   $   338.1    305.3    11

Duff & Phelps, Inc.                                       AA       AA
Standard & Poor's Corporation                             AA-      AA-
Moody's Investors Service                                Aa3      Aa3

Construction additions (millions)                  $   115.5     87.3    32
Construction expenditures paid from internal funds %     100      100

  Average price per kWh--retail and wholesale
   customers (calendar year) (cents)                    6.16     6.07     1
  Fuel efficiency--
   Heat rate - Btu per kWh                             9,830    9,773     1
   Industry average                                   10,365   10,425    (1)
   Fuel savings (millions)                         $    11.5     14.3   (20)
  System peak load - MW (calendar year)                2,886    2,961    (3)
  Average price per MCF - retail customers
   (calendar year)                                 $    4.85     4.90    (1)

                        DPL  1  1996

- ------------------
Total financial return to shareholders has averaged more
than 15% annually over the last ten years.

- --------------
(see appendix for graph description)

(see appendix for graph description)

Dear Shareholders:

     The challenge in 1997 will be to keep one eye on the
core energy business and the other on the emerging and
somewhat chaotic open market.  Our core business, providing
quality service at competitive prices to customers in West
Central Ohio, is what has and will continue to drive our
financial performance over the next several years.  During
this same period, we will work with the Ohio Commission and
Staff, Legislature and of course, the Executive Branch to
help hammer out the Ohio transition to a more open, and
quite likely, price-sensitive energy market.  Work at the
Federal level on similar legislation will continue

     All of this is taking place during an era of
unprecedented merger activity in both the electric and gas
arena.  Whether there is compelling evidence that bigger is
better remains to be seen -- we think not.  On the other
hand, electric and gas mergers do make some sense in a total
energy market, and DPL already enjoys the benefits of being
in both businesses.  Many energy companies are investing
abroad.  And while we've visited and taken a good hard look
at these opportunities, we have concluded they are not for
us.  The risks, as we view them from a DPL shareholder
standpoint, are too great for the potential return.  The
challenges of overseas management, political changes, and
currency fluctuations have too often been rewarded by
declining returns.

     By focusing on the fundamentals, we have been
successful and I'm proud of the job "Team DPL" did in 1996.
Earnings increased to $1.72 per share, an increase of six
percent.  That improvement is well above the industry
average of two to three percent.  Our continued strong
earnings growth enabled the Board of Directors to once again
increase the dividend.  On February 4, 1997, for the tenth
time in the last eleven years, the dividend was raised and
is now $1.36 per share.  This six cent, five percent
increase is also well above the industry average dividend
increase of about 2%.  Our consistent dividend record
demonstrates our continued ability to achieve performance
that supports a current meaningful return.

     Throughout the year, we traveled extensively across the
nation talking to key investor groups about our business
philosophy and plans to continue our record of strong
performance.  And, in most cases, they support our plans of
growing earnings and dividends, sticking to the core energy
business, and staying here in the United States.

     Given the advantages of our existing natural gas and
electric business and our long-term earnings...

                        DPL  2  1996

 ... potential, we are disappointed that our 1996 stock price
did not fully reflect our positive performance.  However, we
do have one of the best market to book ratios of any combination
energy company in the United States.  We have one of the
best growing economies with area unemployment under 4%.  We
have low but adequate reserve margins, one of the best power
plant efficiency rates in the country and an embedded cost
of debt at 7.6% with a 27-year average maturity.  Add to
that the terrific communities we serve, our highly talented
work force, high employee stock ownership at 7%, and a
committed Board that works for the shareholder, and we
believe you have one of the strongest investment
opportunities now and in the future.

     If we sound positive about our attributes and the
future, it's because we are positive.  We have talented and
experienced people working for you at all levels.  In
keeping with this, I'm pleased to announce to you that on
January 1, 1997, Mr. Allen M. Hill took over as Chief
Executive Officer of DPL Inc.  Since 1980, my term as
President has been a team effort to transform DPL into the
top tier company you see today.  Management succession has
always been one of our top priorities and I'm proud to have
Allen assume the CEO's position.  He is ready for the
challenge and shares the same positive long-term vision that
all of us on the Board have for the future of DPL Inc.
Allen is a seasoned leader, and will continue our course of
enhancing shareholder and customer value through outstanding
performance in every sector of our business.

     I will continue as Chairman of DPL Inc., DP&L, and
other financial subsidiaries.  In this capacity, I will be
responsible for DPL's financial investments, as well as co-
lead with Allen the strategic activities of the Company, and
participate in the ongoing investor and financial community
relations programs.

     This is an exciting time for the energy industry and
your Company.  With DPL's combination of the right
leadership and the right focus, we will continue to be an
industry leader.

     As we say every year, "Working together and shared
success are a key part of our belief."  We enjoyed working
for you, our shareholders, in 1996 and will continue to
stick to the basics in 1997.

                              Best regards,

                              /s/ Peter H. Forster

                              Peter H. Forster
                              Chairman, DPL Inc.

- ------------------
Caption to photograph:
Thomas J. Danis, James F. Dicke, II, Peter H. Forster, Ernie
Green, Jane G. Haley, Allen M. Hill, W August Hillenbrand,
David R. Holmes, Burnell R. Roberts.

(see appendix for photograph description)

                        DPL  3  1996

- --------------
The Crossroads of I-70 and I-75, along with the proximity of
I-71, provide West Central Ohio businesses with the
convenient, cost-effective transportation necessary to serve
customers nationwide.

- -------
With access to more than 5.6 million people, Dayton ranks as
the nation's tenth largest 90 minute road market in the
United States.

Caption to photograph:
RIGHT --- R&L Carriers, with headquarters in Wilmington,
Ohio, at the junction of I-71 and Ohio Route 68, serves the
transportation needs of businesses throughout the midwest,
southeast, and south central regions.

(see appendix for artwork description)


     Our mission in this transitioning environment remains
unchanged, with a continued and intensified focus on the
beliefs that have resulted in our industry leading financial
and operational position.  That is, to earn a fair rate of
return for shareholders while providing quality services and
competitive prices to customers.  This mission drives our
prevailing managerial philosophy -- we manage the Company
for the Shareholder, complemented by a total Customer focus.
Our position in the industry is distinguished from others by
a long record of credibility, the ability and commitment to
do what we say we'll do, with no surprises.  Shareholder
value is enhanced by our goals to maximize cash flow and
maintain our margins.


     The essence of our strategy for success is to maintain
and enhance our financial strength as we move through the
transition of the energy industry.  The desired results will
be increased efficiencies, improved processes and cost
control.  Our achievements have made us industry leaders in
the current regulated environment, and position us for
success in a more competitive and less regulated

     Restructuring of the electric utility industry
continued to evolve in 1996.  Competitive forces remain at
the forefront, with the most significant challenge faced by
the industry being the timing and framework of transition to
retail market competition.  Legislative activity to
introduce competition accelerated at both the national and
state level.  States where electric prices are higher than
average and economies are underperforming have been the most
active in pursuing change.

     Numerous competitive strategies are emerging in
response to these changes, usually with common goals to grow
revenue and/or lower costs.  As 1997 begins, there are more
pending or proposed mergers in the electric industry than
ever before.  Convergence of the electric and natural gas
businesses has been a recurring theme, with several mergers
of natural gas and electric companies.  Rather than
representing two separate businesses, they are beginning to
be viewed as one -- the business of energy.  Finally, a
number of...

                        DPL  4  1996

(see appendix for photograph description)

(see appendix for photograph description)

 ...companies are looking at separating the major parts of
their business and, in some cases, selling their assets to
be more competitive.

     These and other strategies recognize that the energy
market is moving towards commodity-based pricing.  At DPL,
we have historically managed the Company to be a low cost
energy provider, with selling a commodity product in mind.
Continuing to do so, and our ongoing success with the
following key factors, will rule our successful transition
to a more competitive environment.

