U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                          Washington, D.C. 20549
                               FORM 10-QSB
     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934                                                  
     For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1997                  

                     Commission File Number 0-14731
                       HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY
  (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)
       COLORADO                                      84-1014610           
(State or other jurisdiction of        (IRS Employer Identification No.)
Incorporation or organization)

      1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2700, Denver, Colorado 80264
             (Address of principal executive offices)

     303-839-5504                                     FAX: 303-832-3013   

                     (Issuer's telephone numbers)

Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months, and
(2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  
Yes [x] No [ ]
Shares outstanding as of November 13, 1997: 7,093,150 

This report contains ten pages and the exhibit index is on page 9.



                           HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY             
                           Consolidated Balance Sheet                     

                                 (in thousands)

                                             September 30,  December 31, 
                                                 1997          1996*
                                             ------------   -----------

Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents                      $ 3,157       $ 2,898 
Short-term investments                           4,112           900 
Accounts receivable-   
  Oil and gas sales                                391           505 
  Well operations                                  543           365 
                                               -------       -------       
    Total current assets                         8,203         4,668 
                                               -------       -------      
Oil and gas properties (full-cost 
accounting), at cost:  
Unproved properties                              1,707           711 
Evaluated properties                            40,784        39,527 
  Less - accumulated depreciation  
   depletion, amortization                     (33,153)      (32,691)
                                               -------       -------
                                                 9,338         7,547 
                                               -------       -------
Other assets                                       269           165
                                               -------       -------
                                               $17,810       $12,380 
                                               =======       =======

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     $   663       $   317  
  Oil and gas sales payable                        196           169 
  Debt with recourse only to the
    So. Cuyama Field                               425           590
                                               -------       -------
     Total current liabilities                   1,284         1,076  
                                               -------       -------
Debt with recourse only to the
  So. Cuyama Field                               4,898         5,231
                                               -------       -------
Deferred bonus plan                                200           178
                                               -------       ------- 
Other                                              105           110  
                                               -------       -------
Minority interest                                5,032 
                                               -------       -------
Preferred stock, $.10 par value;
  10,000,000 shares authorized;
  no shares issued Common Stock,
  $.01 par value; 100,000,000 shares 
  authorized; 7,093,150 shares issued              71             71  
Additional paid-in capital                     18,061         18,061  
Accumulated deficit                           (11,841)       (12,347) 
                                              -------        -------
                                                6,291          5,785 
                                              -------        -------
                                              $17,810        $12,380 
                                              =======        =======

*Derived from the Form 10-KSB.

                           See accompanying notes.


                          HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY
                      Consolidated Statement of Income
                  (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Nine months ended     Three months ended
                                  September 30,          September 30, 
                                1997        1996        1997       1996 
                                -----       -----       -----      -----
  Oil                          $2,978     $3,105       $  949     $1,067
  Gas                             260        235           93         80
  NGLs                            310        367           89        122
  Interest                        168        159           82         55 
  Other                                       39                       4
                               ------     ------        -----      -----
                                3,716      3,905        1,213      1,328
                               ------     ------        -----      -----
Costs and expenses:         
  Lease operating               2,048      2,068          766        657
  Depreciation, depletion
    and amortization              462        425          176        141
  General and 
    administrative                314        343          111         95
  Interest                        379        453          125        146
                               ------     ------       ------     ------
                                3,203      3,289        1,178      1,039
                               ------     ------       ------     ------
Income before minority
  interest                        513        616           35        289

Minority interest                   7                       7
                               ------     ------       ------     ------
Net income                    $   506    $   616      $    28    $   289
                               ======     ======       ======     ======
Net income per share          $   .07    $   .09         (1)     $   .04
                               ======     ======       ======     ======
Weighted average shares 
  outstanding                   7,094      7,094        7,094      7,094
                               ======     ======       ======     ======

(1) Less than one cent.

                           See accompanying notes.


                          HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY
                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                (in thousands)

                                                    Nine months ended
                                                      September 30,      
                                                    1997        1996      
                                                  --------    --------
Cash flows from operating activities              $ 1,058     $ 1,233 
                                                   ------      ------ 
Cash flows used in investing activities:
  Short-term investments                           (3,212)     (2,831)
  Additions to properties                          (2,026)       (360)
  Other assets                                        (88)     
                                                   ------      ------
    Net cash used in investing activities          (5,326)     (3,191)
                                                   ------      ------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Yorktown investment                               5,025 
  Repayments of debt                                 (498)       (670)
                                                   ------      ------
Net cash provided by (used in)
  financing activities                              4,527        (670)
                                                   ------      ------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
  cash equivalents                                    259      (2,628)
                                                   ------      ------
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period      2,898       3,459
                                                   ------      ------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period          $ 3,157     $   831
                                                   ======      ======

                           See accompanying notes.


