A Delaware Corporation
				300 River Place
				Detroit, Michigan  48207-4291

				a Delaware corporation
				100 Renaissance Center
				26th Floor
				Detroit, Michigan  48243


TENANT:	First of Michigan Corporation



SIZE:	37,259 Rentable Square Feet on fourth floor, 5,594 Rentable 
Square Feet on first floor; 2,875 Rentable Square feet of basement 
storage space.

LEASE YEAR:	August 1 to July 31 (or July 1 to June 30 if Tenant takes 
possession on or before July 1, 1997)

LEASE TERM:	Ten years, August 1, 1997 to July 31, 2007 (or July 1, 
1997 to June 30, 2007 if Tenant takes possession on or before July 1, 

EXPIRATION DATE:	July 31, 2007 (or June 30, 2007 if Tenant takes 
possession on or before July 1, 1997)

USE:	Office

MINIMUM RENT:	$16/Rentable Square Foot ("RSF") years 1-4; 
$16.50/RSF years 5 and 6; $17.25/RSF years 7 and 8; $18.00/RSF 
years 9 and 10; $10/RSF for storage space


OPTIONS:	2 options, 5 years each


CAM%:	8.53 % (after first 5 years)

EXPENSE STOP:	1997 calendar year base (grossed up to reflect 
95% occupancy)

TAXES:	8.53% (after first 3 years, 1997 calendar year base)







SPECIAL PROVISIONS:		Option to terminate 
at end of fifth (5th) lease year
				Partial option to terminate as to first 
floor space only after second (2nd) full 
				lease year




Section 1.00 DEMISED PREMISES.	1
Section 1.1	1
   Section 1.2	1
Section 2.00 TERM.	2
Section 2.1.	2
Section 2.2.	2
Section 3.00 RENT.	4
Section 4.1	5
Section 4.2	9
Section 4.3	9
Section 4.4	10
Section 4.5	10
Section 4.6	10
Section 4.7	10
Section 4.8	10
Section 5.1	10
Section 5.2	10
Section 5.3	10
Section 5.4	10
Section 5.5	11
Section 5.6	11
Section 6.00 SERVICES.	11
Section 6.1	11
Section 6.2	11
Section 6.3	12
Section 6.4	13
Section 7.00 REPAIRS.	13
Section 8.00 ALTERATIONS.	13
Section 9.1	14
Section 9.2	14
Section 9.3	14


Section 9.4	14
Section 9.5	15
Section 9.6	15
Section 9.7	15
Section 10.1	15
Section 10.2	15
Section 10.3	15
Section 10.4	16
Section 10.5	16
Section 11.00 FIRE.	16
Section 11.1	16
Section 11.2	16
Section 11.3	17
Section 12.00 EMINENT DOMAIN.	17
Section 13.00 RULES.	17
Section 14.00 ENTRY BY LANDLORD.	17
Section 14.1	17
Section 14.2	18
Section 15.00 EVENTS OF DEFAULT.	18
Section 15.1	18
Section 15.2	18
Section 16.00 REMEDIES.	19
Section 19.00 ATTORNEY'S FEES.	20
Section 20.00 SUBORDINATION.	20
Section 20.1	20
Section 20.2	21
Section 20.3	21
Section 21.00 NO MERGER.	21
Section 22.1	21
Section 22.2	21
Section 22.3	22
Section 25.00 HOLDING OVER.	22
Section 26.00 ABANDONMENT.	22


Section 27.00 WAIVER.	23
Section 27.1	23
Section 27.2	23
Section 28.00 NOTICES.	23
Section 29.00 COMPLETE AGREEMENT.	23
Section 31.00 INABILITY TO PERFORM.	24
Section 33.00 MASTER LEASE.	24
Section 34.00 SECURITY DEPOSIT.	24
Section 36.00 MISCELLANEOUS.	25
Section 36.1	25
Section 36.2	25
Section 36.3	25
Section 36.4	25
Section 36.5	25
Section 36.6	25
Section 37.00 OPTIONS.	25
Section 37.1	25
Section 37.3	27
Section 38.00  PARKING.	27


	THIS LEASE, made this 28th day of February, 1997, between 
THE STROH COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware corporation, whose 
address is 300 River Place, Detroit, Michigan, 48207-4291, (hereinafter 
referred to as "Landlord") and FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION, a 
Delaware corporation, whose address is 100 Renaissance Center, 26th 
Floor, Detroit, Michigan 48243 (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant").

	W I T N E S S E T H:


	Section 1.1	Landlord, in consideration of the rents to be paid 
and the covenants and agreements to be performed by the Tenant does 
hereby lease unto Tenant Demised Premises situated in the City of 
Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan, more particularly 
described as:  Suites 4,000 and 1,400, containing approximately 37,259 
rentable square feet on the fourth floor and 5,594 rentable square feet 
on the first floor (collectively the "Office Premises") in the north half and 
2875 rentable square feet (the "Storage Space") in the lower level of the 
south atrium of that certain office building, known as "300 River Place" 
(hereinafter referred to as the "Building) located on land more 
particularly described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit 
A and shown on the specifications and floor plan attached hereto and/or 
referenced in Exhibit B, and thereby made a part hereof, (the Office 
Premises and the Storage Space hereinafter collectively referred to as 
the "Demised Premises"), together with the right to use certain interior 
and exterior common and public areas and facilities including, but not 
limited to, public corridors, stairwells, restrooms, elevators and parking 
facilities (on a space available basis and upon payment of requisite 
parking fees) (hereinafter referred to as the "Common Areas") as may 
be designated by Landlord for use in common with Landlord and the 
tenants and occupants (their agents, employees, customers and 
invitees) of the Building, and the tenants and occupants (their agents, 
employees, customers and invitees) of Landlord's other adjacent 
buildings now or hereafter constructed in the development in Detroit, 
Michigan known as "River Place" (hereinafter referred to as "River 
Place"), if any.  Tenant acknowledges that portions of the Common 
Areas may be designated by Landlord from time to time for the benefit 
of and use by others.

	The precise number of rentable square feet of the Demised 
Premises shall be determined by the Landlord's architect after the exact 
location of the demising walls of the Demised Premises has been 
specified by the Tenant, or when the Demised Premises are otherwise 
completed and ready for occupancy and written confirmation of such 
determination shall be attached hereto and incorporated herein by 
reference; provided, that the rentable square footage set forth in Section 
1.1 shall govern until such determination has been made.  Such 
determination shall be based on usable square feet in the Demised 
Premises, measured in accordance with the ANSI Z65.1-1980 
(reaffirmed in 1989), standard for determining usable square feet, plus a 
fifteen percent (15%) common area factor.

	Section 1.2	Landlord reserves (a) the right to convert 
portions of the Building designated as Office Premises, Retail Premises 
or Common Areas or designated for use for other purposes to other of 
such purposes from time to time as Landlord shall determine, (b) the 
right from time to time to make changes, alterations, additions, 
improvements, repairs or replacements in or to the Building (including 
the Demised Premises, subject to the protections afforded Tenant by 
Sections 7.00 and 14.1 below) and the fixtures and equipment thereof, 
as well as in or to the street entrances, halls, passages, elevators, 
escalators and stairways and other parts of the Building, and to erect, 
maintain, and use pipes, ducts, and conduits in and through the 
Demised Premises, all as Landlord may reasonably deem necessary or 
desirable; provided, however, that there be no unreasonable obstruction 
of the means of access to the Demised Premises, (c) all rights to, and 
the use of, the perimeter walls of the Demised Premises, any balconies, 
terraces or roofs adjacent to the Demised Premises (including any 
installations on said walls, balconies, terraces and roofs) and any space 
in and/or adjacent to the Demised Premises used for shafts, stairways, 
stacks, pipes, conduits, ducts, mail chutes, conveyors, pneumatic tubes, 
electric or other utilities, sinks, fan rooms and other facilities of the 
Building, as well as access thereto through the Demised Premises (at 
and for such times as shall not unreasonably interfere with Tenant's 
business) for the purpose of such use and the operation, improvement, 
replacement, addition, repair, maintenance or decoration thereof, and 
(d) the right to eliminate, substitute and/or rearrange the Common Areas 
(which may theretofore have been so designated) as Landlord deems 
appropriate in its discretion.  Tenant's nonexclusive right to utilize the 
Office Common Areas shall be in common with Landlord, other tenants 
and occupants of the Building and others to whom Landlord grants such 
rights from time to time.  

Section 2.00	TERM.

	Section 2.1.  Except as hereinafter provided, the term of this 
Lease, hereinafter called "Term", and the Tenant's obligation to pay rent 
hereunder shall commence on the first to occur of (i) the date that is 
thirty (30) days after Landlord notifies Tenant that the Demised 
Premises are ready for occupancy ("Tenant's Fixturing Period"), or (ii) 
when Tenant opens for business to the general public hereinafter called 
"Commencement Date".  Provided, that (i) Tenant shall be free to 
occupy the Demised Premises at any time on or after the date on which 
Landlord notifies Tenant that the Demised Premises are ready for 
occupancy and, (ii) if Tenant occupies the Demised Premises prior to 
July 1, 1997, the Commencement Date shall not be earlier than July 1, 
1997.  Tenant shall give Landlord reasonable prior notice of tenant's 
anticipated move-in date to permit coordination of  Tenant's move-in.

	The Demised Premises shall be deemed to "be ready for 
occupancy" when the Landlord shall have substantially completed 
construction work required of Landlord in relation to said Demised 
Premises in accordance with the specifications and plans which are to 
be approved by the parties hereto, and attached hereto and made a part 
hereof as Exhibit B.  The Exhibit includes specific reference to the 
construction responsibilities of each of the parties hereto.

	The Term of this Lease shall end on the last date of the tenth 
(10th)  consecutive full Lease Year as said term "Lease Year" is 
hereinafter defined, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided.

	The term "Lease Year" as used herein shall be defined to mean 
a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months.  The first Lease 
Year shall begin on the Commencement Date of the Term of this Lease 
if such Commencement Date shall occur on the first day of a calendar 
month; if not, then the first Lease Year shall commence on the first day 
of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date of this 

	The foregoing notwithstanding, in the event Landlord fails to 
deliver the Demised Premises on the aforementioned Commencement 
Date because the Demised Premises is not then ready for occupancy, or 
because the previous occupant of the Demised Premises is holding 
over, or for any other cause beyond Landlord's control, then, except as 
expressly hereinafter provided, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for 
any damages as a result of Landlord's delay in delivering the Demised 
Premises, nor shall any such delay affect the validity of this Lease or the 
obligations of Tenant hereunder, and the Commencement Date of this 
Lease shall be postponed (and the expiration date correspondingly 
extended) until such time as the Demised Premises are ready for 
Tenant's occupancy.

	Section 2.2.  The provisions of  Section 2.1 notwithstanding, if 
Landlord fails to deliver possession of the Demised Premises to Tenant , 
ready for occupancy, by August 1, 1997 for Tenant's fixturing and if, as a 
result, Tenant is unable to complete its fixturing in the Demised 
Premises by September 1, 1997, (which is the date upon which Tenant 
will become a holdover Tenant under its existing lease at 100 
Renaissance Center) Tenant shall receive a credit against the rents first 
coming due under this lease in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of 
the Rent Differential (as hereinafter defined) for the month of 
September, 1997. For purposes of this Section 2.2, the term Rent 
Differential shall mean the amount by which the rent actually paid by 
Tenant to its existing Landlord at the Renaissance Center during this 
holdover period, beginning September 1, 1997, exceeds the rent 
payable by Tenant under that lease for the month of August, 1997.  If 
Landlord fails to deliver the Demised Premises to Tenant, ready for 
occupancy, on or before September 1, 1997, for fixturing, and if, as a 
result, Tenant is unable to complete its fixturing by October 1, 1997, 
Tenant shall receive a credit against rents first coming due under this 
Lease equal to the full amount of such Rent Differential for the period 
beginning October 1, 1997.  Provided, if Tenant's holdover rent liability 
in such circumstances is calculated on a per diem basis, Landlord's 
liability under this Section 2.2 shall be limited to its share of the Rent 
Differential for that number of days equal to the number of days after 
August 1, 1997 that Landlord delivers the Demised Premises to Tenant 
for fixturing.  Provided, further, that in no event shall Tenant be entitled 
to rent credit for any Rent Differential for the period beyond the end of 
the calendar month during which Tenant's thirty (30) day Fixturing 
Period ends.

	Anything contained in this Lease to the contrary notwithstanding, 
in the event the Demised Premises are not delivered by Landlord for 
Tenant by October 1, 1997, with all leasehold improvements 
substantially completed as set forth on Exhibit "B" to this Lease, then 
Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease as hereinafter 
provided.  Tenant may exercise this right of termination by delivering to 
Landlord written notice of the same at any time prior to Landlord's 
substantial completion of Landlord's work and such termination shall be 
effective 10 days after the date of delivery of such notice to Landlord 
unless Landlord delivers possession of the Demised Premises to Tenant 
with Landlord's work substantially completed within said 10 day period.  
If this Lease is so terminated, Landlord and Tenant shall have no further 
obligation to the other and any prepaid rents or security deposits 
theretofore paid by Tenant to Landlord shall be promptly refunded to 
Tenant; provided, that Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for the cost of 
any tenant improvement work  for which Tenant is liable pursuant to the 
terms of this Lease, as set forth on Exhibit B, and Tenant shall not be 
entitled to a refund of any sums paid to Landlord  with respect to such 

	The foregoing notwithstanding, in the event Landlord has not 
completed its work within the aforesaid time periods due to any action or 
failure to act on the part of Tenant or its agents, including without 
limitation any delay in the completion of Landlord's work occasioned by 
interference with Landlord's contractors by any agent or contractor of 
Tenant, then the dates upon which Tenant's right to credit for Rent 
Differential and right of termination arise shall be extended by a number 
of days equivalent to the number of days delay caused by the actions or 
inaction of Tenant or its agents or contractors. Moreover, if this Lease 
has not been fully executed by both Landlord and Tenant by February 
19, 1997, the dates upon which Tenant's right to credit for Rent 
Differential and right of termination arise shall also be extended by a 
number of days equivalent to the number of days after February 26, 
1997, that this Lease is fully executed by both Landlord and Tenant.

	Upon occupancy of the Demised Premises, Tenant shall be 
deemed to have accepted the Demised Premises in their then existing 
condition, to have acknowledged that the Demised Premises are in the 
condition, and of the nature required by this Lease except with respect to 
latent defects (i.e. those defects not reasonably discoverable by Tenant 
during the course of a walk through inspection of the Demised Premises) 
reported to Landlord in writing within ninety (90) days after the 
Commencement Date. 

	Immediately upon execution of this Lease by or on behalf of 
both Landlord and Tenant, Tenant shall be permitted to enter that 
portion of the Demised Premises not presently occupied for the purpose 
of commencing Tenant's work.  Tenant shall be permitted to perform 
such non-structural work as shall be reasonably necessary to prepare 
the Demised Premises for Tenant's occupancy, subject to Landlord's 
prior written approval of such work.  Tenant shall be responsible for 
obtaining all necessary licenses or permits for such work; shall repair 
any damage to the Demises Premises caused by such work; shall 
perform such work in such a manner as to interference with the present 
tenant of the occupied portion of the Demised Premises; shall keep the 
Demised Premises free and clear of all liens and encumbrances arising 
from such work; and shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless 
with respect to all injury or damage to persons or property arising out of 
such work.  In addition, Tenant's contractors shall schedule their work in 
such a manner as to avoid interference with Landlord's contractors.  The 
work to be performed by Tenant may include the right to replace and 
maintain wiring conduits between the first floor portion of the Demised 
Premises and the fourth floor portion of the Demised Premises, provided 
that all such conduits shall be located at Landlord's direction and the 
installation work shall be conducted in such a manner as to not interfere 
with the tenants of any space through which such conduits shall run.  
Alternatively, at Landlord's election, Landlord may install all conduits 
running through space presently occupied by other tenants at Tenant's 

Section 3.00	RENT.

	Tenant shall and hereby agrees to pay to the Landlord at the 
offices of The Stroh Companies, Inc., 300 River Place, Detroit, Michigan 
48207-4291, Attention: Treasury Department, or at such other place or 
places as Landlord shall designate from time to time in writing during the 
continuance of said Term, without any offset whatsoever, and subject to 
Section 1.1 hereof, minimum rent, commencing on the Commencement 
Date and continuing on the first day of each month thereafter during the 
Term of this Lease,  but subject to any credits or abatements to which 
Tenant is entitled pursuant to the terms of this Lease, as follows:

a.  For the Office Premises:

i.  During years 1 to 4 of the Lease Term, a minimum 
rental of Sixteen and 00/100 Dollars ($16.00) per 
rentable square foot per annum, payable in monthly 
installments in advance, at the rate of Fifty-Seven 
Thousand One  Hundred Thirty-Seven and 33/00 Dollars 
($57,137.33) per month;
ii.  During years 5 and 6, a minimum rental of Sixteen and 
50/100 Dollars ($16.50) per rentable square foot per 
annum, payable in monthly installments in advance, at 
the rate of Fifty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-
Two and 88/100 Dollars ($58,922.88) per month;
iii.  During years 7 and 8, a minimum rental of Seventeen 
and 25/100 Dollars ($17.25) per rentable square foot per 
annum, payable in monthly installments in advance, at 
the rate of Sixty-One Thousand Six Hundred One and 
19/100 Dollars ($61,601.19) per month; and
iv.  During years 9 and 10, a minimum rental of Eighteen 
and 00/100 Dollars ($18.00) per rentable square foot, 
payable in monthly installments in advance, at the rate 
of Sixty-Four Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Nine and 
50/100 Dollars ($64,279.50) per month.
	b.	For the Storage Space, a minimum rental of Ten Dollars 
($10.00) per rentable square foot per annum, payable in monthly 
installments in advance, at the rate of Two Thousand Three Hundred 
Ninety Five and 83/100 Dollars ($2,395.83) per month.

