INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN - 2000C
                           CALENDAR YEARS 2000 - 2002

THIS IS THE INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN of P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc.,
a  Delaware  corporation  (the "Company"), under which bonuses may be granted to
certain employees of the Company and it subsidiaries subject to the limitations,
provisions and requirements hereinafter stated.  The Plan is as follows:

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The  purposes of the P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc. Incentive Compensation
Plan  2000C  (the  "Plan")  are  as  follows:

     (a)  To  encourage  each  participant  in  the  Plan  to  make  exceptional
          contributions  to  further  the  growth,  success  and  profits of the

     (b)  To  foster teamwork and personal involvement in the Company's success.

     (c)  To  provide  the  Company  with an objective method of recognizing and
          rewarding certain employees who have been or will be given substantial
          responsibility for the direction and management of the Company.

     (d)  The  pronouns "he" and "his" are used throughout this document.  These
          pronouns  shall be used to describe male and female employees without
          without discrimination.

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This  Plan  shall be administered by the Compensation and Stock Option Committee
of  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors (the "Committee"). This Committee shall
interpret the Plan in a manner consistent with its purposes; and, subject to the
terms  of  the  Plan, will have discretion to determine who shall participate in
the Plan and the amounts of any incentive compensation to be awarded pursuant to
the  Plan.  All  actions and determinations of the Committee taken in connection
with  the  Plan,  including the awarding of any incentive compensation, shall be
final  and  conclusive.  The  Committee  may  adopt  rules from time to time for
carrying out the Plan.

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     (a) Upon  the  adoption  of  the  Plan  and  at  or near the start of each
         succeeding  calendar  year,  eligible  employees  shall  include:

        (i) all full-time employees of the Company and its subsidiaries that are
            individually  selected  by  the  Compensation  Committee,  in  its
            discretion, and

       (ii) additionally,  the  Committee  may,  in  its  discretion,  allow a
            recently promoted or hired officer or employee to participate in the
            Plan commencing with the date of his promotion or his employment, as
            the case may be.

     (b) Eligible employees shall be paid the Incentive Compensation as provided
         in this Plan only if:

        (i) the  eligible employee was employed without interruption during the
            applicable  calendar year from January 1 through December 31, except
            as provided in Sections 3(a)(ii) and 4(d) herein, and

       (ii) the  eligible employee must be employed at the time that the bonus
            is  actually  paid  pursuant  to Section 4(c). In the event that the
            participant's  employment  is terminated, by reason of (x) discharge
            with  or  without  cause  or  (y)  voluntary  termination  by  the
            participant,  at  any  time  during  the calendar year or before the
            actual  payment  date  in  Section 4(c), such terminated participant
            shall  not  be  entitled to any bonus for such calendar year, unless
            specifically authorized by the Committee.

     (c) Any eligible employee that participates in this Plan is not eligible to
         participate  in  Incentive  Bonus  Plan  2000A  or  Plan  2000B.

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The  Plan  will  award  participants for above-average profitability and revenue
growth, as measured by the Company's operating ratio and year over year increase
in operating revenues:

     (a) Annual  Plan.  This Plan is an "annual plan" and incentive awards shall
         be  based  on  audited results of operations for each respective fiscal
         year  ending  December  31.

     (b) Incentive  Awards.  The Board of Directors or Committee shall establish
         the  targeted  operating  ratios  and  corresponding  Effective  Bonus
         Percentages  for  each  calendar  year at or near the completion of the
         audit  of  the Company's financial statements for the previous calendar
         year;  provided,  however,  that  the  targeted  operating  ratios  and
         effective  bonus  percentages for the 2000-2002 calendar years shall be
         established  by  the Board of Directors upon the adoption of this Plan.
         Upon  adoption  by  the  Board  of Directors or Committee, the targeted
         operating  ratio  and  bonus  percentages for the current calendar year
         shall  be  set  forth  on a schedule and attached hereto as an exhibit.
         Under the Plan, each participant shall be awarded a bonus not to exceed
         the  sum  of  the  following  calculations:

        (i) Annual  base compensation multiplied by the product of the effective
            bonus percentage times 95%. However, no bonus shall be payable under
            this  subpart  (i)  if  the  Company's  Consolidated Operating Ratio
            exceeds  93.5%;  and

       (ii) Annual  compensation  multiplied  by  the  product  of the effective
            bonus  percentage times 5%. However, no bonus shall be payable under
            this subpart (ii) unless the Consolidated Operating Revenues for the
            bonus  calculation  year  are  110%  or  more  of  the  Consolidated
            Operating  Revenues  reported  by  the  Company  for the immediately
            preceding  bonus  calculation  year,  and

      (iii) The  subpart  (i)  and  subpart  (ii)  bonus  calculations  are
            independent  of  each  other and entitlement to a bonus under either
            subpart  is  not dependent on whether a bonus is due under the other
            subpart,  and

       (iv) The  Company's  Board  of  Directors  recognizes  that the long term
            well being of the Company may require actions which adversely affect
            the  Consolidated Operating Ratio or Consolidated Operating Revenues
            over  the  short  term.  Accordingly,  upon  recommendation  by  the
            Committee,  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  may  in  its  sole
            discretion  waive  the  Consolidated  Operating  Ratio  and/or  the
            Consolidated  Operating  Revenue thresholds set forth in subpart (i)
            and  subpart  (ii),  respectively.

