14507 Frontier Road
                             P. O. Box 45308
                          Omaha, Nebraska 68145

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                Contact:  Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.
- ---------------------                      Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Information Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3000

                                                         John J. Steele
                                Executive Vice President, Treasurer and
                                                Chief Financial Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3036


Omaha, Nebraska, July 19, 2006:
- ------------------------------

     Werner  Enterprises, Inc. (Nasdaq:  WERN-news), one of the nation's
largest  truckload  transportation  and  logistics  companies,  reported
improved  operating revenues and earnings for the second  quarter  ended
June 30, 2006.

     Operating  revenues  increased 9% to  $528.9  million  compared  to
$485.8  million  in second quarter 2005.  Net income  increased  11%  to
$28.0  million  compared  to  $25.3  million  in  second  quarter  2005.
Earnings per share for second quarter 2006 were $.35 per share,  or  12%
higher than the $.31 per share earned in second quarter 2005.

     "By  focusing  on  the  fundamentals  of  the  Company's  truckload
business  and  growing the revenues and operating income  of  its  Value
Added  Services  business, Werner produced another good  quarter,"  said
Chairman  and Chief Executive Officer, Clarence (C.L.) Werner.   "Thanks
to  the  significant contributions of the outstanding men and  women  of
Werner  Enterprises,  the  Company achieved its  nineteenth  consecutive
quarter of improved year-over-year earnings."

     As  second  quarter 2006 progressed, freight demand improved  on  a
year-over-year basis.  April 2006 demand was comparable to  April  2005.
Beginning  the second week of May 2006, freight demand was  better  than
the   same  period  of  2005.  This  favorable  demand  trend  continued
throughout  the last seven weeks of second quarter 2006. For  the  first
three  weeks of July 2006, freight demand has been about the same as  it
was  in  the  first  three weeks of July 2005.  Werner measures  freight
demand for all periods by comparing the percentage of available loads to
available trucks for its non-dedicated truck fleets.

     A  substantial  portion  of the Company's  freight  base  is  under
contract  with  customers and provides for annual pricing  increases.  A
significant portion of the Company's non-dedicated fleet contracts renew
and will be renegotiated during the second half of 2006.  There continue
to  be  several inflationary cost pressures that are impacting truckload
carriers.   They include: (1) driver pay and other driver-related  costs
due  to  a  difficult driver market, (2) rising diesel fuel prices,  (3)
conversion  from low sulfur diesel fuel to ultra-low sulfur diesel  fuel
("ULSD"),  (4)  new engine emission requirements for newly  manufactured
trucks  beginning in January 2007 that are increasing the truck purchase
costs  and  lowering  the  miles  per gallon  ("mpg"),  and  (5)  rising

liability  and  cargo insurance costs.  To recoup these cost  increases,
management  will be seeking freight rate increases during  the  upcoming
contract  renewal  period.  Werner continues to work  closely  with  its
customers to develop innovative solutions that drive costs out of  their
freight  network, such as dedicated fleets, designated lanes, continuous
move shipments, and multi-customer freight optimization.

     The  driver  market  continues to be extremely challenging,  as  it
becomes even more difficult during the spring and summer months when the
truckload  industry competes with construction, agricultural, and  other
outdoor  jobs  that  are  more plentiful during  this  seasonal  period.
Average  tractors in service declined by 129 trucks from second  quarter
2005  to  second  quarter 2006 due principally  to  the  driver  market;
however, the Company made significant progress improving its truck count
during  the  latter  part  of second quarter  2006  by  reducing  driver
turnover.  Improving driver turnover continues to be a primary focus  of
the Company's non-driver workforce.

     For  second  quarter  2006  compared to second  quarter  2005,  the
Company's  miles  per tractor declined 2.6%.  A significant  portion  of
this  decrease is due to the ongoing shift of trucks from the medium-to-
long-haul van division (which has higher average miles per truck) to the
dedicated  division  (which has lower average  miles  per  truck).   The
revision  to the hours of service regulations that went into  effect  in
October 2005 also caused lower miles per truck for some shorter haul  or
multiple stop shipments.

     In the Company's March 31, 2006 Form 10-Q filed with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  on May 1, 2006,  the  Company  estimated  the
negative  impact  of higher fuel costs on second quarter  2006  earnings
compared  to second quarter 2005 earnings to be four cents to six  cents
per share, assuming diesel fuel prices for the last nine weeks of second
quarter  2006 remained at the average price for the first four weeks  of
second  quarter 2006.  Fuel costs averaged 57 cents a gallon  higher  in
second  quarter 2006 compared to second quarter 2005, but the  Company's
average  mpg was better than expected, and the Company's fuel  surcharge
collections  were  higher than estimated, resulting in  a  two-cent  per
share negative impact on second quarter 2006 earnings compared to second
quarter 2005 earnings.  The Company includes all of the following  items
in the calculation of the estimated impact of fuel costs on earnings for
both   periods:    (1)  average  fuel  price  per   gallon,   (2)   fuel
reimbursements paid to owner-operator drivers, (3) lower mpg due to  the
year-over-year  increase  in the percentage of the  company-owned  truck
fleet  with post-October 2002 engines, and (4) offsetting fuel surcharge
revenues from customers.

     As  planned, the average age of the Company's truck fleet  remained
new  relative to historical standards at 1.32 years as of June 30, 2006.
The  percentage  of the Company's fleet with post-October  2002  engines
("Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") phase one") was nearly 100% as
of  June  30,  2006  compared to 68% as of June 30,  2005.   It  is  the
Company's intention to keep its fleet as new as possible, in advance  of
the  federally mandated engine emission standards that are required  for
all  newly-manufactured  trucks beginning in January  2007  ("EPA  phase
two").   During  the  second half of 2006, the Company  will  be  taking
delivery of a substantial number of new trucks.

     Truckload  carriers will be required to transition from low  sulfur
diesel  fuel  to ULSD, as refiners gradually meet the October  15,  2006
transition  date  mandated by the EPA.  Preliminary estimates  are  that
ULSD  will result in a 1% to 3% degradation of fuel mpg for all  trucks,
due  to the lower energy content (btu) of ULSD.   The EPA estimates  the
higher  cost of ULSD to the end user should not exceed eight  cents  per
gallon  once  the  fuel becomes widely available.  However,  during  the

transition period, supply and demand factors could cause the pricing  of
ULSD  to  be  more  volatile.  To the extent  that  diesel  fuel  prices
increase more significantly during the transition to ULSD, the Company's
fuel  surcharge programs with its customers are designed to recover most
of the potential diesel fuel price increase.

     The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Fleet Truck Sales, is one of
the  largest domestic class 8 late-model truck sales companies  and  has
been  in  the business since 1992.  Gains on sales of assets,  primarily
trucks  and  trailers, increased to $7.1 million in second quarter  2006
compared  to  $3.6  million in second quarter 2005.  In  second  quarter
2006,  the  Company spent less on repairs per truck sold than in  second
quarter  2005.   The Company continued to sell its oldest  van  trailers
that  have  already  reached the end of their depreciable  life.   These
trailer  sales  contributed to the improved equipment  gains  in  second
quarter  2006.  The Company expects to continue to sell its  oldest  van
trailers during the remainder of 2006 as it replaces them with  new  van
trailers.  Rising fuel prices in second quarter 2006 affected used truck
buyers  and  reduced  the number of trucks sold in second  quarter  2006
compared  to first quarter 2006, when gains on sales were $8.8  million.
In  addition, the pace of truck sales slowed during the latter  part  of
second  quarter  2006 and into July 2006.  If fuel  prices  remain  high
going  forward, the Company expects this could significantly limit truck
sales  and,  to  a lesser extent, trailer sales.  The number  of  trucks
planned  for  sale during 2007 is expected to be lower than  the  number
planned to be sold in 2006, and the Company plans to continue to replace
its oldest van trailers into 2007.