                          HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY
                        Notes to Financial Statements 

1.   The interim financial data is unaudited; however, in the opinion
     of management, the interim data includes all adjustments, consisting
     only of normal recurring adjustments necessary for a fair statement
     of the results for the interim periods.  The financial statements
     included herein have been prepared by the Company pursuant to the
     rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
     Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in
     financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted
     counting principals have been condensed or omitted pursuant to such
     rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the 
     disclosures included herein are adequate to make the information
     presented not misleading.

     The organization and business of the Company, accounting policies
     followed by the Company and other information are contained in
     the notes to the Company's financial statements filed as part of the
     Company's 1996  Form 10-KSB. This quarterly report should be read in 
     conjunction with such annual report. 

2.   On July 21, 1997, Yorktown Energy Partners II and affiliates
     (Yorktown) invested $5,025,000 cash in Hallador Petroleum, LLP, a
     newly formed limited liability limited partnership.  The Company is
     the general partner and received a 70% interest in the partnership in
     return for contributing its net assets and Yorktown represents the
     limited partners and received a 30% interest for its $5,025,000 
     contribution.  The Company, being the general partner, consolidates
     the activity of the partnership and presents the 30% limited
     partners' interest as a minority interest. 


                         HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY


The table below provides sales data and average prices for the

                           1997                          1996
                Sales Volume  Average Price    Sales Volume Average Price
                ------------  -------------    ------------ -------------
Oil - barrels       163,690       $18.19           165,077       $18.81
Gas - MCF           105,200         2.47           152,781         1.54
NGLs- barrels        22,962        13.51            29,841        12.30

Significantly higer gas prices partially neutralized the reduction in
revenue resulting from declining production.  Interest income will
increase in future periods due to the Yorktown investment.

The tables below provide sales and expense data for each quarter through
September 30, 1997.

                      1997 Sales Volume by Quarter and Year-to-date
                     First      Second        Third      Year-to-date
                   ----------   ----------   ----------   ------------
Oil - barrels      51,637        54,761        57,292      163,690
Gas - MC           30,313        35,487        39,400      105,200 
NGLs- barrels       7,389         7,807         7,766       22,962

                     1997 Average Prices by Quarter and Year-to-date
                      First      Second        Third      Year-to-date
                   ----------   ----------   ----------   ------------
Oil - barrels      $20.90        $17.35        $16.56      $18.19
Gas -MCF             3.08          2.06          2.35        2.47
NGLs- barrels       17.60         11.65         11.51       13.51

Production levels are trending up because of the pump program discussed
below.  Management expects to maintain or slightly increase the third
quarter production levels because of the pump program.


                         1997 Expenses by Quarter and Year-to-date  
                      First      Second        Third      Year-to-date
                   ----------   ----------   ----------   ------------
LOE                  $630         $652         $766         $2,048
DD&A                  134          152          176            462
G&A                   107           96          111            314
Interest              129          125          125            379


The upward trend in lease operating expense (LOE) is expected to
continue due to the higher electricity costs related to the pump program.
The upward trend in depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A) will
continue due to more costs being subject to amortization and because of the
increased level of activity resulting from the Yorktown investment.  The
upward trend in general and administrative expenses will continue due to the
hiring of a vice-president on July 7, 1997, and because of the increased level
of activity resulting from the Yorktown investment.

Interest expense will stay at about the same level for the remainder
of the year.

The table below provides sales data and average prices for the

                  1997                          1996 
                Sales Volume  Average Price    Sales Volume Average Price
                ---------------------------    ---------------------------
Oil - barrels    57,292        $16.56         54,362        $19.62
Gas - MCF        39,400          2.35         41,802          1.92
NGLs- barrels     7,766         11.51         10,020         12.17

Revenue decreased slightly due primarily to lower average oil prices. 
See the table above for average prices by quarter for 1997.

Cash, short-term investments and cash to be provided from operations
are expected to enable the Company to meet its obligations as they come
due and fund current planned activities

The following discussion updates the MD&A contained in Item 6 of the
1996 Form 10-KSB and should be read in conjunction therewith.

