Exhibit 99.1

P.O. Box 188
Tontitown, AR 72770
Robert W. Weaver
(479) 361-9111
                      P.A.M. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC.
                           ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002

Tontitown,  Arkansas, November  1, 2002...P.A.M.  Transportation  Services, Inc.
(NASDAQ:  PTSI)  today  reported  net  income of $3,957,465 or diluted and basic
earnings  per  share  of  $.35  for  the  quarter  ended September 30, 2002, and
$12,597,067 or diluted and basic earnings per share of $1.20, for the nine month
period  then ended. These results compare to net income of $2,001,587 or diluted
and  basic  earnings  per  share  of  $.23,  and $7,525,621 or diluted and basic
earnings  per  share  of  $.88,  respectively, for the three and the nine months
ended  September  30,  2001.

Operating revenues of $65,033,997 were reported for the third quarter of 2002, a
21.2%  increase compared to $53,662,065 for the third quarter of 2001. Operating
revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2002 were $199,188,301, a 17.5%
increase  compared to $169,529,997 for the nine months ended September 30, 2001.

Operating  income  for  the  quarter  ended September 30, 2002 was $6,972,847, a
56.0%  increase  compared to operating income of $4,469,915 for the prior year's
third quarter. For the nine months ended September 30, 2002, operating income of
$22,713,382  represented  a  42.2%  increase  compared  to  operating  income of
$15,975,857  for  the  same  period  in  2001.

The  Company's  operating  ratios  for  the  three  and nine month periods ended
September  30, 2002 were 89.3% and 88.6%, respectively, as compared to 91.7% and
90.6%  for  the  three  and  nine  month  periods  ended  September  30,  2001.

Robert  W.  Weaver,  President  of  the  Company, commented, "Increases in three
important categories, earnings per share, revenue and operating income were 52%,
21%  and  56%, respectively. A very solid quarter for the Company and results we
are  certainly  proud  of."

"There  are  other events which occurred during the quarter which we are equally
proud  of.  We  were  once again named as one of the best 200 small companies by
Forbes  Magazine.  We came in number 90 on their list and this made three out of
the last four years we have enjoyed this honor. During the quarter we also added
two  new  directors,  Tom Cooke and Frank Conner, which we feel greatly enhances
our  Board."

"Mr. Cooke worked for Ford Motor Company for 33 years, during which he served in
various  managerial  capacities.  He  was  responsible  for  the  supervision of
personnel,  financial  analysis,  financial  controls, performance reporting and
division auditing, among other things, in the Product Development Group, several
manufacturing  divisions, and Finance staff. Mr. Cooke also served for more than
three  years  as  global  manager  for  Ford's  Customs  Compliance and Analysis
activity,  exercising  corporate-wide  responsibility  for  legal  and financial
customs  compliance  in  23  countries."

"Mr.  Conner  has  been Executive Vice President, Accounting & Finance and Chief
Financial Officer of American Freightways since 1995, and was also a director of
that  company  prior  to  its  purchase by Federal Express in February 2001. Mr.
Conner has since served as Executive Vice President, Accounting and Finance, for
FedEx  Freight  East."

"Last  but  certainly  not  least,  as  of  September  30, 2002 our cash on hand
exceeded  total  debt for the Company which would allow us to be debt free if we
chose  to  pay off the debt. An accomplishment we are extremely proud of and one
that  places  us  in  very  elite  company."

P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc. will be holding a live conference call with
certain  financial  analysts  to  discuss  the  earnings release, the results of
operations,  and  other  matters  on  Monday,  November 4, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. CST
(Please  note  that,  since  the call will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m., you will
need  to  join  at  least  five  minutes  prior  to  that  time.)

The  public  will  be  able  to  listen  and  participate  in  the  conference
telephonically  by dialing (800) 915-4836. Please ask to be joined to the P.A.M.
Transportation Services Third Quarter Earnings Release Conference call. An audio
replay of the conference call will be posted on the company's web site after the
meeting  (www.pamt.com/investing/audio.html).  In order to listen to the replay,
you will need a PC that is internet enabled and have Real Player software and an
internet  browser  such  as  Netscape  or  Microsoft  Internet  Explorer.

P.A.M.  Transportation  Services,  Inc.,  is a leading truckload dry van carrier
transporting  general  commodities  throughout  the continental United States as
well  as  in  the  Canadian  provinces  of  Ontario and Quebec. The company also
provides transportation services in Mexico through its gateways in Laredo and El
Paso,  Texas  under  agreements  with  Mexican  carriers.

Certain  information  included  in  this  document  contains  or  may  contain
"forward-looking  statements"  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995. Such forward-looking statements may relate to
expected  future financial and operating results, and are thus prospective. Such
forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors
which  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ  materially from future results
expressed  or  implied  by  such forward-looking statements. Potential risks and
uncertainties  include,  but are not limited to, excess capacity in the trucking
industry;  surplus  inventories;  recessionary  economic cycles and downturns in
customers'  business  cycles;  increases  or  rapid fluctuations in fuel prices,
interest  rates,  fuel  taxes,  tolls, license and registration fees; the resale
value  of the Company's used equipment and the price of new equipment; increases
in compensation for and difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified drivers
and  owner-operators;  increases  in  insurance  premiums and deductible amounts
relating  to  accident,  cargo, workers' compensation, health, and other claims;
unanticipated  increases in the number or amount of claims for which the Company
is  self  insured;  inability  of  the  Company to continue to secure acceptable
financing  arrangements;  seasonal factors such as harsh weather conditions that
increase  operating  costs;  competition  from  trucking,  rail,  and intermodal
competitors;  the  ability  to  identify  acceptable  acquisition  candidates,
consummate  acquisitions,  and  integrate acquired operations; and a significant
reduction in or termination of the Company's trucking service by a key customer.
Readers  should  review and consider the various disclosures made by the Company
in  its  press releases, stockholder reports, and public filings, as well as the
factors explained in greater detail in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K.


                              Quarter Ended            Nine Months Ended
                               September 30               September 30

                            2002         2001          2002          2001

   Operating Revenue    $65,033,997  $53,662,065  $199,188,301  $169,529,997
   Operating Expenses    58,061,150   49,192,151   176,474,919   153,554,141
   Operating Income       6,972,847    4,469,914    22,713,382    15,975,856
   Federal & State
    Income Taxes          2,638,311    1,320,549     8,298,045     4,995,239
   Net Income             3,957,465    2,001,586    12,597,067     7,525,621

   Average Shares
    Outstanding - Basic  11,263,392    8,525,334    10,466,381     8,524,546
   Average Shares
    Outstanding -
    Diluted              11,306,778    8,537,286    10,514,705     8,559,263

   Earnings Per Share -
    Basic                     $0.35        $0.23         $1.20         $0.88
   Earnings Per Share -
    Diluted                   $0.35        $0.23         $1.20         $0.88
   Operating ratio -
    Company                    89.3%        91.7%         88.6%         90.6%