     To provide customers with additional sources of capacity and expand
its  portfolio  of customer solutions, Werner is growing  its  non-asset
based  Value  Added  Services  ("VAS")  division.   VAS  includes  truck
brokerage,  freight transportation management (single-source logistics),
and  intermodal, as well as a newly expanded international product line.
VAS  has  a  goal to grow revenues and operating income over 20%  during
third and fourth quarter 2006 compared to third and fourth quarter 2005.
Financial  results  for VAS for second quarter 2006 compared  to  second
quarter 2005 are as follows:

Value Added Services (amounts in 000's)          2Q06                2Q05
- ---------------------------------------    ----------------    ----------------
Revenues                                   $68,807   100.0%    $55,555   100.0%
Gross margin                                 6,603     9.6       5,150     9.3
Operating income                             2,365     3.4       1,916     3.4

     Truck   brokerage  generated  59%  revenue  growth,  by   providing
customers  with  truckload capacity solutions using a qualified  carrier
base  that has grown to approximately 4,250 carriers.  The VAS brokerage
network  consists of nine offices and 43 freight brokers.  The brokerage
product  line  has expanded from dry van freight into  the  flatbed  and
temperature-controlled segments of the business, which  is  accelerating
the  growth  rate.   Brokerage is on pace to surpass  revenues  of  $100
million in 2006 with improving operating margins.

     Freight  transportation management consists of managing  customers'
freight  needs  as  the lead logistics provider at either  the  network,
facility,  or  lane  level.  Through the use of leading-  edge  systems,
which include load, mode, and network optimization tools, Werner is able
to  provide  innovative solutions ranging from site  selection  to  full
vendor  management,  including door-to-door delivery options  throughout
North  America and Asia.  Much of the revenue generated by  the  freight
management group is recorded as revenue by the Company's operating group
that  executes the shipment.  Freight management represents one  of  the
largest  sources  of  revenue growth for the  brokerage  and  intermodal

     Intermodal grew revenues by 119% due to the improved utilization of
the  company-owned intermodal trailer fleet of over 1,250  trailers  and
the  previously announced 400 containers in the assigned container fleet
with  Union  Pacific.  Sequentially from first quarter 2006,  intermodal
improved  trailer  turns  as  it successfully  expanded  its  intermodal
freight  base.  Intermodal operating income improved from first  quarter

2006  to  second  quarter  2006.  As a result  of  a  series  of  recent
intermodal business awards, the combined trailer and container fleet  is
expected  to  close 2006 at approximately 2,000 units.  In  addition  to
company-owned   and   assigned  equipment,  intermodal   has   operating
agreements  in  place  to  utilize both rail  and  ocean  carrier  owned
containers consisting of 20, 40, 45, and 53 foot free-running equipment.

     The  Company recently formed Werner Global Logistics U.S.,  LLC,  a
separate  operating  company  within  VAS.   After  several  months   of
researching  and  developing the Company's  business  plans,  Werner  is
announcing  its  entrance  into the Asian  transportation  market.   The
Company  recently obtained its U.S. Ocean Transport Intermediary  (NVOCC
and  Ocean Freight Forwarding) license and established a local  presence
with  the  opening  of  its Shanghai, China office.   Both  current  and
prospective customers of Werner Enterprises have continued to express  a
desire   to   enhance  their  visibility,  management,  and   compliance
activities related to their ever lengthening supply chains. By combining
Werner's  50 years of experience in the transportation marketplace  with
its leading-edge tools and logistics know-how, the Company is positioned
to provide a quality solution to customers' ground network needs on both
sides  of  the Trans-Pacific trade lanes. Expectations for  the  product
offering  in China will include site selection analysis, vendor  and  PO
management,  FCL consolidation and warehousing, as well as  door-to-door
freight forwarding and customs brokerage. These services are expected to
be  achieved through a combination of strategic alliances with  best  in
class  providers throughout the Trans-Pacific supply chain and  company-
owned assets.

     A comparison of the  Company's  truckload  operating ratio,  net of
fuel  surcharge  revenues, and VAS  operating ratio  for second quarters
2006 and 2005 is shown below.

Operating Ratios                      2Q06        2Q05       Difference
- ----------------                     ------      ------      ----------
Truckload Transportation Services     88.4%       89.4%         -1.0%
Value Added Services                  96.6        96.6           0.0

     Higher  fuel prices and higher fuel surcharge collections have  the
effect of increasing the total company operating ratio and the Truckload
Transportation  Services  segment's operating  ratio.  Eliminating  this
sometimes  volatile source of revenue provides a more  consistent  basis
for  comparing  the  results of operations from period  to  period.  The
Truckload  Transportation Services segment's operating ratio for  second
quarter  2006  and second quarter 2005 is 90.4% and 90.7%, respectively,
if  fuel  surcharge  revenues are included in revenues  and  not  netted
against operating expenses.

     In the first quarter of 2006, Werner adopted Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards (SFAS) No. 123(R) for its share-based compensation
plan  on a modified prospective basis. Under SFAS No. 123(R), all share-
based  compensation  cost  is recognized as an  expense  in  the  income
statement.  In  2005 and prior years, the Company accounted  for  share-
based  compensation using the intrinsic value method prescribed  in  APB
Opinion No. 25, under which the Company recorded no compensation expense
since the exercise price of the options equaled the fair market value of
the  underlying common stock on the date of grant. The Company  recorded
expense  of $0.6 million in Salaries, Wages and Benefits (or  0.5  cents
per share, net of taxes) in second quarter 2006. The estimated impact of
this  new accounting standard for the full year of 2006 is approximately
two  cents per share, representing the expense to be recognized for  the
unvested  portion of awards granted to date. The Company cannot  predict
the earnings impact of any awards that may be granted in the future.

     The Company's financial position remains strong. Werner Enterprises
had  $42.8  million of cash and no debt as of June  30,  2006.   Due  to
significant truck purchases scheduled for the second half of  2006,  the
Company  expects  to  have debt borrowings later during  2006,  and  the
Company expects to repay these borrowings in the first half of 2007 when
truck purchases are expected to be lower.  Stockholders' equity grew  to
$871.9  million,  or $11.21 per share. During second quarter  2006,  the
Company  purchased one million shares of its common stock at an  average
share  price  of  $19.65,  bringing its year-to-date  purchases  to  two
million shares at an average price per share of $19.74.

                                        INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                              (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                              Quarter Ended    % of Operating    Quarter Ended    % of Operating
                                06/30/06          Revenues         06/30/05          Revenues
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------
Operating revenues                 $528,889             100.0         $485,789             100.0
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and
     benefits                       149,743              28.3          141,332              29.1
   Fuel                             102,812              19.4           78,064              16.1
   Supplies and maintenance          38,982               7.4           39,921               8.2
   Taxes and licenses                27,905               5.3           29,465               6.1
   Insurance and claims              21,613               4.1           21,838               4.4
   Depreciation                      41,072               7.8           40,539               8.3
   Rent and purchased
     transportation                 101,335              19.1           90,342              18.6
   Communications and
     utilities                        4,827               0.9            5,134               1.1
   Other                             (5,751)             (1.1)          (2,974)             (0.6)
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------
      Total operating
        expenses                    482,538              91.2          443,661              91.3
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------
Operating income                     46,351               8.8           42,128               8.7
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                       4               0.0                2               0.0
   Interest income                   (1,221)             (0.2)            (822)             (0.1)
   Other                                 85               0.0               46               0.0
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------
      Total other expense
        (income)                     (1,132)             (0.2)            (774)             (0.1)
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Income before income taxes           47,483               9.0           42,902               8.8
Income taxes                         19,462               3.7           17,607               3.6
                              -------------    --------------    -------------    --------------
Net income                          $28,021               5.3          $25,295               5.2
                              =============    ==============    =============    ==============

Diluted shares outstanding           79,689                             80,692
                              =============                      =============
Diluted earnings per share             $.35                               $.31
                              =============                      =============

                                            OPERATING STATISTICS
                              Quarter Ended                      Quarter Ended
                                06/30/06          % Change         06/30/05
                              -------------    --------------    -------------
Trucking revenues, net of
  fuel surcharge (1)               $375,897              1.2%         $371,612
Trucking fuel surcharge
  revenues (1)                       78,213             50.5%           51,967
Non-trucking revenues,
  including VAS (1)                  71,569             21.2%           59,065
Other operating revenues (1)          3,210              2.1%            3,145
                              -------------                      -------------
     Operating revenues (1)        $528,889              8.9%         $485,789
                              =============                      =============

Average monthly miles per
  tractor                             9,938             -2.6%           10,199
Average revenues per total
  mile (2)                           $1.463              5.3%           $1.389
Average revenues per loaded
  mile (2)                           $1.679              6.4%           $1.578
Average percentage of empty
  miles (3)                           12.84%             7.1%            11.99%
Average trip length in miles
  (loaded)                              584              3.2%              566
Total miles (loaded and
  empty) (1)                        256,852             -4.0%          267,547
Average tractors in service           8,615             -1.5%            8,744
Average revenues per tractor
  per week (2)                       $3,356              2.7%           $3,269
Capital expenditures, net (1)       $33,965                            $73,630
Cash flow from operations (1)       $43,595                            $29,246
Return on assets (annualized)           8.3%                               8.0%
Total tractors (at quarter
     Company                          7,905                              7,820
     Owner-operator                     805                                930
                              -------------                      -------------
          Total tractors              8,710                              8,750

Total trailers (truck and
  intermodal, at quarter end)        25,180                             24,090
Managed containers (at
  quarter end)                          400                                  -

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.
(3)  Miles without trailer cargo.  Dedicated fleets have a higher empty
     mile percentage, which is priced in the dedicated business.

                                        INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                             Six Months Ended    % of Operating    Six Months Ended    % of Operating
                                 06/30/06           Revenues           06/30/05           Revenues
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------
Operating revenues                 $1,020,811             100.0            $941,051             100.0
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and
     benefits                         296,356              29.0             281,554              29.9
   Fuel                               191,458              18.8             145,692              15.5
   Supplies and maintenance            76,774               7.5              76,675               8.1
   Taxes and licenses                  57,374               5.6              58,243               6.2
   Insurance and claims                40,808               4.0              45,038               4.8
   Depreciation                        82,173               8.1              80,176               8.5
   Rent and purchased
     transportation                   189,354              18.5             172,909              18.4
   Communications and
     utilities                          9,722               1.0              10,576               1.1
   Other                               (6,381)             (0.6)             (4,777)             (0.5)
			     ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------
      Total operating
        expenses                      937,638              91.9             866,086              92.0
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------
Operating income                       83,173               8.1              74,965               8.0
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                       277               0.0                   6               0.0
   Interest income                     (2,216)             (0.2)             (1,787)             (0.1)
   Other                                  126               0.0                  73               0.0
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------
      Total other expense
        (income)                       (1,813)             (0.2)             (1,708)             (0.1)
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------

Income before income taxes             84,986               8.3              76,673               8.1
Income taxes                           34,936               3.4              31,457               3.3
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------    --------------
Net Income                            $50,050               4.9             $45,216               4.8
                             ================    ==============    ================    ==============

Diluted shares outstanding             80,324                                80,754
                             ================                      ================
Diluted earnings per share               $.62                                  $.56
                             ================                      ================

                                              OPERATING STATISTICS
                                   YTD06            % Change             YTD 05
                             ----------------    --------------    ----------------
Trucking revenues, net of
  fuel surcharge (1)                 $744,153              2.0%            $729,478
Trucking fuel surcharge
  revenues (1)                        140,101             50.8%              92,903
Non-trucking revenues,
  including VAS (1)                   130,549             15.8%             112,742
Other operating revenues (1)            6,008              1.3%               5,928
                             ----------------                      ----------------
     Operating revenues (1)        $1,020,811              8.5%            $941,051
                             ================                      ================

Average monthly miles per
  tractor                               9,886             -1.8%              10,066
Average revenues per total
  mile (2)                             $1.456              4.7%              $1.391
Average revenues per loaded
  mile (2)                             $1.671              5.8%              $1.579
Average percentage of empty
  miles (3)                             12.87%             8.3%               11.88%
Average trip length in miles
  (loaded)                                585              2.8%                 569
Total miles (loaded and
  empty) (1)                          511,169             -2.5%             524,393
Average tractors in service             8,618             -0.7%               8,682
Average revenues per tractor
  per week (2)                         $3,321              2.8%              $3,231
Capital expenditures, net (1)         $41,835                              $152,661
Cash flow from operations (1)        $147,115                               $96,271
Return on assets (annualized)             7.4%                                  7.2%
Total tractors (at quarter
     Company                            7,905                                 7,820
     Owner-operator                       805                                   930
                             ----------------                      ----------------
          Total tractors                8,710                                 8,750

Total trailers (truck and
  intermodal, at quarter end)          25,180                                24,090
Managed containers (at
  quarter end)                            400                                     -

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.
(3)  Miles without trailer cargo.  Dedicated fleets have a higher empty
     mile percentage, which is priced in the dedicated business.

                                                                BALANCE SHEET DATA
                                                         (In thousands, except share amounts)

                                                    6/30/06                               12/31/05
                                                 --------------                        --------------


Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                            $42,810                               $36,583
   Accounts receivable, trade, less allowance
      of $15,828 and $8,357, respectively               233,504                               240,224
   Other receivables                                     17,370                                19,914
   Inventories and supplies                              10,576                                10,951
   Prepaid taxes, licenses and permits                    8,215                                18,054
   Current deferred income taxes                         21,900                                20,940

   Other current assets                                  22,755                                20,966
                                                 --------------                        --------------
      Total current assets                              357,130                               367,632
                                                 --------------                        --------------

Property and equipment                                1,538,914                             1,555,764
Less - accumulated depreciation                         564,213                               553,157
                                                 --------------                        --------------
      Property and equipment, net                       974,701                             1,002,607
                                                 --------------                        --------------

Other non-current assets                                 16,420                                15,523
                                                 --------------                        --------------
                                                     $1,348,251                            $1,385,762
                                                 ==============                        ==============


Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                                     $63,273                               $52,387
   Current portion of long-term debt                          -                                60,000
   Insurance and claims accruals                         60,511                                62,418
   Accrued payroll                                       22,502                                21,274
   Other current liabilities                             18,321                                21,838
                                                 --------------                        --------------
      Total current liabilities                         164,607                               217,917
                                                 --------------                        --------------

Other long-term liabilities                                 745                                   526

Insurance and claims accruals, net of
  current portion                                        97,500                                95,000

Deferred income taxes                                   213,525                               209,868

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.01 par value,
     200,000,000 shares authorized;
     80,533,536 shares issued;
     77,810,695 and 79,420,443 shares
     outstanding, respectively                              805                                   805
   Paid-in capital                                      104,391                               105,074
   Retained earnings                                    820,657                               777,260
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss                  (1,269)                                 (259)
   Treasury stock, at cost;
     2,722,841 and 1,113,093
     shares, respectively                               (52,710)                              (20,429)
                                                 --------------                        --------------
      Total stockholders' equity                        871,874                               862,451
                                                 --------------                        --------------
                                                     $1,348,251                            $1,385,762
                                                 ==============                        ==============

       Werner  Enterprises  is  a  full-service  transportation  company
providing  truckload and logistics services throughout  the  48  states,
portions of Canada and Mexico.  C.L. Werner founded the Company in 1956.
Werner  is  one  of  the nation's largest truckload  transportation  and
logistics companies with a fleet of 8,710 trucks and 25,180 trailers.

      Werner  Enterprises' common stock is traded on  The  Nasdaq  Stock
Market under the symbol WERN.  As of July 3, 2006, Werner is included in
the  new NASDAQ Global Select Market tier, and was listed on the  NASDAQ
National  Market  tier  prior to the change.  The NASDAQ  Global  Select
Market  has the highest listing standards, including measures of  market
value,   liquidity,  and  earnings.   The  Werner  website  address   is

      Note:   This  press  release contains forward-looking  statements,
which  are  based  on information currently available.   Actual  results
could  differ materially from those anticipated as a result of a  number
of factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in Item 1A of
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
2005.   The  Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking
statement  to the extent it becomes aware that it will not  be  achieved
for any reason.