SNET LOGO                                       NEWS RELEASE
                                                227 Church Street 
                                                New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Visit us at

                                                March 27, 1998

For further information contact:  Kevin Moore
                                  (203) 771-2136

                  Analysts Only:  Jim Magrone                 
                                  (203) 771-4662 

    At a meeting held today in Stamford, Connecticut, SNET (NYSE: SNG)      
shareholders voted to approve the Company's pending merger with SBC

Communications, Inc. (NYSE: SBC).  Seventy-eight (78) percent of SNET's

outstanding common shares were voted in favor of the merger, which is

significantly more than the two-thirds required under Connecticut law.

    Today's shareholder endorsement completes another important step in

the approval process.  Last month, the merger cleared anti-trust review

by the U.S. Department of Justice.  The Federal Communications Commission

and Connecticut's Department of Public Utility Control must also approve

the merger and are expected to rule later this year.

    Commenting on the results of the shareholder ballot, SNET Chairman and

CEO, Daniel J. Miglio said, "Our shareholders have given us a very clear

thumbs up on our merger plans.  They've demonstrated their confidence in 

our plan which will make SNET an even stronger company, positioned for long

term success.  The strengths that SBC will bring to SNET will enhance our

competitiveness in an environment where size and scale are increasingly


important.  This, in turn, will benefit consumers, our state and our

employees as well as shareholders."

    SBC chairman and CEO, Edward E. Whitacre, Jr., added, "We're, of 
course, pleased by this endorsement.  Our combined strengths, our shared

commitment to our customers, communities and employees and our

determination to deliver high quality, one-stop telecommunications service 

will help ensure as many as possible participate in the benefits of

competition in the years ahead."

    SNET and SBC announced a definitive agreement to merge on January 5,
1998.  The transaction is structured as a tax-free, stock for stock merger,

with an exchange ratio of 1.7568 shares of SBC common stock for each

share of SNET common stock.
