Exhibit 99.1
                        WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
                           14507 Frontier Road
                             P. O. Box 45308
                          Omaha, Nebraska 68145

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                    John J. Steele
- ---------------------           Executive Vice President, Treasurer and
                                                Chief Financial Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3036

                                     Contact:  Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.
                                           Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Information Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3000


Omaha, Nebraska, April 16, 2009:
- ---------------------------------
     Werner Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ:WERN), one of the nation's largest
truckload transportation and logistics companies, reported revenues  and
earnings for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009.

     Revenues  decreased  23% to $394.5 million in  first  quarter  2009
compared  to  $512.8  million in first quarter 2008. Trucking  revenues,
excluding  trucking fuel surcharges, declined 12% to $308.0  million  in
first  quarter  2009 compared to $348.4 million in first  quarter  2008.
Value  Added  Services ("VAS") revenues declined 24%,  for  the  reasons
explained in the VAS paragraph on page three, to $47.5 million in  first
quarter  2009 compared to $62.2 million in first quarter 2008.  Earnings
per  diluted share decreased 18% to ten cents per diluted share in first
quarter 2009 compared to twelve cents per diluted share in first quarter

     The  already  soft  freight market weakened  further  during  first
quarter  2009.   The  recessionary economy combined with  many  shippers
aggressively  reducing their inventories caused  a  severe  slowdown  in
freight  shipments,  particularly in the  retail  sector  which  is  the
Company's largest industry vertical.  The Company proactively adapted to
these challenging market conditions by further reducing its fleet by  4%
during  first quarter 2009 (a 150-truck reduction in January and a  175-
truck  reduction  in March).  However, during first  quarter  2009,  the
decline  in  freight  shipments exceeded the Company's  fleet  reduction
efforts, which caused a significant decline in the Company's daily  pre-
booked  percentages of loads to trucks (pre-books).   In  the  last  few
days  of  March  2009  and into the first half of  April  2009,  freight
volumes began to improve from the very weak levels experienced for  most
of  first  quarter 2009, however freight volumes remain well  below  the
same period in the prior year.

     The Company continues to diversify its business from the medium-to-
long-haul  solo  driver  Van  fleet  (the  "Van"  fleet)  to  Dedicated,
Regional,  Expedited, and North America cross-border  in  the  Truckload
Transportation  Services ("Truckload") segment and  Freight  Management,
Intermodal, Brokerage and Werner Global Logistics international  in  the
VAS  segment.  This helped soften the impact of the weak freight  market
in  first  quarter  2009,  while  providing  expanded  services  to  our

     Werner  remains  committed  to serving  the  one-way,  longer  haul
segment of the truckload market.  While we have de-emphasized the  lower
asset  return,  solo driver solution, we continue to grow several  other
customer-focused solutions for this market such as using  team  drivers,
engineered  networks  of relay trucks, third-party  brokerage  carriers,
power-only with trucks provided by third-party carriers, and intermodal.
We  are  not leaving the one-way, longer haul market.  We are,  however,
changing  how  we  serve our customers in this market  with  more  cost-
effective, better return solutions.

     As  the  economy slowed during the latter part of 2008,  management
intensified  its efforts to aggressively manage and reduce  controllable
costs  and  identify  further efficiencies.   Numerous  additional  cost
savings programs were implemented during first quarter 2009.

      The Company continued to improve its fuel miles per gallon ("mpg")
in  first  quarter  2009  through several initiatives  to  improve  fuel
efficiency ongoing since March 2008.  These initiatives include reducing
truck  idle time, lowering non-billable miles, increasing the percentage
of  aerodynamic, more fuel-efficient trucks in the company  truck  fleet
and  the  installation  of auxiliary power units  ("APU's")  in  company
trucks.   Due  strictly  to  mpg improvements  from  these  fuel  saving
initiatives, Werner purchased 2.0 million fewer gallons of  diesel  fuel
in first quarter 2009 compared to first quarter 2008.  This equates to a
reduction  of  approximately 22,000 tons of  carbon  dioxide  emissions.
Werner  intends  to  continue these and other environmentally  conscious
initiatives,  including its active participation as a U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency SmartWay Transport Partner.

