WASHINGTON, DC  20549
                            FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)


For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1998.


For the transition period from          to        .

Commission File Number 1-9157

     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Connecticut                     06-1157778
 (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)          Identification Number)

 227 Church Street, New Haven, CT               06510
(Address of principal executive offices)      (Zip Code)

                         (203) 771-5200
                 (Registrant's telephone number,
                      including area code)

                         Not applicable
      (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                 if changed since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
(or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to
file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes X.  No .

At the settlement date of July 31, 1998, 68,322,715 Common shares
                        were outstanding.

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                                          For the Three       For the Six
                                          Months Ended        Months Ended
                                            June 30,            June 30,
Dollars in Millions, Except Per          1998      1997      1998      1997
 Share Amounts
Revenues and Sales                     $ 538.6   $ 501.6  $ 1,065.7   $ 984.3
Costs and Expenses                                            
Operating and maintenance                322.4     295.3      627.8     576.9
Depreciation and amortization             95.8      94.4      190.8     186.0
Taxes other than income                   13.5      13.4       26.4      26.5
Total Costs and Expenses                 431.7     403.1      845.0     789.4
Operating Income                         106.9      98.5      220.7     194.9
Interest expense                          22.3      22.4       44.9      45.1
Other income, net                           .4       3.9        (.6)      4.0
Income Before Income Taxes                85.0      80.0      175.2     153.8
Income taxes                              31.9      30.0       65.7      57.7
Income Before Extraordinary Charge and                         
 Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change   53.1      50.0      109.5      96.1
Extraordinary charge, net of related
 taxes of $2.7                              -         -          -       (3.7)
Cumulative effect of accounting change 
 to January 1, 1998, net of related taxes 
 of $10.8                                   -         -        15.5        - 
Net Income                             $  53.1   $  50.0   $  125.0   $  92.4
Weighted Average Common Shares                                 
 Outstanding (in thousands)
Basic                                   68,025    65,912     67,627    65,848
Assuming Dilution                       68,636    66,016     68,317    65,930
Basic Earnings Per Share                                       
Income before extraordinary charge                          
 and cumulative effect of accounting
 change                               $    .78  $    .76   $   1.62  $   1.46
Extraordinary charge, net of tax           -         -          -        (.06)
Cumulative effect of accounting                               
 change to January 1, 1998, net
 of related taxes                          -         -          .23       -
Basic Earnings Per Share              $    .78  $    .76   $   1.85  $   1.40
Diluted Earnings Per Share                                       
Income before extraordinary                                    
 charge and cumulative effect of
 accounting change                    $    .77  $    .76   $   1.60  $   1.46
Extraordinary charge, net of tax           -         -          -        (.06)
Cumulative effect of  accounting                               
 change to January 1, 1998, net
 of related taxes                          -         -          .23       -
Diluted Earnings Per Share            $    .77  $    .76   $   1.83  $   1.40
Dividends Declared Per Share          $    .44  $    .44   $    .88  $    .88

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

Dollars in Millions, Except Per
 Share Amounts                             June 30, 1998   December 31, 1997
Cash and temporary cash investments          $     11.5       $     12.3
Accounts receivable, net of allowance                  
 for uncollectibles of $44.2 and $32.5,
 respectively                                     378.3            327.9
Materials, supplies and inventories                29.3             29.8
Prepaid publishing                                 14.0             35.9
Deferred income taxes                              31.1             37.7
Prepaid taxes                                      19.8              1.3
Other current assets                                2.4              9.7
Total Current Assets                              486.4            454.6
Property, plant and equipment, at cost          4,983.7          4,917.0
Accumulated depreciation                       (3,225.3)        (3,200.2)
Property, plant and equipment, net              1,758.4          1,716.8
Intangible assets, net                            384.9            394.7
Deferred income taxes                              69.6             89.7
Leases and other assets                           137.6            115.1
Total Assets                                   $2,836.9         $2,770.9
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                   
Accounts payable and accrued expenses         $   213.4        $   266.8
Short-term debt                                   179.9            186.3
Advance billings and customer deposits             50.4             64.4
Other current liabilities                         165.1            140.1
Total Current Liabilities                         608.8            657.6
Long-term debt                                  1,146.5          1,156.9
Accrued postretirement benefit obligation         256.0            267.0
Other liabilities and deferred credits             87.8             92.2
Total Liabilities                               2,099.1          2,173.7
Common Stock; $1.00 par value;                         
 300,000,000 shares authorized;
 70,314,746 and 68,896,854 issued,
 respectively                                      70.3             68.9
Proceeds in excess of par value                   690.2            622.1
Retained earnings                                  92.4             26.8
Treasury stock; 2,230,586 shares, at cost         (84.7)           (84.7)
Unearned compensation related to ESOP             (30.4)           (35.9)
Total Shareholders' Equity                        737.8            597.2
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity     $2,836.9         $2,770.9

