ARTICLE 1

Trans   World  Entertainment  Corporation  has  established  the  Trans  World
Entertainment Corporation Supplemental Executive  Retirement  Plan (the Plan )
with the intention of  retaining  executives  whose  skills  and  talents  are
important to the Company's operations by providing a monthly retirement income
that supplements benefits under other retirement arrangements.

                                  ARTICLE 2

A.   "Company"  means  Trans  World  Entertainment  Corporation,  a  New  York
corporation, and its Subsidiaries.

B. "Subsidiary" means a corporation,  or  other form of business organization,
the majority interest of which  is  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by  the

C. "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

D. "Change in Control" means the occurrence of any one of the following events
that  occur  after  the  date,  if ever, that fewer than twenty percent of the
outstanding shares  of  common  stock  of  the  Company  in  the aggregate are
beneficially owned (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (the "Exchange Act" )) by Robert J. Higgins, members of his  immediate
family  and  one or more trusts established for the benefit of such individual
or family members for a period of  60 consecutive calendar days:  (i) the sale
of the Company substantially as an entirety (whether sale by  stock,  sale  of
assets, merger, consolidation, liquidation, dissolution or similar occurrence)
occurs,  where  the  shareholders  of  the  Company,  immediately  prior  to a
consolidation or merger,  would  not,  immediately  after the consolidation or
merger, beneficially own (as such term is defined  in  Rule  13d-3  under  the
Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, shares representing in the aggregate at
least  one-half  of  the  voting  stock  of  the  corporation  issuing cash or
securities in a consolidation or  merger  (or its ultimate parent corporation,
if any); (ii) any tender offer or exchange offer subject to the regulations of
the Securities and Exchange Commission is made by which any person  or  group,
other  than Robert J. Higgins, members of his immediate family and one or more
trusts established for the benefit  of  such  individual or family members, as
person or group is defined within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the Exchange
Act, becomes the beneficial  owner,  directly  or  indirectly,  of  more  than
one-half  of  the  outstanding shares of common stock of the Company; or (iii)
fifty percent or more of the  directors  elected  to the Board of Directors of
the Company are persons who were not nominated by management or the  Board  of
Directors  of  the  Company in the most recent proxy statement of the Company,
excluding from such computation the  replacement  of any director or directors
who resign voluntarily and not as a result of any disagreement exp  ressed  in
writing with the Company's operations, policies or practices.  Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  a  Change in Control shall not be deemed to have occurred for
purposes of clause  (i)  above  solely  as  the  result  of  an acquisition of
securities by the Company which, by reducing the number of  shares  of  common
stock  outstanding,  increases  the  proportionate  number of shares of common
stock beneficially owned by any person to  40% or more of the shares of common
stock of the Company then outstanding; provided, however, that if  any  person
referred  to  in this sentence shall thereafter become the beneficial owner of
any additional shares of common stock of the Company (other than pursuant to a
stock split, stock dividend or similar  transaction), then a Change in Control
shall be deemed to have occurred for purposes hereof.

E. "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board of  Directors  or
such  other persons or group as the Board of Directors may appoint to serve as
the Committee.

F. "Participant" means an executive  listed  on  Exhibit  A  hereto.

G. "Beneficiary" means a person who  is designated by a Participant to receive
a Benefit under the Plan in respect of the Participant following  his  or  her
death.   A Beneficiary shall not be considered a Participant by virtue of this

H. "ERISA" means  the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974, as
amended from time to time.

I. "Plan Year" means the calendar year.

J. "Normal Retirement Age" means age 65.

K. "Early Retirement Age" means age 60.

L." Benefit"  means a series of payments made or due under the Plan.

                                  ARTICLE 3
                             COVERAGE AND EFFECT

This document states the terms of the Plan as established by Resolution of the
Board of Directors and first effective on March  1,  1997.   Participation  is
limited to the executives listed on Exhibit A hereto.

                                  ARTICLE 4

The Plan may be amended from time to time or terminated at any time by written
resolution  of  the  Board  of  Directors;  provided,  however,  that  no such
amendment or termination  shall  retroactively  impair  or otherwise adversely
affect the rights of any person to Benefits under the Plan which have  accrued
and are vested prior to the date of the amendment or termination.

