Effective June 1, 1996
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 1.  Establishment of Plan

     There is hereby established a plan (the "Plan") effective on
  the  Effective  Date, as defined herein, whereby  Directors  of
  the  Company,  in  consideration for services rendered  to  the
  Company,  shall  receive  shares of the  common  stock  of  the
  Company.   The  Plan is intended to promote a greater  identity
  of   interest   between  the  Company's   Directors   and   its
  shareholders  and to attract and retain Directors  by  enabling
  such Directors to share in the growth of the Company.

 2.  Definitions

  The following defined terms are used in the Plan:

        2.1  "Board"  shall mean the Board of Directors  of
             the Company.

        2.2  "Committee"  shall mean the Committee  on  Board
             Affairs and Public Policy of the Board.
        2.3  "Company" shall mean the Southern  New  England
             Telecommunications Corporation.

        2.4  "Director"  shall mean a member of the  Board  who  is
             not  currently an employee of the Company or any  of  its

        2.5  "Effective Date" shall mean June 1, 1996.

        2.6  "Payment Date" shall mean the last business day  of  a
             calendar quarter.

        2.7  "Retainer"  shall  mean the portion  of  a  Director's
             total  cash  compensation that is fixed and paid  without
             regard  to  his/her  attendance at meetings.   "Retainer"
             shall  not include the Chairperson's Retainer payable  to
             the Chairperson of a Board committee.

        2.8  "Shares"  shall  mean shares of the  Company's  common
             stock, $1.00 par value.

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 3.  Stock Compensation Determination

       3.1  Each  Director on the Effective Date and each  person
            who  becomes a Director after the Effective Date shall  be
            paid  three  hundred  (300)  Shares  ("Stock  Compensation
            Shares")  annually  on the date set  forth  in  Section  4

       3.2  Each  Director  may elect to be  paid  a  percent  of
            his/her  Retainer in the form of Shares in  lieu  of  cash
            ("Elective Stock Retainer"); provided, however,  that  any
            such  amount  so  elected shall be in increments  of  five
            percent (5%) of the Retainer, and, provided further,  that
            the  value of any fraction of shares thereof shall be paid
            in  cash.  Any such election shall be irrevocable for  the
            calendar  year to which it relates and shall  be  made  in
            writing  prior  to the beginning of the calendar  year  to
            which  it  relates and at least six months in  advance  of
            the first Payment Date of such calendar year.

       3.3  The  number  of Shares of an Elective Stock  Retainer
            shall   be  determined  by  dividing  the  amount   of   a
            Director's  Retainer that is to be paid in Shares  by  the
            fair  market value of a Share as of the close  of  trading
            on the business day first preceding the Payment Date.

       3.4  The  number  of Shares to be granted under  the  Plan
            shall  be  adjusted for any stock split,  stock  dividend,
            recapitalization,    merger,   consolidation,    corporate
            reorganization, combination, exchange of Shares  or  other
            similar events.

4.   Stock Compensation Distribution

       4.1  Each  person who is a Director on the Effective  Date
            shall  receive Stock Compensation Shares on July  1,  1996
            and  for  years thereafter on the first quarter's  Payment
            Date  provided such person is a Director on  such  Payment
            Date.   Each  person  who becomes  a  Director  after  the
            Effective Date shall receive Stock Compensation Shares  on
            the Payment Date for the calendar quarter during which  he
            or  she became a Director and for years thereafter on  the
            first  quarter's Payment Date provided such  person  is  a
            Director on such Payment Date.

       4.2  A  Director shall receive any Elective Stock Retainer
            Shares,  if the Elective Stock Retainer represents twenty-
            five  percent  (25%)  or  less of  the  Retainer,  on  the
            Payment  Date for the first calendar quarter and for  each
            additional  increment  of  twenty-five  percent  (25%)  or
            less,   on  the  Payment  Date  for  the  next  succeeding
            calendar quarter.

       4.3  On  or  before  a Payment Date on  which  Shares  are
            received,  a Director may execute an election pursuant  to
            Section  83(b) of the Internal Revenue Code  of  1986,  as
            amended  (the  "Code") to include in income the  value  of
            the Shares as of such Payment Date.

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       4.4  Shares  shall  be transferred on  the  books  of  the
            Company  on the Payment Date.  In the event of  the  death
            of  a Director, any Shares owned by such Director shall be
            delivered  to  the beneficiary designated by the  Director
            on  a form provided by the Committee, or in the absence of
            such  designation, to the Director's estate.  In the event
            of  the  death  of  a Director, or the  resignation  of  a
            Director  from  the Board, prior to a Payment  Date,  such
            Director shall not be entitled to receive any Shares  with
            respect to such quarter and instead such Director  or  the
            Director's    beneficiary   or   estate,   whichever    is
            applicable, shall receive cash.

       4.5  The Shares transferred pursuant to the Plan shall  be
            either  authorized but unissued shares of common stock  of
            the  Company  or  issued  shares reacquired  and  held  as
            treasury shares.  The total number of Shares reserved  for
            issuance shall not exceed in the aggregate 200,000  shares
            of common stock of the Company.