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

                      SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

                                          For the Three       For the Six
                                          Months Ended        Months Ended
                                            June 30,            June 30,
Dollars in Millions                      1998      1997      1998     1997
Common Stock, Par Value                                       
 Balance at Beginning of Period        $   69.9  $   68.6  $  68.9  $   68.4
 Common shares issued, at market:                                  
  Dividend reinvestment plan                 .1        .1       .2        .2
  Savings and incentive plans                .3        -       1.2        .1
 Balance at End of Period              $   70.3  $   68.7  $  70.3  $   68.7
Proceeds in Excess of Par Value                               
 Balance at Beginning of Period        $  671.5  $  608.2  $ 622.1  $ 602.8
 Common shares issued, at market:                                  
  Dividend reinvestment plan                3.2       3.4      6.2      6.8
  Savings and incentive plans              10.9       1.5     46.5      3.5
 Tax benefit on stock options exercised     4.6        -      15.4       -
 Balance at End of Period              $  690.2  $  613.1  $ 690.2  $ 613.1
Retained Earnings (Deficit)                                     
 Balance at Beginning of Period        $   69.0  $  (42.1) $  26.8  $ (55.7)
 Net income                                53.1      50.0    125.0     92.4
 Dividends declared                       (29.9)    (29.0)   (59.6)   (58.0)
 Tax benefit of dividends declared                                  
  on unallocated shares held in ESOP         .2        .2       .2       .4
 Balance at End of Period              $   92.4  $  (20.9) $  92.4  $ (20.9)
Treasury Stock                                                
 Balance at Beginning and
  End of Period                        $  (84.7) $(104.7)  $ (84.7) $(104.7)
Unearned Compensation Related                                 
 To Employee Stock Ownership Plan
 Balance at Beginning of Period        $  (33.1) $ (44.4)  $ (35.9) $ (47.8)
 Reduction of ESOP debt                      -        -        8.8      8.1
 ESOP earned compensation accrual           2.7      2.8      (3.3)    (1.9)
 Balance at End of Period              $  (30.4) $ (41.6)  $ (30.4) $ (41.6)
Total Shareholders' Equity             $  737.8  $ 514.6   $ 737.8  $ 514.6

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

                                                    For the Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30,
Dollars in Millions                                     1998         1997
Operating Activities                                
 Net income                                          $   125.0   $    92.4
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to              
  net cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                         190.8       186.0
   Extraordinary charge, net of tax                         -          3.7
   Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax    (15.5)         -
   Change in operating assets and liabilities, net       (70.9)      (43.4)
   Other, net                                             18.9         7.1
 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:              248.3       245.8
Investing Activities                                
 Cash expended for capital additions                    (229.4)     (207.9)
 Other, net                                               (2.7)       17.3
 Net Cash Used by Investing Activities                  (232.1)     (190.6)
Financing Activities                                
 Proceeds from long-term debt                               -        100.0
 Repayments of long-term debt                             (1.9)      (86.6)
 Net payments of short-term debt                          (8.6)      (14.6)
 Stock purchases under employee stock option plans        46.2         2.1
 Cash dividends paid                                     (52.7)      (50.8)
 Other, net                                                 -         (6.6)
 Net Cash Used by Financing Activities                   (17.0)      (56.5)
(Decrease) Increase in Cash and                            
 Temporary Cash Investments                                (.8)       (1.3)
Cash and temporary cash investments at                    
 beginning of period                                      12.3         9.0
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments at                                   
 End of Period                                      $     11.5     $   7.7
Income Taxes Paid                                   $      4.5     $  53.1
Interest Paid, net of amounts capitalized           $     45.1     $  45.1

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

         (Dollars in Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)

Note 1:  Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation

The  condensed, consolidated financial statements of the Southern
New  England Telecommunications Corporation ("Corporation")  have
been  prepared  pursuant  to the rules  and  regulations  of  the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and, in the opinion of
management,  include  all  adjustments,  which  are  normal   and
recurring  in  nature, necessary for fair presentation  for  each
period   shown.  Certain  information  and  footnote  disclosures
normally  included in consolidated financial statements  prepared
in  accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have
been  condensed  or  omitted  pursuant  to  such  SEC  rules  and
regulations.  Management believes that the disclosures  made  are
adequate  to  make  the  information  presented  not  misleading.
Operating results for any interim periods, or comparisons between
interim  periods, are not necessarily indicative of  the  results
that may be expected for full fiscal years.  It is suggested that
these  condensed, consolidated financial statements  be  read  in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and  notes
thereto included in the Corporation's 1997 Annual Report on  Form

Accounting Principle Change

Effective January 1, 1998, the Corporation changed its method  of
accounting  for directory publishing revenues and expenses.   The
old accounting method recognized revenues and expenses related to
publishing  directories using the "amortization"  method.   Under
this method, revenues and expenses were recognized over the lives
of the directories, generally one year.  Under the new "point-of-
publication"  or "as issued basis" method, revenues and  expenses
are  recognized when the directories are published.   The  change
was  made  because it is the preferable method generally followed
in  the  publishing  industry  and better  reflects  the  current
operating activity of the business.

The  cumulative  after-tax  effect of  applying  this  accounting
change to prior years was recognized as of January 1, 1998  as  a
one-time,  non-cash gain of $15.5, or $.23 per share (both  basic
and  diluted).   The gain is net of applicable  income  taxes  of
$10.8.   The application of the new accounting method during  the
second quarter of 1998 increased net income by approximately $.6,
or  $0.01  per  share (both basic and diluted) and  approximately
$4.6  or  $0.07 per share (both basic and diluted)  for  the  six
month period.

On  an  annual  basis, the financial impact of applying  the  new
accounting  method  to  1997 was not material.   Pro  forma  1997
results,  assuming  the new accounting method  had  been  applied
retroactively during the prior period, are as follows:

                                      For the Three       For the Six
                                       Months Ended       Months Ended
                                      June 30, 1997       June 30, 1997
                                     Pro        As       Pro        As
                                     Forma    Reported   Forma    Reported
Income before extraordinary item     $ 50.6    $ 50.0   $  100.7   $   96.1
  Earnings per share                  
    - basic and diluted              $  .77    $  .76   $   1.53   $   1.46
Net income                           $ 50.6    $ 50.0   $   97.0   $   92.4
  Earnings per share                 
    - basic and diluted              $  .77    $  .76   $   1.47   $   1.40

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

New Accounting Standard

In February 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
SFAS  No.  132, "Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and  Other
Postretirement Benefits" ("SFAS No. 132").  SFAS No. 132  revises
certain  disclosures  employers  make  about  pension  and  other
postretirement   benefit   plans  and   will   not   impact   the
Corporation's  consolidated financial  position  and  results  of
operations.  The Corporation will adopt SFAS No. 132 at  year-end

Note 2:  Planned Merger

The  Corporation and SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC"), on  January
4,  1998,   approved a definitive merger  agreement  whereby  the
Corporation  will become a wholly-owned subsidiary  of  SBC.   On
March  27,  1998,  the  Corporation's shareholders  approved  the

On  February  20,  1998, the Corporation and SBC  filed  a  Joint
Application  for  Approval  of  a  Change  of  Control  with  the
Department  of Public Utility Control ("DPUC").  In addition,  on
the  same  day,  the Corporation and SBC filed with  the  Federal
Communications   Commission   ("FCC")   Transfer    of    Control
Applications for various FCC licenses held by the Corporation.

In  a  draft decision issued by the DPUC on August 5,  1998,  the
merger was approved subject to certain conditions, some of  which
are  new  issues to this proceeding.  However, the DPUC found no
economic basis on which to order a rate reduction.  The Corporation
and SBC will require additional time to fully analyze the draft
decision.  After giving careful consideration to all DPUC draft
conditions, written  exceptions will be filed by August 21, 1998.
The final decision is expected on September 2, 1998.

At the federal level, a decision from the FCC is expected by year-
end 1998.

In addition, all notices and applications for transfer of control
have  been  filed  in the states in which SNET America,  Inc.,  a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation, has authorization  to
provide  resold  interexchange  telecommunications  services.   A
number of approvals have been received, with the balance expected
by year end 1998.

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

Note 3:  Supplemental Financial Information

Operating Cash Flow(1)  The following unaudited financial data on
the  Corporation's  product groups is not required  by  generally
accepted  accounting principles and is provided for informational
purposes only:

                                         For the Three        For the Six
                                         Months Ended         Months Ended
                                           June 30,             June 30,
                                        1998      1997       1998      1997
Wireline                              $155.1    $149.9     $317.2    $293.8
Wireless                                20.4      15.5       35.2      28.5
Information and entertainment (2)       18.9      23.5       47.2      48.8
Other(3)                                 8.3       4.0       11.9       9.8
Total                                 $202.7    $192.9     $411.5    $380.9

(1)  Represents operating income before depreciation and
     amortization. Operating cash flow is not a generally accepted
     accounting principle measurement.
(2)  Reflects the change in accounting for directory publishing
     and costs associated with the corporate restructure of
     directory publishing operations into a separate subsidiary of
     the Corporation on January 1, 1998.
(3)  Includes SNET Real Estate, Inc. and holding company

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

            (Dollars in Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)

Southern     New    England    Telecommunications     Corporation
("Corporation")   has   business   units   in    the    following
telecommunications  product  groups:   wireline;  wireless;   and
information  and  entertainment.   Wireline  includes   telephone
related  services, premium services and equipment sales; wireless
consists  of cellular and paging services and cellular  equipment
sales;  and  information and entertainment  includes  publishing,
internet  and cable television services.  Other activities,  such
as  real estate and holding company operations, are included with
eliminations and other sales.

Planned Merger

On  January  4, 1998 the Corporation and SBC Communications  Inc.
("SBC")    approved  a  definitive merger agreement  whereby  the
Corporation  will become a wholly-owned subsidiary  of  SBC.   On
March  27,  1998,  the  Corporation's shareholders  approved  the

On  February  20,  1998, the Corporation and SBC  filed  a  Joint
Application  for  Approval  of  a  Change  of  Control  with  the
Department  of Public Utility Control ("DPUC").  In addition,  on
the  same  day,  the Corporation and SBC filed with  the  Federal
Communications   Commission   ("FCC")   Transfer    of    Control
Applications for various FCC licenses held by the Corporation.

In  a  draft decision issued by the DPUC on August 5,  1998,  the
merger was approved subject to certain conditions, some of  which
are  new  issues to this proceeding.  However, the DPUC found no
economic basis on which to order a rate reduction.  The Corporation
and SBC will require additional time to fully analyze the draft
decision.  After giving careful consideration to all DPUC draft
conditions, written  exceptions will be filed by August 21, 1998.
The final decision is expected on September 2, 1998.

At the federal level, a decision from the FCC is expected by year-
end 1998.

In addition, all notices and applications for transfer of control
have  been  filed  in the states in which SNET America,  Inc.,  a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation, has authorization  to
provide  resold  interexchange  telecommunications  services.   A
number of approvals have been received, with the balance expected
by year end 1998.

Comparison  of  the periods ended June 30, 1998 vs.  the  periods
ended June 30, 1997
Operating Results
 Income  before  extraordinary charge and  cumulative  effect  of
 accounting  change  was $53.1, or $.77 per  diluted  share,  and
 $109.5, or $1.60 per diluted share, for the three and six months
 ended June 30, 1998, respectively.  The corresponding periods in
 1997  generated income before extraordinary charge of $50.0,  or
 $.76 per diluted share, and $96.1, or $1.46 per diluted share.
                             - 9 -
Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

Revenues and Sales
                                               For the Three    For the Six
                                               Months Ended     Months Ended
                                                  June 30,         June 30,
                                              1998     1997     1998     1997
 Local service                              $181.7   $175.4    $365.6  $344.8
 Network access                              113.6    107.4     221.8   210.0
 Intrastate toll                              49.9     52.2     100.7   105.6
 Interstate and international toll            40.6     34.4      81.8    64.9
 Premium services and equipment sales         34.4     27.7      62.1    55.4
 Other revenues                               14.2     10.9      27.2    23.3
 Total Wireline                              434.4    408.0     859.2   804.0
 Cellular service                             62.2     54.8     116.3   101.8
 Cellular equipment sales                      2.4      2.2       4.7     4.4
 Paging                                        1.5      1.6       3.1     3.3 
 Total Wireless                               66.1     58.6     124.1   109.5
Information and Entertainment                 58.5     47.0     120.6    93.7
Eliminations and Other Sales                 (20.4)   (12.0)    (38.2)  (22.9) 
Revenues and Sales                          $538.6   $501.6  $1,065.7  $984.3

 Wireline -  Local service revenues, derived from providing  local
 exchange,  advanced  calling features  and  local  private  line
 services, increased $6.3, or 3.6%, and $20.8, or 6.0%,  for  the
 three and six month periods, respectively.  The increase was due
 primarily to continued strong growth of 5.9% in access lines  in
 service  to approximately 2,335,000 lines as of June  30,  1998.
 Excluding  the  purchase  of  the  Woodbury  Telephone   Company
 ("Woodbury")  in the third quarter of 1997, access  lines  would
 have  increased 4.9%.  This increase included significant growth
 in  Centrex  business lines and second residential lines.  Local
 service  revenues  also  increased due  to  growth  in  vertical
 services,   primarily  SmartLink[R] advanced  calling  features,
 including Caller ID, missed call dialing, call blocking and call
 tracing.   In  addition, local service revenues increased  as  a
 result  of  increased directory assistance revenue  (related  to
 increased rates and the elimination of free calls) and increased
 private  line  revenue.  Also contributing to the increase  were
 revenues received in connection with funding E-911 and  Lifeline
 services.    Additionally,  payphone  revenues  increased  as  a
 result  of  the pay telephone reclassification and  compensation
 provisions  of  the  Federal  Telecommunications  Act  of   1996
 ("Act").  The increase in local service revenues was tempered by
 a  decrease  in revenues as a result of customer migration  from
 flat-rate  services  to  lower priced Centralink  1100  service.
 Management  expects increased competition to  negatively  impact
 local  service  revenues  as other telecommunications  providers
 continue  to  offer  local  service  and  as  the  DPUC-mandated
 balloting process commences [see Competition].
 Network access revenues, generated primarily from intrastate and
 interstate  services, increased $6.2, or  5.8%,  and  $11.8,  or
 5.6%,  for  the  three  and  six  month  periods,  respectively.
 Intrastate  access revenues increased $6.2, or  53.4%,  for  the
 quarter,  and  $8.9,  or  42.5% for the six  month  period,  due
 primarily  to an increase in demand by competitive providers  of
 intrastate long-distance service and the inclusion of  Woodbury.
 Interstate  access  revenues were  flat  for  the  quarter,  and
 increased  $2.9,  or  1.5% for the six month  period.   For  the
 quarter,  the  effects  of regulatory mandates  (price  cap  and
 access reform orders) offset  increases resulting from growth in
 special   access  revenue,  increased  access  lines,  and   the
 inclusion  of  Woodbury.  Also contributing to revenues  is  the
 partial  recovery of amounts paid to fund Universal Service,  in
 accordance with FCC regulation.  For the six month period,

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation
 revenue  increased  as  a  result of growth  in  special  access
 revenue,  increased access lines and the inclusion of  Woodbury.
 Also contributing to revenues is the partial recovery of amounts
 paid   to  fund  Universal  Service,  in  accordance  with   FCC
 regulation.   Partially  offsetting  these  increases  was   the
 reduction in rates caused by regulatory mandates (price cap  and
 access  reform  orders).  Management expects the  aforementioned
 regulatory  mandates to continue to place downward  pressure  on
 network interstate access revenues.
 Intrastate toll revenues, which include primarily revenues  from
 toll  and  WATS services, decreased $2.3, or 4.4%, and $4.9,  or
 4.6%,  for  the three and six month periods, respectively.   The
 decreases were due primarily to 7.6% and 6.9% reductions in toll
 message   volume,   for  the  three  and  six   month   periods,
 respectively, as well as reduced intrastate toll  rates.   Lower
 toll  volume  was  due primarily to the highly competitive  toll
 market  as a result of full intrastate equal access. The decline
 in  rates  was  attributable to customer  migration  to  several
 discount  calling  plans  that provide  competitive  options  to
 business and residential customers.  Increasing competition  and
 the offering of competitive discount calling plans will continue
 to place downward pressure on intrastate toll revenues.
 Interstate and international toll revenues increased $6.2 or 18%
 for the quarter and $16.9 or 26% for the six month period due to
 strong  growth in the customer base.  The growth is primarily  a
 result of customer migration to the SNET All Distance[R] product
 line  which allows Connecticut customers to package and discount
 their entire long-distance calling in one plan.
 Premium Services and Equipment Sales revenue increased $6.7  for
 the  quarter  and six month period due to increased Teleservices
 (wholesale  operator  and  call center  services)  revenues  and
 increased  revenues  resulting from the  sales  and  leasing  of
 business phone sets.
 Wireless - Cellular service revenues increased $7.4,  or  13.5%,
 and  $14.5,  or  14.2%, for the quarter and  six  month  period,
 respectively,  due  primarily  to  the  14.2%  increase  in  the
 subscriber  base.   This  growth was  partially  offset  by  the
 effects  of  promotional  plans such  as  giving  free  minutes,
 bundling and digital plans.
 Information  and  Entertainment - Information  and  entertainment
 revenues  increased $11.5 or 24.5% for the quarter and $26.9  or
 28.7  %  for  the  six  month period.  The  increases  were  due
 primarily  to  the   accounting change in directory  publishing.
 Growth  in internet sales, due primarily to an increase  in  the
 customer  base  from approximately 62,000 at June  30,  1997  to
 109,000  at  June  30,  1998  and a  new  pricing  package  also
 contributed to revenue increase.  In addition, revenue increased
 as a result of growth in cable television revenues due primarily
 to  the  expansion of the customer base from 1,000 at  June  30,
 1997 to 18,000 at June 30, 1998.

Costs and Expenses
                                        For the             For the
                                  Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                        June 30,             June 30,
                                    1998       1997      1998       1997
Operating Costs                   $322.4     $295.3    $627.8     $576.9
Depreciation and amortization       95.8       94.4     190.8      186.0
Taxes other than income             13.5       13.4      26.4       26.5
Total Costs and Expenses          $431.7     $403.1    $845.0     $789.4

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation
 Operating  costs - Operating costs consist primarily of employee-
 related  expenses, including wages and benefits.  Cost of  goods
 sold   and   general  and  administrative  expenses,   including
 marketing,  represent the remaining portion of  these  expenses.
 Total operating costs increased $27.1, or 9.2%, for the quarter,
 and $50.9, or 8.8%, for the six month period.
 Wireline -   For  the  three  and  six  month  periods,  wireline
 operating  costs increased $21.3, or 8.7%, and $31.6,  or  6.5%,
 respectively, due primarily to costs of providing interstate and
 international  toll services, costs incurred in connection  with
 local number portability and payments to fund Universal Service,
 in  accordance with FCC regulation.  Also contributing  was   an
 increase in the costs of providing services to other carriers.
 Wireless -   For  the  three  and  six  month  periods,  wireless
 operating  costs  increased $2.5, or 5.9%, and  $7.8,  or  9.9%,
 respectively.  The increase for the quarter and six month period
 is  due  primarily to increased computer software costs for  the
 roll  out  of  digital  service, increased  cost  of  sales  and
 increased   advertising  costs.   Partially   offsetting   these
 increases was a decline in fraud.
 Information  and Entertainment - Operating costs for  information
 and entertainment increased $16.1, or 68.5% for the quarter, and
 $28.9, or 64.5% for the six month period due primarily to  costs
 associated   with   the  corporate  restructure   of   directory
 publishing  operations  into  a  separate  subsidiary   of   the
 Corporation on January 1, 1998 and the accounting change related
 to  publishing, the deployment of cable television  service  and
 growth in internet services.  Management expects information and
 entertainment  operating costs to increase  as  the  Corporation
 continues  to deploy cable television services and continues  to
 offer internet services to an expanding customer base.
 Depreciation  and  amortization - Depreciation  and  amortization
 expense  increased $1.4, or 1.5%, and $4.8,  or  2.6%,  for  the
 three  and six month periods, respectively, due primarily to  an
 increase in the average depreciable telecommunications property,
 plant and equipment.
Other Income, net

                                For the Three     For the Six
                                Months Ended      Months Ended
                                  June 30,          June 30,
                               1998      1997     1998     1997
 Other income, net             $.4       $3.9     $(.6)    $4.0

 The  decrease for both the quarter and six month period  is  due
 primarily to the absence in 1998 of  gains on the sale of assets
 that were recognized in the second quarter of 1997.
Income Taxes

                                For the Three     For the Six
                                Months Ended      Months Ended
                                  June 30,          June 30,
                               1998      1997     1998     1997
 Income taxes                  $31.9     $30.0    $65.7    $57.7

Income tax expense increased because of higher pre-tax income.

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Form 10-Q - Part I   Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The  Corporation generated cash flows from operations  of  $248.3
during the six months ended June 30, 1998 as compared with $245.8
during the six months ended June 30, 1997.

The increase in accounts receivable is due primarily to an
increase in unbilled revenues as a result of the change in
accounting for directory publishing operations (see Note 1).

The decrease in income taxes paid is due to a change in the method
of calculating and the timing of estimated tax payments, as well as
the effect of the large amount of stock options exercised in 1998.

The  weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the
six month period  increased for both basic EPS and diluted EPS by
2.7% and 3.6% respectively, primarily as a result of the exercise
of employee stock options.  Employees exercised approximately 1.3
million stock options in the six month period, contributing $46.2
to  cash  flows  from  financing activities.   In  addition,  tax
benefits  of  $15.4  were  accrued by  the  Corporation,  on  the
ordinary income recognized by the employees.
The Corporation's ratio of debt to total capitalization decreased
to  64.3% at June 30, 1998 compared with 72.9% at year-end  1997.
For  the  second  quarter  of 1998, the  Corporation's  Board  of
Directors declared a dividend of $.44 per share.

Management believes that the Corporation has sufficient  internal
and external resources to finance the anticipated requirements of
business  development.   Capital  additions  and  dividends   are
expected to be funded primarily with cash from operations  during
the  remainder  of  1998.  The Corporation  also  has  access  to
external resources including lines of credit and long-term  shelf
registration commitments.


The   Corporation   continues  to  experience   an   increasingly
competitive   environment  with  respect  to   telecommunications
services  in  Connecticut, the northeast, and its  entire  market
area.   Competitors include companies that construct and  operate
their  own  communications systems and networks and/or  companies
that  resell  the  telecommunications  systems  and  networks  of
underlying carriers.

Local service competition continues to grow in 1998.  There  have
been  over 40 certified local exchange carriers approved  by  the
DPUC  to  provide local service in Connecticut.   Competition  is
expected to intensify particularly upon commencement of the DPUC-
mandated  balloting process which could begin as  early  as  mid-
1999,  depending  on the resolution of operation support  systems
and  other  issues.   However,  the financial  impact  cannot  be
predicted  at  this  time.  Based on existing state  and  federal
regulations,  the Corporation expects that many competitors  will
resell  the  network of its wholly-owned subsidiary The  Southern
New  England  Telephone Company ("Telephone  Company")  and  that
increased  network  access  revenues will  offset  a  significant
portion of local service revenues lost to competition.

Regulatory Matters


On  June  16,  1998, the Telephone Company filed its 1998  annual
interstate access price cap revisions which took effect  July  1,
1998.   The filing would decrease interstate network access rates
by  approximately  $10 for the period July 1, 1998  to  June  30,

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

In  1997,  the  FCC released an Order on Universal Service  which
changed  the  federal  subsidy  mechanisms  and  established  new
subsidy  programs  for Schools, Libraries, and  Rural  Healthcare
providers.    Effective   January   1,   1998,   all   interstate
telecommunications service providers, including  subsidiaries  of
the  Corporation, fund these support mechanisms  based  on  their
retail  revenues.  The funding for the high cost and  low  income
support  comes from an assessment on interstate retail  revenues,
while   the  funding   for  the  Education,  Library,  and  Rural
Healthcare  support comes from an assessment on  both  interstate
and   intrastate  retail  revenues.   The  Order  established   a
nationwide   annual  cap for the Schools and  Libraries  Fund  of
$2.25 billion and $.4 billion for the rural Healthcare fund.

On   June  22,  1998,  the  FCC  released  its  Fifth  Order   on
Reconsideration and 4th Report and Order in the Universal Service
proceeding.   In  that order, the FCC did not adjust  the  annual
caps for the new funds; rather, they adjusted the maximum amounts
that  may  be collected and spent during 1998 and the  first  six
months  of 1999.  Specifically, the FCC directed that nationwide,
no  more than $100 be committed for the Rural Health Care program
in  1998  and  no more than $1.925 billion be committed  for  the
Schools and Libraries program for 1998 and the first two quarters
of  1999.  On an annual basis, the Corporation's contribution  to
the Universal Service Fund is estimated to be approximately  $18.
This  expense is partially offset through a variety of mechanisms
including  the retail pricing structure, interstate access  rates
and direct surcharges.

The  FCC released its Third Report and Order on May 12, 1998,  on
Cost  Recovery  for  Long-Term Number Portability  ("LNP").   LNP
refers  to  the  customer's  ability to  retain  the  same  local
telephone  number after changing to a new local service provider.
The  FCC  determined that incumbent local exchange  carriers  may
recover  some portion of the cost of implementing LNP  over  five
years  (beginning at the earliest in the first quarter of  1999),
through  monthly charges to end users.  In addition, recovery  of
LNP  costs will be accomplished through ongoing charges  for  LNP
query services performed for other carriers.


Effective  April 1, 1996, the DPUC replaced traditional  rate  of
return  regulation  with  alternative  (price-based)  regulation,
during   the   transition   to  full  competition.    Alternative
regulation  includes a five-year monitoring period  on  financial
results  and  a  price  cap formula applied to  certain  services
categorized  as non-competitive.  In a draft decision,  the  DPUC
set  forth  requirements for the Telephone  Company's  price  cap
filing for the rate year June 1, 1998 to May 31, 1999.  The draft
decision  requires the application of the price  cap  formula  to
revenues  from  basic  local  residential  service,  basic  local
business  service and directory assistance services which,  under
alternative  regulation, were previously subject to  a  rate  cap
which  expired on January 1, 1998.  If the draft decision is  not
modified,  the  Telephone Company will  be  required  to  reflect
reduced  revenues associated with these services for  the  period
January  1,  1998  to  May  31, 1998, as  well  as  revenues  for
applicable non-competitive retail services for the rate year June
1,  1998  to  May  31, 1999.  While the DPUC concurred  with  the
Telephone Company that it is not desirable to lower the price  of
basic local residential service further below cost, the Telephone
Company  may be required to lower rates for other non-competitive
services to reflect the revenue impact of applying the price  cap
formula  to  basic  local  residential  service.   The  Telephone
Company  has  submitted written exceptions to the draft  decision
and  has  presented  oral arguments to the DPUC.   If  the  draft
decision  is not amended, an estimated $20 of revenue  reductions
will  occur over the rate year June 1, 1998 to May 31,  1999.   A
final decision is expected in the third quarter of 1998.

In  final  decisions,  the  DPUC denied the  Telephone  Company's
application  to reclassify private line services,  direct  inward
dialing, hunting services and custom calling service from the non-
competitive  to the emerging-competitive category.   Approval  to
reclassify these services to emerging-competitive

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

would  have placed them outside the price cap formula. The impact
of  these decisions, which approximates $3, have been included in
the  previously-discussed $20 revenue reduction  associated  with
the June 1, 1998 to May 31, 1999 rate year.

As part of its June 25, 1997 decision allowing the Corporation to
restructure  and establish separate retail (CLEC)  and  wholesale
(i.e., incumbent local exchange carrier or "ILEC") organizations,
the  DPUC mandated that Connecticut customers choose their  local
exchange  carrier  via a balloting process.   In  order  for  the
balloting process to commence, the ILEC must demonstrate that the
systems   offered  to  all  CLECs  provide  full  technical   and
operational support on a comparable basis.  The DPUC will examine
and  critically evaluate the respective Operation Support Systems
("OSS")  platforms  offered to the CLECs.  The DPUC's  evaluation
will  determine the suitability of the ILEC's OSS  to  support  a
competitive  local  exchange market and  will  determine  if  the
interfaces proposed by the ILEC offer the comparability  required
under  the  provisions of the Federal Telecommunications  Act  of
1996.  On February 25, 1998, the DPUC issued a draft decision  in
the OSS docket and concluded that by providing access to the same
system  that  the  Corporation's CLEC would  use,  the  ILEC  has
provided  a comparable interface. On July 13, 1998, the Telephone
Company notified the DPUC it has completed the implementation  of
its  OSS  Plan  filed  with the  DPUC in  March  1998.   The
Telephone   Company  will  demonstrate  its  Wholesale   Customer
Information  Window  interface at the DPUC on  August  26,  1998.
Hearings in the OSS Docket are scheduled for September 1-4 with a
final decision due from the Department on November 18, 1998.

In  February 1998, the DPUC opened two new dockets to examine the
provision  of:  (i)  combinations of unbundled  network  elements
("UNE") and (ii) shared transport to CLECs.  In a final decision,
the  DPUC  has  required  that the Telephone  Company  offer  UNE
combinations.   UNE combinations have not yet  been  defined  and
this  will  be the subject of ongoing proceedings in the  docket.
The  price of the UNE combinations will not be known until  after
the  UNE combinations are defined and a further proceeding on the
pricing is conducted.  Thus, the revenue impact is unknown  until
these  two  steps are completed.  On July 24, 1998, the Telephone
Company  requested  the  DPUC to reconsider  the  decision.   The
Telephone   Company  believes  that  the  order   requiring   the
provisioning of rebundled UNEs is inconsistent with  federal  law
as  interpreted  by  the  Eighth Circuit  Court  of  Appeals.   A
decision in the shared transport docket is expected in the  third
quarter   of   1998.    Both  decisions   may   affect   existing
interconnection  agreements between the ILEC and CLECs  operating
in Connecticut.

Included  in  its June 25, 1997 decision, the DPUC  directed  the
Telephone Company  to initiate a "Fresh Look" period from January
1,  1998 until June 1, 1998, on all non-competitive services sold
under contracts to its customers.  During the "Fresh Look" period
any   Telephone  Company  customer  who  elected  to  obtain  the
contracted service from an alternative service provider would not
be  liable to pay a termination penalty to the Telephone  Company
as  a condition of its contract.  Additionally, in February 1998,
the  DPUC directed the Corporation's payphone operation to  offer
to  payphone  location owners a four-month  "Fresh  Look"  period
during  which payphone location owners may move to an alternative
service provider without penalty.  This "Fresh Look" period ended
on  June  30,1998.   The  "Fresh Look" periods  did  not  have  a
significant  impact on the Telephone Company or the Corporation's
payphone operation.

New Accounting Standard
In February 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
SFAS  No.  132, "Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and  Other
Postretirement Benefits" ("SFAS No. 132").  SFAS No. 132  revises
certain  disclosures  employers  make  about  pension  and  other
postretirement benefit plans and will

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Form 10-Q - Part I  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

not  impact the Corporation's consolidated financial position and
results  of operations.  The Corporation will adopt SFAS No.  132
at year-end 1998.

Employee Matters
The  Corporation's bargaining unit employees are  represented  by
the  Connecticut Union of Telephone Workers, Inc.  ("CUTW").   In
early July 1998, it was announced that CUTW members had voted  to
affiliate with the Communications Workers of America.

At  June  30,  1998,   63%  of the Corporation's  employees  were
represented by the CUTW.  The current labor agreement will expire
on  August  8, 1998.  Management and union officials are  in  the
process of negotiating a new labor agreement.

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Form 10-Q - Part II  Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

                  PART II  -  OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings
         There were no material developments in the second
         quarter of 1998.
Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
         On May 13, 1998, the Corporation held its Annual Meeting
         of Shareholders ("Annual Meeting").
   (a)   The  following persons, having received the FOR votes set
         opposite  their respective names, constituting in  excess
         of  a  majority  of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting
         for  the  election of Directors, were duly elected  Class
         III Directors:
             Directors                  For         Withheld
         Richard H. Ayers         54,435,544         790,036
         Frank J. Connor          54,426,283         799,297
         Ira D. Hall              54,420,805         804,775
         Dr. Burton G. Malkiel    54,407,485         818,095
         Frank R. O'Keefe, Jr.    54,378,649         846,931
         If  the merger is effected, in accordance with the merger
         agreement, the terms of office for all elected class  III
         Directors  will  cease  at  the  effective  time  of  the
         merger.   If  the merger is not effected,  the  terms  of
         office  will  run  until 2001 and until their  successors
         are elected and qualified.
   (b)   Shareholders     ratified     the     appointment      of
         PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,   as   independent   public
         accountants,   to  examine  the  consolidated   financial
         statements  of  the  Corporation  for  the  current  year
         ending  December  31,  1998.   The  vote  was  54,583,162
         shares  FOR  and  332,535 shares  AGAINST,  with  309,883
         shares abstaining.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
   (a)   Exhibit
         (27) Financial Data Schedule
   (b)   Reports on Form 8-K
         On  April  24,  1998 and April 27, 1998, the  Corporation
         and  the  Telephone  Company,  respectively,   separately
         filed   reports  on  Form  8-K,  dated  April  24,   1998
         announcing  the Corporation's financial results  for  the
         first quarter of 1998.
         On  July  27,  1998,  the Corporation and  the  Telephone
         Company,  separately filed reports  on  Form  8-K,  dated
         July  27,  1998  announcing the  Corporation's  financial
         results for the second quarter of 1998.
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Form 10-Q - Part II Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation


Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                 Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation

August 6, 1998

               /s/ Donald R. Shassian
                   Donald R. Shassian
                   Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer