Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ X ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement         [   ]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                                  Commission Only (as permitted
                                                  by rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[   ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[   ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[   ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12
                          WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ]  No fee required
[   ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

          (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
          (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
          (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on 
               which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was 
          (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
          (5)  Total fee paid:

[   ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[   ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act 
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was 
       paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement 
       number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
          (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
          (3)  Filing Party:
          (4)  Date Filed:

                         [LOGO OF WERNER ENTERPRISES] 
                            Post Office Box 45308
                         Omaha, Nebraska  68145-0308
                           TO BE HELD MAY 12, 1998

Dear Stockholders:

      It  is  a  pleasure  to  invite  you to  the  1998  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders of Werner Enterprises, Inc. (the "Company") to be  held  at  the
Peter  Kiewit  Conference  Center, 1313 Farnam Street,  Omaha,  Nebraska,  on
Tuesday, May 12, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. for the following purposes:

     1.   To  elect  directors to serve until the end of their term  or 
          until their successors are elected and qualified.
     2.   To amend the Articles of Incorporation and increase the number
          of  authorized shares of Common Stock, par value of $.01, from
          60,000,000 to 200,000,000 shares.
     3.   To  transact  such other business as may properly come  before
          the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      Stockholders of record at the close of business on March 25, 1998, will
be entitled to vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      At  the  meeting  Clarence  L.  Werner and  members  of  the  Company's
management team will discuss the Company's results of operations and business
plans.   Members of the Board of Directors and the Company's management  will
be present to answer your questions.

     A copy of the Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year ended
December 31, 1997 is enclosed.

      As  stockholders,  we encourage you to attend the  meeting  in  person.
Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, we ask you to sign, date,  and
mail  the  enclosed proxy as promptly as possible in order to make sure  that
your  shares will be voted in accordance with your wishes at the  meeting  in
the  event  that  you  are unable to attend.  A self-addressed,  postage-paid
return envelope is enclosed for your convenience.  If you attend the meeting,
you  may  vote  by proxy or you may revoke your proxy and cast your  vote  in

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ James L. Johnson  
                                        James L. Johnson
                                        Corporate Secretary and Controller
Omaha, Nebraska
April 6, 1998

                           WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
                            Post Office Box 45308
                         Omaha, Nebraska  68145-0308
                             PROXY STATEMENT FOR
                                MAY 12, 1998
     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies  by the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  of
Werner Enterprises, Inc. (the "Company") to be held on Tuesday, May 12, 1998,
at  10:00 a.m. local time, at the Peter Kiewit Conference Center, 1313 Farnam
Street,  Omaha, Nebraska, and at any adjournments thereof.  The meeting  will
be held for the purposes set forth in the notice of such meeting on the cover
page  hereof.   The  Proxy  Statement, Form of Proxy  and  Annual  Report  to
Stockholders are being mailed by the Company on or about April  6,  1998.   A
copy of the Company's Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission
on  Form  10-K  (exclusive  of exhibits) may be obtained  without  charge  by
writing the Secretary of the Company at the above mailing address.

      A  Form  of  Proxy  for use at the Annual Meeting  of  Stockholders  is
enclosed  together with a self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope.   Any
stockholder who executes and delivers a proxy has the right to revoke  it  at
any  time prior to its use at the Annual Meeting.  Revocation of a proxy  may
be  effected by filing a written statement with the Secretary of the  Company
revoking  the proxy, by executing and delivering to the Company a  subsequent
proxy  before the meeting, or by voting in person at the meeting.   A  proxy,
when  executed  and  not  revoked,  will be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
authorization contained therein.  Unless a stockholder specifies otherwise on
the Form of  Proxy, all shares represented will be voted for the election  of
all  nominees  for  director  and  for  the  amendment  to  the  Articles  of
Incorporation and increasing the number of authorized shares of Common Stock,
par value of $.01, from 60,000,000 to 200,000,000 shares.

      The cost of soliciting proxies, including the preparation, assembly and
mailing  of  material, will be paid by the Company.  Directors, officers  and
regular  employees of the Company may solicit proxies by telephone, telegraph
or  personal  contact,  for  which  they  will  not  receive  any  additional
compensation  in  respect  of  such solicitations.   The  Company  will  also
reimburse  brokerage  firms  and  others  for  all  reasonable  expenses  for
forwarding proxy material to beneficial owners of the Company's stock.

      As  a  matter  of policy, proxies, ballots and voting tabulations  that
identify  individual  stockholders are kept private  by  the  Company.   Such
documents  are  available  for examination only  by  certain  representatives
associated with processing proxy cards and tabulating the vote.   The vote of
any  stockholder is not disclosed, except as may be necessary to  meet  legal

      On  March 25, 1998, the Company had 38,282,804 shares of its  $.01  par
value  Common  Stock  outstanding. At the meeting, each stockholder  will  be
entitled to one vote, in person or by proxy, for each share of stock owned of
record at the close of business on March 25, 1998.  The stock transfer  books
of the Company will not be closed.

