Washington, D.C. 20549
                            FORM 10-Q

Quarterly  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13  or  15(d)  of   the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 for the  fiscal  quarter  ended
November 2, 1996.

                      151 West 34th Street
                    New York, New York 10001
                         (212) 695-4400
                       7 West Seventh St.
                     Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
                         (513) 579-7000

       Delaware                1-13536                 13-3324058
(State of Incorporation)  (Commission File No.)     (I.R.S. Employer
                                                   Identification Number)

The  Registrant  has filed all reports required to  be  filed  by
Section  12,  13  or 15 (d) of the Act during  the  preceding  12
months  and has been subject to such filing requirements for  the
past 90 days.

207,948,611  shares of the Registrant's Common  Stock,  $.01  par
value, were outstanding as of November 30, 1996.

              Consolidated Statements of Operations
              (thousands, except per share figures)

                        13 Weeks Ended                   39 Weeks Ended
                 November 2,     October  28,     November 2,     October 28,
                    1996           1995              1996           1995

Net Sales, including leased
 department sales   $3,609,148   $3,748,369       $10,194,041     $9,783,624

Cost of sales        2,189,903    2,328,577         6,200,124      6,015,413

Selling, general and
 administrative      1,187,629    1,275,680         3,454,678      3,413,526

Business integration and
 consolidation          44,304       39,134           220,909        211,479

Charitable contribution to
 Federated Department Stores
 Foundation                  -            -                 -         25,581

Operating Income       187,312      104,978           318,330        117,625

Interest expense     (124,510)    (142,217)         (374,851)      (365,775)

Interest income         11,149       11,928            33,595         34,718

Income (Loss) Before Income
 Taxes                  73,951     (25,311)          (22,926)      (213,432)

Federal, state and local income
 tax benefit
 (expense)            (32,150)     (21,084)             (412)         43,112

Net Income (Loss)   $   41,801   $ (46,395)       $  (23,338)     $(170,320)
Earnings (Loss) per
 Share              $      .20   $    (.24)       $     (.11)     $    (.91)

Average Number of Shares
 Outstanding           207,820      197,017           207,398        187,508

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements.

                   Consolidated Balance Sheets

                               November 2,        February 3,      October 28,
                                 1996               1996              1995
 Current Assets:
  Cash                       $    152,596        $   172,518     $    158,027
  Accounts receivable           2,821,833          2,842,077        2,780,861
  Merchandise inventories       4,170,860          3,094,848        3,905,535
  Supplies and prepaid expenses   169,532            176,411          120,191
  Deferred income tax assets       90,883             74,511          177,596
   Total Current Assets         7,405,704          6,360,365        7,142,210

 Property and Equipment - net   6,384,812          6,305,167        6,220,895
 Intangible Assets - net          724,225            744,689        1,160,661
 Notes Receivable                 204,997            415,066          407,209
 Other Assets                     376,956            469,763          423,227

   Total Assets              $ 15,096,694        $ 14,295,050    $ 15,354,202

 Current Liabilities:
  Short-term debt            $    741,117        $    733,115     $   941,375
  Accounts payable and
    accrued liabilities         3,059,327           2,358,543       2,909,517
  Income taxes                      3,550               6,411          31,449
   Total Current Liabilities    3,803,994           3,098,069       3,882,341

 Long-Term Debt                 5,624,065           5,632,232       5,943,473
 Deferred Income Taxes            727,772             732,936         911,525
 Other Liabilities                564,606             558,127         593,023
 Shareholders' Equity           4,376,257           4,273,686       4,023,840

   Total Liabilities and
   Shareholders' Equity       $15,096,694         $14,295,050     $15,354,202

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements.

              Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                       39 Weeks Ended         39 Weeks Ended
                                      November 2, 1996       October 28, 1995

Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net loss                                  $     (23,338)      $    (170,320)
 Adjustments to reconcile net loss
  to net cash provided (used) by
  operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization
   of property and equipment                      379,816             326,341
   Amortization of intangible assets               20,464              34,811
   Amortization of financing costs                 20,448              15,428
   Amortization of original issue discount            342               1,090
   Amortization of unearned restricted stock        1,629               3,726
   Changes in assets and liabilities:
      Decrease in accounts receivable             220,041              44,729
      Increase in merchandise inventories     (1,076,012)         (1,169,834)
      Decrease (increase) in supplies
      and prepaid expenses                          6,879            (11,014)
      Decrease in other assets not separately
       identified                                  20,342              24,125
      Increase in accounts payable and accrued
       liabilities not separately identified      652,942             444,013
      Decrease in current income taxes            (2,861)            (34,694)
      Decrease in deferred income taxes          (21,536)            (50,352)
      Increase in other liabilities not
      separately identified                         6,179              21,381
       Net cash provided (used) by operating
          activities                              205,335           (520,570)

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Purchase of property and equipment             (523,540)           (356,816)
 Disposition of property and equipment            137,464              23,842
 Acquisition of company, net of cash acquired           -              15,901
      Net cash used by investing activities     (386,076)           (317,073)

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Debt issued                                      688,665           1,347,106
 Financing costs                                 (11,096)            (26,375)
 Debt repaid                                    (689,172)           (546,675)
 Decrease in outstanding checks                    47,842               4,544
 Acquisition of treasury stock                      (646)               (388)
 Issuance of common stock                         125,226              10,968
       Net cash provided by financing
       activities                                 160,819             789,180

 Net decrease in cash                      $     (19,922)      $     (48,463)
 Cash at beginning of period                      172,518             206,490

 Cash at end of period                     $      152,596      $      158,027

 Supplemental cash flow information:
  Interest paid                            $      337,553      $      291,928
  Interest received                                33,875              35,034
  Income taxes paid (net of refunds received)      18,604              36,903

  Schedule of noncash investing and financing
     Capital lease obligations for new
     store fixtures                                     -               2,818
     Debt assumed in acquisition                        -           1,267,074
     Equity issued in acquisition                       -             352,902
     Debt and equity issued for purchase of debt        -             429,665

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements.

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

  A  description of the Company's significant accounting policies
  is  included in the Company's  Annual Report on Form  10-K  for
  the  fiscal year ended February 3, 1996 (the "1995 10-K").  The
  accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements should  be  read
  in  conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements  and
  notes thereto in the 1995 10-K.

  Because  of  the seasonal nature of  the general  merchandising
  business,  the results of operations for the 13  and  39  weeks
  ended  November  2,  1996 and October 28, 1995  (which  do  not
  include  the  Christmas  season) are  not  indicative  of  such
  results for the fiscal year.
  The  Consolidated Financial Statements for the 13 and 39  weeks
  ended November 2, 1996 and October 28, 1995, in the opinion  of
  management, include all adjustments (consisting only of  normal
  recurring adjustments) considered necessary to present  fairly,
  in  all  material respects, the consolidated financial position
  and results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries.

2.   Acquisition of Companies

  The   Company   acquired  Broadway  Stores,  Inc.  ("Broadway")
  pursuant  to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated  August  14,
  1995.   The  total  purchase price of the Broadway  acquisition
  was  approximately  $1,620.0 million, consisting  of  (i)  12.6
  million  shares  of  common stock and options  to  purchase  an
  additional 1.5 million shares of common stock valued at  $352.9
  million  and  (ii)  $1,267.1  million  of  Broadway  debt.   In
  addition,  a  wholly owned subsidiary of the Company  purchased
  $422.3  million  of mortgage indebtedness of Broadway  for  6.8
  million  shares  of common stock of the Company  and  a  $242.3
  million promissory note.
  The  Broadway acquisition was accounted for under the  purchase
  method  and, accordingly, the results of operations of Broadway
  have  been  included  in  the Company's results  of  operations
  since  July 29, 1995 and the purchase price has been  allocated
  to  Broadway's assets and liabilities based on their  estimated
  fair values as of that date.
  The  following  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed  statement  of
  operations  gives  effect  to  the  Broadway  acquisition   and
  related  financing  transactions as if  such  transactions  had
  occurred at the beginning of the period presented.