5.   Dividend and Voting Rights

  The  Director,  as owner of the Shares issued hereunder,  shall
  have   all   the  rights  of  a  shareholder  of  the  Company,
  including,  but not limited to, the right to vote  such  shares
  and  the  right to receive all dividends declared  or  paid  on
  such  Shares.   Notwithstanding the above, any Shares  deferred
  pursuant  to  the  SNET  Deferred Compensation  Plan  for  Non-
  Employee  Directors  shall  accrue  an  amount  equal  to   any
  dividends  payable  on such Shares and such  Shares  shall  not
  carry  any  voting rights until such time as  such  Shares  are
  distributed pursuant to such Deferred Compensation Plan.
6.   Holding Period

  A  Director  shall  not sell, transfer, assign  or  pledge  any
  Elective  Stock Retainer Shares received on a Payment Date  for
  a  period  of  six  months  following  such  Payment  Date.   A
  Director  shall not sell, transfer, assign or pledge any  Stock
  Compensation Shares until such Director terminates his  or  her
  service as a Director.

7.   Change in Control

  Notwithstanding  any  provision of the Plan  to  the  contrary,
  upon  a  Change  in Control, as defined below, all  Shares  not
  deferred  shall be immediately and fully transferable,  subject
  to  applicable federal securities laws, by a Director.  In  the
  event  of  a  Change  in Control during a calendar  quarter  in
  which a Director would receive Shares pursuant to a Section  3,
  such  Shares  shall  be transferred on the  last  business  day
  prior to the Change in Control.
  For purposes of this Section, Change in Control shall mean:
        (a)  an  acquisition by any individual, entity  or  group
  (within  the  meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or  14(d)(2)  of  the
  Securities Exchange Act of 1934) ("Exchange Act") (a  "Person")
  of  beneficial  ownership (within the  meaning  of  Rule  13d-3
  thereunder)  of 20% or more of either (i) the then  outstanding
  shares  of  common  stock  of  the  Company  (the  "Outstanding
  Company  Common  Stock") or (ii) the combined voting  power  of
  the then outstanding voting
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  securities  of  the Company entitled to vote generally  in  the
  election   of   directors  (the  "Outstanding  Company   Voting
  Securities");  excluding,  however,  the  following:  (i)   any
  acquisition   directly  from  the  Company,   other   than   an
  acquisition   by  virtue  of  the  exercise  of  a   conversion
  privilege  unless  the security being so converted  was  itself
  acquired  directly  from the Company, (ii) any  acquisition  by
  the  Company,  (iii)  any acquisition by any  employee  benefit
  plan  (or related trust) participated in by the Company or  any
  corporation  controlled by the Company, or (iv) any acquisition
  by  any  corporation  pursuant  to  a  reorganization,  merger,
  consolidation or similar corporate transaction (in  each  case,
  a  "Corporate  Transaction"), if, pursuant  to  such  Corporate
  Transaction, the conditions described in clauses (i), (ii)  and
  (iii) of Paragraph (c) of this Section 7 are satisfied; or
        (b)  a  change in the composition of the Board such  that
  the  individuals who, as of June 1, 1996, constitute the  Board
  (the  Board as of the above date shall be hereinafter  referred
  to   as  the  "Incumbent  Board")  cease  for  any  reason   to
  constitute  at  least  a  majority  of  the  Board;   provided,
  however,  for  purposes of this Section 7, that any  individual
  who  becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the above date
  whose  election, or nomination for election by the shareholders
  of  the  Company, was approved by a vote of at least a majority
  of  those  individuals who are members of the Board also  shall
  be  considered as though such individual were a member  of  the
  Incumbent   Board;  but,  provided  further,  that   any   such
  individual  whose  initial assumption of  office  occurs  as  a
  result  of either an actual or threatened election contest  (as
  such  terms are used in Rule 14a-11 under the Exchange Act)  or
  other  actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents
  by  or on behalf of a person other than the Board shall not  be
  so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board; or

