
    This Restricted Stock Agreement, dated as  of , 1995 (the "Agreement"), is
made by  and  between  Trans  World  Entertainment  Corporation,  a  New  York
corporation (the "Company"), and (the "Employee").

    WHEREAS, the Employee has been designated by the Compensation Committee of
the Company's Board of Directors (the "Committee") to participate in the Trans
World Entertainment Corporation 1990 Restricted Stock Plan (the "Plan"), which
the Employee acknowledges receipt of;

    NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the premises and mutual covenants
contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not  defined shall have the meanings set
forth in the Plan.

    1.  Award of Shares.  Pursuant to the provisions of the Plan, the terms of
which are incorporated herein by reference, the  Employee  is  hereby  awarded
            shares of Restricted Stock (the "Award"), subject to the terms and
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conditions herein set forth.

    2.  Terms and Conditions.   It  is  understood  and  agreed that the Award
evidenced hereby is subject to the following terms and conditions.

    (a) Vesting of Award.  Subject to the other terms and conditions  of  this
    Agreement  and the Plan, this Award shall become vested in one installment
    on             ,expressly  conditioned  on  complete  years  of continuous
    employment (such yearly periods to be measured beginning          , 1995);
    provided,  however,  that  in accordance with and subject to the Plan, the
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    Committee may in its sole discretion accelerate the vesting of  the  Award
    or remove any restrictions relating thereto.

    (b) Vesting on Death or Disability.  In the event of  the  termination  of
    the  Employee's employment with the Company for any reason whatsoever, all
    shares of Restricted Stock subject  to  the  Award that have not vested in
    accordance with Section 2(a) or 2(b)  above  shall  be  forfeited  by  the
    Employee  and become the property of the Company.  If the Restricted Stock
    is forfeited, the  Company  shall  be  entitled  to  have the certificates
    representing the shares of Restricted Stock redelivered to it out  of  the
    escrow provided for in Section 2(d) hereof.


    (c) Forfeiture of Unvested Shares.  In the event of the termination of the
    Employee's  employment  with  the  Company  for any reason whatsoever, all
    shares of Restricted Stock subject to  the  Award which have not vested in
    accordance with Section 2(a) above and do not become vested under  section
    2(a)  or  2(b)  above  shall  be  forfeited by the Employee and become the
    property of  the  Company.   If  the  Restricted  Stock  is forfeited, the
    Company shall be entitled to have the certificates representing the shares
    of Restricted Stock redelivered to  it  out  of  the  escrow  provided  in
    Section 2(d) hereof.

    (d) Certificates.  Each certificate  issued in respect of Restricted Stock
    awarded hereunder shall be deposited in escrow with  the  Company  or  its
    designee,  selected  by  the  Company  in  the  Company's sole discretion,
    together with a stock power executed  in  blank by the Employee, and shall
    bear a legend disclosing the restrictions on  transferability  imposed  on
    such  Restricted  Stock by this Agreement.  Upon the vesting of Restricted
    Stock pursuant to Section 2(a) or 2(b) hereof, and the satisfaction of any
    withholding tax liability pursuant to  Section 5 hereof, the certificates
    evidencing  such  vested  Restricted  Stock  shall  be  delivered  to  the

    (e) Rights of a Shareholder.   Subject  to  Section 3 hereof, prior to the
    time  a  share of Restricted Stock is fully vested hereunder, the Employee
    shall have all the rights of  a  shareholder of the Company, including the
    right to vote such shares of Restricted  Stock;  provided,  however,  that
    unless  and  until the vesting restrictions and other terms and conditions
    applicable to  the  Award  have  lapsed  or  are  otherwise satisfied, the
    dividends applicable to such Restricted Stock shall be held by the Company
    for the  Employee's  account,  and  interest  may  be  paid  on  any  such
    dividends,  at  a  rate  and  subject  to  such terms as determined by the
    Committee in its sole  and  absolute  discretion.   If Restricted Stock is
    forfeited pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the  related  dividends
    and interest, if any, shall likewise be forfeited to the Company.

    (f) No  Right to Continued Employment.  Neither  the Plan, this Agreement,
    this  Award  nor  any  other  action  taken  pursuant  to  the  Plan shall
    constitute or be evidence  of  any  agreement or understanding, express or
    implied, that the Employee has a right to continue as an employee for  any
    period  of  time, or at any rate of compensation, and shall not in any way
    interfere with  the  right  of  the  Company  to  terminate the Employee's
    employment at any time.


    3.  Restrictions on Transfer of Shares.  Neither the shares of  Restricted
Stock  delivered  hereunder  nor  any  interest in them may be sold, assigned,
disposed  of,  pledged,  hypothecated,  encumbered  or  in  any  other  manner
transferred, in whole or in part,  until  the vesting provisions herein and in
the Plan have been satisfied, and thereafter only  if  all  of  the  following
conditions have been satisfied:

    (a) The listing, or approval for listing upon notice of issuance, that may
    be required of such shares on  any  securities exchange as may at the time
    be the principal market for the shares;

    (b) Any registration or other qualification of such shares under any state
    or  federal  law  or  regulation, or the maintaining in effect of any such
    registration or other qualification or an exemption therefrom supported by
    an opinion of counsel, which the board of directors shall, in its absolute
    discretion upon  the  advice  of  counsel,  deem  necessary  or advisable,
    including expiration of any requisite holding period under Rule 144  under
    the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"); and

    (c) The  obtaining of any other  consent, approval or permit for any state
    or  federal governmental agency which the board of directors shall, in its
    absolute discretion based  upon  the  advice  of  counsel, determine to be
    necessary or advisable.

    4.  Legend on Restricted Stock.  All certificates representing  shares  of
Restricted  Stock, unless such shares are registered under the Securities Act,
shall bear the following  legend  or  such  other  legend as the Company deems



    Any  certificate  issued  at  any time in exchange or substitution for any
certificate bearing such legend or such other legend deemed appropriate by the
Company shall also bear such legend unless,  in the opinion of counsel for the
Company, the securities represented thereby need no longer be subject  to  the
restriction  contained  herein.   The  provisions  of  this Section 4 shall be
binding upon all subsequent holders of certificates bearing the above legend.


    5.  Acquisition for Investment.  The Employee represents and warrants that
he is acquiring  the  shares  of  Restricted  Stock  distributed  hereby as an
investment and not with a view to  distribution  thereof.   The  Company  also
reserves  the  right  to  place  any  legend  or  other  symbol  on  the share
certificates issued or transferred pursuant to this Agreement and the Plan and
to furnish any stop transfer or similar instructions to the transfer agent for
its shares which the Company, in  its  sole discretion, may deem necessary and
proper to ensure compliance with the above representation and warranty.

    6.  Adjustment Provisions.  If the shares of Common Stock outstanding  are
changed,  such  that  its  effect in any fiscal year is greater than 5% of the
Company's Common Stock capitalization,  in  number  or  class,  by reason of a
split-up,    merger,    consolidation,    reorganization,    reclassification,
recapitalization, or any capital adjustment, including a stock dividend, or if
any distribution is made to the holders of Common  Stock  other  than  a  cash
dividend,  or  other  similar  change  is  made  in  the  corporate structure,
appropriate adjustments shall be  made  in  the  aggregate  number and kind of
shares or other securities or property subject to this Agreement and the Plan.

    7.  Withholding.  The Employee agrees that there shall  be  deducted  from
any  distribution  of  Restricted Stock under this Agreement the amount of any
tax required by any governmental authority to be withheld and paid over by the
Company to such governmental authority for  the account of the Employee.  With
respect to any distribution of Restricted Stock, the Company  shall  have  the
right  to  sell  without notice, such number of shares of the Restricted Stock
distributable to the Employee as will provide funds for the payment of any tax
so required to be paid by the Company for the Employee's account, unless prior
to such sale, the Employee shall have  paid  to the Company the amount of such
tax.  Any balance of the proceeds of such sale shall be paid to the  Employee.
In  effecting  any  such  sale,  the  Company  shall be deemed to be acting on
behalf, and for the account of, the Employee.

    8.  Designation of Beneficiary.  The Employee may, with the consent of the
Committee, designate a person  or  persons  to  receive,  in  the event of his
death,  any  shares  of  Restricted  Stock  distributable   hereunder.    Such
designation  shall be made upon forms supplied by and delivered to the Company
and may be revoked in writing.  If the Employee fails effectively to designate
a beneficiary, then his estate shall be deemed to be his beneficiary.

    9.  References.   References  herein  to  rights  and  obligations  of the
Employee  shall  apply,   where   appropriate,   to   the   Employee's   legal
representative,  designated  beneficiary  or  estate without regard to whether
specific reference to  such  legal  representative,  designated beneficiary or
estate is contained in a particular provision of this Agreement.


    10. Notices.  Any notice  required or permitted to  be  given  under  this
Agreement  shall  be  in  writing  and shall be deemed to have been given when
delivered personally or by courier,  or  sent by certified or registered mail,
postage prepaid,  return  receipt  requested,  duly  addressed  to  the  party
concerned  at  the  address indicated below or to such changed address as such
party may subsequently by similar process give notice of:

If to the Company:                               If to the Employee:

Trans World Entertainment Corporation
38 Corporate Circle
Albany, New York 12203
Attn.: Secretary

    11. Governing Law. This  Agreement  shall  be governed by and construed in
accordance with the  laws  of  the  State  of  New  York,  without  regard  to
principles regarding conflict of laws.

    12. Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed in two counterparts
each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    13. Severability.   If  any  provision  or  any  term or condition of this
Agreement or  any  application  thereof  to  any  person  or  circumstances is
invalid, such provision, term, condition or application shall to  that  extent
be  void  (or,  in  the  discretion  of the Committee, such provision, term or
condition may be amended to avoid such invalidity), and shall not affect other
provisions, terms or conditions  or  applications  thereof, and to this extent
such provisions, terms and conditions are severable.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the date first set forth above.

Trans World Entertainment                   -----------------------------
      Corporation                              [Print Name of Employee]

By:   /s/Robert J. Higgins
    ------------------------------          -----------------------------
    Robert J. Higgins, Chairman
    and Chief Executive Officer