The Committee shall have the authority to control and manage the operation and
administration  of  the  Plan.   The  Committee  shall have the full power and
authority, in its sole discretion:   (a)  to promulgate and enforce such rules
and  regulations  as  it  shall  deem  necessary  or   appropriate   for   the
administration  of  the  Plan;  (b)  to interpret the Plan consistent with the
terms and  intent  thereof;  and  (d)  to  resolve  any  possible ambiguities,
inconsistencies and omissions in the Plan.

The Committee may engage the services of  accountants,  attorneys,  actuaries,
consultants  and  such  other professional personnel as they deem necessary or
advisable to assist them in  fulfilling their responsibilities under the Plan.
The Committee and their delegates and assistants shall be entitled to  act  on
the  basis  of  all  tables,  valuations,  certificates,  opinions and reports
furnished by such professional personnel.

                                  ARTICLE 5
                               CLAIMS PROCEDURE
If a Participant or Beneficiary believes he or she is entitled to Benefits and
has not received them, the  Participant  or  Beneficiary must submit a written
claim to the Committee.  If the Committee denies a claim for Benefits in whole
or in part, the claimant may appeal the denial of the claim in writing  within
60 days of receiving the Committee's decision.

                                  ARTICLE 6

A  Participant's  Benefits  hereunder  shall  vest  as  follows,  based on the
Participant's full  years  of  continuous  service  with  the  Company  or age
attained prior to  termination  of  employment  with  the  Company,  whichever
results in the highest percentage of vested Benefit:

                 Age              Years of Service      Vested Percentage

                                        5                       25%
                 50                    10                       50%
                 55                    15                       67.5%
                 60                    20                       82.5%
                 65                    25                      100% 

In  addition,  a  Participant's  Benefits shall become vested in full upon the
death of the Participant prior  to  his  or her termination of employment with
the Company or upon a Change in Control of the Company prior  to  his  or  her
termination  of  employment  with  the  Company.   Any  unvested  portion of a
Participant's Benefit  shall  be  forfeited  upon  termination  (other than by
reason of his or her death) of the Participant's employment with the Company.

                                  ARTICLE 7

A. Normal Retirement Benefit
The Normal Retirement Benefit for each Participant shall be the annual benefit
set forth on Exhibit A  hereto  for  the  Participant, to the extent vested in
accordance with Article 6 above.  Such annual Normal Retirement Benefit  shall
be  payable  in equal monthly installments for a period of 20 years, beginning
on the later  of  (i)  the  first  business  day  of  the  month following the
Participant's attainment of Normal Retirement Age, or (ii) the first  business
day  of  the  month following the Participant's termination of employment with
the Comapny.

B. Early Retirement Benefit
a)  A  Participant  whose  employment   with  the  Company  terminates  before
attainment of Normal Retirement Age shall be  eligible  to  receive  an  Early
Retirement  Benefit  under  the  Plan,  but only if the Committee, in its sole
discretion,  consents  in  writing  to   such  Early  Retirement  Benefit.   A
Participant's Early Retirement Benefit shall be an  amount  payable  in  equal
monthly  installments for a period of 20 years beginning on the date set forth
below, the present value of  which  (using  a  discount rate of 5%, compounded
annually) is equal to  the  present  value  (using  a  discount  rate  of  5%,
compounded annually) of the Participant's vested Normal Retirement Benefit, as
set  forth  in  paragraph  A of this Article 7.  Such Early Retirement Benefit
shall be payable in  equal  monthly  installments  for  a  period of 20 years,
beginning on the latest of (i) the first business day of the  month  following
the  Participant's attainment of Early Retirement Age, (ii) the first business
day of the month  following  the  Participant's termination of employment with
the Company, or (iii) the date agreed in writing by the  Participant  and  the

C. Benefits for Disabled Participants
A  Participant who (i) becomes totally and permanently disabled (as determined
in accordance with the terms of the Company's Long Term Disability Plan), (ii)
remains so disabled until Normal  Retirement  Age, and (iii) receives benefits
under the Company's Long Term Disability Plan, shall be  eligible  to  receive
his  or  her  Normal  Retirement  Benefit  upon reaching Normal Retirement Age
computed as though  the  Participant  retired  at  Normal Retirement Age. Such
Benefits shall commence on the later of (i) the  first  business  day  of  the
month  following the Participant's attainment of Normal Retirement Age or (ii)
the first business day of  the  month  following discontinuance of payments to
the Participant under the Company's Long Term Disability Plan.

                                  ARTICLE 8
                                DEATH BENEFITS

A. Pre-Retirement Death Benefits
In the event a Participant dies prior to termination of his or her  employment
with  the  Company,  the  Participant's  Beneficiary  shall  be  entitled to a
Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefit payable  in  equal  monthly installments for a
period of 20 years beginning on the first business day of the month  following
the  Participant's death, the present value of which (using a discount rate of
5%, compounded annually) is equal to  the present value (using a discount rate
of 5%, compounded annually) of the Participant's Normal Retirement Benefit, as
set forth in paragraph A of Article 7 taking into account full vesting due  to
the death of the Participant prior to termination of employment.

B. Post-Termination Death Benefits
(a) In the event a Participant dies after termination of his or her employment
with  the Company but prior to the commencement of Benefit payments hereunder,
the Participant's Beneficiary shall be entitled to a Post-Termination Survivor
Benefit payable  in  equal  monthly  installments  for  a  period  of 20 years
beginning on the first business day of the month following  the  Participant's
death,  the  present  value  of which (using a discount rate of 5%, compounded
annually) is  equal  to  the  present  value  (using  a  discount  rate of 5%,
compounded annually) of the Participant's vested Normal Retirement Benefit, as
set forth in paragraph A of Article 7.

(b) In the event a Participant dies after termination of his or her employment
with the Company and  after  commencement  of  Benefit payments hereunder, the
Participant's Beneficiary shall be entitled to receive any remaining  Benefits
of  the  Participant  in  the same amounts and at the same times as would have
been paid to the Participant if he or she had survived.

(c) In  the  event  a  Participant's  Beneficiary  dies  after commencement of
Benefit payments to such Beneficiary hereunder, the Beneficiary's estate shall
be entitled to receive any remaining Benefits of the Participant in  the  same
amounts and at the same times as would have been paid to the Participant if he
or she had survived.

                                  ARTICLE 9

A. Competitive Conduct
In consideration for the supplemental retirement benefits provided for herein,
for a period of five years following a Participant's termination of employment
with the Company and at  all  times  when  Benefits  are  being  paid  to  the
Participant  hereunder,  a  Participant  shall  not  render  services  for any
organization,  or  engage  directly  or  indirectly  in  any  business,  which
organization or business is  engaged  in  the  sale  or distribution of music,
movies or related accessories in the continental United States.  A Participant
who has terminated employment shall  be  free,  however,  to  purchase  as  an
investment  or  otherwise,  stock  or other securities of such organization or
business so long as they are  listed  upon a recognized securities exchange or
traded over the counter, and such investment does not represent a greater than
10 percent equity interest in the organization or business.  The  restrictions
set  forth  in  this  paragraph  A  shall  not  apply  to  a Participant whose
employment with the Company terminates after a Chan ge in Control.

B. Nonsolicitation 
In further consideration for the supplemental retirement benefits provided for
herein, for a period of  five  years  following a Participant's termination of
employment with the Company and at all times when Benefits are being  paid  to
the  Participant  hereunder,  a Participant shall not, on behalf of himself or
any other person or entity, employ  or  seek  to employ any person who is then
employed by the Company, and he will not induce or attempt  to  influence  any
employee of the Company to terminate his or her employment or association with
the  Company  for  the purposes of obtaining employment with another person or
entity.  The restrictions set forth in  this  paragraph B shall not apply to a
Participant whose employment with the Company terminates  after  a  Change  in

C. Disclosure of Confidential Information
A Participant shall not, without prior written authorization from the Company,
disclose to anyone outside the Company, or use in  other  than  the  Company's
business, any Confidential Information, either during or after employment with
the  Company.   As used herein Confidential Information shall mean information
relating to the business and operations of the Company that has not previously
been publicly released by duly  authorized  representatives of the Company and
shall  include  Company  information  encompassed  in  all  research,   plans,
proposals,  marketing  and  sales plans, financial information, costs, pricing
information, customer  and  supplier  information,  trade secrets, proprietary
processes,  specifications,  expertise,   techniques,   inventions   and   all
proprietary  methods,  concepts,  or  ideas  in  or  reasonably related to the
business  of  the   Company.    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Confidential
Information does not include information which is or becomes publicly released
by duly authorized representatives of the Com pany (except as may be disclosed
by the Participant in violation of this provision).

