Thermo Instrument Systems Inc.
        1275 Hammerwood Ave.
       Sunnyvale, California 94089
                                               April ___, 1996
       Dear Stockholder:
            The enclosed Notice  calls the  1996 Annual  Meeting of  the
       Stockholders of Thermo  Instrument Systems Inc.   I  respectfully
       request all Stockholders attend this meeting, if possible. 
            Our Annual Report for  the year ended  December 30, 1995  is
       enclosed. I hope you will read it carefully. Feel free to forward
       any questions you may have if you are unable to be present at the
            Enclosed with  this  letter  is a  Proxy  authorizing  three
       officers of the Corporation to vote your shares for you if you do
       not attend the Meeting. Whether or not you are able to attend the
       Meeting, I urge you to complete  your Proxy and return it to  our
       transfer agent, American Stock Transfer and Trust Company, in the
       enclosed addressed,  postage-paid envelope,  as a  quorum of  the
       Stockholders must be present at the Meeting, either in person  or
       by proxy. 
            I would appreciate your  immediate attention to the  mailing
       of this Proxy.
                                               Yours very truly,

                                               ARVIN H. SMITH
                                                President and Chief 
                                                 Executive Officer


       Thermo Instrument Systems Inc.
       1275 Hammerwood Ave.
       Sunnyvale, California 94089

                                               April ___, 1996
       To the Holders of the Common Stock of
                           NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
            The 1996  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Stockholders  of  Thermo
       Instrument Systems  Inc.  (the  "Corporation") will  be  held  on
       Sunday, May 19, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. at the Turnberry Isle Resort &
       Club, 19999  West Country  Club Drive,  Aventura, Florida.    The
       purposes of the Meeting are to consider and take action upon  the
       following matters: 
            1.   Election of five Directors.

            2.   A proposal  recommended by  the Board  of Directors  to
       amend the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation to  increase
       the Corporation's  authorized common  stock, $.10  par value  per
       share, from 125 million shares to 250 million shares.
            3.   Such other business as  may properly be brought  before
       the Meeting and any adjournment thereof. 
            The transfer books  of the  Corporation will  not be  closed
       prior to the Meeting, but, pursuant to appropriate action by  the
       Board of Directors, the record date for the determination of  the
       Stockholders entitled to  notice of  and vote at  the Meeting  is
       April 1, 1996. 
            The By-laws require that  the holders of  a majority of  the
       stock issued and outstanding and  entitled to vote be present  or
       represented by  Proxy at  the Meeting  in order  to constitute  a
       quorum for the transaction of business. It is important that your
       shares be represented at the Meeting regardless of the number  of
       shares you may hold. Whether or not you are able to be present in
       person, please sign and return promptly the enclosed Proxy in the
       accompanying envelope, which requires no postage if mailed in the
       United States.  

            This Notice, the Proxy and Proxy Statement enclosed herewith
       are sent to you by order of the Board of Directors. 
                                               SANDRA L. LAMBERT



                                PROXY STATEMENT
            The enclosed Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of
       Thermo Instrument Systems Inc. (the "Corporation") for use at the
       1996 Annual Meeting  of the  Stockholders (the  "Meeting") to  be
       held on Sunday, May 19, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. at the Turnberry  Isle
       Resort & Club, 19999 West Country Club Drive, Aventura,  Florida,
       and any adjournment thereof. The mailing address of the executive
       office of  the Corporation  is 504  Airport Road,  Santa Fe,  New
       Mexico 87504-2108. This  Proxy Statement and  the enclosed  Proxy
       were first furnished  to Stockholders  of the  Corporation on  or
       about April ____, 1996. 
                               VOTING PROCEDURES
            The Board of Directors intends to present to the Meeting the
       election of  five Directors,  constituting  the entire  Board  of
       Directors, as well as one other  matter: a proposal to amend  the
       Corporation's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  increase   the
       Corporation's authorized common  stock, $.10  par value  ("Common
       Stock"), from 125 million shares to 250 million shares.
            The representation in person  or by proxy  of a majority  of
       the outstanding shares of  Common Stock entitled  to vote at  the
       Meeting is necessary to provide  a quorum for the transaction  of
       business at  the  Meeting.  Shares  can  only  be  voted  if  the
       Stockholder is present in person or is represented by returning a
       properly signed Proxy. Each Stockholder's vote is very important.
       Whether or not you plan to  attend the Meeting in person,  please
       sign and promptly return the enclosed Proxy card, which  requires
       no postage  if  mailed  in  the United  States.  All  signed  and
       returned proxies will  be counted towards  establishing a  quorum
       for the Meeting, regardless of how the shares are voted. 
            Shares represented by proxy will be voted in accordance with
       your instructions. You  may specify  your choice  by marking  the
       appropriate box on the Proxy card.  If your Proxy card is  signed
       and returned  without specifying  choices,  your shares  will  be
       voted  for  the  management  nominees  for  Directors,  for   the
       management proposal,  and  as  the  individuals  named  as  proxy
       holders on the Proxy deem advisable  on all other matters as  may
       properly come before the Meeting. 
            In order to be  elected a Director,  a nominee must  receive
       the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of Common  Stock
       present and entitled to vote on the election. For the proposal to
       increase the authorized Common Stock,  the affirmative vote of  a
       majority of the Corporation's  outstanding Common Stock  entitled
       to vote  on the  matter is  necessary for  approval.  Withholding
       authority to vote for a nominee for Director or an instruction to
       abstain from  voting on  a  proposal will  be treated  as  shares
       present and entitled to vote and, for purposes of determining the
       outcome of the vote, will have the same effect as a vote  against
       the nominee  or a  proposal.   With respect  to the  election  of

       Directors, broker  "non-votes"  will  not be  treated  as  shares
       present and entitled to vote on a voting matter and will have  no
       effect on the  outcome of the  vote.  Broker  "non-votes" on  the
       proposal to increase  the authorized Common  Stock will have  the
       effect of  a vote  against  the proposal.   A  broker  "non-vote"
       occurs when a nominee holding shares for a beneficial holder does
       not have discretionary voting power  and does not receive  voting
       instructions from the beneficial owner.
            A Stockholder who returns a Proxy may revoke it at any  time
       before the  Stockholder's  shares are  voted  at the  Meeting  by
       written notice to the Secretary of the Corporation received prior
       to the Meeting, by executing and returning a later-dated Proxy or
       by voting by ballot at the Meeting. 
            The outstanding stock  of the Corporation  entitled to  vote
       (excluding shares  held in  treasury by  the Corporation)  as  of
       April 1,  1996,  consisted  of ______________  shares  of  Common
       Stock, as  adjusted  to  reflect the  five-for-four  stock  split
       effected in the form  of a 25% stock  dividend in December  1995.
       Only Stockholders of record at the close of business on April  1,
       1996, are entitled to vote at the Meeting. Each share is entitled
       to one vote. 


                                - PROPOSAL 1 -
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
            The Board of Directors has fixed the number of Directors  at
       five, and  five  Directors are  to  be elected  at  the  Meeting,
       constituting the entire Board of  Directors, each to hold  office
       until his successor is chosen and qualified or until his  earlier
       resignation, death or removal. 
       Nominees For Directors
            Set forth below are  the names of  the persons nominated  as
       Directors, their ages, their offices in the Corporation, if  any,
       their principal occupation or employment for the past five years,
       the length of their  tenure as Directors and  the names of  other
       public  companies  in  which  such  persons  hold  directorships.
       Information  regarding   their   beneficial  ownership   of   the
       Corporation's Common  Stock, and  the common  stock of  its  four
       majority-owned  subsidiaries,  Thermo  Bioanalysis   Corporation,
       Thermo   Optek   Corporation,    ThermoQuest   Corporation    and
       ThermoSpectra Corporation,  and  its parent  corporation,  Thermo
       Electron Corporation ("Thermo Electron"),  is reported under  the
       caption "Stock  Ownership." All  of  the nominees  are  currently
       Directors of the  Corporation.   Mr. Marshall  J. Armstrong,  Dr.
       Elias P. Gyftopoulos, Mr. Robert C. Howard, Mr. Frank Jungers and
       Mr. Robert A. McCabe, all  current directors of the  Corporation,
       are not standing for reelection.
       Frank Borman            Col. Borman, 68, has been  a Director of
                               the Corporation since 1986.  Col. Borman
                               is  president  and,  since  1988,  chief
                               executive officer of Patlex Corporation,
                               a patent licensing company.  Col. Borman
                               is   also   a   director   of   American
                               Superconductor   Corporation,   Outboard
                               Marine Group and The Home Depot, Inc.

       George N. Hatsopoulos   Dr. Hatsopoulos, 69, has been a Director
                               of the  Corporation  since  1986.    Dr.
                               Hatsopoulos has been the Chairman of the
                               Board,  President  and  Chief  Executive
                               Officer of  Thermo Electron  since 1956.
                               Dr. Hatsopoulos  is also  a director  of
                               Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc., Thermedics
                               Inc., Thermo Ecotek  Corporation, Thermo
                               Electron,    Thermo    Fibertek    Inc.,
                               ThermoQuest     Corporation,      Thermo
                               TerraTech    Inc.     and     ThermoTrex
                               Corporation.  Dr.  Hatsopoulos   is  the
                               brother of  Mr. John  N. Hatsopoulos,  a
                               Director and  Vice  President and  Chief
                               Financial Officer of the Corporation.


       John N. Hatsopoulos     Mr. Hatsopoulos, 62, has been a Director
                               of the Corporation since 1986 and a Vice
                               President and Chief Financial Officer of
                               the  Corporation   since   1988.     Mr.
                               Hatsopoulos has been the Chief Financial
                               sinceer1988 Thando EanctExecutiveoraVice
                               President of Thermo Electron Corporation
                               since 1986.  Mr. Hatsopoulos  is also  a
                               director of Lehman Brothers Funds, Inc.,
                               Thermedics    Inc.,     Thermo    Ecotek
                               Corporation,   Thermo   Fibertek   Inc.,
                               Thermo  Power  Corporation,  ThermoQuest
                               Corporation, Thermo Sentron Inc., Thermo
                               TerraTech    Inc.     and     ThermoTrex
                               Chairman of the Board and  a Director of
                               the Corporation.

       Arvin H. Smith          Mr. Smith, 66,  has been a  Director and
                               President and Chief Executive Officer of
                               the Corporation since  1986.   Mr. Smith
                               has been an executive  vice president of
                               Thermo Electron since 1991  and a senior
                               vice president of that company from 1986
                               to 1991.  Mr.  Smith is also  a director
                               of    Thermedics    Inc.,    ThermoQuest
                               Corporation      and       ThermoSpectra
       Polyvios C. Vintiadis   Mr. Vintiadis, 60,  has been  a Director
                               of the Corporation since July 1993.  Mr.
                               Vintiadis  has  been  the  Chairman  and
                               Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Towermarc
                               Corporation, a  real estate  development
                               company, since 1984.   Prior  to joining
                               Towermarc, Mr. Vintiadis was a principal
                               of Morgens, Waterfall & Vintiadis, Inc.,
                               a financial services firm,  with whom he
                               remains associated.  For  more  than  20
                               years prior to that  time, Mr. Vintiadis
                               was  employed  by  Arthur  D.  Little  &
                               Company, Inc.   Mr. Vintiadis is  also a
                               director of Thermo TerraTech Inc.

       Committees of the Board of Directors and Meetings
            The  Board  of  Directors   has  established  an   Executive
       Committee, an Audit  Committee and a  Human Resources  Committee.
       The present  members  of  the  Executive  Committee  are  Dr.  G.
       Hatsopoulos (Chairman) and Col. Borman, Mr. Howard, Mr. Smith and
       Mr. Vintiadis. The Executive Committee  is empowered to act  when
       it is  impractical to  call  a meeting  of  the entire  Board  of
       Directors and with certain exceptions has the powers of the Board
       of Directors.  The Audit  Committee  consists solely  of  outside


       directors, and its present members are Mr. McCabe (Chairman), Mr.
       Jungers and Mr. Vintiadis. The Audit Committee reviews the  scope
       of  the   audit  with   the  Corporation's   independent   public
       accountants and meets with them for the purpose of reviewing  the
       results of  the audit  subsequent to  its completion.  The  Human
       Resources Committee consists solely of outside directors, and its
       present members are Mr. Jungers  (Chairman), Col. Borman and  Dr.
       Gyftopoulos.  The   Human   Resources   Committee   reviews   the
       performance of senior members of management, recommends executive
       compensation and administers the  Corporation's stock option  and
       other stock-based compensation  plans. The  Corporation does  not
       have a nominating committee of the Board of Directors. The  Board
       of Directors met nine  times, the Audit  Committee met twice  and
       the Human Resources Committee met  six times during fiscal  1995.
       No meetings of  the Executive  Committee were  held during  1995.
       Each Director attended at least 75% of all meetings of the  Board
       of Directors and Committees on which he served held during fiscal

        Compensation of Directors
            Directors who  are  not  employees of  the  Corporation,  of
       Thermo Electron  or any  other companies  affiliated with  Thermo
       Electron (also referred  to as "outside  directors"), receive  an
       annual retainer  of  $8,000 and  a  fee  of $1,000  per  day  for
       attending regular meetings of the Board of Directors and $500 per
       day for participating in meetings of the Board of Directors  held
       by means of conference telephone and for participating in certain
       meetings of committees of the Board of Directors.  Of the current
       Directors, Mr. Armstrong, Dr. G. Hatsopoulos, Mr. J. Hatsopoulos,
       Mr. Howard and  Mr. Smith  are all employees  of Thermo  Electron
       companies and  do  not receive  any  cash compensation  from  the
       Corporation for their services as Directors.  Directors are  also
       reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending  such
       meetings. Payment of Directors' fees is made quarterly.
            Under the  Deferred  Compensation Plan  for  Directors  (the
       "Deferred Compensation Plan"), a Director has the right to  defer
       receipt of his cash fees until he ceases to serve as a  Director,
       dies or retires from his principal occupation. In the event of  a
       change  in  control  or  proposed   change  in  control  of   the
       Corporation that  is  not approved  by  the Board  of  Directors,
       deferred  amounts  become  payable  immediately.  Either  of  the
       following  is  deemed  to  be  a  change  of  control:  (a)   the
       occurrence, without the prior approval of the Board of Directors,
       of the acquisition, directly or indirectly, by any person of  50%
       or more of the outstanding Common Stock or the outstanding common
       stock of  Thermo Electron;  or  (b) the  failure of  the  persons
       serving on  the  Board  of Directors  immediately  prior  to  any
       contested election of directors or  any exchange offer or  tender
       offer for the Common Stock or the common stock of Thermo Electron
       to constitute a majority  of the Board of  Directors at any  time
       within two  years  following  any such  event.  Amounts  deferred
       pursuant to the Deferred Compensation Plan are valued at the  end

       of each quarter as units of the Corporation's Common Stock.  When
       payable, amounts deferred  may be disbursed  solely in shares  of
       Common Stock accumulated under the Deferred Compensation Plan.  A
       total of 123,502  shares of  Common Stock has  been reserved  for
       issuance under the Deferred Compensation  Plan. As of January  1,
       1996, deferred units  equal to 30,784.52  shares of Common  Stock
       were accumulated under the Deferred Compensation Plan. 
            In 1991, the Corporation adopted a directors stock option
       plan (the "Directors Plan"), which was amended in 1995.  The
       Directors Plan provides for the grant of stock options to
       purchase shares of common stock of the Corporation and its
       majority-owned subsidiaries to outside Directors as additional
       compensation for their service as Directors.  Under the Directors
       Plan, outside Directors are automatically granted options to
       purchase 1,000 shares of the Common Stock annually.  In addition,
       the Directors Plan provides for the automatic grant every five
       years of options to purchase 1,500 shares of the common stock of
       a majority-owned subsidiary of the Corporation that is "spun out"
       to outside investors.

            Pursuant to the Directors Plan, outside Directors receive an
       annual grant of options to purchase 1,000 shares of Common Stock
       at the close of business on the date of each Annual Meeting of
       the Stockholders of the Corporation.  Options evidencing annual
       grants may be exercised at any time from and after the six-month
       anniversary of the grant date of the option and prior to the
       expiration of the option on the third anniversary of the grant
       date.  Shares acquired upon exercise of the options are subject
       to repurchase by the Corporation at the exercise price if the
       recipient ceases to serve as a Director of the Corporation or any
       other Thermo Electron company prior to the first anniversary of
       the grant date.

            In addition, under the Directors Plan, outside Directors are
       automatically granted every five years options to purchase 1,500
       shares of common stock of each majority-owned subsidiary of the
       Corporation that is "spun out" to outside investors.  The grant
       occurs on the close of business on the date of the first Annual
       Meeting Of The Stockholders next following the subsidiary's
       spinout, which is the first to occur of either an initial public
       offering of the subsidiary's common stock or a sale of such stock
       to third parties in an arms-length transaction, and also as of
       the close of business on the date of every fifth Annual Meeting
       Of The Stockholders of the Corporation that occurs thereafter
       during the duration of the Plan.  The options granted vest and
       become exercisable on the fourth anniversary of the date of
       grant, unless prior to such date the subsidiary's common stock is
       registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act 1934,
       as amended (''Section 12 Registration").  In the event that the
       effective date of Section 12 Registration occurs before the
       fourth anniversary of the grant date, the option will become
       immediately exercisable and the shares acquired upon exercise
       will be subject to restrictions on transfer and the right of the

       Corporation to repurchase such shares at the exercise price in
       the event the Director ceases to serve as a Director of the
       Corporation or any other Thermo Electron company.  In the event
       of Section 12 Registration, the restrictions and repurchase
       rights shall lapse or be deemed to lapse at the rate of 25% per
       year, starting with the first anniversary of the grant date.
       These options expire after five years.  Under this provision of
       the Directors Plan, each outside Director was granted options to
       purchase 1,500 shares of common stock of each of Thermo
       BioAnalysis Corporation, at an exercise price of $10 per share,
       and ThermoSpectra Corporation, at an exercise price of $___ per
       share, on May 22, 1995, the date of last year's Annual Meeting Of
       The Stockholders.  In addition, each outside Director reelected
       at this year's Annual Meeting Of The Stockholders will be granted
       options to purchase 1,500 shares of common stock of ThermoQuest

            The exercise price for options granted under the Directors
       Plan is the average of the closing prices of the common stock as
       reported on the American Stock Exchange (or other principal
       market on which the common stock is then traded) for the five
       trading days preceding and including the date of grant, or, if
       the shares are not then traded, at the last price per share paid
       by third parties in an arms-length transaction prior to the
       option grant.  An aggregate of 138,656 shares of Common Stock has
       been reserved for issuance under the Directors Plan.
                                STOCK OWNERSHIP
            The following table sets  forth the beneficial ownership  of
       Common Stock, as well as the common stock of Thermo Electron  and
       Thermo  BioAnalysis   Corporation  ("Thermo   BioAnalysis")   and
       ThermoSpectra    Corporation     ("ThermoSpectra"),    each     a
       majority-owned subsidiary of  the Corporation, as  of January  1,
       1996, with  respect to  (i)  each person  who  was known  by  the
       Corporation to own beneficially more  than 5% of the  outstanding
       shares of Common Stock, (ii) each Director, (iii) each  executive
       officer named in the summary compensation table under the heading
       "Executive Compensation"  and  (iv)  all  Directors  and  current
       executive officers as a group.  No Director or executive  officer
       beneficially  owned  any  shares  of  Thermo  Optek   Corporation
       ("Thermo Optek") or ThermoQuest Corporation ("ThermoQuest"), each
       a majority-owned subsidiary of the Corporation, as of January  1,
       1996.   The  shares of  Common  Stock reported  below  have  been
       adjusted as  applicable to  reflect a  five-for-four stock  split
       effected in December 1995 in the form of a 25% stock dividend. 




                                     Thermo          Thermo          Thermo
                                   Instrument       Electron      BioAnalysis
                 Name           Systems Inc. (2)Corporation (3) Corporation (4)  C

        Thermo Electron 
          Corporation (6)             86,728,929            N/A              N/A

        Marshall J. Armstrong             16,254         72,950                0

        Frank Borman                      22,411              0                0

        Richard W. K. Chapman            142,898         54,321              500

        Elias P. Gyftopoulos              47,018         46,380                0

        George N. Hatsopoulos            143,300      2,328,408                0

        John N. Hatsopoulos              118,913        479,225                0

        Denis A. Helm                    165,270        106,088                0

        Robert C. Howard                  15,622        134,593            2,500

        Barry S. Howe                     99,962         55,297            2,000

        Frank Jungers                     52,374        162,836            4,000

        Earl R. Lewis                    128,578        106,273                0

        Robert A. McCabe                  39,804         30,677                0

        Arvin H. Smith                   431,653        363,578            9,000

        Polyvios C. Vintiadis              7,391              0                0

        All Directors and              1,456,439      3,943,321           18,000
        current executive
        officers as a group 

       (1)  Except as reflected in the  footnotes to this table,  shares
            of the  common stock  of the  Corporation, Thermo  Electron,
            ThermoBioAnalysis,    Thermo    Optek,    ThermoQuest    and

            ThermoSpectra beneficially owned consist of shares owned  by
            the indicated person or  by that person  for the benefit  of
            minor children, and all share ownership includes sole voting
            and investment power. 

       (2)  Shares of  the  Common  Stock  beneficially  owned  by  Col.
            Borman, Dr. Chapman,  Dr. Gyftopoulos,  Dr. G.  Hatsopoulos,
            Mr. J. Hatsopoulos,  Mr. Helm,  Mr. Howe,  Mr. Jungers,  Mr.
            Lewis,  Mr.  McCabe,  Mr.  Smith,  Mr.  Vintiadis  and   all
            Directors and executive officers as a group include  12,590,
            121,287, 14,465,  93,750, 93,750,  112,500, 89,062,  13,809,
            112,500,  10,995,   234,375,  5,561   and  929,644   shares,
            respectively, that such  person or  group has  the right  to
            acquire within  60  days  of January  1,  1996  through  the
            exercise of stock options. Shares beneficially owned by  Mr.
            Armstrong, Dr. G. Hatsopoulos, Mr. J. Hatsopoulos, Mr. Helm,
            Mr. Howard, Mr. Howe, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Smith and all Directors
            and executive officers  as a  group include  396, 515,  515,
            380, 487, 263, 345, 516 and 3,800 full shares, respectively,
            allocated  through  January  1,  1996  to  their  respective
            accounts maintained pursuant  to Thermo Electron's  employee
            stock ownership plan (the "ESOP"). Shares beneficially owned
            by Col. Borman, Mr. Jungers,  Mr. McCabe, Mr. Vintiadis  and
            all Directors  and executive  officers  as a  group  include
            9,821,  12,006,  7,126,  1,830   and  30,783  full   shares,
            respectively, allocated  through January  1, 1996  to  their
            respective  accounts  maintained  under  the   Corporation's
            Deferred   Compensation   Plan    for   Directors.    Shares
            beneficially owned  by  Dr. G.  Hatsopoulos  include  21,368
            shares  held  by  Dr.   G.  Hatsopoulos'  spouse.     Shares
            beneficially owned  by Mr.  Helm include  1,053 shares  each
            held by Mr.  Helm as custodian  for his four  sons.   Shares
            beneficially owned by Mr. Howe include 1,968 shares held  in
            a  trust  of  which  Mr.  Howe  is  the  trustee.     Shares
            beneficially owned by Mr. Jungers include 543 shares held by
            Mr. Jungers' spouse.  Shares beneficially owned by Mr. Lewis
            include 2,390 shares held by Mr. Lewis' spouse.  No Director
            or executive officer beneficially owned more than 1% of  the
            Common  Stock  outstanding  as  of  January  1,  1996;   all
            Directors and  executive officers  as a  group  beneficially
            owned 1.6% of the Common Stock outstanding as of such date.

       (3)  Shares of the common stock  of Thermo Electron shown in  the
            table reflect a three-for-two  split of such stock  effected
            in May 1995 in the form  of a 50% stock dividend. Shares  of
            the common stock  of Thermo Electron  beneficially owned  by
            Mr.  Armstrong,  Dr.  Chapman,   Dr.  Gyftopoulos,  Dr.   G.
            Hatsopoulos, Mr. J. Hatsopoulos,  Mr. Helm, Mr. Howard,  Mr.
            Howe, Mr. Jungers, Mr. Lewis, Mr. McCabe, Mr. Smith and  all
            Directors and executive officers as a group include  71,350,
            53,423, 5,250, 1,102,200,  297,880, 74,148, 40,185,  47,860,
            5,250,  103,750,  5,250,   182,775  and  2,054,446   shares,
            respectively, that such  person or  group has  the right  to
            acquire within  60  days  of January  1,  1996  through  the

            exercise of stock options. Shares beneficially owned by  Mr.
            Armstrong, Dr. G. Hatsopoulos, Mr. J. Hatsopoulos, Mr. Helm,
            Mr. Howard, Mr. Howe, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Smith and all Directors
            and executive  officers as  a  group include  1,600,  1,481,
            1,225, 821, 1,963, 463, 617,  1,081 and 10,070 full  shares,
            respectively, allocated  through January  1, 1996  to  their
            respective accounts maintained pursuant to the ESOP.  Shares
            beneficially owned  by  Mr.  Jungers,  Mr.  McCabe  and  all
            Directors and executive officers as a group include  53,618,
            23,150  and  76,768  full  shares,  respectively,  allocated
            through  January  1,  1996  to  their  respective   accounts
            maintained   pursuant   to   Thermo   Electron's    deferred
            compensation plan for  directors. Shares beneficially  owned
            by Dr.  G. Hatsopoulos  include 59,734  shares held  by  Dr.
            Hatsopoulos' spouse, 112,500 shares held by a QTIP trust  of
            which Dr. G.  Hatsopoulos' spouse  is a  trustee and  26,625
            shares held by a family  trust of which Dr. G.  Hatsopoulos'
            spouse is a trustee.   Shares beneficially  owned by Mr.  J.
            Hatsopoulos include 435  shares each held  by family  trusts
            for the benefit of two  of Mr. J. Hatsopoulos' children  and
            112,500 shares held by a QTIP trust of Mr. J. Hatsopoulos is
            a trustee.  Shares beneficially owned by Mr. Jungers include
            61,218 shares  held by  a trust  for Mr.  Jungers and  3,000
            shares held  by Mr.  Jungers'  spouse.   Except for  Dr.  G.
            Hatsopoulos, who  beneficially  owned  2.6%  of  the  Thermo
            Electron common stock outstanding as of January 1, 1996,  no
            Director or executive officer  beneficially owned more  than
            1% of such  common stock  outstanding as of  such date;  all
            Directors and  executive officers  as a  group  beneficially
            owned 4.4% of the  Thermo Electron common stock  outstanding
            as of January 1, 1996. 
       (4)  No Director  or executive  officer,  nor all  Directors  and
            executive officers as a group, beneficially owned more  than
            1% of such common stock outstanding as of January 1, 1996. 

       (5)  Shares of  the common  stock of  ThermoSpectra  beneficially
            owned by  Mr.  Armstrong,  Col.  Borman,  Mr.  Chapman,  Dr.
            Gyftopoulos, Dr.  G. Hatsopoulos,  Mr. J.  Hatsopoulos,  Mr.
            Helm, Mr.  Howard, Mr.  Howe, Mr.  Jungers, Mr.  Lewis,  Mr.
            McCabe, Mr.  Smith,  Mr.  Vintiadis and  all  Directors  and
            executive officers as a  group include 2,500, 1,500,  4,000,
            20,000, 20,000, 20,000, 4,000, 10,000, 4,000, 1,500, 50,000,
            1,500, 20,000, 1,500 and 165,500 shares, respectively,  that
            such person or group has the right to acquire within 60 days
            of January 1,  1996 through the  exercise of stock  options.
            No Director  or executive  officer beneficially  owned  more
            than 1% of the common stock of ThermoSpectra outstanding  as
            of January 1, 1996; all Directors and executive officers  as
            a  group  beneficially  owned  1.4%  of  such  common  stock
            outstanding as of such date.

       (6)  Shares of  the Common  Stock  beneficially owned  by  Thermo
            Electron include 8,269,334 shares which Thermo Electron  has

            the right  to acquire  within  60 days  of January  1,  1996
            pursuant to the conversion  of certain convertible notes  of
            the Corporation  held by  Thermo Electron.  Thermo  Electron
            owned beneficially 86% of the Common Stock outstanding as of
            January 1, 1996 (as computed according to the regulations of
            the Securities and  Exchange Commission). Thermo  Electron's
            address  is   81   Wyman  Street,   Waltham,   Massachusetts
       Disclosure of Certain Late Filings
            Section  16(a)  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934
       requires the Corporation's Directors and executive officers,  and
       beneficial owners of more than 10%  of the Common Stock, such  as
       Thermo  Electron,  to  file  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
       Commission initial reports of  ownership and periodic reports  of
       changes in ownership of the Corporation's securities. Based  upon
       a review of such filings,  all Section 16(a) filing  requirements
       applicable to such persons were complied with during 1995. 


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
       NOTE: The shares reported below have, in all cases, been adjusted
       as applicable  to  reflect a  three-for-two  stock split  of  the
       Common Stock effected in April 1995, a five-for-four stock  split
       of the Common Stock effected in December 1995 and a three-for-two
       stock split of the  common stock of  Thermo Electron effected  in
       May 1995, each effected in the form of a stock dividend. 
       Summary Compensation Table
            The following table summarizes compensation for services  to
       the Corporation in all capacities  awarded to, earned by or  paid
       to the Corporation's chief executive  officer and its four  other
       most highly  compensated executive  officers for  the last  three
       fiscal years. 
            The Corporation  is required  to appoint  certain  executive
       officers and full-time employees of Thermo Electron as  executive
       officers of  the  Corporation,  in  accordance  with  the  Thermo
       Electron Corporate Charter. The compensation for these  executive
       officers is determined and paid entirely by Thermo Electron.  The
       time and effort devoted by these individuals to the Corporation's
       affairs is  provided  to  the  Corporation  under  the  Corporate
       Services Agreement between the  Corporation and Thermo  Electron.
       Accordingly,  the  compensation  for  these  individuals  is  not
       reported in the following table. 

                          Summary Compensation Table



                                        Summary Compensation Table


                                       Annual Compensation     Long Term
                                               (1)            Compensation

                                                          Securities Underlying   A
     Nameand Principal Position                             Options (No. of     Co
                                                           Shares and Company)
                               Fiscal                              (2)
                               Year    Salary    Bonus

     Arvin H. Smith (3)          1995    $262,000 $256,200         --

         President and Chief     1994    $255,000 $280,500     20,000  (THS)

         Executive Officer
                                 1993    $240,000 $304,000    234,375  (THI)

     Earl R. Lewis (4)           1995    $145,000  $90,000        100  (TMO)

       Executive Vice President                                 5,000  (TLZ)

       and Chief Operating                                      7,500  (TBAN)

       Officer                   1994    $140,000 $100,000     45,000  (TMO)

                                                               50,000  (THS)

                                 1993    $131,250 $100,000    112,500  (THI)

                                                               29,625  (TMO)

     Denis A. Helm              1995     $142,000  $81,000      2,900  (TMO)

        Senior Vice President   1994     $140,000  $90,000     33,300  (TMO)

                                                                4,000  (THS)

                                 1993    $127,500 $120,000    112,500  (THI)

                                                               20,962  (TMO)

     Richard W.K. Chapman (5)    1995    $159,500  $95,000        100  (TMO)

       Vice President
                                 1994    $155,000  100,000     28,125  (THI)

                                                               30,075  (TMO)

                                                                4,000  (THS)

     Barry S. Howe (5)           1995    $134,000  $65,000      1,100  (TM0)

         Vice President                                         5,000  (TLZ)

                                 1994    $130,000  $45,000     15,750  (TMO)

                                                                4,000  (THS)

       (1)  In addition to grants of options to purchase Common Stock of
            the Corporation (designated in the table as THI),  executive
            officers of  the Corporation  have been  granted options  to
            purchase common stock of Thermo Electron and certain of  its
            other subsidiaries as part of Thermo Electron's stock option
            program.  Options  have been granted  during the last  three
            fiscal years to  the chief executive  officer and the  other
            named executive officers  in the  following Thermo  Electron
            companies: Thermo  Electron Corporation  (designated in  the
            table as "TMO"), ThermoLase  Corporation (designated in  the
            table as "TLZ"), Thermo BioAnalysis (designated in the table
            as "TBAN")  and ThermoSpectra  (designated in  the table  as
       (2)  Represents the  amount  of matching  contributions  made  on
            behalf of the executive officers participating in the Thermo
            Electron 401(k) plan  or, in  the case of  Dr. Chapman,  the
            401(k) plan maintained by Finnigan Corporation, a subsidiary
            of the Corporation. 

       (3)  Mr. Smith is an executive vice president of Thermo Electron,
            as well as the president and chief executive officer of  the
            Corporation.   Reported   in   the   table   under   "Annual
            Compensation" and "All Other Compensation" are total amounts
            paid to  Mr. Smith  for  his service  in all  capacities  to
            Thermo Electron companies. The Human Resources Committee  of
            the Board  of Directors  of  the Corporation  reviews  total
            annual compensation to be paid to Mr. Smith from all sources
            within the  Thermo Electron  organization and  approves  the
            allocation of a  percentage of  annual compensation  (salary
            and bonus) for  the time he  devotes to the  affairs of  the
            Corporation. For  1995, 1994  and 1993,  50%, 40%  and  50%,
            respectively,  of  Mr.   Smith's  annual  compensation   was
            allocated to the  Corporation.  In  addition, Mr. Smith  has
            been granted  options to  purchase  common stock  of  Thermo
            Electron and  certain of  its  subsidiaries other  than  the
            Corporation and its subsidiaries, Thermo BioAnalysis, Thermo
            Optek, ThermoQuest and ThermoSpectra,  from time to time  by
            Thermo Electron or  such other  subsidiaries. These  options
            are not reported here as  they were granted as  compensation
            for service to other Thermo Electron companies in capacities
            other than his  capacity as the  chief executive officer  of
            the Corporation.
       (4)  Mr. Lewis was promoted to executive vice president and chief
            operating officer effective January 1, 1996.  Prior to  that
            date,  he  served  as  a   senior  vice  president  of   the

       (5)  Mr. Chapman and Mr. Howe were first named executive officers
       of the Corporation in January 1994. 

       Stock Options Granted During Fiscal 1995

            The  following  table  sets  forth  information   concerning
       individual grants of stock options made during fiscal 1995 to the
       Corporation's  chief  executive  officer  and  the  other   named
       executive officers.  No  options were  granted  to Mr.  Smith  in
       fiscal 1995.   It has not  been the Corporation's  policy in  the
       past to grant stock appreciation rights, and no such rights  were
       granted during fiscal 1995.  

            Mr. Smith  has  served as  an  executive officer  of  Thermo
       Electron since  1986 and  has been  granted options  to  purchase
       common stock of Thermo Electron  and certain of its  subsidiaries
       other than the Corporation. These options are not reported in the
       table as they were granted  as compensation for service to  other
       Thermo Electron companies in  capacities other than his  capacity
       as chief executive officer of the Corporation. Options granted by
       the Corporation and its majority-owned subsidiaries are  reported
       in the table.


                         Option Grants in Fiscal 1995





                                                 Percent of                      P
                                                 Total Options                   R
                             Number of SecuritiesGranted to                      A
                             Underlying Options  Employees inExercise            R
                             Granted (1)         Fiscal Year Price Per ExpirationP
     Name                                                    Share     Date      f

     Earl R. Lewis                  100 (TMO)        0.01%       $37.27  5/23/98 <

                                  5,000 (TLZ)        0.5%        $22.75 11/28/07

                                  7,500 (TBAN)       9.6%        $10.00  9/21/07

     Denis A. Helm                2,900 (TMO)        0.3%        $37.27  5/23/98

     Richard W.K. Chapman           100 (TMO)        0.01%       $37.27  5/23/98

                                  5,000 (TLZ)        0.5%        $22.75 11/28/07

     Barry S. Howe                1,100 (TMO)        0.1%        $37.27  5/23/98

                                  5,000 (TLZ)        0.5%        $22.75 11/28/07

       (1)  All of  the  options  granted during  the  fiscal  year  are
            immediately exercisable at the date of grant, except options
            to  purchase  the   common  stock   of  Thermo   BioAnalysis
            (designated  in  the  table   as  "TBAN"),  which  are   not
            exercisable until that company's  stock is publicly  traded.
            However, the shares  acquired upon exercise  are subject  to
            repurchase by the granting corporation at the exercise price
            if the optionee ceases to be employed by such corporation or
            any other Thermo Electron company. The granting  corporation
            may exercise its repurchase  rights within six months  after
            the termination of the optionee's employment.  For  publicly
            traded companies,  the  repurchase  rights  generally  lapse
            ratably over  a ten-year  period with  a twelve-year  option
            term, provided that the optionee continues to be employed by
            the Corporation or another Thermo Electron company.  Certain
            options granted as a part of Thermo Electron's stock  option
            program have  three-year terms,  and the  repurchase  rights
            lapse in their  entirety on  the second  anniversary of  the
            grant date.   For companies  whose shares  are not  publicly
            traded, the repurchase rights lapse in their entirety on the
            ninth  anniversary  of  the   grant  date.    The   granting
            corporation may permit  the holders of  options to  exercise
            options  and  to  satisfy  tax  withholding  obligations  by
            surrendering shares  equal  in  fair  market  value  to  the
            exercise price or withholding obligation. 
       (2)  These  options  were  granted   under  stock  option   plans
            maintained by Thermo Electron or its subsidiaries other than
            the Corporation and accordingly are reported as a percentage
            of total options granted to employees of Thermo Electron and
            its subsidiaries. 

       Stock Options Exercised During Fiscal 1995
            The following  table reports  certain information  regarding
       stock option exercises during  fiscal 1995 and outstanding  stock
       options held at the end of fiscal 1995 by the Corporation's chief
       executive officer  and the  other  named executive  officers.  No
       stock appreciation  rights  were exercised  or  were  outstanding
       during fiscal 1995. 


          Aggregated Option Exercises in Fiscal 1995 and Fiscal 1995
                            Year-end Option Values



     Aggregated Option Exercises In Fiscal 1995 And Fiscal 1995 Year-End Option Val


                                                                 No. of Unexercise
                                               Shares            Options at Fiscal
                                               Acquired  Value       Year-end
               Name               Company        on     Realized   (Exercisable/
                                               Exercise          Unexercisable) (1

     Arvin H. Smith (2)      Thermo Instrument   --        --       234,375/0

                             Thermo Spectra      --        --        20,000/0

     Earl R. Lewis           Thermo Instrument   --        --       112,500/0(4)

                             Thermo              --        --         0/7,500

                             Thermo Ecotek        4,000  $30,500      --

                             Thermo Electron     15,300  $242,121   103,750/0

                             Thermo Fibertek        900   $6,150      1,800/0

                             ThermoLase          --        --         5,000/0

                             ThermoSpectra       --        --        50,000/0

                             ThermoTrex             420   $4,589        420/0

     Denis A. Helm           Thermo Instrument   --        --       112,500/0(4)

                             Thermo Ecotek       --        --         4,000/0

                             Thermo Electron      4,275  $85,008     74,148/0

                             Thermo Fibertek     --        --         4,500/0

                             ThermoSpectra       --        --         4,000/0

                             ThermoTrex          --        --         2,100/0

     Richard W.K. Chapman    Thermo Instrument   33,464  $515,973   121,287/0(4)

                             Thermo Electron     --        --        53,423/0

                             Thermo Fibertek     --        --         4,500/0

                             ThermoLase          --        --         5,000/0

                             ThermoSpectra       --        --         4,000/0

                             ThermoTrex          --        --           270/0

     Barry S. Howe           Thermo Instrument   --        --        86,062/0(4)

                             Thermedics          --        --         4,000/0

                             Thermo Ecotek       --        --         7,500/0

                             Thermo Electron      4,254  $101,118    47,860/0

                             Thermo Fibertek     --        --        10,500/0

                             Thermo Power        --        --         4,000/0

                             Thermo TerraTech    --        --         4,000/0

                             ThermoLase          --        --         5,000/0

                             ThermoSpectra       --        --         4,000/0

                             ThermoTrex          --        --         5,350/0

       (1)  All of the options  reported outstanding at  the end of  the
            fiscal  year  were  immediately  exercisable  as  of  fiscal
            year-end, except  options to  purchase the  common stock  of
            Thermo BioAnalysis,  which are  not exercisable  until  that
            company's stock is publicly traded. The shares acquired upon
            exercise of the options reported in the table are subject to
            repurchase by the granting corporation at the exercise price
            if the optionee ceases to be employed by such corporation or
            any other Thermo Electron company. The granting  corporation
            may exercise its repurchase  rights within six months  after
            the termination of the  optionee's employment. For  publicly
            traded companies,  the  repurchase  rights  generally  lapse
            ratably over a  five- to ten-year  period, depending on  the
            option term,  which may  vary from  seven to  twelve  years,
            provided that the optionee continues  to be employed by  the
            Corporation or  another Thermo  Electron company.    Certain
            options granted as a part of Thermo Electron's stock  option
            program have  three-year terms,  and the  repurchase  rights
            lapse in their  entirety on  the second  anniversary of  the
            grant date.   For companies  whose shares  are not  publicly
            traded, the repurchase rights lapse in their entirety on the
            ninth anniversary of the grant date. 

       (2)  As an executive officer of  Thermo Electron, Mr. Smith  also
            holds unexercised options to purchase common stock of Thermo
            Electron and  certain of  its  subsidiaries other  than  the
            Corporation  and  its  majority-owned  subsidiaries.   These
            options are  not  reported  here as  they  were  granted  as
            compensation for service to other Thermo Electron  companies
            in capacities other than his capacity as the chief executive
            officer of the Corporation. 

       (3)  No public  market existed  for the  shares underlying  these
            options as of  December 31, 1995.  Accordingly, no value  in
            excess of  exercise  price  has  been  attributed  to  these

       (4)  Options to purchase 45,000, 30,000, 30,000 and 15,000 shares
            of the common stock of Thermo Electron granted to Mr. Lewis,
            Mr. Helm,  Dr.  Chapman  and  Mr.  Howe,  respectively,  are
            subject to  the same  terms as  described in  footnote  (1),
            except  that   the  repurchase   rights  of   the   granting
            corporation  generally  do   not  lapse   until  the   tenth
            anniversary  of  the  grant  date.  In  the  event  of   the
            employee's death  or involuntary  termination prior  to  the
            tenth anniversary of the  grant date, the repurchase  rights

            of the granting corporation shall  be deemed to have  lapsed
            ratably over a  five-year period commencing  with the  fifth
            anniversary of the grant date. 
       Severance Agreements
            Thermo Electron has entered  into severance agreements  with
       several of  its key  employees, including  key employees  of  the
       Corporation  and   other   majority-owned   subsidiaries.   These
       agreements provide severance  benefits if  there is  a change  of
       control of Thermo Electron that is  not approved by the Board  of
       Directors of Thermo Electron  and the employee's employment  with
       Thermo Electron or the  majority-owned subsidiary is  terminated,
       for whatever reason, within one year thereafter. For purposes  of
       the  agreements,  a  change  of  control  exists  upon  (i)   the
       acquisition of 50%  or more  of the outstanding  common stock  of
       Thermo Electron by any person  without the prior approval of  the
       board of directors of  Thermo Electron, (ii)  the failure of  the
       board of directors of Thermo Electron, within two years after any
       contested election of directors or  tender or exchange offer  not
       approved by  the  board of  directors,  to be  constituted  of  a
       majority of directors holding office prior to such event or (iii)
       any other event that  the board of  directors of Thermo  Electron
       determines constitutes an effective  change of control of  Thermo
            In 1983, Thermo Electron entered into a severance  agreement
       with Mr. Smith, which  states the benefits to  be received as  an
       initial  percentage  which  was  established  by  the  Board   of
       Directors of Thermo  Electron and  was generally  based upon  Mr.
       Smith's age and  length of  service with Thermo  Electron at  the
       time of severance. Benefits under  this agreement are to be  paid
       over a five-year period. The benefit to be paid in the first year
       is determined by applying this percentage to Mr. Smith's  highest
       annual total remuneration in  any twelve-month period during  the
       preceding three years. The benefit is reduced 10% in each of  the
       succeeding four years  in which  benefits are  paid. The  initial
       percentage to be applied to Mr. Smith is 59.1%. 
            In 1988, Thermo Electron  entered into severance  agreements
       with several other key employees, including Mr. Helm. Each of the
       recipients of these agreements  would receive a lump-sum  benefit
       at the time of a qualifying severance equal to the highest  total
       cash compensation paid to the employee by Thermo Electron or  the
       majority-owned subsidiary in any 12-month period during the three
       years preceding  the  severance  event.  A  qualifying  severance
       exists  if  (i)  the  employment  of  the  executive  officer  is
       terminated for  any reason  within  one year  after a  change  in
       control of Thermo Electron or (ii) a group of directors of Thermo
       Electron consisting of directors of  Thermo Electron on the  date
       of the severance agreement or,  if an election contest or  tender
       or  exchange  offer  for  Thermo  Electron's  common  stock   has
       occurred, the directors of  Thermo Electron immediately prior  to
       such election contest or tender or exchange offer, and any future

       directors  who  are  nominated  or  elected  by  such  directors,
       determines that any other termination of the executive  officer's
       employment should  be  treated  as a  qualifying  severance.  The
       benefits to be provided  are limited so  that the payments  would
       not  constitute  so-called  "excess  parachute  payments"   under
       applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 
            Assuming that  severance benefits  would have  been  payable
       under these agreements as of December 31, 1995, Mr. Smith and Mr.
       Helm would have received approximately $316,000 (with respect  to
       the first year  in which  benefits would be  paid) and  $230,000,

       Executive Compensation
            All  decisions   on  compensation   for  the   Corporation's
       executive officers are made by  the Human Resources Committee  of
       the Board  of  Directors  (the  "Committee").  In  reviewing  and
       establishing total cash compensation and stock-based compensation
       for executives, the Committee  follows guidelines established  by
       the Human Resources Committee  of the Board  of Directors of  its
       parent corporation, Thermo  Electron. The executive  compensation
       program presently  consists  of annual  base  salary  ("salary"),
       short-term incentives in  the form  of annual  cash bonuses,  and
       long-term incentives in the form of stock options. 
            The Committee believes  that the  compensation of  executive
       officers should reflect the scope of their responsibilities,  the
       success  of  the  Corporation,  and  the  contributions  of  each
       executive to that  success. In addition,  the Committee  believes
       that  base   salaries  should   approximate  the   mid-point   of
       competitive  salaries  derived  from  market  surveys  and   that
       short-term and  long-term incentive  compensation should  reflect
       the performance of the Corporation and the contributions of  each
            External competitiveness  is  an important  element  of  the
       Committee's  compensation  policy.  The  competitiveness  of  the
       Corporation's compensation  for  its executives  is  assessed  by
       comparing  it  to  market  data  provided  by  its   compensation
       consultant and by participating in annual executive  compensation
       surveys,  primarily  "Project  777",  an  executive  compensation
       survey prepared by Management  Compensation Services, a  division
       of Hewitt Associates.  The majority of  firms represented in  the
       Project 777 survey are included  in the Standard & Poor's  Index,
       but do not  necessarily correspond to  the companies included  in
       the Corporation's peer group. 
            Principles of  internal  equity  are  also  central  to  the
       Committee's compensation  policies. Compensation  considered  for
       the  Corporation's   officers,   whether  cash   or   stock-based

       incentives, is also evaluated by comparing it to compensation  of
       other executives  within the  Thermo Electron  organization  with
       comparable levels of responsibility for comparably sized business
            The process for determining each  of these elements for  the
       Corporation's officers is outlined below. 
            Base Salary
            Base salaries are intended  to approximate the mid-point  of
       competitive salaries for similar organizations of comparable size
       and  complexity  to  the  Corporation.  Executive  salaries   are
       adjusted gradually over time and  only as necessary to meet  this
       objective. Increases in  base salary  may be  moderated by  other
       considerations, such  as  geographic  or  regional  market  data,
       industry trends or internal  fairness within the Corporation  and
       Thermo Electron. It is the  Committee's intention that over  time
       the base salaries for the  chief executive officer and the  other
       named  executive  officers   will  approach   the  mid-point   of
       competitive data. The salary increases  in calendar 1995 for  the
       chief executive officer  and the other  named executive  officers
       generally  reflect  this  practice   of  gradual  increases   and
            Cash Bonus
            The Committee establishes a median potential bonus for  each
       executive by using  the market  data on  total cash  compensation
       from the same executive compensation surveys as used to determine
       salaries. Specifically,  the  median  potential  bonus  plus  the
       salary of  an executive  officer is  approximately equal  to  the
       mid-point of competitive  total cash compensation  for a  similar
       position  and  level  of  responsibility  in  businesses   having
       comparable sales and  complexity to the  Corporation. The  actual
       bonus awarded  to an  executive officer  may range  from zero  to
       three times  the median  potential bonus.  The value  within  the
       range (the bonus  multiplier) is  determined at the  end of  each
       year by the Committee in its discretion. The Committee  exercises
       its discretion by evaluating each executive's performance using a
       methodology developed by its parent corporation, Thermo Electron,
       and applied  throughout  the Thermo  Electron  organization.  The
       methodology incorporates measures of operating returns,  designed
       to measure profitability, contributions to shareholder value, and
       earnings growth,  and are  measures of  corporate and  divisional
       performance that are evaluated  using graphs developed by  Thermo
       Electron designed  to reward  performance  that is  perceived  as
       above average and  to penalize performance  that is perceived  as
       below average.  The measures  of operating  returns used  in  the
       Committee's determinations in  calendar 1995  measured return  on
       net assets, growth in  income, cash flow  and growth in  earnings
       per share, and  the Committee's determinations  also included  an
       evaluation of the  contributions of each  executive that are  not
       captured by operating  measures but are  considered important  to

       the creation  of  long-term  value for  the  Stockholders.  These
       measures of achievements are not financial targets that are  met,
       not met or exceeded. The relative weighting of these achievements
       varies depending  on the  executive's role  and  responsibilities
       within the organization. 
            The bonuses  for named  executive officers  approved by  the
       Committee  with  respect  to  fiscal  1995  performance  in  each
       instance exceeded the median potential bonus.

            Stock Option Program
            The primary  goal of  the  Corporation is  to excel  in  the
       creation of long-term value  for the Stockholders. The  principal
       incentive tool used to achieve this goal is the periodic award to
       key  employees  of  options  to  purchase  common  stock  of  the
       Corporation and other Thermo Electron companies. 
            The Committee and  management believe that  awards of  stock
       options to purchase the shares of both the Corporation and  other
       companies  within  the   Thermo  Electron   group  of   companies
       accomplish many objectives. The grant of options to key employees
       encourages equity  ownership  in  the  Corporation,  and  closely
       aligns  management's  interests  to  the  interests  of  all  the
       Stockholders. The  emphasis  on  stock options  also  results  in
       management's  compensation   being   closely  linked   to   stock
       performance. In  addition, because  they are  subject to  vesting
       periods of varying  durations and to  forfeiture if the  employee
       leaves  the  Corporation  prematurely,   stock  options  are   an
       incentive for  key  employees  to  remain  with  the  Corporation
       long-term. The  Committee believes  stock  option awards  in  the
       parent corporation, Thermo Electron, and the other majority-owned
       subsidiaries  of  Thermo  Electron,  are  an  important  tool  in
       providing  incentives   for   performance   within   the   entire
            In determining awards, the  Committee considers the  average
       annual value of all options to purchase shares of the Corporation
       and other companies within the Thermo Electron organization  that
       vest in  the next  five years.  (Values are  established using  a
       modified Black-Scholes option pricing model.) As a guideline, the
       Committee strives to maintain the  aggregate amount of awards  to
       purchase shares of Common Stock to all employees over a five-year
       period below 10% of  the Corporation's outstanding Common  Stock,
       although  other  factors   such  as   unusual  transactions   and
       acquisitions and  standards  for awards  of  comparably  situated
       companies may affect the number of awards granted. 
            Awards are not made annually in conjunction with the  annual
       review of  cash  compensation,  but are  made  periodically.  The
       Committee considers total compensation of executives, actual  and
       anticipated contributions  of each  executive (which  includes  a
       subjective assessment  by  the  Committee of  the  value  of  the
       executive's future potential within the organization), as well as

       the value of  previously awarded  options as  described above  in
       determining option awards. The option awards made with respect to
       the common stock of the Corporation's parent, Thermo Electron and
       certain majority-owned  subsidiaries  of  Thermo  Electron,  were
       determined by  the human  resources committee  of the  applicable
       board of directors using a similar analysis. 
       Policy on Deductibility of Compensation
            The Committee has also considered the application of Section
       162(m)  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  to  the   Corporation's
       compensation practices. Section 162(m)  limits the tax  deduction
       available to  public companies  for annual  compensation paid  to
       senior executives in excess of $1 million unless the compensation
       qualifies as "performance  based". The  annual cash  compensation
       paid to individual  executives does not  approach the $1  million
       threshold, and it is believed  that the stock incentive plans  of
       the Corporation qualify  as "performance  based". Therefore,  the
       Committee does not  believe any  further action  is necessary  in
       order to  comply with  Section  162(m). From  time to  time,  the
       Committee will reexamine the Corporation's compensation practices
       and the effect of Section 162(m). 

       1995 CEO Compensation
            Cash compensation for Mr. Arvin H. Smith is reviewed by both
       the Committee and the human  resources committee of the board  of
       directors of Thermo Electron, due to his responsibilities as both
       the Corporation's  chief executive  officer and  as an  executive
       vice president of Thermo Electron, the Corporation's parent. Each
       committee  evaluates   Mr.  Smith's   performance  and   proposed
       compensation using a process similar  to that used for the  other
       executive officers  of the  Corporation. At  the Thermo  Electron
       level, Mr. Smith is evaluated  on his performance related to  the
       Corporation as well as other  operating units of Thermo  Electron
       for which  he is  responsible, weighted  in accordance  with  the
       amount  of   time  and   effort   devoted  to   each   operation.
       Approximately 50% of Mr. Smith's  bonus for 1995 performance  was
       attributable to  his  responsibilities at  the  Corporation.  The
       Corporation's   Committee   then   reviews   the   analysis   and
       determinations  of  the  Thermo  Electron  committee,  makes   an
       independent assessment of Mr.  Smith's performance as it  relates
       to the Corporation using  criteria similar to  that used for  the
       other executive officers of the  Corporation, and then agrees  to
       an appropriate allocation of Mr. Smith's compensation to be  paid
       by the Corporation.  

            In March 1996,  the Committee  conducted its  review of  Mr.
       Smith's proposed salary for 1996 and bonus for 1995  performance.
       In addition  to  the evaluation  of  Mr. Smith's  performance  as
       described  above,  the  Committee  also  considered  Mr.  Smith's
       leadership and contributions in  implementing a spinout  strategy
       for the  Corporation and  the  formation of  four  majority-owned
       subsidiaries. The Committee concurred in the bonus recommendation

       made by the Thermo Electron committee and agreed to an allocation
       of 50% of  Mr. Smith's total  cash compensation for  1995 to  the
       Corporation,  based  on  his  relative  responsibilities  at  the
       Corporation and Thermo Electron. The Committee believes that  the
       total cash compensation for Mr. Smith for 1995 tends to be  below
       the  competitive  norm  for   a  similarly  sized  company   with
       performance comparable to  that of the  Corporation, and  prefers
       that a significant  portion of total  compensation be awarded  in
       the form  of  long-term  incentive compensation,  such  as  stock
                         Mr. Frank Jungers (Chairman)
                                Mr. Frank Borman
                            Dr. Elias P. Gyftopoulos

                         COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE GRAPH
            The Securities  and Exchange  Commission requires  that  the
       Corporation  include  in  this   Proxy  Statement  a   line-graph
       presentation comparing cumulative, five-year shareholder  returns
       for the  Corporation's Common  Stock  with a  broad-based  market
       index and either a nationally recognized industry standard or  an
       index  of  peer  companies  selected  by  the  Corporation.   The
       Corporation has compared its performance with the American  Stock
       Exchange Market  Value  Index  and a  peer  group  of  instrument
       companies comprised  of Beckman  Instruments Inc.,  Dionex  Inc.,
       Emerson Electric Corp.,  Measurex Corp.,  Perkin-Elmer Corp.  and
       Varian Associates Inc. (the "Peer Group"). 


         Comparison of 1990-1995 Total Return Among Thermo Instrument
                                 Systems Inc.,
            the American Stock Exchange Market Value Index, and the
                           Corporation's Peer Group.

          12/31/90 12/31/91 12/31/92 12/31/93 12/31/94 12/31/95     
 THI      100
 AMEX     100
 Peer     100

            The total return for  the Corporation's Common Stock  (THI),
       the American Stock  Exchange Market Value  Index (AMEX), and  the
       Peer  Group  assumes  the  reinvestment  of  dividends,  although
       dividends have  not been  declared  on the  Corporation's  Common
       Stock. The American Stock Exchange Market Value Index tracks  the
       aggregate performance of equity securities of companies listed on
       the American Stock  Exchange. The Corporation's  Common Stock  is
       traded on the  American Stock  Exchange under  the ticker  symbol
                         RELATIONSHIP WITH AFFILIATES

            Thermo Electron has adopted a strategy of selling a minority
       interest in  subsidiary  companies  to outside  investors  as  an
       important tool  in  its  future  development.  As  part  of  this
       strategy, Thermo Electron  and certain of  its subsidiaries  have
       created several privately and  publicly held subsidiaries.   From

       time to time,  Thermo Electron and  its subsidiaries will  create
       other  majority-owned  subsidiaries  as   part  of  its   spinout
       strategy.  (The  Corporation  and   the  other  Thermo   Electron
       subsidiaries  are  hereinafter   referred  to   as  the   "Thermo
            Thermo  Electron  and  each   of  the  Thermo   Subsidiaries
       recognize that the  benefits and support  that derive from  their
       affiliation  are   essential   elements   of   their   individual
       performance. Accordingly, Thermo Electron and each of the  Thermo
       Subsidiaries have adopted the  Thermo Electron Corporate  Charter
       (the "Charter")  to define  the relationships  and delineate  the
       nature of such cooperation among  themselves. The purpose of  the
       Charter is to  ensure that  (1) all  of the  companies and  their
       stockholders are treated consistently  and fairly, (2) the  scope
       and nature  of  the cooperation  among  the companies,  and  each
       company's responsibilities,  are  adequately  defined,  (3)  each
       company has  access  to  the combined  resources  and  financial,
       managerial and  technological strengths  of the  others, and  (4)
       Thermo Electron and  the Thermo Subsidiaries,  in the  aggregate,
       are able to obtain the most favorable terms from outside parties.
            To achieve these  ends, the Charter  identifies the  general
       principles to be  followed by the  companies, addresses the  role
       and responsibilities of the management of each company,  provides
       for the sharing of group resources by the companies and  provides
       for centralized administrative, banking and credit services to be
       performed by  Thermo Electron.  The services  provided by  Thermo
       Electron  include  collecting  and  managing  cash  generated  by
       members, coordinating  the  access  of Thermo  Electron  and  the
       Thermo Subsidiaries (the  "Thermo Group")  to external  financing
       sources, ensuring  compliance with  external financial  covenants
       and internal financial policies, assisting in the formulation  of
       long-range financial  planning and  providing other  banking  and
       credit services.  Pursuant to  the Charter,  Thermo Electron  may
       also provide  guarantees  of debt  or  other obligations  of  the
       Thermo Subsidiaries  or  may  obtain external  financing  at  the
       parent level  for  the benefit  of  the Thermo  Subsidiaries.  In
       certain instances,  the Thermo  Subsidiaries may  provide  credit
       support to,  or on  behalf  of, the  consolidated entity  or  may
       obtain financing directly from external financing sources.  Under
       the Charter, Thermo Electron is responsible for determining  that
       the Thermo Group remains in compliance with all covenants imposed
       by external  financing sources,  including covenants  related  to
       borrowings of  Thermo Electron  or other  members of  the  Thermo
       Group, and for  apportioning such constraints  within the  Thermo
       Group. In addition, Thermo Electron establishes certain  internal
       policies and  procedures  applicable  to members  of  the  Thermo
       Group. The cost of  the services provided  by Thermo Electron  to
       the Thermo  Subsidiaries  is  covered  under  existing  corporate
       services agreements  between  Thermo  Electron and  each  of  the
       Thermo Subsidiaries. 
            The Charter  presently provides  that it  shall continue  in

       effect so  long  as  Thermo  Electron and  at  least  one  Thermo
       Subsidiary participate. The Charter may be amended at any time by
       agreement of the participants.  Any Thermo Subsidiary,  including
       the Corporation, can withdraw  from participation in the  Charter
       upon 30  days' prior  notice. In  addition, Thermo  Electron  may
       terminate a  subsidiary's participation  in  the Charter  in  the
       event the subsidiary ceases to  be controlled by Thermo  Electron
       or ceases  to  comply  with  the  Charter  or  the  policies  and
       procedures applicable to the Thermo Group.  A withdrawal from the
       Charter automatically terminates the corporate services agreement
       and tax  allocation  agreement (if  any)  in effect  between  the
       withdrawing company  and  Thermo Electron.  The  withdrawal  from
       participation does not terminate outstanding commitments to third
       parties made by the withdrawing company, or by Thermo Electron or
       other members  of  the Thermo  Group,  prior to  the  withdrawal.
       However, a withdrawing company is required to continue to  comply
       with all policies and procedures  applicable to the Thermo  Group
       and to  provide  certain  administrative  functions  mandated  by
       Thermo Electron so long as the withdrawing company is  controlled
       by or affiliated with Thermo Electron. 
            As provided  in  the  Charter, the  Corporation  and  Thermo
       Electron have entered  into a Corporate  Services Agreement  (the
       "Services Agreement")  under  which Thermo  Electron's  corporate
       staff provides certain administrative services, including certain
       legal advice  and  services, risk  management,  employee  benefit
       administration,  tax  advice  and  preparation  of  tax  returns,
       centralized cash management and  financial and other services  to
       the Corporation. The Corporation was assessed an annual fee equal
       to 1.2%  of the  Corporation's revenues  for these  services  for
       calendar 1995.   Beginning  January  1, 1996,  the fee  has  been
       reduced to  1.0%  of  the  Corporation's  revenues.  The  fee  is
       reviewed annually and may be  changed by mutual agreement of  the
       Corporation and  Thermo Electron.    During fiscal  1995,  Thermo
       Electron assessed the  Corporation $9,392,000 in  fees under  the
       Services Agreement. Management  believes that  the charges  under
       the Services Agreement are reasonable  and that the terms of  the
       Services Agreement are fair to  the Corporation.  For items  such
       as  employee  benefit   plans,  insurance   coverage  and   other
       identifiable costs, Thermo Electron charges the Corporation based
       on  charges  attributable  to   the  Corporation.  The   Services
       Agreement automatically  renews  for successive  one-year  terms,
       unless canceled by the Corporation upon 30 days' prior notice. In
       addition, the Services Agreement terminates automatically in  the
       event the Corporation ceases to be  a member of the Thermo  Group
       or ceases to be a participant in  the Charter. In the event of  a
       termination of the  Services Agreement, the  Corporation will  be
       required to pay a termination fee equal to the fee that was  paid
       by the Corporation for services under the Services Agreement  for
       the   nine-month   period   prior   to   termination.   Following
       termination, Thermo Electron  may provide certain  administrative
       services on  an  as-requested  basis by  the  Corporation  or  as
       required in  order to  meet the  Corporation's obligations  under
       Thermo Electron's policies and  procedures. Thermo Electron  will

       charge the  Corporation  a  fee  equal to  the  market  rate  for
       comparable  services  if  such  services  are  provided  to   the
       Corporation following termination. 

            On  May  29,  1986,  the  Corporation  entered  into  a  Tax
       Allocation Agreement with  Thermo Electron  (the "Tax  Allocation
       Agreement").  Under  the Tax  Allocation Agreement,  in years  in
       which the  Corporation  has taxable  income  it will  pay  Thermo
       Electron amounts comparable to the taxes it would have paid if it
       had filed its  own separate  company tax  returns.   In years  in
       which the Corporation incurs a loss, the Corporation will receive
       amounts from Thermo Electron equivalent to the amount of  benefit
       that the  Corporation  would have  received  if it  had  filed  a
       separate return.  In 1995,  the Corporation paid Thermo  Electron
       $25,525,000 under the Tax Allocation Agreement.

            During 1995, the Corporation  and its subsidiaries paid  the
       Tecomet  division  of  Thermo   Electron  $1,974,133  for   metal
       fabrication services.
            Effective April 1995, the  Corporation and Thermo  TerraTech
       Inc. (formerly known  as Thermo Process  Systems Inc.)  dissolved
       their Thermo Terra  Tech joint  venture.   Thermo TerraTech  Inc.
       then purchased the services  businesses formerly operated by  the
       joint venture from  the Corporation  for $34.3  million in  cash.
       The Corporation previously  owned 49%  of the  joint venture  and
       accounted for its interest in the joint venture using the  equity
            On March 15, 1995, Thermo  BioAnalysis, a subsidiary of  the
       Corporation, completed a private  placement primarily to  outside
       investors of minority investments in its common stock.  Mr. Arvin
       H. Smith,  the  president  and chief  executive  officer  of  the
       Corporation, purchased 9,000 shares of the common stock of Thermo
       BioAnalysis in  such private  placement at  a purchase  price  of
       $10.00 per share, the same price paid by unaffiliated investors. 

            On  August  3,  1995,  ThermoQuest,  a  subsidiary  of   the
       Corporation, completed a private  placement primarily to  outside
       investors of 5% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due 2000.    
       Thermo Electron purchased  $10,000,000 principal  amount of  such
       Debentures in the private placement.  On October 12, 1995, Thermo
       Optek, a  subsidiary  of  the Corporation,  completed  a  private
       placement  primarily  to  outside  investors  of  5%  Convertible
       Subordinated Debentures  due  2000.   Thermo  Electron  purchased
       $10,000,000 principal amount  of such Debentures  in the  private

            As of December  30, 1995, $36,573,000  of the  Corporation's
       cash equivalents  were invested  in a  repurchase agreement  with
       Thermo Electron. Under this agreement, the Corporation in  effect
       lends excess  cash  to  Thermo Electron,  which  Thermo  Electron
       collateralizes  with   investments  principally   consisting   of
       corporate notes, U.S. government agency securities, money  market

       funds, commercial paper and  other marketable securities, in  the
       amount of at  least 103%  of such  obligation. The  Corporation's
       funds subject to the repurchase agreement are readily convertible
       into cash by the Corporation and have a maturity of three  months
       or less.  The repurchase  agreement  earns a  rate based  on  the
       Commercial Paper Composite Rate plus 25 basis points, set at  the
       beginning of each quarter. 
            Thermo Electron owned approximately 85% of the Corporation's
       outstanding Common  Stock on  January  1, 1996.  Thermo  Electron
       intends for  the  foreseeable future  to  maintain at  least  80%
       ownership of the  Corporation. This may  require the purchase  by
       Thermo Electron of additional shares of the Corporation's  Common
       Stock from  time to  time  as the  number of  outstanding  shares
       issued by the Corporation increases. These purchases may be  made
       either in the  open market  or directly from  the Corporation  or
       through conversion  of  convertible debentures  owned  by  Thermo

            As of  December 30,  1995, the  Corporation had  outstanding
       $140,000,000 of indebtedness to Thermo Electron, represented by a
       3 /% Senior Convertible Note due 2000.


                                - PROPOSAL 2 -


            The Board of Directors has  determined that it is  advisable
       to increase the  Corporation's authorized Common  Stock from  125
       million shares to 250 million shares, and has voted to  recommend
       that the  Stockholders adopt  an amendment  to the  Corporation's
       Certificate of Incorporation effecting the proposed increase.

            As of January 1, 1996, approximately 92.6 million shares  of
       Common Stock  were  issued and  outstanding  (excluding  treasury
       shares), after giving  effect to a  five-for-four stock split  of
       the Common Stock effected in December 1995, and approximately  an
       additional 20.4 million  shares were reserved  for issuance  upon
       the conversion  of existing  securities and  exercise of  options
       granted  under  the  Corporation's  various  stock-based   plans.
       Accordingly, a total of approximately 12 million shares of Common
       Stock are available for future issuance.

            The Board of Directors  believes it continues  to be in  the
       best interest of  the Corporation to  have sufficient  additional
       authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock available in order
       to provide  flexibility  for  corporate  action  in  the  future.
       Management  believes   that   the  availability   of   additional
       authorized shares for issuance from time to time in the Board  of
       Directors' discretion in connection with possible acquisitions of
       other companies,  future  financings,  investment  opportunities,
       stock splits  or dividends  or for  other corporate  purposes  is
       desirable in order to avoid  repeated separate amendments to  the
       Corporation's Certificate  of  Incorporation and  the  delay  and
       expense incurred in holding special meetings of the  Stockholders
       to approve such  amendments.   There are at  present no  specific
       understandings, arrangements or  agreements with  respect to  any
       future acquisitions that would  require the Corporation to  issue
       any new  shares of  its Common  Stock.   The Board  of  Directors
       believes that  the currently  available  unissued shares  do  not
       provide  sufficient  flexibility  for  corporate  action  in  the

            No further authorization by vote of the Stockholders will be
       solicited for the  issuance of  the additional  shares of  Common
       Stock proposed to be authorized,  except as might be required  by
       law, regulatory  authorities  or  rules  of  the  American  Stock
       Exchange or any stock exchange on which the Corporation's  shares
       may then be listed.  The issuance of additional shares of  Common
       Stock may have  a dilutive  effect on  the Corporation's  current
       Stockholders.  The  Stockholders of the  Corporation do not  have
       any preemptive right to purchase or subscribe for any part of any
       new or additional issuance of the Corporation's securities.

            Thermo Electron,  which  owned approximately  ____%  of  the
       outstanding voting stock of the Corporation on April 1, 1996, has
       sufficient votes to approve the  amendment and has indicated  its

       intention to vote for the approval of the amendment.


            The affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of the  Common  Stock
       outstanding and entitled to  vote at the  Meeting is required  to
       approve  the  amendment  to  the  Corporation's  Certificate   of
       Incorporation  to   effect   the   proposed   increase   in   the
       Corporation's  authorized  shares.     The  Board  of   Directors
       considers  this  amendment  to  be  advisable  and  in  the  best
       interests of the Corporation and its Stockholders and  recommends
       that you vote    FOR    approval of the  amendment.  If not  otherwise
       specified, Proxies will be vote FOR approval of this amendment.

            The Board of Directors has appointed Arthur Andersen LLP  as
       independent public accountants for  fiscal 1996. Arthur  Andersen
       LLP  has  acted  as   independent  public  accountants  for   the
       Corporation since 1986. Representatives of that firm are expected
       to be present at the Meeting, will have the opportunity to make a
       statement if  they desire  to  do so  and  will be  available  to
       respond to questions. The Board  of Directors has established  an
       Audit Committee, presently consisting of three outside Directors,
       the purpose of which  is to review the  scope and results of  the
                                 OTHER ACTION
            Management is not aware  at this time  of any other  matters
       that will be presented for action at the Meeting. Should any such
       matters be  presented,  the  Proxies grant  power  to  the  Proxy
       holders  to  vote  shares  represented  by  the  Proxies  in  the
       discretion of such Proxy holders. 
                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
            Proposals of Stockholders  intended to be  presented at  the
       1997 Annual Meeting of the  Stockholders of the Corporation  must
       be received  by  the  Corporation  for  inclusion  in  the  Proxy
       Statement and form  of Proxy  relating to that  meeting no  later
       than December ___, 1996. 
                            SOLICITATION STATEMENT
            The cost of this  solicitation of Proxies  will be borne  by
       the Corporation. Solicitation will be made primarily by mail, but
       regular  employees  of  the   Corporation  may  solicit   Proxies
       personally,  by   telephone  or   telegram.  Brokers,   nominees,
       custodians and fiduciaries are requested to forward  solicitation
       materials to obtain voting instructions from beneficial owners of
       stock  registered  in  their  names,  and  the  Corporation  will
       reimburse such parties for their reasonable charges and  expenses
       in connection therewith. 
       Santa Fe, New Mexico
       April ___, 1996



                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No.   )

        Filed by the Registrant

        Filed by a Party other than the Registrant 

        Check the appropriate box:

        X   Preliminary Proxy Statement        Confidential, for Use of
                                               the Commission Only (as
                                               Permitted by Rule 

             Definitive Proxy Statement

             Definitive Additional Materials

             Soliciting Material Pursuant to S240.14a-11(c) or

                         Thermo Instrument Systems Inc.
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, 
                          if other than the Registrant)

        Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

       [ X ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1),
             14a-6(i)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

       [   ] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange
             Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3).

       [   ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
             14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

             (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction

             (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

             (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                  computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule  0-11 (Set forth
                  the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
                  state how it was determined):

             (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

             (5)  Total fee paid:

             Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

    [    ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
             Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
             offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
             filing by registration statement number, or the Form or
             Schedule and the date of its filing.
             (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
             (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
             (3)  Filing Party:
             (4)  Date Filed:


                                  FORM OF PROXY

                         THERMO INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS INC.



          The undersigned hereby appoints Arvin H. Smith, John N.
     Hatsopoulos and Jonathan W. Painter, or any one of them in the absence
     of the others, as attorneys and proxies of the undersigned, with full
     power of substitution, for and in the name of the undersigned, to
     represent the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of
     Thermo Instrument Systems Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
     "Company"), to be held on Sunday, May 19, 1996, at 6:30 p.m., and at
     any adjournment or postponement thereof, and to vote all shares of
     common stock of the Company standing in the name of the undersigned on
     April 1, 1996, with all of the powers the undersigned would possess if
     personally present at such meeting:


                    Please mark your
     [   x   ]      votes as in this 


                                                    FOR         WITHHELD
                                                  [     ]       [     ]
     FOR all nominees listed at right, except
     vote withheld for the following nominees
     (if any):

             Frank Borman
             George N. Hatsopoulos
             John N. Hatsopoulos
             Arvin H. Smith
             Polyvios C. Vintiadis

                                                 FOR     AGAINST   ABSTAIN

     2.   Approve amendment to the Certificate
          of Incorporation to increase the     [     ]   [     ]   [     ]
          authorized common stock from 125
          million to 250 million shares.

     3.   In their discrection on such other matters as may properly come
          before the meeting.

     The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted "FOR" the proposals
     set forth above if no instruction to the contrary is indicated or if
     no instruction is given.

     Copies of the Notice of  Meeting and of the Proxy Statement have been
     received by the undersigned.



     Note:     This proxy should be dated, signed by the shareholder(s)
               exactly as his or her name appears hereon, and returned
               promptly in the enclosed envelope.  Persons signing in a
               fiduciary capacity should so indicate.  If shares are held