Exhibit 2.6


             THIS SUBLEASE (this "Sublease") is made as of October 10,
        1997, by and between THERMO TERRATECH INC., a Delaware
        corporation ("Sublandlord"), and HOLCROFT L.L.C., a Delaware
        limited liability company ("Subtenant").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

             WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of that certain Agreement of
        Lease dated as of December 31, 1985 (as amended, the
        "Overlease"), by and between W & C Investment Co.
        ("Overlandlord"), successor-in-interest to Claridge Properties
        Ltd., and TMO, Inc. ("Overtenant"), successor-in-interest to
        Thermo Electron Corporation, Overlandlord currently leases to
        Overtenant certain premises known and numbered as 12068 Market
        Street, Livonia, Michigan, and more particularly described in the
        Overlease (the "Entire Premises"); and

             WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of that certain Sublease
        dated as of March 30, 1986 (as amended, the "Oversublease"), by
        and between Overtenant and Sublandlord, successor-in-interest to
        Holcroft/Loftus, Inc., Overtenant currently subleases to
        Sublandlord the Entire Premises; and

             WHEREAS, Sublandlord desires to further sublease to
        Subtenant varying portions of the Entire Premises upon the terms
        and subject to the conditions more particularly set forth herein;

             NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants
        contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,
        the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
        parties hereto agree as follows:

             1.   Demise of Sublease Premises.

                  1.1  Upon the terms and subject to the conditions
        hereinafter set forth, Sublandlord agrees to demise to Subtenant
        the following premises:

                       (a)  During Subterm A (as defined in Section 2
        below), a portion of the Entire Premises consisting of
        approximately 96,000 square feet and delineated in red on the
        Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by
        this reference (the "Sublease Premises A");

                       (b)  During Subterm B (as defined in Section 2
        below), the Sublease Premises A, together with an additional

        portion of the Entire Premises consisting of approximately 37,000
        square feet and delineated in blue on the Site Plan attached
        hereto as Exhibit A (collectively, the "Sublease Premises B");

                       (c)  During Subterm C (as defined in Section 2
        below), the Sublease Premises B, together with an additional area
        consisting of approximately 37,000 square feet and comprising the
        balance of the Entire Premises.

        The term "the Sublease Premises" as used in this Sublease shall
        mean and refer to (i) the Sublease Premises A during Subterm A,
        (ii) the Sublease Premises B during Subterm B and (iii) the
        Entire Premises during Subterm C.  Subtenant shall have the right
        (in common with others during Subterm A and Subterm B, and
        exclusively during Subterm C) to use the parking and other common
        areas serving the Entire Premises.

                  1.2  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Subtenant shall
        have the right at any time during Subterm B to elect, upon
        written notice to Sublandlord (the "Expansion Notice"), to add to
        the Sublease Premises B the then unleased balance of the Entire
        Premises, effective as of the date of Sublandlord's receipt of
        the Expansion Notice; provided, however, that Subtenant's
        aforesaid right of expansion shall not be exercisable if
        Sublandlord has, prior to its receipt of the Expansion Notice
        from Subtenant, signed a sublease or letter of intent with a
        third party for the subleasing of such space.

             2.   Term.   The term of this Sublease shall commence on
        October 10, 1997 (the "Commencement Date") and shall continue for
        the following consecutive periods:

                  (a)  The period from the Commencement Date through and
                       including October 31, 1997 ("Subterm A");

                  (b)  The period from November 1, 1997 through and
                       including October 31, 1998 ("Subterm B"); and

                  (c)  The period from November 1, 1998 through and
                       including December 31, 2004 ("Subterm C");
                       provided, however, that if Subtenant elects to
                       exercise its expansion option under Section 1.2
                       above, Subterm C shall commence as of the date of
                       Sublandlord's receipt of the Expansion Notice.

        Subterm A, Subterm B and Subterm C are hereinafter collectively
        referred to as the "Term".