      With respect to the election of directors, stockholders of the Company,
or  their proxy if one is appointed, have cumulative voting rights under  the
laws  of  the State of Nebraska.  That is, stockholders, or their proxy,  may
vote their shares for as many directors as are to be elected, or may cumulate
such shares and give one nominee as many votes as the number of directors  to
be  elected multiplied by the number of their shares, or may distribute votes
on  the  same  principle among as many nominees as they  may  desire.   If  a
stockholder  desires to vote cumulatively, he or she must vote in  person  or
give  his  or  her specific cumulative voting instructions to the  designated
proxy  that the number of votes represented by his or her shares  are  to  be
cast  for  one or more designated nominees.  A stockholder may also  withhold
authority to vote for any nominee (or nominees) by striking through the  name
(or  names) of such nominees on the accompanying Form of Proxy.  Assuming the
presence of a quorum, an affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock, present in person or represented by proxy
at  the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, is required for the election  of

      If an executed proxy is returned and the stockholder has abstained from
voting on any matter, the shares represented by such proxy will be considered
present  at the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum and for purposes
of  calculating the vote, but will not be considered to have  been  voted  in
favor  of such matter.  If an executed proxy is returned by a broker  holding
shares  in  street  name  which  indicates that  the  broker  does  not  have
discretionary authority as to certain shares to vote on one or more  matters,
such  shares  will  be  considered present at the  meeting  for  purposes  of
determining  a  quorum, but will not be considered to be represented  at  the
meeting for purposes of calculating the vote with respect to such matter.

      On the date of mailing this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors has
no  knowledge  of any other matter which will come before the Annual  Meeting
other  than  the  matters described herein.  However, if any such  matter  is
properly  presented  at  the  meeting, the  proxy  solicited  hereby  confers
discretionary authority to the proxies to vote in their sole discretion  with
respect to such matters, as well as other matters incident to the conduct  of
the meeting.

                          ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND
     The Articles of Incorporation of the Company provide that there shall be
up  to three separate classes of directors, each consisting of not less  than
three  directors, and as nearly equal in number as possible.  The  Bylaws  of
the  Company divide the Board of Directors into three classes each consisting
of  three  directors. The term of office of the directors in the first  class
expires  at  the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  Directors hold  office
for a term of three years.  The term of office of the directors in the second
and  third  classes  will  expire at the 1999 and  2000  Annual  Meetings  of
Stockholders, respectively.  Curtis G. Werner, Gerald H. Timmerman and Donald
W.  Rogert,  class  I directors whose terms will expire at  the  1998  Annual
Meeting,  have  been  nominated for re-election  at  the  meeting  for  terms
expiring  at  the  2001 Annual Meeting and until their  successors  are  duly
elected and qualified.

      Information  concerning  the names,  ages,  terms, positions  with  the 
Company and/or  business  experience of each nominee named above  and  of the  
other  persons  whose terms as directors  will continue after the 1998 Annual 
Meeting is set forth below.

      Name              Position with Company or  Principal Occupation                  Term Ends
      ----              ----------------------------------------------                  ---------
Clarence L. Werner      Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (2)(3)           2000
Gary L. Werner          Vice Chairman                                                      1999
Curtis G. Werner        Vice Chairman-Corporate Development (2)                            1998
Gregory L. Werner       President                                                          1999
Irving B. Epstein       Partner of Epstein and Epstein, Law Offices (1)(2)(3)              2000
Martin F. Thompson      Retired President and Director of Cherry County Livestock  
                          Auction  Co. (1)(2)(3)                                           1999
Gerald H. Timmerman     President of Timmerman & Sons Feeding Co., Inc. (1)(3)             1998
Donald W. Rogert        Chairman and President of Mallard Sand & Gravel Co. (1)            1998
Jeffrey G. Doll         President of Western Iowa Wine, Inc.                               2000

(1) Serves on audit committee.
(2) Serves on option committee.
(3) Serves on executive compensation committee.

      Clarence  L.  Werner,  60,  operated   Werner  Enterprises  as  a  sole
proprietorship from 1956 until its incorporation in September 1982.   He  has
been  a  director  of  the  Company since its  incorporation  and  served  as
President  until  1984.  Since 1984, he has been Chairman of  the  Board  and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

      Gary  L.  Werner,  40,  has been a director of the  Company  since  its
incorporation.   Mr.  Werner  was General Manager  of  the  Company  and  its
predecessor from 1980 to 1982.  He served as Vice President from  1982  until
1984, when he was named President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company.
Mr.  Werner  was  named Vice Chairman in 1991. From 1993 to April  1997,  Mr.
Werner also reassumed the duties of President.

     Curtis G. Werner, 33, was elected a director of the Company in 1991.  He
began  employment with the Company in 1985 and was promoted  to  Director  of
Safety  in  1986.   He was promoted to Vice President-Safety  in  1987.   Mr.
Werner  was  promoted to Vice President in 1990, Executive Vice President  in
1993, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in 1994, and  Vice
Chairman - Corporate Development in 1996.

      Gregory  L. Werner, 38, was elected a director of the Company in  1994.
He  was  a  Vice  President of the Company from 1984 to March  1996  and  was
Treasurer  from 1982 until 1986.  He was promoted to Executive Vice President
in  March  1996 and became President in April 1997.  Mr. Werner has  directed
revenue equipment maintenance for the Company and its predecessor since 1981.
He  also  assumed  responsibility  for the Company's  Management  Information
Systems in 1993.