                                            39 Weeks Ended
                                           October 28, 1995
                                 (millions, except per share figure)
    Net sales                                   $10,668.2
    Net loss                                       (220.4)
    Loss per share                                  (1.09)

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
  The  foregoing  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed  statement  of
  operations  gives effect to, among other pro forma adjustments,
  the following:
  (i)   Interest expense on debt incurred in connection with  the
        acquisition and the reversal of certain of Broadway's historical
        interest expense;
  (ii)  Amortization, over 20 years, of the excess of cost over net
        assets acquired;
  (iii) Depreciation and amortization adjustments related to
        fair market value of assets acquired;
  (iv)  Adjustments to income tax expense related to the above; and
  (v)   Adjustments for shares issued.
  The  foregoing unaudited pro forma information is provided  for
  illustrative  purposes  only  and  does  not  purport   to   be
  indicative  of  results that actually would have been  achieved
  had  the Broadway acquisition been consummated on the first day
  of the period presented or of future results.
3.   Business Integration and Consolidation Expenses

  During  the  39  weeks  ended November  2,  1996,  the  Company
  recorded   $220.9   million   of   business   integration   and
  consolidation  expenses  associated  with  the  integration  of
  Broadway  into  the Company ($182.6 million)  and  the  ongoing
  consolidation   of   Macy's   and   other   support   operation
  restructurings  ($38.3  million).   Included  in  the  Broadway
  integration expenses were $65.7 million of inventory  valuation
  adjustments  to  merchandise in lines  of  business  which  the
  Company,  subsequent  to acquisition, eliminated  or  replaced.
  The  remainder  of  the  Broadway integration  expenses  relate
  primarily to the costs associated with converting the  Broadway
  stores to other nameplates (including advertising, credit  card
  issuance  and  promotion, and other name change  expenses)  and
  the costs of operating Broadway central office functions for  a
  transitional period.
  During  the  39  weeks  ended October  28,  1995,  the  Company
  recorded   $211.5   million   of   business   integration   and
  consolidation  expenses  associated  with  the  integration  of
  Macy's  and Broadway into the Company ($171.4 million and  $7.3
  million,  respectively) and the consolidation of the  Company's
  Rich's/Goldsmith's and Lazarus divisions ($32.8 million).   The
  primary  components  of  the Macy's integration  expenses  were
  $68.1   million   of   inventory   valuation   adjustments   to
  merchandise in lines of business which the Company,  subsequent
  to  the  acquisition, eliminated or replaced, $25.4 million  of
  costs  to close and sell certain stores and to convert a number
  of  stores  to  other  nameplates, $25.8 million  of  severance
  costs  and $52.1 million of other costs and expenses associated
  with  integrating  Macy's  into  the  Company.   Of  the  $32.8
  million    of   expenses   associated   with   the   divisional
  consolidation  referred  to above,  $22.5  million  relates  to
  inventory valuation adjustments to merchandise of the  affected
  divisions  in  lines  of  business  which  were  eliminated  or
  replaced as a result of the consolidation.

              Management's Discussion and Analysis
        of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

  Results of Operations

  Comparison of the 13 Weeks Ended November 2, 1996 and October 28, 1995
  For  purposes  of the following discussion, all  references  to
  "third quarter of 1996" and "third quarter of 1995" are to  the
  Company's  13-week fiscal periods ended November  2,  1996  and
  October 28, 1995, respectively.
  Net  sales  for  the  third quarter of  1996  totaled  $3,609.1
  million,  compared  to net sales of $3,748.4  million  for  the
  third  quarter of 1995, a decrease of 3.7%.  Net sales for  the
  third  quarter  of  1995 reflect revenue from  all  of  the  82
  Broadway  stores acquired by the Company, while net  sales  for
  the  third quarter of 1996 reflect only the revenues from those
  Broadway   stores   that  were  converted  to   other   Company
  nameplates and remain open (52 stores as of November 2,  1996).
  On  a  comparable store basis, net sales for the third  quarter
  of  1996  increased  2.5%  over  the  third  quarter  of  1995.
  Although  sales  increases  were  strong  in  certain   apparel
  categories,  the  Company's efforts  to  gradually  reduce  the
  degree to which it utilizes promotional selling practices  with
  respect  to  home-related merchandise continued  to  negatively
  impact  net sales in the third quarter of 1996.  Net sales  for
  the  third  quarter of 1995 include $414.8 million of  Broadway
  Cost  of  sales  was 60.7% as a percent of net  sales  for  the
  third  quarter of 1996 compared to 62.1% for the third  quarter
  of  1995.  In  1995, cost of sales was negatively  impacted  by
  greater   markdowns  at  stores  added  through  the   Broadway
  acquisition.  Excluding these stores, cost of sales would  have
  been  61.2% as a percent of net sales for the third quarter  of
  1995.   The  lower  level  of promotional  activity  for  home-
  related  merchandise  and  increased  sales  of  higher  margin
  private  label merchandise also contributed to the  lower  cost
  of  sales  as a percent of net sales for the third  quarter  of
  1996.   Cost  of  sales was not impacted by  the  valuation  of
  merchandise  inventory on the last-in, first-out basis  in  the
  third quarter of 1996 or the third quarter of 1995.
  Selling,  general and administrative expenses were 32.9%  as  a
  percent of net sales for the third quarter of 1996 compared  to
  34.0%  for the third quarter of 1995. Excluding the effects  of
  the   Broadway acquisition, selling, general and administrative
  expenses  would have been 33.2% as a percent of net  sales  for
  the  third quarter of 1995.  In addition to the expense savings
  from  the  integration  of Broadway into the  Company,  tighter
  expense   control  and  operating  efficiencies  from   support
  operation  restructurings (primarily merchandise  distribution)
  contributed to the improved expense rate for the third  quarter
  of 1996.
  Business  integration and consolidation expenses for the  third
  quarter  of 1996 consist of $33.9 million associated  with  the
  integration  of  Broadway  and $10.4  million  related  to  the
  ongoing  consolidation  of Macy's and other  support  operation
  restructurings.   During  the remainder  of  fiscal  1996,  the
  Company  expects  to  incur  approximately  $75.0  million   of
  additional  business integration and consolidation expenses  in
  connection  with  the  consolidation of Broadway,  the  ongoing
  consolidation    of   Macy's   and   the   support    operation

              Management's Discussion and Analysis
  of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (Continued)

  Business  integration and consolidation expenses for the  third
  quarter  of 1995 consist of $26.2 million associated  with  the
  integration  of  Macy's into the Company, $5.6 million  related
  to  the  consolidation of the Company's Rich's/Goldsmith's  and
  Lazarus  divisions and $7.3 million related to the  integration
  of Broadway into the Company.
  Net  interest expense was $113.4 million for the third  quarter
  of  1996,  compared to $130.3 million for the third quarter  of
  1995.   The  lower  interest expense for the third  quarter  of
  1996  is principally due to the lower levels of borrowings from
  the  repayment  of  certain Broadway  debt  subsequent  to  the

  The  Company's effective income tax rate of 43.5% for the third
  quarter  of 1996 differs from  the federal income tax statutory
  rate  of  35.0%  principally because of  permanent  differences
  arising  from  the amortization of intangible  assets  and  the
  effect of state and local income taxes.

  The  Company's effective income tax rate for the third  quarter
  of  1995 differs from the federal income tax statutory rate  of
  35.0%  principally  because  of permanent  differences  arising
  from  the  non-deductibility of approximately $65.0 million  of
  losses  of Broadway and the amortization of intangible  assets,
  and the effect of state and local income taxes.

  Comparison of the 39 Weeks Ended November 2, 1996 and October 28, 1995

  For  purposes  of the following discussion, all  references  to
  "1996"  and "1995" are to the Company's 39 week fiscal  periods
  ended November 2, 1996 and October 28, 1995, respectively.
  Net  sales for 1996 were $10,194.0 million compared to $9,783.6
  million  for 1995, an increase of 4.2%.  On a comparable  store
  basis,  net  sales  increased 2.7%.  Net sales  for  1996  were
  somewhat  negatively  impacted  by  the  Company's  efforts  to
  gradually  reduce  the degree to which it utilizes  promotional
  selling  practices  with  respect to home-related  merchandise.
  Net sales for 1995 include $414.8 million of Broadway sales.
  Cost  of  sales  was 60.8% as a percent of net sales  for  1996
  compared  to  61.5% for 1995.  Excluding Broadway stores,  cost
  of  sales  would have been 61.1% as a percent of net sales  for
  1995.   The improvement reflects the lower level of promotional
  activity  for home-related merchandise and increased  sales  of
  higher  margin  private  label  merchandise.   Cost  of   sales
  includes  no  charge  in 1996 compared  to  a  charge  of  $1.8
  million  in  1995 resulting from the valuation  of  merchandise
  inventory on the last-in, first-out basis.

  Selling,  general and administrative expenses were 33.9%  as  a
  percent  of  net  sales for 1996 compared to  34.9%  for  1995.
  Excluding  the  effects  of the Broadway acquisition,  selling,
  general and administrative expenses would have been 34.7% as  a
  percent  of  net  sales  for 1995.  The  improvement  for  1996
  primarily  reflects the operating efficiencies  resulting  from
  the  integration of Macy's into the Company in fiscal 1995  and
  other  support operation restructurings (primarily  merchandise

              Management's Discussion and Analysis
  of Financial Condition and Results of Operations  (Continued)
  Business  integration  and  consolidation  expenses  for   1996
  consist  of  $182.6 million associated with the integration  of
  Broadway   and   $38.3   million   related   to   the   ongoing
  consolidation   of   Macy's   and   other   support   operation
  Business  integration  and  consolidation  expenses  for   1995
  consist  of  $171.4 million associated with the integration  of
  Macy's   into  the  Company,  $32.8  million  related  to   the
  consolidation of the Company's Rich's/Goldsmith's  and  Lazarus
  divisions  and  $7.3  million related  to  the  integration  of
  Broadway into the Company.

  Net  interest expense was $341.3 million for 1996  compared  to
  $331.1  million  for  1995.  The higher  interest  expense  for
  1996  is principally due to higher levels of borrowing incurred
  in connection with the acquisition of Broadway.

  The  Company's effective income tax rate for 1996 differs  from
  the  federal  income  tax statutory rate of  35.0%  principally
  because   of    permanent   differences   arising   from    the
  amortization  of   intangible assets, and the effect  of  state
  and local income taxes.
  The  Company's effective income tax rate for 1995 differs  from
  the  federal  income  tax statutory rate of  35.0%  principally
  because   of  permanent  differences  arising  from  the   non-
  deductibility  of  approximately $65.0  million  of  losses  of
  Broadway  and  the amortization of intangible assets,  and  the
  effect of state and local income taxes.
  Liquidity and Capital Resources

  For  purposes  of the following discussion, all  references  to
  "1996"  and "1995" are to the Company's 39 week fiscal  periods
  ended November 2, 1996 and October 28, 1995, respectively.

  The  Company's  principal sources of liquidity  are  cash  from
  operations, cash on hand and available credit facilities.
  Net  cash  provided by operating activities in 1996 was  $205.3
  million,  an  increase of $725.9 million compared to  net  cash
  used  by  operating activities of $520.6 million  in  1995.  In
  addition  to  improved operating results, the most  significant
  factors   contributing   to  this  improvement   were   greater
  reductions in customer accounts receivable and lower  increases
  in  merchandise  inventories due to  Broadway  store  closings.
  Additionally,  cash  provided  from  operations  in  1995   was
  negatively  impacted  by  higher  payments  of  non-merchandise
  payables   and   accrued  liabilities  (including   liabilities
  related to the Macy's merger).