             3.   Annual Fixed Rent.   Subtenant shall pay to
        Sublandlord, in lawful money of the United States, without any
        set-off or deduction whatsoever, annual fixed rent (the "Annual
        Fixed Rent") at the following rates:


                                                     Annual Fixed
                       Period                        Rent Rate

                  (a)  Subterm A and Subterm B:      $228,500

                  (b)  Subterm C:                    The annual fixed 
                                                     rental payable by
                                                     Overtenant to 
                                                     Overlandlord under
                                                     Article 3 of the 

        The Annual Fixed Rent shall be payable in twelve (12) equal
        monthly installments in advance on the first day of each calendar
        month during the Term hereof; provided, however, that the parties
        agree that the installment of Annual Fixed Rent payable with
        respect to Subterm A shall be paid  upon execution of this
        Sublease and that such installment shall be calculated as if
        Subterm A commenced on October 1, 1997.  In the event that the
        Term expires, or this Sublease is otherwise terminated in
        accordance with its terms, on a date other than the last day of a
        calendar month, the final monthly installment of Annual Fixed
        Rent shall be pro-rated accordingly on a per diem basis.  All
        payments of Annual Fixed Rent, additional rent and other charges
        under this Sublease shall be made to Sublandlord at its address
        set forth in Section 17 below, or at such other address or
        addresses as Sublandlord may from time to time designate.  

             4.   Insurance.

                  4.1  Subtenant shall obtain on or before the
        Commencement Date, and shall keep in effect at all times during
        the Term hereof, the following insurance coverage with respect to
        the Sublease Premises:

                  (a)  Comprehensive general liability insurance insuring
        against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage
        occurring on, in or about the Sublease Premises, written on an
        occurrence basis and having a combined single limit not less than

                  (b)  Workers' Compensation Insurance, in amounts
        required by applicable law, covering all persons working at or in
        the Sublease Premises; 

                  (c)  Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance in an amount
        adequate to cover the actual cash value of all of Subtenant's
        personal property, trade fixtures, tenant improvements, equipment
        and the like located on the Sublease Premises; and


                  (d)  Such other insurance as Overlandlord may
        reasonably require.

             All such insurance shall be in responsible companies
        qualified to do business in the State of Michigan, and Subtenant
        shall deliver to Sublandlord, prior to the time such insurance is
        required to be maintained, certificates of such insurance
        evidencing the coverage required hereunder.  The insurance
        referenced in clause (a) above shall name Sublandlord,
        Overtenant, Overlandlord and any Mortgagee (as defined in Section
        3A.02 of the Overlease) as additional insureds, and shall provide
        that the same may only be canceled or amended upon no less than
        ten (10) days' prior written notice to said additional insureds.
        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,
        Sublandlord and Subtenant each hereby waives all rights of
        recovery against the other party, and such other party's
        insurance company (by way of subrogation or otherwise), for all
        losses, damages or injuries to the Sublease Premises or Entire
        Premises, any improvements thereon or any personal property of
        either party therein, to the extent such waiver does not
        invalidate any insurance coverage of either party; provided,
        however, that the foregoing waiver by either party shall not
        apply with respect to any loss, damage or injury to the extent
        caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the other
        party, its agents, employees, representatives or contractors.

                  4.2  During Subterm A and Subterm B, Subtenant  shall
        pay to Sublandlord, as additional rent, Subtenant's Pro Rata
        Share (as hereinafter defined) of the cost incurred by
        Sublandlord in maintaining the insurance coverage required under
        Article 7 of the Overlease.  During Subterm C, Subtenant shall
        pay to Sublandlord, as additional rent, the full amount of the
        cost incurred by Sublandlord in maintaining the aforesaid
        insurance coverage.  For purposes of this Sublease, Subtenant's
        Pro Rata Share at any given time during the Term hereof shall be
        a percentage equal to the ratio of the then total square footage
        of the Sublease Premises to the total square footage of the
        Entire Premises.

                  4.3  Payment of all additional rent under this Section
        4 shall be made by Subtenant to Sublandlord within ten (10) days
        after demand therefor.