	Provided, that if the date on which Tenant's rent obligation 
would otherwise commence under this Lease is prior to the expiration of 
Tenant's (30-day) Fixturing Period, Tenant's liability for base rent shall 
be abated until the earlier of the expiration of the 30-day Fixturing 
Period or the date on which Tenant completes its fixturing of the 
Demised Premises, but in no event earlier than July 1, 1997.  Provided, 
further, that Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement of rent equal to 
Tenant's share of the cost of tenant improvements pursuant to Exhibit B, 
but not in excess of one month's minimum rent.

	Tenant shall pay the minimum rent for the first full month of the 
Lease Term within ten (10) days after the date of execution of this Lease 
on behalf of both Landlord and Tenant.

	If the Term of this Lease shall commence upon a day other than 
the first day of a calendar month, then Tenant shall pay, upon the 
Commencement Date of the Term, a pro-rata portion of the fixed  
monthly rent, computed upon the basis of a thirty (30) day month, 
pro-rated on a per diem basis for the number of days between such 
Commencement Date and the end of such calendar month.  Thereafter, 
minimum rental and any additional rent, if any, as hereinafter defined 
shall be paid as set forth above.  The foregoing notwithstanding, if 
Tenant occupies the Demised Premises on or after May 1, 1997 but 
prior to July 1, 1997 as permitted pursuant to Section 2.00 above, 
Tenant's minimum rental obligation shall not commence until the 
Commencement Date, July 1, 1997.


	Section 4.1	In addition to the rent specified in Section 3.00 
above, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, throughout the term of this Lease 
and any renewals or extensions hereof in the manner and at the times 
herein provided, and subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, 
Tenant's Share of (i) all Operating Expenses incurred by Landlord during 
each calendar year in excess of the amount incurred by Landlord for 
Operating Expenses during the applicable Base Year, "grossed up" as 
hereinafter provided, (the "Operating Expense Floor") and (ii) the 
amount of Real Property Taxes payable with respect to the Building and 
the land on which it is located during each calendar year in excess of the 
amounts of real property taxes payable during the applicable Base Year 
(the "Property Tax Floor").  During the initial Term of the lease, the Base 
Year shall be calendar year 1997. If this Lease is extended for one or 
both Renewal Periods pursuant to Section 37.1 below, then the Base 
Years for the first and second Renewal Periods, respectively, shall be 
the calendar years 2007 and 2012.   Anything contained herein to the 
contrary notwithstanding, Tenant shall have no liability for Operating 
Expenses during the first five years nor for Real Property Taxes during 
the first three years, following the earlier of the Commencement Date or 
the date of occupancy by Tenant.  Tenant shall have no liability for 
Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes from the commencement 
of each Renewal Period through the end of the calendar year (2007 and 
2012, respectively) during which the Renewal Period commences.  
Thereafter, Tenant shall pay its share of the amount by which the 
Operating Expenses incurred and Real Property Taxes payable by 
Landlord during each calendar year exceed the applicable Operating 
Expense Floor and Property Tax Floor.

	Landlord represents to Tenant that the Building is not presently 
subject to any property tax exemption or abatement that will expire 
during the Term of this Lease.

	Tenant's Share of the Operating Expenses and Real Property 
Taxes shall mean the percentage as determined in Section 4.4 hereof 
and shall be paid in monthly installments, in advance, at the same time 
as the monthly rental payments.  No credit shall be given to the Tenant 
hereunder in the event that Landlord's actual Operating Expenses and 
Real Property Taxes are less than the Operating Expense Floor or 
Property Tax Floor, respectively, for any year.

	Prior to the commencement of the first lease year for which 
Tenant is obligated to pay its share of Operating Expenses or Real 
Property Taxes, and prior to the commencement of each ensuing 
calendar year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, Landlord shall give 
Tenant written notice of Landlord's estimate of Tenant's Share of 
Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes for the then current 
calendar year and each ensuing calendar year.  Commencing on the 
first day of the first month of the first lease year for which Tenant is 
obligated to pay its share of Operating Expenses or Property Taxes, and 
continuing on the first day of each and every month thereafter 
throughout the Term and any extensions thereof, Tenant shall pay to 
Landlord one-twelfth (1/12) of such estimated amounts; provided that 
until such notice is given with respect to the ensuing calendar year, 
Tenant shall continue to pay the amount currently payable pursuant 
hereto until after the month such notice is given.  If at any time or times 
it appears to Landlord that Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses for the 
then current calendar year will vary from Landlord's estimate by more 
than five (5%) percent, Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant, revise 
its estimate for such year and subsequent payments by Tenant for such 
year shall be based upon such revised estimate.

	Within ninety (90) days after the end of each calendar year, or 
as soon after such ninety (90) day period as practicable, Landlord shall 
deliver to Tenant a written statement prepared by Landlord of what 
Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes is (or 
would have been but for the abatement provided above) for such 
calendar year and such statement shall be final and binding upon 
Landlord and Tenant, subject to Tenant's audit rights as provided below.  
If on the basis of such statement Tenant owes an amount that is less 
than the estimated payments for such calendar year previously made by 
Tenant, Landlord shall credit such excess amount  against the next 
payment(s) due from Tenant to Landlord of Operating Expenses.  In no 
event shall the Tenant be entitled to receive any credit or 
reimbursement in an amount greater than the difference between the 
Operating Expense Floor or Property Tax Floor and the estimated 
amount of the Tenant's Share paid by the Tenant for any fiscal year.  If 
on the basis of such statement, Tenant owes an amount that is more 
than the estimated payments for such fiscal year previously made by 
Tenant, Tenant shall pay the deficiency to Landlord within thirty (30) 
days after delivery of such statement.

	For each calendar year for which Tenant is obligated to pay its 
share of Operating Expenses and/or Property Taxes, Tenant shall have 
the right, for a period of ninety (90) days after delivery of the aforesaid 
statement, to audit Landlord's Operating Expense and Real Property 
Tax records on which such statement is based.  If such audit discloses 
an error in Landlord's statement, the difference shall promptly be paid 
by, or credited to, Tenant as appropriate.  Tenant acknowledges that 
Landlord is not a publicly held corporation, that Landlord is not obligated 
to provide financial information to the general public, and that the audit 
right granted hereby shall be limited to only those records as pertain to 
the Operating Expenses and/or Property Taxes, as applicable, for the 
Building for the years for which Tenant has an obligation to pay its share 
of Operating Expenses and/or Property Taxes, and Tenant shall have no 
right to review or audit any other records of Landlord.  In addition, if such 
audit discloses an error in the statement in Landlord's favor of more than 
ten percent of the amount of the statement, Landlord shall pay Tenant's 
audit costs, but not in excess of the amount of the error.  If Tenant does 
not exercise this right of audit within said ninety (90) day period, this 
right of audit shall expire, and the statement delivered by Landlord shall 
be final and conclusive.

	For purposes of this section, the term "Operating Expenses" 
shall mean actual costs incurred by Landlord, whether incurred directly 
or incurred indirectly as Lessee under the terms of its Master Lease, with 
respect to the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement and 
administration of that portion of the Building consisting of the first 
through sixth floors, inclusive, and basement of the Building, and 
designated Common Areas, including, without limitation or duplication, 
(a) the costs incurred for air-conditioning; mechanical ventilation; 
heating; cleaning (including janitorial services); rubbish removal; snow 
removal; general landscaping and maintenance; window washing, 
elevators, escalators, porter and matron services; electric current for 
Common Areas; steam; management fees; protection and security 
services; sprinkler apparatus; public liability and property damage 
insurance (including loss of rental income insurance); supplies, wages, 
salaries, disability, benefits, pensions, hospitalization, retirement plans 
and group insurance respecting service and maintenance employees 
and management, accounting and administrative staff; uniforms and 
working clothes for such employees and the cleaning thereof; expenses 
imposed pursuant to any collective bargaining agreement with respect to 
such employees; payroll, social security, unemployment and other 
similar taxes with respect to such employees and staff; sales, use and 
other similar taxes; water rates and sewer charges; advertising, public 
relations and promotions; depreciation of movable equipment and 
personal property, which is, or should be, capitalized on the books of 
Landlord, and the cost of movable equipment and personal property, 
which need not be so capitalized, as well as the cost of maintaining all 
such movable equipment, and any other costs, charges and expenses 
which, under generally accepted accounting principles and practices, 
would be regarded as maintenance and operating expenses, (b) the cost 
of any capital improvements made to the Building by Landlord after the 
Commencement Date that are intended to reduce other Operating 
Expenses, or made to the Building by Landlord after the date of this 
Lease that are required under any governmental law or regulation that 
was not applicable to the Building at the time it was last renovated 
(approximately 1986), such cost to be amortized over such  reasonable 
period as Landlord shall determine, together with interest on the 
unamortized balance at the rate of two (2%) percent in excess of the 
then current "prime rate" of Michigan National Bank or such higher rate 
as may have been paid by Landlord on funds borrowed for the purpose 
of constructing such capital improvements, and (c) the amount incurred 
by Landlord (directly or indirectly as Lessee under the terms of its 
Master Lease) of all ad valorem personal property taxes and 
assessments, special or otherwise, levied upon or with respect to the 
Building and the personal property used in connection therewith, 
imposed by any taxing authority having jurisdiction ("Personal Property 
Taxes").  Real Property Taxes shall include all ad valorem real property 
taxes and assessments, special or otherwise, levied upon or with respect 
to the Building, the land on which it is located, and the fixtures and 
improvements therein and thereon, imposed by any taxing authority 
having jurisdiction (Real Property Taxes and Personal Property Taxes 
are sometimes collectively referred to as "Property Taxes").  Property 
Taxes shall also include all taxes, levies and charges which may be 
assessed, levied or imposed in replacement of, or in addition to, all or 
any part of ad valorem Real and Personal Property Taxes as revenue 
sources, and which in whole or in part are measured or calculated by or 
based upon the Building, the freehold and/or leasehold estate of 
Landlord or Tenant, or the rent and other charges payable hereunder 
including any expenses incurred by Landlord in determining or 
attempting to obtain a reduction of taxes.

	Operating Expenses shall not include depreciation of the 
Building other than depreciation on standard exterior window coverings 
provided by Landlord and carpeting in Common Areas and, other than 
as set forth above, costs of services or repairs, replacements and 
maintenance which are paid for by proceeds of insurance, by other 
tenants (in a manner other than as provided in this Section 4.1) or third 
parties, costs of operating the parking areas servicing the Building, 
tenant improvements, real estate brokers' commissions, interest and 
capital items other than those referred to above.  Operating Expenses 
shall also not include any of the following:
A.  Repairs or other work occasioned by fire, windstorm 
or other casualty of an insurable nature or by the 
exercise of the right of eminent domain;
B.  Leasing commissions, attorneys fees, costs 
disbursements and other expenses incurred in 
connection with negotiations or disputes with 
tenants/Tenant, other occupants, or prospective 
tenants or other occupants, or purchasers or 
mortgagees of the Building;
C.  Expenses incurred in renovating or otherwise 
improving or decorating, painting, or redecorating 
space for tenants/Tenant or other occupants or 
vacant tenant space;
D.  Except as otherwise provided herein, costs incurred 
by Landlord for alterations which are considered 
capital improvements and replacements under 
generally accepted accounting principles;
E.  Except as otherwise provided herein, costs of a 
capital nature, including, but not limited to, capital 
improvements, capital repairs, capital equipment, 
and capital tools all in conformance with generally 
accepted accounting principles;
F.  Expenses in connection with services or other 
benefits of a type which are not provided Tenant but 
which are provided to any other tenant or occupant;
G.  Costs incurred due to violation by Landlord or any 
tenant or other occupant of the terms and conditions 
of any lease;
H.  Overhead and profit increments paid to subsidiaries 
or affiliates of Landlord for services on or to the real 
property, to the extent only that the costs of services 
exceed competitive costs of such services 
obtainable from other sources;
I.  Interest on debt or amortization payments on any 
mortgage, mortgages, or similar debit and rental 
under any ground or underlying leases or lease;
J.  Any compensation paid to clerks, attendants, or 
other persons in commercial concessions operated 
by Landlord;
K.  All costs, fines or penalties incurred due to 
violations by Landlord of any governmental rule or 
L.  Costs incurred in connection with the sale, 
refinancing, mortgaging or selling or change of 
ownership of the Building, including brokerage 
commissions, attorneys and accountants fees, 
closing costs and interest charges;
M.  Costs, fines, interest, penalties, legal fees or costs 
of litigation incurred due to the late payments of 
taxes, utilities and other charges resulting from 
Landlord's failure to make such payments when 
N.  Costs or expenses for owning, leasing and/or 
maintaining sculptures, paintings, or other works of 
art (but excluding lobby plants) installed in and on 
the Building or the Land;
O.  State, local or federal personal or corporate income 
taxes (including Michigan single business tax) 
measured by the income of Landlord from all 
sources or from sources other than rent alone, 
estate and inheritance taxes, franchise, succession 
and transfer taxes and interest on taxes and 
penalties resulting from failure to pay real estate 
taxes.  Further, the amount of tax expenses paid by 
Tenant and attributable to tenant improvements, or 
tax expenses in connection with other alterations, 
additions, substitutions and improvements done by 
or for the tenants in the Building which is separately 
assessed to and paid by such other tenants or 
directly received by Landlord from such other 
tenants, shall be excluded from operating expenses;
P.  Expenses and costs relating in any way whatsoever 
to the identification, testing, monitoring, control, 
encapsulation, removal, replacement, repair and 
abatement of any hazardous materials within the 
Building, Demised Premises (which shall be subject 
to the provisions of Article V of this Lease) and the 
Land; and
Q.  Costs with respect to Landlord's central office, if 
any, or its operations conducted, or employees 
engaged, therein, except costs that directly relate to 
or are otherwise allocable to the Land, the Building, 
or any portion thereof.
	Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that certain of the costs of 
operation, maintenance and repair of the Building may be allocated by 
Landlord entirely to the office portion of the Building (floors 2 through 6), 
certain of such costs may be allocated entirely to the retail portion of the 
Building (first floor) and certain of such costs will be allocated among the 
office and retail portion of the Building.  In addition, certain costs may be 
allocated between buildings within the development known as "River 
Place."  The determination of such costs and their allocation shall be 
made by the Landlord on a reasonable basis.

	Section 4.2	It is the intention of Landlord and Tenant that all 
Operating Expenses will be determined on a basis which will not unfairly 
allocate Operating Expenses to either Landlord or Tenant and that 
Tenant shall pay as Tenant's Share its fairly allocated portion of those 
Operating Expenses which are variable in amount based on the level of  
occupancy of the Building.  Accordingly, if the average occupancy rate 
of the Building is less than 95% during calendar year 1997, or any 
subsequent Base Year for any Renewal Periods, the actual Operating 
Expenses incurred by Landlord for that Base Year shall be "grossed up" 
to reflect the estimated Operating Expenses that would have been 
incurred by Landlord had the occupancy rate of the Building averaged 
95% during that Base Year, and the result shall be the Operating 
Expense Floor for determining Tenant's Share.  Such grossing up shall 
be accomplished by adjusting those expenses which are dependent 
upon or calculated based upon occupied or utilized area within the 
Building by an amount which, in the exercise of Landlord's best 
reasonable judgment, would result in those adjusted expenses reflecting 
the amount of expenses which would have actually been incurred by 
Landlord had the occupancy rate for the Building averaged 95% during 
that Base Year.  Similarly, if the average occupancy rate for the Building 
is less than 95% for any calendar year during which Tenant is obligated 
to pay its share of Operating Expenses pursuant to this Section 4.00, the 
Operating Expenses for that calendar year shall also be "grossed up" in 
the same manner as the Operating Expenses for the Base Year, in order 
to more accurately reflect the Operating Expenses which Landlord would 
have incurred had the occupancy rate of the Building during that 
calendar year averaged 95%; provided, that in no event shall Tenant be 
liable for more than 100% of the actual increase in Operating Expenses.  

	The foregoing notwithstanding, the amount of the increase in 
Building Operating Expenses (grossed up as provided above) to be 
taken into consideration in determining Tenant's Share for calendar year 
2002 shall not exceed that amount determined by multiplying the 
Operating Expense Floor by a percentage equal to the greater of (i) the 
percentage change between the CPI (as hereinafter defined) for the 
month of December, 1997 and the CPI for the month of December, 
2001, but not more than 46.4% (which represents cumulative maximum 
increases of 10% per year during the first four years of the Lease Term), 
or (ii) 21.5% (which represents cumulative increases of 5% per year 
during the first four years of the Lease Term).  Thereafter, during the 
initial term of this Lease, the amount which Tenant shall be required to 
pay for Operating Expenses during each calendar year shall not exceed 
the amount which Tenant was required to pay during the preceding 
calendar year by more than the greater of (iii) the percentage change in 
the CPI from the month of December next preceding that calendar year 
to the month of December immediately preceding that calendar year 
(but not more than 10%) or (iv) 5%.  Similarly, for renewal periods, 
should Tenant exercise one or both of its options to renew, the amount 
of the increase in Building Operating Expenses (grossed up as provided 
above) to be taken into consideration in determining Tenant's liability for 
Operating Expenses during the first full calendar year of each renewal 
period shall not exceed the amount determined by multiplying the new 
Operating Expense Floor for that renewal period by a percentage equal 
to the greater of the percentages set forth in clauses (iii) and (iv) above.  
Subsequent annual adjustments shall also be subject to the same 
percentage increase limitations as during the initial Term.  

	For purposes hereof, the term "CPI" shall mean the Consumer 
Price Index for All Urban consumers (CPI-U) for the Detroit-Ann Arbor, 
Michigan Metropolitan Area, (1982-84=100).  

	Section 4.3 	Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses and Real 
Property Taxes that is allocable to the calendar year during which 
Tenant's obligation to pay the same commences and the calendar year 
in which this Lease terminates shall be prorated on the basis of the 
number of calendar days within such years as are within the Term.

	Section 4.4	The term "Tenant's Share" shall mean 8.53% of 
the total Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes incurred by 
Landlord.  Tenant's Share has been reasonably computed by the 
Landlord on the basis of the rentable square foot area of the Demised 
Premises, excluding the Storage Space, divided by the rentable square 
foot area of the Building (excluding the basement).

	Section 4.5 	Tenant shall pay as additional rental any money 
and charges required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this 
Lease, whether or not the same may be designated "additional rent."

	Section 4.6 	Except as above provided, rent and additional 
rental shall be paid to Landlord without notice or demand and without 
deduction or offset, in lawful money of the United States of America at 
Landlord's address for notices hereunder or to such other person or at 
such other place as the Landlord may from time to time designate in 
writing.  All amounts payable by Tenant to Landlord hereunder, if not 
paid within ten (10) days after the date due, shall bear interest from the 
due date until paid at the rate of two (2%) percent in excess of the then 
current "prime rate" of Michigan National Bank of Detroit, but not in 
excess of the legal rate.

	Section 4.7	Tenant shall also pay all real and personal 
property taxes levied or assessed against Tenant's property and 
improvements upon or affixed to the Demised Premises, including taxes 
attributable to all alterations, additions or improvements made by 
Tenant, whether assessed to Tenant or included in Assessments to 
Landlord, and identifiable as such.

	Section 4.8	Throughout the Term of this Lease, Landlord 
shall be responsible for cleaning, maintenance and repair of the 
Common Areas, which Landlord shall continue to maintain at a level of 
care at least equal to Landlord's current level of maintenance of the 


	Section 5.1	During the Term, the Demised Premises shall 
be used and occupied for office and incidental purposes and for no other 
purposes without the prior written consent of Landlord in its sole 
discretion.  Tenant shall not conduct its business in a manner which will 
cause an increase in property physical damage insurance premiums for 
the Demised Premises or the Building, and Tenant will comply with all 
requirements of the insurance policies and the Insurers relating to the 
Demised premises.   Tenant shall not use the Demised Premises for any 
purpose in violation of any law, municipal ordinance, or regulation, nor 
shall Tenant perform any acts or carry on any practices which may injure 
the Demised Premises or the Building or be a nuisance, disturbance or 
menace to the other tenants of the Building.  Upon breach of this 
agreement, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease 
forthwith and to reenter and repossess the Demised Premises, but 
Landlord's right to damages will survive.

	Section 5.2	Tenant shall not (a) perform any acts or carry on 
any practices that may injure the structure or be a nuisance or menace 
to the other Tenants in the Building; (b) use or permit the use of  any 
portion of the Demised Premises as sleeping apartments, lodging room 
or for any unlawful purposes; and (c) use any of the Common Areas 
including the hallways for its own business purposes.

	Section 5.3	Neither Tenant, Tenant's employees or agents 
nor any subtenant, licensee or concessionaire of Tenant shall solicit 
business in the Common Areas, place any handbills or any other 
advertising material in or on automobiles parked in the parking area or in 
any other Common Areas unless Tenant shall have received the prior 
written approval of the Landlord.

	Section 5.4	Tenant shall not use, store, generate, treat, or 
dispose of any hazardous substance on the Premises, or cause suffer or 
permit the same to be done by any person without the prior written 
consent of Landlord, which consent may be granted or withheld in 
Landlord's sole discretion, and shall at all times comply with all 
applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances and 
regulations governing hazardous substances.  For purposes of this 
section, the term "hazardous substance" means any substance, the 
manufacture, use, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of 
which is regulated by any law having as its object the protection of public 
health, natural resources, or the environment, including, by way of 
illustration only and not as a limitation, the following: the Resource 
Conservation and Recovery Act; the Comprehensive Environmental 
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; the Toxic Substances 
Control Act; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act; the Clean Air Act; 
the Michigan Hazardous Waste Management Act; the Michigan Water 
Resources Commission Act; the Michigan Medical Waste Disposal Act; 
and the Michigan Solid Waste Management Act, as each of such acts 
shall be amended from time to time.  Upon expiration or termination of 
this Lease Tenant shall clean up and remove from the Premises all such 
hazardous substances deposited therein due to the acts or omissions of 
Tenant. Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless 
from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, penalty, damage and 
expense, including reasonable consultant's and attorneys' fees, resulting 
from or due to the Tenant's use, storage, generation or release or 
threatened release of hazardous or toxic substances occurring or alleged 
to have occurred on or from the Premises at any time.  This indemnity 
obligation shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease.  

	Section 5.5	Tenant shall promptly supply to Landlord a copy 
of the reports of any environmental audit or investigation at any time 
undertaken on the Premises or adjacent property, all notices, demands, 
inquiries, or claims received from any person or entity as a result of 
hazardous substances alleged to be on or emanating from the Premises 
or adjacent property, and any notices, reports, or applications for 
licenses, permits, or approvals submitted by or on behalf of Tenant to 
any environmental regulatory agency affecting the Premises or adjacent 

	Section 5.6	Whenever in this Lease Landlord has reserved 
the right to re-enter and repossess the Demised Premises upon Tenant's 
default, Landlord agrees that, unless Tenant Voluntarily surrenders 
possession of the Demised Premises to Landlord, Landlord shall only 
take possession of the Demised Premises through Summary 
Proceedings or such other similar proceedings as may then be 
prescribed by applicable statutes and/or court rules.

Section 6.00	SERVICES.

	Section 6.1	Landlord will arrange for the furnishing of 
electricity to the Demised Premises, and Landlord shall charge Tenant 
for electricity as determined by metering at the applicable secondary 
rates filed by Landlord with the proper regulating authorities in effect 
from time to time covering such services, but not more than the 
secondary rates which would be charged to Tenant by the public utility 
company.  Such charge to Tenant for electricity shall be payable in 
monthly installments in the amount invoiced to Tenant which shall be 
due and payable on the first day of each month, commencing on the 
earlier of the date on which Tenant occupies the Demised Premises or 
the Commencement Date, whether or not Rent is payable for that 
month.  Engineering surveys shall be performed by independent 
licensed professional electrical engineering consultants selected by 
Landlord.  From time to time during the Term, Landlord may inspect the 
Demised Premises in order to evaluate Tenant's kilowatt hour electric 
consumption and demand, and if as a result of such inspection, the 
amount charged to Tenant shall change because of changes in demand 
and/or consumption, or in the cost of electricity to Landlord, Landlord 
shall notify Tenant in writing and commencing with the first day of the 
next calendar month, Tenant shall pay such revised charge in monthly 

	Section 6.2	Landlord shall furnish the Demised Premises 
with (a) heat, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and water service 
for the same to the extent required for the occupancy of the Demised 
Premises (excluding the first floor space and Storage Space) to levels of 
comfort at least equivalent to current levels and during such hours in 
each case as reasonably determined by Landlord for the Office portion 
of the Building (which hours shall be not less than from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 
P.M. on weekdays (Monday through Friday), and 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. 
on Saturday, (except the holidays of New Year's, Memorial, 
Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving and Christmas), or such broader 
hours as Landlord may designate in its sole discretion, or as may be 
prescribed by any applicable policies or regulations adopted by any 
utility or governmental agency, (b) elevator service, and (c) janitorial 
service only to the areas of the Demised Premises used for office  
purposes during the times and in the manner that janitorial services are 
furnished in comparable first-class office buildings in the Metropolitan 
Detroit area, provided that Landlord shall not provide janitorial services 
to any portion of the Demised Premises used for other than office 
purposes such as preparing, dispensing or consumption of food or 
beverages or as an exhibition area or for storage, shipping room, 
washroom or similar purposes, or as private restrooms or a shop or for 
the operation of computer data processing, reproduction, duplicating or 
similar equipment.  Except as expressly hereinafter provided, Landlord 
shall not be in default hereunder or be liable for any damages directly or 
indirectly resulting from, nor shall the rental herein reserved be abated 
by reason of:  (1) the installation, use or interruption of use of any 
equipment in connection with the furnishing of any of the foregoing 
services, to the extent not within the reasonable control of Landlord, (2) 
failure to furnish or delay in furnishing any such services when such 
failure or delay is caused by accident or any condition beyond the 
reasonable control of Landlord or by the making of necessary repairs or 
improvements to the Demised Premises or to the Building, or (3) any 
limitation, curtailment, rationing or restriction on use of water, electricity, 
steam, gas or any other form of energy or utility serving the Demised 
Premises or the Building.  Landlord shall use reasonable efforts 
diligently to remedy any interruption in the furnishing of such services.  
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 6.2, Landlord shall not be 
required to provide ventilation and air-conditioning to the Demised 
Premises as herein provided if Tenant shall utilize in the Demised 
Premises heat generating equipment or lighting other than building 
standard lights which affect the temperature otherwise maintained by the 
air-conditioning system or if the Demised Premises are occupied by a 
number of persons in excess of the design criteria of the air-conditioning 

	In the event that any interruption in services occurs as a result 
of the acts or omissions of Landlord, the prevention or cure of which is 
within a reasonable control of Landlord, and if such interruption 
continues for more than the greater of five (5) consecutive calendar 
days or four (4) consecutive business days, or more than eight (8) 
business days during any Lease Year; Tenant shall be entitled to an 
equitable abatement of rental for the period of such interruption.  If the 
interruption is such that it renders all, or a portion of the Demised 
Premises unusable, the rent shall be abated for the portion of the 
Demised Premises rendered unusable at a rate equivalent to the full 
daily rental rate for such unusable portion of the Demised Premises.  If 
no portion of the Demised Premises is totally unusable, but Tenant's 
activities are curtailed in some portion or all of Demised Premises as a 
result of the interruption, then the abatement shall be limited to an 
equitable proportion of the daily rent for the portion of the Demised 
Premises so affected.

	Any services required by Tenant at times and/or manner other 
than that prescribed by the Landlord under the standard policy for the 
Building shall be subject to Landlord's prior written approval at Tenant's 
sole expense.

	Section 6.3	Tenant shall pay as additional rent the cost of 
providing all heating, ventilating and air-conditioning ("HVAC"), including 
all costs associated with the installation of meters for measuring the 
same, to the Demised Premises in excess of that required for normal 
office use or during hours requested by Tenant when HVAC is not 
otherwise furnished by Landlord.  Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing 
at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time it requires HVAC during 
periods the same is not otherwise furnished by Landlord.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall only be required to provide 
HVAC to the extent available utilizing the existing equipment servicing 
the Building.  The foregoing notwithstanding, Landlord shall not charge 
Tenant for HVAC during the hours 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday 
through Sunday for the first two months following the earlier of the 
Commencement Date or the date on which Tenant occupies the 
Demised Premises.  In addition, Tenant shall not be charged for the first 
twenty (20) hours of after-hours HVAC per lease year.  Thereafter, 
Tenant shall pay all costs of providing the same as provided above.  
Presently, Tenant's cost for after-hours HVAC would be Fifty Dollars 
($50.00) per hour, but the amount is subject to increase from time to 
time during the Lease Term as Landlord's costs increase.

	Section 6.4	With respect to the first floor space, only, 
Landlord will provide and install a heating, ventilating and air 
conditioning system (HVAC) as part of the performance of Landlord's 
work as set forth on Exhibit "B."  Throughout the term of the Lease 
Tenant shall pay the cost of all gas, electricity, water, or other utilities or 
services utilized in connection with the operation of the HVAC system in 
the first floor space.  In addition, Tenant shall be fully responsible for 
maintaining and repairing the same at Tenant's expense in a good 
workmanlike condition throughout the Term of the Lease.

	Section 6.5	Throughout the term of the Lease, Landlord 
shall keep in the place the existing electronic security system for the 
Building; provided, that Landlord shall be free to replace the existing 
system with a system that is functionally equivalent to, or better than, 
the existing system and, provided further, that Landlord shall be free to 
utilize a temporary security system in the event of loss of electrical 
power or damage to or construction of the security system control 
center.  In addition, Landlord shall provide or cause to be provided 
security services at a level at least equivalent with the level of security 
services presently provided at the Building.
Section 7.00	REPAIRS.

	Subject to Tenant's obligation to pay Operating Expenses 
pursuant to Section 4 hereof, Landlord shall, with reasonable diligence 
and at its expense, make all necessary repairs and replacements to the 
exterior of the Building and to the Common Areas, including Landlord's 
HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems located therein (but excluding 
the HVAC system in the first floor space, which shall be Tenant's 
responsibility), and Landlord shall also make all repairs to the Demised 
Premises (but not to Tenant's property) which are structural in nature or 
required due to fire, casualty, or other act of God; provided, however, 
that Tenant shall make all repairs and replacements arising from its act, 
neglect or default.  Except as provided above, Tenant shall keep the 
Demised Premises in good repair, including any special equipment 
installed in the Demised Premises (such as, but not limited to, air 
conditioners, transformers and plumbing), whether installed by Landlord 
or Tenant, and Tenant shall, upon the expiration of the Term, yield and 
deliver up the Demised Premises in like condition as when taken, 
reasonable use and wear thereof and repairs required to be made by 
Landlord excepted.

	In the event that the Landlord shall deem it necessary or be 
required by any governmental authority to repair, alter, remove, 
reconstruct or improve any part of the Demised Premises or of the 
Building (unless the same results from Tenant's act, neglect, default or 
mode of operation in which event Tenant shall make all such repairs, 
alterations and improvements), then the same shall be made by 
Landlord with reasonable dispatch, and should the making of such 
repairs, alterations or improvements cause any interference with 
Tenant's use of the Demised Premises, such interference shall not 
relieve Tenant from the performance of its obligations hereunder nor 
shall such interference be deemed an actual or constructive eviction or 
partial eviction or result in an abatement of rent, provided, that such 
alterations and improvements are not the result of Landlord's gross 
negligence or wrongful act.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall, 
at its own cost and expense, make all repairs and provide all 
maintenance in connection with any alterations, additions or 
improvements made by Tenant pursuant to Section 8 hereof.  The 
foregoing notwithstanding, if any such repairs , alterations or 
improvements are undertaken by Landlord on a non-emergency basis, 
Tenant shall be entitled to an equitable, proportional, abatement of rent 
should the performance of such repairs, alterations  or improvements 
materially interfere with Tenant's use and enjoyment of the Demised 
Premises for more than three (3) consecutive business days or more 
than five (5) business days during any Lease Year.  Such partial 
abatement shall be limited to only that portion of the Demised Premises 
interfered with, and only for such period of time as such interference 

Section 8.00	ALTERATIONS.

	Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or 
improvements to the Demised Premises (whether or not the same may 
be structural in nature) without Landlord's prior written consent, and all 
alterations, additions or improvements made by either party hereto to 
the Demised Premises, except movable office furniture and equipment 
installed at Tenant's expense, shall be the property of Landlord and 
remain upon and be surrendered with the Demised Premises at the 
expiration of the Term; provided, however, that Landlord may require 
Tenant to remove any additions made by Tenant to the Demised 
Premises and to repair any damage caused by such removal, and 
provided further, that if Tenant has not removed its  property and 
equipment within ten (10) days after the expiration or termination of this 
Lease, Landlord may elect to retain the same as abandoned property.  
Tenant shall only use contractors approved by Landlord for the permitted 
alterations to the Demised Premises and shall not permit any mechanics 
liens to be placed or remain upon the Demised Premises.


	Section 9.1	Tenant covenants not to assign or transfer this 
Lease or hypothecate or mortgage the same or sublet the Demised 
Premises or any part thereof without the prior written consent of 
Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, but in the 
event of any such assignment or transfer, Tenant shall remain fully 
liable to perform all of the obligations under this Lease.  Any 
assignment, transfer (including transfers by operation of law or 
otherwise), hypothecation, mortgage, or subletting without such written 
consent shall give Landlord the right to terminate this Lease and to 
re-enter and repossess the Demised Premises but Landlord's right to 
damages shall survive.  No consent by Landlord to any assignment, 
transfer, hypothecation, mortgage or subletting on any one occasion 
shall be deemed a consent to any subsequent assignment, transfer, 
hypothecation, mortgage or subletting by Tenant or by any successors, 
assigns, transferees, mortgagees or sublessees of Tenant.  The 
foregoing notwithstanding, Tenant shall have the right, without receiving 
Landlord's prior written consent, to assign this Lease to an entity with 
which Tenant shall merge or consolidate, provided such assignee has a 
net worth not less than that of Tenant and, provided further, such 
assignee executes an agreement in form and substance satisfactory to 
Landlord pursuant to which it assumes all of Tenant's unperformed 
obligations under this Lease, whether arising before or after the date of 

	Section 9.2	The cumulative sale, issuance or transfer of any 
voting capital stock of Tenant, if Tenant be a corporation at the signing 
of this Lease, which results in a change in the voting control of Tenant, 
shall be deemed to be an assignment of this Lease within the meaning 
of this Section 9.

	Section 9.3	If at the execution of this Lease, Tenant is a 
sole proprietorship or a co-partnership, the subsequent cumulative sale 
of fifty-one percent (51%) or more of its business to another person or 
entity which would result in a change of the control of Tenant shall be 
deemed to be an assignment of this Lease within the meaning of this 
Section 9.

	Section 9.4	If at any time or from time to time during the 
Term, Tenant desires to sublet all or any part of the Demised Premises 
or to assign this Lease, Tenant shall give notice to Landlord setting forth 
the proposed subtenant or assignee, the terms of the proposed 
subletting and the space so proposed to be sublet or the terms of the 
proposed assignment, as the case may be.  Landlord shall have the 
option, exercisable by notice given to Tenant within twenty (20) days 
after Tenant's notice is given, (a) if Tenant's request relates to a 
subletting, either to sublet from Tenant such space at the rental and 
other terms set forth in Tenant's notice, or, if the proposed subletting is 
for the entire Demised Premises for the balance of the Term, to 
terminate this Lease, or (b) if Tenant's request relates to an assignment, 
either to have this Lease assigned to Landlord or to terminate this 
Lease.  If Landlord does not exercise such option, Tenant shall be free 
for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days thereafter to sublet such 
space or to assign this Lease to such third party if and only if Landlord 
shall consent thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, 
provided that the sublease or assignment shall be on the same terms set 
forth in the notice given to Landlord and that the rental to such subtenant 
or assignee shall not be less than the then market rate for the Demised 
Premises.  Under no circumstances shall the Tenant hypothecate or 
mortgage this Lease.  

	Section 9.5	In the event Tenant shall so sublet a portion of 
the Demised Premises, or assign this Lease, all of the sums or other 
economic consideration received by Tenant as a result of such 
subletting or assignment whether denominated rent or otherwise, under 
the sublease or assignment, which exceed in the aggregate, the total 
sums which Tenant is obligated to pay Landlord under this Lease 
(prorated to reflect obligations allocable to that portion of the Demised 
Premises subject to such sublease) shall be payable to Landlord as 
additional rent under this Lease without affecting or reducing any other 
obligations of Tenant hereunder.

	Section 9.6	Regardless of Landlord's consent, no subletting 
or assignment shall release Tenant of Tenant's obligations or alter the 
primary liability of Tenant to pay the rental and to perform all other 
obligations to be performed by Tenant hereunder.  The acceptance of 
rental by Landlord from any other person shall not be deemed to be a 
waiver by Landlord of any provision hereof.  Consent to one assignment 
or subletting shall not be deemed consent to any subsequent assignment 
or subletting.  In the event of default by any assignee of Tenant or any 
successor of Tenant in the performance of any of the terms hereof, 
Landlord may proceed directly against Tenant without the necessity of 
exhausting remedies against such assignee or successor.  Landlord may 
consent to subsequent assignments or subletting of this Lease or 
amendments or modifications to this Lease with assignees of Tenant, 
without notifying Tenant, or any successor of Tenant, and without 
obtaining its or their consent thereto and such action shall not relieve 
Tenant of liability under this Lease.

	Section 9.7	In the event Tenant shall assign this Lease or 
sublet the Demised Premises or request the consent of Landlord to any 
assignment or subletting or if Tenant shall request the consent of 
Landlord for any act that Tenant proposes to do, then Tenant shall pay 
Landlord's reasonable attorneys' fees and processing fees incurred in 
connection therewith.


	Section 10.1	Tenant hereby waives all claims against 
Landlord for damage to any property or injury or death of any person in, 
upon or about the Demised Premises arising at any time and from any 
cause other than solely by reason of the gross negligence or willful act of 
Landlord, its employees or contractors, and Tenant shall indemnify and 
hold harmless Landlord from and against any and all claims arising from 
Tenant's use of the Demised Premises or other portions of the Building, 
and shall further indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord from 
and against any and all claims arising from a breach or default in the 
performance of any obligation on Tenant's part to be performed under 
the terms of this Lease, or arising from any negligence of the Tenant, or 
any of the Tenant's agents, contractors or employees, except such as is 
caused solely by gross negligence or willful act of Landlord, its 
contractors or employees.  The foregoing indemnity obligation of Tenant 
shall include reasonable attorneys' fees, investigation costs and all other 
reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Landlord from the first notice 
that any claim or demand is to be made or may be made.  The 
provisions of this Section 10.1 shall survive the termination of this Lease 
with respect to any damage, injury or death occurring prior to such 

	Section 10.2	Tenant shall procure and keep in effect during 
the term hereof public liability and property damage liability insurance 
with a minimum single limit of liability of Eleven Million and no/100 
($11,000,000.00) Dollars per occurrence for bodily injury or death and/or 
property damage.  From time to time, Tenant shall increase the limit of 
such liability insurance to such higher limit as any mortgage lender of 
Landlord shall reasonably require.  Such insurance shall specifically 
include the liability assumed hereunder by Tenant, and shall provide that 
it is primary insurance and not excess over or contributory with any other 
valid, existing and applicable insurance in force for or on behalf of 
Landlord, and shall provide that Landlord shall receive thirty (30) days' 
written notice from the insurer prior to any cancellation or change of 

	Section 10.3	Tenant shall procure and keep in effect fire 
insurance (including standard extended coverage endorsement and 
leakage from fire protective devices perils) for not less than the book 
value of Tenant's trade fixtures, equipment and personal property, and 
not less than the full replacement cost of leasehold improvements.

	Section 10.4	Tenant shall deliver policies of the insurance 
required pursuant to Sections 10.2 and 10.3 hereof or certificates thereof 
to Landlord on or before the Commencement Date, and thereafter at 
least thirty (30) days before the expiration dates of expiring insurance 

	Section 10.5	Landlord and Tenant shall each obtain from 
their respective insurers under all policies of property insurance 
maintained by either of them at any time during the Term insuring or 
covering the Building or any portion thereof or operations therein, a 
waiver of all rights of subrogation which the insurer of one party might 
have against the other party, and Landlord and Tenant shall each 
indemnify the other against any loss or expense, including reasonable 
attorneys' fees, resulting from the failure to obtain such waiver and, so 
long as such waiver is outstanding, each party waives, to the extent of 
the proceeds received under such policy, any right of recovery against 
the other party for any loss covered by the policy containing such 
waiver; provided, however, that if at any time their respective insurers 
shall refuse to permit waivers of subrogation, Landlord or Tenant, in 
each instance, may revoke said waiver of subrogation effective thirty 
(30) days from the date of such notice, unless within such thirty (30) day 
period, the other is able to secure and furnish (without additional 
expense) equivalent insurance with such waivers with other companies 
satisfactory to the other party.

Section 11.00	FIRE.

	Section 11.1	In the event the Demised Premises are 
damaged or destroyed in whole or in part by fire or other insured 
casualty during the term hereof, Landlord shall, at its own cost and 
expense, repair and restore the Demised Premises and the Common 
Areas of the Building to tenantable condition with reasonable dispatch, 
and the rent, herein provided shall be reduced in direct proportion to the 
amount of the Demised Premises so damaged or destroyed until such 
time as the Demised Premises are restored to a condition substantially 
equivalent to that which existed prior to the occurrence of such fire or 
other casualty.  If the Demised Premises cannot be restored, or if, in 
fact, they are not restored to tenantable condition within a period of one 
hundred eighty (180) days, Landlord and Tenant shall each have the 
right to terminate this Lease upon written notice to the other (Tenant's 
cancellation notice shall be given within thirty (30) days after receipt of 
written notice from Landlord that the Demised Premises cannot be 
timely restored), and any rent paid for any period in advance of the date 
of such damage and destruction shall be refunded to Tenant.  If the 
Demised Premises are damaged due to fire or other casualty, Tenant 
shall, at its own cost and expense, remove such of its furniture and other 
belongings from the Demised Premises as Landlord shall require in 
order to repair and restore the Demised Premises.  Landlord shall use 
reasonable discretion as to the extent of the untenantability of the 
Demised Premises and of the time required for the repair and rebuilding 
of the same and no such damage or untenantability shall be deemed 
either an actual or constructive eviction or result in an abatement of 
rental (except as provided herein for insured casualties).

	Section 11.2	In the event the Building is destroyed to the 
extent of more than one-half (1/2) of the then value thereof, Landlord 
shall have the right to terminate this Lease upon written notice to 
Tenant, in which event any rent paid in advance of the date of such 
destruction shall be refunded to Tenant.

	Section 11.3	Landlord and Tenant do each hereby release 
the other from any liability resulting from damage by fire or any other 
insured peril and including perils covered by extended coverage 
insurance with waiver of subrogation normally available in the State of 
Michigan irrespective of the cause therefor; provided, however, that if an 
increase in premium is required for such waiver of subrogation, the other 
party will pay such increase or the waiver will not be furnished.

Section 12.00	EMINENT DOMAIN.

	If all or any part of the Demised Premises shall be taken as a 
result of the exercise of the power of eminent domain, this Lease shall 
terminate as to the part so taken as of the date of taking, and, in the 
case of partial taking, Landlord and Tenant shall each have the right to 
terminate this Lease as to the balance of the Demised Premises by 
notice to the other party within thirty (30) days after such date.  In the 
event of any taking, Landlord shall be entitled to any and all 
compensation, damages, income, rent, awards, or any interest therein 
whatsoever which may be paid or made in connection therewith, and 
Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord or the condemning 
authority for the value of any unexpired term of this Lease or otherwise.  
Provided, that nothing contained herein shall preclude Tenant from 
seeking and obtaining, at its own cost and expense, an award from the 
condemning authority for loss of business, the value of any personal 
property of Tenant taken by the condemning authority or moving 
expenses, so long as such award will not result in a diminution of the 
award made to Landlord.  In the event of a partial taking of the Demised 
Premises which does not result in a termination of this Lease, the rental 
thereafter to be paid shall be reduced pro-rata in proportion to the 
square footage of the Demised Premises so taken.

Section 13.00	RULES.

	Tenant shall faithfully observe and comply with the rules and 
regulations annexed to this Lease as Exhibit C and, after notice thereof, 
all reasonable modifications thereof and additions thereto from time to 
time promulgated in writing by Landlord, provided such modification or 
addition does not abridge any express provision of this Lease or impose 
an additional material financial obligation on Tenant.  Landlord shall not 
be responsible to Tenant for the nonperformance by any other tenant or 
occupant of the Building of any such rules and regulations.  

Section 14.00	ENTRY BY LANDLORD.

	Section 14.1	Landlord and designees may enter the Demised 
Premises at reasonable hours to (a) inspect the same, (b) exhibit the 
same to prospective purchasers, lenders or tenants, (c) determine 
whether Tenant is complying with all of its obligations hereunder,  (d) 
supply janitor service and any other services to be provided by Landlord 
to Tenant hereunder, and (e) make repairs required of Landlord under 
the terms hereof or repairs to any adjoining space or utility services or 
make repairs, alterations or improvements to any other portion of the 
Building; provided, however, that all such work shall be done as 
promptly as reasonably possible.  Tenant hereby waives any claim for 
damages for any injury or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant's 
business, any loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Demised 
Premises or any other loss occasioned by such entry.  Anything 
contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event any such 
repairs, alterations or improvements are undertaken by Landlord on a 
non-emergency basis, such repairs, alterations or improvements shall be 
performed in such a manner as to minimize the interference with 
Tenant's daily business operation and, in the event such non-emergency 
repairs, alterations or improvements materially interfere with Tenant's 
ability to use and enjoy the Demised Premises for more than five (5) 
consecutive business days, or more than eight (8) business days during 
any Lease Year, Tenant shall be entitled to an equitable abatement of 
rental.  Such partial abatement shall be limited to only that portion of the 
Demised Premises interfered with, and only for such period of time as 
such interference continues.

	Section 14.2	Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key 
or access card with which to unlock all of the doors in, on or about the 
Demised Premises (excluding Tenant's vaults, safes and similar areas 
designated in writing by Tenant in advance); and Landlord shall have the 
right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open 
said doors in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Demised 
Premises, and any entry to the Demised Premises obtained by Landlord 
by any of said means, or otherwise, shall not under any circumstances 
be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into or a 
detainer of the Demised Premises or an eviction, actual or constructive, 
of Tenant from the Demised Premises, or any portion thereof.

Section 15.00	EVENTS OF DEFAULT.

	Section 15.1	The occurrence of any one or more of the 
following events (hereinafter referred to as "Events of Default") shall 
constitute a breach of this Lease by Tenant:  (a) if Tenant shall fail to 
pay the rent when and as the same becomes due and payable and such 
failure shall continue for more than ten (10) days; or (b) if Tenant shall 
fail to pay any other sum due to Landlord under this Lease when and as 
the same becomes due and payable and such failure shall continue for 
more than ten (10) days; or (c) if Tenant shall fail to perform or observe 
any other term hereof or of the rules and regulations referred to in 
Section 13 hereof to be performed or observed by Tenant, such failure 
shall continue for more than thirty (30) days after  written notice thereof 
from Landlord, and Tenant shall not within such thirty (30) day period 
commence with due diligence and dispatch the curing of such default, 
or, having so commenced, shall thereafter fail or neglect to prosecute or 
complete with due diligence and dispatch the curing of such default 
(except if the observance or performance of such term, covenant or 
condition is of such nature that observance or performance cannot be 
reasonably attained within thirty (30) days, then within such greater time 
period as is reasonably required to, with due diligence and dispatch, 
attain such observance or performance); or (d) if Tenant shall make a 
general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or shall admit in writing 
its inability to pay its debts as they become due or shall file a petition in 
bankruptcy, or shall be adjudicated as insolvent or shall file a petition in 
any proceeding seeking any reorganization, arrangement, composition, 
readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or similar relief under any present 
or future statute, law or regulation, or shall file an answer admitting or 
fail timely  to contest or acquiesce in the appointment of any trustee, 
receiver or liquidator of Tenant or any material part of its properties; or 
(e) if within ninety (90) days after the commencement of any proceeding 
against Tenant seeking any reorganization, arrangement, composition, 
readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or similar relief under any present 
or future statute, law or regulation, such proceeding shall not have been 
dismissed, or if, within ninety (90) days after the appointment without the 
consent or acquiescence of Tenant, of any trustee, receiver or liquidator 
of Tenant or of any material part of its properties, such appointment 
shall not have been vacated; or (f) if this Lease or any estate of Tenant 
hereunder shall be levied upon under any attachment or execution and 
such attachment or execution is not vacated within ten (10) days, or (g) 
if the Demised Premises are abandoned or vacated by Tenant.

	Section 15.2	If, as a matter of law, Landlord has no right on 
the bankruptcy of Tenant to terminate this Lease, then, if Tenant, as 
debtor, or its trustee wishes to assume or assign this Lease, in addition 
to curing or adequately assuring the cure of all defaults existing under 
this Lease on Tenant's part on the date of filing of the proceeding (such 
assurances being defined below), Tenant, as debtor, or the trustee or 
assignee must also furnish adequate assurances of future performance 
under this Lease (as defined below).  Adequate assurance of curing 
defaults means the posting with Landlord of a sum in cash sufficient to 
defray the cost of such a cure.  Adequate assurance of future 
performance under this Lease means posting a deposit equal to three (3) 
months' rent, including all other charges payable by Tenant hereunder, 
and, in the case of an assignee, assuring Landlord that the assignee is 
financially capable of assuming this Lease, and that its use of the 
Demised Premises will not be detrimental to the other tenants in the 
Building or Landlord.  In a reorganization under Chapter 11 of the 
Bankruptcy Code, the debtor or trustee must assume this Lease or 
assign it within one hundred twenty (120) days from the filing of the 
proceeding, or it shall be deemed to have rejected and terminated this 

Section 16.00	REMEDIES.