      Irving  B. Epstein, 70, was elected a director of the Company in  1986.
He  has  been  engaged in the private practice of law since 1949  and  was  a
partner from 1962 to 1989 in Epstein & Leahy, Omaha, Nebraska.  In 1989,  the
firm  of  Epstein  &  Leahy merged into the law firm  of  Gross  &  Welch,  a
professional corporation.  In 1991, Mr. Epstein joined the firm of Brodkey  &
Epstein as a partner.   Mr. Epstein formed the firm of Epstein and Epstein in
1993.   Mr.  Epstein  has  been  outside  counsel  to  the  Company  and  its
predecessor since 1976.

      Martin F. Thompson, 77, was elected a director of the Company in  1986.
Mr.  Thompson was President and a director of Cherry County Livestock Auction
Co.,  Valentine,  Nebraska, from 1982 through 1992 and is currently  retired.
From  1955  to  1982,  he  was President and principal  stockholder  of  Chip
Carriers,  Inc.,  Omaha,  Nebraska, a contract carrier.  He  also  owned  and
operated  Thompson  Truck Transportation, Inc., Arlington,  Texas,  a  common
carrier from 1977 to 1982.

      Gerald H. Timmerman, 58, was elected a director of the Company in 1988.
Mr.  Timmerman has been President since 1970 of Timmerman & Sons Feeding Co.,
Inc.,   Springfield,  Nebraska,  which  is  a  cattle  feeding  and  ranching
partnership with operations in three midwestern states.

      Donald W. Rogert, 70, was elected a director of the Company in 1994. He
founded  Mallard  Sand and Gravel Co. in 1993 and has been  Chairman  of  the
Board  and  President since that time.  In 1965, Mr. Rogert founded  Hartford
Sand  and  Gravel Co. and served as Chairman of the Board and President  from
1981  to  1988.   From 1988 to 1993, Mr. Rogert attended to various  personal

      Jeffrey G. Doll, 43, was elected a director of the Company in 1997.  He
has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Iowa Wine, Inc.,  a
beer  and  wine wholesaler located in Council Bluffs, Iowa, since  1986.   He
also has been Vice President of Doll Distributing, Inc., a liquor distributor
also located in Council Bluffs since 1980.

      Gary  L.  Werner, Gregory L. Werner, and Curtis G. Werner are  sons  of
Clarence L. Werner.

      In  the event that any nominee becomes unavailable for election for any
reason,  the  shares represented by the accompanying form of  proxy  will  be
voted  for any substitute nominees designated by the Board, unless the  proxy
withholds  authority to vote for all nominees.  The Board of Directors  knows
of no reason why any of the persons nominated to be directors might be unable
to  serve if elected and each nominee has expressed an intention to serve  if
elected.   There  are no arrangements or understandings between  any  of  the
nominees  and  any  other person pursuant to which any of  the  nominees  was
selected as a nominee.


Board of Directors and Committees

      The  Company  has established audit, option and executive  compensation
committees.   The  audit committee discusses the annual audit  and  resulting
letter  of  comments to management, consults with the auditors and management
regarding  the  adequacy  of internal controls, directs  management  and  the
auditors for internal audits, and recommends to the Board the appointment  of
independent auditors for the next year.  The option committee administers the
Company's  Stock  Option  Plan.   It  has  the  authority  to  determine  the
recipients  of  options and stock appreciation rights, the number  of  shares
subject to such options and the corresponding stock appreciation rights,  the
date  on  which these options and stock appreciation rights are to be granted
and  are  exercisable,  whether or not such options  and  stock  appreciation
rights may be exercisable in installments, and any other terms of the options
and  stock  appreciation rights consistent with the terms of  the  plan.  The
executive  compensation  committee reviews and makes recommendations  to  the
Board  of  Directors  with respect to the compensation  of  executives.   The
Company  does  not have a standing nominating committee.  Functions  normally
attributable  to  a  committee of this type are performed  by  the  Board  of
Directors as a whole.

      The  Board  of Directors held five (5) meetings and acted by  unanimous
written consent two (2) times during the year ended December 31, 1997.  There
were  two  (2)  meetings  of the audit committee,  one  (1)  meeting  of  the
executive  compensation committee and one (1) meeting of the option committee
during  that period.  Each director participated in 75% or more of the  Board
meetings,  and  all committee members participated in 75% or  more  of  their
respective committee meetings.

      Directors who are not full-time employees of the Company receive a  fee
of  $2,000  for each meeting of the Board of Directors and for each committee
meeting if not held on a day on which a meeting of the Board of Directors  is

Executive Officers

     The following table sets forth the executive officers of the Company and
the capacities in which they serve.