At September 30 and November 13, 1997, the Company had investments in
unproved properties of $1,707,000 and $1,815,000, respectively.  These
costs, most of which represent high-risk, high-reward investments may or
may not  prove successful.


The first well was drilled and completed in late May and placed on
production August 4.  The well is producing 200 mcf/day from the Kione
zone (the Forbes zone - the primary zone-was dry) and the gas is being
sold at $2.14/mcf.  Gas reserves for this well, net to the Company's
interest, are estimated to be less than 100,000 mcf.  The Company's net
revenue interest in this well, considering the assignment discussed below,
is 24%.  The second well, a dry hole, reached total depth on June 9.  In
late July, the Company assigned half its 60% interest to Equity Oil
Company for $158,000 and a 30% carried interest through completion in the
next two wells to be drilled on or before December 31, 1997.  After these
two wells are drilled, the Company is responsible for its 30%
proportionate share in all future drilling costs in the prospect. 
Depending on the success of the next two wells, five to seven additional
wells could be drilled during the next 18 months. 

In the first quarter 1997, the Company entered into a joint venture
(JV) which obtained five-year leases covering 30,000 net acres in North
Dakota.  The Company has a 55% profits interest in the JV and, to date,
has invested approximately $684,000; the other party contributed seismic
and geological studies for its 45% profits interest.  The Company is
entitled to recoup its investment before the other joint venture partners
shares in any profits.  The Company plans to sell the acreage and retain
an overriding royalty interest or carried working interest.

On October 20, 1997, the Company reached an agreement to sell 50% of
its interest in the this prospect and closing is expected to occur on or
before November 17, 1997.  The Company will essentially recover its
investment in the prospect but due to the full-cost method of accounting,
no gain will be recognized.  Drilling is planned for the summer of 1998.

As of November 13, the Company was receiving $17.01 for its California oil
production which is $.45 above the average prices received for the third 
quarter of 1997 and about $2.54 below the average price received during
the calendar year 1996.  On November 1, 1997, the Company began selling
its oil to TOSCO Energy under a one-year contract, which includes a $.30

During the third quarter Phase I of the pump program was completed by
installing ten electric, submersible pumps in the South Cuyama Field (Field).
The total cost net to the Company's interest was approximately $478,000.
The Company qualified for a rebate program with Pacific Gas & Electric
(PG&E), who supplies the electricity to the Field, and on November 12,
received $179,000 to its share.  Such amount is included in accounts
receivable in the accompanying balance sheet.  


The Company is evaluating Phase II of the pump project for 1998. 
Several more pumps could be purchased.  It is possible that the Company would
receive another PG&E rebate under its 1998 program.

Some of the benefits of using electrical pumps are (i) an increase in
natural gas revenue since gas is sold as opposed to being consumed in the
Field, (ii) lower repair and maintenance expense, (iii) increased oil and
gas production because more water is being moved, and (iv) less emissions,
which results in less environmental regulation and costs.  The downside is
the capital cost and the higher electricity bills; the advantages more
than offset the disadvantages.

Due to lower oil prices and the costs associated with the pump
progam, no new drilling into the Colgrove formation is planned for the
remainder of 1997.

In February 1997, FAS 128 dealing with earnings per share
calculations was issued and will be effective for the 1997 year-end
reporting.  In addition, during June, FAS 130 and 131 were issued dealing
with comprehensive income and segment reporting, respectively, and are
required for 1998 reporting.  The adoption of 128 and 130 will have no
material effect on the Company's financial reporting.  Management is
evaluating the disclosure impact of FAS 131.

Assuming no success from the current exploration activities and
stable production, management projects 1997 net income to be lower than
1996 reported net income due to lower oil prices and higher expenses as
discussed above.



(a)  Exhibits

     10.14  -- Tosco Oil Contract
     27     --  Financial Data Schedule; EDGAR filing only

(b)  On July 24, 1997 the Company filed a Form 8-K to report the Yorktown



In accordance with the requirements of the Exchange Act, the
registrant caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. 

                                    HALLADOR PETROLEUM COMPANY

Date:  November 13, 1997            By: /s/ Victor P. Stabio
                                        Victor P. Stabio
                                        Chief Executive Officer and
                                        Chief Financial Officer

                                        Signing on behalf of the
                                        registrant and as principal 
                                        financial officer.
