THIS AGREEMENT, entered into effective as of this 20th  day
of September, 1999.

      1.    Parties.  The buyer is Boulevard East, LLC or related
assigns,  (such  assignment to be effective only if  buyer  shall
remain  liable  for  the full performance  of  Buyer  hereunder),
("Buyer"), and the seller is AEI Income & Growth Fund XXI Limited
Partnership,   a   Minnesota   limited   partnership,   and   AEI
Institutional  Net Lease Fund `93 Limited Partnership  (together,

      2.    Property.  The Property consists of the real property
legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto, all buildings and
improvements,  and  fixtures on the  land,  (including,  but  not
limited  to, that certain approximately square foot building  and
related  improvements) appurtenances, mineral and similar  rights
(to  the extent owned by Seller), and personal property, if  any,
presently  owned by Seller and used by Seller in connection  with
the  land  or the improvements, all of Seller's interest  in  all
leases,  prepaid  rents,  security deposits  and  other  contract
rights, guaranties and warranties or other rights related to  the
use and operation of the Property and all assignable governmental
licenses and permits.

     3.   Purchase Price.  The purchase price for the Property is
$1,697,089, all cash.

      4.    Terms.  The purchase price for the Property  will  be
paid by Buyer as follows:

                                (a)    When  this  agreement   is
                    executed,  Buyer  will pay $5,000  to  Seller
                    (the  "First  Payment").  The  First  Payment
                    will   be  forwarded  to  the  Escrowee   per
                    paragraph 7 hereof, and credited against  the
                    purchase price when and if escrow closes  and
                    the sale is completed.

                               (b)  At the expiration of the  Due
                    Diligence  Period,  buyer will  deposit  with
                    Escrowee  an  addition $20,000  (the  ASecond

                              (c)  Buyer will deposit the balance
                    of   the  purchase  price,  $1,672,089,  (the
                    "Final  Payment") into escrow  in  sufficient
                    time  to allow escrow to close on the closing

      5.   Closing Date.  Escrow is scheduled to close (i.e., the
deed  will  be  recorded and the purchase  price  transferred  to
Seller) on November 15, 1999, or such earlier time as the parties
may mutually agree.

     6.   Due Diligence.  Buyer will have until the latter of (i)
forty-five  (45) days after the full execution of this  Agreement
by  both  parties  hereto,  or (ii) forty-five  (45)  days  after
delivery  of  each  of  the following items (the  ADue  Diligence
Period@) to conduct all of its inspections and due diligence  and
satisfy  itself  regarding  each  item,  the  Property  and  this

          a.    The  original  and one copy of a title  insurance
          commitment  for an ALTA owner's title insurance  policy
          (see paragraph 8 below)

          b.   Copies of such "as built" plans and specifications
          for  the  Property as Seller can locate after  diligent

          c.    Copies  of  an "as built" survey of the  Property
          done  concurrent  with  Seller's  acquisition  of   the

          d.    Current  lease, and rent payment history  showing
          occupancy  date,  lease  expiration  date,  rent,   and
          security  deposit, if any, accompanied by  such  tenant
          financial  statements  as may  have  been  provided  to
          Seller by the Tenant.

          Copies   of  any  and  all  existing  soil  tests   and
          environmental  tests previously done by or  for  Seller
          relating to the Property.

During  the Due Diligence Period, Buyer and Seller as a condition
to  both  parties' obligations hereunder, shall attempt to  agree
upon  a mutually acceptable form of assignment and assumption  of
lease  and  personalty of Seller on the Property,  if  any,  with
respective pre and post closing indemnification clauses,  and  an
Estoppel  Certificate executed by existing tenant  on  such  form
reasonably   approved  by  Buyer,  or  if  tenant  is  unwilling,
certified by Seller (to be submitted within thirty (30)  days  of

Seller  shall provide Buyer access to the Property from  time  to
time  for the purpose of conducting inspections thereof including
mechanical,    structural,   electrical   and   other    physical
inspections.  Buyer has until the end of the Due Diligence Period
to complete such physical inspection.

Buyer shall indemnify Seller from and against any and all losses,
claims,  causes of action, liabilities, and costs to  the  extent
caused   by   the  actions  of  Buyer,  its  agents,   employees,
contractors,  or  invitees,  during  any  such  entry  upon   the
Property.   The  foregoing duty of indemnification shall  include
the  duty to pay all reasonable attorney's fees incurred  by  the
Seller  in  responding  to  or  defending  any  such  claims   or

Buyer  may  cancel  this agreement for ANY  REASON  in  its  sole
discretion by delivering a cancellation notice by certified mail,
return  receipt  requested, or by overnight delivery  service  to
Seller  and  escrow  holder  before the  expiration  of  the  Due
Diligence  Period.   Such notice shall be deemed  effective  only
upon receipt by Seller.

