Washington, D.C. 20549

                                     FORM 8K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                         Date of Report: December 23, 1998

                           Commission File No. 0-15543
                        METAL RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                      71-0628061
(State of Incorporation)                    (IRS Employee Identification No.)

   415 East 151st Street
   East Chicago, Indiana                                 46312
(Address of principle executive office)                (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (219) 397-6261

Item 5.         Other Events

On the 2nd December 1998 the Company signed an Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement
selling  its  dezincing  assets and  patents to a newly  formed  United  Kingdom
company,  Metals  Investment  Trust Ltd.  A copy of the  agreement  is  attached

In summary the transaction is as follows:

The assets of Metals  Investment  Trust Ltd is comprised of the Company's former
dezincing  technology  assets and  patents ,  previously  held by the  Company's
operating  subsidiaries  Metal  Recovery  Industries  (US) Inc and Zinc Recovery
(East  Chicago) Inc, plus  $3,500,000 of cash.  Metals  Investment  Trust Ltd is
owned 50% by the Company and 50% by a group of International Investors.

The  $3,500,000  of cash is being  utilized  by Metals  Investment  Trust Ltd to
finance the  engineering  upgrade at the East Chicago  facility to bring it into
commercial operation.

In order for this transaction to be concluded Plenbrick Ltd and Zinc Investments
Inc, the Company's  collateral lenders agreed to remove their security presently
secured on the assets,  patents and shares of Metal Recovery Industries (US) Inc
and Zinc Recovery  (East  Chicago) Inc. New  conversion  rates of their existing
loans are currently being negotiated.


/s/ Roy Pearce  /s/

Company Secretary


                             dated December 7, 1998

                                  by and among

                          METALS INVESTMENT TRUST LTD.
                                    as Buyer,

                     METAL RECOVERY INDUSTRIES (U.S.), INC.


                       ZINC RECOVERY (EAST CHICAGO), INC.


                              POWERSCOURT LIMITED,

                                   as Sellers


                       METAL RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES, INC.,


                                  MICHAEL LUCAS


     ASSETPURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT dated November,__ 1998 by and among Metals
Investment  Trust Ltd., a company  organized under the laws of England and Wales
("Buyer"),  Metal  Recovery  Industries  (U.S.),  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation
("MRI"),  Zinc Recovery (East Chicago),  Inc., an Indiana  corporation  ("ZRI"),
Powerscourt  Limited, a Nevis company  ("Powerscourt," and together with ZRI and
MRI,   "Sellers,"   and  each,   individually,   a  "Seller"),   Metal  Recovery
Technologies,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("MRT," and together with Sellers,
the  "Corporate  Seller  Parties,"  and each,  a "Corporate  Seller  Party") and
Michael Lucas  ("Lucas" and,  together with the Corporate  Seller  Parties,  the
"Seller Parties," and each, a "Seller Party").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  Sellers,  collectively,  own  certain  patent  rights  and  other
personal property and real property relating to a metal recycling  business that
extracts zinc coatings from galvanized  ferrous scrap through a caustic leaching
process which  recovers a  high-quality  ferrous scrap and an  electro-deposited
zinc powder (the "Business");

     WHEREAS,  MRI and ZRI are wholly-owned  subsidiaries of MRT and in order to
induce Buyer to enter into this Agreement,  MRT has agreed to undertake  certain
obligations hereunder;

     WHEREAS,  Lucas is a  shareholder  of MRT and in order to  induce  Buyer to
enter into this  Agreement,  Lucas has agreed to undertake  certain  obligations
hereunder; and,

     WHEREAS,  Sellers  desire to sell to Buyer,  and Buyer  desires to purchase
from Sellers,  the aforesaid assets from Sellers on the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the foregoing  premises,  the mutual
covenants  and  agreements   contained   herein  and  other  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt  and  sufficiency  of which is hereby  acknowledged,
Buyer  and  each  of  the  Seller  Parties  (collectively,  the  "Parties"  and,
individually,  a  "Party"),  intending  to be  legally  bound,  hereby  agree as


     1.1 Sale and Purchase.  Subject to the terms and conditions (including, the
schedules attached hereto) set forth herein, at the Closing, each of the Sellers
shall sell, assign and deliver to Buyer free and clear of all pledges,  security
interests, liens, claims and other encumbrances  (collectively,  "Encumbrances,"
each, an "Encumbrance"),  and Buyer shall purchase and accept from Sellers,  all
of Sellers' right,  title and interest in and to the following assets and rights
(collectively, the "Assets"):

          (a) Powerscourt shall convey good, marketable and insurable fee simple
     title to the  buildings  and  improvements  located  on the  real  property
     described on Schedule  1.1(a)(i) (the "Real Property") to Buyer by warranty
     deed in the form of the deed attached  hereto as Exhibit  1.1(a),  free and
     clear of all Encumbrances,  subject only to the items set forth on Schedule
     1.1(a)(ii) (the "Permitted Title Exceptions"),  and any leases or any other
     matters of title to which Buyer shall expressly consent in writing pursuant
     hereto.  Seller shall remove any  Encumbrances  (other than Permitted Title
     Exceptions)  against the Real Property at or before the Closing (as defined
     below).  The  Parties  agree  that the value of the Real  property  is Five
     Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000.00).

          (b) MRI shall sell, transfer and assign to Buyer free and clear of all
     Encumbrances  except as  otherwise  set forth  herein all of MRI's  rights,
     title and interest in and to (i) the. patent  identified as U.S. Patent No.
     5,779,878  and  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit   1.1(b)(i)  (the  "Patent"),
     including, but not limited to, all patents and patent applications based in
     whole or in part on the Patent, and (ii) the patent application  identified
     as U.S.  Patent  Application  Serial No.  08/680,345 and attached hereto as
     Exhibit 1.1(b)(ii) (the "Patent Application"),  including,  but not limited
     to, all patents and patent applications  (including divisional,  continuing
     or reissue applications) related thereto (collectively,  with the aforesaid
     rights  relating  to  the  Patent,  the  ("Patent  Rights"),   pursuant  to
     assignments  substantially  in the  form of  Exhibit  1.1(b)(iii)  attached
     hereto (the "Patent Assignments"); and

          (c) ZRI shall sell, transfer and assign to Buyer free and clear of all
     Encumbrances the plant,  fixtures and fittings described on Schedule 1.1(c)
     attached  hereto (the "ZRI Assets")  pursuant to a bill of sale in the form
     of Exhibit 1.1(c) attached hereto.

     1.2 Consideration.  In consideration for the sale,  assignment and delivery
of the  Assets  under  this  Agreement,  Buyer  shall  deliver to Sellers at the
Closing (as defined  below),  respectively,  the  following  (collectively,  the
"Purchase Price"):

          (a) Two Hundred  Eighty-Seven  Thousand  Five  Hundred  (287,500)  "B"
     Shares of 3.126 pence each of Buyer ("Buyer  Shares") to Powerscourt,  plus
     repayment  of  Powerscourt's  debt  in the  amount  of Two  Hundred  Twelve
     Thousand Five Hundred  dollars  ($212,500) as set forth in Schedule  1.2(a)
     attached  hereto or, at the option of Buyer,  Two Hundred Six Thousand Five
     Hundred  dollars  ($206,500) with respect to such debt, plus payment of Six
     Thousand  dollars  ($6,000) to the appropriate  authorities with respect to
     sales tax relating to the transfer of the Real Property pursuant hereto;

          (b) Three Million Two Hundred Twelve Thousand Five Hundred (3,212,500)
     Buyer  Shares to MRI,  plus  repayment  of MRI's  debt in the amount of Two
     Hundred Eighty-Seven  Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($287,500) as set forth
     in Schedule 1.2(a); and

          (c) Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) Buyer Shares to ZRI.

     1.3 No Assumption of Liabilities. Buyer shall not assume in connection with
its acquisition of the Assets  hereunder or otherwise any debts,  liabilities or
obligations of any of the Sellers, whether known, unknown, contingent, disclosed
or undisclosed,  including, but not limited to, any liabilities set forth in any
schedule  hereto  ("Seller  Debts")  and  Buyer  shall  not  otherwise  have any
liability for any of the Seller Debts, incurred prior to or after the Closing or
arising out of any transaction by, or any event occurring with respect to any of
the Sellers prior to or after the Closing.

     1.4 Passage of Title at Closing.  Upon delivery of the instruments of sale,
conveyance, assignment, transfer and delivery, title to the Assets shall pass to
Buyer at the Closing. At the Closing,  Sellers shall put Buyer in full, complete
and quiet  possession  and enjoyment of all of the Assets and from and after the
Closing the  ownership  and operation of the Assets shall be for the account and
risk of Buyer.

     1.5 Lease Payment  Forgiveness.  As of the Closing Date (as defined  below)
Powerscourt shall forgive the payment by ZRI of any and all amounts due from ZRI
to  Powerscourt  with  respect  to ZRI's use of the Real  Property  prior to the
Closing Date.

     1.6 Closing:  Time And Place. The closing of the transactions  contemplated
hereby (the "Closing")  shall occur on or before November 20, 1998 (the "Closing
Date") at the offices of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, 1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite
500,  Washington,  D.C. 20036, unless the Parties mutually agree to another time
or location.

     1.7 Certain Closing Events. The Buyer Shares to be delivered at the Closing
shall be held by Young pending the receipt of evidence  satisfactory  to counsel
to Buyer that all of the  obligations  described  on  Schedule  1.2(a) have been


Buyer hereby represents and warrants to Sellers as follows:

     2.1  Organization.  Buyer is a company duly organized and validly  existing
under the laws of England and Wales and has all requisite  power and  authority,
corporate  and  otherwise,  necessary  to (a) carry on its business as presently
conducted by it; (b)  execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this
Agreement; and (c) consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     2.2  Authorization,  etc.  The  execution  and  delivery  by  Buyer of this
Agreement,  the  performance  by  Buyer  of its  obligations  hereunder  and the
consummation  by Buyer of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly
authorized by all necessary shareholder, board and other corporate action on the
part  of  Buyer.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the  legal,  valid  and  binding
obligation of Buyer,  enforceable  against  Buyer in accordance  with its terms,
except  insofar as  enforceability  may be limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
moratorium  or other  laws  that  may  affect  creditors'  rights  and  remedies
generally and by principles of equity  (regardless of whether  enforceability is
considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     2.3 No Breach.  The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement,  the
performance by Buyer of its obligations  hereunder and the consummation by Buyer
of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will not (a) conflict with,  result in
any violation of or constitute a default under the  Memorandum of Association or
Articles of Association of Buyer, or (b) constitute a default under, result in a
violation or breach of, result in the cancellation or termination of, accelerate
the performance required under or result in the creation of any Encumbrance upon
any of the  properties of Buyer  pursuant to any contract,  mortgage,  guaranty,
deed of trust, note,  indenture,  bond, lease,  agreement or other instrument to
which Buyer is a party or by which any of such properties is bound.

     2.4 Buyer Shares.  Upon consummation of the Closing,  pursuant to the terms
hereof,  all of the Buyer Shares to be delivered at the Closing  shall have been
duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable and title thereto
shall pass to the Sellers free and clear of all preemptive rights, liens, claims
and Encumbrances, except as otherwise created by this Agreement.

     2.5  Brokers.   All  negotiations   relative  to  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions contemplated hereby have been carried on by Buyer directly with the
Seller  Parties  and without the  intervention  of any other  person and in such
manner as not to give rise to any valid claim against any of the Parties for any
finder's fee, brokerage commission or like payment.


Each of the  Seller  Parties,  jointly  and  severally,  hereby  represents  and
warrants to Buyer as follows,  except that  Powerscourt  shall only be deemed to
represent  and  warrant  with  respect  to  itself  and  shall  not be deemed to
represent and warrant with respect to Sections 3.3, 3.6, 3.8, 3.10,  3.11, 3.12,
3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.20, 3.23, 3.24, 3.25, 3.27, 3.28, and 3.29.

     3.1  Organization.  Except as set forth in the last three sentences of this
Section  3.1,  each  of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  is a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of its
jurisdiction of  organization  and has all of the requisite power and authority,
corporate  and  otherwise,  necessary  to (a) carry on its business as presently
conducted by it; (b)  execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this
Agreement and the other agreements  described  herein or contemplated  hereby to
which  such  Corporate  Seller  Party  will  be a  party  (the  "Related  Seller
Agreements");  (c) consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby;
and (d) own,  lease or use the  properties  owned,  leased  or used by it.  Each
Corporate  Seller Party is duly  qualified or licensed and in good standing as a
foreign   corporation   authorized  to  do  business   under  the  laws  of  all
jurisdictions  in which  the  ownership  of such  Seller  Party's  assets or the
conduct of such Corporate  Seller Party's business require it to be so qualified
or licensed.  MRT has failed to pay taxes in the State of Delaware in connection
with  the  maintenance  of  its  corporate   franchise  (the  "Unpaid   Taxes").
Accordingly,  MRT is not in good standing in the State of Delaware.  Immediately
upon the payment in full of the Unpaid  Taxes,  all of the  representations  and
warranties  with respect to MRT in this Section 3.1 will be true and accurate in
all respects as of the date hereof.

     3.2  Authorization,  etc.  The  execution  and  delivery by Sellers of this
Agreement and the Related Seller Agreements, the performance by Sellers of their
respective obligations hereunder and, except as set forth in Section 3.3, below,
thereunder  and the  consummation  by Sellers of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby  have been duly  authorized  by all  necessary,  shareholder,
board and other corporate action on the part of Sellers.  This Agreement and the
Related Seller Agreements constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of
Sellers,  enforceable  against them in accordance with their  respective  terms,
except insofar as  enforceability  may be limited by  bankruptcy,  moratorium or
other  laws that may affect  creditors'  rights and  remedies  generally  and by
principles of equity  (regardless of whether  enforceability  is considered in a
proceeding in equity or at law).

     3.3 MRT  Shareholder  Approval.  No approval by the  shareholders of MRT is
required for the  consummation  of any or all of the  transactions  contemplated

     3.4 No Breach.  Except as set forth in Schedule  3.4 attached  hereto,  the
execution and delivery by each of the Seller  Parties of this  Agreement and the
Related Seller Agreements to which such Seller Party is a party, the performance
by the Seller Parties of their respective  obligations  hereunder and thereunder
and the  consummation  by the Seller  Parties of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby will not (a)  conflict  with,  result in any  violation of or
constitute  a default  under  their  respective  certificate  of  incorporation,
articles of incorporation,  or memorandum of association, as the case may be, or
articles of association or by-laws,  as the case may be, in each case as amended
to date  (collectively,  "Charter  Documents"),  (b) constitute a default under,
result in a violation or breach of, result in the  cancellation  or  termination
of,  accelerate the performance  required under or result in the creation of any
Encumbrance upon any of the properties of any of the Seller Parties, pursuant to
any contract,  mortgage,  guaranty, deed of trust, note, indenture, bond, lease,
agreement or other  instrument to which any of the Seller  Parties is a party or
by which  any of  their  respective  properties  is  bound  or (c)  result  in a
violation of, or conflict with, any law,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,  order,
writ, judgment, award, edict or decree applicable to any Seller Party.

     3.5  Consents.  Except as set forth in Schedule  3.5  attached  hereto,  no
consent,  approval,  exemption or authorization is required to be obtained from,
no notice is  required  to be given to and no filing is required to be made with
any  third  party   (including,   without   limitation,   any  governmental  and
quasi-governmental  agency,  authority and instrumentality or court of competent
jurisdiction)  by any  Seller  Party,  (a) in order to  authorize  or permit the
consummation  by the Seller  Parties of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement  and the  Related  Seller  Agreements  or (b) under or pursuant to any
governmental or quasi-governmental permits, licenses,  consents,  authorizations
or  approvals  held  by or  issued  to  any  Seller  Party  (including,  without
limitation, environmental, health, safety and operating permits and licenses) by
reason  of  this  Agreement  or any  of the  Related  Seller  Agreements  or the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

     3.6 Tax Matters.

          (a) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.6(a) attached  hereto,  (i) each
     of the Corporate Seller Parties has filed, in a timely manner,  all returns
     required to be filed with all federal,  state,  local and non-United States
     authorities or  instrumentalities  ("Tax  Returns") with respect to any and
     all income,  real and personal property,  excise and other taxes or similar
     charges or assessments  ("Taxes") and all such Tax Returns were correct and
     complete  in all  respects;  (ii) all  Taxes  owed by any of the  Corporate
     Seller  Parties  (whether or not shown on any Tax  Return)  have been paid;
     (iii) none of the Corporate Seller Parties  currently is the beneficiary of
     any  extension of time within  which to file any Tax Return;  (iv) no claim
     has ever  been  made by an  authority  in a  jurisdiction  where any of the
     Corporate  Seller  Parties  does not file Tax Returns  that it is or may be
     subject to  taxation by that  jurisdiction;  and (iv) there are no security
     interests on any of the assets of any of the Corporate  Seller Parties that
     arose in connection with any failure (or alleged failure) to pay a Tax.

          (b)  Except as set forth in  Schedule  3.6(b),  each of the  Corporate
     Seller  Parties  has  withheld  and paid all  Taxes  required  to have been
     withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or owing to any employee,
     independent contractor, creditor, shareholder or other third party.

          (c) No shareholder,  director or officer (or employee  responsible for
     Tax matters) of any of the Seller  Parties  expects any authority to assess
     any additional  Taxes for any period for which Tax Returns have been filed.
     There is no dispute or claim  concerning any liability for any Taxes of any
     of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  either  (i)  claimed  or  raised by any
     authority in writing or (ii) as to which any of the shareholders, directors
     and officers (and employees  responsible  for Tax matters) of the Corporate
     Seller Parties has knowledge based upon personal  contact with any agent of
     such  authority.  Schedule  3.6(c) lists all  federal,  state,  local,  and
     non-United  States  income Tax  Returns  filed  with  respect to any of the
     Corporate Seller Parties for taxable periods ended on or after December 31,
     1993,  indicates  those Tax Returns that have been  audited,  and indicates
     those Tax Returns that  currently  are the subject of audit.  The Corporate
     Seller Parties have  delivered to the Buyer correct and complete  copies of
     all federal  income Tax Returns,  examination  reports,  and  statements of
     deficiencies  assessed  against or agreed to by any of the Corporate Seller
     Parties since December 31, 1993.

          (d) None of the Seller  Parties has waived any statute of  limitations
     in respect of Taxes or agreed to any  extension  of time with  respect to a
     Tax assessment or deficiency.

          (e) The unpaid Taxes of each of the Corporate  Seller Parties (i) does
     not exceed the  reserve  for Tax  Liability  (rather  than any  reserve for
     deferred Taxes established to reflect timing  differences  between book and
     Tax income) set forth on the face of the most recent  balance sheet of such
     Corporate  Seller  Party  (including,  where  applicable,  any such reserve
     reflected in a consolidated  balance sheet with respect to MRT, MRI and ZRI
     (a "Consolidated Reserve")),  which balance sheet for each Corporate Seller
     Party is identified on Schedule  3.6(e)  (rather than in any notes thereto)
     and (ii) do not exceed that reserve,  including a Consolidated  Reserve, as
     adjusted  for the passage of time  through the Closing  Date in  accordance
     with the past custom and practice of the Corporate Seller Parties in filing
     their Tax  Returns.  Each  balance  sheet  attached  as  Exhibit  3.6(e) is
     accurate in all respects.

          (f) Each of the Corporate  Seller Parties has disclosed on its federal
     income tax returns all  positions  taken  therein that could give rise to a
     substantial  understatement  of federal  income  Tax within the  meaning of
     Sections  6662 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended  (the
     "Code").  None  of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  is a  party  to any Tax
     allocation or sharing  agreement.  None of the Corporate Seller Parties (i)
     has been a member of an  affiliated  group  filing a  consolidated  federal
     income Tax Return  (other than a group the common  parent of which was MRT)
     or (ii) has any liability for the Taxes of any individual, entity or person
     (other than any of the Corporate Seller Parties) under Treasury  Regulation
     Section  1.1502-6  (or any similar  provision of state,  local,  or foreign
     law), as a transferee or successor, by contract, or otherwise.

     3.7 Real Property.

          (a) Schedule 1.1(a)  accurately  identifies:  (i) by legal description
     all of the real  property  upon which the  Business  has been  conducted to
     date; (ii) all of the easements, rights of way, covenants, restrictions and
     other  rights and  interests  (including  leases  (the  "Leases")  to third
     parties  ("Tenants")  by Sellers)  that pertain to the Real  Property;  and
     (iii) all suits,  actions,  proceedings,  investigations and written claims
     and all final orders,  judgments and stipulations of any court of competent
     jurisdiction presently outstanding that pertain to the Real Property.

          (b) Except as described on Schedule 3.7(b) attached hereto,  there are
     no (i) pending or threatened condemnation  proceedings relating to the Real
     Property;  (ii)  pending  or,  to  the  knowledge  of  Sellers,  threatened
     litigation or administrative actions relating to the Real Property; or (ii)
     other matters affecting materially and adversely the current use, occupancy
     or value of the Real Property.

          (c) The legal  description set forth in Schedule 1.1(a) describes such
     Real Property  fully and  adequately,  the buildings and  improvements  are
     located within the boundary lines of the described parcels of land, are not
     in violation of applicable setback requirements,  zoning laws or ordinances
     (and none of the  properties  or  buildings  or  improvements  thereon  are
     subject to  "permitted  non-conforming  use" or  "permitted  non-conforming
     structure"  classifications)  and do not encroach on any easement  that may
     burden the land,  the land does not serve any  adjoining  property  for any
     purpose  inconsistent with the use of the land, the property is not located
     within any flood plain or subject to any similar type restriction for which
     any material permits or licenses necessary to the use thereof have not been
     obtained   and  access  to  the   property  is  provided  by  paved  public

          (d) All  facilities  located on the Real  Property  have  received all
     approvals  of  governmental  authorities  (including  licenses and permits)
     required in  connection  with the  ownership or operation  thereof and have
     been operated and maintained in accordance with applicable  laws, rules and

          (e) Other than as described on Schedule  3.7(e),  there are no leases,
     subleases,  licenses,  concessions  or other  agreements,  written or oral,
     granting  to any  party or  parties  the right of use or  occupancy  of any
     portion of the Real Property.

          (f) There are no  outstanding  options  or rights of first  refusal to
     purchase  any of the Real  Property,  or any  portion  thereof or  interest

          (g) Other than ZRI,  there are no parties  in  possession  of the Real

          (h) All  facilities  located on the Real  Property are  supplied  with
     utilities  and  other   services   necessary  for  the  operation  of  such
     facilities,  including gas, electricity,  water, telephone, sanitary sewer,
     and storm sewer,  all of which services are adequate in accordance with all
     applicable  laws,  ordinances,  rules and  regulations and are provided via
     public  roads  or  via  permanent,   irrevocable,   appurtenant   easements
     benefiting the Real Property.

          (i) Each parcel of the Real Property abuts on and has direct vehicular
     access  to a  public  road or  access  to a public  road  via a  permanent,
     irrevocable, appurtenant easement benefiting such parcel of Real Property.

          (j) A  true,  complete  and  accurate  list of all of the  service  or
     management contracts,  equipment, labor or material contracts,  maintenance
     or repair contracts or other agreements (other than the Leases) that are in
     force and effect and affect the Real Property or the  operation,  repair or
     maintenance  thereof, a complete list of such contracts or agreements being
     contained in Schedule  3.7(j)  attached hereto and by this reference made a
     part hereof (the "Service  Contracts").  All Service  Contracts are in full
     force and effect in accordance with their respective terms.

          (k) There is no pending litigation or dispute, and Seller has received
     no notice of any disputes, concerning the location of the lines and corners
     of the Real Property,  and Seller has not been served with any legal action
     concerning the location of the lines and corners of the Real Property.

          (l) To the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge  and  belief,  there  are no
     material  defects in or damage to any  structures on the Real Property (the
     "Building")  or  the  other  improvements  located  on the  Real  Property,
     including,  without limitation,  the roof, the elevators, the structure and
     the heating, air conditioning,  plumbing, electrical,  drainage, fire alarm
     and exhaust systems and their component parts, the Building is structurally
     sound and the operation of the Real Property  complies with all  applicable
     zoning,   environmental   protection,   fire,   electrical,   building  and
     development  codes,  rules and  regulations  (collectively,  the  "Codes").
     Seller is not aware of, and has not  received,  any  notification  from any
     governmental  or public  authority  that the Real  Property  or any portion
     thereof  violates  any of the Codes or that any work is required to be done
     upon or in  connection  with the Real Property or any portion  thereof.  No
     notice or  warning  from any  governmental  authority  with  respect to any
     failure  or alleged  failure of Seller to comply  with any of the Codes has
     been issued or given, or, to the best of Seller's  knowledge and belief, is
     any such notice or warning  proposed or threatened.  The paved parking area
     constructed  on the Real Property  currently  contains  sufficient  parking
     space for automobiles  with respect to all present and foreseeable  persons
     working on, and  visitors  to, the Real  Property  and such spaces meet all
     requirements of any  governmental  authority having  jurisdiction  over the
     Real  Property.  No Tenant and no other party has any  contractual  parking
     rights except as set forth in the Leases. There is no license,  approval or
     permit,  necessary for either the lawful  operation of the Real Property or
     the lawful  occupancy  thereof,  including,  without  limitation,  utility,
     building,  zoning,  subdivision control, land and water use,  environmental
     protection and flood hazard permits,  which has not been obtained,  and all
     required  permits and  licenses  have been paid for,  are in full force and
     effect, and are assignable by Seller at the Closing.

          (m)  Powerscourt  will  have,  at the  Closing,  good,  insurable  and
     marketable  fee simple  title to the Real  Property,  free and clear of all
     liens and  Encumbrances,  other than the Permitted Title Exceptions and the
     rights of tenants under the Leases in possession, as tenants only, and none
     of the Real Property will be subject to any prior  conveyance or assignment
     to, or any superior possessory rights in, any third party.

          (n) Other than as expressly  set forth in this  Agreement or otherwise
     disclosed  in writing to Buyer  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  there are no
     undisclosed  liabilities or agreements  affecting the Real Property (or any
     portion  necessary)  or  Powerscourt,  in its capacity as owner of the Real

          (o) To the best of each of the Seller Parties'  knowledge,  all water,
     sewer,  gas,  electric,  telephone  and  drainage  facilities  and  service
     necessary to  adequately  supply the Real  Property for its present use are
     available  on the Real  Property  and will be  available at the time of the

          (p) None of the Seller Parties has taken any action (or failed to take
     any action) and has received no notice from any insurance carrier or any of
     the  Tenants of any  defects or  inadequacies  in the Real  Property or any
     portion thereof which would adversely  affect the  insurability of the Real
     Property or the cost of such insurance.

          (q) The Real  Property  is not  subject to or  affected by any special
     assessment for public improvements or otherwise, whether or not presently a
     lien upon the Real Property (or any portion necessary).  None of the Seller
     Parties  has  made a  commitment  to any  governmental  authority,  utility
     company,  school  board,  church  or other  religious  body,  homeowner  or
     homeowner's  association  or any other  organization,  group or  individual
     relating to the Real Property  that would impose an obligation  upon any of
     the Seller Parties or its  successors or assigns to make any  contributions
     or dedications  of money or land, or to construct,  install or maintain any
     improvements  of a public or private nature as part of the Real Property or
     upon separate lands. No governmental  authority has imposed any requirement
     that any of the Seller  Parties pay,  directly or  indirectly,  any special
     fees or  contributions  or incur any expenses or  obligations in connection
     with the  development  of the Real Property or any portion  thereof,  other
     than any regular and  nondiscriminatory  local real estate or school  taxes
     assessed  against  the Real  Property.  The  Real  Property  is  separately
     assessed for real property tax assessment purposes and is not combined with
     any other real  property for tax  assessment  purposes.  None of the Seller
     Parties has received a notice of any contemplated or actual reassessment of
     the Real  Property  or any  portion  thereof  for  general  real estate tax
     purposes.  As of the date hereof,  all due and payable taxes,  assessments,
     water charges and sewer charges  affecting the Real Property or any portion
     thereof have been paid.

          (r) The Real  Property  constitutes a separately  subdivided,  legally
     distinct  parcel of land.  Each of the Seller Parties has complied with all
     applicable laws, ordinances,  regulations, statutes, rules and restrictions
     pertaining  to and  affecting  the  Real  Property  which  relate  to  such

          (s) No portion of the Real  Property is located in an area  designated
     as  a  "flood  hazard  area"  in  accordance  with  the  document  entitled
     "Department   of  Housing   and  Urban   Development,   Federal   Insurance
     Administration  - Special  Flood  Hazard Area Maps" or within the  100-year
     flood plain as depicted on the U.S.  Army Corps of Engineers  Geodetic Maps
     of such flood  plain  areas.  No portion  of the Real  Property  is located
     within an environmentally sensitive area (such as wetlands).

          (t) The Real Property is zoned  industrial  under the zoning ordinance
     of Lake County, Indiana and such zoning permits the current use of the Real
     Property. All conditions and contingencies,  of whatever nature, related to
     such zoning have been satisfied.

          (u) There is no default or breach by any of the Seller Parties nor, to
     the best of each of the Seller Parties' knowledge, any other party thereto,
     under any covenants, conditions, restrictions or easements which may affect
     the Real  Property  or any  portion  or  portions  thereof  which are to be
     performed  or  complied  with by the  owner  of the Real  Property,  and no
     condition or  circumstance  exists which,  with the giving of notice or the
     passage of time,  or both,  would  constitute a default or breach by any of
     the  Seller  Parties  nor,  to the  best  of each  of the  Seller  Parties'
     knowledge,  any other party thereto, under any such covenants,  conditions,
     restrictions, rights-of-way or easements.

          (v) All permits,  authorizations and consents required to maintain the
     existing  curb cuts serving the Real Property  have been  obtained,  are in
     full force and effect and are assignable to Buyer. All access driveways and
     walkways  required  in  connection  with  the  full,  complete  and  lawful
     operation  and use of the Real  Property  are located  entirely  within the
     title lines of the Real Property,  and none of such driveways,  walkways or
     other  facilities is subject to any easement or license for the use thereof
     by any  adjacent,  nearby or other  lands or other  Persons,  except as set
     forth in the Permitted Title Exceptions.

