14507 Frontier Road
                             P. O. Box 45308
                          Omaha, Nebraska 68145

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                          Contact:  John J. Steele
- ---------------------                      Executive Vice President and
                                                Chief Financial Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3036

                                               Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.
                                           Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Information Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3000


Omaha, Nebraska, January 22, 2007:
- ---------------------------------

     Werner  Enterprises,  Inc.  (Nasdaq: WERN),  one  of  the  nation's
largest  truckload  transportation  and  logistics  companies,  reported
revenues and earnings for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31,

     Revenues  decreased  1%  to $518.4 million in fourth  quarter  2006
compared  to $526.3 million in fourth quarter 2005.  Revenues, excluding
fuel  surcharges, increased 1% to $453.8 million in fourth quarter  2006
from  $449.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2005.  Earnings per share
decreased 13% to $.31 per share in fourth quarter 2006 compared to  $.36
in fourth quarter 2005.

     For  the full year, revenues increased 6% to $2.081 billion in 2006
compared   to   $1.972  billion  in  2005.   Revenues,  excluding   fuel
surcharges,  increased 3% to $1.794 billion in 2006 from $1.736  billion
for 2005.  Earnings per share rose 2% to $1.25 in 2006 compared to $1.22
in 2005.

     An  increased  supply  of trucks competing in the Company's primary
market   segments  was  principally  caused  by  a  huge,  industry-wide
accelerated  purchase  of  new trucks.  Approximately  331,000  class  8
trucks  were  built  in 2006, compared to a normalized  build  level  of
approximately 230,000 trucks.  Many carriers took delivery of  more  new
trucks  than normal in the second half of 2006 to delay the purchase  of
more  costly  new  trucks  that are required to meet  federally-mandated
engine  emission  requirements beginning with  engines  manufactured  in
January  2007.   The Company and industry analysts expect that  industry
purchases  of  new  trucks will decline dramatically  beginning  in  the
latter  part of first quarter 2007 and throughout a significant  portion
of  2007,  which is anticipated to reverse the recent temporary increase
in the supply of trucks.

     The  accelerated purchase of new trucks disrupted  the  supply  and
demand  balance  in  the  second half of 2006, contributing  to  a  more
challenging  freight  market  for  truckload  carriers.   During  fourth
quarter  2006  there  was a substantial year-over-year  change  in  spot
market  truckload freight rates, as the pendulum for spot market pricing
swung from truckload carriers in the fourth quarters of 2004 and 2005 to
shippers in fourth quarter 2006.

     In  addition,  as  the quarter progressed, the  used  truck  market
became  more challenging due to the temporary increase in the supply  of
trucks  for  sale. The Company plans to sell fewer used trucks  in  2007
than 2006.

     The  Company's  gains  on  sales of assets,  primarily  trucks  and
trailers,  held  up fairly well at $6.9 million in fourth  quarter  2006
compared  to  lower than normal gains of $2.4 million in fourth  quarter
2005.   During  2006 the Company began selling its oldest  van  trailers
that had reached the end of their depreciable life.  This contributed to
the increased gains on sales in fourth quarter 2006.  A temporarily weak
truck  sales  market, resulting from the spike in fuel prices  following
Hurricanes  Katrina  and Rita, negatively impacted the  trucks  sold  in
fourth  quarter 2005.  The market improved following a decline  in  fuel
prices in the latter part of fourth quarter 2005, and first quarter 2006
gains on sales of assets reached a record high of $8.8 million. Gains on
sales  are reflected as a reduction of Other Operating Expenses  in  the
accompanying income statement data.

     The  softer  freight market and the softer truck sales  market  are
making  it  more difficult for marginal carriers to remain in  business.
As  these  marginal carriers are facing significant funding requirements
for  truck  licensing  in first quarter 2007, some  trucks  may  not  be
licensed which would tighten capacity.

     As  a result of the above factors, the Company anticipates that the
recent  excess truck capacity in the market will gradually reverse,  and
capacity may tighten as we move toward the fall peak season of 2007.

     As discussed in the Company's previously issued second quarter 2004
and  second  quarter 2005 earnings releases, during the  strong  freight
markets of 2004 and 2005, Werner Enterprises continued to meet its truck
capacity  commitments with its partner customers, rather  than  shifting
truck capacity to other non-partner customers that had freight available
in  the  spot  market  at  attractive rates.  In addition,  the  Company
previously  stated  its  belief  that standing  by  its  truck  capacity
commitments  with partner customers was in the best long-term  interests
of the Company and its partner customers.  As the freight market changed
in  fourth quarter 2006, we met with our customers to remind them of the
partnership approach taken by Werner Enterprises in 2004 and  2005,  and
to request their assistance with respect to shipment volumes provided to
the  Company  and contractual freight rates.  The reaction and  response
from our partner customers has been extremely positive.