If  Buyer cancels this Agreement as permitted under this Section,
except for any escrow cancellation fees and any liabilities under
Sections 15(a) of this Agreement (which will survive), Buyer
(after execution of such documents reasonably requested by Seller
to  evidence the termination hereof) shall be returned the  First
Payment,  and  Buyer will have absolutely no  rights,  claims  or
interest  of  any  type in connection with the Property  or  this
transaction,  regardless  of any alleged  conduct  by  Seller  or
anyone else.

Buyer  irrevocably will be deemed to have canceled this Agreement
and  relinquish  all rights in and to the Property  unless  Buyer
makes  the  Second Payment when required.  Upon  payment  of  the
Second  Payment, Buyer shall have been deemed to have waived  its
right  to  terminate this Agreement based upon the items received
by  Buyer  and  its  inspection of the property  during  the  Due
Diligence Period.  Buyer shall have ten (10) business days,  from
written  notice to Buyer, to review any adverse material  changes
in  any  of the due diligence items received prior to the Closing
Date  to  terminate this Agreement. Except for the foregoing,  if
this  Agreement  is not canceled and the Second Payment  is  made
when  required, all of Buyer's conditions and contingencies  will
be deemed satisfied.

7.    Escrow.  The escrow holder will be Centura Title  Insurance
Agency,  as  agent  for a nationally-recognized  title  insurance
company  reasonably acceptable to Seller ("the  Escrowee"),  with
offices  in  or near Charlotte, North Carolina.  A copy  of  this
Agreement  and the First Payment will be delivered to the  escrow
holder  and will serve as escrow instructions together  with  the
escrow   holder's  standard  instructions  and   any   additional
instructions required by the escrow holder to clarify its  rights
and  duties  (and  the  parties agree to  sign  these  additional
instructions).   If  there is any conflict  between  these  other
instructions  and  this Agreement, this Agreement  will  control.
Escrow will be deemed opened only upon Seller's execution of this
Agreement  and  the  deposit with Escrowee of the  Buyer's  First
Payment  by Seller.  The escrow is scheduled to close on November
15, 1999.

8.    Title.  Closing will be conditioned on the agreement of the
Escrowee  to  issue  an ALTA Owner's policy of  title  insurance,
dated  as  of  the  close of escrow, in an amount  equal  to  the
purchase  price, insuring that Buyer will own insurable title  to
the  property  subject  only to:  the  title  company's  standard
exceptions;  current real property taxes and assessments;  survey
exceptions;  and other items of record disclosed to Buyer  during
the contingency period.

Buyer  shall be allowed ten (10) business days after  receipt  of
said  commitment  for  examination and  for  the  making  of  any
objections  thereto, said objections to be  made  in  writing  or
deemed  waived.  If any objections are so made, the Seller  shall
be  allowed  sixty (60) days to remove or cure such objection  to
Buyer's  satisfaction and make such title marketable.  If  Seller
shall  decide to make no efforts to make title marketable, or  is
unable  to  make title marketable, (after execution by  Buyer  of
such  documents  reasonably requested by Seller to  evidence  the
termination  hereof) Buyer's First Payment shall be returned  and
this Agreement shall be null and void and of no further force and

Pending  correction  of  title, the payments  hereunder  required
shall  be postponed, but upon correction of title and within  ten
(10)  days  after written notice of correction to the Buyer,  the
parties  shall  perform this agreement according  to  its  terms.
Seller shall pay for the cost of issuing the title commitment and
Buyer  shall  pay  the  owner's title insurance  premium  for  an
Owner's policy.

9.   CLOSING COSTS.  Subject to paragraph 4(c) above, Seller will
pay  the  deed stamp taxes and one-half of escrow fees,  and  any
brokerage  commissions  payable.  Buyer will  pay  all  recording
fees,  one-half  of the escrow fees, the costs  of  a  survey  or
survey update (if required by Buyer) and the title premium.  Each
party will pay its own attorneys' fees and costs to document  and
close of this transaction.