             5.   Additional Charges.

                  5.1  During Subterm A and Subterm B, Subtenant shall
        pay to Sublandlord, as additional rent, Subtenant's Pro Rata
        Share of all Impositions (as defined in Section 4.01 of the
        Overlease) payable to Overlandlord under Article 4 of the
        Overlease.  During Subterm C, Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord,
        as additional rent, the full amount of all Impositions payable to
        Overlandlord under Article 4 of the Overlease.


                  5.2  During Subterm A and Subterm B, Subtenant shall
        pay to Sublandlord, as additional rent, Subtenant's Pro Rata
        Share of all charges payable to Overlandlord under Article 5 of
        the Overlease, except for utility charges which shall be payable
        in accordance with the following provisions of this Section 5.2.
        During Subterm A, Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord, as
        additional rent, all charges for electricity, gas, water, sewage,
        garbage, telephone and other utilities (collectively,
        "Utilities") used or consumed in the Sublease Premises, which
        charges shall be based upon Subtenant's estimated usage as
        determined by Sublandlord in its reasonable discretion.  From and
        after the commencement date of Subterm C, Subtenant shall pay,
        directly to the applicable provider thereof,  all charges for
        Utilities used or consumed in the Entire Premises.  

                  5.3  Payment of all additional rent under this Section
        5 shall be made by Subtenant to Sublandlord within ten (10) days
        after demand therefor.

             6.   Use.   Subtenant shall have the right to use the
        Sublease Premises only for those uses permitted under Article 2
        of the Overlease.  Subtenant shall conduct its business
        operations in the Sublease Premises in a first class manner and
        so as not to disturb the quiet enjoyment or interfere with the
        business operations of any other tenant or occupant of the
        building in which the Sublease Premises are located.  Subtenant
        shall not commit or suffer to be committed any waste upon the
        Sublease Premises and agrees not to injure, overload, deface or
        otherwise damage the Sublease Premises.  Subtenant shall not
        permit the emission of any objectionable noise, vibration, odor
        or fumes from the Sublease Premises, nor make any use of the
        Sublease Premises which is offensive, noxious, or liable to
        create a nuisance or to invalidate or increase the premiums for
        any insurance thereon maintained by Overtenant and/or
        Overlandlord.  In its use and occupancy of the Sublease Premises,
        Subtenant shall comply, at Subtenant's sole cost and expense,
        with the requirements of all applicable zoning, building, fire,
        health and other codes, statutes, regulations, rules, orders,
        ordinances and laws of any federal, state or local governmental
        or other public authority (including without limitation any
        requirements related to the issuance of a certificate of
        occupancy for the Sublease Premises).  Subtenant, promptly after
        obtaining knowledge thereof, will notify Sublandlord, and any
        other persons designated by Sublandlord, of any action or
        proceeding affecting the Sublease Premises.

             7.   Alterations.   Subtenant shall not make any
        alterations, additions or improvements to the Sublease Premises
        without the prior written consent of Sublandlord, which consent
        will not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that it is
        understood and agreed that the granting of Sublandlord's consent
        under this Section 7 with respect to any proposed alteration,
        addition or improvement shall be conditioned upon Sublandlord's


        receipt of Overlandlord's consent to the same, to the extent
        required by the terms of the Overlease, and further provided that
        the making by Subtenant of any such alteration, addition or
        improvement shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions
        of  Article 11 of the Overlease.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
        in the event that any proposed alteration, addition or
        improvement is approved by Overlandlord and Overlandlord further
        agrees in writing that the same need not be removed upon the
        expiration or earlier termination of the Overlease, Sublandlord's
        consent to the making of such alteration, addition or improvement
        shall not be required.

             8.   Maintenance and Repair.

                  8.1  During Subterm A and Subterm B, Sublandlord shall,
        at its sole cost and expense, maintain the Sublease Premises in
        good condition and repair; provided, however, that to the extent
        any repairs are required due to the negligence or willful
        misconduct of Subtenant, its agents, employees, representatives
        or contractors, the same shall be made by Subtenant at
        Subtenant's sole cost and expense.  Notwithstanding anything to
        the contrary contained herein, Subtenant shall be solely
        responsible for janitorial cleaning of the Sublease Premises and
        garbage and trash disposal therefrom.  Subtenant shall provide,
        at Subtenant's sole cost and expense, reasonable security
        protection for the Sublease Premises.