     The truckload freight market in fourth quarter 2006 was softer than
normal,  and  substantially softer than the strong  freight  markets  of
fourth  quarter 2005 and fourth quarter 2004.  The normal peak  seasonal
increase  in  freight volume from mid-August through  December  did  not
occur  in fourth quarter 2006.  This resulted in average miles per truck
declining  5.3% in fourth quarter 2006 compared to fourth quarter  2005.
For  the  first three weeks of January 2007, daily freight  pre-bookings
(freight  available to trucks available) continued to trend  lower  than
the same three weeks in January 2006.

     The  recent  softness  in  the housing and automotive  sectors  not
principally served by Werner Enterprises caused carriers that depend  on
these  freight  markets to more aggressively compete  in  other  freight
markets  served by the Company.  Other demand-related factors  that  may
have  contributed  to lower freight demand in fourth quarter  2006  were
inventory tightening by some large retailers, some shippers shifting  to
more intermodal intact container shipments for lower value freight,  and
moderating economic growth.

     The  ongoing diversification of our service offerings to dedicated,
regional,  expedited, international and logistics (via our  Value  Added
Services Division) continues to help soften the impact of less favorable
freight  markets  while providing increased service  offerings  for  our

     During  fourth  quarter 2006, the driver recruiting  and  retention
market  remained challenging, but was less difficult than the  extremely
challenging driver market experienced earlier in the year.

     Fuel  costs averaged 13 cents a gallon lower in fourth quarter 2006
compared to fourth quarter 2005, principally due to the temporary  spike
in  fuel  prices that occurred in October 2005 after Hurricanes  Katrina
and Rita.  Fuel prices subsequently declined from these record levels in
November  2005.  By month, October 2006 fuel averaged 59 cents a  gallon
lower  than October 2005, November 2006 averaged 5 cents a gallon higher
than  November 2005, and December 2006 averaged 15 cents a gallon higher
than  December 2005.  For fourth quarter 2006 compared to fourth quarter
2005,  net  fuel  costs had a one-cent negative impact on  earnings  per
share.   The  Company  includes  all  of  the  following  items  in  the
calculation  of  the impact of fuel on earnings for both  periods:   (1)
average  fuel price per gallon, (2) fuel reimbursements paid  to  owner-
operator  drivers, (3) lower miles per gallon ("mpg") due to  the  year-
over-year  increase in the percentage of the company-owned  truck  fleet
with  post-October 2002 engines and the mpg impact of  ultra-low  sulfur
diesel fuel, and (4) offsetting fuel surcharge revenues from customers.

     As  planned, the average age of the Company's truck fleet  remained
new  relative to historical Company and industry standards at 1.34 years
as  of December 31, 2006.  The Company brought down the age of its truck
fleet  to  delay  the  cost  impact  of  the  federally-mandated  engine
emission  standards.  The Company's capital expenditures for new  trucks
are expected to be much lower in 2007.

     To  provide  our customers with additional sources of capacity  and
expand  our portfolio of customer solutions, we are continuing  to  grow
our non-asset based Value Added Services ("VAS") division.  VAS includes
truck   brokerage,   freight   management   (single-source   logistics),
intermodal, and international freight forwarding.  Financial results for
VAS  for  fourth quarter 2006 and fourth quarter 2005 and for  the  full
years 2006 and 2005 are as follows:

Value Added Services (amounts in 000's)           4Q06                 4Q05
- ---------------------------------------     ----------------     ----------------
Revenues                                     $69,585  100.0%      $60,046  100.0%
Gross margin                                   6,753    9.7         6,304   10.5
Operating income                               1,695    2.4         2,677    4.5

                                                  2006                 2005
                                            ----------------     ----------------
Revenues                                    $265,968  100.0%     $218,620  100.0%
Gross margin                                  25,168    9.5        21,648    9.9
Operating income                               7,421    2.8         8,445    3.9

     Brokerage  continued its strong performance by providing  customers
with  viable capacity solutions using a carrier base that has  grown  to
4,600   qualified  carriers.   Brokerage  continued  to  grow   rapidly,
achieving  nearly  $100 million of revenues in 2006 with  an  attractive
operating margin.  Freight Management continued to grow its revenue base
and  recently  attracted several new single-source  customers  that  are
being  added during first quarter 2007.  Intermodal's results were lower
due  to a softer freight market and the impact of higher fixed costs and
repositioning  costs.   Several significant changes  to  our  intermodal

operating  strategy  have  been implemented and  are  expected  to  help
Intermodal achieve improved results in 2007 compared to 2006.