Total Return to Shareholders

     Shareholder value will be maximized by continuing to
deliver above average earnings and dividend growth.  Our
1996 earnings of $1.72 per share represents a six percent
increase over last year's $1.63 per share, the same annual
rate of growth that we have averaged over the past four
years.  Earnings per share in the industry over that time
period have averaged less than three percent.

     On February 4, 1997, the annual dividend rate was
increased to $1.36 per share, a six cent, five percent
increase over the 1996 dividend rate of $1.30 per share.
This is the fifth consecutive year we have increased the
dividend, and the tenth time in the last eleven years.  Over
the past five years, dividend growth has averaged five
percent, well above the industry average of two percent.
This record of financial performance has resulted in a total
five year return to shareholders of 186%, which ranks DPL
among the top ten in the entire industry.

Growing West Central Ohio Economy

     The economy in West Central Ohio continued to
outperform that of the nation and Ohio overall in 1996.  In
the second quarter, unemployment rates actually dropped
below 4% to 3.8%, an astonishing statistic.  Businesses
throughout the area posted solid growth and expansion,
across a broad base of industries.

     Again, in 1996, Ohio was declared the winner for
economic growth and development by Site Selection magazine,
the third year in a row it has led the nation.  A total of
888 corporate facilities in Ohio were either...

- ----------------------
The ability of DP&L to provide a total energy package of
electricity and natural gas is a distinct competitive
advantage in serving customers now and through industry

- -------
Combined natural gas and electric prices have declined more
than 35% since 1984, saving customers nearly $1.5 billion.

Caption to photograph:
LEFT --- Cargill Incorporated produces various dried starch
products at its Dayton corn processing plant, primarily for
the papermaking and corrugated cardboard industries.
Natural gas is used to heat filtered air for the dryer,

(see appendix for logo description)

                        DPL  7  1996

 ...expanded or created, over 200 more facilities than its
closest competitor.  Looking at manufacturing facilities
alone, Ohio also led the nation with 175 new or expanded
facilities.  Many key factors help to achieve such profound
economic growth, such as Ohio's strategic location in terms
of infrastructure and proximity to the nation's population,
an excellent base of skilled and educated labor, tax
reforms, and quality incentive programs.

     Here in West Central Ohio, our economic development
programs, like "Partners in Business," allow us to form
partnerships with businesses in our area.  DP&L's role will
be to continue to implement aggressive initiatives to
support future development in Ohio.

     Business conditions in Ohio have helped to generate two
percent growth in sales of electricity to our business
customers in 1996.  Over the past five years, total retail
sales growth has also averaged more than two percent.  This
positive trend sets a solid base for near term financial
growth, and our successful relationships with our customers
help to ensure our continued success in a changing

Competitive Energy Prices

     As a combination electric and natural gas energy
company, DP&L has an existing and effective means of
providing a competitively priced total energy package to our
customers.  In fact, since 1984, our combined natural gas
and electric prices have declined more than 35%, resulting
in nearly $1.5 billion in energy savings for our customers.
Not every electric company is a gas provider, and few gas
pipeline companies can generate and distribute electricity.
As evidenced by actions in the industry in 1996, the ability
to do both is becoming an increasingly prized combination.

     At DP&L, we have held the belief for a long time that
our status as a combination electric and natural gas company
is a distinct competitive advantage.  We enjoy being in both
businesses, and strive for and achieve leadership in both.
Currently, our natural gas costs are the lowest in Ohio, and
our strategic location near a major natural gas pipeline hub
helps to ensure this position for the future.  In addition,
our manage-...

- --------------------
West Central Ohio makes a significant contribution to Ohio's
number one ranking nationally for new business development
and expansion.

- -------
DP&L's economic development programs, such as "Partners in
Business" serve to form partnerships with businesses
throughout the area.

Caption to photograph:
RIGHT --- Motoman, headquartered and having a major
manufacturing facility in the Dayton area, is one of the few
manufacturers  that produce robots in the United States.
International facilities are located in Canada, Mexico and

(see appendix for artwork description)

                        DPL  8  1996

(see appendix for photograph description)

(see appendix for photograph description)

 ...ment experience with the de-regulation of the gas
industry will serve us well during the transition of the
electric industry.

     Fuel is an important part of our competitive price
position on the electric side.  DP&L is a 100% coal-fueled
electric company, with the majority of our plants located on
the Ohio River.  Our proximity to the vast coal regions of
Central Appalachia, with all types and qualities of coal,
along with the ability to competitively transport the coal
by barge, rail or truck to the plants, is key to being able
to control costs.  Our strategic location is supplemented by
flexible and predictable coal contracts that provide us with
many cost-effective options over a long range time period,
allowing the ability to respond to changes in the coal
markets.  In addition, our low costs of compliance with both
phases of the Clean Air Act Amendments will improve our
relative coal cost comparisons with our regional neighbors
into the 21st century.

Managing Costs

     Our natural gas and fuel costs represent a significant
portion of total energy costs, in some cases up to 60%.  In
addition to the competitive advantage we have established
with our management of coal and gas procurement, we have
established a leadership position in other cost control

     Throughout operations, our philosophy is Plan, Predict,
and Prevent.  This mode of managing for the future allows us
to avoid much of the cost volatility that is present
throughout the industry.  Our generating system is managed
for efficiency and reliability, and availability when it is
needed most.  That allows us to avoid costly power purchases
at times of high demand, and prevent costly failure and
damage through timely and effective maintenance.  Service
Operations are managed the same way, maintaining high
reliability and implementing measures now, during periods of
good financial and economic performance, that will provide
returns in the future through reduced costs.

     Capital costs are also managed for long-term certainty
and short-term flexibility.  Our long-term debt portfolio
has an average life of  twenty-seven years, with an average
embedded cost of only 7.6%.  A financing completed late in
1995 saved nearly four...

- ------------------
DP&L remains focused on its core electric and natural gas
businesses, and its commitment to supporting the communities
of West Central Ohio.

- -------
DP&L's Way To Go programs enhance service through energy
efficiency programs, special business and governmental
programs and environmental and school programs.

Caption to photograph:
LEFT ---  Through classroom presentations, DP&L reaches
40,000 to 50,000 students and teachers annually with
messages on energy conservation, the environment and safety.

(see appendix for logo description)
                        DPL  11  1996

 ...million dollars in interest expense in 1996, and has a
maturity of 35 years.  The long-term debt structure saves
the Company from having to plan for uncertain financial
markets, yet allows flexibility if markets significantly

Superior Operations

     A long-standing goal at Dayton Power and Light has been
national leadership in productivity and efficiency.  Our
success in achieving objectives in these areas has saved our
customers an average of almost $24 million per year over the
last ten years.  Power production efficiency, as measured by
heat rate, was 9,830 Btu/kWh in 1996, a level expected to be
among the industry leaders as it has been for the past ten
to fifteen years.  Importantly, we achieve these top
operating results while controlling costs, in large part due
to the Plan, Predict and Prevent philosophy.  This
combination of providing leading operational performance
while attaining a low cost position in our region will be a
significant advantage in an increasingly competitive

Financial Performance

     The end result of our superior operating performance,
effective cost control, regional economic growth, and
competitive energy prices is leading financial performance.
Better than average earnings and dividend growth and a
balance sheet that is among the cleanest and strongest in
the nation solidify current performance and provide a base
for future financial flexibility.  A very conservative
capital structure and strong cash flow, as validated by
solid AA level credit ratings from all three major credit
rating agencies, provide the resources to further reduce
costs, support quality customer service initiatives and
maintain national leadership in plant operations during an
environment of regulatory transition.

- ------------------
Industry leading operations, low cost fuel supplies and
superior cost management throughout the company ensure
competitive prices in our region.

- -------
Over the past ten years, DP&L electric prices have declined
20%, adjusted for inflation during that period.