     3.8 ZRI  Assets  All of the ZRI  Assets  are in good  operating  condition,
reasonable  wear and tear  excepted,  and the ZRI Assets  constitute  all of the
property  necessary  for the (a)  conduct  of the  Business  and (b)  commercial
exploitation of the Patent Rights.

     3.9  Liens  and  Encumbrances.  Except  for the  Encumbrances  set forth in
Schedule 3.9 attached hereto (the "Liens"), each of Powerscourt (with respect to
the Real  Property),  MRI (with  respect  to the  Patent  Rights)  and ZRI (with
respect to the ZRI Assets) has good and marketable title to the Assets, free and
clear of all Encumbrances:

    3.10 Certain Arrangements

          (a)  Schedule  3.10(a)  sets  forth  a  complete  list  of each of the
     following  to which any of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties is a party or by
     which any of its properties is bound and that presently  remains  executory
     in whole or in any part (collectively, "Commitments"):

               (i) each partnership, joint venture or cost-sharing agreement;

               (ii) each guaranty or suretyship, indemnification or contribution
          agreement or performance bond;

               (iii) each instrument,  agreement, commitment or other obligation
          evidencing or relating to indebtedness of any of the Corporate  Seller
          Parties  or to  money  lent  or to  be  lent  to  another  party  (the
          "Liabilities"),  including,  for  each  Liability,  the  name  of  the
          creditor  or  obligor,  the  nature  of the  obligation  (monetary  or
          otherwise),  the amount of the debt,  where  applicable,  whether such
          debt is overdue or a default otherwise exists with respect thereto and
          a description of any litigation or other adversary proceedings related

               (iv) each contract to purchase or sell real property;

               (v) each agreement or commitment for the acquisition or provision
          of  services,  supplies,  equipment,   inventory,  fixtures  or  other

               (vi) each agreement containing any noncompetition covenant;

               (vii) each  agreement  providing for the purchase from a supplier
          of a particular product or service; and

               (viii) each other  agreement or  commitment  made in the ordinary
          course of business of Corporate Seller Party.

          (b) True,  correct and  complete  copies of all written  items  listed
     above,  and true,  correct and complete  written  descriptions  of all oral
     items listed above,  have  heretofore  been  delivered or made available to

     3.11 Powers of Attorney.  Schedule 3.11 attached  hereto lists the names of
all  persons,  if any,  holding  powers of attorney  from  Sellers and a summary
statement of the terms thereof.

     3.12 Employees.

          (a)  Schedule  3.12(a)  attached  hereto  (a)  lists  the names of all
     employees and  consultants of each of the Corporate  Seller Parties as of a
     date hereof and the rate at which  compensation  is being paid to each such
     person as of the date hereof  (including  the maximum amount of any bonuses
     to which any of such employees may be eligible); (b) describes any proposed
     or agreed to increase  in such rates of  compensation  or bonuses;  and (c)
     describes any existing or proposed oral or written  employment,  consulting
     or similar  agreement  to which any of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties is a

          (b) The Corporate Seller Parties have paid all wages and other amounts
     due to all  employees  of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  through the date

     3.13 Permits; Licenses.  Schedule 3.13(i) attached hereto sets forth all of
the governmental and quasi-governmental consents,  approvals, permits, licenses,
franchises and other  authorizations that are necessary to, or advisable for the
conduct of the Business as presently  conducted by any of the  Corporate  Seller
Parties or as  proposed  to be  conducted  to Buyer  (collectively,  "Permits").
Except as set forth in Schedule 3.13(ii)  attached hereto,  the Corporate Seller
Parties  have  obtained  all of the  Permits.  Except as set  forth in  Schedule
3.13(iii),  all of the Permits are in full force and effect,  and no  violations
exist in  respect  of any  thereof,  and no  proceeding  is  pending  or, to the
knowledge  of any of the  Seller  Parties,  threatened  to  revoke  or limit any
thereof.  All of the Permits are  transferable to Buyer without the need for any
governmental approvals or consents.

     3.14 Patent Rights.

          (a) Exhibits  1.1(b)(i) and 1.1(b)(ii) set forth accurate and complete
     descriptions of the Patent and the Patent Application, respectively. MRI is
     the sole and exclusive owner of all of the Patent Rights and no other party
     has any interest in any of the Patent Rights.

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  3.14(b)(i)  attached hereto, none
     of the Patent Rights is subject to any pending or  threatened  challenge or
     reversion,  and the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this
     Agreement  shall not result in any change in the terms or provisions of the
     Patent  or the  Patent  Application  or create  any  right of  termination,
     cancellation  or  reversion  with  respect  thereto  anywhere in the world.
     Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  3.14(b)(ii),  MRI  has  not  licensed,
     sublicensed,  assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed any of the Patent
     Rights, or any right,  title or interest therein,  to any person or entity.
     MRI has  exercised  quality  control  with  respect  to the  Patent  Rights
     licensed by MRI to the extent  necessary  to preserve  the  validity of the
     Patent Rights.  To the best of knowledge of each of the Seller Parties,  no
     person is infringing or otherwise  acting  adversely  with respect to MRI's
     rights under or in respect of any of the Patent Rights.

          (c) None of the Seller Parties has infringed on any proprietary right,
     trademark, trade name, service mark or copyright of others, and there is no
     claim for damages or any proceeding  pending,  or threatened against any of
     the Seller Parties with respect thereto.

          (d) Each of the Patent and the Patent Application and any other United
     States   applications   (including   divisional,   continuing   or  reissue
     applications)  based  in  whole  or  in  part  on  the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  any foreign  applications,  including  those under the Patent
     Cooperation  Treaty,  based in whole or in part on the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  and any and all patents (including extensions thereof) of any
     country  which have been or may be granted based in whole or in part on the
     Patent and Patent  Application is currently in compliance with formal legal
     requirements  (including  payment of filing,  examination,  and maintenance
     fees and proofs of working or use),  is valid and  enforceable,  and is not
     subject to any  maintenance  fees or taxes or other  assessments or actions
     falling due within ninety days after the Closing Date.

          (e) Neither the Patent nor the Patent Application nor any other United
     States   applications   (including   divisional,   continuing   or  reissue
     applications)  based  in  whole  or  in  part  on  the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  any foreign  applications,  including  those under the Patent
     Cooperation  Treaty,  based in whole or in part on the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  and any and all patents (including extensions thereof) of any
     country  which have been or may be granted based in whole or in part on the
     Patent  and  Patent  Application  has  been  or  is  now  involved  in  any
     interference,  reissue, reexamination or opposition proceeding. There is no
     patent or patent  application of any party potentially  interfering with or
     infringing on the Patent.

          (f) Neither the Patent nor the Patent Application nor any other United
     States   applications   (including   divisional,   continuing   or  reissue
     applications)  based  in  whole  or  in  part  on  the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  any foreign  applications,  including  those under the Patent
     Cooperation  Treaty,  based in whole or in part on the  Patent  and  Patent
     Application,  and any and all patents (including extensions thereof) of any
     country  which have been or may be granted based in whole or in part on the
     Patent and Patent  Application  is  infringed  or, to the  knowledge of any
     Seller  Party,  has been  challenged  or threatened in any way. None of the
     products  manufactured or to be manufactured in accordance with any process
     or know-how used or to be used, based on the Patent Rights, infringes or is
     alleged to infringe or would infringe any patent or other proprietary right
     of any other entity or person.

          (g) All products made, used, or sold under the Patent have been marked
     with the proper patent notice.

          (h) The  Patent  Rights  comprise  the  entirety  of the  intellectual
     property rights held by the Seller Parties.

     3.15 Labor  Matters.  Except as  described  in  Schedule  3.15(i)  attached
hereto, there are no collective  bargaining  agreements or other agreements with
labor  unions  or  associations  representing  employees  to  which  any  of the
Corporate  Seller Parties is a party.  Except as set forth in Schedule  3.15(ii)
attached  hereto,  there  have  been  no  strikes,  slowdowns,  picketing,  work
stoppages,  labor troubles or unrest or other similar events in which  employees
of any of the Corporate Seller Parties have participated.

     3.16 Employee Benefits.

          (a) None of the Corporate Seller Parties has ever had any (i) pension,
     profit sharing,  stock bonus,  deferred  compensation,  retirement or other
     "employee  pension  benefit plans," as that term is defined in Section 3(2)
     of the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974,  as  amended
     ("ERISA") (the "Pension Plans"), including, without limitation, those plans
     that have been  terminated  or with  respect to which an  application  with
     respect to  termination is presently  pending  before the Internal  Revenue
     Service or the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, that are maintained or
     to which contributions have been made by the Corporate Seller Parties; (ii)
     "employee welfare benefit plans" as that term is defined in Section 3(1) of
     ERISA,  whether insured or otherwise,  maintained or to which contributions
     have been made by a Corporate  Seller Party (the "Welfare  Benefit Plans");
     (iii) multiemployer plans within the meaning of Section 3(37) of ERISA (the
     "Multiemployer  Plans") to which a Corporate Seller Party  contributes;  or
     (iv) any other employee  benefit plans,  that have ever been subject to any
     of the provisions of ERISA  arrangements or other similar program,  whether
     or not formally  designated as a plan (all of such plans shall  hereinafter
     be referred to collectively as "Benefit Plans").

          (b)  None  of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  has  any  liability  or
     potential liability with respect to any Multiemployer Plan, with respect to
     any plan of the type described in Section 4063 and 4064 of ERISA.

          (c) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.16(c)  attached hereto,  none of
     the Corporate  Seller  Parties has  maintained,  contributed  to or had any
     liability or potential  liability with respect to any employee benefit plan
     (whether or not terminated) that provides health, life insurance,  accident
     or other  "welfare-type"  benefits to former  employees,  their  spouses or
     dependents  (except for medical benefit  continuation  coverage required in
     accordance  with Section 4980B of the Code).  The Corporate  Seller Parties
     have complied with the requirements of Section 4980B of the Code.

     3.17  Business  Operations;  Changes.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.17
attached  hereto,  the  description  of the Business  described  under  "Current
Operations"  in the annual  report on Form 10-K for MRT for fiscal  year 1997 (a
copy of which is  attached  hereto as Exhibit  3.17)  accurately  describes  the
Business as of the date hereof.

     3.18  Compliance  with Laws.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.18 attached
hereto,  none  of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  are in  default  under  or in
violation of any federal,  state,  local or  non-United  States law,  ordinance,
regulation or rule or any judgment,  writ, order,  award, edict or decree of any
court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or any  governmental  or  quasi-governmental
agency, authority or instrumentality of competent jurisdiction.

     3.19 Except as described in Schedule  3.19  attached  hereto,  there are no
outstanding suits, actions, proceedings, investigations, audits, claims, orders,
judgments, writs or awards presently pending or, to the best of the knowledge of
any of the Seller Parties,  threatened  against any of the Seller Parties or any
of the Assets (collectively,  "Litigation") and, to the best of the knowledge of
any of the Seller Parties, there is no basis for any such Litigation.  There are
no final orders,  judgments,  writs or decrees presently outstanding against the
Seller Parties, the Assets or with respect to the Business.

     3.20 Insurance. All policies of insurance of any kind maintained,  owned or
held by the  Corporate  Seller  Parties are set forth in Schedule  3.20 attached
hereto and such policies are in full force and effect, all premiums with respect
thereto  covering  all periods up to and  including  the Closing  Date have been
paid,  and no notice of  cancellation  or  termination  has been  received  with
respect to any such policy that has not been replaced on  substantially  similar
terms  prior to the date of such  cancellation  or  termination.  The  insurance
policies to which any of the Corporate Seller Parties are a party are sufficient
for compliance  with all  requirements  of applicable laws and all agreements to
which such Corporate  Seller Party is a party or by which such Corporate  Seller
Party is bound and the  coverages  provided by said  policies are  sufficient to
cover all risks insured against.

     3.21 Full Disclosure.  Neither this Agreement nor any of the Related Seller
Agreements,  or any agreement,  document,  instrument,  certificate or statement
made  or  furnished  to  Buyer  in  connection   with  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  contains any untrue  statement of a material
fact or omits the statement of a material fact required to be stated in order to
make the statements contained herein and therein not misleading.

     3.22  Brokers.  All  negotiations   relative  to  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions contemplated hereby have been carried on by the Seller Parties with
Buyer and without the intervention of any other person and in such manner as not
to give rise to any valid claim against  Buyer for any finder's  fee,  brokerage
commission or like payment.

     3.23 Investment.  Sellers  acknowledge that the Buyer Shares have not been,
and will not be,  registered  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities Act"), or under any state securities laws, and are being offered and
sold in  reliance  upon  federal  and  state  exemptions  for  transactions  not
involving any public offering. Sellers are acquiring the Buyer Shares solely for
their own respective  accounts for investment  purposes,  and not with a view to
the distribution thereof.  Sellers have received certain information  concerning
Buyer and have had the opportunity to obtain  additional  information as desired
in order to evaluate  the merits and risks  inherent in holding the Buyer Shares
and are able to bear the economic risk and lack of liquidity inherent in holding
the Buyer Shares.

     3.24 No Violation on Transfer.  The sale and purchase and related  transfer
of the Assets,  including,  but not limited to, the Patent  Rights,  pursuant to
this Agreement will not violate any United States federal, state or local or any
non-United States law or regulation or order of any court or other  governmental
or  quasi-governmental  authority  (collectively,  "Laws"),  including,  but not
limited to, any Laws  relating to  restrictions  on the transfer of  inventions,
technologies or processes from owners resident or domiciled in the United States
("U.S. Owners") to non-U.S. Owners.

     3.25 The Assets.  The Assets contain all of the assets and rights,  whether
tangible or  intangible,  necessary to and used by the Sellers in the conduct of
the Business.

     3.26  None of the  Seller  Parties  has  made,  offered  or agreed to offer
anything of value to any governmental official, political party or candidate for
government  office that would cause the Seller  Party to be in  violation of the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 or any Law.

     3.27 Subsidiaries.  Schedule 3.27 sets forth the name, form of organization
and  jurisdiction  of  organization of each parent and subsidiary of each of the
Corporate  Seller  Parties as well as the  identity  of the owners of the equity
interests thereof (other than with respect to MRT).

     3.28 Accounts  Payable/Receivable.  Schedule 3.28 sets forth a list of each
account payable and each account  receivable due and owing to or by, as the case
may be, any of the Corporate  Seller  Parties,  including for each account,  the
name of the party that the account is with, the amount of money due or owing and
whether such account is overdue.  None of the Corporate  Seller  Parties has any
accounts receivable.

     3.29  Necessary  Future  Expenditures.  Schedule 3.29 attached  hereto sets
forth a complete  and  accurate  listing of all the  expenditures  necessary  to
enable the Business to fully exploit the Patent Rights in the United States.


     4.1 Access and Cooperation: Due Diligence; Consents

          (a) From the date  hereof  and  until the  Closing  Date,  the  Seller
     Parties shall (i) afford to the  representatives of Buyer reasonable access
     to all the key employees,  sites, properties,  books and records of each of
     the  Corporate  Seller  Parties,  (ii) provide  Buyer with such  additional
     financial and operating data and other information relating to the business
     and  properties of each of the Corporate  Seller  Parties as Buyer may from
     time to time  reasonably  request  and (iii)  cooperate  with Buyer and its
     representatives  in the preparation of any documents or other material that
     may be required in  connection  with this  Agreement  or any of the Related
     Seller Agreements.