  Net  cash  used in investing activities was $386.1  million  in
  1996  with purchases of property and equipment totaling  $523.5
  million   and   dispositions   of   property   and   equipment,
  principally  Broadway stores, totaling $137.5 million.   During
  1996, the Company opened two new department stores and two  new
  furniture galleries, converted an existing Stern's store  to  a
  Macy's  store  and  closed the existing Macy's  store  in  that
  trading area and closed six other stores.
              Management's Discussion and Analysis
  of Financial Condition and Results of Operations  (Continued)
  Net  cash  provided by the Company for all financing activities
  was  $160.8  million in 1996.  During 1996, the Company  repaid
  $689.2  million of debt, including $386.5 million of commercial
  paper  borrowings under a receivables based credit facility  of
  a  subsidiary of Broadway which was terminated on May 14, 1996,
  $64.0  million of asset-backed notes issued by a subsidiary  of
  Broadway  and $222.9 million of term borrowings under its  bank
  credit facility.
  During  1996,  the  Company  issued $450.0  million  of  8-1/2%
  Senior  Notes  due  2003 and a wholly owned subsidiary  of  the
  Company  issued $238.8 million of asset-backed certificates  in
  two  separate  classes.   The  two  classes  are:   (i)  $218.0
  million  in aggregate principal amount of 6.70% Class A  Asset-
  Backed  Certificates, Series 1996-1 due May 15, 2001  and  (ii)
  $20.8  million in aggregate principal amount of 6.85%  Class  B
  Asset-Backed  Certificates, Series 1996-1 due  June  15,  2001.
  The  Company also issued 4.1 million shares of common stock and
  received  $99.0  million in proceeds upon the exercise  of  its
  Series A Warrants.
  On  May  3,  1997,  a  $200.0 million  installment  of  a  note
  receivable  matures  and $176.0 million of borrowings  under  a
  note    monetization   facility   become   due   and   payable.
  Accordingly,  as  of November 2, 1996, such amounts  have  been
  included   in   accounts   receivable  and   short-term   debt,
  Management   believes  the  department  store   industry   will
  continue  to  consolidate.  Accordingly,  the  Company  intends
  from  time  to  time  to  consider additional  acquisitions  of
  department store assets and companies.
  Management  of the Company believes that, with respect  to  its
  current  operations,  cash on hand and funds  from  operations,
  together  with  its credit facilities, will  be  sufficient  to
  cover  its  reasonably  foreseeable  working  capital,  capital
  expenditure   and   debt  service  requirements.    Acquisition
  transactions,  if  any, are expected to be financed  through  a
  combination  of  cash  on  hand and  from  operations  and  the
  possible issuance from time to time of long-term debt or  other
  securities.   Depending upon conditions in the capital  markets
  and  other factors, the Company will from time to time consider
  other  possible  capital  markets transactions,  including  the
  refinancing of indebtedness.

                  PART II -- OTHER INFORMATION


Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

          The  information  regarding legal  proceedings  in  the
          Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the  period
          ended  May  4, 1996 covers events known to the  Company
          and  occurring  prior to June 4, 1996.   Subsequent  to
          that  date, the Company and its subsidiaries have  been
          involved in various legal proceedings incidental to the
          normal  course of their business.  Management does  not
          expect  that  any  of  such  proceedings  will  have  a
          material  adverse effect on the Company's  consolidated
          financial position or results of operations.

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (a)  Exhibits

              11    Statement re:  computation of per share earnings
              27   Financial Data Schedule
          (b)  Reports on Form 8-K
               No reports were filed on Form 8-K during the quarter ended
               November 2, 1996.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunder duly authorized.

                                FEDERATED DEPARTMENT STORES, INC.

Date  December 17, 1996         /s/ Dennis J. Broderick
                                    Dennis J. Broderick
                                    Senior Vice President, General Counsel
                                    and Secretary

                                /s/ Joel A. Belsky
                                    Joel A. Belsky
                                    Vice President and Controller
                                    (Principal Accounting Officer)