	If any of the Events of Default shall occur, then Landlord shall 
have the following remedies:

		a.	Landlord at any time after the Event of Default, 
at Landlord's option, may give to Tenant seven 
(7) days' written notice of termination of this 
Lease, and in the event such notice is given, 
this Lease shall come to an end and expire 
(whether or not the Term shall have 
commenced) upon the expiration of such seven 
(7) days, but Tenant shall remain liable for 
damages as provided in Section 17 hereof.

		b.	Either with or without terminating this Lease, 
Landlord may immediately or at any time after 
the Event of Default and failure to cure within 
the cure periods, if any, provided in Section 
15.00 above, or after the date upon which this 
Lease shall expire, reenter the Demised 
Premises or any part thereof, without notice, 
except as required by law, but subject to the 
provisions of Section 5.6 above, either by 
summary proceedings or by any other 
applicable action or proceeding, and may 
repossess the Demised Premises and remove 
any and all of Tenant's property and effects 
from the Demised Premises.

		c.	Either with or without terminating this Lease, 
Landlord may relet the whole or any part of the 
Demised Premises from time to time, either in 
the name of Landlord or otherwise, to such 
tenant or tenants, for such term or terms ending 
before, on or after the expiration date, at such 
rental or rentals and upon such other conditions, 
which may include concessions and free rent 
periods, as Landlord, in its sole discretion, may 
determine.  In the event of any such reletting, 
Landlord shall not be liable for the failure to 
collect any rental due upon any such reletting, 
and no such failure shall operate to relieve 
Tenant of any liability under this Lease or 
otherwise to affect any such liability; and 
Landlord may make such repairs, replacements, 
alterations, additions, improvements, 
decorations and other physical changes in and 
to the Demised Premises as Landlord, in its sole 
discretion, considers advisable or necessary in 
connection with any such reletting or proposed 
reletting, without relieving Tenant of any liability 
under this Lease or otherwise affecting such 

		d.	Landlord shall have the right to recover the 
rental and all other amounts payable by Tenant 
hereunder as they become due (unless and until 
Landlord has terminated this Lease) and all 
other damages incurred by Landlord as a result 
of an Event of Default.

		e.	All rights, options and remedies of Landlord 
contained in this Lease, shall be construed and 
held to be cumulative, and no one of them shall 
be exclusive of the other, and Landlord shall 
have the right to pursue any one or all of such 
remedies or any other remedy of relief which 
may be provided by law, whether or not stated 
in this Lease.  No waiver of any Event of Default 
of Tenant hereunder shall be implied from any 
acceptance by Landlord of any rent or other 
payments due hereunder or any omission by 
Landlord to take any action on account of such 
Event of Default if such Event of Default 
persists or is repeated, and no express waiver 
shall affect any Event of Default other than as 
specified in said waiver.  The consent or 
approval of Landlord to or of any act by Tenant 
requiring Landlord's consent or approval shall 
not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary 
Landlord's consent or approval to or of any 
subsequent similar acts by Tenant.

	The foregoing notwithstanding, if the default is a non-payment of 
rent or other sum due to Landlord within the time provided in Section 
15.1, clause (a) or (b) of, Landlord agrees that it will not pursue any of its 
remedies under this Section 16 until, with respect to the first two of such 
defaults within any lease year, Landlord shall have first given Tenant 
written notice of Tenant's default and Tenant shall have failed to cure 
the same within seven (7) days after delivery of such notice by Landlord 
to Tenant.  Provided, that Landlord shall not be required to give such 
notice more than six (6) times during the initial term of this Lease nor 
more than two (2) times during any extension term of this Lease, before 
pursuing any of its remedies hereunder.


	Upon termination of this Lease by Landlord pursuant to Section 
16 hereof, Landlord shall be entitled to recover from Tenant the 
aggregate of:  (a) the unpaid rental which had been earned at the time of 
termination; (b) the worth at the time of award of the amount by which 
the unpaid rental for the balance of the Term exceeds the reasonable 
rental value of the Demised Premises for such period; and (c) any other 
amount necessary to compensate Landlord for all the detriment 
proximately caused by Tenant's failure to perform its obligations under 
this Lease or which in the ordinary course of things would be likely to 
result therefrom.  The "worth at the time of award" of the amount 
referred to in clause (b) above is computed by discounting such amount 
at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago at the time 
of termination.


	All covenants, terms and conditions to be performed by Tenant 
under any of the terms of this Lease shall be at its sole cost and 
expense and without any abatement of rental, except as expressly 
provided in this Lease.  If Tenant shall fail to pay any sum of money, 
other than rent and other sums to be paid to Landlord as additional rent, 
required to be paid by it hereunder or shall fail to perform any other act 
on its part to be performed hereunder and such failure shall continue for 
thirty (30) days after  delivery of written notice thereof by Landlord, 
Landlord may, but shall not be obligated so to do, and without waiving or 
releasing Tenant from any obligations of Tenant, make any such 
payment or perform any such other act on Tenant's part to be made or 
performed as in this Lease provided.  All sums so paid by Landlord and 
all  necessary incidental costs shall be deemed additional rent hereunder 
together with interest on such costs at the rate of two (2%) percent in 
excess of the then current "prime rate" announced by Michigan National 
Bank of Detroit and shall be payable to Landlord on demand, and 
Landlord shall have (in addition to any other right or remedy of Landlord) 
the same rights and remedies in the event of the nonpayment thereof by 
Tenant as in the case of default by Tenant in the payment of rent.

Section 19.00	ATTORNEY'S FEES.

	If as a result of any breach or default in the performance of any 
of the provisions of this Lease, Landlord uses the services of any 
attorney in order to secure compliance with such provisions or recover 
damages therefor, or to terminate this Lease or evict Tenant, Tenant 
shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for any and all attorney's fees 
and expenses so incurred by Landlord.  In the event of litigation between 
the parties concerning or arising out of this Lease which is adjudicated 
wholly in favor of one of the parties, the losing party shall reimburse the 
prevailing party for its litigation costs and expenses, including 
reasonable attorneys fees.

Section 20.00	SUBORDINATION.

	Section 20.1	This Lease is and shall be subject and 
subordinate, at all times, to (a) the lien of any mortgage or mortgages 
which may now or hereafter affect the Building, and to all advances 
made or hereafter to be made upon the security thereof and to the 
interest thereon, and to any agreements at any time made modifying, 
supplementing, extending or replacing any such mortgages, provided 
the mortgagee under any subsequent mortgage shall join in the 
execution of a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment 
agreement or similar agreement agreeing to recognize this Lease in the 
event of Landlord's default under such mortgage, and (b) any ground, 
master or underlying lease which may now or hereafter affect the 
Building, including all amendments, renewals, modifications, 
consolidation, replacements and extensions thereof, which may be freely 
made by Landlord as it deems appropriate, provided the lessor under 
any subsequent ground lease, master lease or other underlying lease 
shall join in the execution of a subordination, non-disturbance and 
attornment agreement or similar agreement agreeing to recognize this 
Lease in the event of Landlord's default under such lease,  Tenant 
agrees to attorn to the successor in interest of Landlord following any 
transfer of such interest which occurs either voluntarily or by operation of 
law and to recognize such successor as the Landlord under this Lease; 
provided, that Landlord's successor in interest agrees to recognize this 
Lease and not to disturb Tenant's enjoyment of the Demised Premises 
so long as Tenant fully performs all of its obligations under this Lease.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the request of the holder of any of the 
aforesaid mortgage or mortgages or the lessor under the aforesaid 
ground, master or underlying lease, this Lease may be made prior and 
superior to such mortgage or mortgages and/or such ground, master or 
underlying lease.  Such attornment is to be effective and self-operative 
without the execution of any further instruments upon successors in 
interest succeeding to the interest of the Landlord under this Lease.

	Section 20.2	Tenant shall, contemporaneously with the 
execution hereof, execute and deliver to Landlord a Subordination, 
Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement in the form attached hereto  
as Exhibit D.  At the request of Landlord, Tenant shall execute and 
deliver such further instruments as may be reasonably required to 
implement the provisions of this Section 20.  Tenant hereby irrevocably, 
during the term of this Lease, constitutes and appoints Landlord as 
Tenant's agent and attorney-in-fact to execute any such instruments if 
Tenant shall fail or refuse to execute the same within ten (10) days after 
delivery of written notice by Landlord.

	Section 20.3 	If, as a condition of approving this Lease, 
Landlord's mortgagee shall request reasonable modifications of this 
Lease, Tenant shall not unreasonably withhold or delay its agreement to 
such modifications, provided that such modifications do not increase the 
obligations or materially and adversely affect the rights of Tenant under 
this Lease.

Section 21.00	NO MERGER.

	The voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by Tenant, or a 
mutual cancellation hereof, shall not work a merger, and shall, at the 
option of Landlord, terminate all or any existing subleases or 
subtenancies, or may, at the option of Landlord, operate as an 
assignment to it of any or all such subleases or subtenancies.


	Section 22.1	In the event the Landlord hereunder or any 
successor in interest shall sell, assign or transfer its interest as Lessee 
under the Master Lease, all liabilities and obligations on the part of the 
original Landlord or such successor in interest under this Lease accruing 
thereafter shall terminate, and thereupon all such liabilities and 
obligations shall be binding upon the new assignee.  Tenant shall attorn 
to such new assignee.

	Section 22.2	Landlord shall not be responsible or liable to 
Tenant for any loss or damages that may be occasioned by or through 
the acts or omissions of persons occupying adjoining areas or any part 
of the area adjacent to or connected with the Demised Premises or any 
part of the Building or for any loss or damage resulting to Tenant or its 
property from burst, stopped or leaking water, fire sprinkler system, gas, 
sewer or steam pipes, or from theft or a failure of the security systems in 
the Building, or for any damage or loss of property within the Demised 
Premises from any cause other than solely by reason of the gross 
negligence or willful act of Landlord, its employees, agents or 
contractors, and no such occurrence shall be deemed to be an actual or 
constructive eviction from the Demised Premises or result in an 
abatement of rental.

	Section 22.3	If Landlord shall fail to perform any covenant, 
term or condition of this Lease upon Landlord's part to be performed,  
and, if as a consequence of such default, Tenant shall recover a money 
judgment against Landlord, such judgment shall be satisfied only against 
the right, title and interest of Landlord in the Building and out of rents or 
other income from the Building receivable by Landlord, or out of the 
consideration received by Landlord from the sale or other disposition of 
all or any part of Landlord's right, title and interest in the Building, and 
Landlord shall not be personally liable for any deficiency out of any other 
assets of Landlord.


	At any time and from time to time but not less than ten (10) days 
prior written request by Landlord, Tenant will promptly execute, 
acknowledge and deliver to Landlord, at no cost to Landlord, a certificate 
indicating (a) that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect 
(or, if there have been modifications, that this Lease is in full force and 
effect, as modified, and stating the date and nature of each 
modification), (b) the date, if any, to which rental and other sums 
payable hereunder have been paid, (c) that no notice has been received 
by Tenant of any default which has not been cured, except as to defaults 
specified in said certificate, and (d) such other matters as may be 
reasonably requested by Landlord.  Any such certificate may be relied 
upon by any prospective purchaser or mortgagee of the Building or any 
part thereof.


	Any diminution or shutting off of light, air or view by any 
structure which may be erected on lands adjacent to the Building shall in 
no way affect this Lease or impose any liability on Landlord.

Section 25.00	HOLDING OVER.

	This Lease shall terminate without further notice upon the 
expiration of the Term, and any holding over by Tenant after such 
expiration shall not constitute a renewal hereof, or give Tenant any 
rights under this Lease, it being understood and agreed that this Lease 
cannot be renewed, extended, or in any manner modified except in 
writing, signed by both parties hereto.  If Tenant shall hold over for any 
period after the expiration of said Term, Landlord may, at its option, 
exercised by written notice to Tenant, treat Tenant as a tenant from 
month-to-month, commencing on the first day following the expiration of 
the Term and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained.  In 
any event, unless and until Landlord and Tenant shall have entered into 
a new written lease or a written renewal or extension of this Lease, the 
rent to be paid for any holdover period, whether as a month-to-month 
tenant or otherwise, shall be at a rate equal to one hundred  fifty percent 
(150%) of the monthly rental payable for the last full month under this 
Lease, plus all other charges payable hereunder until such time as 
Tenant has actually vacated the Demised Premises and turned 
possession of the Demised Premises over  to Landlord.  If Tenant fails 
to surrender the Demised Premises, upon the expiration of the Term, 
despite demand to do so by Landlord, Tenant shall indemnify, defend 
and hold Landlord harmless from all loss or liability, including without 
limitation, any claim made by any succeeding Tenant based on, or 
resulting from or related to such failure to surrender.

Section 26.00	ABANDONMENT.

	If Tenant shall abandon or surrender the Demised Premises, or 
be dispossessed by process of law or otherwise, any personal property 
belonging to Tenant and left on the Demised Premises shall be deemed 
to be abandoned, or, at the option of Landlord, may be removed by 
Landlord at Tenant's expense.

Section 27.00	WAIVER.

	Section 27.1	The waiver by Landlord of any agreement, 
condition or provision herein contained shall not be deemed to be a 
waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other agreement, 
condition or provision herein contained, nor shall any custom or practice 
which may grow up between the parties in the administration of the 
terms hereof be construed to waive or to lessen the right of Landlord to 
insist upon the performance by Tenant of the terms hereof in strict 
accordance with said terms.  The subsequent acceptance of rental 
hereunder by Landlord shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any 
preceding breach by Tenant of any agreement, condition or provision of 
this Lease, other than the failure of Tenant to pay the particular rental so 
accepted, regardless of Landlord's knowledge of such preceding breach 
at the time of acceptance of such rental.

	Section 27.2	Landlord and Tenant hereby waive trial by jury 
in any action, proceeding, or counterclaim brought by Landlord or 
Tenant against the other on any matter whatsoever arising out of or in 
any way connected with this Lease, the relationship of Landlord to 
Tenant, the use or occupancy of the Demised Premises by Tenant or 
any person claiming through or under Tenant, any claim of injury or 
damage, and any emergency or other statutory remedy; provided, 
however, the foregoing waiver shall not apply to any action for personal 
injury or property damage.  If Landlord commences any summary or 
other proceeding for nonpayment of rent or the recovery of possession 
of the Demised Premises, Tenant shall not interpose any counterclaim 
of whatever nature or description in any such proceeding, unless the 
failure to raise the same would constitute a waiver thereof.

Section 28.00	NOTICES.

	All notices, consents, requests, demands, designations or other 
communications which may or are required to be given by either  party 
to the other hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have 
been duly given when personally delivered or deposited in the United 
States mail, certified or registered, postage prepaid, and addressed as 
follows:  to Tenant at the address set forth in the first paragraph of this 
Lease, or to such other place as Tenant may from time to time designate 
in a written notice to Landlord; to Landlord at the address set forth in the 
first paragraph of this Lease, or to such other place as Landlord may 
from time to time designate in a written notice to Tenant; or, in the case 
of Tenant, delivered to Tenant at the Demised Premises.  Tenant hereby 
appoints as its agent to receive the service of all summary or distraint 
proceedings and notices thereunder the person in charge of or 
occupying the same, and such service may be made by attaching the 
same on the main entrance of the Demised Premises.


	There are no oral agreements between Landlord and Tenant 
affecting this Lease, and this Lease supersedes and cancels any and all 
previous negotiations, arrangements, brochures, agreements and 
understandings, if any, between Landlord and Tenant or displayed by 
Landlord to Tenant with respect to the subject matter of this Lease or the 
Building.  There are no representations between Landlord and Tenant 
other than those contained in this Lease and all reliance with respect to 
any representations is solely upon such representations.  This Lease 
cannot be amended, modified or terminated except by an agreement in 
writing, signed by the party against whom enforcement of such 
amendment, modification or termination is sought.


	If Tenant signs as a corporation, each of the persons executing 
this Lease on behalf of Tenant does hereby covenant and warrant that 
Tenant is a fully authorized and existing corporation, that Tenant has 
and is qualified to do business in Michigan, that the corporation has full 
right and authority to enter into this Lease, and that each and all of the 
persons signing on behalf of the corporation are authorized to do so.


	If, by reason of the occurrence of unavoidable delays due to 
acts of God, governmental restrictions, strikes, labor disturbances, 
shortages of materials or supplies or for any other cause or event 
beyond Landlord's reasonable control, Landlord is unable to furnish or is 
delayed in furnishing any utility or service required to be furnished by 
Landlord under the provisions of Section 6 hereof or any other 
provisions of this Lease or any collateral instrument, or is unable to 
perform or make or is delayed in performing or making any installations, 
decorations, repairs, alterations, additions, or improvements, whether 
required to be  performed or made under this Lease or under any 
collateral instrument, or is unable to fulfill or is delayed in fulfilling 
any of Landlord's other obligations under this Lease or any collateral 
instrument, no such inability or delay shall constitute an actual or 
constructive eviction in whole or in part, or entitle Tenant to any 
abatement or diminution of rental or other charges due hereunder or 
relieve Tenant from any of its obligations under this Lease, except as 
expressly provided in this Lease, or impose any liability upon Landlord 
or its agents by reason of inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant, or 
injury to or interruption of Tenant's business, or otherwise.


	Upon Tenant paying the rental and other charges due hereunder 
and performing all of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, Tenant may 
peacefully and quietly enjoy the Demised Premises during the Term, 
without hindrance or interruption by Landlord or any other person or 
persons lawfully or equitably claiming by, through or under Landlord, 
subject, however, to the provisions of this Lease and to any mortgages 
or ground, master or underlying leases referred to in Section 20 hereof.  
Provided, however, that nothing contained in this Lease shall be deemed 
to obligate Landlord to exercise any option to extend or renew the 
Master Lease which may be contained therein nor any option to 
purchase which now exists or may hereafter arise in favor of Landlord, 
nor shall Tenant have any right to require Landlord to exercise any such 
options, whether by judgment for specific performance or otherwise.  

Section 33.00	MASTER LEASE.