Adjusted For Inflation
(see appendix for graph description)

                        DPL  12  1996

                             FINANCIAL REVIEW

$ in millions                 $ in millions            $ in millions
(see appendix for             (see appendix for        (see appendix for
graph description)            graph description)       graph description)

Thousand of GWH               Millions of MCF          $ in millions
(see appendix for             (see appendix for        (see appendix for
graph description)            graph description)       graph description)

CALENDAR YEAR                 CALENDAR YEAR            $ in millions
cents/kWh                     $/MCF
(see appendix for             (see appendix for        (see appendix for
graph description)            graph description)       graph description)

                        DPL  13  1996

                                      1996     1995     1994     1993     1992
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        For the years ended                                         
        December 31,
Inc.:   Earnings per share of             
         common stock            $    1.72     1.63     1.54     1.42     1.34
        Dividends paid per share $    1.30     1.24     1.18     1.12     1.08
        Dividend payout ratio    %    75.6     76.1     76.6     78.9     80.6
        Net income (millions)    $   172.9    164.7    154.9    139.0    138.8
        Utility service revenues   
         (millions)              $ 1,256.1  1,255.1  1,187.9  1,151.3  1,017.3
        Construction additions           
         (millions)              $   115.5     87.3    101.1     88.9     59.0
        Market value per share                                           
        at December 31           $  24-1/4   24-3/4   20-1/2   20-5/8   19-3/4
DP&L:   Electric sales (millions                                    
        of kWh) --
         Residential                 4,924    4,871    4,465    4,558    4,260
         Commercial                  3,407    3,425    3,068    3,006    2,896
         Industrial                  4,540    4,401    4,388    4,089    3,938
         Other                       3,443    4,117    2,298    3,023    2,960
                                    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------
          Total                     16,314   16,814   14,219   14,676   14,054
        Gas sales (thousands of                                     
        MCF) --
         Residential                31,087   29,397   27,911   28,786   27,723
         Commercial                  9,424    8,307    8,081    8,468    8,642
         Industrial                  3,404    2,584    3,150    3,056    4,914
         Other                       2,829    3,006    2,909    3,171    3,402
         Transported gas            16,953   16,376   15,147   13,401   10,811
                                    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------
          Total                     63,697   59,670   57,198   56,882   55,492
        At December 31,                                             
Inc.:   Book value per share     $   11.95    11.54    11.17    10.51     9.75
        Total assets (millions)  $ 3,418.7  3,322.8  3,232.7  3,302.0  2,976.7
        Long-term debt and                                          
         preferred stock with   
         mandatory redemption   
         provisions (millions)   $ 1,014.3  1,081.5  1,093.7  1,132.9    990.6
DP&L:   First mortgage bond 
        ratings --
         Duff & Phelps, Inc.           AA       AA       AA       AA-       A+
         Standard & Poor's                                         
          Corporation                  AA-      AA-      AA-       A        A
         Moody's Investors                                          
          Service                     Aa3      Aa3       A1       A2       A2
        Number of Shareholders                                      
Inc.:   Common                      46,532   48,919   51,270   53,275   54,023
DP&L:   Preferred                      684      733      795    1,873    1,969
                        DPL  14  1996

                      FINANCIAL REVIEW

     The 1996 earnings increased to $1.72 per share, compared
to earnings per share of $1.63 in 1995 and $1.54 in 1994.

     In 1996, a 3% decline in electric sales resulted in
slightly lower revenues with a 2% increase in sales to
business customers offset by lower sales to other public
utilities.  Fuel and purchased power expense decreased 9%
primarily related to the decreased sales.  In 1995,
electric revenues increased 9% with a 6% increase in total
retail sales.

     Gas revenues increased 7% in 1996.  Sales increased 7%
from higher deliveries to business customers and the
effects of colder weather.  Gas purchased for resale
increased 9% primarily from higher volumes.  Gas revenues
decreased 6% in 1995.

     Operation and maintenance expenses decreased 2% in 1996
from 1995 due to lower compensation and benefit expense,
reduced electric production and system maintenance and bond
redemption costs.  These decreases were partially offset by
higher insurance and claims costs.  Operation and
maintenance expense increased 11% in 1995 from 1994
principally due to higher compensation and benefit expense,
computer system development and bond redemption costs.
     Regulatory assets recorded during the phase-in of electric
rates are being amortized and recovered in current rates.
In addition, deferred interest charges on the William H.
Zimmer Generating Station are being amortized at $3 million
per year over the projected life of the asset. 

     A 1992 Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
("PUCO")-approved settlement agreement and a subsequent
stipulation in 1995 allowed accelerated recovery of
demand-side management costs and, thereafter, production
plant costs to the extent that DP&L return on equity
exceeds a baseline 13% (subject to upward adjustment).
If the return exceeds the baseline return by one to two
percent, one-half of the excess is used to accelerate
recovery of these costs.  If the return is greater than
two percent over the baseline, the entire excess is used
for such purpose.

     Depreciation and amortization expense increased
$7 million in 1996 and $4 million in 1995 primarily due
to increased depreciable assets and rates.

     General taxes increased 4% in 1996 and 3% in 1995 as a
result of increased property taxes.

     Interest expense declined $5 million in 1996 primarily
from the September 1995 refinancing of $110 million of
bonds at a lower interest rate.  Preferred stock
dividends decreased $4 million in 1995 due to redemptions
of several series of preferred stock in 1994.

Credit Ratings

 DP&L's senior debt credit ratings are as follows:

     Duff & Phelps                       AA
     Moody's Investors Service          Aa3
     Standard & Poor's                   AA-

     Each rating has been affirmed by its respective rating
agency in 1996.  Moody's Investors Service upgraded DP&L's
senior debt credit rating three times from 1992-1995.  Duff
& Phelps and Standard & Poor's both upgraded DP&L's senior
debt credit ratings in 1994.  The credit ratings are the
highest DP&L has achieved since 1974, and they are all
considered investment grade.  The Company's strong
financial performance, cost reductions and competitive
position are some of the key factors reflected in the

$ in millions except per share amounts      1996      1995      1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
ELECTRIC UTILITY:                                           
 Revenues                                 $1,014    $1,028      $944
 Fuel and purchased power                    234       256       218
                                          ------    ------      ----
  Net revenues                               780       772       726
GAS UTILITY:                                                
 Revenues                                    239       222       237
 Gas purchased for resale                    145       133       151
                                             ---       ---       ---
  Net revenues                                94        89        86
Interest and other income                     26        30        30
Operation and maintenance expense            266       272       246
Amortization of regulatory assets, net        15        15        11
Income taxes                                 104       102       101
Net income                                   173       165       155
Earnings per share of common stock          1.72      1.63      1.54

                        DPL  15  1996

Construction Program and Financing
     Construction additions were $116 million, $87 million and
$101 million in 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

     During 1996, total cash provided by operating activities
was $338 million.  At year-end, cash and temporary cash
investments were $73 million, and debt and equity financial
assets were $175 million.

     In December 1996, DP&L redeemed a series of first mortgage
bonds in the principal amount of $25 million with an
interest rate of 6.75%.  The bonds had been scheduled to
mature in 1998.

     In September 1995, a new series of Air Quality Development
Revenue Refunding Bonds was issued in the principal amount
of $110 million with an interest rate of 6.10%.  Proceeds
from the financing were used to redeem a similar principal
amount of first mortgage bonds with an interest rate of

     In March 1994, DPL Inc. issued 3,200,000 shares of common
stock through a public offering.  Proceeds from the sale
were used in connection with the redemption of all
outstanding shares of DP&L's Preferred Stock Series D, E,
F, H and I.

     The capital program for the five years ending 2001
consists of construction costs of $625 million, with a
total of $125 million in 1997.  The program includes a
series of 80 MW combustion turbine generating units, and
debt maturities and sinking fund payments of $62 million.
 Issuance of additional amounts of first mortgage bonds by
DP&L is limited by provisions of its mortgage.  The amounts
and timing of future financings will depend upon market and
other conditions, rate increases, levels of sales and
construction plans.  DPL Inc. anticipates that it has
sufficient capacity to issue DP&L first mortgage bonds to
satisfy its requirements in connection with its capital
program during 1997-2001.

     In addition, DPL Inc. has a revolving credit agreement,
renewable through 2000, which allows total borrowings by
DPL Inc. and its subsidiaries of $200 million.  At year-end
1996, DPL Inc. had no borrowings outstanding under this
credit agreement. 

     DP&L also has $97 million available in short-term lines of
credit.  At year-end, DP&L had no borrowings outstanding
from these lines of credit and $10 million in commercial
paper outstanding.

Issues and Financial Risks

     As a public utility, DP&L is subject to processes which
determine the rates it charges for energy services.
Regulators determine which costs are eligible for recovery
in the rate setting process and when the recovery will
occur.  They also establish the rate of return on utility
investments which are valued under Ohio law based on
historical costs.

     The utility industry is subject to inflationary pressures
similar to those experienced by other capital-intensive
industries.  Because rates for regulated services are based
on historical costs, cash flows may not cover the total
future costs of providing services.  Projected construction
costs over the next five years approximate projected
depreciation over the same period.

     Restructuring of the electric utility industry continued
to evolve in 1996.  Cash and financial assets are held with
a view towards investing in future opportunities in the

     In April 1996, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
("FERC") issued orders creating a more competitive
wholesale electric power market.  These orders require all
electric utilities that own or control transmission
facilities to file open-access transmission service
tariffs.  Open-access transmission tariffs provide third
parties non-discriminatory transmission service comparable
to what the utility provides itself.  In its orders, FERC
further stated that FERC-jurisdictional stranded costs
reasonably incurred and costs of complying with the rules
will be recoverable by electric utilities.

     The PUCO is holding roundtable discussions on the
introduction of competition in the electric industry.
Furthermore, legislative proposals have been introduced in
Congress and in Ohio concerning wholesale and retail
wheeling which are designed to increase competition.  These
factors increase the risk that the Company's production
plant and/or regulatory assets may not be fully recovered
in rates.

     Stipulations approved by the PUCO allow accelerated
recovery of demand-side management and production plant
costs to the extent that future DP&L income exceeds the
allowed return.

     The Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") has notified
numerous parties, including DP&L, that they are considered
"Potentially Responsible Parties" for clean up of four
hazardous waste sites in Ohio.  The EPA has estimated total
costs of $61 million for its preferred clean-up plans at
three of these sites and has not established an estimated
cost for the fourth site.  The final resolution of these
investigations will not have a material effect on DP&L's
financial position, earnings or cash flow.

                        DPL  16  1996


                                           For the years ended December 31,
$ in millions except per share amounts         1996      1995      1994
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility service revenues                   $1,256.1  $1,255.1  $1,187.9
Interest and other income                      26.0      29.7      30.1
                                           --------  --------  --------
  Total income                              1,282.1   1,284.8   1,218.0
Fuel and purchased power                      234.9     257.5     220.7
Gas purchased for resale                      144.8     133.2     150.8
Operation and maintenance (Note 1)            265.7     272.3     245.8
Depreciation and amortization (Note 1)        125.4     118.9     114.7
Amortization of regulatory assets, net      
 (Note 2)                                      15.3      15.4      10.9
General taxes                                 129.7     125.2     121.1
Interest expense                               89.0      94.3      93.2
Preferred dividend requirements of                                    
 The Dayton Power and Light Company                           
 (Note 9)                                       0.9       0.9       4.7
                                           --------  --------  --------
  Total expenses                            1,005.7   1,017.7     961.9
                                           --------   -------  --------
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    276.4     267.1     256.1

Income taxes (Notes 1 and 3)                  103.5     102.4     101.2
                                           --------  --------  --------
NET INCOME                                 $  172.9  $  164.7  $  154.9
                                           ========  ========  ========
Average Number of Common Shares                                       
 Outstanding (millions) (Note 8)              100.6     101.1     100.4
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock         $   1.72  $   1.63  $   1.54
Dividends Paid Per Share of Common Stock   $   1.30  $   1.24  $   1.18

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                        DPL  17  1996


                                           For the years ended December 31,
$ in millions                                  1996      1995      1994
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                           
 Cash received from utility customers      $1,228.9  $1,203.5  $1,199.0
 Other operating cash receipts                 38.7      28.7      25.4
 Cash paid for:                                                
  Fuel and purchased power                   (207.6)   (249.8)   (226.0)
  Purchased gas                              (163.3)   (131.7)   (142.8)
  Operation and maintenance labor             (87.4)    (89.3)    (90.0)
  Nonlabor operating expenditures            (149.3)   (136.9)   (159.4)
  Interest                                    (87.7)    (91.9)    (92.1)
  Income taxes                               (108.1)   (103.1)   (105.8)
  Property, excise and payroll taxes         (126.1)   (124.2)   (121.4)
                                           --------  --------  --------
 Net cash provided by operating activities    
  (Note 11)                                   338.1     305.3     286.9
                                           --------  --------  --------
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                           
 Property expenditures                       (108.8)    (87.3)   (102.1)
 Other activities                            (144.4)    (14.3)      7.8
                                           --------  --------  --------
 Net cash used for investing activities      (253.2)   (101.6)    (94.3)
                                           --------  --------  --------
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                           
 Dividends paid on common stock              (131.2)   (124.9)   (118.3)
 Retirement of long-term debt                 (25.5)   (126.7)     (9.2)
 Purchase of treasury stock                   (15.8)     (6.1)     (9.4)
 Issuance (retirement) of short-term debt      10.0        -      (25.0)
 Issuance of long-term debt                      -      108.8        -  
 Redemption of preferred stock                   -         -      (94.2)
 Issuance of common stock                        -         -       77.5
                                           --------  --------  --------
 Net cash used for financing activities      (162.5)   (148.9)   (178.6)
                                           --------  --------  --------
Cash and temporary cash investments --
   Net change                                 (77.6)     54.8      14.0
   Balance at beginning of year               150.4      95.6      81.6
                                           --------  --------  --------
   Balance at end of year                  $   72.8  $  150.4  $   95.6
                                           ========  ========  ========

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                        DPL  18  1996

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                          DPL Inc.

                                                   At December 31,
$ in millions                                      1996      1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Property                                       $3,548.7  $3,449.6
Accumulated depreciation and amortization      (1,279.8) (1,167.8)
                                               --------  --------
  Net property                                  2,268.9   2,281.8
                                               --------  --------          
Current Assets                                           
Cash and temporary cash investments                72.8     150.4
Accounts receivable, less provision for                  
 uncollectible accounts of $5.1 and $6.5,         
 respectively                                     201.9     148.0
Inventories, at average cost                       75.9      82.7
Taxes applicable to subsequent years               87.3      82.4
Other current assets                               53.6      39.7
                                               --------  --------
  Total current assets                            491.5     503.2
                                               --------  --------          
Other Assets                                             
Income taxes recoverable through future          
revenues (Note 1)                                 222.4     238.6
Regulatory assets (Note 2)                        137.3     155.7
Financial assets                                  170.3      27.2
Other                                             128.3     116.3
                                               --------  --------
  Total other assets                              658.3     537.8
                                               --------  --------          
TOTAL ASSETS                                   $3,418.7  $3,322.8
                                               ========  ========          
CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES                           
Common shareholders' equity (Note 8)--                   
 Common stock                                  $    1.1  $    1.1
 Other paid-in capital                            756.8     771.4
 Common stock held by employee plans             (102.1)   (107.2)
 Earnings reinvested in the business              544.7     499.5
                                               --------  --------
  Total common shareholders' equity             1,200.5   1,164.8

Preferred stock (Note 9)                           22.9      22.9
Long-term debt (Note 7)                         1,014.3   1,081.5
                                               --------  --------
  Total capitalization                          2,237.7   2,269.2
                                               --------  --------          
Current Liabilities                                      
Accounts payable                                  114.4      97.0
Accrued taxes                                     137.7     119.4
Accrued interest                                   24.8      24.9
Current portion of long-term debt                  42.4       0.5
Short-term debt (Note 6)                           10.0        -
Other                                              57.0      43.0
                                               --------  --------
  Total current liabilities                       386.3     284.8
                                               --------  --------          
Deferred Credits and Other                               
Deferred taxes (Note 3)                           488.1     516.3
Unamortized investment tax credit                  75.4      79.6
Other                                             231.2     172.9
                                               --------  --------
  Total deferred credits and other                794.7     768.8
                                               --------  --------          
                                               ========  ========          

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                        DPL  19  1996



Principles of Consolidation and Nature of Operations

     The accounts of DPL Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
are included in the accompanying consolidated financial
statements.  The consolidated financial statements of DPL
Inc. principally reflect the results of operations and
financial condition of DPL Inc.'s public utility
subsidiary, The Dayton Power and Light Company ("DP&L").
DP&L is primarily engaged in the business of selling
electric energy and natural gas to residential, commercial,
industrial and governmental customers in a 6,000 square
mile area of West Central Ohio.  The majority of DPL Inc.'s
earnings come from electricity and natural gas sales.
Earnings from other operations currently do not have a
material financial impact on the consolidated results.

Revenues and Fuel

     Revenues include amounts charged to customers through fuel
and gas recovery clauses, which are adjusted periodically
for changes in such costs.  Related costs that are
recoverable or refundable in future periods are deferred
along with the related income tax effects.  Also included
in revenues are amounts charged to customers through a
surcharge for recovery of arrearages from certain eligible
low-income households.
     DP&L records revenue for services provided but not yet
billed to more closely match revenues with expenses.
Accounts receivable on the Consolidated Balance Sheet
includes unbilled revenue of (in millions) $58.3 in 1996
and $40.7 in 1995.

Operation and Maintenance

     Operation and maintenance expenses in 1995 include
$4.7 million of redemption premiums and other costs
relating to the refinancing of bond issues.

Property, Maintenance and Depreciation

     Property is shown at its original cost.  Cost includes
direct labor and material and allocable overhead costs.

     When a unit of property is retired, the original cost of
that property plus the cost of removal less any salvage
value is charged to accumulated depreciation.  Maintenance
costs and replacements of minor items of property are
charged to expense.

     Depreciation expense is calculated using the straight-line
method, which depreciates the cost of property over its
estimated useful life, at an average rate of 3.5%, 3.4% and
3.4% for 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

Income Taxes

     Deferred income taxes are provided for all temporary
differences between the financial statement basis and the
tax basis of assets and liabilities using the enacted tax
rate.  Additional deferred income taxes and offsetting
regulatory assets or liabilities are recorded to recognize
that the income taxes will be recoverable/refundable
through future revenues.  Investment tax credits,
previously deferred, are being amortized over the lives of
the related properties.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

     The temporary cash investments presented on this Statement
consist of liquid investments with an original maturity of
three months or less.


     Reclassifications have been made in certain prior years'
amounts to conform to the current reporting presentation.


     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires
management to make estimates and assumptions related to
future events.

                        DPL  20  1996


Regulatory assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheet include:

                       At December 31,
$ in millions           1996    1995
- --------------------------------------                             

a.  Phase-in          $ 46.7  $ 61.4
b.  DSM                 35.3    36.2
c.  Deferred interest   55.3    58.1
                       -----   -----
Total                 $137.3  $155.7
                      ======  ======    

a.  Amounts deferred during a 1992-1994 electric rate
   increase phase-in (including carrying charges) are
   being recovered in current rates.

b.  Demand-side management ("DSM") costs (including
   carrying charges) from DP&L's cost-effective programs
   are deferred and are being recovered at approximately
   $9 million per year.  The 1992 PUCO-approved agreement 
   for the phase-in plan and DSM programs, as updated in 
   1995, allows accelerated recovery of DSM costs and, 
   thereafter, production plant costs to the extent that 
   DP&L return on equity exceeds a baseline 13% (subject 
   to upward adjustment).  If the return exceeds the baseline
   return by one to two percent, one-half of the excess
   will be used to accelerate recovery of these costs.
   If the return is greater than two percent over the
   baseline, the entire excess will be used for such

c.  Interest charges related to Zimmer which were
   previously deferred pursuant to PUCO approval are
   being amortized at $2.8 million per year over the
   projected life of the asset.


                                       For the years ended
                                           December 31,
$ in millions                          1996    1995    1994
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Computation of Tax Expense

Federal income tax (a)               $ 97.0  $ 93.8  $ 91.3
Increases (decreases) in tax from -
  Regulatory assets                     3.3     3.3     2.2
  Depreciation                         10.7    10.8    10.4
  Investment tax credit amortized      (3.0)   (3.0)   (3.7)
  Other, net                           (4.5)   (2.5)    1.0
                                     ------  ------  ------
   Total tax expense                 $103.5  $102.4  $101.2
                                     ======  ======  ======

Components of Tax Expense          

Taxes currently payable              $117.4   $93.0  $107.9
Deferred taxes--                 
  Regulatory assets                    (3.5)   (1.7)    1.6
  Liberalized depreciation and   
   amortization                         7.9    14.1    17.2
  Property taxes                         -       -     (6.1)
  Fuel and gas costs                    2.5    (3.1)  (12.7)
  Insurance and claims costs          (11.1)    2.7    (3.5)
  Other                                (5.5)   (0.8)    0.4
Deferred investment tax credit, net    (4.2)   (1.8)   (3.6)
                                     ------  ------  ------
   Total tax expense                 $103.5  $102.4  $101.2
                                     ======  ======  ======

(a)  The statutory rate of 35% applied to pre-tax income
     before preferred dividends.

Components of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities

                                 At December 31,
$ in millions                     1996     1995
- ------------------------------------------------                                
Non-Current Liabilities

Depreciation/property basis   $(448.8)  $(450.9)
Income taxes recoverable        (77.4)    (82.9)
Regulatory assets               (45.8)    (52.3)
Investment tax credit            26.3      27.8
Other                            57.6      42.0
                              -------   -------
 Net non-current liablility   $(488.1)  $(516.3)
                              -------   -------
Net Current Asset             $   1.7   $   6.1
                              =======   =======
                        DPL  21  1996



     Substantially all DP&L employees participate in pension
plans paid for by the Company.  Employee benefits are
based on their years of service, age at retirement and,
for salaried employees, their compensation.  The plans are
funded in amounts actuarially determined to provide for
these benefits.

     An interest rate of 6.25% was used in developing the
amounts in the following tables.  Actual returns on plan
assets for 1996, 1995 and 1994 were 12.7%, 25.6% and 0.9%,
respectively.  Increases in compensation levels
approximating 5% were used for all years.

     The following table presents the components of pension
cost (portions of which were capitalized):

$ in millions                      1996     1995     1994
- ---------------------------------------------------------
Service cost-benefits earned     $  6.2   $  6.2   $  6.1
Interest cost                      15.0     14.4     13.4
Expected return on plan assets    
  of 7.5% in each year            (18.1)   (17.8)   (18.2)
Net amortization                   (1.1)    (0.9)    (1.5)
                                 ------   ------   ------
Net pension cost                 $  2.0   $  1.9   $ (0.2)
                                 ======   ======   ======

     The following table sets forth the plans' funded status
and amounts recorded in Other assets on the Consolidated
Balance Sheet at December 31:

$ in millions                            1996    1995
- -----------------------------------------------------
Plan assets at fair value (a)          $321.4  $298.3            
Actuarial present value of projected   
  benefit obligation                    255.1   245.5
                                       ------  ------
Plan assets in excess of projected  
  benefit obligation                     66.3    52.8
Unamortized transition obligation       (15.5)  (19.6)
Prior service cost                       16.0    18.1
Changes in plan assumptions and         
  actuarial gains and losses            (22.5)   (5.0)
                                       ------  ------
Net pension assets                     $ 44.3  $ 46.3
                                       ======  ======
Vested benefit obligation              $198.6  $190.1
Accumulated benefit obligation 
without projected wage increases       $237.4  $227.7

(a) Invested in fixed income investments, equities
    including $26.5 million and $27.0 million of DPL Inc.
    common stock in 1996 and 1995, respectively, and
    guaranteed investment contracts.