                  8.2  During Subterm C, Subtenant shall, at its sole
        cost and expense, maintain the Sublease Premises, and all
        sidewalks, grounds, parking and other areas, vaults, chutes,
        sidewalk hoists, railings, gutters, water and sewer connections,
        alleys and curbs in front of or adjacent to the Sublease
        Premises, in good and safe order and condition, all in accordance
        with Article 10 of the Overlease, and shall further perform all
        other obligations of the lessee under said Article 10.

             9.   Fire and other Casualty.   If the whole or any part of
        the Sublease Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty
        and neither the Overlease nor the Oversublease is terminated on
        account thereof, this Sublease shall remain in full force and
        effect and Annual Fixed Rent and all other charges payable
        hereunder shall not abate unless there is an abatement of Fixed
        Rent and Additional Rent under the terms of the Overlease, and
        then only to the extent such abatement is allocable to the
        Sublease Premises. 

             10.  Subordination.   This Sublease shall be fully
        subordinate to (i) the Overlease and all extensions or
        modifications thereof, (ii) any Mortgage (as defined in Section
        3A.02 of the Overlease) on the Sublease Premises or any part
        thereof, and (iii) the Oversublease.  The foregoing provisions
        shall be self-operative and no further instrument of
        subordination shall be necessary; provided, however, that
        Subtenant agrees to execute any and all documents or instruments


        required by Overlandlord under the Overlease, the holder of any
        such Mortgage or Overtenant, or their respective counsel, to
        evidence such subordination.  A true and complete copy of each of
        the Overlease and Oversublease are attached hereto as Exhibit B-1
        and Exhibit B-2, respectively.  The following provisions of the
        Overlease are incorporated herein by reference, as they relate to
        the Term hereof and to the Sublease Premises, with the same force
        and effect as if they were fully set forth herein, except as to
        those matters otherwise provided for herein:  Articles 2, 3
        (except for Section 3.01), 3A (except for the words "is a net
        lease" in line one of Section 3A.01), 4 (except for Section
        4.04), 5, 6, 9 (but only to the extent applicable to Sections
        10.01 and 12.01 of the Overlease), 10 and 11 (but only to the
        extent applicable to Sections 10.01 and 12.01 of the Overlease
        and Section 7 of this Sublease), Section 12.01 (except for the
        phrase commencing in line 20 of Section 12.01 with words
        "provided, however, that the provisions of this" and continuing
        through the end of Section 12.01), Section 12.02 (but only the
        last sentence thereof), Section 12.03 (except for the insert
        denoted by an asterisk in line 9), Articles 13, 16 (except for
        the balance of the first sentence of Section 16.01 from and after
        the comma in line 2 thereof), 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 (but
        only to the extent applicable to Section 23 of this Sublease),
        31, 32 and 33 (except for Section 33.09).  Subtenant hereby
        assumes, and covenants and agrees to perform, all of the
        obligations of the lessee under the Overlease to the extent such
        obligations are incorporated herein by reference and relate to
        the Sublease Premises during the Term hereof.  To the extent that
        any provision in the Overlease incorporated herein by reference
        conflicts with any provisions of this Sublease, the provisions of
        this Sublease shall be controlling.  Sublandlord agrees to
        perform its obligations as tenant under the Oversublease, except
        to the extent such obligations are assumed by Subtenant
        hereunder.  Subject to Section 16 below, if for any reason the
        term of the Overlease or of the Oversublease is terminated prior
        to the expiration date of this Sublease, this Sublease shall
        thereupon terminate, and Sublandlord shall not be liable to
        Subtenant by reason thereof.

             11.  Covenants Regarding Overlease.

                  (a)  Subtenant covenants and agrees not to do or permit
        to be done any act of commission or omission which would
        constitute a violation or default under the Oversublease and/or
        the Overlease.

                  (b)  Each party hereto promptly shall deliver to the
        other party copies of all notices, requests, demands or other
        communications which relate to the Sublease Premises or the use
        or occupancy thereof after receipt of the same from Overlandlord
        or others.  

