ATTORNEY- AT- LAW
                              1003 South 1400 East
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
                         Telephone/Fax - (801) 582-7811

April 13, 2000

Board of Directors
Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada
11701 South Freeway
Burleson, TX 76028

Re: Form S-8 Registration Statement


         I have acted as a special  counsel for Genesis  Capital  Corporation of
Nevada, a Nevada corporation (the "Company"), in connection with the preparation
and filing with the Securities and Exchange  Commission ("the Commission") under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  ("the Act") of a registration statement
on Form S-8 (the "Registration  Statement").  The Company is registering 350,000
shares of the  Company's  common  stock to be issued  to Mr.  Ronald W.  Welborn
pursuant  to a written  compensation  contract  dated  March  24,2000 and 50,000
shares of the Company's common stock to be issued to Mr. Henry Simon pursuant to
a written  compensation  contract of the same date. The compensation  contracts,
(the  "Consulting  Agreements"),  indicate  that Mr.  Welborn and Mr. Simon have
provided  bonafide  services to the Company not in  connection  with an offer or
sale of securities in a  capital-raising  transaction and not in connection with
any  services  not deemed  permissible  for the issuance of stock by the Company
under an S-8 Registration Statement.

          In connection with the Company's filing of the Registration Statement,
you have  requested  my opinion  regarding  the  validity of the issuance of the
aforementioned Shares.

         This  opinion  letter  (this  "Opinion")  is governed  by, and shall be
interpreted  in accordance  with the Legal Opinion  Accord (the "Accord") of the
ABA Section of Business Law (1991). As a consequence, it


is  subject  to  a  number  of  qualifications  and  limitations,  all  as  more
particularly  described  in the  Accord,  and  this  Opinion  should  be read in
conjunction therewith.

         In connection with the preparation of this Opinion, I have examined the

          1.   The Company's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws;

          2.   The Registration Statement herein referenced;

          3.   The   authorization  and  approval  by  the  Company's  Board  of
               Directors  for the  issuance to Mr.  Ronald W. Welborn of 350,000
               shares of the  Company's  common  stock and the  issuance  to Mr.
               Simon of 50,000 shares of the Company's common stock according to
               the terms of the Consulting Agreements referenced herein;

          4.   A copy of the Consulting Agreements dated March 24, 2000;

          5.   The  Company's  Section  10(a)  Prospectus  for the  Registration

          6.   The  Company's  Form  10-SB as  filed  with  the  Securities  and
               Exchange Commission on October 26, 1999;

          7.   Such other documents as I have deemed  necessary for the purposes
               of this Opinion.

         Additionally,  I have made such investigations of federal law as I have
considered  necessary  and  appropriate  to form a basis  for this  opinion.  My
opinion is qualified by the scope of the review  specified  herein and I make no
representations  as to the sufficiency of my investigation  for this opinion.  I
further  expressly  exempt  from  this  opinion  any  representations  as to the
completeness, adequacy, accuracy or any other aspect of the financial statements
incorporated in the Registration Statement, or the performance by the Consultant
of any services not permissible for issuance of stock under an S-8  registration

         The documentation and  representations  provided to me for this opinion
by the Company and its duly authorized representatives indicate that the Company
is  validly  organized  under the laws of the State of  Nevada;  the  Company is
current in its filings with the Commission; the Company's Board of Directors has
authorized  the  Consulting  Agreements;  the  Company's  Board of Directors has
authorized the filing of the Registration Statement;  and that 400,000 shares of
the  Company's  common stock to be included in the  Registration  Statement  are
available for issuance based upon corporate  documentation  and on the amount of
shares  actually issued and  outstanding.  As such, I am of the opinion that the
Shares herein referenced have been duly and validly  authorized and that subject
to compliance with all provisions of the Consulting Agreements,  the Shares will
be validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable shares of common stock in the

         This  opinion  is based  upon and  subject  to the  qualifications  and
limitations specified below:

         (A) Certain of the remedial provisions of the Consulting Agreements may
be further  limited  or  rendered  unenforceable  by other  applicable  laws and


         (B) In rendering  the opinion that the shares of the Common Stock to be
registered  pursuant  to  the  Registration   Statement  and  issued  under  the
Consulting  Agreements will be validly issued,  fully paid and nonassessable,  I
assumed that:  (1) the Company's  Board of Directors has exercised good faith in
establishing the value paid for the Shares;  (2) all issuances and cancellations
of the capital  stock of the Company will be fully and  accurately  reflected in
the Company's Stock Records as provided by the Company's transfer agent; and (3)
the  consideration,  as determined by the  Company's  Board of Directors,  to be
received in exchange for each issuance of common stock of the Company,  has been
paid in full and actually received by the Company.

         (C) I have made no independent verification of the facts asserted to be
true and accurate by authorized  representatives of the Company and have assumed
that no person or entity has engaged in fraud or misrepresentation regarding the
inducement relating to, or the execution or delivery of, the documents reviewed.

         (D) In rendering  this opinion I have assumed that all  signatures  are
genuine,  that all documents submitted to me as copies conform  substantially to
the  originals,  that all documents have been duly executed on or as of the date
represented on the  documents,  that execution and delivery of the documents was
duly authorized on the part of the parties,  that all documents are legal, valid
and binding on the parties and that all corporate records are complete.

         (E) I have  assumed  that the  Company is  satisfying  the  substantive
requirements  of Form S-8 and I expressly  disclaim  any opinion  regarding  the
Company's  compliance  with such  requirements,  whether  they are of federal or
state origin,  or any opinion as to the subsequent  tradeability  or sale of any
Shares issued pursuant to the Consulting Agreements.

         (F) I am  admitted  to  practice  law in the  State of  Utah.  I am not
admitted  to  practice  law in the State of Nevada or in any other  jurisdiction
where the Company may own  property or transact  business.  This opinion is with
respect to federal  law only and I have not  consulted  legal  counsel  from any
other  jurisdiction for the purpose of the opinion contained herein. I expressly
except  from this  opinion  any opinion as to whether or to what extent a Nevada
court or any other court  would apply  Nevada law, or the law of any other state
or  jurisdiction,  to any  particular  aspect  of the  facts,  circumstance  and
transactions that are the subject of this opinion.

         (G) This opinion is strictly  limited to the  parameters  contained and
referenced herein and is valid only as to the signature date with respect to the
same.  I assume no  responsibility  to advise you of any  subsequent  changes or
developments which might affect any aspect of this opinion.

         I  hereby  consent  to the use of this  opinion  as an  exhibit  to the
Registration  Statement.  This opinion may not be used, relied upon, circulated,
quoted or otherwise  referenced  in whole or in part for any purpose  without my
written consent.


/s/ Kim Taylor

Kim Taylor