	Tenant acknowledges that Landlord's interest in the Demised 
Premises is as lessee pursuant to a master lease (the "Master Lease") 
dated May 3, 1985, as amended and restated November 1, 1995, with 
MG-LXV Associates Limited Partnership as lessor, which Master Lease 
is incorporated herein by reference.  Notwithstanding any provision of 
this Lease, Tenant agrees that this Lease, including any extended term, 
is and shall be subject and subordinate at all times to the Master Lease.  
Tenant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Master Lease and agrees 
that it shall comply with the provisions of Section 6 thereof, which is 
incorporated herein by this reference, except to the extent of any conflict 
with the express terms of this Lease, in which case the terms of this 
Lease shall govern.  The foregoing notwithstanding, Landlord agrees to 
indemnify Tenant for any costs or liability incurred by Tenant in 
complying with the provisions of Section 6 of the Master Lease to the 
extent that the obligations imposed thereby are imposed on Landlord by 
the terms of this Lease.



	No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a lesser amount 
than the rent which is stipulated in this Lease shall be deemed to be 
other than on account of the earliest stipulated rent nor shall any 
endorsement or statement on any account or any letter accompanying 
any check or payment as rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction, 
and Landlord shall accept such check or payment without prejudice to 
Landlord's right to recover the balance of such rent or pursue any other 
remedy provided in this Lease.

Section 36.00	MISCELLANEOUS.

	Section 36.1	The words "Landlord" and "Tenant" as used 
herein shall include the plural as well as the singular.  If there be more 
than one Tenant, the obligations hereunder imposed upon Tenant shall 
be joint and several.

	Section 36.2	Submission of this instrument for examination or 
signature by Tenant does not constitute a reservation of or option for 
lease, and it is not effective as a lease or otherwise until execution and 
delivery by both Landlord and Tenant.

	Section 36.3	The agreements, conditions and provisions 
herein contained shall, subject to the provisions as to assignment, set 
forth in Section 9 hereof, apply to and bind the heirs, executors, 
administrators, successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.

	Section 36.4	Tenant shall not, without the consent of 
Landlord, use the name of the Building for any purpose other than as the  
address of the business to be conducted by Tenant in the Demised 
Premises.  Landlord reserves the right to select the name of the Building 
and to make such changes of name as it deems appropriate from time to 

	Section 36.5	If any provisions of this Lease shall be 
determined to be illegal or unenforceable, such determination shall not 
affect any other provisions of this Lease and all such other provisions 
shall remain in full force and effect.

	Section 36.6	This Lease shall be governed by and construed 
pursuant to the laws of the State of Michigan.

	Section 37.1	Landlord hereby grants unto Tenant two separate 
options to extend the Lease Term for two additional periods, hereinafter 
called "Renewal Periods" of five (5) years each.  In the event Tenant 
exercises the Option to Renew, then and in that event, all of the terms, 
covenants, conditions, provisions and agreements of this Lease shall apply, 
except as provided in this section 37.1, including the minimum rental which 
is more particularly set forth hereinafter.
	The Option to Renew shall be exercised by Tenant by giving written 
notice to the Landlord not more than twelve (12) months and not less than 
six (6) months prior to the expiration of the initial Lease Term or first 
Renewal Period, as applicable, and upon such exercise, the Renewal Period 
shall become part of the Term hereof.  The exercise by Tenant of such 
option shall be conditional upon (a) Tenant not being in default in the 
payment of any rent or other sums due under this Lease, and (b) there being 
no existing defaults by Tenant in any other Lease provisions at the time of 
such exercise.

			During the first Renewal Period, the minimum annual rent shall be 
95% of the minimum annual rent  then established by Landlord for new 
tenants of the Building at the time Tenant exercises its option to renew.  The 
minimum annual rent for the second Renewal Period shall be 100% of the 
minimum annual rent then established by Landlord for new tenants of the 
Building at the time Tenant exercises its option to renew.  Provided, that at 
no time during any Renewal Period shall the minimum annual rent be less 
than the minimum annual rent payable during the last lease year of the initial 
lease term or the preceding Renewal Period, as applicable.

	Section 37.2	Landlord hereby grants unto Tenant an option to 
terminate this Lease as to the first floor space, only, upon the terms and 
conditions contained in this Section 37.2.  Such partial termination of this 
Lease shall be effective only as of the close of business on the last day of 
the second, third, fourth, or fifth full Lease Year of the initial term, as 
Tenant shall elect.  This option may be exercised by Tenant by giving Landlord 
written notice of Tenant's election to exercise this partial termination option 
which notice shall be given to Landlord not less than six (6) months, nor 
more than twelve (12) months, prior to the end of the Lease Year at which 
Tenant desires this partial termination to be effective, and upon payment of 
the early termination premium as hereinafter set forth.  As a condition 
precedent to the partial termination of this Lease pursuant to this Section 
37.2, Tenant (i) shall pay all rent and other sums payable by Tenant 
pursuant to the terms of this Lease, and perform all other obligations 
imposed upon Tenant by the terms of this Lease through and including the 
date of partial termination and, (ii) shall pay to Landlord, prior to the last 
date of the Lease Year upon which Tenant elects to make such partial 
termination effective, an early termination premium as follows:

A.  If termination is effected at the end of the second 
Lease Year, an early termination premium equal to 
$42.00 per rentable square foot of the first floor space;
B.  If termination is effected at the end of the third Lease 
Year, an early termination premium equal to $38.00 
per rentable square foot of the first floor space;
C.  If termination is effected at the end of the fourth Lease 
Year, an early termination premium equal to $32.00 
per rentable square foot of the first floor space; and
D.  If termination is effected at the end of the fifth Lease 
Year, an early termination premium equal to $26.00 
per rentable square foot of the first floor space.
The early termination premium is intended to compensate Landlord for 
losses suffered and expenses incurred as a result of Tenant's early 
termination and shall be retained by the Landlord as liquidated damages, not 
as a penalty.  If Tenant fails to timely satisfy both of the conditions 
precedent to partial early termination set forth in this Section 37.2, the 
partial early termination option set forth in this Section 37.2, and Tenant's 
attempted exercise thereof, shall be null and void and of no effect, and this 
Lease shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms with 
respect to the entire Demised Premises.  Tenant shall have no right to effect a 
partial termination of the Lease pursuant to this Section 37.2 after the 
fifth Lease Year of the Initial Term.

	Section 37.3	Landlord hereby grants unto Tenant an option to 
terminate this Lease as to the entire Demised Premises effective at the 
close of business on the last day of the fifth (5th) full  Lease Year of the 
initial Term.  This option may be exercised by Tenant by giving Landlord 
written notice of Tenant's election to exercise this option to terminate which 
notice must be given to Landlord not less than twelve (12) months prior to the 
end of the fifth full Lease Year, and upon payment of the early termination 
premium as hereinafter set forth.  As a condition precedent to the 
termination of this Lease pursuant to this option to terminate, Tenant (i) 
shall pay all rent and other sums payable by Tenant pursuant to the terms of 
this Lease, and perform all other obligations imposed upon Tenant by the terms 
of this Lease, through and including the date of termination, and (ii) shall 
pay to Landlord, prior to the last day of the fifth (5th) full Lease Year, an 
early termination premium equal to $26.00 per rentable square foot of the 
Demised Premises, determined as provided in Section 1.1 above.  The early 
termination premium is intended to compensate Landlord for losses suffered 
and expenses incurred as a result of Tenant's early termination and shall be 
retained by Landlord as liquidated damages, not as a penalty.  If Tenant fails 
to timely satisfy both of the conditions precedent to early termination set 
forth in this Section 37.3, the early termination option set forth in this 
Section 37.3, and Tenant's attempted exercise thereof, shall be null and void 
and of no effect, and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect in 
accordance with its terms.

	Section 37.4	Landlord hereby grants onto Tenant, so long as 
Tenant is not in default under the Lease, a right of first opportunity to lease 
any space on the third or fourth floors of the north one-half of the Building 
which is contiguous to the Demised Premises (hereinafter the "ROFO 
Premises") as it becomes available during the initial Lease Term.  This right 
of first opportunity shall be limited to the initial Term of this Lease, shall 
be subordinate to any rights or options of existing tenants with respect to 
the  ROFO Premises, and shall not preclude Landlord from renewing and/or 
extending the lease of any existing or future tenant of the ROFO Premises.

	At such time as Landlord becomes aware that any portion of the 
ROFO Premises will become available to lease to Tenant at any time during 
the initial Lease Term of this Lease, Landlord shall so notify Tenant in 
writing, including the date on which the space will become available for 
occupancy by Tenant.  If Tenant desires to exercise this right of first 
opportunity with respect to that space, Tenant shall so notify Landlord in 
writing within 15 days after receipt of Landlord's notice.  If Tenant elects 
not to exercise this right of first opportunity with respect to such space, or 
if Tenant fails to deliver written notice of its intent to exercise this right 
of first opportunity within said 15 days, Tenant's right shall be deemed to be 
waived with respect to that space, Tenant shall have no further rights with 
respect to that space, and Landlord shall be free to rent that space to any 
other person or entity.

	If Tenant does timely exercise this right of first opportunity with 
respect to all or any portion of the ROFO Premises, Landlord and Tenant 
shall execute an amendment to this Lease adding that portion of the ROFO 
Premises to the Demised Premises effective on the earlier of the date on 
which Landlord has substantially completed any tenant improvements 
agreed to between Landlord and Tenant, or sixty (60) days after Landlord's 
receipt of Tenant's notice of exercise of this right of first opportunity, but 
in no event sooner than thirty (30) days after the space has been vacated by 
the prior tenant.  The portion of the ROFO Premises thereby added to the 
Demised Premises shall be accepted by Tenant on an "as is" basis unless 
Landlord and Tenant otherwise then agree in writing, except that Tenant 
shall be entitled to a tenant improvement allowance determined as 
hereinafter provided.  The tenant improvement allowance shall be 
determined by multiplying the usable square feet in the portion of the ROFO 
Premises to be added to the Demised Premises by $20.00 per square foot, 
and then multiplying the product by a fraction, the numerator of which is the 
number of full months remaining in the initial Lease Term and the 
denominator of which is 120.  Tenant shall be obligated to pay its pro-rata 
share of Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes with respect to the 
portion of the ROFO Premises added to the Demised Premises on the same 
basis as provided in this Lease.

	Section 37.5  The options and rights granted by this Section 37.00 
shall be personal to First of Michigan Corporation and shall not be 
exercisable by any assignee or sublessee thereof, nor may they be 
exercised by Tenant if this Lease has been assigned or any portion of the 
Demised Premises subleased by Tenant to any person or entity, including an 
affiliate, with or without Landlord's consent.  If Tenant assigns this Lease 
or subleases any portion of the Demised Premises to any person or entity, 
including an affiliate, without Landlord's prior written consent subsequent to 
exercising any option or right, such assignment or subletting shall constitute 
a default under this Lease and Landlord shall have all rights afforded 
Landlord in this Lease or at law including, without limitation, the right to 
terminate this Lease.

Section 38.00		PARKING.

	Landlord shall make available to Tenant, at additional cost as 
hereafter provided, one hundred thirty (130) vehicle parking spaces, of which 
up to forty-eight (48) vehicle parking spaces, at Tenant's option, may be 
located in the parking deck adjacent to the River Place development and the 
balance on one or more of Landlord's surface parking lots, to be designated 
by Landlord, within the River Place Development. Up to eight (8) of the deck 
parking spaces as Tenant shall determine, shall be reserved spaces, to be 
designated by Landlord, within the executive parking area of the deck.  

	In addition, Landlord will post "reserved for FOM customers" signs 
on up to five parking spaces (which shall be part of Tenant's total 130-space 
allocation), some or all of which may be located in the parking deck, as 
Tenant determines.  Landlord agrees that it will instruct the parking deck 
security personnel to cooperate with Tenant in providing access to such 
spaces by Tenant's clients and invitees, but security personnel shall not be 
obligated to admit anyone to the deck who does not have a deck parking 
pass without prior telephone notice from Tenant.  Tenant acknowledges that 
Landlord shall not be responsible for policing the use of Tenant's client 
parking spaces and that Landlord cannot assure Tenant that those spaces 
will not be used by other users of the parking deck.  

	The parking spaces shall not otherwise be specifically reserved to 
Tenant, but Landlord shall provide Tenant with appropriate parking permits 
for the deck and surface lot.  Tenant shall also have the right to rent, on a 
space-available basis, additional parking spaces in either the deck or surface 
lot at any time during the term of this Lease.  All parking spaces shall be 
paid for monthly, in advance, at the then prevailing parking rates being 
charged by Landlord, presently $95.00 per month for executive parking spaces, 
$75.00 per month for other deck parking and $35.00 per month for surface 
parking.  The monthly parking fees shall be paid at the time of, and in 
addition to, the rent and other charges to be paid by Tenant pursuant to this 
Lease and Landlord shall have the right, in addition to all other available 
remedies, to terminate or revoke any parking permit for which the monthly 
parking fee is not timely paid as required by this Section 38.00.  Tenant shall 
pay Landlord the cost of "reserved parking" signs for the eight executive and 
five client parking spaces.  Landlord represents that all of the foregoing 
parking spaces will be available for Tenant's use at the commencement of 
the Lease.  At least one month prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant 
will advise Landlord of the number and location of parking spaces Tenant 
desires at the Commencement Date.  Landlord will establish a validation 
procedure for Tenant's clients utilizing Tenant's allocated parking spaces so 
those clients will not be charged for parking.  

	Tenant acknowledges that, if it does not elect to pay for all of said 
spaces at the commencement of the Lease and throughout the Lease Term, 
Landlord shall be free to lease to third parties any spaces not actually leased 
on a continuous basis by Tenant; provided, that during the first Lease Year, 
Landlord shall notify Tenant if the number of parking spaces Landlord 
proposes to lease and/or otherwise allocate to other users would reduce the 
available number of parking spaces to less than the number of spaces 
hereby allocated to Tenant, but not actually leased by Tenant.  Tenant shall 
have ten (10) days thereafter to notify Landlord in writing as to whether 
Tenant intends to exercise a right of first refusal to lease some or all of the 
remaining parking spaces allocated to Tenant by this Section 38.00 but not 
then leased by Tenant.  If Tenant exercises this right as to any or all of the 
spaces, Tenant's obligation to pay rent for those spaces shall commence on 
the first day of the following calendar month, or sooner at Tenan'ts option.  
If Tenant does not affirmatively exercise this right of first refusal as to 
any or all of such spaces by timely written notice to Landlord, this right of 
first refusal shall expire as to those spaces and Landlord shall be free to 
rent the spaces to other users.


	Landlord agrees that, if and to the extent Landlord has the legal 
or contractual right to permit the installation of an additional sign on 
Landlord's sign post located at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and 
Joseph Campau Street, Landlord will permit Tenant to install a sign on 
that sign post advertising Tenant's offices in the Building.  Provided, that 
the sign shall be placed beneath Landlord's sign on the sign post and 
shall be not larger than Landlord's sign thereon.  Tenant shall be fully 
responsible for obtaining at its expense all necessary permits, consents 
and variances necessary for the installation of such sign.  Tenant shall 
be responsible for the full cost of installation of such sign and the cost of 
electricity utilized for the illumination of the same so long as the sign 
remains in place.  Tenant shall be solely responsible for the cost of 
maintaining its sign, which Tenant shall maintain in a first class 
condition, and Tenant and Landlord shall share equally in the cost of 
maintaining and repairing the sign post and/or other appurtenant 
fixtures.  If Tenant fails to maintain its sign in a first class condition, 
Landlord shall have the right, but not the obligation, after first giving 
Tenant not less than thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to do 
so (except in the case of emergency, in which no notice shall be 
required), to take such action as shall be necessary to maintain or repair 
Tenant's sign and the cost thereof shall be immediately due and payable 
by Tenant to Landlord, as additional rent, upon Landlord's delivery of the 
invoice or invoices for the same.  Upon the expiration or early 
termination of this Lease, Tenant shall, if requested by Landlord, remove 
its sign from the sign post and restore the same at Tenant's sole cost 
and expense.

	Tenant shall be permitted to install and maintain, at Tenant's 
expense, signage at or adjacent to the entrance to the Demised 
Premises similar to the signage presently maintained by CBS at its 
premises in the Building, subject to Landlord's approval as to location 
and appearance.


	Landlord represents to Tenant that the Tenant improvement 
work to be performed by Landlord upon the Demised Premises shall be 
performed in accordance with, and the Demised Premises shall meet the 
requirements of, the Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA") and similar 
federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or  regulations as may be in 
effect upon the commencement of the Lease (but excluding any work 
performed thereon by Tenant).  Landlord further agrees that it shall, 
throughout the term of the Lease, comply with the lawful orders of any 
governmental agency or court of competent jurisdiction pertaining to the 
compliance of the Building and common areas with the ADA and/or 
similar statutes pertaining to the accommodation of the handicapped.  
Landlord further agrees that it will indemnify and defend Tenant against 
the claims of any invitee or licensee of Tenant seeking to impose  
liability against Tenant due to any failure of the Building or common 
areas to comply with the ADA or other then-applicable statutes 
pertaining to the accommodation of handicapped persons.


	Tenant shall have the right during the Term to install one 
satellite receive-only dish on the roof of the Building, provided there is 
sufficient room available on the roof of the Building at the time Tenant 
elects to exercise this right.  The satellite dish shall be placed on the 
north one-half of the Building, in a location to be determined by 
Landlord. The satellite dish shall not exceed six (6) feet in diameter and 
shall otherwise be subject to Landlord's prior written approval as to 
engineering and design.  In addition, if Tenant does place a satellite dish 
on the roof of the Building pursuant to this Section 41.00, Tenant shall 
have the right to use such adjoining penthouse or mechanical room 
space, as may then be available, to be designated by Landlord, as may 
be necessary to house related equipment, but not more than fifty (50) 
square feet in total.

	Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all 
applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations governing the 
installation and use of such satellite dish and shall obtain all necessary 
licenses and permits therefor including, without limitation, any and all 
licenses and/or permits required by the Federal Communications 
Commission, and shall provide proof of the issuance of the same to 
Landlord prior to commencement of installation of any of such 
equipment.  The method of attaching the satellite dish to the roof shall 
be subject to Landlord's prior written approval, which Landlord may 
withhold in its sole discretion and, in any event, such attachment shall 
be accomplished in such a manner as to preserve the waterproof 
integrity of the roof membrane and/or any built-up roofing on the 
building.  Such satellite dish shall be installed and utilized in such a 
manner so as not to interfere with the use, for broadcast or reception 
purposes, of any other antennae or satellite dish then located on the roof 
of the Building.  Access to the roof shall be restricted to only those 
agents and employees of Tenant whose services shall be necessary for 
the proper installation, maintenance, service and operation of the 
satellite dish.

	The rights granted to Tenant by this Section 41.00 are not 
exclusive, nor do they grant any priority rights to Tenant.  Landlord shall 
be free to use or permit the utilization of the roof for any lawful purpose 
including, without limitation, the placement of additional antennae, 
satellite dishes, and other equipment and facilities, so long as such 
additional equipment and facilities placed on the roof after the 
installation of Tenant's satellite dish will not interfere with the normal 
operation of Tenant's satellite dish.

	The insurance required of Tenant pursuant to Section 10.00 
above shall also affirmatively cover Tenant's satellite dish and related 
equipment as well as the installation, maintenance and removal thereof.  
Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless with respect 
to all damages, loss, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys 
fees, with respect to any personal injury or property damage (including 
damage to the Building) arising out of or relating to the installation, 
maintenance, repair and/or removal of the satellite dish and/or other 
equipment from the roof and the penthouse/mechanical room.  Upon 
expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall remove the 
satellite dish from the roof, shall repair all damage to the roof and 
restore the same to Landlord's satisfaction, all at Tenant's sole cost and 

	If Tenant elects to place a satellite dish on the roof of the 
Building pursuant to this Section 41.00, Tenant shall pay additional rent 
for the use of the roof for such satellite dish, together with any necessary 
penthouse or mechanical room space, in an amount to be established by 
Landlord in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, but not more than 
Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) per year.  Such 
additional rent shall be payable in equal monthly installments, in 
advance, at the same time as the monthly rental payments due under 
this Lease.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this 
Lease as of the day and year first above written.


			a Delaware corporation

/s/Tracy A. Rauch      	By:/s/ V.M.Alzatemarco 

          _____               	Its:Assistant Treasurer 


			Delaware corporation

/s/ Jeffrey F. Plopa    	By:/s/ Conrad W. Koski

/s/ Lenore P. Denys   	Its:President and Chief Executive Officer 




Land in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan:

A parcel of land of part of the "Theo J. & Dennis J. Campau Plat of 
Subdivision of Private Claim 609, Jos. Campau Estate" recorded in 
Liber 2 of Plats, Page 1, Wayne County Records, more particularly 
described as follows:  Commencing at the intersection of the southerly 
line of vacated Guoin Street (50 feet wide) and the easterly line of 
Joseph Campau Avenue (presently 69.65 feet wide);

Thence South 26 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East along the 
easterly line of Joseph Campau Avenue, a distance of 203.47 feet to the 
Point of Beginning;

Thence continuing South 26 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East along 
the easterly line of Joseph Campau Avenue, a distance of 225.87 feet to 
the northwesterly corner of Easement No. 7;

Thence North 60 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of 
227.97 feet along the southerly line of Building No. 64 and the northerly 
line of Easement No. 7 to a point on the westerly line of Easement No. 

Thence North 26 degrees 08 minutes 42 seconds West along the 
westerly line of Easement No. 5, a distance of 226.00 feet to the 
southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 10;

Thence South 60 degrees 20 minutes 11 seconds West along the 
southerly line of Parcel No. 10, a distance of 227.87 feet to the Point of 



I.	Interior improvements supplied by Landlord ("Landlord's Work") 
are as follows:

	All those items set forth on the first page of the February 
12,1997, letter from Broadcast Design & Construction, Inc., to Frank 
Oddo of The Stroh Companies, Inc., (the "BDC Budget Letter") except 
those items listed as "Not included" thereon, a copy of which letter is 
attached hereto as an exhibit.  

II.	All extra work Identified on the second page of the BDC 
Budget Letter under the caption "Additional Items", and 
any other work required by Tenant in addition to 
Landlord's Work as hereinabove set forth will be 
furnished and installed by Landlord at Tenant's expense 
(including any architectural, engineering, general 
conditions or supervision charges associated therewith) 
and shall be of material, manufacture, design, capacity 
and finish established or approved by Landlord.

III.	Tenant agrees that Tenant will reimburse Landlord for 
the work identified in paragraph II above and all extra 
work requested by Tenant, including architectural and 
engineering charges, within ten days after being billed 
therefor by Landlord, based on the progress of the 
work.  Landlord shall bill Tenant for such work 
periodically as the work progresses, but not more often 
than twice a month. In any case, Landlord will be fully 
reimbursed by Tenant for such improvements on or 
before either (1) the Commencement Date of this lease, 
or (2) the date the Tenant occupies the space, 
whichever occurs first, unless Tenant terminates this 
Lease pursuant to Section 2.2 of this Lease due to 
Landlord's failure to timely deliver the Demised 
Premises to Tenant.  In the latter event, Tenant shall be 
liable for the costs of all work  invoiced to Tenant at 
least ten (10) days prior to such termination, but only to 
the extent that such work has been completed.

IV.	The work shall be performed in accordance with the 
plans prepared by Ford and Earl
	Associates dated February 17, 1997, Drawing numbers 
SP-ISD and SP-IB, Project number 83600, which plans 
have been approved and initialed on behalf of Landlord 
and Tenant, and the construction drawings to be 
prepared pursuant thereto which will be hereafter 
approved and initialed on behalf of both Landlord and 

V.	It is agreed that notwithstanding the date provided in the 
Lease for the commencement thereof, Tenant's 
obligations for the payment of rent shall not commence 
until Landlord shall have substantially completed all 
work to be performed by Landlord as hereinbefore set 
forth provided; however, that if Landlord shall be 
delayed in substantially completing said work as a result 

	A.	Tenant's failure to furnish layouts and 
approvals in accordance with paragraph IV 
hereof; or

	B.	Tenant's request for materials finishes or 
installations other than Landlord's standard; or

	C.	Tenant's changes in said plans; or 

	D.	The performance by a person, firm or 
corporation employed by Tenant or the 
completion of said work by said person, firm or 
corporation; or

	E.	If Tenant shall otherwise delay the substantial 
completion of Landlord's work;

	then the payment of rent thereunder shall be 
accelerated by the number of days of such delay.

VI.	If there are any changes requested by Tenant after 
completion of the architectural plans and engineering 
drawings, Tenant will be responsible for all costs and 
related expenses resulting from such changes.

			 a Delaware corporation

_____   By: ______________ 

_____   Its:______________ 


			a Delaware corporation

       		By: _______ 




	The following Rules shall apply, where applicable, to all leased 
premises, the Building, the land situated beneath the Building, and the 
appurtenances thereof:

	1.	No part or the whole of the sidewalks, parking 
structures, plaza area, atrium areas, entrances, passages, courts, 
elevators, vestibules, stairways, corridors or halls of the Building or the 
Real Property shall be obstructed or encumbered by any Tenant or used 
for any purposes other than ingress and egress to and from the space 
demised to such Tenant.

	2.	No awnings or other projection shall be attached to the 
outside or inside atrium walls or windows of the Building.  No curtains, 
blinds, shades or screens shall be attached to or hung in, or used in 
connection with, any window or door of the Demised Premises other 
than those furnished by Landlord.  All electric ceiling fixtures hung in 
offices or spaces along the perimeter of the Building must be florescent, 
of a quality type, design and bulb color approved by Landlord.  Neither 
the interior nor exterior of any windows shall be coated or otherwise 
sunscreened without the express written consent of Landlord.

	3.	No sign, advertisement, object, lettering, or notice shall 
be exhibited, painted or affixed by any Tenant on any part of the 
Demised Premises or the Building without the prior written consent of 
the Landlord.  In the event of the violation of the foregoing by any 
Tenant, Landlord may remove same without any liability, and may 
charge the expense incurred in such removal to the Tenant violating this 
Rule.  Interior signs on doors and directory tablets shall be inscribed, 
painted or affixed for each Tenant by Landlord at the expense of such 
Tenant, and shall be of a size, color and style acceptable to the 
Landlord.  The directory tablet will be provided exclusively for the 
display of the name and location of Tenants only and Landlord reserves 
the right to exclude any other names therefrom.  Nothing may be placed 
on the exterior of corridor walls or corridor doors other than Landlord's 
standard lettering without Landlord's approval.

	4.	The sashes, sash doors, skylights, windows, and doors 
that reflect or admit light and air into halls, passageways or other public 
places in the Building shall not be obstructed by any Tenant, nor shall 
any bottles, parcels or other articles including plants be placed on the 

	5.	The water and wash closets and other plumbing fixtures 
shall not be used for any purpose other than those for which they are 
constructed, and no sweepings, rubbish, rags or other substances 
(including, without limitation, coffee grounds) shall be thrown therein.  All 
damages resulting from any misuse of the fixtures shall be borne by the 
Tenant who, or whose servants, employees, agents, visitors or 
licensees, shall have caused the same.

	6.	No Tenant shall mark, paint, drill into, or in any way 
deface any part of the Demised Premises or the Building.  No boring, 
cutting or stringing of wires, or laying of linoleum or other similar floor 
coverings shall be permitted, except with the prior written consent of the 
Landlord and as the Landlord may direct.

	7.	No bicycles, vehicles, birds or animals of any kind, 
except leader dogs for the blind, shall be brought into or kept in or about 
the Demised Premises, and no cooking shall be done or permitted by 
any Tenant on the Demised Premises, except that in the preparation of 
coffee, tea, hot chocolate and similar items for Tenants and their 
employees shall be permitted provided power shall not exceed that 
amount which can be provided by a 30 amp circuit.  No Tenant shall 
cause or permit any unusual or objectionable odors to be produced or 
permeate the Demised Premises, or the Building.

	8.	The Demised Premises shall not be used for 
manufacturing or for storage of merchandise except as such storage 
may be incidental to the use of the Demised Premises for general office 
purposes.  Tenant shall not occupy or permit any portion of his Demised 
Premises to be occupied as an office for a public stenographer or typist, 
or for the manufacture or sale of liquor, narcotics or tobacco in any form, 
or as a medical office, or as a barber or manicure shop, or as an 
employment bureau or for the auction of any goods, or for a distress, or 
bankruptcy sale.  No Tenant shall engage or pay any employees on the 
Demised Premises except those actually working for such Tenant on the 
Demised Premises, nor advertise for laborers giving an address at the 
Demised Premises.  The Demised Premises shall not be used for 
lodging or sleeping or for any immoral or illegal purposes.

	9.	No Tenant shall make, or permit to be made, any 
unseemly or disturbing noises or disturb or interfere with occupants of 
the Building or neighboring buildings or premises or those having 
business with them, whether by the use of any musical instrument, radio, 
phonograph, unusual noise, or any other way.  No Tenant shall throw 
anything out of doors, windows or skylight or down the passageways.

	10.	No Tenant nor any Tenant's servants, employees, 
agents, visitors or licensees, shall at any time bring or keep upon the 
Demised Premises any inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, 
chemical or substances.

	11.	No additional locks or bolts of any kind shall be placed 
upon any of the doors or windows by any Tenant, nor shall any changes 
be made in existing locks or the mechanism thereof.  Each Tenant must, 
upon the termination of its tenancy, restore to the Landlord all keys of 
stores, offices, and toilet rooms, either furnished to, or otherwise 
procured by such Tenant and in the event of the loss of any keys so 
furnished, such Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the cost of replacing 
the same or of changing the lock or locks opened by such lost key if 
Landlord shall deem it necessary to make such change.

	12.	All removals, the carrying in or out of any safes, freight, 
furniture, or bulky matter of any description or the use of the Building's 
elevators therefor must take place between such hours as the Landlord 
may determine, from time to time.  The moving of sales, other fixtures, 
equipment or bulky matter of any kind must be made upon previous 
notice to the superintendent of the Building and under his supervision, 
and the person employed by any Tenant for such work must be 
acceptable to the Landlord.  The Landlord reserves the right to inspect 
all safes, freight, or other bulky articles to be brought into the Building 
and to exclude from the Building all safes, freight or bulky articles which 
violate any of these Rules.  The Landlord reserves the right to prescribe 
the weight and position of all safes, which must be placed upon supports 
approved by landlord to distribute weight.  If additional expenses are 
incurred by Landlord by reason of moving of Tenant's safes, other 
fixtures, equipment or bulky matter of any kind, such expenses shall be 
borne by Tenant.  No Tenant shall place, or permit to be placed, on any 
part of the floor or floors of the space demised to such Tenant a load 
exceeding the floor load per square foot which such floor was designed 
to carry and which is allowed by law.

	13.	No Tenant shall purchase spring water, ice, towel, 
janitorial or maintenance or other like services, from any company or 
persons not approved by the Landlord.

	14.	Landlord shall have the right to prohibit any advertising 
by any Tenant which, in Landlord's opinion, tends to impair the 
reputation of the Building or its desirability as an office building and upon 
written notice from Landlord any Tenant shall refrain from or discontinue 
such advertising.

	15.	Landlord reserves the right to control and operate the 
public portions of the Building and the public facilities, as well as 
facilities furnished for the common use of the Tenants, in such manner 
as it deems best for the benefit of the Tenants, generally, including, 
without limitation, the right to exclude from the Building, between the 
hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M on business days and all hours on 
Saturdays except 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., Sundays, and holidays, all 
persons who do not present a pass to the Building signed by Landlord or 
other suitable identification satisfactory to Landlord.  Landlord will 
furnish passes to persons for whom any Tenant shall request such 
passes.  Each Tenant shall be responsible for all persons for whom it 
requests passes or clearances and shall be liable to the Landlord for all 
acts of such persons.  Landlord shall in no case be liable for damages 
for any error with regard to the admission to or exclusion from the 
Building of any person.  In case of an invasion, mob, riot, public 
excitement or other circumstances rendering such action advisable in 
Landlord's opinion, Landlord reserves the right to prevent access to the 
Building during the continuance of the same by closing the doors or 
otherwise, for the safety of the Tenants and the protection of the 
Building and the property in the Building.

	16.	Any persons employed by any Tenant to do janitorial 
work, shall, while in the Building and outside of the Demised Premises, 
be subject to and under the control and direction of the superintendent of 
the Building (but not as an agent or servant of said superintendent or of 
the Landlord), and shall be allowed in the Building between 7:00 P.M. 
and 7:00 .AM. on Mondays through Fridays and at all hours on Saturday, 
Sundays and legal holidays.

	17.	All doors opening into public corridors shall be kept 
closed, except when in use for ingress and egress.

	18.	The requirements of Tenants will be attended to only 
upon application at the office of the Landlord.  Building employees shall 
not be required to perform, and shall not be requested by any Tenant to 
perform, any work outside of their regular duties, unless under specific 
instructions from the office of Landlord.

	19.	Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building are 
prohibited and each Tenant shall cooperate to prevent the same.  

	20.	Landlord reserves the right to specify where in the 
Demised Premises Tenants' business machines and mechanical 
equipment shall be placed or maintained in order, in Landlord's 
judgment, to absorb and prevent vibration, noise, and annoyance to 
other Tenants of the Building.

	21.	No air-conditioning unit or other similar apparatus shall 
be installed or used by any Tenant without the written consent of 

	22.	There shall not be used in the Building, either by any 
Tenant or by its agents or contractors, in the delivery or receipt of 
merchandise, freight, or other matter, any hand trucks or other means or 
conveyance except those equipped with rubber tires, rubber side guards, 
and other safeguards as Landlord may require.

	23.	Landlord shall have the right, exercisable without notice 
or without liability to any Tenant, to change the name and address of the 

	24.	No vending machine or machines of any description 
shall be installed, maintained or operated upon the Demised Premises 
without the prior written consent of Landlord.

	25.	The scheduling of moves of Tenant's furniture and 
equipment into or out of the Building is subject to the reasonable 
discretion of Landlord.

	26.	All electric wiring and electrical outlets and connection 
of every kind shall be introduced and connected only by Landlord, and 
no boring or cutting for wires shall be allowed except with the prior 
written consent of the Landlord.  The location of telephones, call boxes 
and other office equipment affixed to the Demised Premises shall be 
subject to the prior written approval of Landlord.

	27.	Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the 
Building and the Demised Premises any person who, in the judgment of 
Landlord is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or who 
shall in any manner do any act in violation of these Rules.

	28.	Tenant shall not place any radio or television antenna 
on the roof or on any part of the inside or the outside of the Building 
other than the inside of the Demised Premises without the prior written 
consent of the Landlord.  Tenant shall not operate or permit to be 
operated any musical or sound procuring instrument or device inside or 
outside the Demised Premises which may be heard outside the Demised 
Premises, or operate any electrical device from the Demised Premises 
which may emanate electrical waves which may interfere with or impair 
radio or television broadcasting or reception from or in the Building or 
elsewhere, without the Landlord's prior written consent.