     The  Company believes that the weak freight market and  the  severe
tightening   of  the  credit  and  financial  markets  are   making   it
increasingly more difficult for highly leveraged truckload  carriers  to
remain  in business.  An expected increase in trucking company  failures
combined with a low level of Class 8 truck builds may gradually  improve
the  supply  and  demand  balance in the  industry  over  the  next  few

     The Company's wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Fleet Truck Sales, is  one
of  the  largest equipment sales remarketing companies in the U.S.,  and
has  been  in  business since 1992. Gains on sales of assets,  primarily
trucks  and  trailers, decreased to $0.7 million in first  quarter  2009
compared to $3.7 million in first quarter 2008.  In first quarter  2009,
the  Company  realized  lower gains per truck  and  trailer  sold.   The
Company  sold  fewer  trailers due to the effect of the  softer  freight
market  and  experienced lower buyer demand for used trucks due  to  the
weak  spot  market  for  freight.  Gains on sales  are  reflected  as  a
reduction of Other Operating Expenses in the Company's income statement.

     To provide shippers with additional sources of managed capacity and
network  analysis, the Company continues to successfully grow  its  non-
asset  based  VAS  segment. VAS includes Brokerage, Freight  Management,
Intermodal, and Werner Global Logistics.

Value Added Services (amounts in 000's)         1Q09                 1Q08
- ---------------------------------------   ----------------     ---------------
Revenues                                  $47,473   100.0%     $62,186  100.0%
Rent and purchased transportation
  expense                                  39,438    83.1       52,679   84.7
                                          -------              -------
Gross margin                                8,035    16.9        9,507   15.3
Other operating expenses                    6,302    13.3        5,840    9.4
                                          -------              -------
Operating income                           $1,733     3.6       $3,667    5.9
                                          =======              =======

     VAS revenues, gross margins, and operating income declined in first
quarter 2009 compared to first quarter 2008 due to three factors:  (1) a
reduction  in the average revenue per shipment of 19% due to lower  fuel
prices  and lower customer rates, (2) shifting significantly  more  non-
committed  shipments, revenues and gross margin from our VAS segment  to
our  Truckload segment in first quarter 2009 to help cushion the  impact
of  the  very  soft freight market on the Truckload segment  and  (3)  a
significantly weaker freight market, which was more than offset  by  VAS
shipment  growth  due to new customer business, reduced  the  number  of
industry  freight shipments by an estimated 15% to 20%.   The  following
table shows the change in shipment volume and average revenue (excluding
logistics fee revenue) per shipment for all VAS shipments:

                                    1Q09         1Q08    Difference     % Change
                                  -------      -------   ----------     --------
Total VAS shipments                54,606       53,087       1,519         3%
Less: Non-committed shipments
 to Truckload segment             (19,637)     (15,554)     (4,083)       26%
                                  -------      -------      ------
Net VAS shipments                  34,969       37,533      (2,564)       -7%
                                  =======      =======      ======

Average revenue per shipment       $1,277       $1,579       ($302)      -19%
                                  =======      =======      ======

      Our  Brokerage  revenues and gross margins  declined  due  to  the
factors  described in the paragraph above.  Freight Management  revenues
declined  due to reduced shipments with existing customers.   Intermodal
revenues  and  gross  margins declined due  to  an  extremely  weak  and
competitive intermodal market in first quarter 2009.

     A  comparison  of  the  operating ratios  (net  of  fuel  surcharge
revenues)  for the Truckload segment and VAS operating ratios for  first
quarters 2009 and 2008 is shown below.

Operating Ratios                      1Q09        1Q08        Difference
- ----------------                    --------    --------     ------------
Truckload Transportation Services     97.1%       97.4%         (0.3)%
Value Added Services                  96.4        94.1           2.3

     Fluctuating fuel prices and fuel surcharge collections  impact  the
total  company  operating  ratio and the Truckload  segment's  operating
ratio  when  fuel surcharges are reported on a gross basis  as  revenues
versus  netting  against  fuel  expenses.   Eliminating  fuel  surcharge
revenues,  which  are  generally  a more  volatile  source  of  revenue,
provides a more consistent basis for comparing the results of operations
from  period  to  period. The Truckload segment's operating  ratios  for
first  quarter  2009  and  first  quarter  2008  are  97.4%  and  97.9%,
respectively,  when  fuel surcharge revenues are  reported  as  revenues
instead of a reduction of operating expenses.

     The  Company's financial position remains strong. The Company ended
the  quarter  with  no  debt and $48.9 million of  cash.   Stockholders'
equity  is $747.6 million, or $10.44 per share.  The Company's financial
strength  compared  to many of its higher leveraged competitors  in  the
industry is attractive to customers, vendors, and employees.

                                          INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                                 (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Quarter       % of      Quarter       % of
                                 Ended      Operating    Ended      Operating
                                3/31/09     Revenues    3/31/08     Revenues
                               ---------    ---------   --------    ---------
Operating revenues              $394,508      100.0     $512,787     100.0
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and
     benefits                    134,186       34.0      143,187      27.9
   Fuel                           51,610       13.1      123,836      24.2
   Supplies and maintenance       37,897        9.6       40,509       7.9
   Taxes and licenses             24,395        6.2       28,265       5.5
   Insurance and claims           21,665        5.5       24,732       4.8
   Depreciation                   40,094       10.1       41,796       8.2
   Rent and purchased
     transportation               68,593       17.4       94,463      18.4
   Communications and
     utilities                     4,402        1.1        5,239       1.0
   Other                             410        0.1       (2,658)     (0.5)
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----
      Total operating
        expenses                 383,252       97.1      499,369      97.4
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----
Operating income                  11,256        2.9       13,418       2.6
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----
Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                   76        0.0            3       0.0
   Interest income                  (489)      (0.1)      (1,073)     (0.2)
   Other                            (272)      (0.0)          51       0.0
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----
      Total other expense
        (income)                    (685)      (0.1)      (1,019)     (0.2)
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----

Income before income taxes        11,941        3.0       14,437       2.8
Income taxes                       5,045        1.3        6,062       1.2
                               ---------      -----     --------     -----
Net income                        $6,896        1.7       $8,375       1.6
                               =========      =====     ========     =====

Diluted shares outstanding        71,944                  71,377
                               =========                ========
Diluted earnings per share          $.10                    $.12
                               =========                ========

                                              OPERATING STATISTICS

                                  Quarter Ended                 Quarter Ended
                                     3/31/09        % Change       3/31/08
                                  -------------     --------    -------------
Trucking revenues, net of
  fuel surcharge (1)                 $307,976         -11.6%       $348,424
Trucking fuel surcharge
  revenues (1)                         34,653         -63.8%         95,769
Non-trucking revenues,
  including VAS (1)                    48,669         -24.1%         64,119
Other operating revenues (1)            3,210         -28.3%          4,475
                                    ---------                     ---------
     Operating revenues (1)          $394,508         -23.1%       $512,787
                                    =========                     =========

Average monthly miles per
  tractor                               9,550          -3.2%          9,868
Average revenues per total
  mile (2)                             $1.438          -1.0%         $1.453
Average revenues per loaded
  mile (2)                             $1.662          -1.3%         $1.684
Average percentage of empty
  miles                                 13.50%         -1.6%          13.72%
Average trip length in
  miles (loaded)                          469         -13.5%            542
Total miles (loaded and
  empty) (1)                          214,170         -10.7%        239,744
Average tractors in service             7,475          -7.7%          8,099
Average revenues per
  tractor per week (2)                 $3,169          -4.2%         $3,309
Capital expenditures, net (1)         $43,592                       $25,388
Cash flow from operations (1)         $76,605                       $80,046
Return on assets
  (annualized)                            2.2%                          2.5%
Total tractors (at quarter
     Company                            6,675                         7,315
     Owner-operator                       700                           765
                                    ---------                     ---------
          Total tractors                7,375                         8,080

Total trailers (truck and
  intermodal, quarter end)             24,885                        24,950

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.