          (b) Each of the Corporate  Seller  Parties will use their best efforts
     to secure, as soon as practicable  after the date hereof,  all approvals or
     consents of any other party,  person or entity,  as the case may be, as may
     be necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     4.2 Conduct of Business Pending the Closing Date

          (a) From the date hereof and until the Closing,  each of the Corporate
     Seller Parties shall:

               (i) carry on its businesses in  substantially  the same manner as
          it has  heretofore  and not  introduce  any  material  new  method  of
          management, operation or accounting;

               (ii) maintain its properties and facilities, including those held
          under  leases,  in as good working  order and condition as at present,
          ordinary wear and tear excepted;

               (iii) perform all its obligations under agreements relating to or
          affecting its assets, properties and other rights;

               (iv) keep in full force and effect without  interruption  all its
          present insurance policies or other comparable insurance coverage;

               (v)  use  reasonable  commercial  efforts  to  (i)  maintain  and
          preserve its  business  organization  intact,  (ii) retain its present
          employees  and  (iii)  maintain  its  relationships   with  suppliers,
          customers and others having business relations with it;

               (vi) comply with all Laws; and

               (vii)  except  as  required  or   expressly   permitted  by  this
          Agreement,  maintain the  instruments  and  agreements  governing  its
          outstanding  Liabilities  on their  present terms and not incur new or
          amended Liabilities, without the prior written consent of Buyer (which
          consent will not be unreasonably withheld).

          (b)  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  4.2(b),  notwithstanding  the
     foregoing,  from the date hereof and until the  Closing,  without the prior
     written consent of Buyers, none of the Corporate Seller Parties shall:

               (i) make any change in its Charter Documents;

               (ii)  issue any of its  shares or issue or  otherwise  create any
          options, warrants or rights to acquire any of its shares;

               (iii) enter into any agreement or commitment or incur or agree to
          incur  any  liability  or make  any  capital  or  other  expenditures,
          including,  but not limited to, making any deposits or other  payments
          with respect to any machinery or other equipment;  provided,  however,
          that  the  Corporate   Seller  Parties  may  pay  wages  to  employees
          consistent with practice as of the date hereof;

               (iv)   increase  or  commit  or  promise  to  increase  the  cash
          compensation  payable or to become  payable to any officer,  director,
          stockholder,  employee or agent,  consultant or independent contractor
          of any of the Corporate Seller Parties or make any discretionary bonus
          or management fee payment to any such person, except bonuses or salary
          increases to employees at the times and in the amounts consistent with
          its past practice;

               (v)  create,  assume or  permit  to be  created  or  imposed  any
          Encumbrance upon any of its assets or properties, whether now owned or
          hereafter acquired;

               (vi) sell, assign,  lease or otherwise transfer or dispose of any
          of its owned or leased  property or equipment  otherwise than pursuant
          hereto in the ordinary  course of its business and consistent with its
          past practice;

               (vii) merge,  consolidate  or effect a share  exchange  with,  or
          agree to merge, consolidate or effect a share exchange with, any other

               (viii) waive any of its material rights or claims,  provided that
          it may negotiate and adjust bills in the course of good faith disputes
          with parties  with which it has an  agreement  in a manner  consistent
          with past practice;

               (ix)  commit a  material  breach  of or amend  or  terminate  any
          agreement to which it may be a party; or

               (x) enter into any other  transaction that is not in the ordinary
          course of its business and  consistent  with its past practice or that
          is prohibited hereby.

     4.3 Transfer of Patent, etc. Promptly after the execution hereof, Buyer, on
the one hand, and Lucas and MRI, on the other, shall take all steps necessary to
effect the transfer to Buyer of all  registrations and applications with respect
to the Patent Rights.

     4.4  Wages.  Except as set forth in  Schedule  4.4,  the  Corporate  Seller
Parties  have  paid all  wages and other  amounts  due to all  employees  of the
Corporate Seller Parties through the Closing Date.

     4.5  Notice to Buyer.  Each of the Seller  Parties  shall  provide  written
notice to Buyer  immediately  upon  learning of any (a)  damage,  theft or other
activity or occurrence that adversely affects any of the Assets, (b) malfunction
in any of the Assets,  and (c) activity or occurrence  that results in, or could
reasonably  be expected to be result in, a breach of any of the  representations
and warranties set forth in Article 3 above.

     4.6 Resolution of Litigation. Lucas and MRT shall use their best efforts to
effect  settlements  of the  class  action  litigation  pending  against  MRT in
Delaware and Texas.


The  obligation of Buyer to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement shall be subject to the fulfillment,  prior to or at Closing,  of each
of the following  conditions  (any or all of which may be waived by Buyer in its
sole discretion):

          (a) Each of the  representations  and warranties of the Seller Parties
     set forth in Article 3 hereof shall be true and correct as of the Closing;

          (b) The Seller  Parties  shall have  performed  and complied  with all
     covenants,  obligations and undertakings required by this Agreement and the
     Related  Seller  Agreements to be performed and complied with by the Seller
     Parties on or prior to the Closing;

          (c) No action,  suit or  proceeding  shall be  pending  or  threatened
     before any court or quasi-judicial or administrative agency of any federal,
     state,  local or  non-United  States  jurisdiction  that seeks to restrain,
     enjoin or otherwise prevent  consummation of the transactions  contemplated
     by this  Agreement,  and no  judgment,  order or  decree  shall  have  been
     rendered  that  has  the  effect  of  enjoining  the  consummation  of  the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (d) ZRI shall have executed and delivered the bill of sale in the form
     of Exhibit 1.1(c) attached hereto;

          (e) MRI  shall  have  executed  and  delivered  to  Buyer  the  Patent
     Assignments  and all required  actions to effect the transfer of the Patent
     Rights to Buyer and to effect the  registration  of such  transfer with all
     appropriate   governmental   authorities  shall  have  been  taken  to  the
     reasonable satisfaction of counsel to Buyer;

          (f) Each of the  Corporate  Seller  Parties  shall have  executed  and
     delivered a certificate in a form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer executed
     by an authorized  officer of the Corporate  Seller Party,  certifying as to
     (i) the  fulfillment of the conditions  specified in Articles 5(a) and 5(b)
     hereof, and (ii) other matters customary for transactions of this nature;

          (g) MRT shall have delivered an opinion of Richards,  Layton & Finger,
     P.A., special counsel to MRT, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
     to counsel for Buyer (i) with respect to the representations and warranties
     with respect to MRT in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, above;  and (ii) that approval
     of the  shareholders of MRT is not required for MRT, MRI and ZRI to execute
     and deliver this  Agreement and Related  Seller  Agreements,  perform their
     respective   obligations   hereunder  and  thereunder  and  consummate  the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby;

          (h)  Powerscourt  shall  have  delivered  a  certificate  in form  and
     substance reasonably  satisfactory to counsel for Buyer with respect to the
     representations and warranties of Powerscourt in Sections 3.1 and 3.2;

          (i) MRI shall have  delivered an opinion of MRI's  counsel in form and
     substance   reasonably   satisfactory   to  Buyer   with   respect  to  the
     representations and warranties of MRI in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, above;

          (j) ZRI shall have  delivered an opinion of ZRI's  counsel in form and
     substance   reasonably   satisfactory   to  Buyer,   with  respect  to  the
     representations and warranties of ZRI in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, above;

          (k) The Seller  Parties shall have  procured the third party  consents
     listed on Schedule 3.5;

          (l) Powerscourt shall have (i) delivered to Buyer a deed and all other
     documents reasonably requested by Buyer to effectuate the sale and transfer
     of  the  Real  Property  from  Powerscourt  to  Buyer  free  and  clear  of
     Encumbrances,  subject only to the Permitted Title Exceptions,  in form and
     substance  reasonably  satisfactory to counsel to Buyer,  and (ii) paid all
     taxes,  charges,  and other fees required in connection  with such sale and

          (m) The Seller Parties shall have delivered to Buyer evidence that all
     contracts,  books,  records  and other data  relating to the Assets and the
     business to be operated  therewith  that have been since January 1, 1998 in
     the possession or control of any of the Sellers, including, but not limited
     to, all documents relating to the operation,  maintenance and repair of any
     of the ZRI Assets are located and available for inspection in the principal
     office located on the Real Property;

          (n) Sellers  shall have  delivered  to Buyer  instruments  in form and
     substance  reasonably  satisfactory to the Buyer evidencing the termination
     and release of each of the Liens;

          (o) Sellers  shall have  delivered to Buyer  certified  minutes of the
     board of  directors of ZRI and MRI  authorizing  the ZRI and MRI to execute
     and deliver this Agreement and Related Seller Agreements (reflecting, among
     other things,  the value of the Assets being  transferred  pursuant to this
     Agreement  by  each  Seller);   perform  the  ZRI's  and  MRI's  respective
     obligations  hereunder  and  thereunder  and  consummate  the  transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby;

          (p) Sellers shall have delivered such other executed and  acknowledged
     instruments,  certificates  and documents as Buyer or Buyer's counsel shall
     reasonably request;

          (q) The  Seller  Parties  shall  have  taken  all  actions  reasonably
     requested by Buyer to comply with the Foreign  Investment  in Real Property
     Tax Act ("FIRPTA")  with respect to the Real Property,  including,  but not
     limited to,  obtaining and  delivering  to Buyer a  "qualifying  statement"
     pursuant to section 1445(b)(4)(B) of the Code;

          (r)  Buyer  shall  have   entered  into  an   arrangement   reasonably
     satisfactory  to Buyer providing for the employment by Buyer of Leon Lohman
     in connection with Buyer's use of the Assets;

          (s) Powerscourt, at Buyer's sole cost and expense, shall, within three
     (3) days of the date hereof,  cause  Lawyers Title  Insurance  Company (the
     "Title  Insurer")  to  deliver  to Buyer  its title  insurance  commitment,
     including   copies  of  all   exceptions  to  title   referred  to  therein
     (collectively,  the  "Title  Commitment"),  showing  good,  marketable  and
     insurable  title to the Real Property to be vested in Seller and committing
     to insure such title in Buyer by the issuance of Title  Insurer's ALTA Form
     B-1970 extended coverage owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of
     five hundred  thousand  dollars (U.S.  $500,000) which meets the reasonable
     requirements  of counsel to Buyer.  Buyer shall have until the tenth (10th)
     day from the date hereof (the "Inspection  Date") by which to examine title
     to  the  Real  Property,  and to  give  written  notice  to  Seller  of any
     objections which Buyer may have.


The obligation of Sellers to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement shall be subject to the  fulfillment,  prior to or at the Closing,  of
each of the following  conditions  (any or all of which may be waived by Sellers
in their sole discretion):

          (a) Each of the  representations  and warranties of Buyer set forth in
     Article 2, above, hereof shall be true and correct as of the Closing;

          (b) Buyer  shall  have  performed  and  complied  with all  covenants,
     obligations and undertakings required by this Agreement to be performed and
     complied with by Buyer prior to the Closing;

          (c) No action,  suit or  proceeding  shall be  pending  or  threatened
     before any court or quasi-judicial or administrative agency of any federal,
     state,  local or foreign  jurisdiction  that seeks to  restrain,  enjoin or
     otherwise  prevent  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this
     Agreement,  and no judgment,  order or decree shall have been rendered that
     has  the  effect  of  enjoining  the   consummation  of  the   transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement;

          (d) Buyer  shall  deliver to Young  pursuant  to Section  1.7,  above,
     certificates  representing  the  Buyer  Shares  required  to  be  delivered
     pursuant to Section 1.2, above, that contain a legend  substantially in the
     following form:

               The  shares   represented  by  this  certificate  have  not  been
               registered  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or the
               securities  laws of any  state.  Such  shares  may not be sold or
               transferred in the absence of such  registration or an opinion of
               counsel  satisfactory to the issuer that such registration is not
               required by said act or state laws.

          (e) Buyer shall have executed and  delivered a  certificate  in a form
     reasonably  satisfactory  to Seller  executed by an  authorized  officer of
     Buyer,  certifying as to (i) the fulfillment of the conditions specified in
     Articles  6(a) and  6(b)  hereof  and  (ii)  other  matters  customary  for
     transactions of this nature;

          (f) Buyer shall have  delivered  to Sellers  certified  minutes of the
     board of directors of Buyer  authorizing  Buyer to execute and deliver this
     Agreement,  perform Buyer's respective obligations hereunder and thereunder
     and consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; and

          (g) Buyer shall have  delivered  to Sellers  such other  executed  and
     acknowledged instruments,  certificates and documents as any of the Sellers
     or its counsel shall reasonably request.


     7.1 Lucas  Obligations.  Lucas shall cooperate with Buyer, and share all of
his knowledge  regarding the Assets, in order to enable Buyer to (i) operate the
ZRI equipment  properly and with maximum  efficiency  and (ii) fully exploit the
Patent Rights.

     7.2 MRT  Reinstatement.  Lucas and MRT shall take all actions  necessary to
reinstate  the good  standing  status of MRT in Delaware  and Indiana  forthwith
after funds are made available to MRT by Buyer Pursuant to Section 1.2(b), above
(the "Reinstatement").

     7.3 Resolution of Litigation. Lucas and MRT shall use their best efforts to
effect  settlements  of the  class  action  litigation  pending  against  MRT in
Delaware and Texas.

     7.4 MRT Board Action. Promptly after the Reinstatement, MRT shall convene a
meeting of its board of directors for the purpose of ratifying the execution and
delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the  Related   Seller   Agreements  and  the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby.  Lucas shall
use his best efforts to cause the board of  directors  to approve the  aforesaid

     7.5 MRI  Reinstatement.  Lucas and MRI shall take all actions  necessary to
reinstate the good standing  status of MRI in Indiana  forthwith after funds are
made available to MRI by Buyer Pursuant to Section 1.2(b).


     8.1  Non-Competition.  Each of the Seller Parties covenants and agrees that
for a period of three (3) years  following  the Closing  Date,  no Seller  Party
shall,  in any  portion  of the United  States,  Canada or the  European  Union,
engage, directly or indirectly,  whether as principal, agent, officer, director,
employer,  employee,  consultant,  partner,  shareholder  of any  person,  firm,
corporation or other entity or group or otherwise,  alone or in association with
any other person firm,  corporation  or other entity or group,  in any Competing
Business.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "Competing  Business" shall
mean any person, firm, corporation or other entity or group that offers or sells
or attempts  to offer or sell any  product or services  that are the same as, or
similar to, or otherwise  competes with the products or services offered or sold
by the Buyer or any of its  affiliates,  successors or assigns.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  a Seller Party is not precluded  from (i)  maintaining a passive
investment  in publicly  held  entities  provided that the Seller Party does not
have more than a five  percent (5%)  beneficial  ownership in any such entity or
(ii) serving as an officer or director of any entity, the majority of the voting
securities of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Buyer.

     8.2.  Non-Solicitation  of  Customers  and  Suppliers.  Each of the  Seller
Parties  agrees that no Seller Party  shall,  as a  principal,  agent,  officer,
director, employer, employee,  consultant, partner or shareholder of any person,
firm, corporation or other entity or group, or in any individual  representative
capacity whatsoever or otherwise, directly or indirectly,  solicit the trade of,
or trade with,  any customer,  prospective  customer,  supplier,  or prospective
supplier  of Buyer  or any of its  affiliates,  successors  or  assigns  for any
purpose other than for the benefit of Buyer.  The Seller  Parties  further agree
that for three (3) years  following  the Closing  Date for any reason,  a Seller
Party shall not,  directly or  indirectly,  solicit the trade of, or trade with,
any customers or suppliers,  or prospective customers or suppliers,  of Buyer or
any of its  affiliates,  successors or assigns.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
Seller  Parties are not precluded from (i)  maintaining a passive  investment in
publicly held entities  provided that the Seller Party does not have more than a
five percent (5%) beneficial  ownership in any such entity or (ii) serving as an
officer or director  of any entity,  the  majority of the voting  securities  of
which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Buyer.

     8.3  Non-Solicitation of Employees,  Etc. Each of the Seller Parties agrees
that following the Closing Date for a period of three (3) years, no Seller Party
shall, as a principal, agent, employee, employer, consultant, officer, director,
shareholder or partner of any person, firm, corporation or other entity or group
or in any individual  representative capacity whatsoever or otherwise,  directly
or  indirectly,  without the prior express  written  consent of Buyer  approach,
counsel  or  attempt  to induce any person who is then in the employ of, or then
serving as independent  contractor  with,  Buyer or any affiliate,  successor or
assign thereof to leave the employ of, or terminate such independent  contractor
relationship  with,  Buyer or such  affiliate,  successor or assign or employ or
attempt  to  employ  any such  person  or  persons  who at any time  during  the
preceding  six (6) months was in the  employ  of,  Buyer or any such  affiliate,
successor or assign.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Seller Parties are not
precluded  from (i)  maintaining a passive  investment in publicly held entities
provided  that the  Seller  Party  does not have more than a five  percent  (5%)
beneficial  ownership  in any such  entity  or (ii)  serving  as an  officer  or
director of any entity,  the majority of the voting securities of which is owed,
directly or indirectly, by Buyer.

     8.4. Non-Disclosure of Confidential  Information.  Each Seller Party agrees
to hold and safeguard all confidential information with respect to the Business,
the Patent Rights and Buyer ("Confidential Information") in trust for Buyer, its
successors  and assigns and agrees that the Seller Party shall not,  without the
prior written consent of Buyer,  misappropriate or disclose or make available to
anyone for use outside Buyer's organization at any time, any of the Confidential
Information, whether or not developed by the Seller Party, except as required in
the performance of a Seller Party's duties to Buyer.

     8.5.  Damages.  Because of the difficulty of measuring  economic  losses to
Buyer as a result of any breach by a Seller  Party of its  covenants in Sections
8.1,  8.2, 8.3 and 8.4,  above,  and because of the  immediate  and  irreparable
damage  that could be caused to Buyer for which it would have no other  adequate
remedy, in the event of any such breach, each Seller Party agrees that Buyer may
enforce the provisions of this Article 8 by injunctions and  restraining  orders
against that Seller Party if it breaches any of those provisions.

     8.6. Reasonable  Restraint.  The Parties each agree that Sections 8.1, 8.2,
8.3 and 8.4 impose a reasonable  restraint on the Seller Parties in light of the
activities  and  business of Buyer on the date  hereof and the current  business
plans of Buyer.

     8.7  Severability;  Reformation.  The  covenants  in  this  Article  8  are
severable and separate,  and the  unenforceability  of any specific  covenant in
this  Article  8 is not  intended  by any  Party,  and  shall  not,  affect  the
provisions  of any other  covenant in this  Article 8. If any court of competent
jurisdiction  shall determine that the scope,  time or territorial  restrictions
set forth in Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 are  unreasonable  as applied to any
Seller Party, the Parties, including that Seller Party, acknowledge their mutual
intention  and  agreement  that those  restrictions  be  enforced to the fullest
extent the court deems reasonable,  and thereby shall be reformed to that extent
as applied to that Seller Party and any other Seller Party similarly situated.

     8.8. Independent Covenant. All the covenants in this Article 8 are intended
by each Party, and shall, be construed as an agreement  independent of any other
provision in this  Agreement,  and the existence of any claim or cause of action
of any Seller Party  against  Buyer,  whether  predicated  on this  Agreement or
otherwise,  shall not  constitute a defense to the  enforcement  by Buyer of any
covenant in this Article 8. It is specifically  agreed that the period specified
in Sections  8.1,  8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 shall be computed in the case of each Seller
Party by excluding from that computation any time during which that Seller Party
is in  violation  of any  provision  of  Sections  8.1,  8.2,  8.3 and 8.4.  The
covenants contained in this Article 8 shall not be affected by any breach of any
other provision hereof by any Party.

     8.9.  Materiality.  Buyer and each Seller Party,  severally and not jointly
with any other  person,  hereby  agree  that this  Article 8 is a  material  and
substantial part of the transactions contemplated hereby.


Sellers  shall be  responsible  for all  income,  gain,  sales,  use,  transfer,
conveyance,  excise,  documentary and other governmental taxes, duties, charges,
fees, imposts and assessments,  and all interest and penalties thereon,  imposed
at any time by any taxing  authority with respect to this  Agreement,  the sale,
assignment  or delivery of the Assets or the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  or  the  Related  Seller  Agreements  (the  "Transactional


     10.1  Survival  of  Representations  of  Buyer.  The   representations  and
warranties set forth in Article 2, above, or certificate or instrument delivered
by or on behalf of Buyer,  shall  survive  the Closing for a period of three (3)
years.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Sellers shall
have the right to commence a suit,  action or proceeding after the expiration of
such three-year period with respect to claims arising out of or relating to such
representations  and  warranties  that  shall have been  asserted  in writing by
Sellers before the expiration of such three-year period.

     10.2  Survival  of  Representations   of  Sellers  and  Shareholders.   The
representations  and warranties of Sellers set forth in Article 3, above, and in
any Related Seller  Agreement or  certificate  or instrument  delivered by or on
behalf of  Sellers,  shall  survive the Closing for a period of three (3) years.
Notwithstanding  anything contained herein to the contrary, Buyer shall have the
right to commence a suit,  action or  proceeding  after the  expiration  of such
three-year  period  with  respect to claims  arising  out of or relating to such
representations and warranties that shall have been asserted in writing by Buyer
before the expiration of such three-year period.

     10.3  Indemnification  by the Seller  Parties.  Each of the Seller Parties,
jointly and severally (collectively, the "Seller Indemnitors" and, together with
Buyer as an indemnitor under Section 10.4 below, each an  "Indemnitor"),  agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless  Buyer and each of Buyer's  officers,  directors,
shareholders  (other than MRT),  employees,  agents and attorneys (each a "Buyer
Indemnified  Party"),   against  any  losses,  claims,   damages,   liabilities,
penalties, actions, proceedings or judgments (collectively, "Losses") to which a
Buyer  Indemnified Party may become subject related to or arising out of (a) any
breach by any of the Seller Parties;  of any covenant or agreement  contained in
this Agreement or in any of the Related Seller Agreements; (b) any breach by any
of the Seller Parties of any of the warranties or  representations  set forth in
Article 3, above,  or in any of the Related  Seller  Agreements;  (c) any of the
Transactional  Taxes;  or (d) any of the  Liabilities and will reimburse a Buyer
Indemnified  Party  for all  legal  and  other  expenses,  including  reasonable
attorneys'  fees incurred by such Buyer  Indemnified  Party in  connection  with
investigating,  defending or settling any Loss whether or not in connection with
pending or  threatened  litigation  in which such Buyer  Indemnified  Party is a
party. Any reference to an "Indemnitor" in the singular in this Article 10 shall
not be deemed to limit in any way the joint and several liability of each of the
Seller Indemnitors.

     10.4  Indemnification by Buyer. Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
each Seller and each of Seller's officers, directors,  shareholders,  employees,
agents and attorneys (each a "Seller  Indemnified  Party" and, together with the
Buyer  Indemnified  Parties,   collectively,   the  "Indemnified  Parties"  and,
individually,  an "Indemnified  Party"),  against any Losses,  to which a Seller
Indemnified  Party may become subject related to or arising out of any breach by
Buyer of any of the  representations  and  warranties  contained  in  Article 2,
above,  and will  reimburse  Seller  Indemnified  Party  for all legal and other
expenses,   including  reasonable   attorneys'  fees  incurred  by  such  Seller
Indemnified  Party in connection with  investigating,  defending or settling any
Loss whether or not in connection with pending or threatened litigation in which
such Indemnified Party is a party.

     10.5 Notice.  Upon obtaining  knowledge thereof, an Indemnified Party shall
promptly give each  Indemnitor  written notice of any Loss that the  Indemnified
Party  has  determined  has  given,   or  could  give,   rise  to  a  claim  for
indemnification  hereunder (a "Notice of Claim");  provided,  however, that, any
delay in  giving  such  notice  shall  not  excuse  an  Indemnitor  unless  such
Indemnitor  is  materially  prejudiced  by such  delay.  A Notice of Claim shall
specify in reasonable detail the nature and all known particulars related to the
Loss for which  indemnification is sought under this Article 10. Each Indemnitor
shall commence to perform its obligations in respect of all Losses  described in
a Notice of Claim  within  fifteen  (15) days after the giving of such Notice of
Claim.  Each  Indemnitor  shall keep an Indemnified  Party informed on a regular
basis of material matters relating to proceedings for which  indemnification  is
being provided under this Article 10.

     10.6  Procedure.  An  Indemnified  Party shall have the right,  but not the
obligation,  to control the defense of any pending or  threatened  litigation or
investigation pertaining to any Losses or potential Losses and shall be entitled
to receive  reimbursement  of  expenses  on a monthly  basis  prior to any final
determination of any  investigation or litigation  within thirty (30) days after
giving notice in reasonable  detail of the expenses  incurred.  The  Indemnified
Party, if it chooses not to control such defense,  shall have the right, but not
the  obligation,  to participate,  at its own cost and expense,  in the defense,
contest or other opposition of any Loss through legal counsel selected by it and
shall have the right, but not the obligation, to assert any and all cross-claims
or counterclaims  that it may have. The Indemnified Party shall, at Indemnitor's
expense,  (a) at all times  cooperate  in all  reasonable  ways  with,  make its
relevant  files and records  available for  inspection  and copying by, make its
employees reasonably available to and otherwise render reasonable  assistance to
each Indemnitor upon request, and (b) not compromise or settle such Loss without
the  prior  written  consent  of each  Indemnitor,  which  consent  shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  If an Indemnitor fails to perform its obligations under
this Article 10, or if an Indemnitor  shall have informed the Indemnified  Party
in  writing  in  accordance  herewith  that  the  Indemnitor  does  not  have an
indemnification   obligation   hereunder  in  respect  of  any  Loss,  then  the
Indemnified  Party  shall have the right,  but not the  obligation,  to take the
actions that such Indemnitor would have had the right to take in connection with
the performance of such obligations and, if the Indemnified Party is entitled to
indemnification  hereunder in respect of the event or  circumstance  as to which
the Indemnified Party takes such actions,  then an Indemnitor shall, in addition
to indemnifying  the Indemnified  Party for the Loss,  indemnify the Indemnified
Party for all of the  legal,  accounting  and  other  costs,  fees and  expenses
reasonably  and actually  incurred in connection  with such actions taken by the
Indemnified  Party. If an Indemnitor  proposes to settle or compromise any Loss,
each  Indemnitor  shall give  written  notice to that  effect  (together  with a
statement in reasonable detail of the terms and conditions of such settlement or
compromise) to the  Indemnified  Party a reasonable time prior to effecting such
settlement  or  compromise.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the
contrary, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to object to the settlement
or compromise of any such Loss whereupon (i) the  Indemnified  Party will assume
the defense,  contest or other  opposition  of any such Loss for its own account
and as if it were an Indemnitor and (ii) each Indemnitor  shall be released from
any and all  liability  with  respect to any such Loss to the  extent  that such
liability exceeds the liability which an Indemnitor would have had in respect of
such a settlement or compromise.

     10.7 Option of Buyer.  If Buyer is entitled to  indemnification  under this
Article  10, in lieu of  receiving  all or any amount of cash due in  connection
with such  indemnification  thereof,  Buyer shall be entitled,  at the option of
Young,  to require any or all of the Sellers to  surrender  to Buyer a number of
Buyer Shares based on the amount of the Losses for which such indemnification is
sought with Buyer being entitled to one (1) Buyer Share for each U.S.  dollar of
the  amount of such  Losses.  Sellers  agree  that any  failure by any Seller to
deliver  to Buyer a  certificate  representing  Buyer  Shares  pursuant  to this
Section 10.7 shall not prevent Buyer from deeming such Buyer Shares to have been
transferred or prevent Buyer from deeming the  certificate or  certificates,  as
the case may be,  cancelled  and of no  further  force  and/or  effect,  if such
surrender is otherwise  called for by this Section 10.7. In addition,  execution
of this  Agreement by the Sellers shall be deemed to constitute  the granting by
Sellers of powers of attorney to Buyer to effect the  surrender  of Buyer Shares
and cancellation of the  certificates  therefore in accordance with this Section
10.7. If MRT becomes a holder of any of the Buyer Shares, MRT agrees to be bound
by this Section 10.7.


If prior to the Closing all or a Material part (as defined below in this Article
11) of the Real  Property or the ZRI Assets is destroyed by fire or the elements
or  by  any  other  cause  or  is  taken  by  eminent  domain  (collectively,  a
"Casualty"),  Buyer may, by notice to Seller (as defined  below in this  Article
11) given  prior to the  completion  of the  Closing,  elect to  terminate  this
Agreement. In the event that Buyer shall so elect, the Parties shall be relieved
and released of and from any further  liability  hereunder  (except as otherwise
provided  herein).  Unless  this  Agreement  is so  terminated,  or if  only  an
Immaterial  part (as defined  below in this Article 11) of the Real  Property or
the  ZRI  Assets  is   destroyed  or  damaged  by  fire  or  other  cause  under
circumstances  in which the entire loss (less than amount of any  deductible) is
covered by insurance or is taken by eminent domain,  this Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect,  and Seller at the Closing shall pay to Buyer any sums
of money  collected  by Seller  under  policies of  insurance,  after  deducting
reasonable  collection costs, and in addition Seller shall assign,  transfer and
set over to the Buyer all of Seller's  right,  title and interest in and to such
policies and any further sums payable  thereunder and all of the Sellers' right,
title and  interest  in and to any  awards by reason of such  taking by  eminent
domain. In such  circumstances  Seller shall file its proof of loss promptly (or
authorize  and empower the Buyer to do so) and  cooperate  with the Buyer in the
processing and adjustment of such claim. As used in this Article 11,  "Material"
means  destruction  or damage  which is not  repaired or  restored  prior to the
Closing  and which  results in five  percent  (5%) or more of the Real  Property
being rendered unoccupiable or five percent (5%) or more of the ZRI Assets being
rendered  unusable for the purposes of  conducting  the  Business.  "Immaterial"
means  destruction  or damage  which is not  Material.  The  provisions  of this
Article 11 shall survive the Closing.  For purposes of this Article 11,  herein,
the term "Seller"  shall be deemed to refer to  Powerscourt  with respect to the
Real Property, and ZRI with respect to the ZRI Assets.


None of the  Seller  Parties  shall  issue any press  release or make any public
announcement  relating  to the subject  matter of this  Agreement  or  otherwise
publicize the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the provisions hereof or
the transactions  contemplated  hereby without the prior written approval of the
form and content of such press release or publicity by Young.


Any notices,  demands or other  communication given in connection herewith shall
be in writing and be deemed given (i) when  personally  delivered,  (ii) sent by
facsimile  transmission  to a number  provided in writing by the addressee and a
confirmation of the  transmission is received by the sender,  or (iii) three (3)
days after being  deposited  for delivery with a recognized  overnight  courier,
such as FedEx,  with  directions to deliver within three (3) days, and addressed
or sent, as the case may be, to the address or facsimile  number set forth below
or to such other  address or  facsimile  number as such Party may  designate  in
accordance herewith:

                  When Buyer is the intended recipient:

                           Metals Investment Trust Ltd.
                           2nd Floor
                           Berkeley Square House
                           Berkeley Square
                           London, England  W1X 6EA
                           Attention:  Martin Young
                           Telephone:  011-44-171-887-6045
                           Telecopy No.: 011-44-171-887-6540

                  with a copy to:

                           Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                           1200 19th Street, N.W.
                           Suite 500
                           Washington, D.C.  20036
                           Attention:  Robert C. Boehm, P.A.
                           Telephone:  (202) 955-9600
                           Telecopy No.:  (202)955-9792

                  When any of the Seller Parties are the intended recipients:

                           Michael Lucas
                           415 East 151st Street
                           East Chicago, IN  46312
                           Telephone: (219) 397-6261
                           Telecopy No.: (219) 397-6234

                  with a copy to:

                           Stein Simpson & Rosen, P.A.
                           Two University Plaza, Suite 109
                           Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-6202
                           Attention:  David B. Simpson, Esq.
                           Telephone:  (201) 342-0062
                           Telecopy No.:  (201) 342-1821


Except as otherwise  provided in this  Agreement  and  regardless of whether the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement are consummated,  each Party agrees
to pay all expenses,  fees and costs (including,  without limitation,  legal and
accounting  expenses)  incurred  by  it  in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated hereby.


The validity,  interpretation,  performance  and  enforcement  of this Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York (without giving effect to
the laws,  rules or principles of the State of New York  regarding  conflicts of
laws). Each Party agrees that any proceeding  arising out of or relating to this
Agreement or the breach or threatened  breach of this Agreement may be commenced
and  prosecuted  in a state court in the county of New York,  State of New York.
Each Party consents and submits to the  non-exclusive  personal  jurisdiction of
any such court in respect of any such proceeding. Each Party consents to service
of process  upon it with  respect to any such  proceeding  by  registered  mail,
return receipt  requested,  and by any other means  permitted by applicable laws
and rules.  Each Party waives any objection that it may now or hereafter have to
the laying of venue of any such  proceeding in any such court and any claim that
it may now or hereafter have that any such proceeding in any such court has been
brought in an inconvenient forum.


This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their respective successors
and assigns  and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their  respective
successors  and  permitted  assigns.  No Party shall assign any of its rights or
delegate  any of  its  duties  under  this  Agreement  (by  operation  of law or
otherwise)  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  other  Parties.  Any
assignment  of rights or  delegation  of duties under this  Agreement by a Party
without the prior written  consent of the other Parties shall be void. No person
(including,  without limitation, any employee of a Party) shall be, or be deemed
to be, a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.


This Agreement  together with the Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto and the
agreements,  certificates and instruments  delivered pursuant hereto constitutes
the entire agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof
and cancels and  supersedes all of the previous or  contemporaneous  agreements,
representations,  warranties  and  understandings  (whether oral or written) by,
between or among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.


At any time and from time to time after the Closing,  each Party  shall,  at its
own cost and expense,  execute, deliver and acknowledge such other documents and
take such further  actions as may be reasonably  requested by the other Party in
order to fully perform such Party's obligations as contemplated hereby.


No  addition  to,  and no  cancellation,  renewal,  extension,  modification  or
amendment of, this Agreement shall be binding upon a Party unless such addition,
cancellation,  renewal,  extension,  modification or amendment is set forth in a
written instrument that states that it adds to, amends, cancels, renews, extends
or modifies this Agreement and is executed and delivered by each Party.


No waiver of any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon a Party
unless  such  waiver is  expressly  set forth in a  written  instrument  that is
executed and delivered by such Party. Such waiver shall be effective only to the
extent specifically set forth in such written  instrument.  Neither the exercise
(from time to time and at any time) by a Party of, nor the delay or failure  (at
any time or for any  period of time) to  exercise,  any  right,  power or remedy
shall constitute a waiver of the right to exercise, or impair, limit or restrict
the exercise of, such right, power or remedy or any other right, power or remedy
at any time and from time to time thereafter.  No waiver of any right,  power or
remedy of a Party  shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other  right,  power or
remedy of such Party or shall, except to the extent so waived,  impair, limit or
restrict the exercise of such right, power or remedy.


The headings set forth in this Agreement  have been inserted for  convenience of
reference  only,  shall not be considered a part of this Agreement and shall not
limit,  modify  or  affect  in any way the  meaning  or  interpretation  of this
Agreement.  This Agreement,  and any agreement delivered pursuant hereto, may be
signed in any number of counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original
and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, unenforceable or
illegal,  in whole or in part, in any jurisdiction  under any  circumstances for
any reason, (i) such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary
to cause such provision to be valid,  enforceable and legal while preserving the
intent of the Parties as expressed in, and the benefits to the Parties  provided
by,  this  Agreement  or (ii) if such  provision  cannot  be so  reformed,  such
provision shall be severed from this Agreement and an equitable adjustment shall
be made to this Agreement (including, without limitation,  addition of necessary
further  provisions to this  Agreement) so as to give effect to the intent as so
expressed and the benefits so provided.  Such holding shall not affect or impair
the  validity,  enforceability  or  legality  of  such  provision  in any  other
jurisdiction  or under any other  circumstances.  Neither  such holding nor such
reformation  or  severance  shall  affect or impair the  legality,  validity  or
enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement.


All rights, powers and remedies afforded to a Party under this Agreement, by law
or otherwise,  shall be cumulative (and not  alternative) and shall not preclude
assertion or seeking by a Party of any other rights or remedies.


As used herein,  the word "person"  shall include an individual and an entity of
any kind and the neuter gender shall be deemed to include both the masculine and
feminine genders, as the case may be. The Terms "herein,"  "hereunder," "hereof"
or similar terms shall, unless otherwise indicated, refer to this Agreement as a
whole and not to any particular provision or provisions of this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  have duly  executed and  delivered  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.


By: /s/ Martin Young /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: CEO


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: President


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: President


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: President


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: President

/s/ Michael Lucas /s/
- ---------------------------------
Michael Lucas, Individually

                               Schedule 1.1(a)(i)

                         [Description of Real Property]

                                 Exhibit 1.1(a)

                                  WARRANTY DEED


THIS INDENTURE  WITNESSETH,  That Powerscourt  Limited,  a company organized and
existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands  ("Grantor"),  conveys and
warrants to Metals  Investment Trust Ltd., a company organized under the laws of
England and Wales Grantee"), for valuable consideration, the receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged,  the real estate in Lake County, Indiana, more particularly
described in the attached Exhibit A.

     Subject to any and all easements,  agreements and  restrictions  of record.
The address of such real estate is commonly known as 415 East 151st Street, East
Chicago, Indiana.

     Tax bills should be sent to Grantee at such address.

     The undersigned persons executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represents
and certifies that he is a manager of Grantor and has been fully  empowered,  by
proper action of Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; the Grantor has full
capacity  to convey the real estate  described  herein;  and that all  necessary
actions for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done.

                                 Exhibit 1.1(a)

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Grantor has executed this deed this __________ day of
_______________, 199__.

                                               POWERSCOURT LIMITED

By:                                            By:

STATE OF                 )
COUNTY OF                )

     Before me, a Notary  Public in and for said  County  and State,  personally
appeared  ___________________,  the  ___________________ of Powerscourt Limited,
who  acknowledged  execution  of the  foregoing  Deed for and on  behalf of said
Grantor,  and who,  having  been duly  sworn,  stated  that the  representations
therein contained are true.

Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ______ day of ___________, 199__.

My commission expires:

                                                                 , Notary Public

This instrument was prepared by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP.

                                    Exhibit A

                               [To Exhibit 1.1(a)]

                               Schedule 1.1(a)(ii)

                          [PERMITTED TITLE EXCEPTIONS]

                                Exhibit 1.1(b)(i)

                             [Attach Copy of Patent]

                               Exhibit 1.1(b)(ii)

                       [Attach Copy of Patent Application]

                               Exhibit 1.1(b)(iii)

                   ("Process for Dezincing Galvanized Steel")

     The undersigned, Metal Recovery Industries (U.S.) Inc. ("Assignor"), owns a
certain patent set forth in U.S.  Patent No.  5,779,878  issued on July 14, 1998
entitled  "Process for  Dezincing  Galvanized  Steel" (the  "PATENT") and Metals
Investment Trust Limited (together with its successors and assigns,  "Assignee")
is desirous of acquiring the title,  right,  benefit and privilege to the PATENT
and of confirming the same or any part thereof heretofore acquired by Assignee.

     Now,  therefore,  for  valuable  consideration  furnished  by  Assignee  to
Assignor,  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  Assignor  hereby  acknowledges,
Assignor hereby, without reservation:

     1. Assigns and conveys to and confirms in Assignee the entire right,  title
and interest in and to the PATENT, and any reissues and extensions of the PATENT
granted for the inventions and discoveries  based upon the PATENT and upon which
the PATENT is based, any foreign  applications,  including,  without limitation,
PCT Patent  Application  No.  PCT/US98/08296  entitled  "Process  for  Dezincing
Galvanized  Steel," based in whole or in part on the PATENT, any and all patents
(including extensions thereof) of any country based in whole or in part upon the
PATENT (including  extensions thereof),  and every priority right that is or may
be predicated upon or arise from the PATENT;

     2. Authorizes and requests the Commissioner of Patents of the United States
of America and the  empowered  officials  of all other  governments  to issue or
transfer  the PATENT to  Assignee,  as assignee of the entire  right,  title and
interest  therein or  otherwise  as  Assignee  may  direct,  including,  without
limitation,  the right to correct  inventorship  to include  Assignee as a named
inventor  who  was  inadvertently   omitted  from  being  named  in  the  patent
application that was filed, which resulted in the PATENT;

     3. Warrants that Assignor has not knowingly conveyed to others any right in
the  PATENT  or any  license  to use the same or to make,  use or sell  anything
embodying or utilizing any of the PATENT;  and that Assignor has good  authority
to assign the same to Assignee without encumbrance;

     4. Binds the  successors,  assigns  and legal  representatives,  as well as
Assignor  to  do,  upon  Assignee's  request  and at its  expense,  but  without
additional  consideration  to  Assignor  or its  successors,  assigns  and legal
representatives,  all acts reasonably serving to assure that the PATENT shall be
held and enjoyed by  Assignee as fully and  entirely as the same could have been
held and enjoyed by Assignor or its  successors  and assigns if this  assignment
had not been made;  and  particularly  to execute and  deliver to  Assignee  all
lawful application documents, including petitions, specifications, oaths and all
assignments,  disclaimers and lawful  affidavits in form and substance as may be
requested by Assignee;  to  communicate  to Assignee all facts known to Assignor
relating to the PATENT or the history thereof; and to furnish Assignee with

                               Exhibit 1.1(b)(iii)

any and all  documents  in  Assignor's  control or in the control of  Assignor's
successors and assigns and that may be useful for  establishing the facts of the
inventions and discoveries upon which the PATENT is based.

     The effective date of this instrument is December 7, 1998.

     In testimony of which the  undersigned  has executed  this  document by its
duly authorized officer.


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ______________________

Title: President

                               Exhibit 1.1(b)(iii)

                       ("Process for Dezincing Galvanized
                 Steel Using An Electrically Isolated Conveyor")

     The undersigned, Metal Recovery Industries (U.S.) Inc. ("Assignor"), owns a
certain  application for a United States patent Serial No. 08/680,345 filed July
17, 1996 entitled "Process for Dezincing  Galvanized Steel Using An Electrically
Isolated  Conveyor"  (the  "APPLICATION")  and Metals  Investment  Trust Limited
(together with its successors and assigns,  "Assignee") is desirous of acquiring
the title, right, benefit and privilege to the APPLICATION and of confirming the
same or any part thereof heretofore acquired by Assignee.

     Now,  therefore,  for  valuable  consideration  furnished  by  Assignee  to
Assignor,  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  Assignor  hereby  acknowledges,
Assignor hereby, without reservation:

     1. Assigns and conveys to and confirms in Assignee the entire right,  title
and interest in and to the  APPLICATION,  any other United  States  applications
(including divisional,  continuing or reissue applications) based in whole or in
part  on the  APPLICATION,  and any  foreign  applications,  including,  without
limitation,  PCT Patent  Application No.  PCT/US98/08289  entitled  "Process for
Dezincing  Galvanized Steel Using An Electrically  Isolated  Conveyor," based in
whole or in part on the APPLICATION,  any and all patents (including  extensions
thereof) of any country that have been or may be granted on the APPLICATION, and
every  priority  right  that is or may be  predicated  upon or  arise  from  the

     2. Authorizes and requests the Commissioner of Patents of the United States
of America and the  empowered  officials  of all other  governments  to issue or
transfer the APPLICATION to Assignee, as assignee of the entire right, title and
interest  therein or  otherwise  as  Assignee  may  direct,  including,  without
limitation,  the right to correct  inventorship  to include  Assignee as a named
inventor who was inadvertently  omitted from being named in the APPLICATION;  3.
Warrants  that  Assignor has not  knowingly  conveyed to others any right in the
APPLICATION  or any  license  to use the same or to make,  use or sell  anything
embodying  or  utilizing  any of the  APPLICATION;  and that  Assignor  has good
authority to assign the same to Assignee without encumbrance;

     4. Binds the successors and legal  representatives,  as well as Assignor to
do,  upon  Assignee's  request  and  at  its  expense,  but  without  additional
consideration to Assignor or its successors,  assigns and legal representatives,
all acts reasonably serving to assure that the APPLICATION, and any registration
that  results  therefrom,  shall be held and  enjoyed by  Assignee  as fully and
entirely  as the same  could  have  been held and  enjoyed  by  Assignor  or its
successors and assigns if this assignment had not been made; and particularly to
execute and

                               Exhibit 1.1(b)(iii)

deliver to  Assignee  all lawful  application  documents,  including  petitions,
specifications,  oaths and all assignments, disclaimers and lawful affidavits in
form and substance as may be requested by Assignee;  to  communicate to Assignee
all facts known to me relating to the APPLICATION or the history thereof; and to
furnish  Assignee  with any and all  documents in  Assignor's  control or in the
control of  Assignor  or its  successors  and assigns and that may be useful for
establishing  the  facts  of the  inventions  and  discoveries  upon  which  the

     The effective date of this instrument is December 7, 1998. In testimony of
which the undersigned has executed this document by its duly authorized officer.


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ____________________

Title: President

                                 Schedule 1.1(c)

Zinc Recovery (East Chicago) Inc.

2 Feed Conveyors
Dezinc  Drum and tank with 100HP  Drive 3 Lift  Drums  with 10HP  Drives 3 Rinse
Tanks  Discharge  Conveyor Low Pressure  Boiler  Cooling Tower 7 20,000  gal(US)
Vertical  Storage Tanks 2 10,000 gal(US)  Horizontal  Storage Tanks 3 Electrowin
Tanks  Copper Buss and Plates for 1  Electrowin  Tank 6 Misc.  Pumps Rotary Drum
Filter  Rotary Pan Filter 40 HP Vacuum Pump Complete  Motor Control  Center Fork
Lift  Miscellaneous.  Tools  Miscellaneous  Office Furniture 5 Pentium Computers
Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment

                                 Exhibit 1.1(c)

                                  BILL OF SALE

     THIS BILL OF SALE  ("Bill of Sale"),  is made  effective  as of December 7,
1998, by Zinc Recovery (East Chicago), Inc. ("Seller");


     WHEREAS,  Seller,  Metals Investment Trust Ltd. ("Buyer") and certain other
Parties have entered into that certain Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement,  dated
as of ______________,  1998 (the "Asset Purchase Agreement")  (capitalized terms
not otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings  assigned to such terms in
the Asset  Purchase  Agreement),  whereby  Seller has agreed to sell,  transfer,
assign,  convey,  and  deliver  to Buyer the  assets  identified  on  Schedule A
attached hereto (the "Assets"),  at the Closing in consideration for the payment
by  Buyer  to  Seller  of the  consideration  specified  in the  Asset  Purchase
Agreement; and

     WHEREAS, the parties desire that this Bill of Sale shall and does formalize
certain of the conveyances and  transactions  contemplated by the Asset Purchase

     NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that, for good and valuable
consideration,   the   receipt  and  legal   sufficiency   of  which  is  hereby
acknowledged,  and the  performance by Buyer of its obligations set forth in the
Asset Purchase  Agreement,  including payment of the Purchase Price with respect
to the Assets,  receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged by Seller,  Seller does
hereby bargain,  sell,  transfer,  assign,  convey and deliver to Buyer free and
clear of all security  interests,  pledges,  liens,  claims and  encumbrances of
every kind and nature, the Assets.

     TO HAVE  AND TO HOLD all of the  Assets  unto  Buyer,  its  successors  and
assigns, forever.

     Seller covenants that it will do or cause to be done all such further acts,
and shall  execute and  deliver,  or cause to be  executed  and  delivered,  all
transfers,  assignments and conveyances,  evidences of title, notices, powers of
attorney,  and assurances necessary or desirable to put Buyer and its successors
and assigns,  in actual  possession and operating  control of the Assets,  or as
Buyer shall  reasonably  require to better  assure and confirm title of Buyer to
the Assets.

     Seller hereby  constitutes  and appoints Buyer the true and lawful attorney
of Seller,  with full power of substitution,  in the name and stead of Seller or
otherwise, for the account and benefit of Buyer:

          (i) to demand and receive from time to time any and all of the Assets;

          (ii) to give receipts and releases for and in respect to the Assets or
     any part thereof; and

                                 Exhibit 1.1(c)

          (iii) to give any notices and to do all acts and things in relation to
     the Assets as Buyer shall deem  desirable,  including,  but not limited to,
     executing any and all legal or  administrative  documents or proceedings to
     assert or enforce any claim, right or title in or to any of the Assets.

     Seller hereby  represents  and warrants that: (i) it is the lawful owner of
all of the  Assets;  (ii)  that all of the  Assets  are  free  and  clear of all
security  interests,  pledges,  liens, claims and encumbrances of every kind and
nature; and (iii) that Seller has good right and lawful authority to bargain and
sell the Assets and the rights transferred in connection therewith in the manner
and form set forth  herein.  Seller  further  warrants  and agrees that it shall
defend for the benefit of Buyer,  at Seller's sole cost and expense,  the Assets
and rights transferred in connection therewith against all claims and demands of
any individual, firm, corporation or entity whatsoever.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Seller has duly  executed this Bill of Sale as of the
day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Michael Lucas /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: President

     The foregoing Bill of Sale is hereby accepted, as of December 7, 1998.


By: /s/ Martin Young /s/

Name: ___________________________

Title: CEO

                          Schedule A to Exhibit 1.1(c)

Zinc Recovery (East Chicago) Inc.

2 Feed Conveyors
Dezinc  Drum and tank with 100HP  Drive 3 Lift  Drums  with 10HP  Drives 3 Rinse
Tanks  Discharge  Conveyor Low Pressure  Boiler  Cooling Tower 7 20,000  gal(US)
Vertical  Storage Tanks 2 10,000 gal(US)  Horizontal  Storage Tanks 3 Electrowin
Tanks  Copper Buss and Plates for 1  Electrowin  Tank 6 Misc.  Pumps Rotary Drum
Filter  Rotary Pan Filter 40 HP Vacuum Pump Complete  Motor Control  Center Fork
Lift  Miscellaneous.  Tools  Miscellaneous  Office Furniture 5 Pentium Computers
Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment

                                 Schedule 1.2(a)

                     Outstanding Items to be Paid at Closing

Creditor                                     Amount                  Debtor

America National Bank                        $20,000                 MRI

State of Delaware (franchise tax)            $57,500                 MRT*

Lake County, Indiana                         $212,500                Powerscourt

Class Action Escrow Account                  $175,000                MRT*

Richards, Layton & Finger                    $35,000                 MRT*

*MRI owes in excess of the aggregate of these amounts to MRT;  accordingly,  MRI
will permit these amounts to paid on behalf of MRT.

                                  Schedule 3.4


                                  Schedule 3.5

Permit for the operation of a low pressure boiler

                                 Schedule 3.6(a)
See Schedule 3.9

                                 Schedule 3.6(b)

Unpaid payroll Taxes

MRI                                 $150,634

ZRI                                  $36,799

                                 Schedule 3.6(c)

USA federal  (Form 1120) and state income tax returns filed for MRT, MRI and ZRI
for tax years 1993 through 1997. None of the returns have been audited,  nor has
there been a notice of audit  issued for any of the  returns.  No taxes owed for
any such tax years.

                                 Schedule 3.6(e)

Zinc Recovery (East Chicago) Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Cash                                                            26,791
          Property Plant & Equipment                                   3,333,682
          Accounts payable                                                15,425
          Loan - MRI                                                   3,000,000
          Loan - MRT                                                     345,048

Metal Recovery Industries (US) Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Patent                                                       2,500,000
          Due from Zinc Recovery                                       3,000,000
          Accounts payable                                             1,652,294
          Due to MRT                                                   8,040,879
          D.O.E. Grant                                                   505,000

Stockholders equity                                                  (4,698,173)
                                                                     $ 5,500,000

                                 Schedule 3.6(e)

Metal Recovery Technologies Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Cash                                                            38,528
          Due from MRI                                                 8,040,879
          Due from Zinc Recovery                                         345,048
          Accounts payable                                               807,426
          Convertible loan                                             2,750,901
          Lawsuit settlement                                           2,375,000

Stockholders equity                                                    2,491,328

                                 Exhibit 3.6(e)

Zinc Recovery (East Chicago) Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Cash                                                            26,791
          Property Plant & Equipment                                   3,333,682
          Accounts payable                                                15,425
          Loan - MRI                                                   3,000,000
          Loan - MRT                                                     345,048

Metal Recovery Industries (US) Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Patent                                                       2,500,000
          Due from Zinc Recovery                                       3,000,000
          Accounts payable                                             1,652,294
          Due to MRT                                                   8,040,879
          D.O.E. Grant                                                   505,000

Stockholders equity                                                  (4,698,173)
                                                                     $ 5,500,000

                                 Exhibit 3.6(e)

Metal Recovery Technologies Inc.
Balance Sheet as of 30th September 1998

          Cash                                                            38,528
          Due from MRI                                                 8,040,879
          Due from Zinc Recovery                                         345,048
          Accounts payable                                               807,426
          Convertible loan                                             2,750,901
          Lawsuit settlement                                           2,375,000

Stockholders equity                                                    2,491,328

                                 Schedule 3.7(b)

        Property Taxes due to Lake County, Indiana                      $262,000

                                 Schedule 3.7(e)

ZINC RECOVERY -- Oral one year lease from  September  15, 1997 from  Powerscourt
Ltd.  at  $120,000  per annum  regarding  415 East 151st  Street  East  Chicago,

                                 Schedule 3.7(j)


                                  Schedule 3.9




    Budget Maintenance                         10,062.22                 + costs
    Joseph Turner                              5,891.87                  + costs
    Konrad Electric                            3,288.38                  + costs
    Arctic Engineering                         20, 807.45                + costs
    Howard Industries                          67,044.19                 + costs
    Mary Wong                                  44,016.78                 + costs
    William Condon & Co. Ltd.                  34,501.57                 + costs
    Vannoort & Associates                      4,520.96                  + costs
    T & M Rentals                              9,290.24                  + costs
    Berry Company                              13,500.21                 + costs


American National Bank                      (Negotiated Settlement for $20,000)
Plenbrick Ltd.                                       $3,000,000


Indiana State Withholding                      $11,352.53
Personal Property Tax                          $4,000.00

                                  Schedule 3.9



Calumet Lumber                          $4,864.09                 + costs
Joseph Turner                           $5,891.87                 + costs
Arctic Engineering                      $20,803.45                + costs
Global Travel                           $65,597.99                + costs
Howard Industries                       $109,215.37               + costs
Berry Bearing                           $13,500.21                + costs
Cambridge-Lee Industries                $19,226.69                + costs


Plenbrick Ltd.
Howard Industries
Alma Tractor
Stanley Smith Security, Inc.
Berry Bearing Company
Arctic Engineering
T&M Rentals, Inc.
Danville Bank


Delaware Franchise Tax              $57,500

                                  Schedule 3.9





Regent Trust Company S.A.
Plenbrick Ltd.

                                  Schedule 3.9





Real Estate Taxes              $262,000

                                Schedule 3.10(a)

See Schedule 3.29

Payroll Issues

For paychecks written or due up to and including November 6, 1998,  representing
pay periods  through  October 29, 1998 Zinc Recovery  (East  Chicago),  Inc. has
outstanding payroll and payroll tax liabilities:

         Direct Payroll                                          $     20,633.42

         Federal Taxes                                           $     36,799.83

         State Taxes                                             $      7,992.72

         Court Ordered Child
         Support Payments                                        $        735.00

         TOTAL                                                   $     60,878.24

Contract Issues

The following is a list of vendors with whom Zinc Recovery (East Chicago),  Inc.
has entered into contracts along with a brief  description of the current status
of the contract-

Ristich Asphalt
                    Contracted to repave a pomon of the property. Contract price
                    $37,369.85.  Work complete.  Paid $12,000,  outstanding  and
                    past due $25,369.85

                    Scale  Contracted  to provide  and  install a truck scale on
                    site. Contract Price $35,000.  Down Payment of $10,000 made.
                    Progress  payments  due  September  1  ($10,000)  and  final
                    payment  due  October 1, 1998 with  installation  during the
                    month of September.

                    Equipment Contract for purchase of used equipment  necessary
                    for the  project.  Contract  price  $165,000.  Down  payment
                    S25,000 made.  Original contract called for full payment and
                    removal of  purchased  equipment  from  Aaron's  property by
                    October 1, 1998. Terms extended to November 1, 1998.

Custom Steel Bldg.         
                    Contracted  to  erect a  steel  building  on  site to  house
                    electrowinning operations. Contract price $171,000. Progress
                    payments to be made based on stages of construction. Current
                    status:  building shell complete,  pouring of concrete floor
                    delayed  until  ZRI  establishes  locations  for  and  pours
                    concrete  for  equipment   foundations.   Progress  payments
                    currently  due  $111,000,  balance  due  on  completion  and

Clinton Power              
                    Contracted  to  provide  rectifying   transformers  for  the
                    electro-win  process.  In order to secure preferred  pricing
                    the  contract is for the delivery of  rectifiers  capable of
                    10,000 KvA.  This project will utilize 24 units with a total
                    capacity  of 2,000  KvA.  The  total  cost of units for this
                    project will be $388,541.  Units for this project were to be
                    purchased in four installments based on Clinton's production
                    capabilities making the per installment cost $97,135. A down
                    payment of $28,000 was made  against  the first  installment
                    with other progress  payments due.  These progress  payments
                    were  not  made on  time.  Owing  to this  fact  Clinton  is
                    requiring  full  payment for the first  installment  and all
                    future installments prior to initiating  construction of the
                    units.  This makes the current due $69,135 and the total due
                    for the balance of this project $360,541.


                  Total contracts currently in place                   $795,910

                  Monies paid                                          $ 75,000

                  Due in total                                         $720,910

                  Past due or immediately due                          $355,504

Administrative Bills

                  The following is a list of current normal administrative bills
due, or past due:

                           Health                                     $ 2,529.70
                           General Liability                          $ 3,669.84
                                    Plant gas                         $ 2,057.66
                                    Plant elec.                       $   931.93
                                    Office gas/elec.                  $ 1,324.14
                                    Ameritech (local)                 $ 1,326.56
                                    PNG (long dist)                   $   586.88
                                    East Chicago                      $    72.47
                                    Castlewood                        $   114.08
                           Garbage                                    $    70.53
                           ADT Security                               $   244.34
                           Danka (copy mach)                          $   483.66
                                    Truck                             $   749.07
                                    Car                               $   696.59
                           DHL (air parcel)                           $   207.10
                           R&L (trucking)                             $   238.28
                           Chgo Sub (trucking)                        $    27.00
                           David Lade                                 $ 6,000.00
                           Van Dyne (uniform svc)                     $   639.17
                           Senniger Powers (Atty.)                    $ 1,855.21

                  Corporate                                           $45,000.00

                  Total                                               $68,824.21

                                  Schedule 3.11


                                Schedule 3.12(a)

                                Schedule 3.13(i)

MRI                          Authority to do business in Indiana

MRT                          Authority to do business in Indiana

ZRI                          Low pressure boiler permit

                                Schedule 3.13(ii)

MRT                          Authority to do business in Indiana

MRI                          Authority to do business in Indiana

                               Schedule 3.13(iii)

MRT                  Authority to do business in Indiana

MRI                  Authority to do business in Indiana

                               Schedule 3.14(b)(i)


                              Schedule 3.14(b)(ii)

See attached Department of Energy document.

                                Schedule 3.15(i)


                                Schedule 3.15(ii)

The  Company  was subject to an  industrial  dispute in 1996 that  resulted in a
negotiated settlement.

                                Schedule 3.16(c)


                                  Schedule 3.17

On 29 April 1998 all of the tangible  and  intangible  assets of Metal  Recovery
Industries  (US) Inc.  (excluding the patent) were  transferred to Zinc Recovery
(East  Chicago) Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of Metal Recovery  Technologies
Inc. Zinc Recovery (East Chicago) Inc. was  incorporated  in Indiana on 31 March

                                  Exhibit 3.17

                          [10-K business Descriptions]

                                  Schedule 3.18


                                  Schedule 3.19

                             Outstanding Litigation

See Schedule 3.9


Class Action lawsuits in Delaware and Texas


Fisher Scientific seeking $3,400
Indiana Department of Revenue has pending action for $11,148.00 for back taxes.

