Exhibit 99.1
                        WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
                           14507 Frontier Road
                             P. O. Box 45308
                          Omaha, Nebraska 68145

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                          Contact:  John J. Steele
---------------------           Executive Vice President, Treasurer and
                                                Chief Financial Officer
                                                         (402) 894-3036


Omaha, Nebraska, July 20, 2011:

     Werner Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: WERN) one of the nation's largest
transportation and logistics companies, reported revenues  and  earnings
for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011.

     Summarized  financial results for second quarter  and  year-to-date
2011  compared  to the same periods of 2010 are as follows  (dollars  in
thousands, except per share data):

                          2Q11      2Q10    % Change    YTD11     YTD10     % Change
                        --------  --------  --------   --------  --------   --------
Total revenues          $515,897  $463,469       11%   $985,326  $888,544        11%
Trucking revenues, net
 of fuel surcharge      $333,709  $326,518        2%   $650,156  $630,186         3%
Value Added Services
 ("VAS") revenues        $71,227   $65,066        9%   $134,800  $126,466         7%
Operating income         $46,767   $35,546       32%    $74,209   $53,810        38%
Net income               $27,518   $20,930       31%    $43,811   $31,766        38%
Earnings per diluted
 share                     $0.38     $0.29       31%      $0.60     $0.44        37%

     Werner  produced continued strong earnings growth of 31% in  second
quarter  2011  compared to second quarter 2010 despite sluggish  freight
demand in the first two months of second quarter 2011 compared to strong
freight   demand  throughout  second  quarter  2010.   Freight   volumes
strengthened  in June 2011 from April and May.  We continue  to  believe
that  favorable  truckload trends are caused  to  a  greater  degree  by
industry capacity constraints than economic recovery.

     Our  average  revenues  per  total mile increased  3.1%  in  second
quarter  2011  compared  to  second  quarter  2010.   Contractual   rate
increases  and a better freight mix were the principal reasons  for  the
rate  improvement.   We  continue to be successful  in  this  tightening
capacity  environment by working jointly with our  customers  to  secure
sustainable  transportation  solutions  across  all  modes.   We  remain
committed  to maintaining our fleet size at approximately 7,300  trucks.
We  will  continue  to  strengthen and redesign  our  truckload  freight
network  to  optimize  and  maximize  increasing  freight  opportunities
without  adding  trucks.  As a result, we are focused on  expanding  our
operating  margin percentage to raise our returns on assets, equity  and
invested  capital,  while  staying  true  to  our  broad  transportation
services portfolio for our customers.

     Capacity  in our industry remains constrained by both economic  and
safety  regulatory factors.  From 2007 to 2010, the number of new trucks
purchased was well below historical replacement levels for our industry.

This led to the oldest average industry truck age in 40 years by the end
of  2010.   Carriers were compelled to upgrade their aging truck  fleets
which led to increased replacement purchases of new and later-model used
trucks  in 2011.  However, we do not believe that industry fleet  growth
is  occurring,  as some carriers are already struggling to  finance  the
replacement  truck  upgrade due to the large  pricing  gap  between  the
significantly  increased costs of EPA-complaint new trucks  compared  to
the low value of record-old trucks.

     The  most  significant  safety regulatory changes  in  our  55-year
history are occurring over the next three years.  The Compliance  Safety
Accountability  program,  proposed  changes  to  the  hours  of  service
regulations  for commercial truck drivers and the proposed required  use
of electronic on-board recorders on virtually all trucks are expected to
reduce, or have the effect of reducing, industry capacity.

     We  continue  to diversify our business model with the  goal  of  a
balanced  portfolio  of revenues comprised of One-Way  Truckload  (which
includes  the  Regional, medium-to-long-haul Van and Expedited  fleets),
Specialized  Services  and  Logistics (VAS).  Our  Specialized  Services
unit,  primarily Dedicated, ended the quarter with 3,600 trucks (49%  of
our total fleet).