                                                    BALANCE SHEET DATA
                                          (In thousands, except share amounts)

                                            3/31/09                 12/31/08
                                          -----------              ----------

Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                  $48,883                 $48,624
   Accounts receivable,trade, less
     allowanceof $9,087 and $9,555,
     respectively                             156,647                 185,936
   Other receivables                           18,420                  18,739
   Inventories and supplies                    11,805                  10,644
   Prepaid taxes, licenses
     and permits                               11,872                  16,493
   Current deferred income taxes               31,749                  30,789
   Other current assets                        14,555                  20,659
                                          -----------              ----------
      Total current assets                    293,931                 331,884
                                          -----------              ----------

Property and equipment                      1,618,716               1,613,102
Less - accumulated depreciation               689,663                 686,463
                                          -----------              ----------
      Property and equipment, net             929,053                 926,639
                                          -----------              ----------

Other non-current assets                       16,349                  16,795
                                          -----------              ----------
                                           $1,239,333              $1,275,318
                                          ===========              ==========


Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                           $43,690                 $46,684
   Current portion of long-
     term debt                                      -                  30,000
   Insurance and claims accruals               79,283                  79,830
   Accrued payroll                             25,347                  25,850
   Other current liabilities                   19,682                  19,006
                                          -----------              ----------
      Total current liabilities               168,002                 201,370
                                          -----------              ----------

Other long-term liabilities                     7,485                   7,406

Insurance and claims accruals,
  net of current portion                      118,500                 120,500

Deferred income taxes                         197,758                 200,512

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.01 par value,
     200,000,000 shares authorized;
     80,533,536 shares  issued;
     71,576,367 and 71,576,267 shares
     outstanding, respectively                    805                     805
   Paid-in capital                             93,669                  93,343
   Retained earnings                          829,828                 826,511
   Accumulated other comprehensive
     loss                                      (8,733)                 (7,146)
   Treasury stock, at cost; 8,957,169
     and 8,957,269 shares,
     respectively                            (167,981)               (167,983)
                                          -----------              ----------
      Total stockholders' equity              747,588                 745,530
                                          -----------              ----------
                                           $1,239,333              $1,275,318
                                          ===========              ==========

      Werner  Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1956  and  is  a  premier
transportation  and  logistics  company, with  coverage  throughout  the
United  States,  Canada, Mexico, Asia, Europe and South America.  Werner
maintains  its  global  headquarters in Omaha,  Nebraska  and  maintains
offices  throughout North America and China.  Werner is among  the  five
largest  truckload  carriers in the United States,  with  a  diversified
portfolio of transportation services that includes dedicated, medium-to-
long-haul,  regional  and  local van capacity,  expedited,  temperature-
controlled and flatbed services. Werner's Value Added Services portfolio
includes freight management, truck brokerage, intermodal, load/mode  and
network  optimization  and  freight  forwarding.  Werner,  through   its
subsidiary  companies, is a licensed U.S. NVOCC,  U.S.  Customs  Broker,
Class  A  Freight Forwarder in China, licensed China NVOCC, TSA-approved
Indirect Air Carrier, and IATA Accredited Cargo Agent.

     Werner Enterprises, Inc.'s common stock trades on The NASDAQ Global
Select MarketSM under the symbol "WERN".  For further information  about
Werner, visit the Company's website at www.werner.com.

      Note:   This  press  release  contains forward-looking  statements
within  the  meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act  of  1933,  as
amended  (the  "Securities  Act"), and Section  21E  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act  of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").  Such  forward-
looking statements are based on information currently available  to  the
Company's management and are current only as of the date made.  For that
reason,  undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking
statement.   Actual  results  could also differ  materially  from  those
anticipated  as  a  result of a number of factors,  including,  but  not
limited to, those discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form  10-K
for  the  year ended December 31, 2008.  The Company assumes no duty  or
obligation  to update or revise any forward-looking statement,  although
it may do so from time to time as management believes is warranted.  Any
such  updates  or  revisions  may be made by  filing  reports  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission, through  the  issuance  of  press
releases or by other methods of public disclosure.