                                  Schedule 3.20
            All insurance Provided by the Hartford Insurance Company

                               COMMERCIAL PROPERTY

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
COVERAGE                       LIMITS                                                   PREMIUM
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Building                       Total limit:  $741,300
                               Deductible:  $1,000                                       $1,335
Per schedule                   Coinsurance:  80%
                               Valuation:  Replacement cost
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Business personal property     Total limit:  $924,000
                               Deductible:  $1,000                                       $4,279
Per Schedule                   Coinsurance:  $80%
                               Valuation:  Replacement cost
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Business Income                Total limit:  $1,080,000
                               Deductible:  12-hour waiting per.                         $1,426
Including Extra Expense        Coinsurance:  80%
                               Valuation:  Replacement cost
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Boiler & Machinery             Total limit:  $1,000,000                                  $1,102
                               Coverage Form:
                               Comp. Syst. Brkdwn
                               Business Income Include?  Yes
                               Deductible:     $1,000 Direct DMG & 12 hour
                                               business income
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Ordinance of Law               Bldg. No/Prem. No.:  All/All
                                        Coverage A                                      $   622
                               Coverage B:  117,000
                               Coverage C:  368,000
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Off Premises Power             $500,000                                                 $   275
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
                               TOTAL PROPERTY PREMIUM                                    $9,039
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                                COMMERCIAL CRIME

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS                                                    PREMIUM
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Fidelity Coverage                     $50,000                                                   $   592
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Computer Fraud Coverage               $10,000                                                   $   158
Form F
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Extortion Coverage                    $10,000                                                  $     21
Form G
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Depositor's Forgery                   $10,000                                                   $   123
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Robbery & Safe Burglary               $10,000                                                   $   357
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                                      TOTAL FOR CRIME                                            $1,251
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                                 COMMERCIAL AUTO

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS                                                    PREMIUM
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Automobile Liability                  $500,000 each accident                                    $ 1,172
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Automobile Medical Payments           $5,000     each insured                                 $      60
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured   $500,000 each accident                                   $    121
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Comprehensive Physical Damage         Various                                                  $    218
(including hired at a $20,000 limit)
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Collision Physical Damage             Various                                                  $    343
(including hired at limit of
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Commercial Automobile Broad Form                                                               INCLUDED
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                                      TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM                                       $1,914
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                                GENERAL LIABILITY

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS                                                    PREMIUM
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Premises/Operations Liability         $1,000, 000 each occurrence                             $     990
                                      $2,000,000 aggregate
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Personal and Advertising Injury       $1,000,000 each occurrence                               Included
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Fire Damage                           $300,000                                                 Included
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Medical Expense                       $10,000                                                  Included
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Products/Completed Operations         $1,000,000 each occurrence                                 $5,150
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Employment Practices                  $1,000,000 per claim                                       $2,500 Minimum
Liability Insurance                   $1,000,000 annual aggregate                                           Premium
                                      Declined by John Dewy 8/14/98
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Employee Benefits                     $1,000,000 per claim                                     $     84
                                      $2,000,000 annual aggregate
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                                      TOTAL GENERAL LIABILITY                                    $6,224
                                      PREMIUM (without EPLI indication)
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                              WORKERS' COMPENSATION

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS                                                    PREMIUM
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Workers' Compensation                 Statutory                                                 $15,147
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Employers' Liability                  $500,000 bodily injury by accident - each accident       Included

                $500,000 bodily injury by disease - policy limit

                                      $500,000 bodily injury by disease - each employee
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                            COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA QUOTE

- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS                                                    PREMIUM
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Umbrella Liability                    $5,000,000 each occurrence                                 $4,000
                                      $5,000,000 general aggregate
                    $5,000,000 products/completed operations
                 $5,000,000 bodily injury from disease aggregate
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Self Insured Retention                $10,000 each occurrence                                    Not Applicable
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                                      TOTAL UMBRELLA PREMIUM                                     $4,000
- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COVERAGE                              LIMITS
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Liability                     $1,000,000 each occurrence
                                      $2,000,000 general aggregate
                    $1,000,000 products/completed operations
                                      $2,000,000 aggregate
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Automobile Liability                  $500,000 each accident
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Employers' Liability                  $500,000 bodily injury from disease aggregate
- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Schedule 3.20

                                 PREMIUM SUMMARY

- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
POLICY #             TYPE OF CONTRACT                          LIMITS           EXPIRATION DATE        PREMIUMS
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
                     Property (including machinery &          $ 7,657                                  $  9,039
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 UUN PS2686        General Liability                        $18,607               8/31/99            $  6,224
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 UUN PS2686        Commercial Marine                         $ 270                8/31/99                  $0
                                                         *Declined by John
                                                            Dewy 8/14/97
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 UUN PS2686        Crime & Employee Dishonesty              $ 1,106               8/31/99            $  1,251
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 UUN PS2686        Commercial Automobile                    $ 2,770               8/31/99            $  1,914
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
                          PACKAGE SUBTOTAL                    $30,410                                   $18,428
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 WEBC 4368         Worker's Compensation                    $15,629               8/31/99             $15,147
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
36 RNUPU 3894        Commercial Umbrella                      $10,000               8/31/99            $  4,000*
                                                         *Declined by John
                                                            Dewy 8/14/97
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
                     Foreign Coverage                            $                                            $
                                                         *Declined by John
                                                            Dewy 8/14/97
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
                          TOTAL ACCOUNT PREMIUM               $56,039                                   $33,575

                     *EPLI and Umbrella quote
                     excluded from premium total
- -------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------

                                  Schedule 3.27

MRI:                         100% of capital stock held by MRT

ZRI:                         100% of capital stock held by MRT

                                  Schedule 3.28

MRI Creditors

AAA Valley Equipment                                                                82.95
Acn Scribe                                                                         346.50
Airborne Express                                                                   462.14
Alexander Chemical                                                               5,659.31
Allwaste                                                                           835.00
Ameritronic Industries                                                           4,387.50
American Recycling                                                                 198.00
Ameritech Cellular                                                                 829.65
Associated Box                                                                     161.00
Autocatalytic Sales                                                              2,704.19
B Hough                                                                          6,286.00
Bay Tech                                                                           486.90
Budget Maintenance                                                               1,319.52
Burns Security                                                                  16,395.14
Calumet Electric                                                                   832.16
Charles Kawin                                                                       50.00
Chicago Crane                                                                   10,963.56
Control Techniques                                                              14,487.27
Copy America                                                                       599.60
Corrosion Fluid                                                                  1,141.54
Dove Lighting                                                                      286.61
Dtech                                                                              915.00
EPI Quality Environmental                                                        1,070.00
ERM North Central                                                                1,190.00
Federal Value                                                                   11,123.37
Fisher Scientific                                                                3,400.67
Fitzpatrick Transport                                                            3,225.93
Franks Equipment                                                                   398.13
Freund Can Co.                                                                     193.58
Garman Custom Color                                                              1,947.75
Gateway                                                                             90.07
Gene Lauer                                                                       1,029.61
General Motors                                                                 377,110.43
Grainger                                                                         2,339.42
Greenwood Tool                                                                   1,526.00
Heritage                                                                           822.50
Hessville Cable                                                                    249.52
Holloway Meyers                                                                 10,347.00
HR Direct                                                                          163.23
IDC                                                                                453.72
Ikon                                                                             2,616.10
Ikon Office                                                                      1,587.60
Illiana Disposal                                                                   182.17
Imperial Crane                                                                     825.00
Indiana Dep't. of Revenue                                                          570.86
Industrial Kiln                                                                  1,446.64
Igenco Inc.                                                                      1,720.25
Jack Gray                                                                        1,268.02
Joseph Turner                                                                    5,891.87
Journeyman                                                                       1,037.21
Konrad Electric                                                                  3,288.38
Korte Bros.                                                                        109.40
Krooswyk Tracking                                                                2,047.50
KTM Sales                                                                        2,038.78
Lab Safety                                                                       1,188.51
Lake County Indiana                                                                711.04
Lindy's ACE Hardware                                                             3,529.54
Lucky Pennage                                                                   19,381.03
MAB Paints                                                                         175.30
Manpower Inc.                                                                    2,690.64
Master Garage                                                                       90.61
McMaster Carr                                                                    3,911.36
McCann Power                                                                       454.58
Meade Industrial                                                                   815.75
Merrill Corp.                                                                    6,258.41
Metal Bulletin                                                                   1,122.00
Metal Bulletin Inc.                                                                750.00
Metech                                                                           3,862.00
Mindermann Trucking                                                                314.50
North America van Lines                                                          7,042.83
OK Safety                                                                        1,101.04
Omega Engineering                                                                  895.55
Ozinga                                                                           3,083.50
Park Davidson                                                                   10,450.00
Patten                                                                           1,945.91
Payroll Taxes - State and Federal                                              150,634.21
Personal Property Tax - Indiana                                                  4,000.00
Peterson Bros.                                                                     495.88
Pinkerton Oil                                                                    8,683.07
Pitney Bowes                                                                       134.65
Pitney Bowes Purchase                                                              716.44
Planet Inc.                                                                        248.00
PNG                                                                                962.51
Poly Bond                                                                        1,548.75
Process Electronics                                                                110.00
Quality Construction                                                             2,084.50
Reporting Associates                                                               337.40
Revere Electric                                                                 12,035.50
S&M Building                                                                     1,582.85
S&M Building Management                                                            725.00
Sargent Electric                                                                   982.96
Security Life                                                                      356.54
Sigma Aldrich                                                                      801.32
Southeastern Medical                                                               210.00
SSOE Inc.                                                                      260,380.13
Store Transport                                                                  1,131.17
Superior Sanitation                                                                552.00
TCI Inc.                                                                            96.88
The Nolan Group                                                                  7,641.67
University of California                                                       182,854.00
Unlimited Graphix                                                                  459.25
Van Dywe Inc.                                                                    1,439.81
Nidimos Inc.                                                                     5,459.77
Wilson Rentals                                                                     652.68
NLRB (National Labor Relation Board)                                            30,000.00
Ace Hose & Rubber                                                                  371.28
Aga Gas                                                                          1,016.07
American National Bank                                                          20,000.00
Artic Engineering                                                               20,807.45
Ardillo Corp.                                                                    7,203.48
B & B Instruments                                                                  316.23
Barr Glove                                                                         455.60
Biotek                                                                             108.22
Budget Maintenance                                                              10,062.22
Butler Trucking                                                                  4,048.60
Cal Region Supply                                                                   83.06
Camadon Inc.                                                                        84.78
Cambridge Lee                                                                    2,144.70
Cares Inc.                                                                          62.22
CF Motorfreight                                                                    158.70
Chemsearch                                                                         535.47
Clark Maintenance                                                                   72.76
Colombia Pipe                                                                      148.29
Contractors Power                                                                  375.00
Conran Plumbing                                                                  3,849.48
Crowe Foundry                                                                    8,022.13
E J & E Inc.                                                                     2,880.00
E. McTigne                                                                       2,298.20
Emergency Medicine                                                                 182.00
Fargo                                                                            3,059.40
Glass Parts Tire                                                                   995.00
Howard Industries Inc.                                                          82,282.09
Konrad Electric                                                                    945.00
Larry Woolfe                                                                       180.00
Mack Pump                                                                        2,660.01
Mary Wong                                                                       15,000.00
Metron Steel                                                                        82.88
Mills Electric CO.                                                                 150.15
Mitsui                                                                           2,055.00
Monarch Steel                                                                      373.02
Nassan & Thompson                                                                   82.92
PBB                                                                              1,371.89
Quest                                                                              161.50
Ramada                                                                           1,396.77
Reliable Transportation                                                            455.00
S&S Repair                                                                         750.00
Sargent Electric                                                                21,285.70
Sprint                                                                           1,556.49
St. Catherines Hospital                                                            507.29
St. Margarets Hospital                                                             321.13
T&M Rentals                                                                      3,859.49
Target Rentals                                                                      64.83
Towne Airfreight                                                                   102.47
Vail Rubber                                                                      2,985.38
WR Scientific                                                                    2,894.87
Wells Lamonk                                                                       177.90
Wm. Condon                                                                      15,000.00

                                  Schedule 3.28

                                ZRI CREDITOR LIST

CREDITOR                                                                     AMOUNT DUE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Aaron Equipment                                                               $135,000.00
Bearing Headquarters                                                            $1,000.00
Clinton Power                                                                  $69,135.00
Custom Steel Buildings                                                        $111,000.00
Journeyman                                                                      $1,403.41
Norris Scale                                                                   $10,000.00
Ristick Asphalt                                                                $24,552.00
Anthem                                                                          $5,256.69
R & L Carriers                                                                    $238.28
Dep't of Water Works                                                               $53.67
Nipsco                                                                          $2,057.27
Nipsco                                                                            $996.88
Van Dyne Crotty                                                                   $233.88
Nipsco                                                                            $931.93
Ameritech                                                                       $1,326.56
Png Communications                                                                $586.88
Castlewood                                                                        $114.08
Chase - Auto                                                                      $696.59
Chase - Auto                                                                      $749.07
Illiana Disposal & Waste                                                           $70.53
Danka                                                                             $239.76
DHL                                                                                $31.80
Indiana Dept. Of Revenue                                                          $546.91
Payroll Taxes                                                                  443,789.00
Powerscourt Ltd. (Lease)                                                       130,000.00
                                                              TOTAL           $940,010.19

                                  Schedule 3.28

MRT Creditors
Abrahamson Read                                                                 20,000.00
Berry Bearing                                                                   13,500.21
Calumet Lumber                                                                   4,864.09
Joseph Turner                                                                    5,891.87
Arctic Engineering                                                              20,803.45
Howard industries                                                              109,215.37
Global Travel                                                                   65,597.99
Cambridge-Lee Industries                                                        19,226.69
Plenbrick Ltd.                                                               3,000,000.00
Stanley Smith Security, Inc,                                                     5,000.00
Crowe & Dunlevy                                                                 10,158.41
Delaware franchise Taxes                                                        60,000.00
Dorman Jeffrey                                                                  22,070.77
Franchise Tax - State of Delaware                                               57,500.00
Global Travel                                                                   21,940.02
Grossclose                                                                       2,350.00
Liddell Sapp                                                                    55,916.55
F. Raghzzio, Esq.                                                                6,393.00
Richards Layton & Finger                                                        80,386.75
Scott Spooner                                                                    8,377.00
Summit Shipping                                                                  4,441.23
The Times                                                                        1,652.04
Real Estate Taxes                                           Property Lien      250,000.00            
Mikinda Cottrell                                                                10,000.00
Class Action lawsuit                                                           175,000.00
American National Bank                                                          20,000.00
Salaries                                                                        14,000.00
Mannlink Travel                                                                  8,000.00

                                  Schedule 3.29

Immediate requirements are as follows:

                  Past payroll including taxes                      $     72,994
                  Owed Vendors                                      $    354,672
                  Local business expenses                           $     35,402
                  Corporate                                         $     45,000

Total                                                               $    508,068

From the accompanying spreadsheet

The original project budget                                         $  2,687,265

Less spent to date

         This figure includes the  $485,206
         Sited above                                                $    832,260

Balance needed to complete project                                  $  1,855,005

Forward Cash Flow

Cash  requirements  for the weeks of November 9 and November 16, 1998 will be as

                  Total labor (including taxes)              $ 8,500 per week

                  Administrative expenses                    $10,000 total

                  New contracts                              $55,000 approximate

                  Direct local construction costs            $35,000 approximate

Total                                                       $117,000 approximate


         The immediate  financial  requirement to reinitiate the project at East
Chicago is:


                                 Schedule 4.2(b)


                                  Schedule 4.4

ZINC RECOVERY              [$17,089]