     Average  diesel fuel prices were $0.97 per gallon higher in  second
quarter  2011 than in second quarter 2010 and were $0.30 higher than  in
first  quarter  2011.  For the first 20 days of July 2011,  the  average
diesel  fuel  price per gallon was $1.05 higher than the average  diesel
fuel  price per gallon in the same period of 2010 and $0.98 higher  than
in third quarter 2010.  Diesel fuel prices rose rapidly in first quarter
2011  and April 2011 and then began to decline in May 2011.  Diesel fuel
prices  declined in the second half of second quarter 2010 and  remained
relatively  constant during third quarter 2010.  When fuel  prices  rise
rapidly,  a negative earnings lag occurs because the cost of fuel  rises
immediately  and  the market indexes used to determine  fuel  surcharges
increase  at  a slower pace.  In a period of declining fuel  prices,  we
generally  experience a temporary favorable earnings effect because  the
fuel  costs  decline at a faster pace than the market  indexes  used  to
determine fuel surcharges.

     We  continued to effectively manage the impact of higher fuel costs
by  improving  our  fuel miles per gallon ("mpg") by  controlling  truck
idling  and implementing fuel enhancing equipment changes to our  fleet.
We  continue  to  invest  in  environmentally friendly  and  fuel-saving
equipment   solutions  such  as  aerodynamic  trucks,  idling  reduction
systems,  tire  inflation  systems and  trailer  skirts  (including  the
development  of  and  EPA approval for our own designed  "Arrow  Shield"
trailer skirt) to reduce our fuel gallons purchased and improve our mpg.

     The driver market is increasingly more competitive compared to 2010
and  to  first  quarter  2011.  An improving  freight  market,  changing
industry  safety regulations and reduced financing options  for  driving
school  candidates  continue  to tighten qualified  and  student  driver
supply.   We  expect  driver  market  challenges  to  increase  for  the
remainder  of 2011.  We continue to believe our position in  the  driver
market  is better than that of many competitors because over 70% of  our
driving  jobs  are  in  more  attractive Regional  and  Dedicated  fleet
operations  that enable us to return these drivers to their homes  on  a
more frequent and consistent basis.

     Gains  of  sales  of equipment were $5.6 million in second  quarter
2011  compared  to $0.5 million in second quarter 2010 and  compared  to
$4.8  million  in  first  quarter 2011.  Our  premium  used  trucks  are
increasingly more attractive to fleets that want to upgrade their  older
trucks without incurring the higher cost of new trucks.  Gains on  sales
are  reflected as a reduction of Other Operating Expenses in our  income

     In  2011,  we  are increasing our purchases of new trucks  and  new
trailers to replace older equipment that we sell or trade.  However,  we
are  not  growing our fleet.  Our net capital expenditures for 2011  are
estimated  to  be  $210  to  $240  million,  compared  to  net   capital
expenditures for 2010 of $119 million.  During the six months ended June
30, 2011, we reduced the average age of our company truck fleet from 2.8
years  to  2.6  years.   We remain committed to the  ongoing  investment
required to maintain a best-in-class fleet while focusing on the lowest-
cost operating model for our customers.

     To provide shippers with additional sources of managed capacity and
network  analysis,  we  continue  to  develop  the  non-asset-based  VAS
segment.   VAS  includes Brokerage, Freight Management,  Intermodal  and
Werner Global Logistics (International).

Value Added Services
  (amounts in 000's)                    2Q11                 2Q10
--------------------              ----------------     ----------------
Revenues                          $71,227   100.0%     $65,066   100.0%
Rent and purchased
  transportation expense           60,385    84.8       56,033    86.1
                                  -------              -------
Gross margin                       10,842    15.2        9,033    13.9
Other operating expenses            7,123    10.0        6,687    10.3
                                  -------              -------
Operating income                   $3,719     5.2       $2,346     3.6
                                  =======              =======

     The following table shows the change in shipment volume and average
revenue  (excluding  logistics fee revenue) per  shipment  for  all  VAS

                                 2Q11      2Q10     Difference     % Change
                                -------   -------   ----------     --------
Total VAS shipments              63,671    69,978       (6,307)        (9)%
Less: Non-committed
  shipments to Truckload
  segment                        20,247    26,514       (6,267)       (24)%
                                -------   -------   ----------
Net VAS shipments                43,424    43,464          (40)        (0)%
                                =======   =======   ==========
Average revenue per shipment     $1,531    $1,332         $199          15%
                                =======   =======   ==========