Postretirement Benefits

     Qualified employees who retired prior to 1987 and their
dependents are eligible for health care and life insurance
benefits.  The unamortized transition obligation
associated with these benefits is being amortized over the
approximate average remaining life expectancy of the
retired employees.  Active employees are eligible for life
insurance benefits, and this unamortized transition
obligation is being amortized over the average remaining
service period.

      DP&L has funded the union-eligible health benefit using a
Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association Trust.  Actual
return on plan assets was 6.7% in 1996.

      The following table presents the components of
postretirement benefit cost:

$ in millions                   1996    1995    1994
- ----------------------------------------------------
Expected return on plan       
  assets of 5.7%              $(0.6)   $  -    $  -
Interest cost                   2.5      3.6     3.7
Net amortization                2.9      3.0     2.9
                              -----     ----   -----
Postretirement benefit cost   $ 4.8    $ 6.5   $ 6.7
                              =====    =====   =====

     The assumed health care cost trend rate used in measuring
the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation is 9.5%
for 1996 and decreases to 5% by 2005.  A one percentage
point increase in each future year's assumed health care
trend rate would increase postretirement benefit cost by
$0.2 million annually and would increase the accumulated
postretirement benefit obligation by $2.9 million.  The
weighted average discount rate used in determining the
accumulated postretirement benefit obligation was 6.25%.

     The following table sets forth the accumulated
postretirement benefit amounts at December 31:

$ in millions                         1996    1995
- --------------------------------------------------                              
Accumulated postretirement benefit
 -  retirees and dependents          $40.7   $43.2
 -  active employees                   1.1     1.0
                                     -----   -----
    Total                             41.8    44.2
Plan assets at fair value (a)         11.9    12.0
                                     -----   -----
Projected benefit obligation in              
excess of plan assets                 29.9    32.2
Unamortized transition obligation    (18.9)  (21.8)
Actuarial gains and losses            24.6    22.1
                                     -----   -----
Accrued postretirement                       
benefit liability                    $35.6   $32.5
                                     =====   =====

(a) Invested in fixed income government obligations
    and money market securities.

                        DPL  22  1996


      DP&L owns certain electric generating and transmission
facilities as tenants in common with other Ohio utilities.
Each utility is obligated to pay its ownership share of
construction and operation costs of each facility.  As of
December 31, 1996, DP&L had $4.2 million of commonly owned
facilities under construction.  DP&L's share of expenses
is included in the Consolidated Statement of Results of
     The following table presents DP&L's share of the commonly
owned facilities at December 31, 1996:

                                DP&L Share                DP&L Investment
                         ---------------------------   ----------------------
                         Ownership    Prod. Capacity   Gross Plant in Service
                            (%)           (MW)              ($ in mil.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Production Units:
 Beckjord Unit 6            50.0          210                   54
 Conesville Unit 4          16.5          129                   30
 East Bend Station          31.0          186                  150
 Killen Station             67.0          418                  406
 Miami Fort Units 7&8       36.0          360                  117
 Stuart Station             35.0          823                  244
 Zimmer Station             28.1          365                  988
Transmission (at varying                       
percentages)                                                    67


     DPL Inc. and its subsidiaries have $200 million available
through a revolving credit agreement.  This agreement with
a consortium of banks is renewable through 2000. Commitment fees 
are approximately $200,000 per year, depending upon the aggregate 
unused balance of the loan. At December 31, 1996, DPL Inc. had no 
outstanding borrowings under this credit agreement.

     DP&L also has $96.6 million available in short-term informal 
lines of credit.  To support these lines of credit, DP&L is 
required to maintain average daily compensating balances of 
approximately $400,000 and also pay $103,550 per year in fees.

     At year-end, DP&L had no borrowings from these lines of
credit and $10.0 million in commercial paper outstanding
at a weighted average interest rate of 6.75%.


                                       At December 31,
$ in millions                          1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------
First mortgage bonds maturing:

 1997 5-5/8%                       $     -    $   40.0
 1998 6.75%                              -        25.0
 2003  8.00%                           40.0       40.0
 2022-2026 8.14% (a)                  671.0      671.0
 Pollution control series maturing             
  through 2027 - 6.43% (a)            107.6      107.9
                                   --------   --------
                                      818.6      883.9
 Unamortized debt discount and           
  premium (net)                        (2.3)      (2.4)
                                   --------   --------
                                      816.3      881.5

Guarantee of Air Quality 
 Development Obligations 6.10%       
 Series Due 2030                      110.0      110.0
Notes due 2007 - 7.83%                 88.0       90.0
                                   --------   --------
   Total                           $1,014.3   $1,081.5
                                   ========   ========

(a)  Weighted average interest rates for 1996 and 1995.

     The amounts of maturities and mandatory redemptions for
first mortgage bonds and notes are (in millions) $42.4 in
1997, $3.4 in 1998, $4.4 in 1999, $5.4 in 2000 and $6.4 in
2001.  Substantially all property of DP&L is subject to
the mortgage lien securing the first mortgage bonds.

     During 1996, a series of first mortgage bonds in the
principal amount of $25 million was redeemed.  The bonds
had been scheduled to mature in 1998.

                        DPL  23  1996

                                  Common Stock (a)                      Held By    Earnings
                             ---------------------------  Other Paid-  Employee  Reinvested in    
$ in millions                Outstanding Shares   Amount  in Capital     Plans   the Business    Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1994: Beginning balance      103,509,998          $1.0      $708.1     $(105.2)     $423.4     $1,027.3
       Net Income                                                                    154.9        154.9
       Common stock dividends                                                       (118.3)      (118.3)
       Public offering         3,200,000           0.1        63.1                                 63.2
       Dividend reinvestment  
        plan                     720,225            -         14.4                                 14.4
       Treasury stock           (478,600)           -         (9.4)                                (9.4)
       Employee stock plans                                    0.2        (3.5)                    (3.3)
       Other                                                   0.2                    (0.7)        (0.5)
                             -----------          ----      ------     -------      ------     --------
      Ending balance         106,951,623           1.1       776.6      (108.7)      459.3      1,128.3
1995:  Net Income                                                                    164.7        164.7
       Common stock dividends                                                       (124.9)      (124.9)                   
       Treasury stock           (254,700)           -         (6.1)                                (6.1)
       Employee stock plans                                    0.7         1.5                      2.2
       Other                                                   0.2                     0.4          0.6
                             -----------          ----      ------     -------      ------     --------
      Ending balance         106,696,923           1.1       771.4      (107.2)      499.5      1,164.8
1996:  Net Income                                                                    172.9        172.9
       Common stock dividends                                                       (131.2)      (131.2)
       Treasury stock           (687,000)           -        (15.8)                               (15.8)
       Employee stock plans                                    1.0         5.1                      6.1
       Other                                                   0.2                     3.5          3.7
                             -----------          ----      ------      ------      ------     --------
      Ending balance         106,009,923          $1.1      $756.8     $(102.1)     $544.7     $1,200.5
                             ===========          ====      ======     =======      ======     ========
(a) $0.01 par value, 250,000,000 shares authorized.