       Name                      Age             Capacities In Which They Serve
       ----                      ---             ------------------------------
Clarence L. Werner               60      Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Gary L. Werner                   40      Vice Chairman
Curtis G. Werner                 33      Vice  Chairman - Corporate Development
Gregory L. Werner                38      President
Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.         39      Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Richard S. Reiser                51      Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Alan D. Adams                    60      Vice President - Operations
Mark A. Martin                   36      Vice President - Van Division
Duane D. Henn                    60      Vice President - Safety
Larry P. Williams                52      Vice President - Logistics
John J. Steele                   40      Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Dwayne O. Haug                   49      Vice President - Maintenance
James L. Johnson                 34      Corporate Secretary and Controller

information regarding the business experience of Clarence L. Werner, Gary  L.
Werner, Curtis G. Werner, and Gregory L. Werner.

     Robert E. Synowicki, Jr. joined the Company in 1987 as a tax and finance
manager.   He  was  appointed  Treasurer  in  1989,  became  Vice  President,
Treasurer  and Chief Financial Officer in 1991, Executive Vice President  and
Chief Financial Officer in March 1996, and Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating  Officer  in November 1996.  Mr. Synowicki is  a  certified  public
accountant and was employed by the firm of Arthur Andersen & Co., independent
public accountants, from 1983 until his employment with the Company.

      Richard  S.  Reiser  joined the Company as Vice President  and  General
Counsel  in  1993, and was promoted to Executive Vice President  and  General
Counsel  in November 1996.  Mr. Reiser was a partner in the Omaha  office  of
the  law  firm of Nelson and Harding from 1975 to 1984. From 1984  until  his
employment with the Company, he was engaged in the private practice of law as
a principal and director of Gross & Welch, a professional corporation, Omaha,

      Alan D. Adams joined the Company in 1983 as Marketing Director and  was
promoted  to  Director of Operations in 1986.  In 1987,  he  was  named  Vice
President - Operations.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Adams was  General
Manager of Larson Trucks, Inc. in Bloomington, Minnesota.

      Mark A. Martin joined the Company in 1989 as an Account Executive.   He
was  promoted to Regional Marketing Director in 1991.  In 1993, he was  named
Vice President - Van Division.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Martin  was
employed as a marketing representative for the Burlington Motor Carrier Group
in Daleville, Indiana.

      Duane D. Henn joined the Company in 1985 as a Driver Recruiter.  He was
named  National  Director  of Driver Recruiting in  1986.   In  1988  he  was
promoted  to  Director  of Safety, and in 1994 was  named  Vice  President  -
Safety.   Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Henn spent 20 years in State  and
County Law Enforcement and 6 years in the Court System.

      Larry  P.  Williams joined the Company in 1988 as an Account Executive.
In  1991, he was promoted to Director of Regional Fleets.  He was named  Vice
President  -  Logistics in 1994.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr.  Williams
held  various  management positions with United Parcel Service and  Federated
Department Stores.

     John J. Steele joined the Company in 1989 as Controller.  He was elected
Secretary  in  1992, Vice President - Controller and Secretary in  1994,  and
Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer in November 1996.   Mr.
Steele  is  a  certified public accountant and was employed by  the  firm  of
Arthur  Andersen & Co., independent public accountants, from 1979  until  his
employment with the Company.

      Dwayne  O.  Haug joined the Company in 1990 as Director of Maintenance.
He  was  promoted to Vice President - GraGar, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary
of  the Company) in 1994, and Vice President - Maintenance in February  1997.
Mr.  Haug  was  President of Silvey Refrigerated Carriers,  Inc.  in  Council
Bluffs,  Iowa  from  1988 until his employment with  the  Company.   He  held
various  management  positions with Ellsworth Freight Lines,  Inc.  in  Eagle
Grove, Iowa from 1972 to 1987.

      James  L.  Johnson joined the Company in 1991 as Manager  of  Financial
Reporting.   He  was promoted to Assistant Controller in 1992,   Director  of
Accounting  in  1994,  and was named Corporate Secretary  and  Controller  in
November 1996.  Mr. Johnson is a certified public accountant and was employed
by  the  firm of Arthur Andersen & Co., independent public accountants,  from
1985 until his employment with the Company.

      Under the Company's bylaws, each executive officer holds office  for  a
term  of  one  year  or until his successor is elected  and  qualified.   The
executive  officers of the Company are elected by the Board of  Directors  at
its Annual Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

Compliance With Section 16(a) Of The Exchange Act
      Section  16(a)  of  the Securities Exchange Act of  1934  requires  the
Company's executive officers and directors, and persons who own more than ten
percent  of  a registered class of the Company's equity securities,  to  file
initial reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the Securities and
Exchange   Commission.  Officers,  directors  and  greater  than  ten-percent
shareholders  are  required by SEC regulation to  furnish  the  Company  with
copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

      Based solely on its review of the copies of such forms received by  it,
or  written  representations from certain reporting persons that no  Forms  5
were  required for those persons, the Company believes that, during the  year
ended  December 31, 1997, all filing requirements applicable to its officers,
directors, and greater than ten-percent beneficial owners were complied with.


      The authorized Common Stock of the Company consists of  60,000,000
shares, $.01 par value.

     The following table sets forth certain information as of March 25, 1998,
with  respect  to the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common  Stock  by
each director and each nominee for director of the Company, by each executive
officer  of  the Company named in the Summary Compensation Table  herein,  by
each  person known to the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than  5%
of  the  outstanding Common Stock, and by all executive officers,  directors,
and  director  nominees  as  a group.  On March 25,  1998,  the  Company  had
38,282,804 shares of Common Stock outstanding.


                                                           Beneficial Ownership 
                 Name of                                   --------------------
              Beneficial Owner                               Shares    Percent
              ----------------                               ------    -------
          Clarence L. Werner                               10,773,550    28.1%
          Gary L. Werner                                    1,319,120     3.4%
          Curtis G. Werner                                  1,392,485     3.6%
          Gregory L. Werner                                 1,572,510     4.1%
          Robert E. Synowicki, Jr. (1)                         42,001        *
          Irving  B. Epstein                                    3,020        *
          Martin F. Thompson                                    3,250        *
          Gerald H. Timmerman                                   6,000        *
          Donald W. Rogert                                      1,500        *
          Jeffrey G. Doll                                       1,000        *
          Wellington Management Company, LLP (2)            4,316,827    11.3%
          All executive officers, directors, and director
                nominees as a group (18 persons)(3)(4)     15,266,225    39.7%

* Indicates less than 1%.

(1)  Includes options to purchase 40,625 shares which are exercisable  as  of
     March 25, 1998 or which become exercisable 60 days thereafter.

(2)  Based  on  Schedule  13G  as of December 31, 1997,  as  filed  with  the
     Securities  and  Exchange Commission by Wellington  Management  Company,
     LLP,   75   State  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02109.    Wellington
     Management  Company,  LLP claims shared voting  power  with  respect  to
     3,184,582  shares,  shared dispositive power with respect  to  4,316,827
     shares, and no sole voting or dispositive power with respect to  any  of
     these shares.

(3)  Includes options to purchase 187,387 shares which are exercisable as  of
     March  25,  1998,  or  which  become  exercisable  60  days  thereafter.
     Percentage determined on the basis of 38,470,191 shares of Common  Stock

(4)  Percentage  does not include 1,388,610 shares owned by Gail  M.  Werner-
     Robertson,  a  former director and the daughter of Clarence  L.  Werner.
     The  total  percentage ownership, including shares owned by Ms.  Werner-
     Robertson, is 43.3%.


      The following table summarizes the compensation paid by the Company and
its  subsidiaries  to  the  Company's Chief  Executive  Officer  and  to  the
Company's  four  most highly compensated executive officers  other  than  the
Chief  Executive Officer who were serving as executive officers  at  December
31,  1997,  for  services rendered in all capacities to the Company  and  its
subsidiaries during the three fiscal years ended December 31, 1997.

                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                                             Long Term
                                            Annual Compensation                Awards
                                      ------------------------------------ --------------          
                                                                 Other       Securities
Name and                                                         Annual      Underlying   All Other
Principal                                                     Compensation    Options /     Comp
Position                       Year   Salary($)    Bonus($)     ($)(1)        SARs (#)     ($)(2)
- ---------                      ----   ---------    --------   ------------   ----------   ---------
Clarence  L. Werner            1997    544,875      200,000       88,572             -           -
Chairman and                   1996    520,833      175,000            -             -           -
Chief Executive Officer        1995    486,000      150,000      102,185             -           -

Gary L. Werner                 1997    212,125       90,000            -             -           -
Vice Chairman                  1996    205,385       80,000            -             -           -
                               1995    203,866       50,000       13,558             -           -

Curtis G. Werner               1997    186,125       70,000            -             -           -
Vice Chairman -                1996    185,000       60,000            -             -           -
Corporate Development          1995    175,649       45,000       15,503             -           -

Gregory L. Werner              1997    205,644      100,000            -       100,000           -
President                      1996    174,846       60,000            -             -           -
                               1995    138,200       45,000        9,813             -           -

Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.       1997    191,625       80,000            -        40,000       4,291
Executive Vice President       1996    145,197       60,000            -             -       4,367
and Chief Operating Officer    1995    129,038       50,000            -        15,000       3,573

(1)  Other annual compensation consists of amounts reimbursed during 1997 and
     1995  for  payment of taxes for Mr. Clarence L. Werner  and  payment  of
     taxes  during 1995 for Mr. Gary L. Werner, Mr. Curtis G. Werner and  Mr.
     Gregory L. Werner.

(2)  All  other compensation for 1997 reflects the Company's contribution  to
     the  individual  401(k)  retirement  savings  plan  of  $3,998  and  the
     Company's  contribution to the employee stock purchase plan of  $293  of
     Mr. Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.