     In  July 2006, the Company formed Werner Global Logistics U.S., LLC
("WGL"),  a  separate company that operates within the VAS  segment.  In
October  2006,  the Company established its Wholly Owned Foreign  Entity
(WOFE) headquartered in Shanghai, China. Werner is one of the first U.S.
companies  to  receive  a  combined approval  to  conduct  comprehensive
forwarding   and  logistics  business,  nationwide  import/export,   and
wholesale and commission agency business.  Over the course of 2006,  WGL
and its subsidiaries were able to obtain business licenses to operate as
an  Ocean  Transport  Intermediary (NVOCC and Ocean Freight  Forwarder),
U.S.  Customs  Broker,  and  Class A Freight  Forwarder  in  China.   In
addition,  WGL  has  recently entered into the  air  freight  forwarding
business.  This  structure allows the Company to provide  sophisticated,
tailor-made supply chain and distribution solutions.

     Customer response has been very positive. Analysis and optimization
work  prepared for  key partner customers has resulted in multiple door-
to-door business awards being managed by the Company, primarily  in  the
Trans-Pacific  trade  lanes.  Current  service  offerings  within  China
include  site  selection  analysis, PO  and  vendor  management,  origin
consolidation, warehousing, freight forwarding and customs brokerage. By
combining   Werner's  50  years  of  experience  in  the  transportation
marketplace with its leading-edge technology and logistics know-how, the
Company is providing comprehensive global supply chain solutions to  our
customers.   These services are being provided through a combination  of
strategic  alliances  with  best in class  providers  and  company-owned

     A  comparison of the Company's truckload operating ratios,  net  of
fuel  surcharge  revenues, and VAS operating ratios for fourth  quarters
2006 and 2005 and for the full years 2006 and 2005 is shown below.

Operating Ratios                       4Q06        4Q05
- ----------------                     --------    --------
Truckload Transportation Services      89.9%       88.0%
Value Added Services                   97.6        95.5

                                       2006        2005
                                     --------    --------
Truckload Transportation Services      89.7%       89.6%
Value Added Services                   97.2        96.1

     Higher  fuel prices and higher fuel surcharge collections have  the
effect of increasing the total company operating ratio and the Truckload
Transportation  Services  segment's operating ratio.   Eliminating  this
sometime volatile source of revenue provides a more consistent basis for
comparing  the  results  of  operations  from  period  to  period.   The
Truckload Transportation Services segment's operating ratios for  fourth
quarter  2006 and fourth quarter 2005 are 91.3% and 90.0%, respectively,
and  for  2006  and  2005  are 91.3% and 91.0%,  respectively,  if  fuel
surcharge  revenues  are  included in revenues and  not  netted  against
operating expenses.

     The   Company's   financial  position   remains   strong.    Werner
Enterprises had $31.6 million of cash and $100.0 million of debt  as  of
December  31,  2006.   Stockholders' equity grew to $870.4  million,  or
$11.55 per share.  During fourth quarter 2006, the Company purchased 1.5
million shares of its common stock at an average share price of $18.49.

                                        INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                              (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                              Quarter Ended     % of Operating     Quarter Ended     % of Operating
                                12/31/06           Revenues          12/31/05           Revenues
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Operating revenues                 $518,447              100.0          $526,276              100.0
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and
     benefits                       148,961               28.7           146,296               27.8
   Fuel                              90,306               17.4           102,026               19.4
   Supplies and maintenance          37,103                7.2            37,594                7.2
   Taxes and licenses                30,127                5.8            30,796                5.9
   Insurance and claims              27,693                5.4            23,780                4.5
   Depreciation                      42,720                8.3            41,082                7.8
   Rent and purchased
     transportation                 101,156               19.5            92,830               17.6
   Communications and
     utilities                        4,812                0.9             4,812                0.9
   Other                             (5,073)              (1.0)           (1,448)              (0.3)
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
      Total operating
        expenses                    477,805               92.2           477,768               90.8
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Operating income                     40,642                7.8            48,508                9.2
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                     854                0.2               416                0.1
   Interest income                   (1,112)              (0.2)             (781)              (0.2)
   Other                                134                0.0                 4                0.0
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
      Total other expense
        (income)                       (124)              (0.0)             (361)              (0.1)
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Income before income taxes           40,766                7.8            48,869                9.3
Income taxes                         16,724                3.2            20,042                3.8
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Net income                          $24,042                4.6           $28,827                5.5
                              =============     ==============     =============     ==============

Diluted shares outstanding           77,253                               80,661
                              =============                        =============
Diluted earnings per share             $.31                                 $.36
                              =============                        =============

                                             OPERATING STATISTICS
                              Quarter Ended                        Quarter Ended
                                12/31/06           % Change          12/31/05
                              -------------     --------------     -------------
Trucking revenues, net of
  fuel surcharge (1)               $377,566              -1.7%          $384,028
Trucking fuel surcharge
  revenues (1)                       64,654             -16.4%            77,297
Non-trucking revenues,
  including VAS (1)                  72,113              15.9%            62,215
Other operating revenues (1)          4,114              50.4%             2,736
                              -------------                        -------------
     Operating revenues (1)        $518,447              -1.5%          $526,276
                              =============                        =============

Average monthly miles per
  tractor                             9,519              -5.3%            10,049
Average revenues per total
  mile (2)                           $1.477               2.1%            $1.447
Average revenues per loaded
  mile (2)                           $1.708               3.0%            $1.658
Average percentage of empty
  miles (3)                           13.50%              6.2%             12.71%
Average trip length in miles
  (loaded)                              574               0.7%               570
Total miles (loaded and
  empty) (1)                        255,631              -3.7%           265,365
Average tractors in service           8,951               1.7%             8,802
Average revenues per tractor
  per week (2)                       $3,245              -3.3%            $3,356
Capital expenditures, net (1)      $113,522                              $76,942
Cash flow from operations (1)       $57,276                              $34,438
Return on assets (annualized)           6.7%                                 8.5%
Total tractors (at quarter
     Company                          8,180                                7,920
     Owner-operator                     820                                  830
                              -------------                        -------------
          Total tractors              9,000                                8,750

Total trailers (truck and
  intermodal, quarter end)           25,200                               25,210
Managed containers (quarter
  end)                                  400                                  400

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.
(3)  Miles without trailer cargo.  Dedicated fleets have a  higher empty
     mile percentage, which is priced in the dedicated business.

                                        INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                   Year             % of                Year             % of
                                  Ended           Operating            Ended           Operating
                                 12/31/06          Revenues           12/31/05          Revenues
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Operating revenues               $2,080,555              100.0        $1,971,847              100.0
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and
     benefits                       594,783               28.6           574,893               29.2
   Fuel                             388,710               18.7           340,622               17.3
   Supplies and maintenance         155,304                7.5           154,719                7.9
   Taxes and licenses               117,570                5.7           118,853                6.0
   Insurance and claims              92,580                4.4            88,595                4.5
   Depreciation              	    167,516      	   8.1           162,462                8.2
   Rent and purchased
     transportation                 395,660               19.0           354,335               18.0
   Communications and
     utilities                       19,651                0.9            20,468                1.0
   Other                            (15,720)              (0.8)           (7,711)              (0.4)
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
      Total operating
        expenses                  1,916,054               92.1         1,807,236               91.7
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Operating income                    164,501                7.9           164,611                8.3
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                   1,196                0.1               672                0.0
   Interest income                   (4,407)              (0.2)           (3,381)              (0.2)
   Other                                319                0.0               261                0.0
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
      Total other expense
        (income)                     (2,892)              (0.1)           (2,448)              (0.2)
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------

Income before income taxes          167,393                8.0           167,059                8.5
Income taxes                         68,750                3.3            68,525                3.5
                              -------------     --------------     -------------     --------------
Net Income                          $98,643                4.7           $98,534                5.0
                              =============     ==============     =============     ==============

Diluted shares outstanding           79,101                               80,701
                              =============                        =============
Diluted earnings per share            $1.25                                $1.22
                              =============                        =============

                                             OPERATING STATISTICS
                               Year Ended                           Year Ended
                                12/31/06           % Change          12/31/05
                              -------------     --------------     -------------
Trucking revenues, net of
  fuel surcharge (1)             $1,502,827               0.6%        $1,493,826
Trucking fuel surcharge
  revenues (1)                      286,843              21.7%           235,690
Non-trucking revenues,
  including VAS (1)                 277,181              20.1%           230,863
Other operating revenues (1)         13,704              19.5%            11,468
                              -------------                        -------------
     Operating revenues (1)      $2,080,555               5.5%        $1,971,847
                              =============                        =============

Average monthly miles per
  tractor                             9,756              -3.2%            10,076
Average revenues per total
  mile (2)                           $1.466               3.8%            $1.413
Average revenues per loaded
  mile (2)                           $1.686               4.8%            $1.609
Average percentage of empty
  miles (3)                           13.06%              7.3%             12.17%
Average trip length in miles
  (loaded)                              581               2.3%               568
Total miles (loaded and
  empty) (1)                      1,025,129              -3.0%         1,057,062
Average tractors in service           8,757               0.2%             8,742
Average revenues per tractor
  per week (2)                       $3,300               0.4%            $3,286
Capital expenditures, net (1)      $241,821                             $299,209
Cash flow from operations (1)      $284,065                             $172,492
Return on assets (annualized)           7.1%                                 7.6%
Total tractors (at quarter
     Company                          8,180                                7,920
     Owner-operator                     820                                  830
                              -------------                        -------------
          Total tractors              9,000                                8,750

Total trailers (truck and
  intermodal, quarter end)           25,200                               25,210
Managed containers (quarter
  end)                                  400                                  400

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.
(3)  Miles without  trailer  cargo.   Dedicated  fleets  have  a  higher
     empty mile percentage, which is priced in the dedicated business.

                                                   BALANCE SHEET DATA
                                          (In thousands, except share amounts)

                                           12/31/06                 12/31/05
                                         ------------             ------------

Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                  $31,613                  $36,583
   Accounts receivable, trade,
     less allowance of $9,417 and
     $8,357, respectively                     232,794                  240,224
   Other receivables                           17,933                   19,914
   Inventories and supplies                    10,850                   10,951
   Prepaid taxes, licenses and permits         18,457                   18,054
   Current deferred income taxes               25,251                   20,940
   Other current assets                        24,143                   20,966
                                         ------------             ------------
      Total current assets                    361,041                  367,632
                                         ------------             ------------

Property and equipment                      1,687,220                1,555,764
Less - accumulated depreciation               590,880                  553,157
                                         ------------             ------------
      Property and equipment, net           1,096,340                1,002,607
                                         ------------             ------------

Other non-current assets                       20,792                   15,523
                                         ------------             ------------
                                           $1,478,173               $1,385,762
                                         ============             ============


Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                           $75,821                  $52,387
   Current portion of long-term debt                -                   60,000
   Insurance and claims accruals               73,782                   62,418
   Accrued payroll                             21,344                   21,274
   Other current liabilities                   19,963                   21,838
                                         ------------             ------------
      Total current liabilities               190,910                  217,917
                                         ------------             ------------

Long-term debt, net of current
  portion                                     100,000                        -

Other long-term liabilities                       999                      526

Insurance and claims accruals,
  net of current portion                       99,500                   95,000

Deferred income taxes                         216,413                  209,868

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.01 par value,
     200,000,000 shares authorized;
     80,533,536 shares issued;
     75,339,297 and 79,420,443 shares
     outstanding, respectively                    805                      805
   Paid-in capital                            105,193                  105,074
   Retained earnings                          862,403                  777,260
   Accumulated other comprehensive
     loss                                        (207)                    (259)
   Treasury stock, at cost;
     5,194,239 and 1,113,093
     shares, respectively                     (97,843)                 (20,429)
                                         ------------             ------------
      Total stockholders' equity              870,351                  862,451
                                         ------------             ------------
                                           $1,478,173               $1,385,762
                                         ============             ============

     Werner  Enterprises,  Inc. was founded in 1956  and  is  a  premier
transportation  and  logistics  company, with  coverage  throughout  the
United  States,  Canada, Mexico and China. Werner maintains  its  global
headquarters  in Omaha, Nebraska with offices throughout  North  America
and  China.  Werner is among the five largest truckload carriers in  the
United  States, with a diversified portfolio of transportation  services
that  includes  dedicated, medium-to-long-haul, regional and  local  van
capacity, expedited, temperature-controlled, and flatbed. Werner's Value
Added  Services portfolio includes freight management, truck  brokerage,
intermodal,  load/mode and network optimization and freight  forwarding.
Werner is a licensed NVOCC and U.S. Customs Broker.

     Werner  Enterprises'  common stock is traded on  The  Nasdaq  Stock
Market   under  the  symbol  WERN.   The  Werner  website   address   is

     Note:   This  press  release  contains forward-looking  statements,
which  are  based  on information currently available.   Actual  results
could  differ materially from those anticipated as a result of a  number
of factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in Item 1A of
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
2005.   The  Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking
statement  to the extent it becomes aware that it will not  be  achieved
for any reason.