NBT Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries Master Deferred Compensation Plan
                    of Directors, adopted February 11, 1992.

                           NBT BANCORP & SUBSIDIARIES


         NBT Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries  ("NBT") Deferred  Compensation  Plan
for Directors  ("Plan") is an unfunded  deferred  compensation plan developed to
provide  Directors  of NBT  with  the  opportunity  to  defer  payment  of their
director,  advisory board,  and committee fees in accordance with the provisions
of the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE I

                               DIRECTOR'S ELECTION

         Each NBT director may elect on or before  December  31st of any year to
defer  receipt of all or a  specified  part of the  Director's  fees earned as a
director of NBT for succeeding  calendar years.  Any person elected to the Board
of Directors of NBT, and who was not a Director on the preceding  December 31st,
may elect, within 30 days of such election,  to defer all or a specified part of
the fees for the balance of the calendar year (remaining  after such election to
defer) in which such election occurred and for succeeding calendar years.

         The  election  of a Director  must be in writing and  submitted  to the
Secretary or Treasurer of NBT within the time specified above, and such election
to defer fees will continue from year to year unless the Director  terminates it
by  written  notice  to the  Secretary  or  Treasurer  of  NBT.  The  notice  of
termination  of an election will not affect  previously  deferred fees, and such
fees shall be paid out only in accordance  with the  provisions of the Plan. The
election of a Director is automatically  terminated at the close of the calendar
year in which such Director attains age 72.

                                   ARTICLE II

                             MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS

         NBT will maintain a separate memorandum account ("Account") of the fees
deferred by each Director and will credit such Account with interest as provided
in Article III hereof.  NBT will  provide  each  participating  Director  with a
year-end  statement of such  Director's  Account within 45 days after the end of
each calendar year.
         This  memorandum  account  shall not be deemed to give the Director any
right,  title or interest to such account and all deferred fees shall be subject
to the provisions of Article VIII.

                                   ARTICLE III

                              INTEREST ON ACCOUNTS

         Interest shall be computed monthly, based on the lowest balance in each
Director's  Account during the month,  as if invested at an annual rate equal to
the highest annual rate offered by NBT on any customer deposit account in effect
on the last day of the preceding  calendar year. Such interest shall be credited
to the Director's Account as of the last day of each calendar month.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                          DISTRIBUTION OF THE ACCOUNTS

          NBT will  distribute  the balance in the Account  over five (5) annual
installments to the Director upon the Director  ceasing to be a director of NBT,
or,  upon  the  Director's  death,  to  the  Beneficiary  or  Beneficiaries  (as
designated  in Article V hereof)  beginning  on each  January  31st of the first
calendar year beginning after the Director  terminates his or her  directorship,
or attains age 72; or if a Director  dies before  payments  have begun under the

Plan,  NBT shall pay the first  installment  to the  Director's  Beneficiary  or
Beneficiaries  on the first  January 31st  following  the date of the  Directors
death.  NBT shall pay each annual  installment due thereafter on January 31st of
each subsequent year.

          If a  Director  becomes  a  proprietor,  director,  officer,  partner,
employee,  or otherwise  becomes  affiliated with any business that is in direct
competition  with  NBT,  or  with  any of its  affiliates  or  subsidiaries,  as
determined by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion, without the written
consent of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may direct the payment
of the entire balance in the Account to such Director in a lump sum.

         The Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion,  accelerate payment
of all or any portion of a Director's  remaining  Account under the Plan, if the
Board of Directors  determines that the Director is in serious financial need or
has  had  encountered  some  other  hardship  or  disaster  providing  good  and
justifiable cause for accelerating such payments.

          The  director  shall  have the  option to defer  payment of his or her
Account distribution for a period of up to five (5) years after termination as a
member of the Board of  Directors  by an election  made in writing no later than
December  31st of the calendar year prior to  termination.  Such election may be
made only with the  written  consent  to the Board of  directors  of NBT,  which
consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  During this  additional  deferred
period, interest shall accrue in accordance with Article III of the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE V

                           DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY

         The director may designate a Beneficiary or Beneficiaries by delivering
a notice of such  designation  in writing to the  Secretary or Treasurer of NBT,
which  designation  may be changed  from time to time by  written  notice to the
Secretary or Treasurer. Upon the death of any Director, the remaining balance of
the  Director's  Account shall be paid to the  Beneficiary or  Beneficiaries  in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Article  IV  hereof.  If  the  designated
Beneficiary  or  Beneficiaries  fail to survive the  Director,  or if a Director
fails to  designate a  Beneficiary,  NBT shall pay the balance in the Account to
the estate of such Director in a lump sum.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                           INALIENABILITY OF BENEFITS

         The right of any Director to receive payment from the Account under the
provisions of this Plan shall not be subject to alienation or assignment, and if
a Director  shall  attempt to assign,  transfer,  or dispose of such  right,  or
should   such   right  be  subject  to   attachment,   execution,   garnishment,
sequestration, or other legal, equitable, or other process, it shall pass and be
transferred  to one or more  of such  Director's  Beneficiaries,  spouse,  blood
relatives,  or  dependents  in such  proportions  as the Board of Directors  may
choose;  provided,  however,  that  notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Board of
Directors  may revoke or amend its  choice of the  persons,  or the  proportions
received by such persons, previously chosen by the Board of Directors under this
Article VI.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                        AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN

         The Board of Directors  may at any time amend or  terminate  this Plan,
but no such  amendment  or  termination  shall have the effect of  reducing  the
amount  in the  Account  at the time  such  amendment  or  termination  that any
Director is entitled to receive.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                               UNSECURED CREDITOR

          Nothing  contained  in this Plan and no action  taken  pursuant to the
provisions  of this Plan shall  create or be  construed to create a trust of any
kind,  or a  fiduciary  relationship  between NBT and the  Director,  his or her
designated  beneficiary  or any  other  person,  no shall  the  Director  or any
designated  beneficiary  have any  preferred  claim  on,  any  title  to, or any
beneficial  interest  in, the assets of NBT or the payments  deferred  hereunder
prior to the time such  payments are actually  paid to the Director  pursuant to
the  terms  herein.  to the  extent  that the  Director,  his or her  designated
beneficiary  or any person  acquires a right to receive  payments from NBT under
this  Plan,  such  right  shall be no  greater  than the right of any  unsecured
general creditor of NBT.

                                   ARTICLE IX


          The  intent  of  this  Plan is to  create  a  nonqualified,  unfunded,
deferred  compensation  plan which will defer the deduction of such compensation
for tax purposes by NBT and which will correspondingly  defer the recognition of
such  compensation  by the  Director  until such fees are actually  paid.  It is
therefore  intended,  and this  Plan  shall be  construed  and  where  necessary
modified,  so that the  Director  shall  not be  deemed  to have  constructively
received such deferred compensation.

                                    ARTICLE X


         This Plan shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of NBT and any
successor of NBT,  including any person,  firm,  corporation,  or other business
entity  which at any time,  by merger,  consolidation,  purchase  or  otherwise,
acquires all or substantially  all of the stock,  assets or business of NBT, and
shall be binding upon the  participants,  the  participant's  heirs,  executors,
administrators,  successors and assigns.

Any action to be taken by the Board of
Directors under this Plan may be taken by such Board Executive Committee.