                                                           Individual Grants
                                                                                     Realizable Value   
                                                                                        At Assumed 
                               Number of                                              Annual Rates Of   
                              Securities     % of Total                                Stock Price 
                              Underlying    Options/SARs                              Appreciation For   
                             Options/SARs    Granted to    Exercise                    Option Term(2) 
                                Granted     Employees in     Price     Expiration      --------------
Name                            (1)(#)       Fiscal Year   ($/Share)      Date       5%($)        10%($)
- ----                         ------------   ------------   ---------   ----------   --------     --------
Clarence L. Werner                    -          0.0%             -             -           -            -
Gary L. Werner                        -          0.0%             -             -           -            -
Curtis G. Werner                      -          0.0%             -             -           -            -
Gregory L. Werner               100,000         22.2%       $20.125       12/9/07   1,265,643    3,207,401
Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.         40,000          8.9%       $20.125       12/9/07     506,257    1,282,960

(1)  Options become exercisable in installments of 25%, 20%, 20%, 20% and 15%
     after the expiration of 18, 30, 42, 54 and 66 months, respectively, from
     the date of grant.

(2)  The potential realizable values assume 5% and 10% annual rates of stock
     price appreciation from the grant date based on the options being
     outstanding for ten years (expiration of option term).  The actual
     realizable value of the options in this table depends upon the actual
     performance of the Company's stock during the actual period the options
     are outstanding.


                                                          Number of Securities             Value of Unexercised  
                                                         Underlying Unexercised                In-The-Money  
                                                            Options/SAR's  At                Options/SAR's At 
                             Shares                         December 31, 1997               December 31, 1997(1)  
                          Acquired On      Value         ----------------------             --------------------
Name                      Exercise (#)  Realized($)  Exercisable(#)  Unexercisable(#)  Exercisable($)  Unexercisable($)
- ----                      ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  --------------  ----------------
Clarence L. Werner                 -             -              -                -               -                 -
Gary L. Werner               217,500     3,009,293              -                -               -                 -
Curtis G. Werner                   -             -              -                -               -                 -
Gregory L. Werner                  -             -              -          100,000               -            37,500
Robert E. Synowicki, Jr.       2,500        35,208         30,125           67,375         202,404           187,463

(1)   Based on a $20.50 closing price per share of the Company's Common Stock
on December 31, 1997.

                          ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

      The  Executive  Compensation Committee of the Board  of  Directors  has
furnished the following report on executive compensation:

      The Executive Compensation Committee annually reviews and approves  the
compensation  for  the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer  ("CEO")  of  the
Company.   In  turn,  the  Chairman  and  CEO  reviews  and  recommends   the
compensation for the Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman-Corporate Development,  and
the  President.   Compensation for other executive officers is  reviewed  and
recommended  by  the Chairman and CEO, Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman-Corporate
Development, and the President.  The Executive Compensation Committee reviews
and  approves  the  total  compensation for the  executive  officers  of  the
Company, including the Chairman and CEO.

      As  with  all  employees,  compensation  for  the  Company's  executive
officers,  including  Clarence  L. Werner, Chairman  and  CEO,  is  based  on
individual   performance  and  the  Company's  financial  performance.    The
Company's  financial performance is the result of the coordinated efforts  of
all  employees,  including executive officers, through  teamwork  focused  on
meeting  the expectations of customers and stockholders.  The Company strives
to  compensate its executive officers, including the Chairman and CEO,  based
upon  the following key factors: (1) Salary levels of executives employed  by
competitors  in  the  trucking  industry  and  other  regional  and  national
companies, (2) Experience and pay history with the Company, (3) Retention  of
key  executives  of the Company, (4) Relationship of individual  and  Company
financial performance to compensation increases.

      Base  salaries and the annual bonus are determined based on  the  above
factors.   The annual bonus plan allows executive officers to earn additional
compensation  depending  on  individual and  Company  financial  performance.
Company financial performance is evaluated by reviewing such factors  as  the
Company's  operating ratio, earnings per share, revenue growth and  size  and
performance  relative  to competitors in the trucking  industry.   Individual
performance is evaluated by reviewing the individual's contribution to  these
financial  performance  goals  as  well  as  a  review  of  quantitative  and
qualitative  factors.   Stock options are used as  a  long-term  compensation
incentive  and are intended to retain and motivate executives and  management
personnel  for the purpose of improving the Company's financial  performance,
which  should,  in  turn,  improve the Company's  stock  performance.   Stock
options  are granted periodically to executives and management based  on  the
individuals'  performance  and  potential contribution.   Stock  options  are
granted  with  exercise prices equal to the prevailing market  price  of  the
Company's stock on the date of the grant.  Therefore, options only have value
if the market price of the Company's stock increases after the grant date.

      The  Committee compared the total compensation package for Mr. Clarence
L.  Werner  and  the  other top Werner executives to the  total  compensation
packages  of  many  of  the  Company's  publicly-traded  competitors  in  the
truckload  industry, as disclosed on each company's most  recently  available
proxy  statement.   Comparisons were made on the basis of total  compensation
per  tractor operated, total compensation as a percentage of net  income  and
similar  factors.  Both the total compensation of the Company's CEO  and  the
average total compensation of the Company's other executives disclosed in the
summary  compensation table were in the middle of the range  of  compensation
paid  by  many of the Company's publicly-traded competitors in the  truckload

      The Executive Compensation Committee has determined it is unlikely that
the  Company would pay any amounts in the year ended December 1998 that would
result in a loss of Federal income tax deduction under Section 162(m) of  the
Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  and  accordingly,  has  not
recommended  that any special actions be taken or that any plans or  programs
be revised at this time.