        (c) the approval by the shareholders of the Company  of a
  Corporate  Transaction or, if consummation  of  such  Corporate
  Transaction  is  subject,  at the  time  of  such  approval  by
  shareholders, to the consent of any government or  governmental
  agency,  the  obtaining of such consent (either  explicitly  or
  implicitly  by  consummation);  excluding,  however,   such   a
  Corporate   Transaction  pursuant   to   which   (i)   all   or
  substantially all of the individuals and entities who  are  the
  beneficial  owners,  respectively, of the  Outstanding  Company
  Common   Stock   and  Outstanding  Company  Voting   Securities
  immediately   prior   to   such  Corporate   Transaction   will
  beneficially  own, directly or indirectly, more  than  60%  of,
  respectively,  the outstanding shares of common  stock  of  the
  corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction  and  the
  combined  voting power of the outstanding voting securities  of
  such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election  of
  directors,  in  substantially the  same  proportions  as  their
  ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction,  of
  the  Outstanding  Company Common Stock and Outstanding  Company
  Voting  Securities, as the case may be, (ii) no  Person  (other
  than  the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust)
  participated  in  by the Company or such corporation  resulting
  from  such  Corporate  Transaction and any Person  beneficially
  owning,   immediately  prior  to  such  Corporate  Transaction,
  directly or indirectly, 20% or more of the Outstanding  Company
  Common  Stock or Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as  the
  case  may  be)  will beneficially own, directly or  indirectly,
  20%  or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common
  stock   of   the  corporation  resulting  from  such  Corporate
  Transaction      or     the     combined      voting      power
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  of  the  then outstanding voting securities of such corporation
  entitled  to  vote generally in the election of directors,  and
  (iii) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board  will
  constitute at least a majority of the members of the  board  of
  directors  of  the  corporation resulting from  such  Corporate
  Transaction; or

        (d)  the  approval by the shareholders of the Company  of
  (i)  a  complete liquidation or dissolution of the  Company  or
  (ii) the sale or other disposition of all or substantially  all
  of  the assets of the Company; excluding, however, such a  sale
  or  other  disposition to a corporation, with respect to  which
  following  such sale or other disposition, (l)  more  than  60%
  of,  respectively, the then outstanding shares of common  stock
  of  such corporation and the combined voting power of the  then
  outstanding  voting securities of such corporation entitled  to
  vote  generally  in  the  election of directors  will  be  then
  beneficially  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,   by   all   or
  substantially all of the individuals and entities who were  the
  beneficial  owners,  respectively, of the  Outstanding  Company
  Common   Stock   and  Outstanding  Company  Voting   Securities
  immediately  prior  to  such  sale  or  other  disposition   in
  substantially   the   same  proportion  as   their   ownership,
  immediately  prior  to such sale or other disposition,  of  the
  Outstanding  Company  Common  Stock  and  Outstanding   Company
  Voting  Securities, as the case may be, (2)  no  Person  (other
  than  the  Company  and any employee benefit plan  (or  related
  trust)  participated in by the Company or such corporation  and
  any  Person beneficially owning, immediately prior to such sale
  or  other disposition, directly or indirectly, 20% or  more  of
  the  Outstanding  Company Common Stock or  Outstanding  Company
  Voting  Securities, as the case may be) will beneficially  own,
  directly or indirectly, 20% or more of, respectively, the  then
  outstanding shares of common stock of such corporation and  the
  combined   voting   power  of  the  then   outstanding   voting
  securities  of such corporation entitled to vote  generally  in
  the  election of directors and (3) individuals who were members
  of  the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority  of
  the members of the board of directors of such corporation.

8.   Administration

  The  Plan  shall be administered by the Committee, which  shall
  have  the  sole  authority to adopt rules and  regulations  for
  carrying  out  the Plan and shall interpret and administer  the
  Plan.   The  Plan shall be administered such that any  Director
  participating in the Plan shall continue to be deemed to  be  a
  "disinterested  person"  under, and any  transaction  hereunder
  shall  be  governed  by,  Rule  16b-3  of  the  Securities  and
  Exchange  Commission under the Exchange Act  ("Rule")  as  such
  Rule  is  in  effect on the Effective Date and  as  it  may  be
  subsequently amended.

9.   Governing Law

  The  Plan shall be construed in all respects under the laws  of
  the  State of Connecticut and the securities laws of the United

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10.  Amendment and Termination

  The  Plan  may  be amended at any time by the Board;  provided,
  however,  that the Board may not, without further  approval  of
  the  Company's  shareholders, increase  the  number  of  Shares
  issuable  under  the  Plan, materially  increase  the  benefits
  accruing  to participants under the Plan, or materially  modify
  the  requirements  as to eligibility for participation  in  the
  Plan;  and  provided, further, however, that the provisions  of
  Sections  2.4,  3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, and  4.5  may  not  be
  amended  more than once every six months, other than to comport
  with  changes  in  the  Code,  the Employee  Retirement  Income
  Security  Act,  or  the  rules  thereunder.   The  Senior  Vice
  President-Organization Development of  the  Company,  with  the
  concurrence  of  the Vice President and General Counsel,  shall
  be  authorized to make minor or administrative modifications to
  the  Plan  as  well as modifications to the Plan which  may  be
  dictated   by   requirements  of  federal  or  state   statutes
  applicable  to the Company.  No modification or termination  of
  the  Plan  shall, without the participant's consent,  alter  or
  impair  any  of  the participant's rights or obligations  under
  the Plan.
  The Plan shall terminate upon the earlier of the following events 
  to occur:

        (a)  Upon the issuance of all Shares under the Plan; or

        (b)  Ten (10) years after the Effective Date.

11.  Shareholder Approval

  This  Plan  shall become effective on June 1, 1996  subject  to
  the approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Company.