SNET Stay Bonus Program

1.   Purpose.  It is essential that Southern New England
Telecommunications Corporation ("SNET") be managed and
operated efficiently and effectively during the transition
period relating to SNET's acquisition by SBC Communications
Inc. ("SBC").  It is natural for persons to be concerned
about their careers and consider changes during times of
uncertainty.  To assure that SNET is able to retain
employees needed to discharge its commitments to customers
during the extended transition process, SNET has implemented
the SNET Stay Bonus (the "Program").

2.   Effective Date.  The Program shall be effective as of
January 5, 1998 (the "Effective Date").

3.   Definitions.  The following terms as used herein have
the meanings set forth below:

(a)  "Base Salary" means an Eligible Employee's annual basic
wage rate (or its full time equivalent for part time
employees) in effect on the Payment Date.

(b)  "Bonus" means an Eligible Employee's target bonus
opportunity in effect on the Payment Date or such higher
bonus amount actually earned by an Eligible Employee as of
the Payment Date.

(c)  "Eligible Employee" means each Salary Band 4 and Above
Executive of SNET who is on the active payroll or on a leave
of absence with a re-employment guarantee.  "Eligible
Employee" shall not include individuals who are at the
Payment Date classified by SNET as independent contractors
or "leased employees" as defined in Section 414(n) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(d)  "Merger Agreement" means the Agreement and Plan of
Merger dated as of January 4, 1998 by and among Patriot,
Silver and Silver Ventures, Inc.

(e)  "Payment Date" means the earlier of the Effective Time
as defined in the Merger Agreement or the date of
termination of the Merger Agreement.

(f)  "Stay Bonus" means the sum of an eligible employee's
Base Salary and Bonus.

4.   Benefits.  The Company shall pay, in a cash lump sum
net of any applicable withholding or employment taxes, the
applicable Stay Bonus to each Eligible Employee who is
employed by the Company on the Payment Date.  An Eligible
Employee who is not employed by the Company on the Payment
Date shall not be entitled to receive the Stay Bonus that
otherwise would be due.

5.   Rights of Employees.  The Program is for the benefit of
each Eligible Employee and his or her heirs and
representatives and shall be enforceable by them in
accordance with its terms.  The Program is not a contract of
employment between the Company and the Eligible Employee and
shall not be construed to create a right of an Eligible
Employee to continued employment with the Company.

6.   Amendment and Termination.  SNET, through action of its
Board of Directors, may amend, modify or terminate the
Program for any or no reason.