D. Forfeiture and Rescission
Upon  retirement,  and  from  time  to  time  thereafter  upon  request by the
Committee, the Participant shall certify on a form acceptable to the Committee
that he or she is in  compliance  with  the  terms and conditions of the Plan.
Failure to comply with the provisions of Section A, B, C or D of this  ARTICLE
9  prior to retirement or receipt of any Benefit payment hereunder shall cause
the forfeiture of all Benefits even if the failure to comply is not discovered
until Benefits have  commenced.   Failure  to  comply  with  the provisions of
Section A, B, C and  D  of  this  ARTICLE  9  after  Benefits  have  commenced
hereunder shall cause any such payments to be rescinded from the point in time
when  the  conduct which led to the failure to comply occurred.  The Committee
shall notify the Participant in writing  of any such rescission, and within 10
days after receiving a notice of rescission from the Company, the  Participant
shall  pay  to  the  Company  in  cash the amount of any payment that has been
rescinded in accordance with this ARTICLE 9.

E. Termination for Cause 
Notwithstanding  any  provision  in  this   Plan   to  the  contrary,  if  the
Participant's employment with the Company is terminated for Cause, all of such
Participant's and his or her Beneficiary's rights to Benefits hereunder  shall
be immediately forfeited.  For purposes hereof, Cause shall mean (i)
dishonesty materially injurious  to  the  Company  or  any  of its businesses,
operations, assets or condition (an Adverse Effect ); (ii) gross misconduct or
willful neglect to act which misconduct or  neglect  has  an  Adverse  Effect;
(iii)  material  breach  of  the  Participant's  fiduciary  obligations to the
Company which has an Adverse Effect;  or (v) the conviction of the Participant
as a felon.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Participant's employment shall
not be terminated by the Company for Cause under clauses (i),  (ii)  or  (iii)
above unless the Participant shall have been informed as to the particulars of
the basis for termination and provided an opportunity to be heard by the Board
of Directors or its designee, with the assistance of counsel.

                                  ARTICLE 10
                           OVERPAYMENT OF BENEFITS

If any overpayment of  Benefits  is  made  under  the  Plan, the amount of the
overpayment may be set off against further amounts payable to or on account of
the person who  received  the  overpayment  until  the  overpayment  has  been
recovered in full.  The foregoing remedy is not intended to be exclusive.

                                  ARTICLE 11
                            ALIENATION OF BENEFITS

No  Benefit  payable  under  the  Plan  shall  be subject to alienation, sale,
transfer, assignment,  pledge,  attachment,  garnishment,  lien,  levy or like
encumbrance.  No Benefit under the Plan shall in any manner be liable  for  or
subject  to  the debts or liabilities of any person entitled to Benefits under
the Plan.

                                  ARTICLE 12

The Company shall be entitled to withhold such taxes and make such reports  to
governmental authorities as it reasonably believes to be required by law.

                                  ARTICLE 13

If  the  Committee determines that any Participant or Beneficiary receiving or
entitled to receive Benefits under the Plan  is incompetent to care for his or
her affairs, and in the absence of the appointment of a legal guardian of  the
property  of  the incompetent, payments due under the Plan (unless prior claim
thereto has been made by a  duly  qualified guardian, committee or other legal
representative) may be made to the spouse, parent, brother or sister or  other
person,  including a hospital or other institution, deemed by the Committee to
have incurred or to be liable for expenses on behalf of such incompetent.

In the absence of the appointment  of  a  legal  guardian of the property of a
minor, any minor's share of Benefits under the Plan may be paid to such  adult
or  adults  as  in  the  opinion of the Committee have assumed the custody and
principal support of such minor.

The Committee, however,  in  its  sole  discretion,  may  require that a legal
guardian for the property of any such incompetent or minor be appointed before
authorizing the payment of Benefits in such situations.  Benefit payments made
under the Plan in accordance with determinations of the Committee pursuant  to
this  ARTICLE 13 shall be a complete discharge of any obligation arising under
the Plan with respect to such Benefit payments.

                                  ARTICLE 14
                            NO RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT

Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to  give any employee the right to be
retained in the service of the Company or to interfere with the right  of  the
Company  to  discharge  any  employee at any time without regard to the effect
that such discharge may have upon the employee under the Plan.

                                  ARTICLE 15
                                UNFUNDED PLAN

The Plan shall be unfunded.   The  Company  shall not be required to segregate
any assets to provide Benefits, nor shall the Plan be construed  as  providing
for  such segregation nor shall the Company or the Committee be deemed to be a
trustee of any assets  of  the  Plan.   Any  liability  of  the Company to any
Participant or Beneficiary with respect to Benefits shall be based solely upon
any contractual obligations created by the Plan.  No such  obligation  of  the
Company  shall  be  deemed to be secured by any pledge or other encumbrance or
any property of the Company.  Neither  the  Company nor the Committee shall be
required to give any security or bond for the performance  of  any  obligation
created by the Plan.

All  payments  provided  for  under  the  Plan  shall be paid in cash from the
general funds of the Company;  provided,  however, that such payments shall be
reduced by the amount of any payments made to the Participant or  his  or  her
Beneficiary  from  any  trust  or  special or separate fund established by the
Company to assist it in making  such  payments.  The Company may establish and
maintain a trust, the assets of which  shall  be  subject  to  the  claims  of
creditors  in the event of the Company's bankruptcy or insolvency, in order to
provide a source of  funds  to  assist  it  in  the meeting of its liabilities

                                  ARTICLE 16

A. Construction
Unless the contrary is plainly required by the context, wherever any words are
used herein in the masculine  gender,  they  shall be construed as though they
were also used in the female gender, and vice versa, and  wherever  any  words
are  used  herein in the singular form, they shall be construed as though they
were also used in the plural form, and vice versa.

B. Severability
If any provision of the Plan is  held  illegal or invalid for any reason, such
illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the Plan, and
the Plan shall be construed  and  enforced  as  if  such  illegal  or  invalid
provision had never been inserted herein.

C.  Titles and Headings Not to Control
The  titles  to  ARTICLES  and the headings of Sections in the Plan are placed
herein for convenience of reference  only,  and  in the event of any conflict,
the text of the Plan, rather than such titles or headings, shall control.

D.  Complete  Statement  of  Plan
This document is a complete statement of the Plan.  The Plan may  be  amended,
modified or terminated only in writing and then only as provided herein.

                                  ARTICLE 17
                         SITUS OF PLAN; GOVERNING LAW

The  situs  of  the  Plan  shall  be the State of New York.  The Plan shall be
governed by ERISA, and to the  extent  not  preempted by ERISA, the law of the
State of New York.

                                  ARTICLE 18

In the  event  of  any  dispute  or  difference  between  the  Company  and  a
Participant  with  respect  to  the  subject  matter  of  this  Plan  and  the
enforcement of rights hereunder, the Participant or the Company may, by notice
to  the  other  party,  require  such dispute or difference to be submitted to
binding arbitration.   The  arbitrator  or  arbitrators  shall  be selected by
agreement of the parties  or,  if  they  cannot  agree  on  an  arbitrator  or
arbitrators within 30 days after one party has notified the other party of the
desire  to  have  the  question settled by arbitration, then the arbitrator or
arbitrators shall be selected by the  American Arbitration Association ( AAA )
in  New  York,  New  York,  upon  the  application  of  the  party  requesting
arbitration.  The determination reached in such arbitration shall be final and
binding on both parties without  any  right  of  appeal  or  further  dispute.
Execution of the determination by such arbitrator or arbitrators may be sought
in  any court of competent jurisdiction.  The arbitrator or ar bitrators shall
not be bound by judicial formalities and may abstain from following the strict
rules  of  evidence.   Unless  otherwise  agreed  by  the  parties,  any  such
arbitration shall take place in New York,  New York, and shall be conducted in
accordance with the rules of the AAA.

                                  Exhibit A

Participants                          Annual  Benefit  

Robert  J.  Higgins                       $525,000
Edward Marshall                           $135,000
James Litwak                              $165,000
John Sullivan                             $ 75,000
Bruce Eisenberg                           $ 50,000