     DPL Inc. has a leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plan
("ESOP") to fund matching contributions to the Company's
401(k) retirement savings plan and certain other payments to
full-time employees.  Common shareholders' equity is reduced
for the cost of 3,992,110 unallocated shares held by the trust
and for 1,543,171 shares related to another employee plan.
These shares reduce the number of common shares used in the
calculation of earnings per share.

     Dividends received by the ESOP are used to repay the loan
to DPL Inc.  As debt service payments are made on the loan,
shares are released on a pro-rata basis.  Dividends on the
allocated shares are charged to retained earnings, and
dividends on the unallocated shares reduce accrued

     Cumulative shares allocated to employees and outstanding
for the calculation of earnings per share were 714,440 in
1996 and 516,249 in 1995.  Compensation expense, which is based
on the fair value of the shares allocated, amounted to
$4.1 million in 1996, $4.2 million in 1995 and $4.0 million
in 1994.

     DPL Inc. had 2,107,323 authorized but unissued shares
reserved for the dividend reinvestment plan at December 31,
1996.  The plan provides that either original issue shares
or shares purchased on the open market may be used to
satisfy plan requirements.

     DPL Inc. has a Shareholder Rights Plan pursuant to which
two-thirds of a Right is attached to and trades with each
outstanding DPL Inc. Common Share.  The Rights would
separate from the Common Shares and become exercisable in
the event of certain attempted business combinations.

                        DPL 24 1996

DPL Inc.:   No par value, 8,000,000 shares authorized, no shares
DP&L:       $25 par value, 4,000,000 shares authorized, no shares
            outstanding; and $100 par value, 4,000,000 shares authorized,
            228,508 shares without mandatory redemption provisions

                                                              Par Value
                                                           At December 31,
                Current Redemption     Current Shares       1996 and 1995
Series/Rate           Price             Outstanding        ($ in millions)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
A   3.75%            $102.50              93,280               $ 9.3
B   3.75%            $103.00              69,398                 7.0
C   3.90%            $101.00              65,830                 6.6
                                         -------               -----
    Total                                228,508               $22.9
                                         =======               =====

 The shares may be redeemed at the option of DP&L at the per share prices 
 indicated, plus cumulative accrued dividends.

                                             At December 31,
                                      1996                   1995
                               ------------------     -------------------
$ in millions                  Fair Value    Cost     Fair Value     Cost
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    $         $            $          $
Assets (a)                                                      
 Available for sale securities    
   included in financial assets   156.5     150.7         11.5      10.8
 Held to maturity securities,                                  
   including temporary cash       
   investments of $70.5 in
   1996 and $141.3 in 1995        119.5     119.2        188.0     186.6
Liabilities (b)                                                 
 Debt                           1,112.1   1,066.7      1,174.9   1,082.0
 Unallocated stock in ESOP         96.8      76.3        103.7      80.1

 (a) Maturities range from 1997 to 2005.
 (b) Includes current maturities.

 Available for sale marketable securities are carried at market; the 
 remaining financial instruments are carried at cost.  The fair value is 
 based upon quoted market prices or securities with similar characteristics.


                                             For the years ended December 31,
$ in millions                                      1996     1995    1994
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                       $172.9   $164.7  $154.9
 Depreciation and amortization                    125.4    118.9   114.7
 Deferred income taxes                            (13.8)     9.2    (6.7)
 Amortization of regulatory assets, net            15.3     15.4    10.9
 Operating expense provisions                      30.6     19.3    29.9
 Accounts receivable                              (53.9)   (44.6)   27.9
 Accounts payable                                  14.7     21.8   (40.0)
 Accrued taxes payable                             18.3     (4.5)    9.5
 Inventory                                          6.8      1.9     1.7
 Other                                             21.8      3.2   (15.9)
                                                 ------   ------  ------
Net cash provided by operating activities        $338.1   $305.3  $286.9
                                                 ======   ======  ======
                        DPL  25  1996

                                        For the years ended December 31,
$ in millions                              1996       1995        1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility service revenues                                     
  Electric                             $1,014.1   $1,027.5   $   943.5
  Gas                                     238.6      222.0       237.1
  Other                                     3.4        5.6         7.3
                                       --------   --------   ---------
Total utility service revenues          1,256.1    1,255.1     1,187.9
Interest and other income                  26.0       29.7        30.1
                                       --------   --------   ---------
 Total income                          $1,282.1   $1,284.8    $1,218.0
                                       ========   ========    ========
Operating profit before tax                                  
  Electric                             $  326.9   $  335.8    $  325.2
  Gas                                      23.7       18.9        10.3
  Other                                     6.6        3.8         6.5
                                       --------   --------    --------
Total operating profit before tax         357.2      358.5       342.0
Other income, net (a)                       9.1        3.8        12.0
Interest expense                          (89.0)     (94.3)      (93.2)
Preferred dividends                        (0.9)      (0.9)       (4.7)
                                       --------   --------    --------
 Income before income taxes            $  276.4   $  267.1    $  256.1
                                       ========   ========    ========
Depreciation and amortization                                
  Electric                             $  112.8   $  108.1    $  104.8
  Gas                                       6.7        6.4         6.2
  Other                                     5.9        4.4         3.7
                                       --------   --------    --------
 Total depreciation and amortization   $  125.4   $  118.9    $  114.7
                                       ========   =========   ========
Construction additions                                       
  Electric                             $  100.0   $   66.6    $   82.1
  Gas                                      14.1       11.7        11.6
  Other                                     1.4        9.0         7.4
                                       --------   --------    --------
 Total construction additions          $  115.5   $   87.3    $  101.1
                                       ========   ========    ========
  Electric                             $2,754.3   $2,763.1    $2,772.3
  Gas                                     259.9      223.7       201.7
  Other (b)                               404.5      336.0       258.7
                                       --------   --------    --------
 Total assets at year-end              $3,418.7   $3,322.8    $3,232.7
                                       ========   ========    ========

(a)  Includes primarily interest income less bond redemption costs in 1995.
(b)  Includes primarily temporary cash investments, debt and equity financial 
     assets and certain deferred items.

                        DPL  26  1996


Price Waterhouse LLP               (see appendix for logo description)

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of DPL Inc.

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet and the related 
consolidated statements of results of operations and of cash flows present 
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of DPL Inc. and its 
subsidiaries at December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the results of their 
operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period 
ended December 31, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting 
principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these 
financial statements based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these 
statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which 
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance 
about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts 
and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting 
principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating 
the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits 
provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

/s/ Price Waterhouse LLP

Dayton, Ohio
January 21, 1997


                                      For the Three Months Ended
                          March 31,        June 30,       September 30,    December 31,
$ in millions except    1996    1995     1996    1995     1996    1995     1996    1995
per share amounts         $       $        $       $        $       $        $       $
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility service         
 revenues              368.4   355.6    281.4   265.9    277.6   300.0    328.7   333.6
Income before income   
 taxes                 103.5    97.0     57.1    53.7     68.2    66.1     47.6    50.3
Net income              63.8    60.8     34.8    34.6     41.8    39.5     32.5    29.8
Earnings per share of  
 common stock           0.63    0.60     0.35    0.34     0.42    0.39     0.32    0.30
Dividends paid per     
 share                 0.325    0.31    0.325    0.31    0.325    0.31    0.325    0.31
Common stock market      
 price - High             26      22   24-3/8      23   24-3/8  23-1/8   24-7/8  25-3/8
       - Low          23-1/8  20-1/8   22-1/8  20-7/8   22-5/8  21-7/8   23-1/4  23-1/8

                        DPL  27  1996

                    CORPORATE INFORMATION

Securities Transfer & Shareholder Inquires:
The First National Bank of Boston
c/o Boston EquiServe
P.O. Box 8040
Boston, MA  02266-8040
(617) 575-3100
(800 736-3001

Dividend Reinvestment:
The First National Bank of Boston
c/o Boston EquiServe
P.O. Box 8040
Boston, MA  02266-8040
Also dividend paying agent
(617) 575-3100
(800) 736-3001

Trustee - DP&L First Mortgage Bonds
The Bank of New York Corporate Trust Administration
101 Barclay Street
New York, NY  10286
Also interest paying agent

Securities Listing
The New York Stock Exchange is the only national securities
exchange on which DPL Inc. Common Stock and DP&L First
Mortgage Bonds are listed.  The trading symbol of the Common
Stock is DPL.

Dividends paid in 1996 on Common and Preferred Stock are
fully taxable as dividend income.

Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held at 10:00
a.m., Tuesday, April 15, 1997, at Bellbrook High School,
Bellbrook, Ohio.

DPL Inc. staffs an Investor Relations Department to meet the
information needs of shareholders and investors.  Inquires
are welcomed.  Communications relating to shareholder
accounts should be directed to the DPL Investor Relations
Department (937) 259-7150 or (800) 322-9244 or to Boston
EquiServe (617) 575-3100 or (800) 736-3001.

Form 10-K Report
DPL Inc. reports details concerning its operations and other
matters annually to the Securities and Exchange Commission
on Form 10-K, which will be supplied upon request.  Please
direct inquires to the Investor Relations Department.

(Age/Years of Service)
Peter H. Forster (54/23)
Chairman--DPL Inc. and DP&L

Allen M. Hill (51/29)
President and Chief Executive Officer--DPL Inc. and DP&L

Paul R. Anderson (54/18)

Stephen P. Bramlage (50/28)
Assistant Vice President--DP&L

Jeanne S. Holihan (40/16)
Assistant Vice President--DP&L

Thomas M. Jenkins (45/19)
Group Vice President and Treasurer--DPL Inc. and DP&L

Stephen F. Koziar, Jr. (52/29)
Group Vice President and Secretary--DPL Inc. and DP&L

Judy W. Lansaw (45/18)
Group Vice President--DPL Inc. and DP&L

Bryce W. Nickel (40/16)
Assistant Vice President--DP&L

H. Ted Santo (46/25)
Group Vice President--DP&L

Burnell R. Roberts (2) (3)
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Mead
Corporation, Dayton, Ohio

David R. Holmes (1) (4)
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, The
Reynolds and Reynolds Company, Dayton, Ohio

James F. Dicke, II (2) (3)
President, Crown Equipment Corporation, New Bremen, Ohio

Peter H. Forster (1) (3) (4)
Chairman, DPL Inc. and DP&L, Dayton, Ohio

W August Hillenbrand (2) (3)
President and Chief Executive Officer, Hillenbrand
Industries, Batesville, Indiana

Jane G. Haley (1) (4)
President and CEO, Gosiger, Inc., Dayton, Ohio

Allen M. Hill (1) (4)
President and Chief Executive Officer, DPL Inc. and DP&L,
Dayton, Ohio

Thomas J. Danis (1)
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Danis
Companies, Dayton, Ohio

Ernie Green (1) (4)
President and Chief Executive Officer, Ernie Green
Industries, Dayton, Ohio

All Directors of DPL Inc. are also Directors of DP&L.
1996 Committee Assignments:
DPL Inc.--Finance and Audit Review (1)
Compensation and Management Review (2)
Executive (3)
DP&L--Community and External Relations (4)

                        DPL  28  1996

Courthouse Plaza Southwest
Dayton, Ohio 45402

(see appendix for photograph description)

                        [back cover]

As required by Rule 304 of Regulation S-T, the following appendix lists 
the graphic material contained in the 1996 Annual Report to Shareholders.  
This graphic material, which appears in the paper copy of the report, was
omitted from the electronically filed copy of the report.


- ----      -----         -----------

Cover:    Artwork:      Logo - DPL Inc.

          Photograph:   Picture of a family in an outdoor setting making use 
                        of products local in nature.

Cover:    Artwork:      Map of the State of Ohio with DP&L service territory 

Page 2:   Bar Chart:    Earnings Per Share
                        1994      $1.54
                        1995      $1.63
                        1996      $1.72

          Bar Chart:    Dividends Per Share
                        1994      $1.18
                        1995      $1.24
                        1996      $1.30

Page 3:   Photograph:   The directors of DPL Inc. are pictured individually 
                        with their names appearing below the photographs as 
                        Thomas J. Danis, James F. Dicke, II, Peter H. 
                        Forster, Ernie Green, Jane G. Haley, Allen M. Hill, 
                        W August Hillenbrand, David R. Holmes, 
                        Burnell R. Roberts

Page 4:   Artwork:      Illustration of proximity between Interstates 70, 
                        71 & 75.

Page 5:   Photograph:   Two truck drivers pictured with a tractor-trailer
                        from R&L Carriers.

Page 6:   Photograph:   Two workers walking in front of corn processing 
                        equipment at Cargill Incorporated.

Page 7:   Logo:         "DP&L" logo and "Way To Go" logo, the umbrella name 
                        for energy conservation programs of the Company.  
                        Logo contains the phrase, "Energy Smart Money Wise".

Page 8:   Artwork:      Map of the State of Ohio, with DP&L service territory 
                        highlighted, along with international flags staked to 
                        the service territory portion of the map.

Page 9:   Photograph:   Manufacturing robot performing job duties at Motoman.

Page 10:  Photograph:   Representation of DP&L employee giving a presentation 
                        to young students in a school classroom.

Page 11:  Logo:         "DP&L" logo and "Way To Go" logo, the umbrella name 
                        for energy conservation programs of the Company. 
                        Logo contains the phrase, "Knowledge Powers Business".

Page 12:  Graph:        Average Annual Electric Prices
                        Adjusted For Inflation

                        1987 = 5.6     1992 = 4.6
                        1988 = 5.2     1993 = 4.8
                        1989 = 5.1     1994 = 5.1
                        1990 = 5.0     1995 = 4.5
                        1991 = 4.9     1996 = 4.5

Page 13: Bar Charts:                     Electric Revenues
                                         $ in millions
                                         1994   1995   1996
                        Residential       390    422    423
                        Commercial        218    238    237
                        Industrial        229    224    223
                        Other             109    146    133
                        Total             946  1,030  1,016

                                         Gas Revenues
                                         $ in millions
                                         1994   1995   1996
                        Residential       157    149    157
                        Commercial         42     39     44
                        Industrial         15     11     14
                        Other              23     23     24
                        Total             237    222    239

                                         Total Taxes
                                         $ in millions
                                         1994 1995 1996
                                          222  228  233

                                         Electric Sales
                                         Thousands of GWH
                                         1994   1995   1996
                        Residential       4.4    4.9    4.9
                        Commercial        3.1    3.4    3.4
                        Industrial        4.4    4.4    4.5
                        Other             2.3    4.1    3.5
                        Total            14.2   16.8   16.3

                                         Gas Sales
                                         Millions of MCF
                                         1994   1995   1996
                        Residential        28     29     31
                        Commercial          8      8      9
                        Industrial          3      3      4
                        & Other            18     20     20
                        Total              57     60     64

                                                  Operating Expenses
                                                  $ in millions
                                                  1994   1995   1996
                        Fuel & Purchased Power     221    258    235
                        Gas Purchased for Resale   151    133    145
                        Operating and Maintenance  245    272    266
                        Total                      617    663    646

                                         Average Price-Electric
                                         Calendar Year
                                         1994   1995   1996
                                         6.59   6.07   6.16

                                         Average Price-Gas
                                         Calendar Year
                                         1994   1995   1996
                                         5.44   4.90   4.85

                                         Construction Costs
                                         $ in millions
                                         1994   1995   1996
                                         101     87    116

Page 27: Artwork:       Logo for Price Waterhouse LLP (Independent Auditors)

Cover:   Photograph:    Young female student sitting in school classroom 
                        wearing a DP&L hard hat and lineman glove.