                     (a)   Because the Property is subject  to  a
               triple  net  lease, the parties  acknowledge  that
               there  shall  be  no need for a  real  estate  tax
               prorations.   However, Seller represents  that  to
               the  best of its knowledge, all real estate  taxes
               and  installments of special assessments  due  and
               payable  in all years prior to the year of Closing
               have been paid in full.  Unpaid levied and pending
               special  assessments  existing  on  the  date   of
               Closing  shall  be  pro-rated  between  Buyer  and
               Seller as of the date of Closing.  Buyer shall pay
               all  taxes  due  and  payable in  the  year  after
               Closing  and  any unpaid installments  of  special
               assessments payable therewith and thereafter.

                     (b)   All  income and all operating expenses
               from  the  Property shall be prorated between  the
               parties  and  adjusted by them as of the  date  of
               Closing.   Seller shall be entitled to all  income
               earned  and shall be responsible for all  expenses
               incurred  prior to the date of Closing, and  Buyer
               shall  be entitled to all income earned and  shall
               be  responsible for all operating expenses of  the
               Property  incurred  on  and  after  the  date   of
               closing.   To the extent any of said items  cannot
               be determined at Closing after reasonable efforts,
               Seller and Buyer shall compute such prorations  as
               soon  as  possible after Closing and  settle  such
               adjustment as of the Closing date.


           (a)   Seller represents and warrants as of  this  date

                               (i)   Except  for  the  Net  Lease
                    Agreement   with  Caribou  Coffee   and   its
                    sublessees or concessionaires, there  are  no
                    other  leases of the property.   The  Caribou
                    Coffee  Net Lease Agreement is in full  force
                    and  effect  and neither party is in  default
                    thereunder and the tenant is not entitled  to
                    any credits or offsets thereunder.

                              (ii) It is not aware of any pending
                    litigation,    condemnation,   or    rezoning
                    proceedings against the Property or  Seller's
                    interest in the Property.

                    (iii)     It is not aware of any contracts it
                    has  executed that would be binding on  Buyer
                    after the closing date.

                    (iv)  Seller  is  validly existing  and  duly
                    qualified  to transact business in the  State
                    of North Carolina.

                    (v)   To  the best of Seller's knowledge  the
                    Property is not subject to any claim, demand,
                    suit, unfiled lien or other proceeding of any
                    kind   which   affects  or  may  affect   the

                    (vi)  There are no leasing commissions,  fees
                    or other compensation owed in connection with
                    the leasing of the Property.

                    (vii)      Provided that Buyer  performs  its
                    obligations when required, Seller agrees that
                    it  will not enter into any new contracts  or
                    amend or modify any current leases that would
                    materially affect the Property and be binding
                    on  Buyer  after  the  closing  date  without
                    Buyer's  prior  consent, which  will  not  be
                    unreasonably withheld.

                    (viii)     Seller  is not a "foreign  person"
                    which  would subject Buyer to the withholding
                    tax   provisions  of  Section  1445  of   the
                    Internal Revenue Code.

                    (ix) To Seller's best knowledge, the Property
                    and  all business operations thereon  are  in
                    compliance with all applicable federal, state
                    and local statutes, laws and regulations.

                    (x)  Seller is not aware of, and has received
                    no notice of, the presence, disposal, leakage
                    or  migration  on  to  the  Property  of  any
                    hazardous waste or toxic substances regulated
                    by  any  federal, state or local governmental
                    authorities which may be in violation of  any
                    applicable law, rule or regulation.

                               (xi)  In addition to the acts  and
                    deeds  recited herein and contemplated to  be
                    performed, executed, and delivered by Seller,
                    Seller shall perform, execute, and deliver or
                    cause   to   be   performed,  executed,   and
                    delivered   at  the  Closing  or  after   the
                    Closing, any and all further acts, deeds, and
                    assurances, as Buyer or the Title Company may
                    require and Seller deems to be reasonable  in
                    order    to   consummate   the   transactions
                    contemplated herein.

                    (xii)     Seller has all requisite power  and
                    authority   to  consummate  the   transaction
                    contemplated  by this Agreement  and  has  by
                    proper   proceedings  duly   authorized   the
                    execution and delivery of this Agreement  and
                    the    consummation   of   the    transaction
                    contemplated hereby.

               (b)  All covenants, representations and warranties
               of Seller contained herein are true and correct as
               of  the  date hereof and shall be true and correct
               as of the date of Closing.

      12.   Disclaimer.  Seller and Buyer acknowledge  and  agree
that  Seller acquired the Property through a sale\leaseback  with
the  present  tenant.   Seller  has been  an  absentee  landlord.
Consequently,  Seller  has  little,  if  any,  knowledge  of  the
physical characteristics of the Property.

     Accordingly, except as otherwise specifically stated in this
Agreement,  Seller  hereby specifically disclaims  any  warranty,
guaranty,  or representation, oral or written, past, present,  or
future  of, as to, or concerning (i) the nature and condition  of
the Property, including, without limitation, the water, soil, and
geology, and the suitability thereof and of the Property for  any
and  all  activities and uses which Buyer may  elect  to  conduct
thereon; (ii) except for the warranty contained in the Deed to be
delivered by Seller at the Closing, the nature and extent of  any
right  of  way,  Lease,  possession, lien, encumbrance,  license,
reservation,  condition, or  otherwise, and (iii) the  compliance
of  the  Property or its operation with any laws, ordinances,  or
regulations of any government or other body.

     Buyer acknowledges that having been given the opportunity to
inspect  the  Property,  Buyer  is  relying  solely  on  its  own
investigation  of  the  Property  and  not  on  any   information
provided or to be provided by Seller except as set forth  herein.
Buyer  further acknowledges that the information provided and  to
be  provided with respect to the Property by Seller was  obtained
from  a  variety  of  sources and Seller  neither  (a)  has  made
independent investigation or verification of such information, or
(b)  makes any representations as to the accuracy or completeness
of  such  information.  The sale of the Property as provided  for
herein  is  made  on  an  "AS  IS"  basis,  and  Buyer  expressly
acknowledges that, in consideration of the   agreements of Seller
herein,  except  as otherwise specified herein, Seller  makes  no
Warranty  or  representation, Express or Implied, or  arising  by
operation of law, including, but not limited to, any warranty  or
condition,    habitability,   tenantability,   suitability    for
commercial purposes, merchantability, or fitness for a particular
purpose, in respect of the Property.


     13.  CLOSING.

               a.    Before the closing date, Seller will deposit
               into escrow: an executed general warranty deed  on
               the  form  attached hereto as Exhibit B  conveying
               fee  simple,  insurable title of the  Property  to
               Buyer; and

                    i)   Assignment and Assumption of the Caribou
                    Coffee   Lease,  and  any  other   intangible
                    personal property.

               ii)  Bill of sale to personal property, if any, of
Seller, on the property.

               iii) Lien waiver affidavit

               iv)  Form 10995

               v)   FIRPTA Certificate

                               vi)   Delivery of ORIGINAL Caribou
                    Coffee  lease, warranties/guaranties, if  any
                    in   Seller's  possession,  permits/licenses,
                    keys, if any, in Seller's possession.

                    vii)  Certified copy of Partnership Agreement
                    for the Seller

                viii)      Notice  of transfer to tenant  jointly
signed by Buyer and Seller.

                              ix)  Estoppel dated no more than 30
                    days prior to the Closing from Caribou Coffee
                    in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
                    to  Buyer.  If Buyer and Seller cannot  agree
                    prior  to the end of the Due Diligence Period
                    on the form of Estoppel to be delivered, this
                    Agreement  shall be null and void and  of  no
                    further  force  and effect and Buyer's  First
                    (and  Second,  if  made)  Payment  shall   be
                    returned to Buyer.

                     (b)   On  or Before the closing date,  Buyer
               will  deposit  into  escrow:  the  Assignment  and
               Assumption  of Lease signed by Buyer; the  balance
               of  the purchase price when required under Section
               4;  any additional funds required to close escrow.
               Both  parties will sign and deliver to the  escrow
               holder any other documents reasonably required  by
               the escrow holder to close escrow.

                     (c)  On the closing date, if escrow is in  a
               position to close, the escrow holder will:  record
               the  deed  in the official records of  the  county
               where  the  Property is located; cause  the  title
               company  to  commit  to issue  the  title  policy;
               immediately deliver to Seller the portion  of  the
               purchase  price deposited into escrow by cashier's
               check   or   wire   transfer  (less   debits   and
               prorations, if any); deliver to Seller and Buyer a
               signed   counterpart   of  the   escrow   holder's
               certified  closing statement; and take  all  other
               actions necessary to close escrow.

      14.   DEFAULT.   If  Buyer defaults and  Seller  has  fully
performed  all obligations of Seller hereunder and satisfied  all
conditions  to  Closing  to be performed by  Seller,  Buyer  will
forfeit all rights and claims and Seller will be relieved of  all
obligations  and  will  be entitled as  its  sole  and  exclusive
remedy,  to  retain all monies heretofore paid by  the  Buyer  as
liquidated  damages,  actual  damages  being  difficult  if   not
impossible to calculate and the parties having made a good  faith
effort to determine the same.

      If Seller shall default, Buyer irrevocably waives any right
to file a lis pendens, a specific performance action or any other
claim,  action or proceeding of any type in connection  with  the
Property or this or any other transaction involving the Property,
and  will  not  do  anything to affect title to the  Property  or
hinder,  delay  or  prevent  any  other  sale,  lease  or   other
transaction involving the Property (any and all of which will  be
null  and  void),  unless:   it has paid  the  First  and  Second
Payment,   performed all of its other obligations  and  satisfied
all  conditions  under this Agreement within  the  required  time
periods, and unconditionally notified Seller that it stands ready
to  tender  full  performance, purchase the  Property  and  close
escrow  as per this Agreement, regardless of any alleged  default
or  misconduct by Seller.  Provided, however, that  in  no  event
shall  Seller  be  liable  for  any  punitive,  consequential  or
speculative  damages  arising  out  of  any  default  by   Seller
hereunder.  Upon a default by Seller hereunder, Buyer shall  have
the   right   to  enforce  an  action  in  equity  for   specific
performance,  sue for damages available at law or terminate  this
Agreement  by written notice to Seller and receive the  immediate
return of the First and Second Payment.


     a.   Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

          (i)   In  addition to the acts and deeds recited herein
          and   contemplated  to  be  performed,  executed,   and
          delivered  by Buyer, Buyer shall perform, execute,  and
          deliver  or  cause  to  be  performed,  executed,   and
          delivered at the Closing or after the Closing, any  and
          all  further acts, deeds, and assurances as  Seller  or
          the  Title  Company may require and Buyer deems  to  be
          reasonable  in  order  to consummate  the  transactions
          contemplated herein.

          (ii)  Buyer  has all requisite power and  authority  to
          consummate   the  transaction  contemplated   by   this
          Agreement and has by proper proceedings duly authorized
          the  execution and delivery of this Agreement  and  the
          consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby.

          (iii)      To  Buyer's knowledge, neither the execution
          and delivery of this Agreement nor the consummation  of
          the transaction contemplated hereby will violate or  be
          in  conflict with (a) any applicable provisions of law,
          (ii)  any  order  of  any  court  or  other  agency  of
          government  having jurisdiction hereof,  or  (iii)  any
          agreement or instrument to which Buyer is a party or by
          which Buyer is bound.


                a.    If, prior to closing, the Property  or  any
          part  thereof be destroyed or further damaged by  fire,
          the  elements,  or  any cause, due to events  occurring
          subsequent   to  the  date  of  this  Agreement,   this
          Agreement shall become null and void, at Buyer's option
          exercised,  if  at  all, by written  notice  to  Seller
          within  ten (10) days after Buyer has received  written
          notice  from  Seller  of  said destruction  or  damage.
          Seller,  however,  shall have the right  to  adjust  or
          settle any insured loss until (i) all contingencies set
          forth  in  Paragraph 6 hereof have been  satisfied,  or
          waived; and (ii) any ten-day period provided for  above
          in   this  Subparagraph  16a  for  Buyer  to  elect  to
          terminate this Agreement has expired or Buyer  has,  by
          written  notice  to  Seller, waived  Buyer's  right  to
          terminate  this Agreement.  If Buyer elects to  proceed
          and  to consummate the purchase despite said damage  or
          destruction,  there  shall  be  no  reduction   in   or
          abatement  of  the  purchase price,  and  Seller  shall
          assign to Buyer the Seller's right, title, and interest
          in  and  to all insurance proceeds resulting from  said
          damage  or destruction to the extent that the same  are
          payable with respect to damage to the Property, and are
          so payable to Seller under the Caribou Coffee Lease.

                b.    If, prior to closing, the Property, or  any
          part   thereof,  is  taken  by  eminent  domain,   this
          Agreement  shall  become  null  and  void,  at  Buyer's
          option.   If  Buyer elects to proceed and to consummate
          the  purchase despite said taking, there  shall  be  no
          reduction in, or abatement of, the purchase price,  and
          Seller  shall  assign to Buyer all the Seller's  right,
          title  and interest in and to any award made, or to  be
          made, in the condemnation proceeding.

      In the event that this Agreement is terminated by Buyer  as
provided  above in Subparagraph 16a or 16b, the First and  Second
Payment  shall be immediately returned to Buyer (after  execution
by  Buyer  of  such documents reasonably requested by  Seller  to
evidence the termination hereof).


                     (a)  This Agreement may be amended only by a
               written agreement signed by both Seller and Buyer,
               and  all waivers must be in writing and signed  by
               the waiving party.

                     (b)  Time is of the essence.  This Agreement
               will  not  be  construed for or  against  a  party
               whether  or  not  that  party  has  drafted   this
               agreement.   If there is any action or  proceeding
               between the parties relating to this Agreement the
               prevailing  party  will  be  entitled  to  recover
               attorney's  fees and costs.  This is an integrated
               agreement containing all agreements of the parties
               about   the   Property  and  the   other   matters
               described,  and it supersedes any other agreements
               or  understandings.   Exhibits  attached  to  this
               Agreement are incorporated into this Agreement.

                     (c)  If this escrow has not closed by thirty
               (30)  days  after  the end of  the  Due  Diligence
               Period,  through  no fault of Seller,  Seller  may
               either, at its election, extend the closing  date,
               exercise  any remedy available to it  by  law,  or
               terminate  this  Agreement and  return  all  funds
               theretofore paid by Buyer.

                     (d)   Funds to be deposited or paid by Buyer
               will  be good and clear funds in the form of cash,
               cashier's  checks  or wire transfers.   All  funds
               deposited  into  escrow and  held  by  the  escrow
               holder   will   be  held  in  an  interest-bearing
               account.   Interest on the funds in  this  account
               will  accrue  for Buyer's benefit,  but  if  Buyer
               defaults,   interest  will  accrue  for   Seller's

                     (e)   All notices from either of the parties
               hereto to the other shall be in writing and  shall
               be considered to have been duly given or served if
               sent by first class certified mail, return receipt
               requested,  postage prepaid, or  by  a  nationally
               recognized courier service guaranteeing  overnight
               delivery,  to the party at his or its address  set
               forth  below,  or  to such other address  as  such
               party may hereafter designate by written notice to
               the other party.

               If to Seller:

                  Attention:  Robert P. Johnson
                              AEI Fund Management, Inc.
                              1300 Minnesota World Trade Center
                              Saint Paul, Minnesota  55101
                              Facsimile: (651) 227-7705
               If to Buyer:

                   Attention: Ralph H. Falls, III CCIM
                              320 South Tryon Street
                              Suite 202
                              Charlotte, North Carolina  28202
                              Facsimile: (704) 333-6092

                    (f)  Further Conditions to Closing:

                                   i)   Seller has complied with
                         and otherwise performed each of the
                         covenants and obligations of Seller set
                         forth herein;

                                   ii)  No adverse change to the
                         title or to the environmental condition
                         of the Property occurs after the Due
                         Diligence Period.

                    (g)  All representations, warranties and
               covenants contained herein shall, as applicable,
               survive the Closing and delivery of the deed for a
               period of one (1) year.

                    (h)  This Agreement shall be governed by end
               construed in accordance with the laws of the State
               of North Carolina.

                    (i)  This Agreement may be executed in
               multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an
               original copy and together which shall constitute
               one instrument.

                    (j)  Buyer intends to effect a tax-deferred
               exchange under Section 1031 of the Internal
               Revenue Code in connection with the purchase of
               the Property and Seller agrees to cooperate with
               Buyer in carrying out said exchange; provided
               that, seller shall not be responsible for any
               costs associated therewith or assume any
               liabilities in connection therewith.  Seller
               agrees to execute such additional documents as may
               be required to give effect to this provision.

      When accepted, this offer will be a binding agreement for
valid and sufficient consideration which will bind and benefit
Buyer, Seller and their respective successors and assigns.  Buyer
is submitting this offer by signing a copy of this offer and
delivering it to Seller along with the $5,000 First Payment,
which, if accepted, will be deposited into escrow by Seller.
Seller has five (5) business days within which to accept this

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and Buyer have executed this
Agreement effective as of the day and year first above written.

          By: /s/ Ralph H Falls
          Its: Manager

Accepted and agreed this ______ day of September, 1999.

          Minnesota limited partnership

               By: AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc., its
               corporate general partner

               By:  /s/ Robert P Johnson
                        Robert P. Johnson, President


          By:  AEI Fund Management XVIII, Inc.

          By:  /s/ Robert P Johnson
                   Robert P. Johnson, President

                           EXHIBIT A

     Being all of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Garden Terrace Subdivision,
as shown on plat recorded in book of Maps 332, Page 339,
Mecklenburg County Registry, North Carolina.