                  (c)  Sublandlord shall not incur any liability
        whatsoever to Subtenant for any injury, loss, damage (whether


        direct, consequential or incidental) or inconvenience incurred or
        suffered by Subtenant as a result of the exercise by Overlandlord
        of any of the rights reserved to Overlandlord under the
        Overlease, or as a result of the exercise by Overtenant of any of
        the rights reserved to Overtenant under the Oversublease, nor
        shall such exercise constitute a constructive eviction or default
        by Sublandlord hereunder, except to the extent, if any, such
        injury, loss, damage or inconvenience is the result of the
        negligence or willful misconduct of Sublandlord.

             12.  Representations.   Subtenant represents that it has
        made a thorough examination and inspection of the Entire Premises
        and is familiar with the condition thereof.  Subtenant hereby
        agrees that it is entering into this Sublease without any
        representations or warranties by Sublandlord, its agents,
        representatives, employees, servants, brokers or any other person
        as to the present or future condition of the Entire Premises or
        the appurtenances thereto or any improvements therein or thereon.
        It is agreed that Subtenant does and will accept the Sublease
        Premises "as is" and Sublandlord shall have no obligation to
        perform any work therein except as expressly set forth in this

             13.  Assignment and Subletting.

                  (a)  Subtenant, for itself, its successors and assigns,
        expressly covenants that it shall not assign, whether by
        operation of law or otherwise, or pledge or otherwise encumber
        this Sublease, or sublet all or any part of the Sublease Premises
        without obtaining the prior written consent of Sublandlord.
        Sublandlord agrees that its consent to any proposed subletting of
        the 37,000 square foot area referenced in Section 1.1.(c) above
        shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
        Sublandlord reserves the right to transfer and assign its
        interest in and to this Sublease to any entity or person who
        shall succeed to Sublandlord's interest in and to the

                  (b)  Consent by Sublandlord to any assignment, transfer
        or subletting to any party shall not be construed as a waiver or
        release of Subtenant from the terms of any covenant or its
        primary responsibility under this Sublease, nor shall consent to
        one assignment, transfer or sublease to any person, partnership,
        firm or corporation be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent
        assignment, transfer or subletting to another person,
        partnership, firm or corporation.

             14.  Quiet Enjoyment.   Subject to the provisions of this
        Sublease, Subtenant, upon paying the Annual Fixed Rent and all
        other sums and charges herein provided, and observing and keeping
        all covenants, agreements and conditions of this Sublease on its
        part to be observed and kept, shall quietly have and enjoy the
        Sublease Premises during the Term of this Sublease.


             15.  End of Term.   If Subtenant shall remain in possession
        of the Sublease Premises or any part thereof after the expiration
        or prior termination of the Term hereof, the parties agree that
        no such holding over by Subtenant shall operate to extend or
        renew this Sublease, and that any such holding over shall be
        construed as a tenancy-at-will at two hundred percent (200%) of
        the Annual Fixed Rent (on a per diem basis) in effect when such
        holding over shall have commenced, and such tenancy shall
        otherwise be subject to all the terms, conditions, covenants and
        agreements of this Sublease.  Subtenant further agrees to pay to
        Sublandlord any additional amounts payable by Sublandlord to
        Overtenant under the Oversublease by reason of any such holding
        over by Subtenant.

             16.  Default.

                  16.1 In the event that Subtenant shall default in the
        payment of Annual Fixed Rent, additional rent or any other charge
        payable hereunder, or shall default in the performance or
        observance of any of the terms, conditions and covenants of this
        Sublease, Sublandlord, in addition to and not in limitation of
        any rights otherwise available to it, shall have the same rights
        and remedies with respect to such default as are provided to
        Overlandlord under the Overlease with respect to defaults by the
        lessee thereunder, with the same force and effect as though all
        such provisions relating to any such default or defaults were set
        forth herein in their entirety, and Subtenant shall have all of
        the obligations of the lessee under the Overlease with respect to
        such default or defaults.

                  16.2 In the event of a default by Subtenant in the
        performance of any of its non-monetary obligations hereunder,
        Sublandlord may, at its option, at any time thereafter and
        without waiving any other remedies for such default contained
        herein or in the Overlease as incorporated herein or at law or in
        equity, give written notice to Subtenant that if such default is
        not cured, or the cure not commenced, within twenty (20) days
        after receipt of such notice by Subtenant, and if so commenced is
        not thereafter pursued diligently to completion, Sublandlord may
        cure such default for the account of Subtenant, and any amount
        paid or incurred by Sublandlord in so doing shall be deemed paid
        or incurred for the account of Subtenant and Subtenant agrees
        promptly to reimburse Sublandlord therefor and save Sublandlord
        harmless therefrom; provided, however, that Sublandlord may cure
        any such default as aforesaid prior to the expiration of any
        waiting period if reasonably necessary to protect Sublandlord's
        interest under the Oversublease or to prevent injury or damage to
        persons or property.

             17.  Attornment.    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
        contained herein, to the full extent required by Overlandlord,
        Subtenant shall attorn to Overlandlord for the duration of the
        Term of this Sublease, as the same may be extended, if the
        Overlease and Oversublease are terminated for any reason.


             18.  Notices.   Whenever, by the terms of this Sublease,
        notice, demand or other communication shall or may be given to
        either party, the same shall be in writing and addressed:

                  If to Sublandlord:

                  Thermo TerraTech Inc.
                  81 Wyman Street
                  Waltham, Massachusetts 02254
                  Attention:  President

                  With a copy to:

                  Thermo Electron Corporation
                  81 Wyman Street
                  Waltham, Massachusetts  02254
                  Attention:   General Counsel

                  If to Subtenant:

                  Holcroft L.L.C.
                  12068 Market Street
                  Livonia, Michigan 48150
                  Attention:  President

        or to such other address or addresses as shall from time to time
        be designated by written notice by either party to the other as
        herein provided.  All notices shall be sent by registered or
        certified mail, postage pre-paid and return receipt requested, or
        by Federal Express or other comparable service providing proof of
        delivery, and shall be deemed duly given and received (i) if
        mailed, on the third business day following the mailing thereof
        or (ii) if sent by courier, the date of its receipt (or if such
        day is not a business day, the next succeeding business day).

             19.  Indemnification.   Subtenant hereby agrees to
        indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sublandlord, its parent,
        subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective officers,
        directors, shareholders and employees, from and against any and
        all claims, demands, judgments, actions, causes of action, suits,
        liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including
        without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements
        and court costs) arising out of or in connection with (i)
        Subtenant's use and occupancy of the Sublease Premises (except to
        the extent, if any, such claims, demands, judgments, actions,
        causes of action, suits, liabilities, damages, losses, costs or
        expenses are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of
        Sublandlord), (ii) the negligence or willful misconduct of
        Subtenant, its agents, employees, representatives or contractors,
        or (iii) the failure by Subtenant to perform, observe or fulfill
        any of Subtenant's covenants, agreements, representations or
        warranties under this Sublease.  In case any action or proceeding
        is brought against Sublandlord by reason of any of the above,


        Sublandlord shall give written notice thereof to Subtenant, and
        Subtenant may resist or defend such action or proceeding at its
        sole cost and expense with counsel reasonably acceptable to
        Sublandlord.  If Subtenant fails to resist or defend such action
        or proceeding, Sublandlord may do so or, upon not less than ten
        (10) days' notice to Subtenant, may settle or compromise the
        same, and, in such event, Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord as
        additional rent hereunder all payments made by, and all expenses
        (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and
        disbursements and court costs) incurred by, Sublandlord.

             20.  Surrender.   At the expiration or earlier termination
        of this Sublease, Subtenant shall surrender the Sublease Premises
        to Sublandlord broom clean, with all alterations, additions and
        improvements thereto, in as good condition as on the date of
        delivery of possession thereof to Subtenant or as the Sublease
        Premises may be put in during the Term hereof, reasonable wear
        and tear and damage by casualty excepted; provided, however, that
        at Sublandlord's request, Subtenant shall remove, at Subtenant's
        sole cost and expense, any and all alterations, additions and
        improvements specified by Sublandlord.  If Subtenant fails to
        remove any such alterations, additions or improvements on or
        before the later to occur of the termination of this Sublease or
        the twentieth (20th) day following such request, Sublandlord may
        remove the same and deliver the same to any place of business of
        Subtenant or any warehouse, and Subtenant shall pay the cost of
        such removal, delivery and warehousing, together with interest
        thereon at the maximum rate permitted by law, to Sublandlord upon

             21.  Environmental Indemnification.  Subtenant agrees to
        indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sublandlord from and against
        any and all liabilities, losses, damages, suits, actions, causes
        of action, costs, expenses (including without limitation
        reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements and court costs),
        penalties, fines, demands, judgments, claims or liens (including
        without limitation liens or claims imposed under any so-called
        "Superfund" or other environmental legislation) arising from or
        in connection with the use, storage, release or discharge by
        Subtenant of Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined) on the
        Sublease Premises and/or the Entire Premises.

             For purposes of this Section 20, the term "Hazardous
        Materials" shall include without limitation any petroleum
        product, any flammable, explosive or radioactive material, or any
        hazardous or toxic waste, substance or material, including
        without limitation substances defined as "hazardous substances",
        "hazardous materials," "solid waste" or "toxic substances" under
        any applicable laws relating to hazardous or toxic materials and
        substances, air pollution (including noise and odors), water
        pollution, liquid and solid waste, pesticides, drinking water,
        community and employee health, environmental land use management,
        stormwater, sediment control, nuisances, radiation, wetlands,
        endangered species, environmental permitting and petroleum


        products, which laws may include, but not be limited to, the
        Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended;
        the Toxic Substances Control Act; the Clean Water Act; the
        National Environmental Policy Act, as amended; the Solid Waste
        Disposal Act, as amended; the Comprehensive Environmental
        Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by
        the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986; the
        Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, as amended; the Resource
        Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended; the Clean Air Act, as
        amended; the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act,
        as amended; the Occupational Safety and Health Act, as amended;
        comparable state laws; and all rules and regulations promulgated
        pursuant to such laws and ordinances.

             22.  Consents.   Sublandlord's refusal to consent to or
        approve any matter or thing, whenever Sublandlord's consent or
        approval is required under this Sublease or under the Overlease
        as incorporated herein, shall be deemed reasonable if
        Overlandlord has refused or failed to give its consent to such
        matter or thing.

             23.  Option to Extend.   Provided that Subtenant shall not
        be in default of its obligations under this Sublease, Subtenant
        shall have an option to extend the Term of this Sublease for one
        (1) additional period of five (5) years (the "Renewal Period"),
        which option shall be exercisable by written notice to
        Sublandlord given no later than November 1, 2003.  Upon receipt
        of such notice, Sublandlord shall exercise its corresponding
        option to renew the Oversublease.  All of the terms, covenants
        and provisions of this Sublease shall apply to such Renewal
        Period, except that the Annual Fixed Rent payable with respect to
        such Renewal Period shall be equal to the annual Fixed Rent
        payable to Overlandlord under Article 30 of the Overlease.  In
        the event that Subtenant elects to exercise its option to extend
        under this Section 23, Subtenant shall be responsible for the
        payment of all costs payable by the lessee under Section 30.04 of
        the Overlease.  During the Renewal Period, all references in this
        Sublease to the Term shall be deemed to mean the original Term as
        extended by the Renewal Period.  Subtenant shall have no further
        right to extend the Term of this Sublease following the
        expiration of the Renewal Period.

             24.  Direct Lease.   Subtenant agrees to use its best
        efforts to negotiate the execution, on or before the second
        anniversary of the Commencement Date hereunder, of a direct lease
        by Overlandlord to Subtenant of the Entire Premises upon such
        terms as may then be commercially reasonable for leases of
        comparable properties in the Livonia, Michigan area (the "Direct
        Lease"), together with the termination of the Overlease and the
        full release of Overtenant from its obligations thereunder.  This
        Sublease shall automatically terminate upon the effective date of
        the termination of the Overlease.

             25.  Miscellaneous.


                  25.1 Governing Laws.   This Sublease shall be governed
        by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of

                  25.2 Entire Agreement.   This Sublease constitutes the
        entire agreement between Sublandlord and Subtenant with respect
        to the subject matter hereof and shall not be supplemented,
        amended, varied or modified in any manner except by an instrument
        in writing signed by both parties.

                  25.3 Waiver.   No delay or omission on the part of
        either party to this Sublease in requiring performance by the
        other party or in exercising any right hereunder shall operate as
        a waiver of any provision hereof or of any right hereunder, and
        the waiver, omission or delay in requiring performance or
        exercising any right hereunder on any one occasion shall not be
        construed as a bar to or waiver of such performance or right on
        any future occasion.

                  25.4 Remedies Cumulative.   Any and all rights and
        remedies which either party may have under this Sublease, at law
        or in equity, shall be cumulative and shall not be deemed
        inconsistent with each other, and any two or more of all such
        rights and remedies may be exercised at the same time insofar as
        permitted by law.

                  25.5 Broker.    Each of the parties hereto represents
        and warrants to the other that there are no claims for brokerage
        commissions or finder's fees in connection with this Sublease.
        Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party from
        and against any and all claims for brokerage fees, commissions or
        other charges arising from the dealings of the indemnifying party
        in connection with this Sublease.   

                  25.6 Consent to Sublease.   The effectiveness of this
        Sublease is conditioned upon the prior written consent of
        Overtenant to the subletting of the Sublease Premises to
        Subtenant in accordance with the terms hereof.

                  25.7 Survival.   It is understood and agreed that the
        provisions of Sections 18 and 20 above shall survive the
        expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease.

                  25.8 Personal Property.   All furnishings, fixtures,
        equipment, effects and personal property of every kind, nature
        and description of Subtenant, and of all persons claiming by,
        through or under Subtenant, which, during the Term of this
        Sublease or any occupancy of the Sublease Premises by Subtenant,
        or anyone claiming by, through or under Subtenant, may be on the
        Sublease Premises or elsewhere in the Entire Premises, shall at
        the sole risk and hazard of Subtenant and, if the whole or any


        part thereof shall be destroyed or damaged by fire, water or
        otherwise, or by the leakage or bursting of water pipes, steam
        pipes or other pipes, by theft, or from any other cause, no part
        of said loss or damage is to be charged to or borne by
        Sublandlord except to the extent caused by the negligence or
        willful misconduct of Sublandlord, its agents, employees,
        representatives or contractors.

                  25.9 Headings.   Section headings and the organization
        of this Sublease are for descriptive purposes only and shall not
        control or alter the meaning of this Sublease.

                  25.10     Successors and Assigns.   This Sublease shall
        be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties
        hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

                  25.11     Authority.   The individuals executing this
        Sublease hereby represent and warrant that they are empowered and
        duly authorized to so execute this Sublease on behalf of the
        parties they represent.


             IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
        Sublease under seal as of the date first set forth above.


                                           THERMO TERRATECH INC.

                                           By:    /s/ John P. Appleton
                                           Name:  John P. Appleton
                                           Title: Chief Executive Officer


                                           HOLCROFT L.L.C.

                                           By:    /s/ Scott M. Murray
                                           Name:  Scott M. Murray
                                           Title: President


                               CONSENT TO SUBLEASE

             Pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Oversublease attached as
        Exhibit B-2 hereto, the undersigned hereby consents to the
        subletting of the Sublease Premises described herein on the terms
        and conditions contained in the within Sublease.  The undersigned
        further agrees to perform its obligations as lessee under the
        Overlease, except to the extent the same are assumed by
        Sublandlord pursuant to the terms of the Oversublease.

                                           TMO, INC.,
                                           a Delaware corporation

                                           By:    /s/ Sandra L. Lambert

                                           Name:  Sandra L. Lambert

                                           Title: Secretary