                                   Clarence L. Werner, Committee Chairman
                                   Irving B. Epstein
                                   Martin F. Thompson
                                   Gerald H. Timmerman


      Mr. Clarence L. Werner serves as Chairman of the Executive Compensation
Committee  and  is  also  the Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the

      Mr.  Epstein serves on the Executive Compensation Committee  and  is  a
partner  in  the  law firm of Epstein and Epstein, which  serves  as  outside
counsel to the Company.
                        [PERFORMANCE GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

                           12/31/92  12/31/93  12/31/94  12/31/95  12/31/96  12/31/97
                           --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   
Werner  Enterprises, Inc.    $100      $135      $105      $ 90      $122      $138
Standard & Poor's 500        $100      $110      $111      $153      $189      $252
Nasdaq Trucking Group        $100      $113      $106      $ 85      $100      $129
     (SIC Code 42)

      Assuming  the investment of $100 on December 31, 1992, and reinvestment
of  all  dividends, the graph above compares the cumulative total stockholder
return on the Company's Common Stock for the last five fiscal years with  the
cumulative  total  return of the Standard & Poor's 500 Market  Index  and  an
index  of  other companies that are in the trucking industry (Nasdaq Trucking
Group  -  Standard  Industrial Classification (SIC) Code 42)  over  the  same
period.  The Company's stock price was $20.50 as of December 31, 1997,  which
was used for purposes of calculating the total return on the Company's Common
Stock for the year ended December 31, 1997.


      On  February  10, 1998, the Board of Directors authorized a  resolution
recommending  that  the  shareholders consider and approve  an  amendment  to
Article  V  of the Company's Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles")  that
would increase the number of authorized shares of the Company's Common Stock,
$.01 par value, from 60,000,000 shares to 200,000,000 shares.  To be adopted,
this  proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds  of
all  of  the issued and outstanding shares of the Common Stock of the Company
entitled  to  vote  thereon at the meeting.  The Board of Directors  believes
that  it is in the best interests of the Corporation and its stockholders  to
amend the Articles to give effect to the proposed amendment.

      Article V of the Articles, as amended by the proposed amendment,  would
read as set forth below:

           The  aggregate  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  which  this
     Corporation shall have authority to issue is 200,000,000 shares,  having
     a par value of $.01 each.
           All  transfers of the shares of this Corporation shall be made  in
     accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws of the Corporation.

      As  of  March  25, 1998, there were 38,656,773 shares of  Common  Stock
issued  and 38,282,804 shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Additional shares
of 688,062 may be issued pursuant to the Company's Stock Option Plan.

      The Board of Directors considers the proposed increase in the number of
authorized  shares desirable because it would give the Company the  necessary
flexibility  to issue Common Stock in connection with stock dividends,  stock
splits,  the  raising of additional capital, acquisitions,  employee  benefit
plans and other general corporate purposes.

      If  the  proposed  amendment to the Articles  is  adopted,  no  further
approval of the holders of Common Stock would be required for the issuance of
shares  of Common Stock as authorized by the amendment and, absent any legal,
stock  exchange or Nasdaq requirements, it is not contemplated  that  further
approval  of  the  holders of Common Stock would be sought  for  issuance  of
shares  authorized  by the amendment.  The issuance of additional  shares  of
Common  Stock may, among other things, have a dilutive effect on the earnings
per  share  and on the equity and voting power of existing holders of  Common
Stock.   The  increase  in authorized shares of Common  Stock  has  not  been
proposed  for an antitakeover-related purpose and the Board of Directors  and
management of the Company have no knowledge of any current efforts to  obtain
control of the Company or to effect large accumulations of Common Stock.

      Assuming the presence of a quorum, if the amendment to the Articles  is
approved  by  the  stockholders representing a majority  of  the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the  1998
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, it will become effective upon the filing of a
Certificate of Amendment to the Articles with the Secretary of State  of  the
State  of  Nebraska,  which  is expected to be accomplished  as  promptly  as
practicable after such approval is obtained.


                            CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

      The  Company leases certain land from the Clarence L. Werner  Revocable
Trust  (the  Trust), a related party.  Clarence L. Werner, Chairman  of   the
Board  and  Chief Executive Officer, is the sole trustee of the  Trust.   The
land  and  related improvements consist of lodging facilities and a  sporting
clay  range  and are used by the Company for business meetings  and  customer
promotion.   The  20 year lease, which began in 1994, does  not  require  the
Company  to  make rental payments to the Trust in exchange  for  use  of  the
property.   Either party may terminate the lease after 10 years by  providing
prior  written  notification of its intent to do so.  The  Company  has  made
total leasehold improvements to the land of approximately $1.1 million, which
were  completed  in 1995.  The terms of the lease provide  that,  should  the
Trust  exercise  its right to terminate the lease after 10 years,  the  Trust
will  reimburse the Company for an amount equal to the original cost  of  the
leasehold  improvements,  less  accumulated  depreciation  calculated  on   a
straight-line basis over the term of the lease (20 years).

