3475 Lakeland Drive
                   Jackson, Mississippi  39208

                    NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING


     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of 
KLLM Transport Services, Inc., will be held at the Company's headquarters, 
3475 Lakeland Drive, Jackson, Mississippi, on Tuesday, April 15,
1997, at 10:00 a.m., Jackson time, for the purpose of considering and 
acting upon the following matters:

     1.   Election of six directors to serve until the next annual meeting 
of shareholders and until their successors are elected and qualified.

     2.   Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent 
auditors for the fiscal year ending January 2, 1998.

     3.   Approval of the Company's 1996 Stock Option Plan.

     4.   Approval of the Company's Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase 

     5.   Transaction of such other business as may properly come before the 
meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The directors have fixed the close of business on March 17, 1997, as 
the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to receive 
notice of and vote at the Annual Meeting.

     The directors sincerely desire your presence at the meeting.  However, 
so that we may be sure your vote will be included, please sign and return 
the enclosed proxy promptly.  A self-addressed, postage-paid
return envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

                              By order of the Board of Directors.

                              s/James Leon Young
                              JAMES LEON YOUNG, Secretary

Date: March 20, 1997


                              SCHEDULE 14A

                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION


Filed by the Registrant /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box:
/ / Preliminary Proxy Statement      / /  Confidential, for Use          
                                          of the Commission Only
                                          (as permitted by Rule
/X/ Definitive Proxy Statement
/ / Definitive Additional Materials
/ / Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
    Section 240.14a-12

                     KLLM TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/x/  No fee required.

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3) per unit price or other underlying value of transaction 
         computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount 
         on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was            
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (5) Total fee paid:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     / / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     / / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
       Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
         fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by
       registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date 
         of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3) Filing Party:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4) Date Filed:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          KLLM TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC.
                               3475 Lakeland Drive
                           Jackson, Mississippi  39208

                    OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD APRIL 15, 1997

           The following information is furnished in connection with the 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders of KLLM Transport Services, Inc. 
(the "Company") to be held on Tuesday, April 15, 1997, at 10:00 a.m., 
Jackson time, at the Company's headquarters, 3475 Lakeland Drive, Jackson, 
Mississippi.  A copy of the Company's annual report to shareholders for the 
fiscal year ended January 3, 1997, accompanies this proxy statement.  The 
annual report is not to be considered part of the proxy solicitation 
materials.  Additional copies of the annual report, notice, proxy statement, 
and form of proxy may be obtained from the Company's Secretary, 
P. O. Box 6098, Jackson, Mississippi 39288.

           The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the 
Company.  The proxy may be revoked by a shareholder at any time before it is 
voted by filing with the Company's Secretary a written revocation or a duly 
executed proxy bearing a later date.  The proxy may also be revoked by a 
shareholder attending the meeting, withdrawing the proxy, and voting in 
           All expenses incurred in connection with the solicitation of 
proxies will be paid by the Company.  In addition to the
solicitation of proxies by mail, directors, officers, and regular employees 
of the Company may solicit proxies in person or by
telephone.  The Company will, upon request, reimburse banks, brokerage 
houses and other institutions, nominees, and fiduciaries for their 
expenses in forwarding proxy material to their principals. 

           The approximate date of mailing this proxy statement and the 
enclosed form of proxy is March 20, 1997. Shareholders of record at the 
close of business on March 17, 1997, are eligible to vote at the Annual 
Meeting.  As of the record date, 4,351,922 shares of the Company's common 
stock were outstanding.  Each is entitled to one vote on each issue to be 
considered at the Annual Meeting.

           Other than the election of directors, which requires a plurality 
of the votes cast, each matter to be submitted to the shareholders requires 
the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the meeting.  For 
purposes of determining the number of votes cast with respect to a particular 
matter, only those cast "For" or "Against" are included.  Abstentions and broker
non-votes are counted only for purposes of determining whether a quorum is 
present at the meeting.

                         ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

           The Company's bylaws provide that the number of directors shall be 
fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors and that the number may not be
less than three nor more than twelve.  Pursuant to the bylaws, the Board of 
Directors has fixed the number of directors at six.  Unless otherwise 
specified, proxies will be voted FOR the election of the six nominees named
below to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until their 
successors are elected and qualified.  If, at the time of the meeting, any 
of the nominees named below is not available to serve as director (which is 
not anticipated), the proxies will be voted for the election of such other 
person or persons as the Board of Directors may designate.  The directors
recommend a vote FOR the six nominees listed below.  Nominees Benjamin C. 
Lee, Jr., James Leon Young, Walter P. Neely, Steven K. Bevilaqua, C. Tom 
Clowe, Jr., and Leland R. Speed are now directors of the Company.

Nominees for Director

           The table below sets forth certain information regarding the 
nominees for election to the Board of Directors:

Name and Position    Age       Principal Occupation, Business Experience 
                               for the Past Five Years and Tenure with 
                               the Company        

Benjamin C. Lee, Jr.
Director and
Chairman of the
Board of Directors     69       Chairman of the Board of Directors since     
                                February 14, 1996; Acting Chief Executive 
                                Officer from November, 1994 to April, 1995; 
                                Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors 
                                from 1986 to February 14, 1996; Executive 
                                Vice President from 1982 to 1986;
                                Secretary from January, 1964 to May, 1968 
                                and from July, 1969 to January, 1982; 
                                Treasurer from July, 1969 to January, 1982.

James Leon Young,
Secretary and Director 66       Attorney, Young, Williams, Henderson & 
                                Fuselier, P.A., Jackson, Mississippi; 
                                Director since 1965; Secretary since 1982.

Walter P. Neely
Director               51       Professor, Else School of Management, 
                                Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi; 
                                Private consultant; Trustee, Performance 
                                Funds Trust, New York, New York, since 
                                June, 1992; Director since 1986.

Steven K. Bevilaqua    45       President, Chief Executive Officer and 
President, Chief                Director since April, 1995; President - 
Executive Officer               Eastern Region of J. B. Hunt Co. from 
and Director                    November, 1994 to March, 1995; Executive
                                Vice President of Operations of J. B. 
                                Hunt Co. from February, 1992, to 
                                November, 1994; Senior Vice President of 
                                Sales and Marketing of J. B. Hunt Co.
                                from September, 1990 to February, 1992.

C. Tom Clowe, Jr.      63       President and Chief Operating Officer, 
Director                        Missouri Gas Energy, Division of Southern 
                                Union Corporation, from 1995 to present; 
                                Chairman, President and Chief Operating 
                                Officer of Central Freight Lines, Inc.,
                                Waco, Texas, from 1990 to 1995;  Director 
                                since June, 1995

Leland R. Speed        64       President and Director of Congress Street 
Director                        Properties from February, 1984 to November 
                                1994; Chairman and Director of Delta 
                                Industries, Inc. from April, 1979 to
                                present; Trustee of EastGroup Properties 
                                from 1978 to present; Chairman and Chief 
                                Executive Officer of EastGroup Properties 
                                from April, 1993 to present; Trustee of 
                                Eastover Corporation from 1975 to 
                                December, 1994; President of Eastover 
                                Corporation from 1977 to December, 1994; 
                                President and Director of EB, Inc. from 
                                March, 1993 to present; Director of
                                Farm Fish, Inc. from October, 1982 to 
                                present; Director of First Mississippi 
                                Corp. from May, 1968 to present; President 
                                and Director of LNH REIT, Inc. from 
                                November, 1991 to present; Director of
                                Mississippi Valley Gas Co. from December, 
                                1984 to present; Chairman and Chief 
                                Executive Officer of The Parkway Company 
                                from April, 1993 to present; Director since 
                                May, 1995.

Stock Ownership

           The following table indicates the beneficial ownership as of 
March 17, 1997, unless otherwise indicated below, of the Company's common 
stock by each nominee and director, the CEO and the four most highly 
compensated executive officers other than the CEO, by each person known by 
the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company's
outstanding shares, and by all directors and executive officers of the 
Company as a group.

Name of Beneficial              Amount and Nature of Beneficial   Percent of
    Owner                             Ownership                    Class
Estate of William J. Liles, Jr.     680,400  (1)(2)                15.6%

Benjamin C. Lee, Jr.                608,933  (2)(3)                14.0%      

James Leon Young                     11,667     (4)            Less than 1%

Walter P. Neely                       4,499     (5)            Less than 1%

Steven K. Bevilaqua                 140,000     (6)                 3.1%

C. Tom Clowe, Jr.                     2,000                    Less than 1%

Leland R. Speed                       1,000                    Less than 1%

John J. Ritchie                      21,250     (7)            Less than 1%  
J. Kirby Lane                        18,282     (8)            Less than 1%

Nancy M. Sawyer                      70,300     (9)                1.6%      
Brinson Partners, Inc.              430,897   (10)                 9.9%

Brinson Trust Company               125,655   (10)                 2.9%      
Brinson Holdings, Inc.              430,897   (10)                 9.9%

SBC Holding (USA), Inc.             430,897   (10)                 9.9%

Swiss Bank Corporation              430,897   (10)                 9.9%

Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.     270,598   (11)                 6.2%

Officers & Directors as a 
Group (12 persons)                  938,149   (12)                20.2%

(1) Mr. Liles passed away on February 11, 1996.  The current address for the 
Estate is 112 Meadowbrook North, Jackson, Mississippi 39211.  His widow, Mrs. 
Margaret B. Liles, is Executor of the Estate.          

(2) Mr. Liles' Estate and Mr. Lee may be deemed to control the Company because 
of stock ownership and Mr. Lee's position with the Company.

(3) The address of Mr. Lee is P. O. Box 6098, Jackson, Mississippi 39288.  

(4) 6,667 shares are unissued but are subject to an option that is exercisable 
at any time prior to October 1, 1997.      

(5) 1,199 shares are jointly owned with Dr. Neely's wife.  2,000 shares are 
unissued but are subject to an option that is exercisable at any time prior 
to October 1, 1997.  

(6) 90,000 shares are unissued but are subject to an option that is exercisable 
at any time prior to May 31, 2005.  50,000 shares are unissued but are subject 
to an obligation to purchase under the Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase 
Plan on or before August 7, 2001.  

(7) 1,250 shares are unissued but are subject to an option that is exercisable
at any time prior to March 31, 2006.  20,000 shares are unissued but are 
subject to an obligation to purchase under the Amended and Restated 1996 Stock 
Purchase Plan on or before August 7, 2001.

(8)  4,000 shares are unissued but are subject to an option that is exercisable 
at any time prior to May 24, 1997.  12,500 shares are unissued but are subject 
to an option that is exercisable at any time prior to May 24, 1997.  Mr. Lane 
resigned effective February 24, 1997.

(9)  50,000 shares are unissued but are subject to an obligation to purchase 
under the Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase Plan on or before August 7, 
2001.  20,000 shares are owned jointly with her husband.

(10) Ownership is as of December 31, 1996.  Shared voting and shared 
dispositive power are claimed as to all shares.  Brinson Trust Company, 209 
South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1295, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
Brinson Partners, Inc. Brinson Partners, Inc., 209 South LaSalle, Chicago, 
Illinois 60604-1295, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brinson Holdings,
Inc. Brinson Holdings, Inc., 209 South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1295, 
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SBC Holding (USA), Inc. SBC Holding (USA), 
Inc., 222 Broadway, New York, New York 10038, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
Swiss Bank Corporation, Aeschenplatz, 6 CH-4002, Basel, Switzerland.  

(11) 1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor, Santa Monica, California 90401.  
Ownership is as of December 31, 1996.  Beneficial ownership of all shares is 
disclaimed.  Sole voting power is claimed as to 199,599 shares and sole 
dispositive power is claimed as to all shares. 

(12) 126,751 shares are unissued but are subject to options exercisable at 
various times.  160,000 shares are unissued but are subject to obligations 
to purchase under the Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase Plan on or 
before August 7, 2001.


           The executive officers of the Company are as follows:
                                                     Principal Occupation 
                                                     and Business Experience
Name, Position and Tenure with the Company     Age   for the Past Five Years 

Benjamin C. Lee, Jr.                           69    See table under Election 
Chairman of the Board of Directors                   of Directors.

Steven K. Bevilaqua                            45    See table under Election
President and Chief Executive Officer                of Directors.  

James Leon Young                               66    See table under Election
Secretary and Director                               of Directors

Steven L. Dutro                                                              
Acting Chief Financial Officer                 41    Employee of the Company 
                                                     since 1986; Acting
                                                     Chief Financial Officer 
                                                     since February, 1997; 
                                                     Vice-President of 
                                                     Finance, Profitability 
                                                     and Planning from 
                                                     December, 1995 to 
                                                     February, 1997; Vice-
                                                     President of Finance 
                                                     from 1994 to 1995; 
                                                     Director of Finance 
                                                     from 1993 to 1994; 
                                                     Controller from 1986 
                                                     to 1992.

James P. Sorrels                          42         Employee of the Company 
President -                                          since 1978; President-
Express Systems                                      Express Systems since 
                                                     September, 1995; 
                                                     President Contract 
                                                     Logistics from January, 
                                                     1995 to February, 1996; 
                                                     Vice President-Customer 
                                                     Service from February, 
                                                     1994 to January, 1995; 
                                                     Director of Operations 
                                                     from April, 1992 to 
                                                     February, 1994; Director
                                                     of Western Operations 
                                                     from January, 1989 to 
                                                     April, 1992.

Nancy M. Sawyer                           52         Employee of the Company 
President                                            and President of Vernon
Vernon Sawyer                                        Sawyer operations since 
                                                     May, 1995; Vice President 
                                                     of Operations of Vernon 
                                                     Sawyer, Inc. from 1964 to 
                                                     April, 1995;  Secretary-
                                                     Treasurer of Vernon 
                                                     Sawyer Inc., from 1986 
                                                     to April, 1995.
John J. Ritchie                           47         Employee of the Company 
Senior Vice President                                and Senior Vice President 
Sales and Marketing                                  -Sales and Marketing 
                                                     since April, 1996; Sales
                                                     and Marketing Vice 
                                                     President of Marketing 
                                                     of Central Transport 
                                                     from August, 1995, to 
                                                     March, 1996; Vice 
                                                     President of Marketing 
                                                     of Dawes Transport from 
                                                     May, 1995 to July, 1995;
                                                     Vice President of Marketing
                                                     of Overnite Transpor-
                                                     tation from January, 
                                                     1989, to February, 1995.

W. J. Liles, III                          46         Employee of the Company 
Vice President                                       since 1974; Vice 
                                                     President-Sales and 
                                                     Marketing since April, 
                                                     1996; Sales and 
                                                     Marketing President-
                                                     Rail Services from 
                                                     February, 1994 to 
                                                     April, 1996; Vice 
                                                     President-Sales and 
                                                     Marketing-West from
                                                     1990 to 1994; Vice 
                                                     from October, 1986 to 
                                                     1990; Marketing Director 
                                                     from 1983 to October, 

The executive officers have no particular terms of office.  They each serve at
the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Certain Transactions

           In the following three paragraphs, the "Company" includes the 
Company's subsidiaries.

           On January 1, 1978, the Company entered into a ground lease with 
Mr. Lee (principal shareholder and current Chairman of the Board of 
Directors) and Mr. Liles (now deceased), for part of the real property on 
which the Company's Richland, Mississippi, terminal (then the corporate 
headquarters) is located.  In 1986, this lease was renegotiated to include
contiguous property acquired by Mr. Lee and Mr. Liles, with the lease term 
commencing January 31, 1986, and expiring January 31, 2006 
("the 1986 Lease").  The monthly rental payments for the term of the 1986 
Lease are $3,000.  In the opinion of the disinterested members of the 
Board of Directors, the rental payments under the lease were on terms no 
less favorable to the Company than those available from unrelated third 
parties.  During the year ended January 3, 1997, total lease payments were

           On December 31, 1991, Messrs. Liles and Lee granted the Company an 
option to purchase the land covered by the 1986 Lease for $390,257 when that 
lease expires in 2006.  In the opinion of the disinterested members of the 
Board of Directors, the option to purchase the land covered by the 1986 Lease 
was on terms no less favorable to the Company that those available from 
unrelated third parties.

           James Leon Young, who is a director of the Company, is a 
shareholder and officer in the Jackson, Mississippi, law firm
of Young, Williams, Henderson & Fuselier, P.A., general counsel to the Company.
During the year ended January 3, 1997, the Company paid Young, Williams, 
Henderson & Fuselier, P.A., fees in payment of services rendered in connection 
with litigation, corporate and other matters.  No retainer fees were paid.  
The total of all such fees did not exceed five percent of that firm's gross 
revenues for its last full fiscal year.

Committees and Meeting Data

           The standing Audit Committee of the Board of Directors consists of 
Dr. Neely (Chairman), Mr. Young and Mr. Speed. The Audit Committee recommends
auditors for the Company, oversees the Company's accounting functions and is 
the Board's liaison with the Company's independent auditors.  The Audit 
Committee met three times in the year ended January 3, 1997,
and meets at least once annually to review the reports of the Company's 
independent auditors and to review the Company's internal accounting 

           The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors consists of 
Mr. Young, Mr. Speed and Mr. Clowe (Chairman). The Compensation Committee 
reviews the compensation for the officers of the Company.  The Compensation 
Committee met five times in the year ended January 3, 1997.

           The Company does not have a nominating committee.

           During the year ended January 3, 1997, the Board of Directors met 
on five occasions.  Each director attended 100% of the aggregate of the 
total number of meetings of the Board of Directors and the total number of 
meetings held by all committees of the Board on which he served.  

Executive Compensation

           The following table summarizes the compensation paid by the Company
and its subsidiaries to the Company's Chief Executive Officer and to the 
Company's four most highly compensated executive officers other than the Chief 
Executive Officer who were serving as executive officers at the end of the 
year ended January 3, 1997, for services rendered in all capacities to
the Company and its subsidiaries during the fiscal years ended January 3, 1997,
December 29, 1995, and December 30, 1994. 

                                SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     ANNUAL COMPENSATION                           LONG TERM COMPENSATION    

                       ($)     ($)      ANNUAL  TRICTED          PAY   OTHER
                                        COMPEN- STOCK            OUTS COMPEN
                                        SATION  AWARDS                SATION
Steven K. 
and CEO        1996  $225,000  ---     $18,192(1)           ---      $6,348(2)
               1995  $168,750  $50,000 $17,188(1)        $150,000        ---
               1994    ---             ---                               ---
C. Lee, Jr.
Chairman of 
the Board      1996  $117,000                                          $7,200(3)
               1995  $117,000                                           5,160
               1994  $114,500                                           5,060

J. Kirby Lane
Executive Vice 
and CFO        1996  $150,000                     6,667                $6,000(4)
               1995  $145,833                      ---                  5,833
               1994  $125,000                      ---                  5,000

John J. 
Senior Vice 
Sales and 
Marketing      1996  $112,500                     5,000                  ---
               1995     ---                        ---                   ---
               1994     ---                        ---                   ---

Nancy M. 
Vernon Sawyer  1996  $106,667                                          $4,267(4)
               1995  $ 66,667                                             ---

(1)  Effective April, 1995, Mr. Bevilaqua assumed the position of President and 
CEO.  As an inducement to accept the position, in 1995, Mr. Bevilaqua was paid 
$75,000 relative to his relocation, plus reimbursement for projected income 
taxes associated therewith in the amount of $42,188 plus an additional $18,192 
in 1996.

(2)  Comprised of $6,000 of matching contributions by the Company to Mr. 
Bevilaqua's 401(K) Retirement Plan Account and $348 in insurance premiums paid 
by the Company with respect to term life insurance for Mr. Bevilaqua's 

(3)  Comprised of $4,680 of matching contributions by the Company to Mr. Lee's 
401(K) Retirement Plan Account and $2,520 in insurance premiums paid by the 
Company with respect to term life insurance for Mr. Lee's benefit.

(4)  Comprised of matching contributions by the Company to the officer's 401(K) 
Retirement Plan Account.

           The Company has no employment agreements with its executive 
officers, except for Mr. Bevilaqua, whose base salary is $225,000.00 
annually.  Further, Mr. Bevilaqua has stock options as set forth in the tables
below and receives the perquisites provided to all Company executives.  

Director Compensation

         Directors who are also full-time employees of the Company receive 
no additional compensation for their services as directors.  In 1996, Dr. 
Neely, Mr. Young, Mr. Clowe and Mr. Speed received $12,500.00 for their 
services as directors, which included their services at all quarterly and 
special Board meetings.  The Company's standard arrangement is to pay directors
who are not also full-time employees of the Company $750.00 for each committee 
meeting attended as members and $1,000.00 for each committee meeting attended
as chairmen.  In 1996, Dr. Neely, Mr. Young, Mr. Speed and Mr. Clowe received
$3,750, $4,750, $3,750, and $2,750, respectively, for their services at 
committee meetings attended.  

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

           The Compensation Committee recommended small increases in the 
salaries of some of the officers based on length of service, level of 
responsibility, and the particular performance of the officers in question.  
The Committee determined that the salary of the President and Chief Executive
Officer would remain the same.  Salaries are based on: (a) comparable salaries
for similar positions in the industry; and (b) a bi-annual survey of similarly 
sized companies with sources such as the National Association of Finance 
Council and the Geographic Reference Report.  The Compensation Committee 
targets executive compensation at the middle point of compensation paid by 
comparable companies.

           There was no objection nor modification by the Board of Directors 
of the Committee's recommendations.

           James Leon Young, 
           Leland R. Speed
           C. Tom Clowe, Jr., Chairman

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

           During the fiscal year ended January 3, 1997, the Compensation 
Committee of the Board of Directors consisted of Mr. Young, (Chairman), 
Dr. Neely, and Mr. Clowe until April 16, 1996.  From and after April 16, 1996, 
the Compensation Committee consisted of Mr. Clowe (Chairman), Mr. Speed and 
Mr. Young.  Mr. Young is currently serving as Secretary and
has served in such capacity since 1982.  Additionally, Mr. Young is a 
shareholder and officer in the law firm of Young, Williams,
Henderson & Fuselier, P.A., which acts as general counsel to the Company.  
During the year ended January 3, 1997, the Company paid Young, Williams, 
Henderson & Fuselier, P.A. fees in payment of services rendered in connection 
with litigation, corporate and other matters.  No retainer fees were paid.  
The total of all such fees did not exceed five percent of that firm's
gross revenues for its last full fiscal year.

Stock Option Plan

           The following table sets forth (a) all individual grants of Stock 
Options made by the Company and its subsidiaries during the year ended 
January 3, 1997, to each of the executive officers named in the Summary 
Compensation Table above, (b) the ratio that the number of options granted to 
each individual bears to the total number of options granted to all
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, (c) the exercise price and 
expiration date of such options, and (d) estimated potential realizable 
values with respect to each grant of options based on assumed appreciation 
rates of 5% (compounded annually) and 10% (compounded annually):

                                OPTIONS/SAR GRANTS
                     IN FISCAL YEAR ENDED JANUARY 3, 1997
Individual Grants                                 Potential Realizable Value
                                                  at Assumed Annual Rates
                                                  of Stock Price Appreciation
                                                  for Option Terms

Name        Options/SARs  % of Total   Exercise or  Expiration  5%($)  10%($)
            Granted (#)  Options/SARs  Base Price   Date
                         Granted to    ($/Share)
                         Employees in

Steven K. 
and CEO

Benjamin C. 
Lee, Jr.
Chairman of 
the Board

J. Kirby Lane  6,667      19.3%         $11.25     4/15/2006  $40,059  $99,886
Executive Vice
President and 
John J.
Senior Vice 
Sales and 
Marketing      5,000      14.5%          $10.75    3/31/2006  $ 29,6340 72,990

Nancy M. 
Vernon Sawyer 

           The following table sets forth (a) the number of shares received 
and the aggregate dollar value realized in connection with each exercise of
outstanding stock options during the year ended January 3, 1997, by each of 
the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table above; (b) 
the total number and value of all outstanding unexercised options (separately 
identifying exercisable and unexercisable options) held by such executive 
officers as of January 3, 1997; and (c) the aggregate dollar value of all
such unexercised options that are in-the-money (i.e., when the fair market 
value of the common stock that is subject to the option exceeds the 
exercise price of the option):

                   IN FISCAL YEAR ENDED JANUARY 3, 1997

Name                   Shares Acquired    Value     Number of       Value of
                       on Exercise        Realized  Unexercised    Unexercised
                         (#)              ($)      Options/SARs   In-the-Money
                                                   at FY/End(#)   at FY-End($)
                                                   Exercisable/   Exercisable/
                                                Unexercisable(2) Unexercisable

Steven K. Bevilaqua                                  60,000         $0
President and CEO                                    90,000         $0

Benjamin C. Lee, Jr.                                   0            $0
Chairman of the Board                                  0            $0
J. Kirby Lane
Executive Vice 
and CFO                                              16,500         $0
                                                      6,667         $0
John J. Ritchie
Senior Vice President                                   0           $0
Sales and Marketing                                   5,000         $0

Nancy M. Sawyer
President                                               0           $0
Vernon Sawyer                                           0           $0

(1) Not included in this table are options granted pursuant to the Company's 
Employee Stock Purchase Plan which are made available to all employees on an 
equal basis.  For a detailed discussion of the extent of the executive 
officers' participation in the plan, see the discussion under the heading 
"Employee Stock Purchase Plan".

(2) The number listed represents the number of shares of the Company's common 
stock subject to all of the options held by the named officer.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("ESPP")

           The Company has in place its Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("ESPP") 
pursuant to Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The ESPP covers an 
aggregate of 133,333 shares of the Company's common stock.  73,564 shares are 
currently available for purchase under the ESPP.  The purpose of the ESPP is 
to promote employee ownership in the Company.  The Company believes that 
employees who participate in the ESPP will have a closer identification with 
the Company by virtue of their ability as stockholders to participate in the 
Company's growth and earnings.  The ESPP is also designed to provide 
motivation for participating employees to remain in the employ of the 
Company and to give a greater effort on behalf of it.  

           The Company's Board of Directors acts as Administrator of the ESPP.  
The Board does not receive any compensation from the ESPP.  The Board of 
Directors may, in its sole discretion, amend or terminate the ESPP, except 
that a termination shall not affect any option granted under the ESPP and no 
amendment may be made to the ESPP without approval of the stockholders if 
the amendment would require the sale of more than 133,333 shares under the 
ESPP. Unless earlier terminated, the ESPP will terminate when all 133,333 
shares reserved for the ESPP are sold.  

           The ESPP permits eligible employees to purchase common stock in 
cash or through payroll deductions that cannot exceed 20% of the
employee's regular base salary.  Participants may purchase between 10 and 
300 shares each year pursuant to the ESPP, and if the number of shares 
subscribed for exceeds the number of shares available in the ESPP, the 
purchase will be made pro rata.  There are restrictions on purchase of shares 
by owners of five percent of the voting stock of the Company and holders 
of options to purchase stock of the Company outside the ESPP.  The purchase 
price for the stock is not less than 85% of its fair market value at the 
beginning of the offering period and is set by the Board of Directors or a 
committee thereof. 

Employees of the Company on October 1 of the year in which an offering is 
made who are customarily employed by the Company for at least 20 hours 
per week on a regular basis are eligible to participate in the ESPP.  

           During 1996, the following executive officers listed in the 
Summary Compensation Table participated in the ESPP and purchased shares 
in the following amounts:  Mr. Lane - 300; Ms. Sawyer - 300.

           During 1996, 59 employees purchased 6,535 shares at $10.375 per 
share.  64 employees currently have outstanding subscriptions to purchase 
8,711 shares at $11.50 per share.  The following executive officers listed 
in the Summary Compensation Table presently have outstanding subscriptions 
to purchase shares under the ESPP: Ms. Sawyer-300.

Performance Graph   

           The following line graph compares cumulative five-year shareholder 
returns(1) among the Company's Common Stock, the University of Chicago's 
Center for Research in Securities Prices ("CRSP") Total Return Index for 
The NASDAQ Stock Market, and the CRSP NASDAQ Trucking & Transportation 
Stocks Index:


                      Total Return For The Year

Index              1991    1992   1993   1994   1995   1996

ONLY)              100.0  116.4  133.6  130.6   184.7  227.2

TRANSPORTATION     100.0  122.4  148.7  134.8   157.2  173.5

SERVICES, INC.     100.0  216.0  152.0  156.7   112.0  100.0

(1)  Assumes $100 invested on December 31, 1991, and reinvestment of all 

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

           Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires 
the Company's directors and executive officers, and persons who own more 
than ten percent (10%) of a registered class of the Company's equity 
securities, to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission initial 
reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of common stock 
and other equity securities of the Company.  Such persons are also required 
to furnish the Company with copies of all forms they file under this
regulation.  To the Company's knowledge, based solely on a review of the 
copies of such reports furnished to the Company and representations that 
no other reports were required, for the fiscal year ended January 3, 1997, 
all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its directors and 
executive officers were complied with, except that Mr. Ritchie's Form 3 was 
filed late and a Form 4 transaction by Mr. Lee involving a stock sale was 
disclosed on a Form 5 filed for 1996.


           The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, 
has appointed Ernst & Young LLP independent public accountants, to act as 
auditors for the fiscal year ending January 2, 1998.  Ernst & Young LLP have 
audited the accounts of the Company since 1986.  Representatives of Ernst & 
Young LLP are expected to be present at the annual meeting and will have an 
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and will be available 
to respond to appropriate questions.  Neither Ernst & Young LLP nor any of 
its partners has any direct or indirect financial interest in the Company. 

                      APPROVAL OF STOCK OPTION PLAN

           On April 16, 1996, the Board of Directors adopted, and recommended 
to the shareholders for approval, the KLLM Transport Services, Inc., 1996 
Stock Option Plan (the "Option Plan"), under which a total of 200,000 shares 
of common stock are reserved for issuance.  The Option Plan is intended to 
replace the 1986 Stock Option Plan, as amended, which expired on 
April 1, 1996.  The Board of Directors provided that the Option Plan be 
submitted to the shareholders at the next annual meeting of shareholders
for approval.  As of March 10, 1997, options to purchase an aggregate of 
19,502 shares were outstanding, and 180,498 shares were available for future 
grants.  This summary of the Option Plan is qualified in its entirety
by the text of the Option Plan itself attached as "Exhibit A".

           At the Annual Meeting, the shareholders are being requested to 
consider and approve the Option Plan.  On March 10, 1997, the market value 
of the Company's common stock was $13.00 per share.

           The Board of Directors believes that in order to attract and retain 
qualified employees for the Company, it is necessary to continue to grant 
options to purchase common stock to such employees and therefore unanimously 
recommends that the shareholders approve the Option Plan.

Purpose of the Option Plan

           The purpose of the Option Plan is to assist the Company (and its 
subsidiaries) in securing and retaining key employees of outstanding ability,
to offer them an increased incentive to join or continue in the Company's 
service, to associate the interests of such employees with those of the 
Company's shareholders, and to increase their efforts for the Company's
welfare by participating in its ownership and growth.

Administration of the Purchase Plan

           The Option Plan is administered by the Stock Option Committee 
(the "Committee"), which consists of at least three members of the Board 
of Directors.  Members of the Committee are not eligible to participate in 
the Option Plan.  The Committee currently consists of C. Tom Clowe, Chairman, 
Leland R. Speed and James Leon Young.  Subject to the control of the Board, 
the Committee has the power to interpret and apply the Option Plan and to 
make regulations for carrying out its purpose.  Members of the Committee 
receive normal compensation for committee meetings attended, except for 
meetings held by telephone conference call.  Except as described above, 
members of the Board receive no compensation for their services
in connection with the administration of the Option Plan.


           The Option Plan provides that options may be granted to full-time 
employees (including officers and directors who are also employees) of the 
Company and its subsidiaries.  Executive officers of the Company (other than 
Messrs. Clowe, Speed and Young) are eligible to participate in the Option 
Plan.  The Committee selects the optionees and determines the form, amount
and timing of the options and the terms and provisions of the options and 
the agreements evidencing them.  In making these determinations, the 
Committee takes into account the duties and responsibilities of the employee, 
the value of the employee's services, his present and potential contributions
to the success of the Company, the anticipated future years of service of the
employee, and other relevant factors.  The Option Plan does not provide for a 
maximum number of shares of common stock that may be granted under option 
to any one employee, but there is a $100,000 limit on the aggregate fair 
market value of stock with respect to which incentive stock options are 
exercisable for the first time by an Optionee during any calendar year under
all plans of the Optionee's employer corporation and its parent and 
subsidiary corporations.

Terms of Options

           The terms of options granted under the Option Plan are determined 
by the Committee.  Each option is evidenced by a stock option agreement 
(an "Option Agreement") between the Company and the employee to whom the 
option is granted and is subject to certain additional terms and conditions.

           (a) Exercise of the Option.  The Committee determines when options 
granted under the Option Plan may be exercisable.  An option is exercised 
by giving written notice of exercise to the Company, specifying the number 
of shares of common stock to be purchased, and tendering payment of the 
purchase price to the Company.  Payment for shares may consist of cash, 
common stock of the Company previously acquired by the optionee, or any 
combination thereof as determined by the Committee and set forth in the 
Option Agreement.

           (b)  Option Price.  The option price is determined by the 
Committee but in no event may be less than the fair market
value of the common stock at the time the option is granted.  The fair market 
value on the date of grant is the closing price
as reported by NASDAQ on the day the option is granted.

           (c)  Termination of Employment.  If the optionee's employment by 
the Company is terminated for any reason other than death or disability, 
the option may be exercised for three months after the termination, or for 
the term specified in the Option Agreement, whichever is earlier.  The option 
may be exercised only with respect to the shares that could have been
purchased on the date of termination unless the Committee waives any 
requirements concerning purchase in installments.  The Committee may 
provide that an optionee's termination of employment does not trigger the 
expiration of an option, as long as the term does not extend beyond ten 
years for an ISO or ten years and one day for an NSO.

           (d)  Death or Disability.  If an employee dies or becomes disabled 
while in the Company's employ, the option may be exercised for 12 months 
from the date of the death or disability or for the remaining term of the 
option, whichever is shorter. The optionee or his successor in interest may 
exercise the option only as to the shares that could have been purchased on 
the date of death or disability, except that the Committee may waive any 
requirements concerning installment purchases contained in the Option 

           (e)  Nontransferability.  Options granted under the Option Plan 
are not transferable other than by will or by the laws of descent and 
distribution.  An option is exercisable only by the optionee during the 
optionee's lifetime.

           (f)  Additional Provisions.  The Option Agreement may contain 
such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of 
the Option Plan as the Committee may deem appropriate.

           (g)  Changes in Capitalization.  If the Company's outstanding 
shares are increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged for a 
different number or kind of shares or other securities of the Company or 
of any other corporation, as through a merger or stock split, and if the 
Company continues in existence, the number and kind of shares that are 
subject to option and the option price per share shall be proportionately 
adjusted.  If the Company does not remain in existence, or if
substantially all of its voting common stock will be purchased by a 
single purchaser or group of purchasers acting together, then
options granted under the plan may terminate, or they may apply to the 
securities of the successor corporation with appropriate
adjustments, or some combination thereof, as determined by the Committee.

Incentive Stock Options

           Incentive Stock Options ("ISOs") are granted under the Option Plan 
subject to the following requirements:

           (a) Term.  The term of each ISO is determined by the Committee, 
but may be no longer than ten years after date of grant.

           (b) Exercise.  The aggregate fair market value of stock as to which 
ISOs are exercisable for the first time by an optionee during any calendar 
year under all plans offered by the Company may not exceed $100,000.

           (c) Ten Percent Stockholders.  If an employee owns more than 10% 
of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company, 
the option price must be at least 110% of the fair market value of the stock 
subject to the ISO, and the term of the ISO is limited to five years.

Non-Qualified Stock Options

           Non-Qualified Stock Options ("NSOs") may be issued subject to the 
following provisions:

           (a) Term.  The Committee sets the term of each NSO, and this term 
may be no longer than ten years and one day.

           (b) Termination of Employment.  The NSO may provide that an option 
may be exercisable during a term that does not expire upon the expiration 
of three months following an Optionee's termination of employment (one year 
in the case of termination or death or disability) but in no event later than 
the term described in (a) above.

Stock Appreciation Rights

           The Committee may grant Stock Appreciation Rights ("SARs") in 
connection with the grant of an option.

           (a) Term and Exercise.  SARs may be exercised only with the 
approval of the Committee at such times as the option to which they relate 
is exercisable and only if the fair market value of the common stock subject 
to the option is greater than the option price.

           (b) Payment of SAR.  If the Committee agrees to permit exercise of 
the SAR, the optionee surrenders his right to exercise the option relating 
to the same number of shares.  In return, the optionee receives the difference 
between the fair market value of the stock subject to the surrendered option 
and the exercise price of the option.  This payment is made in cash
and/or in common stock.

           (c) Transferability.  SARs are transferable only to the extent 
that the options to which they relate are transferable.

Amendment and Termination of the Plan

           The Board of Directors may discontinue the Option Plan at any time
and may amend it from time to time.  No amendment, without approval by the 
stockholders, may increase the total number of shares that may be issued 
under the Option Plan or to any individual under the Option Plan, reduce the 
option price for shares that may be purchased pursuant to the Option Plan, 
extend the period during which options may be granted, or change the class of
employees to whom options may be granted.  The Option Plan expires April 15,
2006.  No options may be granted under the Option Plan after that date, but
options granted on or before that date may be exercised in accordance with 
their terms.

Tax Information

           Incentive Stock Options.  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 
amended, (the "Code") provides favorable tax treatment to the optionee upon
the exercise of ISOs.  The optionee will recognize no income upon exercise of 
the ISO, unless the optionee is subject to the alternative minimum tax rules.  
See "Other Tax Considerations" below.  The Company will not be allowed a 
deduction for federal tax purposes in connection with the exercise of an ISO.

           Upon the sale of the stock at least two years after the grant of 
the ISO and one year after the exercise of the ISO, any gain will be taxed 
to the optionee at long-term capital gain rates.  If these holding periods 
are not satisfied, the optionee will recognize ordinary income equal to the 
difference between the exercise price and the lower of the fair market value 
of the stock on the exercise date of the ISO or the sales price of the stock.  
The Company will be entitled to a deduction equal to the ordinary income 
recognized by the optionee.  Any gain recognized on a premature sale of the 
stock in excess of the amount treated as ordinary income will be taxed at 
long-term capital gain rates if the sale occurs more than one year after 
exercise of the ISO or as short-term capital gain if the sale is made earlier.

           An ISO must be exercised either while the optionee is an employee 
of the Company or one of its subsidiaries or during the three-month period 
immediately following the optionee's termination of employment.  The following 
additional conditions must be satisfied for an option to obtain ISO treatment: 
(i) the option must be exercisable only within ten years of the date
of grant; (ii) the exercise price must not be less than the fair market value 
of the shares at the time the option is granted; (iii)
the Option Plan must be approved by the shareholders; (iv) the option must 
be nontransferable other than by death and must be exercisable only by the 
optionee during his lifetime; (v) if the optionee owns more than 10% of the 
total combined voting power of all classes of the Company's stock immediately 
before the option is granted, the exercise price must be at least 110%
of the fair market value of the stock and the option must be exercisable 
only within 5 years of the date of grant; and (vi) no
options may be granted which, when exercisable for the first time, would 
enable the optionee to purchase stock having an aggregate fair market 
value (measured at the time of the option grant) in excess of $100,000 
within any calendar year.

           If shares of the Company's stock which were acquired either by the 
exercise of an ISO or under the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan 
("prior statutory option shares") are exchanged in connection with the 
exercise of an ISO within two years after the date the option covering such 
prior statutory option shares was granted or within one year after the date
of purchase, the exchange will be treated as a disqualifying disposition of 
the prior statutory option shares, and the excess of the fair market 
value of such shares on the date they were purchased over the purchase 
price will be treated as ordinary income. 

If before the expiration of the holding period the prior statutory option 
shares are exchanged in connection with the exercise of an ISO and the 
fair market value on the date of the exchange is less than the fair market 
value on the exercise date, ordinary income will be limited to the amount 
(if any) by which the fair market value at the date of the exchange exceeds 
the option price paid for the prior statutory option shares.  Any excess of 
the fair market value of the prior statutory option shares at the
exercise date over the option price paid for the prior statutory option 
shares which is not recognized as ordinary income as described above 
will not be recognized as taxable gain at the time of the exchange.  The 
basis of the shares acquired in exchange for the prior statutory option 
shares will reflect the option price paid for such prior statutory option 
shares plus any ordinary income recognized on the exchange.  Any loss 
recognized on disposition of the prior statutory option shares is a capital
loss.  Any loss recognized on disposition of shares will be treated as 
long-term capital loss if the shares have been held for more than one 
year prior to such disposition.  In any event, the Company will be allowed a 
eduction in the amount of the ordinary income recognized by the optionee.

           Upon the death of an optionee who has not exercised his option, 
the value of such option (determined under applicable Treasury regulations) 
will be includable in the optionee's estate for federal estate tax purposes. 
Upon the exercise of such option, the holder's basis in the option shares 
will include the value of the option included in the estate plus the price 
paid for the option shares.

           Non-Statutory Options.  Incentive stock options granted under the 
Plan will be afforded the tax treatment summarized above.  All other 
options ("NSOs") will not qualify for any special tax benefits to the 

           An optionee will not recognize any taxable income at the time he 
is granted an NSO.  Upon exercise of the NSO, the optionee will generally 
recognize ordinary income for federal tax purposes measured by the excess, 
if any, of the then fair market value of the shares over the exercise price.  
However, if nonvested shares (i.e., shares subject to a repurchase option
of the Company) are purchased upon exercise of an NSO, no tax will be imposed 
at the time of exercise with respect to such non-vested shares (and the 
optionee's long-term capital gain holding period will not begin at such time) 
unless the optionee files an election pursuant to Section 83(b) of the Code 
within 30 days after the date of exercise.  In the absence of such election,
the optionee is taxed (and the long-term holding period begins) at the time 
at which the shares vest (i.e., the time at which the repurchase option 
lapses with respect to such shares), and the optionee recognizes ordinary 
income in the amount of the difference between the value of the shares at 
that time and the option exercise price.  If a Section 83(b) election is 
timely filed, the non-vested shares will be treated for federal income tax
purposes as if they had been vested at the time of exercise.

           Upon a sale of the shares by the optionee, any difference between 
the sales price and the fair market value of the shares on the date of 
exercise of an NSO will be treated as capital gain or loss and will qualify 
for long-term capital gain or loss treatment if the shares have been held for 
more than one year.

           The Company will be entitled to a tax deduction in the amount and 
at the time that the optionee recognizes ordinary income with respect to 
shares acquired upon exercise of an NSO.

           Officers and Directors Subject to Section 16(b) Liability.  If 
shares are purchased upon exercise of an ISO by an optionee who could be 
subject to suit under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
("the Exchange Act"), and the optionee disposes of such shares prior to 
the expiration of the two-year and one-year holding periods described above, 
the shares will be treated as if they had been acquired by the optionee 
pursuant to an NSO.  See "Non-statutory Options." It may
be possible for an optionee to file a "protective" election under Section 
83(b) of the Code within 30 days after the date of exercise of an ISO.  
However, the Internal Revenue Service has never considered the question of 
whether a Section 83(b) election can be filed with respect to the exercise 
of an ISO, and there can be no assurance that any such "protective" election,
even if properly and timely filed, would be recognized as effective by the 
Internal Revenue Service.  Therefore, such an optionee should consult his 
or her own tax advisor prior to exercising an ISO concerning the advisability 
of filing an election under Section 83(b) of the Code.

           In the case of an optionee who could be subject to suit under 
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act in the event he or she disposed of the 
shares acquired upon exercise of an NSO, such optionee would not recognize 
income (and his or her long-term capital gain holding period would not 
begin) until such optionee could no longer be subject to suit under Section 
16(b) if he or she disposed of such shares at a profit.  This would generally 
defer the time of taxation and withholding requirements (as well as the 
beginning of the long-term capital gain holding period) for six months after 
the date of exercise of the option. 

The optionee would recognize ordinary income upon expiration of such period 
in an amount equal to the excess of the then fair market value of the shares 
over the option price.  An optionee can avoid this deferral provision by 
filing an election with the Internal Revenue Service under Section 83(b) of 
the Code within thirty (30) days after exercise of the option.

           Other Tax Considerations.  The exercise of an ISO, or the 
disposition of shares acquired by exercise of either an ISO or an NSO, 
may subject the optionee to the alternative minimum tax under Section 55 of 
the Code.  In calculating the alternative minimum tax, an individual's 
taxable income for purposes of the regular income tax is increased by the 
excess of the fair market value of the shares purchased pursuant to the 
exercise of an ISO over the exercise price.  The alternative minimum
tax is calculated by applying a tax rate of 21% to (i) taxable income, 
plus (ii) items of tax preference, less (iii) an exclusion of
$40,000 for joint returns and $30,000 for individual returns.

           If an optionee incurs alternative minimum tax liability as a 
result of the exercise of an ISO, his tax basis in the
purchased shares will not be increased accordingly.  Therefore, the 
optionee may be taxed on the same exercise "spread" both
in the year of exercise of the option and in the year of disposition 
of the shares.  In many cases, an optionee can avoid liability
for alternative minimum tax by exercising his ISO in installments over 
several years (rather than all in one year) and by exercising the 
option only in years in which he has a relatively small amount of long-term 
capital gain and other items of tax preference.

           The foregoing summary of the effect of federal income taxation 
upon the optionee and Company with respect to the grant of options and the 
purchase of shares under the Plan does not purport to be complete, and 
reference should be made to the applicable provisions of the Code.  In 
addition, this summary does not discuss the provisions of the income tax 
laws of any state or foreign country in which the participant may reside.  
It is advisable that an optionee consult his own tax advisor
concerning application of these tax laws.

Participation in the Plan

           The Committee selects who is eligible to participate in the Option 
Plan.  The Committee selects persons in the regular full time employment of 
the Company or its subsidiaries who are or are expected to be primarily 
responsible for the management, growth or supervision of some part or all of 
the business of the Company or its subsidiaries.  Approximately 10
persons currently participate in the Option Plan.  Since options are 
granted in the sole discretion of the Committee, the
amounts to be received by any employee or group of employees is not 

                       APPROVAL OF STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

           On February 13, 1997, the Board of Directors adopted the KLLM 
Transport Services, Inc., Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase Plan 
(the "Purchase Plan"), under which a total of 300,000 shares of common stock 
of the Company (the "Shares") are reserved for issuance.  As of March 10, 
1997, contracts to purchase an aggregate of 184,000 Shares were in effect
and 116,000 Shares were available for future purchase contracts or option 
grants.  As of March 10, 1997, no options to purchase
Shares had been granted under the Purchase Plan. This summary of the Purchase 
Plan is qualified in its entirety by the text of the Purchase Plan itself 
attached as "Exhibit B".

           At the Annual Meeting, the shareholders are being requested to 
consider and approve the Purchase Plan. All existing purchase contracts 
in effect under the Purchase Plan provide for a purchase price of $12.375 
per share.  Such price is subject to increase as hereinafter explained.  
On March 10, 1997, the market value of the Company's common stock was $13.00 
per share.

           The Board of Directors believes that in order to attract and 
retain qualified employees, consultants and advisors for the Company, 
it is necessary to continue to enter into securities purchase agreements, 
and grant options to purchase common stock to such persons and therefore 
unanimously recommends that the shareholders approve the Purchase Plan.

Purpose of the Purchase Plan

           The purpose of the Purchase Plan is to encourage key personnel, 
consultants, advisors, and the like of the Company and its subsidiaries, 
to purchase stock of the Company, through contractual arrangements with the 
Company or stock options issued by the Company, to further instill in them 
a sense of ownership, responsibility, and entrepreneurship, with a goal of
increasing their efforts and motivation for the long term benefit of the 
Company and all of its shareholders.

Administration of the Purchase Plan

           The Purchase Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee 
of the Company (the "Committee"), which consists of at least three members 
of the Board of Directors.  Members of the Committee are not eligible to 
participate in the Purchase Plan.  The Committee currently consists of C. 
Tom Clowe, Chairman, Leland R. Speed and James Leon Young.  Subject to
the control of the Board, the Committee has the power to interpret and apply 
the Purchase Plan and to make regulations for carrying out its purpose.
Members of the Committee receive normal compensation for committee meetings 
attended, except for meetings held by telephone conference call.  Except as 
described above, members of the Board receive no compensation for their 
services in connection with the administration of the Purchase Plan.


           The Purchase Plan provides that options or purchase rights may 
be granted to covered employees and covered consultants of the Company and 
its subsidiaries.  "Covered Consultant" means any Person, including third 
party non-employee consultants, advisors and the like, who may from time 
to time be designated a Covered Consultant by the Committee.  The power 
to determine who is and who is not a Covered Consultant is reserved solely 
for the Committee.  "Covered Employee" means any Person, including 
officers and directors in the regular full time employment of the Company 
or its Subsidiaries, who may from time to time be designated a Covered 
Employee by the Committee.  The power to determine who is and who is not
a Covered Employee is reserved solely for the Committee.  Covered Consultant 
and Covered Employee may hereafter collectively be referred to as 
"Eligible Participants".  Executive officers of the Company (other than 
Messrs. Clowe, Speed and Young) are eligible to participate in the Purchase 
Plan.  The Committee selects the Covered Employees and Covered
Consultants to whom purchase rights or options are granted and 
determines the form, amount and timing of the options or purchase rights 
and the terms and provisions of the agreements evidencing them.  In making 
these determinations, the Committee takes into account the duties and 
responsibilities of the Eligible Participants, the value of such participant's
services, his present and potential contributions to the success of the 
Company, the anticipated future years of service of such individual,
and other relevant factors.

Terms of Purchase Rights

           The terms of purchase rights granted under the Purchase Plan are 
determined by the Committee.  Each purchase right is evidenced by a 
Securities Purchase Agreement between the Company and the Eligible Participant 
to whom the right is granted and is subject to the terms and conditions of the 
Purchase Plan.

           The terms and conditions of rights granted may vary, in the sole 
discretion of the Committee, among the various Eligible Participants.  As 
of March 10, 1997 the terms and conditions of the various Securities Purchase 
Agreements pursuant to which a total of 184,000 Shares are to be purchased 
are identical with the exception of the number of Shares to which various
Eligible Participants have been granted purchase rights.  The significant 
provisions of all of the existing Securities Purchase Agreements are 
as follows:

           (a) Exercise of the Purchase Right.  The Committee determines when 
purchase rights granted under the Purchase Plan must be exercised.  Under 
the existing Securities Purchase Agreements the closing of the purchase will 
take place at various times after a Closing Trigger Event.  A Closing Trigger 
Event is defined as (i) the giving of notice to the Company by the
Purchaser of his desire to hold a closing with respect to certain of the 
securities to be purchased; (ii) the death of the Purchaser; (iii) the 
For Cause termination of employment of the Purchaser with the Company or any 
of its Subsidiaries by the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries; (iv) the 
termination of employment of the Purchaser with the Company or any of its 
Subsidiaries at the instance of the Purchaser; or (v) the Default of the 
Purchaser.  All capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings
set forth in either the Purchase Plan or the existing Securities Purchase 
Agreements.  Under all existing Securities Purchase Agreements the 
closing will take place upon the earlier of the applicable number of days 
following any Closing Trigger Event (or prior to such date if mutually 
agreed to by the parties), or August 7, 2001.  The closing shall occur (vi) 
the next business day following the Company's receipt of proper notice from 
the Purchaser of his desire to effect a closing or the Company's
notice to the Purchaser of an Event of Default involving the Purchaser; 
(vii) 180 days following the death of a Purchaser; (viii) seven days 
following the termination of the Purchaser's employment with the Company 
or any of its Subsidiaries by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries 
For Cause or the termination of Purchaser's employment by the Purchaser; 
and (ix) 180 days following the termination of the Purchaser's employment 
with the Company or any of its Subsidiaries by the Company or any of its 
Subsidiaries other than For Cause.  The existing Securities Purchase
Agreements provide that as to any Purchaser who is subject to the 
constrictions of Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 
"Exchange Act"), and related regulations, such Purchaser will not be required 
to close a purchase until he is beyond the applicable period of time within
which such a closing could occur, and in the opinion of counsel to the 
Company, without being in violation of such Section 16(b).

           (b)        Purchase Price.  The purchase price is determined by 
the Committee.  In all Securities Purchase Agreements now in effect, the 
purchase price is $12.375 per share, which price is increased by an 
escalation factor of seven percent (7%) per annum compounded quarterly 
and computed through the day preceding the Closing Date.

           (c)        Nontransferability.  Purchase rights granted under the 
Purchase Plan are not transferable other than by will or by the laws of 
descent and distribution.  During the lifetime of an Eligible Participant, 
the purchase rights may only be exercised by such participant.

           (d)        Additional Provisions.  Pursuant to the Purchase Plan 
the Committee has the right to establish all the terms and conditions of 
the Securities Purchase Agreement to the extent not inconsistent with the 
Purchase Plan.  Under the Purchase Plan the Committee has the right to 
vary the terms and conditions of each purchase agreement executed with 
each Eligible Participant.  However, at the present time, with the exception 
of the number of shares to which the agreements relate, all Securities 
Purchase Agreements are identical.

Stock Options

           No options to acquire shares of the Company's stock have been 
granted under the Purchase Plan.  As a result, the Committee has not yet 
determined the terms and conditions of options to be granted other than 
the general terms of the Purchase Plan.

Changes in Capitalization

           If the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company are 
changed into or exchanged for a different number of kind of shares or 
other securities of the Company or of any other corporation by reason of any 
merger, sale of stock, consolidation, liquidation, recapitalization, 
reclassification, stock splits, combination of shares, or stock dividend, 
the total number of shares shall be proportionately and appropriately adjusted 
by the Committee.  If the Company continues in existence, the number and 
kind of Shares that are subject to any agreement under the Plan and the
purchase price per share shall be proportionately and appropriately adjusted 
without any change in the aggregate price to be paid therefor upon the 
closing of a purchase or exercise of an option.  With regard to agreements
obligating a Purchaser to purchase stock under the Plan, if the Company 
will not remain in existence or substantially all of the common stock will be 
purchased by a single purchaser or group of purchasers acting together, then 
the Committee shall notify each Purchaser that such Purchaser's right and 
obligation to purchase the Shares shall apply with appropriate adjustments 
as determined by the Committee to the securities of the successor 
corporation to which such Purchaser, as holder of the number of Shares of 
common stock he is required to purchase, would have been entitled.  With 
regard to options issued under the Plan, if the Company will not remain in 
existence or substantially all of the common stock will be purchased by a 
single purchaser or group of purchasers acting together, then the
Committee may (i) declare that all options shall terminate thirty (30) days 
after the Committee gives written notice to all Optionees of their 
immediate right to exercise all options outstanding (without regard to 
limitations on exercise otherwise contained in the option agreements), or 
(ii) notify all Optionees that all options granted under the Plan shall 
apply with appropriate adjustments as determined by the Committee to the 
securities of the successor corporation to which holders of the
numbers of shares subject to such options would have been entitled, 
or (iii) some combination of aspects of (i) and (ii).  The
determination by the Committee as to the terms of any of the foregoing 
adjustments shall be conclusive and binding.

Amendment and Termination of the Plan

           The Board of Directors may discontinue the Purchase Plan at any 
time and may amend it from time to time. 

Tax Information

           Securities Purchase Agreements.  Stock purchases made by an 
Eligible Participant pursuant to a Securities Purchase Agreement are not 
accorded any special or preferential tax treatment.  The tax effect of any 
stock purchase made through a Securities Purchase Agreement will vary 
depending upon the specific terms of the Agreement between the Eligible 
Participant and the Company.  

           Options Granted Under the Purchase Plan.  Options granted under 
the Purchase Plan are intended to be non-statutory options ("NSO") under 
existing law and regulations.

           Options granted under the Purchase Plan will not have a readily 
ascertainable fair market value (as defined by Internal Revenue Code 
Section 83 and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto) at the time 
they are granted.  As such, the optionee will not recognize taxable income 
at the time the NSO is granted.  Upon exercise of the NSO, the optionee will
generally recognize ordinary income for federal tax purposes measured by the
excess, if any, of the then fair market value of the Shares over the 
exercise price.  If however, at the time of exercise, the optioned property 
has either a restriction as to transferability or it is subject to a 
substantial risk of forfeiture, the optionee will not recognize income until 
the optioned property is no longer subject to the restriction on 
transferability or risk of forfeiture.  The optionee may, however, elect to
recognize income at the time of the transfer even though his or her rights 
in the optioned property are neither transferrable nor substantially vested. 
The amount to be included in the optionee's gross income is equal to the fair 
market value of the option less any amount paid by the optionee.  

           Upon the sale of Shares by the optionee, any difference between 
the sales price and the fair market value of the Shares on the date of 
exercise of an NSO will be treated as capital gain or loss and will qualify 
for long term capital gain or loss treatment if the Shares have been held 
for more than one year.  

           The Company will be entitled to a tax deduction in the amount 
and at the time that the optionee recognizes ordinary income with respect 
to Shares acquired upon exercise of an NSO.  

           Officers and Directors Subject to Section 16(b) Liability.  If 
an optionee exercises an option under the Purchase Plan, and as a result 
thereof, could be subject to suit under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act 
in the event the optionee disposes of Shares acquired upon the exercise of 
such option, such optionee would not recognize income (and his or her long 
term capital gain holding period would not begin), until such optionee could 
no longer be subject to suit under Section 16(b) if he or she disposed of 
such Shares at a profit.  This would generally defer the time of taxation
and withholding requirements (as well as the beginning of the long term 
capital gain holding period) for six months after the date of the exercise 
of the option. 

The optionee would recognize ordinary income upon expiration of such period 
in an amount equal to the excess of the then fair market value of the 
Shares over the option price.  An optionee can avoid this deferral provision 
by filing an election with the Internal Revenue Service under Internal 
Revenue Code Section 83(b) within thirty days after exercise of the option.   

Participation in the Plan

           Within the parameters set forth therein, the Committee selects 
who is eligible to participate in the Purchase Plan.  Eight persons 
currently participate in the Purchase Plan.  Since purchase rights and 
options are granted in the sole discretion of the Committee, the amounts 
to be received by any employee, group of employees, or consultants or 
advisors, is not determinable other than the stated maximum number of 
Shares stated in the Purchase Plan.

                           SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

           Shareholder proposals must be received by the Company no later 
than November 1, 1997, to be included in the Company's proxy materials for 
the 1998 Annual Meeting.  Shareholder proposals should be addressed to:  

KLLM Transport
Services, Inc., 
Post Office Box 6098, 
Jackson, Mississippi 39288, 
Attention Secretary.  

No shareholder proposals were received for inclusion in the proxy materials 
for the 1997 meeting.

                         OTHER MATTERS

           The Board of Directors is not aware of any other matters which 
may come before the meeting.  However, if any other matters are properly 
brought before the meeting, the proxies named in the enclosed proxy will vote 
in accordance with their best judgment on such matters.

                     KLLM TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC.


      The undersigned hereby appoints Benjamin C. Lee, Jr., and Steven K. 
Bevilaqua, or either of them, as proxies with the power to appoint their 
substitutes and hereby authorizes them to represent and vote, as designated
below, all the shares of Common Stock of KLLM Transport Services, Inc. (the 
"Company"), held of record by the undersigned on March 17, 1997, at the 
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of KLLM Transport Services, Inc., to be
held on Tuesday, April 15, 1997, and at any adjournments thereof, with all 
powers the undersigned would possess if personally present.

1.    Election of Directors.  (Check only one box below.  To withhold 
      authority for any individual nominee, strike
      through the name of the nominee.)

      To vote for all the nominees listed below:

         Steven K. Bevilaqua; C. Tom Clowe, Jr.; Benjamin C. Lee, Jr.; 
         Walter P. Neely; Leland 
         R. Speed; James Leon Young

           To withhold authority to vote for all nominees listed above.

2.    Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's 
      independent auditors (check only one box below).
                  FOR           AGAINST      ABSTAIN

3.    Approval of the Company's 1996 Stock Option Plan.
      (check only one box below)

                  FOR           AGAINST      ABSTAIN

4.    Approval of the Company's Amended and Restated 1996 Stock Purchase
      Plan.  (check only one box below)

                  FOR           AGAINST      ABSTAIN

5.    In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other 
      business as may properly come before the meeting and any adjournments 
      thereof.  If a nominee for director is unable to serve or, for good
      cause, will not serve as director, the proxies may vote for any person 
      for director in their discretion.

      When properly executed, this proxy will be voted in the manner directed. 
revokes any proxy heretofore given by the undersigned to vote at the Annual 
Meeting.  This proxy may be revoked prior to its exercise, either in person 
or in writing.

                                Signature                          (Seal)
                                Signature if held jointly          (Seal)
                                ____________________________________, 1997
                      1.  Sign your name exactly as it appears on the label.
                      2.  When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
                      trustee, or guardian, please state full title as such.
                      3.  If a corporation, please sign in full corporate 
                      name by president or other authorized officer.
                      4.  If a partnership, please sign in partnership name 
                      by authorized person.
                      5.  When shares are held jointly, both stockholders 
                      must sign this proxy.