SMITH & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBERS OF: CRANDALL BUILDING SUITE 700 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF 10 WEST 100 SOUTH CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84101 UTAH ASSOCIATION OF TELEPHONE: (801) 575-8297 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FACSIMILE: (801) 575-8306 December 30, 1995 Mr. Steve Christensen The Canton Industrial Corporation 268 West 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 RE: Auditor relationship Dear Mr. Christensen: This is to confirm that the client-auditor relationship between The Canton Industrial Corporation (SEC File No. I-9418) and Smith & Company has ceased, effective December 30, 1995. Very truly yours, Smith & Company By: /s/ R. N. Smith cc: SECPS Letter File U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission Mail Stop 9-5 450 Fifth Street, Northwest Washington, DC 20549