Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by Registrant                              |X|
Filed by Party other than the Registrant         |_|

Check the appropriate box:
|_|    Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|    Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only(as permitted
         by Rule 14-6(e)(2)
|_|    Definitive Proxy Statement
|X|    Definitive Additional Materials
|_|    Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                          Level 3 Communications, Inc.

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required.
|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
  1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
  2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
  3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
      pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11(Set forth the amount on which the
      filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
  4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
  5)  Total fee paid:

|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

|_|  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing by registration for which the offsetting
     fee was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  1)  Amount Previously Paid:
  2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
  3)  Filing Party:
  4)  Date Filed:

Explanatory Note:

The  following  information  is being used by employees  and officers of Level 3
Communications,  Inc. (the "Company") in connection with solicitation activities
for the Company's 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

                            1995 Stock Plan Proposal

                        Level 3's Compensation Philosophy

- -    Level 3's success is dependent  on ability to attract,  retain and motivate

- -    Principles:

     -    Attract and retain the best in the industry
     -    Employee  ownership  that aligns  interests of employees with those of
     -    Employees share appropriately with investors in value created

- -    Compensation plans targeted at annual and long term performance

                           Total Compensation Program

Salary:    Executives - significantly below competitive levels
           Other employees - consistent with competitive levels

Bonus:     Up to 110% of competition for above target performance
           Additional bonus opportunity tied to special initiatives and programs

Long Term:  Ownership oriented
            - 401(k) Plan - matching contribution in Level 3 shares
            - Outperform Stock Options

                        Outperform Stock Option Overview

- -    Grants equal in initial value to competitors' grants of standard options

- -    Four year life

- -    Granted on rolling quarterly basis

- -    Value only when Level 3 outperforms S&P 500 Index

- -    Success multiplier for greater outperformance

- -    Value  at  exercise  equal  to  market  price  minus  strike  price,  times

               Few Companies Significantly Outperform the S&P 500

Graphic:  Stacked bar graph showing  percentage of companies that outperform S&P
500 at:

0% minimum annualized outperformance percentage
64% outperformed
36% underperformed

5% minimum annualized outperformance percentage
40% outperformed
60% underperformed

10% minimum annualized outperformance percentage
22% outperformed
78% underperformed

15% minimum annualized outperformance percentage
12% outperformed
88% underperformed

20% minimum annualized outperformance percentage
7% outperformed
93% underperformed

1.  Source:  Citigroup and Level 3 analysis
2.  January 1999 to December 2003
3.  Percentages for companies remaining in S&P 500 during period

                            Outperform Stock Options

- -    Outperform Stock Options

     -    Align employees' and stockholder interests

          -    Properly balance employee and stockholder returns

               -    Stockholders   receive  S&P  500  return  before   employees

               -    At maximum  outperformance,  stockholders receive approx 75%
                    of extra value created

- -    The program has accomplished stated objectives

          -    Average annual dilution has been approximately 0.60%

          -    Voluntary turnover below industry averages

                                Shares Available

- -    Shares must be reserved assuming extreme share price appreciation

     -    Share utilization depends on LVLT and S&P 500 Index performance
     -    Under  one  scenario  (1),  shares  reserved  cover  up to  250%  LVLT
          appreciation per year
     -    Quarterly  awards  managed to assure shares  available to cover future

- -    Approximately 84 million shares remain of the 120 million shares authorized
     to date

     -    15 million utilized to settle OSOs, balance for other programs
     -    Annualized OSO dilution of approximately 0.60% ('99 thru '03)

- -    Approval of an  incremental  80 million  shares will enable company to make
     competitive future grants

     -    Enable grants through April 2006 at extreme share appreciation
     -    Shares never utilized unless S&P return is exceeded

Assumes:          - constant annual growth in LVLT stock
                  - average exercise period of 2.5 years
                  - OSO grants through April 2006
                  - Initial stock price as of Apr 28, 2004

                            Future Dilution from OSOs
                         For Illustrative Purposes Only


- -    Constant annual S&P growth of 10%, S&P 500 initial price of 1,114

- -    Includes shares issued for OSO grants from June 2000 through April 2006

- -    Dilution  is defined as annual  number of shares  issued for OSO  exercises
     divided by average number of shares outstanding (excludes shares issued for
     non OSO stock plans)

     -    Shares outstanding includes shares delivered from OSO exercises

- -    Assumes each OSO is exercised on average 2.5 years from grant date

Level 3 Annual Growth                  0%          15%        25%         50%        100%
Level 3 Stock Price in Dec. '08        $3          $6         $9          $21        $81
Shares Issued for OSOs (in MM)(1)      2           14         65          110        135
Assumed Avg. Shares O/S (in MM)        681         686        705         724        742
Average Annual Dilution(2)             0.04%       0.4%       1.7%        2.8%       3.5%

(1)      Includes C-OSOs
(2)      April 2004 through June 2009

                              Ownership Guidelines

- -    Number  of  shares  initially  determined  based on  target  dollar  value,
     translated into shares based on stock price

     -    Targets  reviewed at least  annually,  updated based on changes in the
          composition  of the executive  officer  group,  market  conditions and
          other relevant circumstances

- -    Ownership targets:

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
              Position                 Ownership Guidelines (In Shares)           Value (@$5/share)
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
CEO                                                            2,000,000                         $10,000,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
COO/Vice Chairman                                                500,000                          $2,500,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
EVPs/CFO                                                         200,000                          $1,000,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Controller                                                       100,000                            $500,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Directors                                                         50,000                            $250,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Definition of owned shares  includes:  Stock held outright by executive,  spouse
and minor  children,  stock held in trust for benefit of  executive,  spouse and
minor children,  shares in 401(k) or retirement  plan. If executive's  ownership
position does not meet guidelines, 25% of after-tax OSO exercises should be held
until  compliance is achieved.  Failure to comply with guidelines is significant
factor considered in future bonus and LTI awards.