	29.	Tenant shall comply with all rules applicable to the 
parking garage servicing the Building as determined by the parking 
garage operator from time to time.

	30.	Each Tenant shall, at its expense, provide artificial light 
in the Demised Premises for Landlord's agents, contractors, and 
employees while performing janitorial or other cleaning services and 
making repairs or alterations in Demised Premises.

	31.	No show cases or other articles shall be put in front of or 
affixed to any part of the exterior of the Building, nor placed in the halls, 
corridors, vestibules, or other public parts of the Building.

	32.	Landlord reserves the right, after reasonable notice 
thereof, to rescind, notify and add to these Rules as may be 
promulgated by the Landlord in writing from time to time.



ATTORNMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made by and among 
THE STROH COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Sublessor"),  
FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation 
("Sublessee"), and C. PENFIELD STROH, FRANCES R. STROH and 
GENERATION u/a DATED AUGUST 10, 1983, a Michigan Trust 
("Lender"), Lender, Sublessor and Sublessee are sometimes hereinafter 
referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the 


	A.    Under a certain sublease dated                                 , 1997 
(the "Sublease"), Sublessor did sublease, sublet and demise certain 
space (hereinafter called the "Subleased Premises") in the property 
legally described in Exhibit A hereto ("Property"), as described in the 
Sublease, to Sublessee for the period of time and upon the covenants, 
terms, and conditions stated in the Sublease.

	B.    Under a  certain Amended and Restated Master Lease 
("Master Lease") dated as of November 1, 1995, Sublessor has leased 
the Property from MG-LXV Associates Limited Partnership, doing 
business as Waterview L.P., a Michigan limited partnership ("Master 

	C.    Lender is (i) the assignee of a certain Loan Agreement 
dated as of April 1, 1994 ("Loan Agreement") between Westpac Banking 
Corporation, and Master Lessor, together with the related Amended and 
Restated Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment of Rents and 
Subleases and Fixture Filing (the "Mortgage") encumbering the 
Subleased Premises and certain other property, and (ii) the lessor under 
a certain ground lease dated May 3, 1985, which was amended and 
restated as of April 1, 1994 (the "Ground Lease") pursuant to which 
Master Lessor, as lessee thereunder, leases the land on which the 
Property is located .

	D.    The Parties hereto desire to confirm that the Sublease is 
subordinate to (i) the lien of the Mortgage, it being a condition of the 
loan agreement and the mortgage that the lien and charge of the 
Mortgage be unconditionally and at all times prior and superior to the 
leasehold interests and estate created by the Sublease, and (ii) the 
Master Lease. 

	E.    Sublessee has requested that Lender agree not to disturb 
Sublessee's possessory rights in the Subleased Premises if Lender 
forecloses the Mortgage or acquires possession of the Property as a 
result of the termination of the Ground Lease, provided that Sublessee 
shall not be in default under the Sublease and that Sublessee shall 
attorn to Lender or the purchaser at any foreclosure sale of the Property.


	NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants, 
terms conditions, agreements, and demises herein contained, and for 
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of 
which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree, covenant, 
represent and warrant as follows:

	1.    Notwithstanding anything contained in the Sublease to the 
contrary, the Parties do hereby covenant and agree that the Sublease 
and any modifications and amendments subsequently approved by 
Lender and all rights, options, liens or charges created thereby are, and 
shall continue to be, subject and subordinate in all respects to the 
Mortgage and the lien created thereby, to any future advances secured 
thereby, to any considerations, extensions, modifications or renewals 
thereof, and to any other mortgage on the Property which may hereafter 
be held by Lender, as well as to the Master Lease.

	2.    So long as  Sublessee is not in default under any of the 
covenants, terms and conditions contained in the Sublease or in any 
modification or amendment subsequently approved by Lender on the 
part of Sublessee to be observed and performed, Lender , in its 
capacities both as lender under the Mortgage and as lessor under the 
Ground Lease, hereby covenants and agrees that if Lender obtains title 
to the Property, either by foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, or 
upon termination of the Ground Lease,  and thereafter obtains right of 
possession of the Property, the Sublease, including without limitation the 
Options to Renew, Right of First Opportunity to Lease and Options to 
Terminate set forth therein, and any modifications or amendments 
hereafter approved by Lender will continue in full force and effect, and 
Lender shall recognize the Sublease, and any modifications or 
amendments subsequently approved by Lender and the Sublessee's 
rights thereunder, and agrees not to disturb Sublessee's possession 
thereunder so long as Sublessee is not thereafter in default thereunder, 
and will hereby establish direct privity of estate and contract between 
Lender and Sublessee with the same force and effect and with the same 
relative priority in time and right as though the Sublease and any 
modifications or amendments subsequently approved by Lender were 
directly made from Lender in favor of Sublessee.

	3.    If there occurs any default or event of default on the part of 
Sublessor under the Sublease, Sublessee shall, prior to taking any 
action or exercising any right with respect to such default, send Lender a 
copy of any written notice of such default or event of default sent or 
given to Sublessor, with a description of such default or event of default.

	4.    (a)    In the case of the occurrence of a default in the 
performance of Sublessor's obligations under the Sublease (any of 
which shall be referred to as a "Sublessor Default"),  Sublessee hereby 
covenants and agrees to give Lender an additional period of thirty (30) 
days after Lender's receipt of the notice referred to in Section 3 above 
during which to cure a Sublessor Default; provided, however, that if such 
Sublessor Default cannot reasonably be cured within such thirty (30) day 
period, then Lender shall have a reasonable period after such thirty (30) 
day period during which to cure such default, or, if such default can only 
be cured by persons in actual possession of the Property, then Lender 
shall have a reasonable period during and after any litigation action, 
including any foreclosure action, bankruptcy action, possessory action, 
or a combination of such actions concerning the Property, during which 
to cure such default; further provided that if the nature of the default 
disrupts the quiet enjoyment of the Subleased Premises by Sublessee or 
the conduct of Sublessee's business, Lender will cure as soon as 
reasonably as practicable.  Sublessee further agrees not to exercise any 
right it may have to terminate the Sublease during the thirty (30) day 
period after notice of default, or during the period of such litigation, or 
during any period that Lender is proceeding with due diligence to cure 
such default which is susceptible of cure by Lender, as the case may be.

		(b)    Sublessee further agrees that Lender shall have 
the right to enter upon the Subleased Premises at any time upon 
reasonable notice for the purpose of curing any Sublessor Defaults 
(Lender having no obligation to do so) and Sublessee hereby agrees to 
accept Lender's performance of and compliance with the Sublessor's 
agreements and obligations under the Sublease with the same force and 
effect as though such cure were performed or effected by the Sublessor 
itself.  Furthermore, if during the period of times allowed under this 
Agreement for Lender to cure such Sublessor Default, the Sublessor 
itself cures Sublessor Default, then Sublessee shall accept such cure 
and shall also notify Lender of the Sublessor's effecting such cure.

	5.    If the interests of the Sublessor under the Sublease shall be 
transferred to Lender by reason of foreclosure, deed in lieu of 
foreclosure, or otherwise, Sublessee hereby covenants and agrees to 
make full and complete attornment to Lender as substitute Sublessor 
upon the same terms, covenants and conditions as provided in the 
Sublease, except for provisions which are impossible for Lender to 
perform, so as to establish direct privity of estate and contract between 
Lender and Sublessee with the same force and effect and relative 
priority in time and right as though the Sublease and all modifications 
and amendments thereof hereafter consented to by Lender, together 
with all guarantees of Sublessee's obligations under the Sublease, were 
originally made between Lender and Sublessee.  If Lender notifies 
Sublessee of a default under the Mortgage and demands that Sublessee 
pay its rent and all other sums due under the Sublease to Lender, 
Sublessee will honor such demand and thereafter make all payments 
directly to Lender or as otherwise directed in such notice.  Sublessor 
hereby directs Sublessee to comply with the foregoing provision, and 
agrees to release and hold Sublessee harmless from any claims of 
Sublessor, its successors and assign relating to such compliance.  
Sublessee waives all joinder and/or service of any and all foreclosure 
actions by Lender under the Mortgage upon the Property, and of any 
actions at law or otherwise by Lender to gain possession of the Property.  
It shall not be necessary, except as required by law or court rules or 
procedures, for Lender to name Sublessee as a  party to enforce 
Lender's right's under the Mortgage, or any other instrument securing the 
Loan, or to prosecute any action at law or otherwise to gain possession 
of the Property.  Unless required by law or court rules or procedures, 
Lender agrees not to name Sublessee in any such proceeding.  If the 
interests of Sublessor under the Sublease shall be transferred by reason 
of foreclosure of the Mortgage, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise, 
to any party other than Lender (hereinafter referred to as a 
"Transferee"), then Sublessee hereby covenants and agrees to make full 
and complete attornment to such Transferee as substitute Sublessor, 
upon the same terms and conditions as provided for herein in the case 
of attornment to Lender, provided that such Transferee agrees to be 
bound by the terms of this agreement, and Transferee shall thereupon 
have all rights and privileges of Lender under this Agreement.  Upon the 
written request of Lender given in connection with a foreclosure or deed 
in lieu of foreclosure, Sublessee agrees to execute a lease of the 
Subleased Premises upon the same terms and conditions as the 
Sublease between Sublessor and Sublessee, which lease shall cover 
any unexpired term of the Sublease existing prior to such foreclosure or 
conveyance in lieu of foreclosure.

	6.    The provisions of this Agreement shall constitute covenants 
running with the Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the 
benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, 
administrators, beneficiaries, successors and assigns, including, without 
limitation, any person who shall obtain, directly or by assignment or 
conveyance (a) any interest in the Mortgage or (b) any interest in the 
Subleased Premises, whether through foreclosure or otherwise.  
Furthermore, the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon any 
guarantor of Sublessee's obligations under the Sublease.

	7.    Sublessee hereby covenants and agrees that Lender shall 
not be:

	    (a)    Liable personally for any act or omission of Sublessor;

	    (b)    Subject to personal liability for any claims, offsets or 
defenses which the Sublessee might have against Sublessor or any prior 

	    (c)    Required or obligated to credit Sublessee with any rent 
or additional rent for any rental period beyond the then current month's 
rental period which Sublessee might have paid Sublessor unless and 
until such rent shall have been delivered by Sublessor to and actually 
received by Lender; provided that prior to making payment of such rent 
or additional rent, Sublessee shall have received written notice from 
Lender to pay such rent to Lender, 

	    (d)    Bound by any modifications or amendments of the 
Sublease made without Lender's written consent; or

	    (e)    Bound to or be liable to refund all or any part of any 
security deposit by Sublessee with Sublessor for any purpose unless and 
until all such security deposits shall have been delivered by Sublessor to 
and actually received by Lender.

If Lender receives any rent or security deposit, Lender's obligations with 
respect thereto shall be limited to the amount of such rent or security 
deposit actually received by Lender, and Lender shall be entitled to all 
rights, privileges and benefits of Sublessor set forth in the Sublease with 
respect thereto.

	8.    Sublessee shall not, without the express written consent of 

	  (a)    Cancel, terminate or surrender the Sublease, except as 
provided therein or in any modification or amendment specified herein 
or hereafter consented to by Lender;

	    (b)    After the date hereof, enter into any agreement with 
Sublessor or its successors or assigns, which grants any concession with 
respect to the Sublease or which compromises, discounts or otherwise 
reduces the rent called for thereunder; or

	    (c)    After the date hereof, prepay rent more than one (1) 
month in advance.

	9.  Sublessor and Sublessee hereby agree that neither this 
Agreement, nor any assignment of the Sublease for collateral purposes, 
nor anything to the contrary in the Sublease or in any modifications or 
amendments thereto shall, prior to Lender's acquisition of Sublessor's 
interest in and possession of the Subleased Premises, operate or give 
rise to or create any responsibility or liability upon Lender for the control, 
care, management or repair of the Subleased Premises or for any waste 
committed on the Subleased Premises by any party whatsoever or for 
any dangerous or defective condition of the Subleased Premises; or 
impose responsibility for the carrying out by Lender of any of the 
covenants, terms and conditions of the Sublease or of any modification 
or amendment whether or not hereafter consented to by Lender, or for 
any negligence in the management, upkeep, repair or control of the 
Subleased Premises resulting in loss, injury or death to any lessee, 
licensee, invitee, guest, employee, agent, or stranger.  Notwithstanding 
anything to the contrary in the Sublease, Lender, its successors and 
assigns (and any Transferee, as appropriate), shall be responsible for 
the performance of only those covenants and obligations of the 
Sublease accruing after Lender's, its successors' and assigns' (or 
Transferee's as appropriate), acquisition of Sublessor's interest in and 
possession of the Subleased Premises.

	10.  All notices, requests, demands or other communications 
under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have 
been given or made upon delivery, if hand delivered, or three (3) 
business days after being deposited in the United States certified or 
registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or one (1) 
business day after delivery to an overnight air courier, in either case 
addressed as follows:

		If to Lender:

			James L. Hughes, Trustee
			150 West Jefferson, Suite 900
			Detroit, Michigan  48226-4430

		If to Sublessee:

			First of Michigan Corporation
			100 Renaissance Center, 26th Floor
			Detroit, Michigan 48243	
			Attention:   Lenore P. Denys

		If to Sublessor:

			The Stroh Companies, Inc.
			300 River Place
			Detroit, Michigan  48207
			Attention:  Vincent M. Abatemarco, Assistant 

	11.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement among the 
Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereto.  No variations,  
modifications or changes herein or hereof shall be binding upon any of 
the Parties unless set forth in a document duly executed by or on behalf 
of such Party.

	12.  Whenever used herein, the singular number shall include 
the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall include 
all genders.  The words, "Sublessee", "Sublessor", "Lender", and 
"Lenders" shall include their respective heirs, executors, administrators, 
beneficiaries, successors and assigns.

	13.    This Agreement supersedes any inconsistent provisions of 
the Sublease.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed 
to derogate from or in any way impair or affect the lien, charge or 
provisions of the Mortgage.

	14.  As used herein, the term "Mortgage" shall include 
mortgages, trust deeds, deeds of trust and any similar security 
documents now or hereafter used in the state in which the Property is 

	15.  Sublessee agrees that this Agreement satisfies any 
condition or requirement in the Sublease relating to the granting of a 
non-disturbance agreement.

	16.  This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, 
each of which shall constitute an original and all of which together shall 
constitute one instrument.

	17.  This Agreement and all rights, obligations and liabilities 
arising hereunder shall be governed by the internal laws and decisions 
of the State of Michigan (without giving effect to Michigan choice of law 

	18.  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement or in 
the Master Lease to the contrary, any liability for damage or breach or 
nonperformance by Lender or any Transferee shall be collectible only 
out of its interest in the Property and no personal liability is assumed by, 
nor at any time may be asserted against Lender or any Transferee or 
their respective employees, servants, agents, affiliates, representatives, 
successors, or assigns, all such liability, if any, being expressly waived 
and released by Sublessee for itself and any and all persons and entities 
claiming by, through or under Sublessee.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this 
Agreement to be executed as of the __________ day of 
_______________________________, 1997.

	THE STROH COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware corporation



	a Delaware corporation

	By: ___________________________________ 



	C. Penfield Stroh, Successor Trustee for
the Irrevocable Trust f/b/a The Stroh Family
Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983,
a Michigan Trust

Frances R. Stroh, Successor Trustee for
the Irrevocable Trust f/b/a The Stroh Family
Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983,
a Michigan Trust

James L. Hughes, Successor Trustee for
the Irrevocable Trust f/b/a The Stroh Family
Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983,
a Michigan Trust


	Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally 
appeared Vincent M. Abatemarco, Assistant Treasurer of The Stroh 
Companies, Inc., a Delaware corporation, known to me to be the person 
whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and 
acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and 
consideration therein expressed, in the capacity stated, and as the act 
and deed of said corporation.

	Given under my hand and seal of office this ____ day of 
________________, 1997

					Notary Public
	__________________________ County, 	
					My commission 


	Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally 
appeared                                             , the  of 
First of Michigan Corporation, a Delaware corporation, known to me to 
be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and 
acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and 
consideration therein expressed, in the capacity stated, and as the act 
and deed of said corporation.

	Given under my hand and seal of office this _______ day of  
_______________________, 1997.

					Notary Public
	__________________________ County, 	
					My commission 

	Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally 
appeared  C. Penfield Stroh, Successor Trustee for the Irrevocable Trust 
f/b/a The Stroh Family Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983, a 
Michigan Trust, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed 
to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed 
the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the 
capacity stated.

	Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of 
_____________________, 1997.

					Notary Public
	__________________________ County, 	
					My commission 

	Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally 
appeared Frances R. Stroh, Successor Trustee for the Irrevocable Trust 
f/b/a The Stroh Family Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983, a 
Michigan Trust, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed 
to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed 
the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the 
capacity stated.

	Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of 
_____________________, 1997.

					Notary Public
	__________________________ County, 	
					My commission 


	Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally 
appeared James L. Hughes, Successor Trustee for the Irrevocable Trust 
f/b/a The Stroh Family Fifth Generation u/a Dated August 10, 1983, a 
Michigan Trust, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed 
to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed 
the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the 
capacity stated.

	Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of 
_____________________, 1997.

					Notary Public
	__________________________ County, 	
	My commission expires:  	\