     Brokerage revenues in second quarter 2011 increased 22% compared to
second  quarter 2010 due to a 12% increase in shipment volume and  a  9%
increase  in  the average revenue per shipment.  Brokerage gross  margin
dollars  increased 26% as the gross margin percentage improved 44  basis
points    year-over-year,   and   operating   income   increased    47%.
Sequentially, the Brokerage gross margin percentage declined to 12.8% in
second  quarter  2011  from  13.7% in first  quarter  2011.   Intermodal
revenues  increased  37% while intermodal gross  margins  and  operating
income  increased at a higher percentage rate, comparing second  quarter
2011  to  second  quarter 2010.  Werner Global Logistics (WGL)  revenues
declined  8%  while  operating results improved in second  quarter  2011
compared   to   second  quarter  2010.   WGL  revenues   increased   22%
sequentially  while  gross margins and operating  income  also  improved
sequentially  over  first quarter 2011.  Several international  projects
ended  during  the latter part of second quarter 2010 which  caused  the
year  over  year revenue decline.  Freight Management revenues  and  the
number  of  shipments  declined significantly  due  to  a  reduction  in
customer  project business with a specific customer, however  the  gross
margin  dollars  declined  only slightly and  operating  income  dollars
increased slightly.

     Comparisons  of  the  operating  ratios  (net  of  fuel   surcharge
revenues) for the Truckload segment and VAS segment for second  quarters
2011 and 2010 and year-to-date 2011 and 2010 are shown below.

Operating Ratios                         2Q11       2Q10     Difference
----------------                         -----      -----    ----------
Truckload Transportation Services        86.7%      90.2%        (3.5)%
Value Added Services                     94.8       96.4         (1.6)

                                         YTD11      YTD10    Difference
                                         -----      -----    ----------
Truckload Transportation Services        89.5%      92.6%        (3.1)%
Value Added Services                     94.7       95.7         (1.0)

     Fluctuating fuel prices and fuel surcharge collections  impact  the
total  company  operating  ratio and the Truckload  segment's  operating
ratio  when  fuel surcharges are reported on a gross basis  as  revenues
versus  netting  against  fuel  expenses.   Eliminating  fuel  surcharge
revenues,  which  are  generally  a more  volatile  source  of  revenue,
provides a more consistent basis for comparing the results of operations
from  period  to period.  The Truckload segment's operating  ratios  for
second  quarter  2011  and  second quarter 2010  are  89.8%  and  91.9%,
respectively,  and for year-to-date 2011 and 2010 are 91.8%  and  93.8%,
respectively,  when  fuel surcharge revenues are  reported  as  revenues
instead of a reduction of operating expenses.

     Our  financial position remains strong.  We ended the quarter  with
no debt and $23.5 million of cash.

                                                    INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                                           (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                          Quarter      % of       Quarter     % of
                                           Ended     Operating     Ended    Operating
                                          6/30/11     Revenues    6/30/10    Revenues
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------
Operating revenues                       $515,897        100.0   $463,469       100.0
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and benefits           135,265         26.2    134,303        29.0
   Fuel                                   110,502         21.4     78,452        16.9
   Supplies and maintenance                43,085          8.4     39,012         8.4
   Taxes and licenses                      23,414          4.5     23,560         5.1
   Insurance and claims                    16,531          3.2     18,869         4.1
   Depreciation                            39,246          7.6     37,471         8.1
   Rent and purchased transportation       98,605         19.1     91,881        19.8
   Communications and utilities             3,843          0.8      3,494         0.7
   Other                                   (1,361)        (0.3)       881         0.2
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------
      Total operating expenses            469,130         90.9    427,923        92.3
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------
Operating income                           46,767          9.1     35,546         7.7
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                            10          0.0          3         0.0
   Interest income                           (345)        (0.1)      (355)       (0.0)
   Other                                      263          0.1        (33)       (0.0)
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------
      Total other expense(income)             (72)        (0.0)      (385)       (0.0)
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------

Income before income taxes                 46,839          9.1     35,931         7.7
Income taxes                               19,321          3.8     15,001         3.2
                                         --------    ---------   --------   ---------
Net income                                $27,518          5.3    $20,930         4.5
                                         ========    =========   ========   =========

Diluted shares outstanding                 73,239                  72,767
					 ========		 ========
Diluted earnings per share                  $0.38                   $0.29
					 ========		 ========

                                                       OPERATING STATISTICS
                                             Quarter Ended              Quarter Ended
                                                6/30/11      % Change      6/30/10
                                             -------------   --------   -------------
Trucking revenues, net of fuel surcharge (1)      $333,709       2.2%        $326,518
Trucking fuel surcharge revenues (1)               103,187      55.8%          66,245
Non-trucking revenues, including VAS (1)            74,240      11.1%          66,842
Other operating revenues (1)                         4,761      23.2%           3,864
                                             -------------              -------------
     Operating revenues (1)                       $515,897      11.3%        $463,469
                                             =============              =============

Average monthly miles per tractor                   10,059      -1.6%          10,222
Average revenues per total mile (2)                 $1.516       3.1%          $1.470
Average revenues per loaded mile (2)                $1.719       3.6%          $1.660
Average percentage of empty miles                    11.80%      3.1%           11.45%
Average trip length in miles (loaded)                  441      -2.4%             452
Total miles (loaded and empty) (1)                 220,142      -0.9%         222,139
Average tractors in service                          7,295       0.7%           7,244
Average revenues per tractor per week (2)           $3,519       1.5%          $3,467
Capital expenditures, net (1)                      $85,886                    $41,441
Cash flow from operations (1)                      $63,230                    $46,454
Return on assets (annualized)                          9.1%                       6.9%
Total tractors (at quarter end)
     Company                                         6,675                      6,515
     Independent contractor                            625                        695
                                             -------------              -------------
          Total tractors                             7,300                      7,210

Total trailers (truck and intermodal,
  quarter end)                                      23,320                     23,900

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.

                                                   INCOME STATEMENT DATA
                                          (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                        Six Months      % of    Six Months     % of
                                           Ended     Operating     Ended     Operating
                                          6/30/11     Revenues    6/30/10    Revenues
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------
Operating revenues                        $985,326       100.0    $888,544      100.0
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------

Operating expenses:
   Salaries, wages and benefits            268,128        27.2     262,637       29.6
   Fuel                                    208,433        21.2     152,333       17.1
   Supplies and maintenance                 84,274         8.6      76,688        8.6
   Taxes and licenses                       46,440         4.7      47,017        5.3
   Insurance and claims                     34,591         3.5      35,707        4.0
   Depreciation                             78,964         8.0      75,756        8.5
   Rent and purchased transportation       187,102        19.0     176,566       19.9
   Communications and utilities              7,766         0.8       7,243        0.8
   Other                                    (4,581)       (0.5)        787        0.1
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------
      Total operating expenses             911,117        92.5     834,734       93.9
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------
Operating income                            74,209         7.5      53,810        6.1
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------

Other expense (income):
   Interest expense                             38         0.0          12        0.0
   Interest income                            (690)       (0.0)       (692)      (0.0)
   Other                                       289         0.0         (44)      (0.0)
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------
      Total other expense (income)            (363)       (0.0)       (724)      (0.0)
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------

Income before income taxes                  74,572         7.5      54,534        6.1
Income taxes                                30,761         3.1      22,768        2.5
                                        ----------   ---------  ----------  ---------
Net income                                 $43,811         4.4     $31,766        3.6
                                        ==========   =========  ==========  =========

Diluted shares outstanding                  73,190                  72,658
                                        ==========              ==========
Diluted earnings per share                   $0.60                   $0.44
                                        ==========              ==========

                                                        OPERATING STATISTICS
                                                   YTD 11     % Change     YTD 10
                                                  --------    --------    --------
Trucking revenues, net of fuel surcharge (1)      $650,156        3.2%    $630,186
Trucking fuel surcharge revenues (1)               186,460       53.7%     121,304
Non-trucking revenues, including VAS (1)           140,405        8.0%     130,030
Other operating revenues (1)                         8,305       18.2%       7,024
                                                  --------                --------
     Operating revenues (1)                       $985,326       10.9%    $888,544
                                                  ========                ========

Average monthly miles per tractor                    9,882       -1.1%       9,996
Average revenues per total mile (2)                 $1.509        3.8%      $1.454
Average revenues per loaded mile (2)                $1.706        3.7%      $1.645
Average percentage of empty miles                    11.54%      -0.7%       11.62%
Average trip length in miles (loaded)                  446       -1.8%         454
Total miles (loaded and empty) (1)                 430,776       -0.6%     433,454
Average tractors in service                          7,265        0.5%       7,227
Average revenues per tractor per week (2)           $3,442        2.7%      $3,353
Capital expenditures, net (1)                     $105,940                 $52,315
Cash flow from operations (1)                     $117,030                $111,416
Return on assets (annualized)                          7.4%                    5.3%
Total tractors (at quarter end)
     Company                                         6,675                   6,515
     Independent contractor                            625                     695
                                                  --------                --------
          Total tractors                             7,300                   7,210

Total trailers (truck and intermodal,               23,320                  23,900
  quarter end)

(1)  Amounts in thousands.
(2)  Net of fuel surcharge revenues.

                                                                 BALANCE SHEET DATA
                                                        (In thousands, except share amounts)

                                                          6/30/11                  12/31/10
                                                        -----------               ----------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                $23,483                  $13,966
   Accounts receivable, trade, less allowance of
    $10,156 and $9,484, respectively                        213,250                  190,264
   Other receivables                                         10,585                   10,431
   Inventories and supplies                                  24,973                   16,868
   Prepaid taxes, licenses and permits                        7,298                   14,934
   Current deferred income taxes                             29,084                   27,829
   Other current assets                                      26,204                   23,407
                                                        -----------               ----------
      Total current assets                                  334,877                  297,699
                                                        -----------               ----------

Property and equipment                                    1,577,067                1,549,637
Less - accumulated depreciation                             701,289                  708,582
                                                        -----------               ----------
      Property and equipment, net                           875,778                  841,055
                                                        -----------               ----------

Other non-current assets                                     12,480                   12,798
                                                        -----------               ----------
                                                         $1,223,135               $1,151,552
                                                        ===========               ==========


Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                                         $66,046                  $57,708
   Insurance and claims accruals                             65,609                   71,857
   Accrued payroll                                           21,084                   18,838
   Other current liabilities                                 17,203                   20,037
                                                        -----------               ----------
      Total current liabilities                             169,942                  168,440
                                                        -----------               ----------

Other long-term liabilities                                  10,907                   10,380

Insurance and claims accruals, net of current portion       117,750                  113,250

Deferred income taxes                                       214,302                  190,507

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.01 par value, 200,000,000 shares
    authorized; 80,533,536 shares issued; 72,805,115
    and 72,644,998 shares outstanding, respectively             805                      805
   Paid-in capital                                           93,029                   91,872
   Retained earnings                                        764,748                  728,216
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss                      (2,696)                  (3,420)
   Treasury stock, at cost; 7,728,421 and 7,888,538
    shares, respectively                                   (145,652)                (148,498)
                                                        -----------               ----------
      Total stockholders' equity                            710,234                  668,975
                                                        -----------               ----------
                                                         $1,223,135               $1,151,552
                                                        ===========               ==========

      Werner  Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1956  and  is  a  premier
transportation  and  logistics company, with coverage  throughout  North
America,  Asia,  Europe, South America, Africa  and  Australia.   Werner
maintains  its  global  headquarters in Omaha,  Nebraska  and  maintains
offices  in  the  United States, Canada, Mexico,  China  and  Australia.
Werner  is  among  the  five largest truckload carriers  in  the  United
States,  with  a diversified portfolio of transportation  services  that
includes   dedicated;  medium-to-long-haul,  regional  and  local   van;
expedited; temperature-controlled; and flatbed services.  Werner's Value
Added  Services portfolio includes freight management, truck  brokerage,
intermodal,  and  international services.   International  services  are
provided  through Werner's domestic and global subsidiary companies  and
include  ocean,  air and ground transportation; freight forwarding;  and
customs brokerage.

     Werner Enterprises, Inc.'s common stock trades on The NASDAQ Global
Select MarketSM under the symbol "WERN".  For further information  about
Werner, visit the Company's website at www.werner.com.

     This  press  release may contain forward-looking statements  within
the  meaning  of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as  amended,
and  Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
made  pursuant  to the safe harbor provisions of the Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995,  as  amended.   Such  forward-looking
statements are based on information presently available to the Company's
management  and  are current only as of the date made.   Actual  results
could  also  differ materially from those anticipated as a result  of  a
number of factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in the
Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,
2010.   For  those reasons, undue reliance should not be placed  on  any
forward-looking statement.  The Company assumes no duty or obligation to
update  or revise any forward-looking statement, although it may  do  so
from  time  to  time as management believes is warranted or  as  may  be
required  by  applicable securities law.  Any such updates or  revisions
may  be  made  by filing reports with the U.S. Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  through the issuance of press releases or by other  methods
of public disclosure.