ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                          dated March 5, 1997


                   Shoe Corporation of America, Inc.


                              JBI, Inc.


                          Table of Contents


1.       Certain Definitions......................................................................................1

2.       Purchase and Sale........................................................................................7
                  2.1      Covenant of Purchase and Sale..........................................................7
                  2.2      Excluded Assets........................................................................7
                  2.3      Assumed Liabilities....................................................................7
                  2.4      Consideration for Assets...............................................................7
                  2.5      Payment of Cash Purchase Price.........................................................8
                  2.6      Determination of Cash Purchase Price...................................................9
                  2.7      Allocation of Purchase Price..........................................................11
                  2.8      Reimbursement for Letters of Credit and Banker Acceptances............................11
                  2.9      Winkelmans............................................................................11
                  2.10     Post-Effective Time Transactions......................................................12
                  2.11     Lender Deposits.......................................................................12

3.       Buyer's Representations and Warranties..................................................................12
                  3.1      Organization of Buyer.................................................................12
                  3.2      Authority.............................................................................13
                  3.3      No Conflict; Required Consents........................................................13
                  3.4      Acknowledgment Regarding Access to Certain Information................................13
                  3.5      HSR Act...............................................................................13

4.       Seller's Representations and Warranties.................................................................13
                  4.1      Organization and Qualification of Seller..............................................13
                  4.2      Authority.............................................................................14
                  4.3      No Conflict; Required Consents........................................................14
                  4.4      Assets; Title, Condition, and Sufficiency.............................................14
                  4.5      Real Property.........................................................................15
                  4.6      Acquired Contracts....................................................................15
                  4.7      Employment Matters....................................................................16
                  4.8      Employee Benefits.....................................................................16
                  4.9      Litigation............................................................................17
                  4.10     Financial Statements..................................................................17
                  4.11     Absence of Certain Changes or Events..................................................18
                  4.12     Tax Returns; Other Reports............................................................18
                  4.13     Compliance with Legal Requirements; Business Permits..................................19
                  4.14     Intellectual Property.................................................................19
                  4.15     Environmental.........................................................................19
                  4.16     Books and Records.....................................................................20
                  4.17     Accounts Receivable...................................................................20
                  4.18     Inventory.............................................................................21
                  4.19     Warranties and Returns................................................................21
                  4.20     Customers and Suppliers...............................................................21
                  4.21     Product Liability Claims..............................................................21
                  4.22     Insurance.............................................................................21

5.       Covenants...............................................................................................22
                  5.1      Effect of Investigations..............................................................22
                  5.2      Confidentiality.......................................................................22
                  5.3      Title Insurance Policy and Survey.....................................................23
                  5.4      Employee Matters......................................................................23
                  5.5      Bulk Sales............................................................................24
                  5.6      Transfer Taxes........................................................................24
                  5.7      Underground Storage Tanks.............................................................24

6.       Closing.................................................................................................25
                  6.1      Closing; Time and Place...............................................................25
                  6.2      Seller's Obligations..................................................................26
                  6.3      Buyer's Obligations...................................................................27
                  6.4      Further Assurances....................................................................28

7.       Indemnification.........................................................................................28
                  7.1      Indemnification by Seller.............................................................28
                  7.2      Indemnification by Buyer..............................................................28
                  7.3      Procedure for Indemnified Third Party Claim...........................................29
                  7.4      Determination of Indemnification Amounts and Related Matters..........................29
                  7.5      Survival; Time and Manner of Certain Claims...........................................30
                  7.6      Disbursement of Indemnity Escrow Deposit..............................................31
                  7.7      Other Indemnification.................................................................31

8.       Miscellaneous Provisions................................................................................31
                  8.1      Expenses..............................................................................31
                  8.2      Brokerage.............................................................................31
                  8.3      Waivers...............................................................................31
                  8.4      Notices...............................................................................32
                  8.5      Entire Agreement; Amendments..........................................................33
                  8.6      Binding Effect; Benefits..............................................................33
                  8.7      Headings, Schedules, and Exhibits.....................................................33
                  8.8      Counterparts..........................................................................34
                  8.9      Governing Law.........................................................................34
                  8.10     Third Parties; Joint Ventures.........................................................34
                  8.11     Construction..........................................................................34

                          ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         This Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as
of March 5, 1997, by and between Shoe  Corporation of America,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("Buyer"), and JBI, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation ("Seller").


         Seller  owns  and  operates  its  divisional  business  known  as  Shoe
Corporation  of America (the  "Business").  Buyer desires to purchase and Seller
desires to sell  substantially all of the assets of Seller used solely by Seller
in the Business.


         In  consideration  of the mutual  covenants and promises stated in this
Agreement, Buyer and Seller agree as follows:

                           Certain Definitions.

         As used in this Agreement,  the following terms, whether in singular or
plural forms, shall have the following meanings:

         "Acquired Contracts" means all Contracts,  other than Business Permits,
pertaining  solely to the ownership,  operation and maintenance of the Assets or
the Business, but excluding any Excluded Assets.

         "Adjustment Escrow Agreement" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.

         "Adjustment Escrow Deposit" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.

         "Adjustment  Liabilities"  means  the  liabilities  of Seller as of the
Effective Time, relating solely to the Business,  for or in respect of (i) trade
accounts payable, (ii) expenses accrued as of the Effective Time in the Ordinary
Course (but excluding expenses under Business Benefit  Arrangements or otherwise
relating to obligations to Business Employees),  and (iii) liabilities of Seller
to  Business  Employees  that are hired by Buyer  upon  Closing,  for earned but
unused vacation time as of the Effective Time.

         "Affiliate"  means  with  respect  to  any  Person,  any  other  Person
controlling,  controlled  by or under  common  control  with such  Person,  with
"control" for such purpose  meaning the possession,  directly or indirectly,  of
the power to direct or cause the direction of the  management  and policies of a
Person,  whether through the ownership of voting securities or voting interests,
by contract or otherwise.

         "Assets"  means  all  properties,  privileges,  rights,  interests  and
claims,  real  and  personal,   tangible  and  intangible,  of  every  type  and
description that are owned, leased or held by Seller (which pertain solely to or
are used by Seller solely in connection  with the  Business),  including but not
limited to Acquired Contracts, Business Permits, Personal Property, Intangibles,
Real Property and Inventory, but excluding any Excluded Assets.

         "Assumed Liabilities" means only (i) Adjustment Liabilities, (ii) those
obligations and liabilities accruing after the Effective Time under the Acquired
Contracts that are described on Schedules to this Agreement,  (iii)  obligations
and liabilities  under Acquired  Contracts that are purchase orders and that are
described on Schedules to this  Agreement or otherwise are assumed in writing by
Buyer, and (iv) liabilities and obligations  arising out of the operation of the
Business after the Effective Time.

         "Business" has the meaning given in the Recitals.

         "Business Benefit Arrangement" has the meaning given in Section 4.8.

         "Business  Day" means any day other than  Saturday,  Sunday or a day on
which banking  institutions  in Denver,  Colorado or Boston,  Massachusetts  are
required or authorized to be closed.

         "Business Employees" has the meaning given in Section 4.7.

         "Business Permits" has the meaning given in Section 4.13.

         "Cash Purchase Price" has the meaning given in Section 2.4.

         "Closing" has the meaning given in Section 6.1.

         "Closing Date" means the date on which Closing occurs.

         "Closing Payment" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.

         "Contingent Amount Note" has the meaning given in Section 2.4.

         "Contract" means any written contract,  purchase order, mortgage,  deed
of trust, bond, indenture, lease, license, note, franchise, certificate, option,
warrant, right, or other instrument, document, obligation, or agreement, and any
oral obligation, right, or agreement.

         "Division  Retail  Value"  means the amount  stated as such in Seller's
price file which has been used to value the  Inventory  of the Business for book
purposes, and which has been maintained on a consistent basis over time.

         "Effective  Time" means 11:59 p.m.,  March 1, 1997,  at the  applicable

         "Encumbrance" means any security  agreement,  financing statement filed
with any  Governmental  Authority,  conditional  sale or other  title  retention
agreement,  any lease,  consignment  or bailment given for purposes of security,
any lien, mortgage,  indenture,  pledge, option, encumbrance,  adverse interest,
constructive trust or other trust, claim, attachment,  exception to or defect in
title or other ownership  interest  (including but not limited to  reservations,
rights  of  entry,   possibilities   of   reverter,   encroachments,   easement,
rights-of-way,  restrictive  covenants,  leases and licenses) of any kind, which
otherwise constitutes an interest in or claim against property,  whether arising
pursuant to any Legal Requirement, Contract, or otherwise.

         "Environmental  Law" means any Legal Requirement  relating to pollution
or protection of public health, safety or welfare or the environment,  including
those  relating to emissions,  discharges,  releases or  threatened  releases of
Hazardous Substances into the environment (including ambient air, surface water,
ground water or land),  or otherwise  relating to the  manufacture,  processing,
distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,  transport  or  handling of
Hazardous Substances.

         "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended,  and  rules  and  regulations   promulgated  thereunder  and  published
interpretations with respect thereto.

         "Escrow Agent" means National Bank of Columbus.

         "Excluded   Assets"  means  (i)  Seller's  rights  under  any  Contract
governing  or  evidencing  an  obligation  of Seller for  borrowed  money;  (ii)
inventory,  fixtures and other assets used by Seller  solely in the operation of
its Mega Store;  (iii) any  inventory,  fixtures and other assets used by Seller
solely in the  operation of Seller's  Casual Male  business;  (iv) any leasehold
improvements  relating to stores that have been closed or with  respect to which
the Business no longer is providing services; (v) any In-Store Inventory that is
not Good and Saleable;  (vi) any accounts  receivable  that are more than thirty
days past due;  (vii) all claims of Seller  with  respect to the  Business  that
arise  out of or with  respect  to  events  (or  periods  or  portions  thereof)
occurring  before the Effective  Time  (including  but not limited to claims for
refunds of Taxes);  (viii) all Business Permits that are not transferable;  (ix)
any cash,  cash  equivalents,  marketable  securities,  bank  deposits  and bank
accounts;  (x) any  Contracts  that are buying  agency  agreements or employment
contracts (other than those described on Schedule 4.6) or Contracts that are the
subject of Buyer's reimbursement  obligations under Section 2.8(b); and (xi) any
properties,  privileges,  rights, interests and claims that are owned, leased or
held by Seller  but which do not  pertain  solely to, and are not used by Seller
solely in connection with, the Business.

         "Financial Statements" has the meaning given in Section 4.10.

         "GAAP" means United States generally  accepted  accounting  principles,
consistently applied.

         "Good and  Saleable"  means,  in  respect of any  Inventory,  that such
Inventory has not been worn outside a store,  and is not  defective,  damaged or

         "Governmental Authority" means the United States of America, any state,
commonwealth,  territory, or possession thereof and any political subdivision or
quasi-governmental  authority of any of the same,  including  but not limited to
courts,  tribunals,   departments,   commissions,   boards,  bureaus,  agencies,
counties, municipalities, provinces, parishes, and other instrumentalities.

         "Hazardous  Substance" means any pollutants,  contaminants,  chemicals,
toxic or hazardous substances, noxious substances or wastes which are defined or
listed in, or  otherwise  classified  pursuant  to, any  Environmental  Law,  or
regulated by any Governmental Authority,  including but not limited to: (a) oil,
petroleum or petroleum compounds (refined or crude); (b) flammable, explosive or
radioactive  materials or substances;  (c) asbestos in any form that is or could
become friable;  and (d) polychlorinated  biphenyls or any electrical  equipment
which contains any oil or dielectic fluid containing polychlorinated biphenyls.

         "Indemnity Escrow Agreement" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.

         "Indemnity Escrow Deposit" has the meaning given in Section 2.5.

         "In-Store  Inventory" means Inventory that is located in any one of the
stores in which Seller  operates the Business or in the  Business'  distribution
center, or is in-transit between any of those locations.

         "Intellectual  Property"  means (i) trademarks,  service marks,  logos,
trade names, and (to the extent of Seller's  interest therein) the rights to the
name "Shoe  Corporation of America" and any derivatives  thereof,  together with
all goodwill  associated  therewith,  and all applications,  registrations,  and
renewals in connection  therewith,  (ii) trade secrets and confidential business
information  (including  ideas,  research and development,  know-how,  formulas,
compositions,  manufacturing and production processes and techniques,  technical
data, designs,  drawings,  specifications,  customer and supplier lists, pricing
and cost information, and business and marketing plans and proposals), and (iii)
computer software (including data and related documentation).

         "In-Transit  Inventory"  means Inventory for the Business that has been
shipped by any of the Business' suppliers but has not been received by Seller.

         "Intangibles"  means  intangible  assets,  including but not limited to
accounts receivable, Intellectual Property, warranties and goodwill, if any.

         "Inventory"  means all tangible goods that would  constitute  inventory
under GAAP, including supplies located in the Business' distribution center.

         "Judgment"  means any judgment,  writ,  order,  injunction,  award,  or
decree of any court,  judge,  justice,  or magistrate,  including any bankruptcy
court or judge, and any order of or by any Governmental Authority.

         "Knowledge" of Seller means the actual knowledge of Alan I. Weinstein, 
Philip G. Rosenberg, Mark T. Beaudouin, Dennis B. Tishkoff, Stuart Tishkoff, 
Terry Moore, Joe O'Riordan, Mike Dervos and Allyn Jones.

         "Landed  Cost" means the amount  stated on  purchase  orders in the "on
order" file  maintained  by Seller with  respect to the Business on a consistent
basis  during and since the end of the  Business'  1997 fiscal  year,  comprised
generally of the first cost of Inventory,  plus  commissions,  duties,  freight,
royalties  and  miscellaneous  costs  such as (but not  limited  to)  costs  for
insurance and brokers.

         "Legal Requirements" means any statute,  ordinance,  code or other law,
rule,   regulation,   order,   requirement,   or  procedure  enacted,   adopted,
promulgated, applied, or followed by any Governmental Authority.

         "Lender Deposits" has the meaning given in Section 2.4.

         "Litigation" means any claim,  action, suit,  proceeding,  arbitration,
investigation or hearing that could result in a Judgment.

         "Losses" means any claims,  losses,  liabilities,  damages,  penalties,
costs, and expenses,  including but not limited to interest which may be imposed
in connection  therewith,  and reasonable fees and  disbursements of counsel and
other experts incurred in connection with any of the foregoing, or in connection
with enforcing any rights to  indemnification  under this Agreement with respect
to any of the foregoing.

         "Material  Adverse  Effect"  means (i) any Loss,  or series of  related
Losses,  in the amount of $500,000 or more, (ii) any material  adverse effect on
the  ability  of  Seller or Buyer  (as the  context  requires)  to  perform  its
obligations under the Agreement,  or (iii) any other material and adverse effect
on the operations, financial condition or prospects of the Business.

         "Ordinary Course" means the ordinary course of the Business, consistent
with past practice.

         "Permitted  Encumbrances" means the following  Encumbrances:  (a) liens
for Taxes not yet due and payable;  (b) zoning laws and  ordinances  and similar
Legal  Requirements;  (c)  rights  reserved  to any  Governmental  Authority  to
regulate  the  affected  property;  (d)  as to  Real  Property,  any  easements,
rights-of-way,  servitudes,  permits,  restrictions  and minor  imperfections or
irregularities  in  (or  non-monetary  Encumbrances  upon)  title  which  do not
individually  or in the  aggregate  interfere in any  material  respect with the
right or ability to own, use or operate the Real Property or interfere  with the
right or ability to convey good,  marketable and indefeasible title to such Real
Property; (e) as to Acquired Contracts and Business Permits, restrictions in the
terms thereof;  and (f) as to Assets leased by Seller,  the interests therein of
the respective  lessors (and any Person claiming by or through them);  provided,
however;  that Permitted  Encumbrances do not include any item which  reasonably
could be expected materially and adversely to affect the conduct of the Business
as currently conducted.

         "Person" means any natural person, Governmental Authority, corporation,
general or limited partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, trust,
association, or unincorporated entity of any kind.

         "Personal  Property" means tangible  personal property in whatever form
other than Inventory, including but not limited to fixtures, furniture, computer
hardware (but not computer software), equipment, motor vehicles, trailers, tools
and office supplies.

         "Prime  Rate"  means the rate  announced  from time to time by American
National  Bank and Trust  Company  of  Chicago,  as its prime  rate for loans to
commercial customers.

         "Real Property" has the meaning given in Section 4.5.

         "Schedule"  means a portion of the letter from Seller to Buyer dated as
of the date of this Agreement,  each of which portions  discloses  exceptions to
representations  and  warranties  of  Seller  stated  in this  Agreement  and is
designated  with a number  corresponding  to the number of the  Section in which
such representations and warranties are stated.

         "Taxes" means all levies and  assessments of any kind or nature imposed
by any Governmental  Authority,  including but not limited to all income, sales,
use, ad valorem,  value  added,  franchise,  severance,  net or gross  proceeds,
withholding,  payroll, employment,  excise, or property taxes, together with any
interest  thereon and any  penalties,  additions to tax, or  additional  amounts
applicable thereto.

         "Title Policy" has the meaning given in Section 5.3.

         "Transaction  Documents"  means all instruments and documents  executed
and  delivered  by Buyer or Seller or any  officer,  director,  or  Affiliate of
either  of  them  in  connection   with  this  Agreement  or  the   transactions
contemplated hereby.

         "Transition Services Agreement" has the meaning given in Section 6.2.

 ..       Purchase and Sale

         Covenant of Purchase and Sale.  Subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in this Agreement, at Closing Seller shall convey, assign, and transfer to
Buyer,  and Buyer shall acquire from Seller,  for the Purchase  Price,  free and
clear of all Encumbrances except Permitted Encumbrances, all of Seller's rights,
titles and interests in the Assets.

         .  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 2.1, the Assets shall not
include any of the Excluded  Assets,  all rights,  titles and interests in which
shall be retained, or not transferred, by Seller.

         . At Closing Buyer shall assume,  and from and after Closing shall pay,
discharge and perform when due the Assumed Liabilities.  Except only for Assumed
Liabilities,  Buyer shall not assume,  and  (subject to Section  2.10) shall not
have any responsibility for, any liabilities or obligations of Seller, including
but not limited to liabilities or obligations associated with Excluded Assets.

         . In consideration of the sale of the Assets to Buyer by Seller,  Buyer
shall (i) execute and deliver to Seller a promissory note in the form of Exhibit
2.4 (the  "Contingent  Amount Note") and (ii) pay to Seller an amount (the "Cash
Purchase Price") equal to the sum of the following amounts  (calculated  without
duplication  of any Asset or item in more than one of the  following  paragraphs
(a) through (l)):

       100 percent of the book value of those Assets that constitute Personal 
Property other than fixed assets as of the Effective Time, determined in 
accordance with GAAP;

                  (1) plus fifty  percent of the  Division  Retail  Value of all
Assets that constitute Good and Saleable In-Store  Inventory as of the Effective
Time  (determined on the basis of the physical  inventory of In-Store  Inventory
conducted by Seller commencing December 26, 1996, adjusted to reflect operations
of the Business from completion thereof to Closing);

                  (2) plus 100 percent of all deposits and other  payments  made
(whether  by wire  transfers,  letters of credit  which  have been  drawn  upon,
bankers' acceptances or otherwise) with respect to In-Transit  Inventory,  as of
the  Effective  Time, if and to the extent such amounts would be included in the
Landed Cost thereof, plus 100% of the interest on such bankers' acceptances;

                  (3) plus seventy-eight percent of the book value of all Assets
that are fixed assets (including but not limited to the Real Property) as of the
Effective Time, determined in accordance with GAAP;

                  (4)      plus 100 percent of the face amount as of the 
Effective Time of all accounts receivable included in the Assets;

                  (5) plus 100 percent of all prepaid  expenses of the  Business
as of the Effective Time, as determined in accordance  with GAAP,  including but
not limited to those  described  on Exhibit 2.4, if and to the extent Buyer will
have the benefit thereof after the Effective Time;

                  (6) plus 100 percent of the amount of the Businesses' security
deposits  under any leases of real or  personal  property  included  in Acquired
Contracts,  if and to the extent  Buyer will have the  benefit of such  security
deposits after the Effective Time;

                  (7) plus 100  percent of any amounts  actually  paid by Seller
pursuant to  paragraph 5 of Part II of the letter of intent  dated  November 13,
1996, among Seller,  CHB Capital Partners and Dennis B. Tishkoff,  consisting of
(A) $50,000 paid to Fleet Bank,  (B) $50,000 paid to American  National Bank and
Trust Company of Chicago,  (C) $10,000 paid to Bank One, and (D) $15,000 paid to
Rice Sangalis Toole & Wilson (collectively, the "Lender Deposits").

                  (8)      less 100 percent of the Adjustment Liabilities, 
determined in accordance with GAAP (to the extent GAAP is applicable);

                  (9) less forty-one  percent of the original prices paid by the
Business' retail customers with respect to all of the Business' merchandise that
(A) is sold prior to the Effective Time but is returned  during the fifteen days
immediately following the Closing Date, and (B) promptly thereafter is delivered
to Seller in Canton, Massachusetts;

                  (10) less the aggregate amount of Seller's liability as of the
Effective  Time in respect of bankers'  acceptances  relating  to  In-Store  and
In-Transit Inventory, determined in accordance with GAAP; and

                  (11)     less $4,000,000.

         Payment of Cash Purchse Price.  At Closing,  Buyer shall pay the Cash
Purchase  Price as estimated in accordance  with  paragraph 2.6 (the  "Estimated
Cash Purchase Price"), as follows:

                (12) Buyer shall pay to Seller, by wire transfer of immediately
available funds to an account designated by Seller, an amount (the 
"Closing Payment") equal to ninety-two percent of the Estimated Cash Purchase 

                  (12) Buyer shall deliver to the Escrow Agent, by wire transfer
of immediately  available funds to an account  designated by Escrow Agent, to be
held by Escrow  Agent  pursuant to the  Indemnity  Escrow  Agreement in the form
attached to this  Agreement as Exhibit  2.5(b),  among Seller,  Buyer and Escrow
Agent (the  "Indemnity  Escrow  Agreement"),  to be  disbursed  as  provided  in
Sections  7.6  or  2.8(b)  or as  otherwise  provided  in the  Indemnity  Escrow
Agreement, an amount equal to three percent of the Estimated Cash Purchase Price
(including all earnings thereon, the "Indemnity Escrow Deposit"); and

                  (13) Buyer shall deliver to the Escrow Agent, by wire transfer
of immediately  available funds to an account  designated by Escrow Agent, to be
held by Escrow Agent  pursuant to the  Adjustment  Escrow  Agreement in the form
attached to this  Agreement as Exhibit  2.5(c),  among Seller,  Buyer and Escrow
Agent (the  "Adjustment  Escrow  Agreement"),  to be  disbursed  as  provided in
Sections  2.6 or  2.8(b)  or as  otherwise  provided  in the  Adjustment  Escrow
Agreement,  an amount equal to five percent of the Estimated Cash Purchase Price
(including all earnings thereon, the "Adjustment Escrow Deposit").

    7.5   Determination of Cash Purchase Price.  The amount of the Cash Purchase
Price shall be determined as follows:

                   Seller and Buyer  acknowledge that they have  agreed  upon a
report  (the  "Preliminary  Cash  Purchase  Price Report")  showing  Seller's 
estimated  calculation of the Cash Purchase Price, which shall be the Estimated
Purchase Price to be paid at Closing in accordance with Section 2.5.

                  (14) Seller shall, as soon as reasonably  practicable  (but in
no event later than sixty days)  after  Closing,  deliver to Buyer a report (the
"Final  Cash  Purchase  Price   Report"),   stating  in  detail  Seller's  final
calculation  of  the  Cash  Purchase  Price  together  with  detailed  documents
substantiating  the  calculation  thereof.   Buyer  shall  provide  Seller  with
reasonable access to all records which Buyer has in its possession and which are
necessary for Seller to prepare the Final Cash Purchase  Price Report.  Upon the
request of Buyer, Seller shall provide Buyer and its accountants with reasonable
access to, and  copies  of, all books and  records on the basis of which  Seller
prepared the Final Cash Purchase Price Report.

                  (15) Within forty-five days after Buyer's receipt of the Final
Cash  Purchase  Price  Report  (the  "Review  Period"),  Buyer shall give Seller
written  notice of Buyer's  objections,  if any, to the  calculation of the Cash
Purchase Price stated therein and, with respect to such  objection,  shall state
the  maximum  amount  by  which it  believes  Seller's  calculation  of the Cash
Purchase Price should be reduced on account of such objection. If Buyer fails to
make any such objections within the Review Period, the Cash Purchase Price shall
be as stated in the Final Cash  Purchase  Price  Report,  except with respect to
items that should have been  included in the  calculation  of the Cash  Purchase
Price in the Final Cash  Purchase  Price Report but for any reason were not, and
which are described in a written notice given by Seller to Buyer, or by Buyer to
Seller,  within  120 days  after  the  Closing  Date.  If Buyer  makes  any such
objection  within  the  Review  Period,  Seller  and Buyer  shall in good  faith
endeavor to resolve all such objections as expeditiously  as possible.  If Buyer
and Seller are unable to resolve  all such  objections  within  sixty days after
Buyer's  receipt  of the Final  Cash  Purchase  Price  Report,  Seller and Buyer
jointly shall, within seventy-five days after Buyer's receipt thereof,  select a
"big six"  accounting firm  independent of and reasonably  acceptable to both of
them and  retain  and  direct  such firm to  resolve  any  remaining  unresolved
objections  within  thirty  days  after  the date on which it is  retained.  The
determination of such firm shall be conclusive and binding upon Seller and Buyer
with respect to the matters  presented to such firm. Seller and Buyer shall bear
equally  the fees and  expenses  payable  to such firm in  connection  with such

                  (16) On or  before  (i) the  date  that is  fifty  days  after
Buyer's  receipt  of the Final Cash  Purchase  Price  Report,  if Buyer does not
timely make any objections  thereto pursuant to paragraph  2.6(c),  or (ii) that
date that is five  Business Days after the date on which all  objections  timely
made by Buyer pursuant to Section  2.6(c) have been resolved in accordance  with
that paragraph, Seller and Buyer shall take the following actions:

(x)if the amount of the Cash Purchase Price as finally determined is equal to or
greater than the sum of the Closing  Payment and the  Indemnity  Escrow  Deposit
(the amount of such excess,  together with interest thereon at the rate of eight
percent per annum from the Closing  Date  through  the date of  disbursement  as
provided below in this  paragraph,  being  "Seller's  Additional  Amount"),  (i)
Seller and Buyer  jointly  shall  instruct  the  Escrow  Agent in writing to (A)
disburse to Seller,  out of the  Adjustment  Escrow  Deposit an amount  equal to
Seller's Additional Amount or the entire Adjustment Escrow Deposit, whichever is
less, and (B) disburse the balance,  if any, of the Adjustment Escrow Deposit to
Buyer,  and  (ii)  if the  Adjustment  Escrow  Deposit  is  less  than  Seller's
Additional  Amount,  on the date of such  disbursement by the Escrow Agent Buyer
shall pay the difference to Seller,  by wire transfer of  immediately  available
funds to an account designated by Seller; or

        (y)      if the amount of the Cash Purchase Price as finally determined
is less than the sum of the Closing Payment and the Indemnity  Escrow Deposit 
(the amount of such difference, together with interest thereon at the rate of 
eight percent per annum from the Closing Date through the date of  disbursement
as provided below in this paragraph,  being "Buyer's Refund Amount"),(A) Seller
and Buyer jointly shall instruct the Escrow Agent to disburse the entire 
Adjustment Escrow Deposit to Buyer, and (B) on the date of disbursement by the 
Escrow Agent,  Seller shall pay to Buyer,  by wire  transfer of  immediately  
available  funds to an account designated by Buyer, an amount equal to Buyer's 
Refund Amount.

                  (17)  Notwithstanding the above, if at any time the difference
(the "Difference") between (A) the Cash Purchase Price as set forth in the Final
Cash  Purchase  Price  Report less the sum of any  reductions  made thereto as a
result of resolved objections of Buyer in accordance with Section 2.6(c) and the
amount of all remaining  unresolved  objections  which were timely made by Buyer
pursuant to Section  2.6(c)  exceeds (B) the sum of the Closing  Payment and the
Indemnity  Escrow  Deposit,  then Seller and Buyer  promptly  shall instruct the
Escrow Agent to disburse the Difference to Seller.

         8.6   Allocation of Purchase Price
         . The Cash  Purchase  Price  shall be  allocated  among  the  Assets in
accordance  with a schedule to be prepared by Buyer on the basis of an appraisal
of the  Assets  conducted  by  Buyer  as  soon  as is  practicable  after  final
determination  of the Purchase  Price in  accordance  with Section  2.6(c),  and
reasonably  agreed  to by  Seller.  Seller  and  Buyer  shall  be  bound by such
allocations, shall not take any position inconsistent with such allocations, and
shall file all returns and reports with respect to the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement  (including  all federal,  state and local tax returns) on the
basis of such allocations.

        9.7   Reimbursement for Letters of Credit and Banker Acceptances.

            At  Closing,  Buyer shall establish and deliver to Seller a standby
letter of credit in favor of Seller in the amount of $1,395,000  with a term of
forty-five  days, in form and substance satisfactory to Seller (the "Standby 
LC"). If Seller is or becomes  obligated to reimburse  any amounts  advanced or
disbursed  pursuant to letters of credit for the purchase or shipment of any 
In-Store or In-Transit  Inventory,  Seller shall be entitled immediately to 
draw on the Standby LC in such amounts.

                  (18)  If  and to  the  extent  there  are  outstanding  at the
Effective  Time any  bankers'  acceptances  relating to the purchase of In-Store
Inventory or In-Transit Inventory, Seller shall pay all obligations with respect
thereto as they become due (without prepayment) and Buyer shall reimburse Seller
for the amount of such payments on the dates stated on Exhibit 2.8(b) (but shall
not be  required  to make any such  reimbursement  prior to the date of Seller's
actual payment).  If Buyer at any time fails to pay any such amount on or before
the applicable date stated on Exhibit  2.8(b),  Seller may, but is not obligated
to, obtain part or all of such unpaid amount by filing a claim therefor  against
the  Adjustment  Escrow  Deposit,  in  accordance  with  the  Adjustment  Escrow
Agreement,  and/or against the Indemnity  Escrow Deposit in accordance  with the
Indemnity  Escrow  Agreement.  After  disbursement  of any such amount by Escrow
Agent (in each case a "BA Funding  Amount"),  Buyer  nevertheless  shall  remain
obligated to reimburse  Seller for such BA Funding Amount plus interest  thereon
from the applicable date for reimbursement  stated on Exhibit 2.8(b) at the rate
of fourteen percent per annum,  unless Buyer  replenishes the Adjustment  Escrow
Deposit and/or Indemnity Escrow Deposit,  as applicable,  with cash in an amount
of the BA Funding  Amount,  within fifteen days after the date of Escrow Agent's
disbursement thereof.

  10.8  Winkelmans.  If (i) within ninety days after the Closing Date Winkelman
Stores,  Incorporated,  ("Winkelman's") elects to liquidate its inventory in any
of its stores and within such ninety day period receives  approval of the United
States  Bankruptcy Court for the Southern  District of New York (the "Bankruptcy
Court") for such liquidation,  and if (ii) the Bankruptcy Court has not approved
the  Amendment  to License  Agreement  dated as of  February  28,  1997  between
Winkelman's and Seller, then either:

                   Seller shall pay to Buyer the amount (the
"Winkelman's  Liquidation Shortfall Amount"), if any, by which (A) the aggregate
amount (the "Winkelman's Liquidation Amount") received by Buyer upon liquidation
of the  Inventory  held by the Business  for sale in such stores of  Winkelman's
(the "Winkelman's Liquidation Inventory"),  net of the reasonable costs to Buyer
of conducting the  liquidation,  is less than (B) fifty percent of the aggregate
Division Retail Value thereof,  provided that Buyer conducts such liquidation in
a commercially reasonable manner, or

         (1) Buyer shall pay to Seller the amount (the "Winkelman's Liquidation
Excess Amount"),  if any,  by which (A) the  Winkelman's  Liquidation  Amount  
for such stores exceeds (B) fifty percent of the aggregate  Division  Retail
Value of the Winkelman's Liquidation Inventory for such stores.

Seller shall pay each  Winkelman's  Liquidation  Shortfall  Amount to Buyer,  or
Buyer shall pay each Winkelman's  Liquidation Excess Amount to Seller, as may be
the case,  within fifteen days after  completion of liquidation and (in the case
of a Winkelman's  Liquidation  Shortfall Amount) receipt by Seller of an invoice
therefor from Buyer with reasonably detailed supporting documentation.

         11.9 Post-Effective Time Transactions.  The  operation of the Business
from immediately  after the Effective Time to Closing (the "Interim Period") 
shall be for the account of Buyer.  Without  limiting the  generality  of the 
foregoing, Buyer  shall be  entitled to all  receipts  of the  Business during 
the Interim Period,  and Buyer shall pay and  discharge  when due,  or, at 
Seller's  option, promptly  reimburse  Seller for, all liabilities and 
obligations of the Business which are  attributable to the Interim Period, 
including but not limited to all expenses for compensation and fringe benefits 
payable to Business Employees with respect to the Interim  Period.  If there 
shall occur during the Interim  Period any event or  occurrence  as a result of
which Buyer incurs any casualty loss or other Loss for which Seller is insured,
Seller  promptly shall pay to Buyer all proceeds of insurance paid to Seller 
with respect  thereto,  up to the amount of the Losses incurred by Buyer.  
Seller and Buyer  acknowledge that, to the extent the  foregoing   requires  
Buyer  to  pay  any  amounts  that  are  not  Assumed Liabilities,  it 
constitutes a financial  accommodation between Seller and Buyer and not an  
assumption  by  Buyer of any  liabilities  or  obligations  to third parties 
other than or in addition to the Assumed  Liabilities.  Without limiting
the  generality of the  foregoing,  none of the Business  Employees  shall be or
become  employees  of Buyer  unless and until they are retained by Buyer upon or
following Closing.

   12.10 Lender Deposits.If and to the extent  Seller  receives any refunds or
reimbursement of any Lender Deposits (or any portion  thereof),  such refunds or
reimbursements shall be for the account of Buyer and Seller promptly shall remit
such amounts to Buyer.

 .  Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

    14. Organization of Buyer.  Buyer is a corporation duly organized,  validly
existing,  and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and has
all requisite  power and authority to own and lease the properties and assets it
currently owns and leases and to conduct its  activities as such  activities are
currently  conducted.  Buyer  is duly  qualified  to do  business  as a  foreign
corporation and is in good standing in all  jurisdictions in which the ownership
or leasing of the  properties  and assets owned or leased by it or the nature of
its activities makes such qualification  necessary,  except where the failure to
be so qualified could not have a Material Adverse Effect.

    15.11 Authority. Buyer has all  requisite  power and  authority  to execute,
deliver, and perform this Agreement and consummate the transactions contemplated
hereby.  The  execution,  delivery,  and  performance  of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby by Buyer have been duly and
validly  authorized by all necessary action on the part of Buyer. This Agreement
has been duly and validly  executed and delivered by Buyer, and is the valid and
binding  obligation of Buyer,  enforceable  against Buyer in accordance with its

     16.12 No Conflict; Required Consents..   The  execution,   delivery,   and
performance by Buyer of this Agreement do not and will not: (i) conflict with or
violate any provision of the  certificate of  incorporation  or bylaws of Buyer;
(ii)  violate any  provision  of any Legal  Requirements;  or (iii)  require any
consent,  approval,  or authorization of, or filing of any certificate,  notice,
application, report, or other document with, any Governmental Authority or other
Person that has not been duly made or obtained.

         17.13 Acknowledgement Regarding Access to Certain Information.   Buyer
acknowledges that Seller has directed Dennis B. Tishkoff to answer all questions
of Buyer  with  respect  to the  Business,  and to make  available  to Buyer all
documents relating to the Business requested by Buyer.

     18.14 HSR Act.The Acquiring Person (as that term is used in the regulations
promulgated  pursuant to the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of
1976, as amended) in the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement does not
have at least $10,000,000 in assets or annual sales (as determined in accordance
with such regulations).

19.    Seller's Representations and Warranties.  Seller represents and warrants
to Buyer as follows, subject to exceptions stated in the Schedules:

   20. Organization and Qualification of Seller.  Seller is a corporation duly
organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Massachusetts,  and has all  requisite  power and authority to own and lease the
properties and assets it currently owns and leases and to conduct its activities
as such  activities  are  currently  conducted.  Seller is duly  qualified to do
business as a foreign  corporation and is in good standing in all  jurisdictions
in which the ownership or leasing of the  properties  and assets owned or leased
by it or the nature of its activities makes such qualification necessary.

   21.15  Authority.  Seller has all requisite  power and  authority to execute,
deliver, and perform this Agreement and consummate the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement.  The execution,  delivery,  and performance of this Agreement
and the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement on the
part of Seller have been duly and validly  authorized by all necessary action on
the part of  Seller.  This  Agreement  has been duly and  validly  executed  and
delivered  by  Seller,  and is the  valid  and  binding  obligation  of  Seller,
enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms.

   22.16  No Conflict; Required Consents. The   execution,   delivery,   and
performance by Seller of this Agreement,  and the  consummation by Seller of the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  do not and will not: (i) conflict
with or violate any  provision of the charter or bylaws of Seller;  (ii) violate
any provision of any Legal Requirements; (iii) conflict with, violate, result in
a breach of,  constitute a default  under  (without  regard to  requirements  of
notice,  lapse of  time,  or  elections  of other  Persons,  or any  combination
thereof), accelerate, or permit the acceleration of the performance required by,
any Contract or  Encumbrance  to which Seller is a party,  or by which Seller or
the Assets are bound or affected immediately prior to Closing, which in any case
could have a Material Adverse Effect;  (iv) result in the creation or imposition
of any  Encumbrance  against  or upon any of the Assets  other than a  Permitted
Encumbrance; or (v) require any consent, approval or authorization of, or filing
of any certificate,  notice,  application,  report,  or other document with, any
Governmental  Authority  or other  Person,  the  failure to obtain or make which
reasonably  could be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and that has not
been duly made or obtained.

         23.17    Assets; Title, Condition, and Sufficiency

          Seller (i) has exclusive,  good and marketable title to those Assets
consisting of tangible  personal  property (other than  tangible  personal  
property  which is leased by Seller);  (ii) has valid  leasehold  interests  
in those  Assets  consisting  of tangible  personal property that are leased 
by Seller;  and (iii) validly holds its rights,  titles and interests in all 
Assets  consisting of  intangible  properties,  privileges, rights,  interests 
and claims, in the case of each of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) of this Section 
free and clear of all Encumbrances of any kind or nature, except Permitted  
Encumbrances.  Upon  execution  and  delivery  thereof  by  Seller as
provided in Section  6.2,  the  instruments  described  in that  Section will be
adequate to transfer  such rights,  titles and interests in the Assets to Buyer,
free and clear of all Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances.

                  (19) Except as set forth on Schedule 4.6, none of the Personal
Property  included in the Assets is leased by Seller from any other Person.  All
of the  fixtures  included  in the Assets are in good  operating  condition  and
repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

         24.18  Real Property

                  All the Assets  consisting of
fee  interests in real  property are  described on Schedule 4.5  (including  all
improvements thereon, the "Real Property").  Seller holds no leasehold interests
in any real  property  relating to, or used by Seller in its  operation  of, the
Business.  Except as  otherwise  disclosed on Schedule  4.5,  Seller holds good,
marketable and  indefeasible fee simple title to the Real Property and the valid
and  enforceable  right to use and possess the Real  Property,  subject  only to
Permitted Encumbrances.

                  (20) There are no leases or other Contracts,  oral or written,
granting  to any Person  other than Seller the right to occupy or use any of the
Real Property, except as described on Schedule 4.5. All easements, rights-of-way
and other rights appurtenant to, or which are necessary for Seller's current use
of, any of the Real Property are valid and in full force and effect,  and Seller
has not received any notice with respect to the  termination or breach of any of
those rights. The Real Property, the improvements constructed thereon, and their
current use conform to (i) all applicable material Legal Requirements, including
zoning  requirements and the Americans With Disabilities Act that are applicable
to Seller or the Real Property, and (ii) all restrictive  covenants,  if any, or
other  Encumbrances  affecting all or part of such parcel,  except to the extent
that any nonconformity therewith constitutes a Permitted Encumbrance.

          25.19  Acquired Contracts

                   Except for the Contracts listed
or described on Schedule 4.6 or other Schedules to this Agreement (the "Material
Acquired  Contracts") and Contracts  included in the Excluded Assets,  Seller is
not  bound  or  affected  by any of the  following  that  relate  solely  to the
Business:  (i) leases or  subleases  of real or  personal  property  (whether as
lessor or lessee);  (ii) license  Contracts for  operation of shoe  departments;
(iii)  Contracts  with suppliers or  distributors,  including but not limited to
purchase  orders;  (iv)  bankers'  acceptances,   letters  of  credit  or  other
facilities for the purchase, shipment and or storage of Inventory; (v) Contracts
granting any Person an Encumbrance  (other than a Permitted  Encumbrance)  on or
against any of the Assets;  (vi)  Contracts of  employment,  or  Contracts  with
consultants or independent contractors; (vii) Contracts pertaining to the use by
Seller of any  Intellectual  Property or  proprietary  information  of any other
Person;  (viii) Contracts restricting the ability of Seller, with respect to the
Business,  to engage in any lawful  activity or disclose any  information;  (ix)
Contracts other than those described in any other clause of this paragraph which
are  material  to the  operation  of the  Business;  or (x) any other  Contracts
involving  expenditures by or payments to Seller relating to the Business,  that
will or are  reasonably  likely to exceed  $12,000  in any twelve  month  period
(unless terminable without liability upon sixty days' or less notice).

                  (21) Seller has delivered to Buyer true and complete copies of
each of the Material Acquired  Contracts,  including any amendments thereto (or,
in the case of oral  Acquired  Contracts,  true and complete  written  summaries
thereof),  and true and complete  copies of all standard form  Contracts used by
Seller in its operation of the Business. Except as described in Exhibit 4.6: (i)
each of the Material Acquired  Contracts is valid, in full force and effect, and
enforceable in accordance  with its terms against the parties thereto other than
Seller,  and Seller has fulfilled when due, or has taken all action necessary to
enable  it to  fulfill  when  due,  all of its  obligations  thereunder  without
material breach; (ii) there has not occurred any material breach (without regard
to lapse of time,  the giving of notice,  the  election of any Person other than
Seller, or any combination thereof) by Seller that has not been cured or waived,
nor, to the knowledge of Seller, has there occurred any material breach (without
regard to lapse of time,  the giving of notice,  the election of Seller,  or any
combination  thereof) by any Person  other than Seller under any of the Material
Acquired  Contracts;  and (iii) neither  Seller nor, to the knowledge of Seller,
any  other  Person is in  arrears  in the  performance  or  satisfaction  of its
obligations  under any of the  Material  Acquired  Contracts if being in arrears
could constitute a material breach thereunder.

         26.20   Employment Matters

                    Schedule  4.7  includes  a complete  and correct  list of 
names and  positions  of all  employees of Seller engaged  exclusively  in the 
Business and their current hourly wages or salaries and other compensation.  
As relates to the Business and individuals  exclusively employed  by Seller in
connection  with the  Business  ("Business  Employees"), Seller has complied 
and is in compliance in all material respects with all Legal Requirements  
relating to the employment of labor, including  those relating to wages, hours,
collective  bargaining,   unemployment  compensation,   worker's
compensation,  equal employment opportunity,  age and disability discrimination,
immigration control and the payment and withholding of Taxes.

                  (22)  Seller  is  not a  party  to any  collective  bargaining
agreement  or other  Contract  with any labor  organization,  and Seller has not
recognized  or agreed to recognize and is not required to recognize any union or
other collective  bargaining unit,  applicable to any of the Business Employees.
No union or other collective  bargaining unit been certified as representing any
Business  Employees,  nor has Seller  received any requests  from any Person for
recognition  as a  representative  of  any  Business  Employees  for  collective
bargaining  purposes.  To Seller's  knowledge,  none of Business  Employees  are
engaged in organizing activity with respect to any labor organization.

         27.21  Employee Benefits

                    Schedule 4.8 includes a true and  complete   description  
of  all  arrangements  (each  a  "Business  Benefit Arrangement")  under  
or with  respect  to which  Seller  provides  employee  or executive  
compensation or benefits to any current Business Employee  (including
any  Business  Employee  on an approved  leave of  absence),  including  but not
limited  to  arrangements  for or with  respect  to life  or  health  insurance,
hospitalization,  savings,  bonus, profit sharing,  retirement,  pension,  stock
bonus  or  option,  deferred  compensation,   incentive  compensation,  holiday,
vacation,  severance  or sick pay,  sick leave,  disability,  tuition  refund or
reimbursement, service awards, use of vehicles, scholarships, relocation, patent
awards,  fringe  benefits,  and individual  employment,  consulting or severance
Contracts, other than any of the foregoing that involve less than $10,000 in any
twelve month period and apply to fewer than ten Business Employees.

                  (23) Seller has paid or performed all of its obligations  that
have become due under each Business Benefit  Arrangement  prior to the Effective
Time,  and no  Business  Benefit  Arrangement  has been  reduced or  modified or
rendered not due by reason of any extension, whether at the request of Seller or
otherwise.  Each Business Benefit  Arrangement has been maintained in compliance
with all applicable Legal  Requirements.  Seller has provided complete copies of
each  Business  Benefit  Arrangement  or, in the case of each  Business  Benefit
Arrangement  not existing in written  form, a complete and accurate  description
thereof  (including any related trust  instruments and insurance  Contracts) and
all amendments thereto.

                  (24)  Except  as is  not  reasonably  likely  to  result  in a
Material Adverse Effect, (i) no reportable event, within the meaning of Title IV
of ERISA,  has occurred and is continuing  with respect to any Business  Benefit
Arrangement  constituting an "employee benefit plan" or "multiemployer plan" (as
those  terms are  defined in ERISA)  maintained  by Seller or any  Affiliate  of
Seller, and (ii) no "prohibited  transaction,"  within the meaning of Title I of
ERISA,  has  occurred  with  respect  to  any  such  employee  benefit  plan  or
multiemployer  plan, and no material  accumulated funding deficiency (as defined
in Title I of ERISA) or  withdrawal  liability (as defined in Title IV of ERISA)
exists with respect to any such  employee  benefit plan or  multiemployer  plan.
Seller does not  contribute  and has no  obligation to  contribute,  and has not
contributed or had any obligation to contribute,  to any "multiemployer plan" in
which any former,  retired or current  Business  Employees  have or have had any
right to participate.

  28.22 Litigation. Except as described on Schedule 4.9, there is no Litigation
to which Seller  is a party  pending  or,  to  Seller's  knowledge, threatened,
nor any Judgment  outstanding  by which  Seller is bound or to which it is  
subject,  in either  case  involving  or  affecting  all or any part of the  
Business  or the Assets.

         29.23    Financial Statements

                 Seller has delivered to Buyer correct and complete  copies 
of the unaudited  balance sheets of the Business as of January  28,  1995,  
February  3, 1996 and  January 4, 1997,  and the related unaudited  statements 
of income and cash flows for the Business' fiscal years or periods  then  
ended  (collectively,  the  "Financial  Statements").  Except  as
described on Schedule 4.10, the Financial Statements were prepared in accordance
with GAAP applied on a consistent  basis  throughout the periods covered thereby
and fairly present the Business' financial  position,  results of operations and
changes in financial position (other than with respect to interest, overhead and
income  taxes) as of the dates and for the periods  indicated,  subject  only to
normal year-end  adjustments  (none of which will be material in amount) and the
omission of  footnotes.  Except as  disclosed  by, or  reserved  against in, the
Business' most recent balance sheet included in the Financial Statements, Seller
does not have any liability or obligation,  whether accrued,  absolute, fixed or
contingent  (including  liabilities  for taxes or unusual  forward or  long-term
commitments)  relating to the  Business  (before  the  allocation  of  interest,
overhead  and income  taxes),  which was or would be material  to the  business,
results of  operations or financial  condition of the Business,  nor to Seller's
knowledge  does any aspect of the Business form a basis for any claim by a third
party which, if asserted,  could result in a liability  required to be disclosed
by or reserved against in a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP.

                  (25) In  connection  with  its  acquisition  of the  Business,
Seller allocated the consideration given by it for the Business among the Assets
of the Business in accordance with GAAP.

       30.24  Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Except as described on 
Schedule 4.11, since November 2, 1996, there has not occurred any of the 

         any operation of the Business outside the Ordinary Course;
                  (26)     any sale or disposition of any assets relating to 
the Business other than in the Ordinary Course;

                  (27) any material  adverse change in, or the occurrence of any
event  which is  likely,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  to  result in any
material  adverse  change in, the  business,  operations,  assets,  prospects or
condition  (financial or  otherwise)  of the  Business,  other than matters of a
general economic nature;

                  (28)     any damage, destruction or loss to or of any of the 
material assets or properties of Seller used in the conduct of the Business, 
whether or not covered by insurance;

                  (29)     any waiver, release, discharge, transfer or 
cancellation by Seller of any rights or claims of any material value relating 
to the Business;

                  (30) (A) any payment of any bonus, profit sharing,  pension or
similar arrangement or special compensation to any Business Employee,  except in
the ordinary course of administration of the Business Benefit  Arrangements,  or
(B) any  increase  in the  compensation  payable  or to  become  payable  to any
Business Employee, except in the Ordinary Course; or

                  (31)     the entry by Seller into any Contract to do any of 
the foregoing.

        31.25   Tax Returns; Other Reports.

         . Seller  has filed in  proper  form all  federal,  state,  local,  and
foreign tax returns and other reports  required to be filed, and has timely paid
all Taxes which have become due and payable, whether or not so shown on any such
return or report.  Seller has  received  no notice of, nor does  Seller have any
knowledge of, any notice of  deficiency or assessment of proposed  deficiency or
assessment from any taxing  Governmental  Authority with respect to the Business
or the Assets. Except as described on Schedule 4.12, there are no audits pending
with respect to Seller and there are no outstanding  agreements or waivers by or
with  respect  to  Seller  that  extend  the  statutory  period  of  limitations
applicable to any federal, state, local, or foreign tax returns or Taxes for any
period.  There are no determined  deficiencies or proposed  assessments of Taxes
against Seller or the Business.

         32.26    Compliance with Legal Requirements; Business Permits

                               Except as is not  reasonably
likely to result in a Material Adverse Effect, the ownership, leasing and use of
the Assets as they are  currently  owned,  leased  and used by  Seller,  and the
conduct of the Business as it is currently  conducted,  do not violate any Legal
Requirements.  Seller has  received no written  notice  claiming a violation  by
Seller or the Business of any Legal Requirement applicable to the Business as it
is currently  conducted  (which  violation is  reasonably  likely to result in a
Material Adverse Effect and has not been cured), and to Seller's knowledge there
is no basis for any claim that such a violation exists.

                  (32)  Seller  holds  all  permits,  authorizations,  licenses,
permissions and consents of any Governmental  Authority or other Person that are
required to own,  maintain  and  operate the Assets and conduct the  Business as
currently conducted (the "Business Permits"),  each of which that is material to
the  conduct of the  Business is  described  on  Schedule  4.13,  and all of the
Business  Permits are in full force and effect.  Except as described on Schedule
4.13 or as could not result in a Material  Adverse Effect,  (i) Seller is not in
violation of or default  under any of the Business  Permits  (without  regard to
requirements  of  notice,  lapse of time,  elections  of other  Persons,  or any
combination  thereof),  (ii)  Seller has  received  no notice of any  threatened
cancellation,  modification or non-renewal of any Business Permits, and (iii) to
Seller's knowledge, no basis for any such cancellation, modification, or renewal
exists.  Seller has  delivered  to Buyer true and correct  copies of each of the
Business Permits.

        33.27  Intellectual Property.  Seller fully owns, or is licensed
or otherwise has the  right to use,  all  Intellectual  Property  that is 
used  solely in the operation of the Business (the "Business Intellectual  
Property"),  all material items of which are described on Schedule  4.14.  
Except as described on Schedule 4.14,  Seller has not granted any outstanding
license or other rights under any Business  Intellectual  Property.  Except 
as described on Schedule  4.14, (i) to Seller's  knowledge  there  is  no  
violation,   breach,   misappropriation   or infringement  by any third 
party of any  Business  Intellectual  Property,  (ii) there  is  no  pending  
or,  to  Seller's  knowledge,   threatened   opposition, interference,  
reexamination,  arbitration,  invalidity,  declaratory  judgment, revocation,  
nullity or similar actions in respect of any Business  Intellectual
Property,  and (iii) there is no  infringement  by the Business of the rights of
any Person with respect to any  Intellectual  Property held by that Person,  nor
has it received notice of any such claim.

         34.28    Environmental

                    Except as described in Schedule
4.15  or as  could  not  result  in a  Material  Adverse  Effect,  Seller  is in
compliance and has complied with all Environmental Laws applicable to the Assets
or the Business, and no claims, notices of violation or administrative, civil or
criminal proceedings have been threatened,  filed or otherwise commenced against
Seller, or any other Person with respect to the Assets or the Business, alleging
any  failure  to so comply  or  alleging  liability  associated  with  Hazardous
Substances,  materials  or  contamination  originating  from the  Assets  or the

                  (33)  Except as  disclosed  in Schedule  4.15,  Seller has not
generated, treated, disposed, released or discharged any Hazardous Substance at,
on, under,  in or about,  or in any other manner  affecting the Real Property or
any other  property,  and, to Seller's  knowledge,  no other present or previous
owner,  tenant,  occupant or user of the Real  Property or any other  Person has
committed or suffered any of the foregoing. To Seller's knowledge, no release of
Hazardous Substances outside the Real Property has entered or threatens to enter
the Real  Property,  nor is there  any  pending  or  threatened  claim  based on
Environmental  Laws which arises from any condition of the land  surrounding the
Real Property.

                  (34) Except as described in Schedule  4.15: (i) no underground
storage tanks are currently or, to Seller's knowledge, have been, located on the
Real Property; (ii) to Seller's knowledge, no Real Property has been used at any
time as a gasoline station or any other facility which stores, pumps,  dispenses
or  produces  gasoline  or any  other  petroleum  products,  including  recycled
products,  or wastes;  and (iii) to  Seller's  knowledge,  no  building or other
structure on the Real  Property  contains  asbestos in any form that is or could
become friable. To Seller's knowledge, there are no incinerators,  septic tanks,
leach fields or cesspools on the Real Property, and all waste is discharged into
a public sanitary sewer system.

                  (35)  Seller has  provided  Buyer with  complete  and  correct
copies of: (i) all studies, reports, surveys,  correspondence or other documents
in  Seller's  possession  or to which  Seller has  access,  which  relate to the
presence or alleged  presence of Hazardous  Substances,  at, on or affecting the
Real  Property;  (ii) all notices or other  documents or information in Seller's
possession,  or in the  possession  of a third  party  who is or has been  under
contract with Seller, that were received from any Governmental  Authority having
the authority to administer or enforce any  Environmental Law relating to any of
the requirements or liabilities associated with any Environmental Law; and (iii)
all  information  and documents in Seller's  possession,  or to which Seller has
access,  relating to any claim,  allegation or action by any third party against
the  Seller,  or any other  Person who is or has been  associated  with the Real
Property,  under any  Environmental  Law or alleging  liability  associated with
Hazardous Substances originating from the Assets or the Business.

          35.29   Books and Records

          All of the books,  records,  and  accounts of the Business are in all
material  respects  accurate,  are  maintained in accordance  with good business
practice and all applicable Legal  Requirements,  accurately present and reflect
in all material  respects all of the  transactions  therein  described,  and are
reflected accurately in the Financial Statements.

          36.30   Accounts Receivable.

           Seller  is the true and  lawful  owner  of its  accounts  receivable
generated  in the  Business  and has good and clear title to each such  account,
free and clear of all  Encumbrances,  with the  absolute  right to transfer  any
interest therein.  Each such account receivable is (i) a valid obligation of the
account debtor  enforceable in accordance with its terms,  free and clear of all
encumbrances,  set-offs,  adverse claims,  assessments,  defaults,  prepayments,
defenses,  and  conditions  precedent (but subject to the effects of bankruptcy,
insolvency and laws affecting creditors' rights generally),  and (ii) a true and
correct statement of the account for merchandise actually sold and delivered to,
or for actual services performed for and accepted by, such account debtor.

         37.31   Inventory.

           Inventory  of the  Business  has  been  valued  in the
Financial  Statements  in  accordance  with the  retail  inventory  method,  and
markdowns of Inventory have been taken in the ordinary  course  consistent  with
past practice.  Except pursuant to return policies described on Schedule 4.18 or
pursuant to warranties  described on Schedule  4.19, the Business is not subject
to any  material  liability  with  respect  to the  return of  Inventory  in the
possession of wholesalers, distributors, retailers or other customers.

         38.32   Warranties and Returns

                                  Except  that the  Business  honors  the return
policies of the stores in which it operates,  the Business does not give and has
not given any express product warranties.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.19,
there is not  presently,  nor since February 3, 1996 has there been, any failure
of a  product  sold by the  Business  such as to  require  a  general  recall or
replacement  campaign with respect to such product or a reformulation  or change
of such product.

         39.33   Customers and Suppliers

                                   Seller is not aware of any loss or threatened
loss of any customer, distributor,  supplier or account of the Business that, in
the case of any  customer,  distributor  or account,  accounted  for gross sales
during the fiscal year ended  February 1, 1997 in excess of $500,000  or, in the
case of any supplier, the loss of which could have a Material Adverse Effect.

         40.34   Product Liability Claims
                                    No product liability claim is pending or, to
the knowledge of Seller,  threatened  against Seller, or against any other party
with respect to products sold in the course of the Business. To the knowledge of
Seller, there have been no product liability claims asserted which have resulted
in damages (including by way of settlement of claims) in excess of $10,000 as to
any one claim with respect to products sold by the Business.

         41.35   Insurance
           There are no pending or, to Seller's knowledge,  threatened
termination or material premium increases with respect to any insurance policies
in effect  with  respect to the  Business  or the  Assets,  which  relate or are
attributable  primarily or  exclusively  to the Business.  There are no material
outstanding  requirements  or  recommendations  by or  made  on  behalf  of  any
insurance  company  that  issued  any policy  with  respect to any of the Assets
requiring or  recommending  any  equipment or  facilities  be installed on or in
connection with any of the Assets.

42.      Covenants

         43.   Effect of Investigations.

          No investigation by Buyer or its representatives,  nor any disclosure
to Buyer by Dennis B.  Tishkoff  or any other  representative  of Seller,  shall
affect or limit the scope of any of the representations and warranties of Seller
in the Agreement or in any Transaction  Document,  limit the liability of Seller
for any breach of such representations and warranties,  or limit any of Seller's
other obligations under Article 7 of this Agreement;

         44.36    Confidentiality

                                               Any non-public information that
Buyer may obtain from Seller in connection  with this  Agreement with respect to
Seller  (exclusive  of  information  relating to the  Business)  shall be deemed
confidential,  and Buyer shall not  disclose any such  information  to any third
party (other than its Affiliates, and their respective,  directors, officers and
employees,  and  representatives  of their advisors and lenders whose  knowledge
thereof is necessary in order to facilitate the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby and who agree to keep such information  confidential) or use
such information to the detriment of Seller; provided that (i) Buyer may use and
disclose any such information once it has been publicly disclosed (other than by
Buyer in  breach of its  obligations  under  this  Section  or any other  Person
referred  to  in  the  immediately  preceding  parenthetical  phrase)  or  which
rightfully has come into the possession of Buyer (other than from Seller of from
any such other Person),  and (ii) to the extent that Buyer is compelled by Legal
Requirements  to  disclose  any of such  information,  Buyer may  disclose  such
information  if it shall  have  used all  reasonable  efforts,  and  shall  have
afforded Seller the opportunity,  to obtain an appropriate  protective order, or
other  satisfactory  assurance of  confidential  treatment,  for the information
compelled to be disclosed. In the event of termination of this Agreement,  Buyer
shall use all reasonable  efforts to cause to be delivered to Seller, and retain
no copies of, any documents,  work papers and other materials  obtained by Buyer
or on its behalf from Seller,  whether so obtained before or after the execution

                  (36) Any non-public  information that Seller shall obtain from
Buyer in  connection  with this  Agreement  with  respect to Buyer or any of its
Affiliates  shall be deemed  confidential,  and Seller shall not  disclose  such
information to any third party (other than its Affiliates,  and their respective
directors,  officers and employees,  and  representatives  of their advisors and
lenders  whose  knowledge  thereof  is  necessary  in  order to  facilitate  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby and who agree to keep such
information  confidential)  or use such  information  to the detriment of Buyer;
provided,  that (i) Seller may use and disclose any such information once it has
been publicly disclosed (other than by Seller in breach of its obligations under
this Section or by any other person  referred to in the preceding  parenthetical
phrase) or which  rightfully  has come into the possession of Seller (other than
from Buyer or from any other such Person), and (ii) to the extent that Seller is
compelled by Legal Requirements to disclose any of such information,  Seller may
disclose such  information  if it shall have used all  reasonable  efforts,  and
shall have afforded Buyer the opportunity,  to obtain an appropriate  protective
order,  or other  satisfactory  assurance  of  confidential  treatment,  for the
information  compelled  to be  disclosed.  In the event of  termination  of this
Agreement,  Seller shall use all reasonable  efforts to cause to be delivered to
Buyer, and retain no copies of, any documents,  work papers, and other materials
obtained by Seller or on its behalf from  Buyer,  whether so obtained  before or
after the execution hereof.

                  (37) Except as required by applicable  Legal  Requirements  or
the requirements of the Nasdaq National  Market,  neither Seller nor Buyer shall
make any press  release or public  announcement  or statement  without the prior
written  consent and approval of the other.  Seller and Buyer shall consult with
and cooperate with the other with respect to the content and timing of all press
releases and other public  announcements or statements,  and any oral or written
statements  to  the  Business  Employees   concerning  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions contemplated hereby.

      45.37   Title Insurance Policy and Survey.

          At Closing,  Seller shall provide to Buyer,  at Seller's cost, (i) an
owner's policy of title  insurance (the "Title  Policy")  issued by a nationally
recognized title insurance company (the "Title Company"),  insuring title to the
Real  Property  in Buyer in the amount of  $5,500,000,  and (ii) a boundary  and
improvement survey of the Real Property acceptable to Buyer,  certified to Buyer
and the Title Company.

         46.38   Employee Matters

                                                       Seller  shall  be  solely
responsible  for and  shall  pay to the  Business  Employees  all  compensation,
including salaries,  commissions,  bonuses,  deferred  compensation,  severance,
insurance,  pensions profit sharing, sick pay and other compensation or benefits
to which they are  entitled  for periods  prior to  Closing,  subject to Buyer's
obligations  under Section 2.10;  provided,  however,  that Seller shall have no
obligation  to pay Business  Employees  hired by Buyer upon Closing for vacation
time accrued but unused as of Closing.  Buyer may,  but will have no  obligation
to,  offer  employment  to any of the current  Business  Employees  as Buyer may

                  (38) Buyer assumes neither any liability for accrued  benefits
nor any fiduciary or administrative  responsibility to account for or dispose of
any benefits  under any Business  Benefit  Arrangements  consisting  of employee
benefits plans (as defined in ERISA).

                  (39)  Except  for  claims or  obligations  for  vacation  time
accrued   consistent  with  Seller's  regular  vacation  policies  for  Business
Employees hired by Buyer upon Closing,  and subject to Buyer's obligations under
Section 2.10, (i) all claims and obligations under, pursuant to or in connection
with any Business  Benefit  Arrangements or arising under any Legal  Requirement
affecting  Business  Employees  incurred  before Closing or resulting or arising
from events or occurrences (or portions thereof) prior to Closing,  shall remain
the  responsibility of Seller,  whether or not such Business Employees are hired
by  Buyer  at or after  Closing,  and (ii)  Buyer  shall  have  and  assumes  no
obligation  or  liability  under  or in  connection  with any  Business  Benefit
Arrangement.  Buyer shall not be obligated  to Seller to assume any  preexisting
physical  condition  of any  Business  Employee  who is hired as an  employee of

                  (40)  From  time to time as  requested  in  writing  by Seller
during the five year period  following  the  Closing  Date,  Buyer shall  advise
Seller which of the Business  Employees hired by Buyer has ceased to be employed
by Buyer,  and the effective  date on which that  occurred.  Buyer shall have no
liability to Seller for any breach of its obligations under this paragraph.

                  (41) As soon as reasonably  practicable  following the Closing
Date,  Buyer shall establish a defined  contribution  401(k) profit sharing plan
(the "Buyer's Plan") to provide benefits to the Business  Employees who were, as
of the  Closing  Date,  entitled to coverage  under the J.  Baker,  Inc.  401(k)
Savings Plan ("Seller's  Plan") and who become employees of Buyer prior to March
6, 1997. In consideration of the transfer of assets described below, the Buyer's
Plan shall assume and discharge all obligations and liabilities of Seller's Plan
for all benefits held under the Seller's Plan for such  Business  Employees.  As
soon as practicable  after  establishment  of the Buyer's Plan, (i) Seller shall
cause the trustee or other  funding  medium of Seller's  Plan to transfer to the
trustee or other  fiduciary of the Buyer's Plan the portion of the Seller's Plan
assets allocated to the accounts of such Business  Employees,  together with the
earnings accrued under the Seller's Plan for the period from the Closing Date to
the date of actual  transfer of assets and (ii) Seller shall  provide Buyer with
such  pertinent  data or  information  as the Buyer may  reasonably  require  to
determine  such  Business  Employees'  service  and account  balances  under the
Seller's Plan as of the Closing  Date.  Seller and Buyer shall take such actions
as may be required by Section  414(l) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as
amended,  in  connection  with the spinoff and transfer of assets from  Seller's
Plan to the Buyer's Plan.

        47.39   Bulk Sales.

          Buyer and  Seller  each  waives  compliance  by the other  with Legal
Requirements,  if any,  relating to bulk sales  applicable  to the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

        48.40   Transfer Taxes

          Seller and Buyer each  shall bear  one-half  the amount of all sales,
use,  transfer,  and  similar  Taxes  arising  from or  payable by reason of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         49.41 Underground Storage Tanks.

                                      Seller shall  reimburse Buyer
(within  ten  days  after  the date of each  invoice  therefor)  for all  fines,
penalties  and other  amounts paid by Buyer  pursuant to Legal  Requirements  or
levy, assessment,  order or other requirement of any Governmental Authority with
respect to, or as a result of, the  noncompliance  of Seller (or previous owners
and  operators  of  the  Real  Property)  with  Legal  Requirements   respecting
underground storage tanks on the Real Property, including but not limited to any
failure to register or upgrade such tanks.

                  (42) If such underground  storage tanks have been removed from
the ground by Buyer  within one year after the Closing Date (and  provided  that
Buyer has not added any fuel or other  products to such tanks prior to removal),
Seller  shall  reimburse  Buyer  (within ten days after the date of each invoice
therefor)  for (i) the  reasonable  costs of removal  and  disposal  of any soil
contaminated  by such  tanks or their  contents  prior to such  removal  and the
performance  of any  other  remediation  action  required  by  applicable  Legal
Requirements, any Judgment or any Governmental Authority in connection with such
removal,  if such  removal  and/or  disposal is performed by ERM or another firm
approved in writing by Seller (which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld
or delayed),  and (ii) out-of-pocket  costs and expenses  reasonably incurred by
Buyer  pursuant  to any  Legal  Requirements,  any  Judgment  or any  order of a
Governmental  Authority  in  connection  with such  removal,  including  but not
limited  to   continuing   monitoring   and  reporting   obligations,   if  any.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,  Buyer in any event shall
pay the costs of removing such tanks themselves and their contents, if any.

                  (43) With respect to any matter for which payment by Seller to
Buyer will or may be  required  under this  Section  5.7,  (i) Buyer shall allow
Seller or its  advisors  a  reasonable  period of time to review  any  filing or
correspondence made by Buyer or its advisors to any Governmental Authority prior
to transmittal  to such  Governmental  Authority,  and will consider and discuss
with Seller its comments  with respect  thereto (if any),  (ii) Buyer will allow
Seller or its  advisors to appear with Buyer or its advisors at any meeting with
representatives of a Governmental Authority, and Buyer shall allow Seller or its
advisors to participate in any telephone  conference with  representatives  of a
Governmental Authority,  and, to the extent reasonably  practicable,  shall give
reasonable advance notice to Seller of any such meeting or telephone conference,
and (iii) prior to  committing  to pay,  or paying,  any amount to a third party
(including  any  Governmental  Authority and any  environmental  engineering  or
clean-up firm), Buyer shall notify Seller of such proposed commitment or payment
and shall give  Seller an  opportunity  to review  the  proposed  commitment  or
payment and associated documentation and discuss the same with such third party,
and shall not make such  commitment  or  payment  if Seller  reasonably  objects
thereto  unless (x) Buyer  reasonably  doubts  that  Seller  has the  ability to
perform or pay (or cause to be  performed  or paid) such  commitment  or payment
when due, or (y) Buyer reasonably believes that, if Buyer fails promptly to make
or pay (or to cause to be performed or paid) such  commitment or payment,  Buyer
is reasonably likely to be subject to action of a Governmental Authority or to a
Judgment that reasonably could be expected to impair its operations.

50.      Closing

      51. The  closing  of the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement
("Closing") shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on the date of this Agreement, at the
offices of Parcel, Mauro, Hultin & Spaanstra, P.C., Denver, Colorado.

     52.42 At Closing, Seller shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer, 
the following:

                   Bill of Sale.  Bill of Sale in the form of Exhibit 6.2(a),
executed by Seller.

                  (44) Assignment and Assumption. An Assignment of Contracts and
General Assumption  Agreement in the form of Exhibit 6.2(b) (the "Assignment and
Assumption") executed by Seller.

                  (45)     Vehicle Lease Assignments.  Assignment instruments 
relating to leases of motor vehicles used solely in the Business, in form and 
substance acceptable to Buyer and Seller (the "Vehicle Lease Assignments").

                  (46) Vehicle Titles.  Title certificates to all vehicles owned
by Seller and included among the Assets, if any, endorsed by Seller for transfer
of title to Buyer, and separate bills of sale therefor,  if required by the laws
of the States in which such vehicles are titled.

                  (47)     FIRPTA Affidavit.  An affidavit in the form attached 
as Exhibit 6.2(e), executed by Seller.

                  (48)     Guaranty. A Guaranty in the form attached as Exhibit 
6.2(f), executed by J. Baker,
                  (49)  Evidence  of  Corporate  Actions.   Certified  corporate
resolutions, or other evidence reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, that Seller has
taken all action  necessary to authorize the execution of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (50) Deed. A limited warranty deed conveying the Real Property
to  Buyer,  in the  form of  Exhibit  6.2(h),  subject  only  to the  exceptions
reflected on the Title Policy.

                  (51)    Transition Services Agreement.  A Transition Services
Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit 6.2(i) (the "Transition Services 
Agreement"), executed by Seller.

                  (52)     Escrow Agreements.  The Indemnity Escrow Agreement 
and the Adjustment Escrow Agreement, executed by Seller.

                  (53) Data. All historical  data in the possession of Seller or
J. Baker,  Inc.  that  relates  solely to the Business and consists of sales and
inventory   data,   purchase   order   data,    replenishment    models,   price
change/advertising  data, sku master file (including  chain pricing),  and store
table  file,  on 3480  cartridges  (6250 bpi in  EBCDIC  fixed  length  format),
together  with  a log of  such  cartridges  cross-referencing  the  files  being
provided,  including  the filename,  the layout,  and the period of time for the
data (provided that Seller at its option may, instead of delivering such data at
the  Closing,  make it  available  to  Buyer  at  Seller's  offices  in  Canton,
Massachusetts after Closing, at a mutually convenient time).

                  (54)     Opinions.  The opinions of Mark T. Beaudouin and 
Goodwin, Procter & Hoar LLP, counsel to Seller, in forms acceptable to Buyer.

                  (55) Fleet Lease Agreements.  Instruments among Seller,  Buyer
and/or Fleet Capital  Corporation  ("Fleet"),  in form and content acceptable to
Buyer and Seller,  effecting a sublease to Buyer of the conveyor  and  sortation
system located on the Real Property (the "Fleet  Sublease  Documents"),  in form
and content acceptable to Buyer and Seller, executed by Seller and Fleet.

        53.43   Buyer's Obligations.
      At Closing,  Buyer shall  deliver or cause to be  delivered to Seller
(except as otherwise provided below) the following:

                     Closing Payment and Contingent Amount Note.  The Closing
Payment and the Contingent Amount Note, executed by Buyer.

                  (56)     Escrow Deposits.  To the Escrow Agent, the Indemnity
and Adjustment Escrow Deposits.

                  (57)  Evidence  of  Corporate  Actions.   Certified  corporate
resolutions, or other evidence reasonably satisfactory to Seller, that Buyer has
taken all action  necessary to authorize the execution of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (58)     Transition Services Agreement.  The Transition
Services Agreement, executed by Buyer.

                  (59)     Escrow Agreements.  The Indemnity Escrow Agreement 
and the Adjustment Escrow Agreement, executed by Buyer.

                  (60)     Opinion.  The opinion of Parcel, Mauro, Hultin & 
Spaanstra, P.C., acceptable to Seller.

                  (61)     Fleet Sublease Documents.  The Fleet Sublease
Documents, executed by Buyer.

                  (62)     Vehicle Lease Assignments.  The Vehicle Lease 
Assignments, executed by Buyer.

                  (63)     Assignment and Assumption.  The Assignment and 
Assumption, executed by Buyer.

                  (64)     Guaranty.  The Guaranty, executed by Buyer.

                  (65)     Standby LC.  The Standby LC.

     54.44   Further Assurances.
                              In addition to the actions  described  in Sections
6.2 and 6.3,  Seller and Buyer shall execute and deliver such further  documents
and  instruments  as are  necessary at or following  Closing to evidence or give
effect to the sale of the Assets and the  assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities
contemplated by this Agreement.

     55.      Indemnification

     56  Indemnification by Seller.  From  and  after  Closing,   Seller  shall
indemnify  and hold  harmless  Buyer and its  Affiliates,  and their  respective
officers and directors, employees, agents, and representatives,  as the case may
be,  from and against any and all Losses  (but,  in each such case,  only to the
extent that insurance  proceeds have not been received and are not receivable in
respect thereof) arising out of or resulting from:

                       any representations and warranties made by Seller in this
Agreement not being true and accurate as of the Closing Date.

                (66)     any failure by Seller to perform any of its covenants,
agreements, or obligations in this Agreement;

                  (67)    the operation of the Business prior to the Effective 
Time (other than Assumed Liabilities); and

                  (68) all  liabilities  and  obligations of Seller that are not
Assumed  Liabilities  (including  but not  limited  to any such  liabilities  or
obligations  that arise under the bulk sales laws of any  jurisdiction),  or any
failure  of  Seller  to pay or  discharge  when  due  any  such  liabilities  or

       57.45   Indemnification by Buyer.
                                  From and after Closing, Buyer shall indemnify
and hold harmless Seller and its Affiliates,  and their respective  officers and
directors, employees, agents, and representatives,  as the case may be, from and
against  any and all Losses  (but,  in each such case,  only to the extent  that
insurance  proceeds  have not been  received and are not  receivable  in respect
thereof) arising out of or resulting from:

                       any representations and warranties made by Buyer in this
Agreement not being true and accurate as of the Closing Date;

                  (69)    any failure by Buyer to perform any of its covenants,
 agreements, or obligations in this Agreement; and

                  (70)     the Assumed Liabilities, or any failure of Buyer to 
pay or discharge when due any of the Assumed Liabilities.

       58.46   Procedure for Indemnified Third Party Claim

                                                    Promptly after receipt by
a party  entitled to  indemnification  hereunder (the  "Indemnitee")  of written
notice of the assertion or the  commencement  of any Litigation  with respect to
any matter referred to in Sections 7.1 or 7.2, the Indemnitee shall give written
notice thereof to the party from whom  indemnification is sought pursuant hereto
(the "Indemnitor") and thereafter shall keep the Indemnitor  reasonably informed
with respect thereto; provided,  however, that failure of the Indemnitee to give
the Indemnitor notice as provided herein shall not relieve the Indemnitor of its
obligations  hereunder  unless  and to the extent the  Indemnitor  is  adversely
affected by such failure.  In case any Litigation  shall be brought  against any
Indemnitee,  the Indemnitor  shall be entitled to participate in such Litigation
and, at the  Indemnitor's  option,  may assume the defense  thereof with counsel
satisfactory  to  the  Indemnitee,   at  the  Indemnitor's  sole  expense.   Any
participation  in any Litigation by the Indemnitee once defense thereof has been
assumed by the Indemnitor shall be at the expense of the Indemnitee,  unless the
interests of the Indemnitor and the Indemnitee are  sufficiently  divergent that
the  counsel  selected  by  the  Indemnitor  cannot  effectively  represent  the
Indemnitee.  If the Indemnitor  shall assume the defense of any  Litigation,  it
shall not settle the  Litigation  without the  Indemnitee's  consent  unless the
settlement  shall  include as an  unconditional  term  thereof the giving by the
claimant or the plaintiff of a release of the  Indemnitee,  satisfactory  to the
Indemnitee, from all liability with respect to such Litigation, and shall not in
any way restrict the activities of the Indemnitee.

       59.47   Determination of Indemnification Amounts and Related Matters

                                                    Except as stated in Section
7.4(b), (i) Seller and Buyer shall have no liability under Sections 7.1 and 7.2,
respectively,  unless and until the aggregate amount of Losses otherwise subject
to its indemnification obligations thereunder exceeds $250,000, and then only to
the extent of such excess, and (ii) in no event shall the aggregate liability of
Seller or Buyer under Sections 7.1 and 7.2, respectively, exceed $5,000,000.

                  (71)  Seller's  obligations  under  Section  7.1,  and Buyer's
obligations  under Section 7.2, with respect to Losses arising or resulting from
a breach of any of their respective  covenants stated in Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
2.5,  2.6,  2.7,  2.8,  2.9,  2.10,  2.11,  5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.7, 6.4, 8.2 and 8.6
(collectively,   the  "Exception   Covenants")  shall  not  be  subject  to  the
limitations  stated in Section 7.4(a),  nor shall such Losses be considered with
Losses subject to such  limitation  for purposes of  determining  whether Losses
exceed the limitation stated in clause (ii) of that paragraph.  However,  if and
to the  extent  any  Losses  arising  or  resulting  from a breach of  Exception
Covenants  (other  than  those in  Section  5.7) also  arise or result  from any
occurrence  or set of facts or  circumstances  that also  constitute a breach of
Seller's representations and warranties in this Agreement, the limitation stated
in clause (ii) of Section 7.4(a) shall apply  notwithstanding the first sentence
of this  paragraph.  Seller's  obligations  under  Sections  7.1(c) or (d), with
respect  to Losses  arising  with  respect to events  (or  periods  or  portions
thereof)  occurring  before the Effective  Time pursuant to claims of parties to
the License  Agreement  dated as of May 28, 1991  between  Seller (as  successor
licensee to the Felsway Corporation) and Steinbach,  Inc., as amended, shall not
be subject to the limitations stated in Section 7.4(a).

                  (72)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Agreement,
for purposes of determining  whether any representation or warranty of Seller in
this  Agreement  is untrue or  inaccurate  for  purposes of this  Article 7, and
determining  the  amount  of any  Losses  arising  or  resulting  from  any such
untruthfulness or inaccuracy,  such  representations  and warranties shall be as
they are stated except that all references to or  qualifications  by materiality
therein  (including but not limited to the word "material" and phrase  "Material
Adverse Effect") shall be deemed to be deleted therefrom and to be of no effect.

                  (73) Amounts  payable by the  Indemnitor to the  Indemnitee in
respect  of any  Losses  under  Sections  7.1 or 7.2  shall  be  payable  by the
Indemnitor as incurred or paid, as the case may be, by the Indemnitee, and shall
bear   interest   at  the  Prime  Rate  from  the  date  the  Losses  for  which
indemnification  is sought  were  incurred  or paid,  as the case may be, by the
Indemnitee until the date of payment of indemnification by the Indemnitor.

         60.48   Survival;  Time and Manner of Certain Claims

                   The representations, warranties and agreements of Buyer and
Seller in this Agreement shall survive Closing; provided, however, that neither
Seller nor Buyer shall have any liability under:

                           Sections 7.1(a) or 7.2(a), respectively, except for
claims for Losses thereunder asserted by the party seeking such  indemnification
by  written  notice to the party  from whom such  indemnification  is sought (A)
within the statutory periods of limitations applicable to claims that could give
rise to such Losses, in the case of the representations and warranties stated in
Section 4.12,  (B) within three years after the  Effective  Time, in the case of
the  representations and warranties stated in Section 4.15, and (C) on or before
May 31, 1998, in all other cases; and

           (2)      Sections 7.1(b), (c) or (d) or 7.2(b) or (c), respectively,
except for claims for Losses  thereunder  asserted by the party  seeking such  
indemnification  by written  notice to the party from whom such indemnification
is sought  within three years after the Effective Time.

                  (74) After  Closing  the sole  remedy of Buyer and Seller with
respect to this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby for matters
referred to in Sections 7.1 and 7.2 shall be (i) to make  claims,  to the extent
permitted by such  Sections,  pursuant to the  provisions of this Article 7, and
(ii) to seek specific  enforcement  of, or mandatory or  injunctive  relief with
respect to, Sections 2.5, 2.6 and 5.2.

         61.49    Disbursement of Indemnity Escrow Deposit

                                                    The Indemnity Escrow Deposit
shall be held by the Escrow  Agent  until the first  anniversary  of the Closing
Date (the "Indemnity Escrow Period"). If and to the extent that Buyer suffers or
incurs any Losses for which it is entitled to indemnification under Section 7.1,
it  shall  be  entitled   (but  shall  have  no   obligation)   to  obtain  such
indemnification  from the Indemnity Escrow Deposit,  by submitting to the Escrow
Agent a claim for a disbursement  therefrom in the amount of such Losses (or, if
less,  the amount of the  Indemnity  Escrow  Deposit).  Upon  expiration  of the
Indemnity  Escrow  Period,  Seller and Buyer  shall  direct the Escrow  Agent to
disburse to Seller the Indemnity Escrow Deposit, less (i) any amounts previously
disbursed  to Buyer in payment of  indemnified  Losses or to Buyer  pursuant  to
Section 2.8(b) and (ii) any amounts with respect to which Buyer has made a claim
for  disbursement  and Seller has disputed such claim in the manner  provided in
the Indemnity  Escrow  Agreement,  which amounts shall continue to be subject to
the Indemnity Escrow Agreement in accordance with its terms.

     62.50  Other Indemnification. 
                               The provisions of Sections 7.3 and 7.4 shall be
applicable to any claim for  indemnification  made under any other  provision of
this  Agreement,  and all references in Sections 7.3 and 7.4 to Sections 7.1 and
7.2 shall be deemed to be references to such other provisions of this Agreement.

     63.      Miscellaneous Provisions

     64.      Each of the parties shall pay its own expenses  and the  fees and
expenses of its counsel,  accountants, and other experts in connection with this

    65.51  Brokerage.   Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and
against any and all Losses arising from any employment by it of, or services  
rendered to it by, any finder,  broker,  agency, or other intermediary,  
in connection with the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  or any allegation 
of any such employment or services,  it being acknowledged that Webster 
Consultants,  LLC, did not in any event  act in any such  capacity  or  
provide  any  such  service.  Buyer  shall indemnify and hold Seller  harmless
from and against any and all Losses  arising from any employment by it of, 
or services rendered to it by, any finder, broker, agency, or other
intermediary,  in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, or 
any allegation of any such employment or services,  including but not
limited to any  employment of,  services  rendered by, or claims made by Webster
Consultants, LLC.

    66.52  Wavers.  No action taken pursuant to this Agreement,  including  any
investigation by or on behalf of any party hereto, shall be deemed to constitute
a waiver by the party taking the action of compliance  with any  representation,
warranty, covenant or agreement contained herein or in any Transaction Document.
The  waiver  by any  party  hereto of any  condition  or of a breach of  another
provision of this Agreement or any Transaction  Document shall not operate or be
construed as a waiver of any other condition or subsequent breach. The waiver by
any party of any of the  conditions  precedent  to its  obligations  under  this
Agreement  shall  not  preclude  it from  seeking  redress  for  breach  of this
Agreement other than with respect to the condition so waived.

       67.53  Notices

          All notices, requests,  demands,  applications,  services of process,
and other  communications  which are  required  to be or may be given under this
Agreement or any Transaction Document shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have been duly given if sent by telecopy or facsimile transmission, delivered by
recognized  overnight  courier,  or mailed,  certified first class mail, postage
prepaid,  return  receipt  requested,  to the  parties  hereto at the  following

         To Seller:

                           JBI, Inc.
                           555 Turnpike Street
                           Canton, MA 02021
                           Attention:       President
                           Telecopy:        (617) 821-4867


                           Goodwin, Procter & Hoar LLP
                           Exchange Place
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                           Attention:       Stephen W. Carr, P.C.
                           Telecopy:        (617) 570-1231

         To Buyer:

                           CHB Capital Partners
                           511 16th Street, Suite 600
                           Denver, CO 80202
                           Attention:       Thomas L. Kelly II
                           Telecopy:        (303) 571-0114


                           Shoe Corporation of America, Inc.
                           2035 Innis Road
                           Columbus, Ohio 43224
                           Attention:       Mr. Dennis B. Tishkoff
                           Telecopy:        (614) 784-0104

                           Parcel, Mauro, Hultin & Spaanstra, P.C.
                           1801 California Street
                           Suite 3600
                           Denver, Colorado 80202-2636
                           Attention:       Bruce D. Stocks
                           Telecopy:        (303) 298-8465

or to such other  address  as any party  shall  have  furnished  to the other by
notice given in accordance  with this  Section.  Such notice shall be effective,
(i) if delivered in person, by courier or by facsimile transmission, upon actual
receipt by the addressee, or (ii) if mailed, upon the earlier of five days after
deposit  in the mail and the date of  delivery  as shown by the  return  receipt

   68.54. Entire Agreement;Amendments.

         This  Agreement  embodies  the entire  agreement  between the parties
hereto  with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof and  supersedes  all prior
agreements and understandings,  oral or written, with respect thereto, including
but not limited to the Letter of Intent dated  November 13, 1996,  between Buyer
and J. Baker,  Inc. This  Agreement may not be modified  orally,  but only by an
agreement  in writing  signed by the party or parties  against  whom any waiver,
change, amendment, modification, or discharge may be sought to be enforced.

   69.55. Binding Effect;Benefits.

          This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and will be binding upon
the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective   heirs,   legal   representatives,
successors,  and permitted  assigns.  Neither Buyer nor Seller shall assign this
Agreement  or delegate any of its duties  hereunder to any other Person  without
the prior written consent of the other.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Seller
and Buyer each shall be entitled to assign this Agreement,  in whole or in part,
to any of their respective Affiliates without the consent of the other and Buyer
may assign the Agreement to American  National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago
as  agent  for  itself  and  other  lenders;  provided,  however,  that  no such
assignment  shall relieve Buyer or Seller of any of its  respective  obligations
under  this  Agreement,  and  provided,  further,  that any  permitted  assignee
(whether  or not it so states  in  writing)  shall be  deemed to have  taken any
interest  in this  Agreement  and any  rights  thereunder  subject to all rights
(including rights of offset), defenses and claims of Seller against Buyer.

    70.56. Hearings, Schedues and Exhibits.
            The section and other headings in this  Agreement  are for reference
purposes  only  and  will not  affect  the  meaning  of  interpretation  of this
Agreement. Reference to Schedules or Exhibits shall, unless otherwise indicated,
refer to the Exhibits and Schedules  attached to this Agreement,  which shall be
incorporated in and constitute a part of this Agreement by such  reference.  Any
item that could be deemed to be properly  disclosable  on more than one Schedule
to this Agreement shall be deemed to be properly disclosed on all such Schedules
if it is disclosed in reasonable detail on any Schedule to the Agreement.

   71.57. Counterparts
           This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
which,  when  executed,  shall  be  deemed  to be an  original  and all of which
together will be deemed to be one and the same instrument.

    72.58. Governing Law.

           The validity, performance, and enforcement of this agreement and all
transaction  documents,  unless  expressly  provided to the  contrary,  shall be
governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without giving effect
to the principles of conflicts of law of such state.

    73.59   Third Parties;Joint Ventures.
           This Agreement constitutes an  agreement  solely among the parties
hereto,  and is not  intended  to and  will not  confer  any  rights,  remedies,
obligations,  or  liabilities,  legal  or  equitable,  including  any  right  of
employment,  on any Person  (including but not limited to any employee or former
employee  of  Seller)  other  than  the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
successors,  or  assigns,  or  otherwise  constitute  any  Person a third  party
beneficiary  under or by reason of this  Agreement.  Nothing in this  Agreement,
expressed  or implied,  is intended to or shall  constitute  the parties  hereto
partners or participants in a joint venture.

      74.60. Construction.

         This  Agreement  has been  negotiated  by Buyer and  Seller and their
respective legal counsel,  and legal or equitable  principles that might require
the  construction  of this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement  against
the  party  drafting  this  Agreement  shall not  apply in any  construction  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

                 [Balance of this page intentionally blank]

         Buyer and Seller have executed this Asset Purchase  Agreement as of the
date first written above.


                                    JBI, Inc.
                                    By: /s/ Alan I. Weinstein
                                  Name: Alan I. Weinstein
                                 Title: President


                                    Shoe Corporation of America, Inc.

                                    By: /s/ Dennis B. Tishkoff
                                  Name: Dennis B. Tishkoff
                                 Title:   President