      Clarence L. Werner and Curtis G. Werner, directors and officers of  the
Company, and Timmerman & Sons Feeding Co., Inc., a company partially owned by
Gerald  H.  Timmerman,  a  director of the Company, own  limited  partnership
interests  in  and  have  made loans to Nebraska Beef,  Ltd.,  a  meatpacking
company.   The  Company provided freight and logistics services  to  Nebraska
Beef,  Ltd. which generated revenues to the Company of approximately $201,000
during 1997.

       In  October  1997,  Timmerman  &  Sons  Feeding  Co.,  Inc.  purchased
approximately  $76,000  of revenue equipment from  the  Company.   Gerald  H.
Timmerman,  who is a director, is President of Timmerman & Sons Feeding  Co.,

                             PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS

      Arthur Andersen LLP has served as the independent public accountants of
the  Company  since  its incorporation in 1983.  It is anticipated  that  the
audit  committee  will  recommend that the Board of Directors  select  Arthur
Andersen  LLP to serve as independent public accountants for the Company  for
the  year ending December 31, 1998.  Such selection will be made by the Board
of  Directors  at its Annual Meeting which is scheduled to occur  immediately
following the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  Representatives of Arthur
Andersen LLP will be present at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders, will have
an  opportunity to make a statement if they so desire, and will be  available
to respond to appropriate questions from stockholders.

                            STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Stockholder  proposals  intended to be presented  at  the  1999  Annual
Meeting  of Stockholders must be received by the Secretary of the Company  on
or before December 7, 1998 to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's 1999
proxy  materials.  The inclusion of any such proposal in such proxy  material
shall  be  subject to the requirements of the proxy rules adopted  under  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      Stockholder  proposals submitted for presentation at  the  1998  Annual
Meeting  must be received by the Secretary of the Company at its headquarters
in  Omaha,  Nebraska no later than April 22, 1998.  Such proposals  must  set
forth  (i)  a brief description of the business desired to be brought  before
the  Annual Meeting and the reason for conducting such business at the Annual
Meeting,  (ii)  the  name  and  address of  the  stockholder  proposing  such
business, (iii) the class and number of shares of the Company's Common  Stock
beneficially owned by such stockholder and (iv) any material interest of such
stockholder in such business.  Nominations for directors may be submitted  by
stockholders  by delivery of such nominations in writing to the Secretary  of
the Company by May 2, 1998.  Only stockholders of record as of March 25, 1998
are  entitled to bring business before the Annual Meeting or make nominations
for directors.

                            OTHER BUSINESS

      Management  of the Company knows of no business that will be  presented
for  consideration  at  the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  other  than  that
described  in  the Proxy Statement.  As to other business, if any,  that  may
properly be brought before the meeting, it is intended that proxies solicited
by the Board will be voted in accordance with the best judgment of the person
voting the proxies.

      Stockholders  are urged to complete, date, sign and  return  the  proxy
enclosed  in  the envelope provided. Prompt response will greatly  facilitate
arrangements for the meeting, and your cooperation will be appreciated.

                                   By Order of the Board of Directors

                                   /s/ James L. Johnson
                                   James L. Johnson
                                   Corporate Secretary and Controller

                          WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
                            Post Office Box 45308
                         Omaha, Nebraska  68145-0308
                                FORM OF PROXY
      This  Proxy  is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors  for  the
Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders to be held May 12, 1998.   The  undersigned
hereby  appoints Clarence L. Werner and Gary L. Werner, and each of them,  as
proxy,  with full power of substitution in each of them and hereby authorizes
them  to  represent and vote, as designated below, all the shares  of  Common
Stock  of Werner Enterprises, Inc., held of record by the undersigned  as  of
March  25, 1998, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May  12,
1998, and any adjournments thereof.

1.   Election of Directors.
       (Check only one box below.   To withhold authority for  any individual 
       nominee, strike through the name of the nominee.)

     [   ]  To vote for all the nominees listed below:

               Curtis G. Werner
               Gerald H. Timmerman
               Donald W. Rogert


     [   ]  To  withhold authority to vote for all nominees listed above.

2.   To  amend  the Articles  of  Incorporation  and increase  the number  of
     authorized shares of Common Stock, par value of $.01, from 60,000,000 to
          (Check only one box below.)

                 FOR  [   ]       AGAINST  [   ]       ABSTAIN  [   ]

3.   In  their  discretion, the proxy is authorized to vote upon  such  other
     business as may properly come before the meeting.

     This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed
hereon  by  the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this  Proxy
will  be  voted  FOR the election of all nominees for director  and  FOR  the
amendment  to  the  Articles of Incorporation and increasing  the  number  of
authorized  shares  of Common Stock, par value of $.01,  from  60,000,000  to
200,000,000  shares.  Please sign exactly as your name appears.  When  shares
are  held  by joint tenants, both should sign.  When signing as an  attorney,
executor,  administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your  full  title.
If  signing  as  a corporation, please sign the full corporate  name  by  the
President  or another authorized officer.  If a partnership, please  sign  in
the partnership name by an authorized person.

_________________________  __________  _________________________  ___________
Signature                  Date        Signature if held jointly  Date

  Please mark, sign, date, and promptly return this form of proxy using the
           enclosed self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope.