Exhibit 3(i)(A)

                WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.

      WE  HEREBY  CERTIFY  that the undersigned  natural
person  of the age of twenty-one years, or more,  acting
as  incorporated  of  a corporation under  the  Nebraska
Business Corporation Act, revise and amend the following
Articles of Incorporation for such corporation:

                       ARTICLE I.

     The  name of the corporation is WERNER ENTERPRISES,

                       ARTICLE II.

     The  period  of  the   corporation's  duration   is


     The  purposes  for   which   this  corporation   is
     organized are:

     (a)  To  carry  on by the means of motor  vehicles,
trucks,  and  conveyances  of  every  kind  and  nature,
propelled  by every type of power, the general  business
of   a  common  or  contract  carrier  engaged  in   the
transportation of a property in Intrastate or Interstate
Commerce in the State of Nebraska and in any other State
in  the  Union upon public or private streets,  avenues,
highways and other public and private places; to acquire
and   hold   Certificate  or  Certificates   of   Public
Convenience  and Necessity or permits for transportation
as  a common or contract carrier, issued by the State of
Nebraska  or  any  other State  in  the  Union,  or  the
Interstate  Commerce Commission, or  any  other  Federal
agency, and to sell, transfer, assign or dispose  of  in
the manner allowed and provided by law, such Certificate
or  Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity  or
permits,  and other evidences of authority to  carry  on
such  business; to do any and all things  necessary  and
advantageous or useful in connection with the conduct of
such  business, including but not by way or limitations,
the purchasing, owning, leasing, renting or acquiring by

any  other  method of control, the maintenance,  control
and  operation of motor vehicles, trucks and every other
type  of  conveyance (except railroads), and  apparatus,
garages,  terminals, and all other property of any  kind
whatsoever  necessary or useful for the transaction  and
carrying on of such business.

     (b)  To do everything necessary, proper, advisable,
or  convenient  for the accomplishment of  the  purposes
hereinabove  set  forth,  and to  do  all  other  things
incidental thereto or in connection therewith which  are
not  forbidden by the laws of the State of Nebraska,  or
by these Articles of Incorporation.

                       ARTICLE IV.

     The corporation shall have and exercise all  powers
and  rights conferred upon corporations by the  Nebraska
Business  Corporation Act and any  enlargement  of  such
powers conferred by subsequent legislative acts; and, in
addition   thereto,  the  corporation  shall  have   and
exercise  all  powers and rights, not  otherwise  denied
corporations  by the laws of the State of  Nebraska,  as
are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient or expedient
to  the  attainment of the purposes set forth in Article
III above.

                       ARTICLE V.

     The aggregate number  of  shares  of  common  stock
which this corporation shall have authority to issue  is
25,000,000 shares, having a par value of $0.01 each.

     All transfers  of  the shares of  this  corporation
shall  be made in accordance with the provisions of  the
By-Laws of the corporation.

                       ARTICLE VI.

     No  shareholder of the corporation shall  have  any
preemptive   right  to  purchase,  subscribe   for,   or
otherwise  acquire  shares or other  securities  of  the


corporation,  whether  now or  hereafter  authorized  or

                      ARTICLE VII.

     In  the  absence  of  fraud, no contract  or  other
transaction  between  the  corporation  and  any   other
person,   corporation,  firm,  syndicate,   association,
partnership,  or  joint  venture  shall  be  wholly   or
partially invalidated or otherwise affected by reason of
the  fact  that one or more of the directors of officers
of   such   other   corporation,  firm,   syndicate   or
association,  or  member of such  partnership  or  joint
venture,  or are pecuniarily or otherwise interested  in
such  contractual transaction, provided, that  the  fact
such  director  or directors of the corporation  are  so
situated or so interested or both, shall be disclosed or
shall  have been known to the Board of Directors of  the
corporation.   Any   director  or   directors   of   the
corporation  who is also a director or officer  of  such
other corporation, firm, syndicate, or association, or a
member  of  such  partnership,  or  joint  venture,   or
pecuniarily or otherwise interested in such contract  or
transaction,   may  be  counted  for  the   purpose   of
determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting  of
the  Board  of Directors of the corporation which  shall
authorize any such contract or transaction, and  in  the
absence of fraud, and as long as he acts in good  faith,
any such director may vote thereat to authorize any such
contract  or transaction, with like force and effect  as
if  he  were  not a director or officer  of  such  other
corporation,  firm,  syndicate,  or  association,  or  a
member   of  such  partnership  or  joint  venture,   or
pecuniarily or otherwise interested in such contract  or

                      ARTICLE VIII.

     To the  extent  permitted by law,  the  corporation
shall  indemnify any person who was or is a party or  is
threatened  to  be  made  a  party  to  any  threatened,
pending,  or  completed  action,  suit,  or  proceeding,


whether    civil,    criminal,    administrative,     or
investigative, including to the extent permitted by  law
an  action  by  or  in the right of the corporation,  by
reason  of  the  fact  that he is  or  was  a  director,
officer, employee, or agent of the corporation, or is or
was  serving  at  the request of the  corporation  as  a
director,  officer, employee, or agent  of  an  employee
benefit plan, against expenses, including attorney fees,
judgments,   fines,  and  amounts  paid  in  settlement,
actually  and  reasonably incurred by him in  connection
with  such  action, suit, or proceeding if he  acted  in
good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to  be
in   or  not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of  the
corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or
proceeding,  had  no  reasonable cause  to  believe  his
conduct was unlawful.

     To the  extent  permitted by law,  the  corporation
shall  have the power to purchase and maintain insurance
on  behalf  of  any  person who is or  was  a  director,
officer,  employee, or agent of the corporation  against
any  liability asserted against him and incurred by  him
in  such capacity or arising out of his status as  such,
whether  or not the corporation would have the power  to
indemnify him against such liability.

    The  indemnity  provided for by  this  Article  VIII
shall  not be deemed to be exclusive of any other rights
to  which  those  of  this Article  VIII  be  deemed  to
prohibit    the    corporation   from   extending    its
indemnification to cover other persons or activities  to
the   extent  permitted  by  law  or  pursuant  to   any
provisions in the By-Laws.


     The   property,  business,  and  affairs   of   the
corporation shall be managed and controlled by the Board
of Directors. The number of directors of the corporation
shall be set forth in the By-Laws.



     Any vacancy in the office of a  director  shall  be
filled by the vote of the  remaining directors, even  if
less  than  a quorum, or by  a sole remaining  director.
Any  directors  so chosen shall  hold office  until  the
next  election  of the class for  which  such  directors
have  en  chosen  and  until their successors  shall  be
elected and qualified.

     Any newly created  directorship resulting from  any
increase  in the number  of directors may be  filled  by
the  Board of Directors, acting  by a majority  of.  the
directors  then in office, even  if less than a  quorum,
or  by a sole remaining director;  and any directors  so
chosen shall hold office until  the next election of the
class  for  which such directors  have been  chosen  and
until their successors shall be elected and qualified.


     The street address  of the registered office of the
corporation is 300 First  Westside Bank Building, Omaha,
Nebraska   68114,  and  the  name  and  address  of  its
registered  agent  is  Irving  B.  Epstein,   300  First
Westside Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68114.

     The  foregoing  revised  Articles of  Incorporation
supersede the original  Articles of Incorporation of the
corporation, and all amendments thereto.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands
at Omaha, Nebraska, this 25th day of April, 1986.

                               WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.

                               /s/ Gary L. Werner
                               Gary L. Werner, President

     /s/ Jacob D. Wood
     Jacob D. Wood, Secretary