     (c) Payment  of  Awards.  Any bonus awarded hereunder shall be paid by the
         Company  upon the determination of the bonus as defined in this Plan by
         the  Company's  independent  accountants.  The  payments of the bonuses
         shall  be  as  follows:

         (i)  Any bonus that is awarded for the 2000 calendar year shall be made
              as follows:

              (x)  fifty  percent  (50%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
                   March 31, 2001:

              (y)  twenty  five  percent  (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or
                   before March 31, 2002; and

              (z)  twenty  five  percent  (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or
                   before March 31, 2003.

        (ii)  Any bonus that is awarded for the 2001 calendar year shall be made
              as follows:

              (x)  fifty  percent  (50%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
                   March 31, 2002;

              (y)  twenty  five  percent  (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or
                   before March 31, 2003; and

              (z)  twenty  five  percent  (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or
                   before March 31, 2004.

       (iii)   Any  bonus  that  is awarded for the 2002 calendar year shall be
               made as follows:

              (x)  fifty  percent  (50%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
                   March 31, 2003;

              (y)  twenty  five  (25%)  of  the bonus shall be paid on or before
                   March 31, 2004; and

              (z)  twenty  five  (25%)  of  the bonus shall be paid on or before
                   March 31, 2005.

     (d) Death  or Disability.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the
         contrary,  if  a participant's employment ceases on account of death or
         total  disability,  as  defined  in  105 (d)(4) of the Internal Revenue
         Code,  such participant shall be entitled to receive a pro-rata portion
         of  any  bonus  he  otherwise  would  be  awarded. In either event, the
         participant  shall  be  entitled  to  an amount equal to a normal bonus
         award  under  Section  4(b)  multiplied  by a fraction the numerator of
         which  shall  be  the  number  of  days  in  a  year  during  which the
         participant  was participating in the Plan and the denominator of which
         shall  be  365  days.  For  example,  a  participant  with  annual base
         compensation  of $50,000 dies on July 1 of a calendar year. The Company
         has  a  Effective  Bonus Percentage of 20% for that calendar year which
         otherwise would entitle the participant to a bonus of 20% of his annual
         base  compensation  or $10,000. Such participant would be entitled to a
         bonus  equal  to $10,000 x 182/365 or $4,986. All bonus amounts payable
         to a deceased or disabled participant shall be paid to such participant
         or his personal representative, as the case may be.

     (e) Recently Promoted or Hired Employees. In the event the Committee allows
         a  recently  promoted  or  hired  employee  to participate in the Plan,
         pursuant  to  Section  3(a)(ii)  such  participant shall be entitled to
         receive  a pro-rata portion of any bonus he otherwise would be awarded.
         Such  pro-rata  bonus shall be the amount equal to a normal bonus award
         under  Section  4(b)  multiplied  by  a fraction the numerator of which
         shall  be  the  number of days in the year during which the participant
         was  participating  in  the  Plan and denominator of which shall be 365
         days. For example, a participant commences participation in the Plan on
         July  1  of a calendar year at annual base compensation of $50,000. The
         Company  has  a Effective Bonus Percentage for that calendar year which
         otherwise would entitle the participant to a bonus of 20% of his annual
         base  compensation  or  $5,000. Such participant would be entitled to a
         bonus equal to $5,000 x 183/365 or $4,986.

     (f) Applicable  Base  Annual Compensation:  For purposes of calculating all
         bonus awards hereunder, whenever the term "annual base compensation" of
         a  participant  is  referred  in this Plan it shall mean the following:

        (i) With  respect  to  any  eligible  employee who is compensated on the
            basis  of  a  fixed  salary,  annual  base compensation shall be the
            amount  of  such  base  salary  determined  at  December  31 of each
            calendar year.

       (ii) With  respect  to  any  eligible  employee who is compensated on the
            basis  of  hourly wages, the annual base compensation shall be equal
            to  the  base  wage of such eligible employee at December 31 of each
            calendar year and then annualized.

      (iii) In  the  event  an  eligible employee is terminated prior to the end
            of  the  plan  year  and  the  Committee specifically authorizes the
            payment  of  the Incentive Bonus pursuant to section 3(b)(iii), then
            the  annual  base compensation shall be determined as of the date of

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The  Board  of Directors or the Committee shall notify all employees selected to
participate in the Plan as soon as practicable after such determination has been
made.  The  participants  shall be notified of the targeted operating ratios and
corresponding  effective  bonus  percentages  for  each  calendar  year, and any
subsequent  modifications  thereto,  as  soon  as  practicable  after  such
determinations have been made by the Committee.

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This  Plan is employees for exceptional contributions made by such employees and
any  awards hereunder are intended to be in addition to any other benefits which
the Company provides to the participants.

The  Board of Directors or the Committee may, but is not obligated to, award one
or more of the participants additional bonuses in such amounts and at such times
as  the  Board  of  Directors  or  the  Committee, in its sole discretion, shall

- ----------------------
The  Board  of  Directors  or  the  Committee  may  from  time to time make such
amendments  to  the  Plan as the Board or the Committee, in its sole discretion,
shall  deem  desirable,  including  modifying  the targeted operating ratios and
corresponding bonus percentages established pursuant to Section 4(b) at any time
during a calendar year.

- ----------------------------
The Board of Directors may at any time terminate the Plan. In the event the Plan
is  terminated,  the  Company  shall not have any obligation to the participants
under the Plan unless the Board of Directors states that the Company has assumed
an  obligation.  For  example, assume the Plan is terminated on December 15 of a
calendar  year.  No  participant  shall have a right to receive, and the Company
shall  not  have any obligation to pay, any bonus amount under the Plan for that
calendar  year  unless the Board of Directors expressly states the Company shall
pay  such  bonus  amount.

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No participant shall have the right to assign or transfer any of his benefits or
expected  benefits  under  the Plan except by will or by the laws of descent and

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The  following  definitions  apply  to  the  terms  as  used  in  this  Plan.

Eligible  Salaries  of Plan Participants: The salaries of each Plan Participant,
as  of  December  31  of each calendar year, shall be added together. The sum of
these  salaries  shall  be  the  Eligible  Salaries  of  Plan  Participants.

Company Annual Consolidated Revenue: The calendar year revenues of the following
subsidiaries  shall  be  added  together.  The  sum  of  the  revenues  of  the
subsidiaries  listed  herein,  shall be the Company Annual Consolidated Revenue.
For  purposes of this Plan, operating revenue shall not include interest income,
other  non-operating income or extraordinary items, and operating expenses shall
not  include  any  incentive compensation awarded hereunder, interest expense or
income taxes but shall include loss (gain) on sale of equipment. For purposes of
this  Plan, the operating ratio shall be determined to the nearest one-hundredth
of  one percent (.01%). The revenue of the following subsidiaries shall include:
P.A.M.  Transport, Inc., P.A.M. Dedicated Services, Inc., Choctaw Express, Inc.,
Allen Freight Services, Inc., and Decker Transport Co., Inc. With respect to the
revenues  of  Decker Transport Co., Inc., the revenue generated by the brokerage
division  of  Decker  Transport Co., Inc., shall not apply toward the revenue of
Decker Transport Co., Inc., for the purposes of this Plan. With respect to Allen
Freight  Services,  Inc., the annual revenues and expenses shall be divided into
Allen  Freight  Services, Inc., and Bill's Dollar Store. Allen Freight Services,
Inc.,  and  Bill's  Dollar  Stores  shall  be  treated  as  two separate Company
subsidiaries  for this Plan. In the event, the Company acquires a new subsidiary
during  any  calendar  year  under this Plan, the subsidiary's revenue shall not
apply  toward  the  Company's  Annual  Consolidated  Revenue.

Subsidiary  Annual Revenue and Expenses: The calendar year revenues and expenses
generated  by  each  individual  subsidiary  of  the  Company,  to-wit:  P.A.M.
Transport,  Inc.,  P.A.M. Dedicated Services, Inc., Choctaw Express, Inc., Allen
Freight  Services,  Inc.,  and  Decker  Transport  Co., Inc. With respect to the
revenues  of  Decker Transport Co., Inc., the revenue generated and the expenses
incurred  by  the  brokerage  division  of Decker Transport Co., Inc., shall not
apply  toward  the  Subsidiary Annual Revenue of Decker Transport Co., Inc., for
the  purposes  of  this  Plan. With respect to Allen Freight Services, Inc., the
annual revenues and expenses shall be divided into Allen Freight Services, Inc.,
and  Bill's Dollar Store. Allen Freight Services, Inc., and Bill's Dollar Stores
shall  be treated as two separate Company subsidiaries for this Plan. Any amount
of  money  accrued  during the calendar year for bonus payment expense shall not
apply  toward  the  Annual  Expenses  for  the  Subsidiary.

Subsidiary  Percent  of Revenue: The Subsidiary Percent of Revenue is calculated
by  dividing  the  Subsidiary  Annual Revenue by the Company Annual Consolidated
Revenue  expressed  as  a  percentage.

Subsidiary  Bonus  Eligible  Salaries: The Subsidiary Bonus Eligible Salaries is
calculated  by  multiplying the Subsidiary Percent of Revenue times the Eligible
Salaries  of  Plan  Participants.

Operating  Ratio of Subsidiary: This term shall mean the operating ratio of each
individual  subsidiary  of  P.A.M.  Transportation  Services, Inc. The operating
ratio  shall  be  determined to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent (.01%).

Subsidiary  Bonus  Factor:  Determine  the  Bonus  Percentage  from  the  Bonus
Percentage  Table found in Attachment One by using the Annual Operating Ratio of
the  Subsidiary.  Multiply  the  Subsidiary Bonus Eligible Salaries by the Bonus
Percentage.  The  product  of  these two numbers in the Subsidiary Bonus Factor.

Consolidated  Bonus  Factor:  The  Consolidated  Bonus  Factor is the sum of the
Subsidiary  Bonus  Factors.

Effective  Bonus  Percentage:  The  Effective  Bonus Percentage is calculated by
dividing  the  Consolidated  Bonus  Factor  by  the  Eligible  Salaries  of Plan
Participants  as  expressed  in  a  percentage.

Percentage:  All  percentages  shall  be  determined  to  the  nearest  1/100th.

This  Plan  has been adopted and approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Company on the 15th day of June, 2000 and shall be effective for calendar
years  2000  through  2002  inclusive,  unless otherwise amended by the Board of

                                    EXHIBIT A

                      P.A.M. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC.
                        INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN 2000C

                         FOR 2000 - 2002 CALENDAR YEARS

   Subsidiary                             Bonus
Operating Ratio                         Percentage
- ----------------                        ----------
90.0% and above                             0.0%
89.0%  to  89.9%                           20.0%
88.0%  to  88.9%                           30.0%
87.0%  to  87.9%                           40.0%
86.0%  to  86.9%                           50.0%
85.0%  to  85.9%                           60.0%
84.0%  to  84.9%                           70.0%
83.0%  to  83.9%                           80.0%
82.0%  to  82.9%                           90.0%
81.0%  to  81.9%                          100.0%
80.0%  to  80.9%                          110.0%
Under  80%                                120.0%

                        EXCERPTS OF RESOLUTIONS OF THE
                                FEBRUARY 17, 2004

- -----------------------------------------------------

     The  Committee discussed the Company's Incentive Compensation Plan - 2000A,
Incentive  Compensation Plan 2000B, and Incentive Compensation Plan 2000C, which
are  currently  in  effect  for  employees  of the Company and its subsidiaries.
These  plans  originally  applied  to  the  years  2000, 2001 and 2002, and were
previously extended to also apply to 2003.  The Committee discussed the purposes
of  these  plans.  The Committee also discussed their continued appropriateness,
and  the  extent  to  which they are likely to meet the Company's objectives for
compensating  and  motivating  its  employees, and increasing the return for the
shareholders  of  the  Company.  [text omitted]  The Committee also considered a
Schedule provided by the Company's executive officers recommending the employees
who  should  participate  in Incentive Compensation Plan 2000B and 2000C.  After
further  discussion,  upon  motion  duly  made  and  seconded,  the  following
resolutions were unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED,  that  the Committee has determined that Incentive Compensation Plan -
2000A  ("Plan  A"),  Incentive Compensation Plan 2000B ("Plan B"), and Incentive
Compensation  Plan 2000C ("Plan C"), which are presently in effect (collectively
the  "Plans"), should be extended for an additional year so they will also apply
to the calendar year 2004, and the Plans are extended to apply to 2004.

RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that the provisions of Exhibit A to each of the three Plans,
respectively,  which  establish  the  targeted consolidated operating ratios and
corresponding  bonus  percentages  for  2000-2002 calendar years, and which were
also  applied  for  calendar  year 2003, shall, subject to the provisions of the
Plans, also apply to 2004.

RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that  the employees who should participate in each of Plan B
and  Plan  C  are those listed for those plans in the schedule presented to this
meeting,  and  subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Plans,  such employees are
designated  to  participate  in  Plan B and Plan C as set forth in the schedule.
[text omitted]

RESOLVED FURTHER, that pursuant to Section 7 of Plan B and Plan C, respectively,
Sections  4(c)  (Payments of Awards) of each of such Plans are amended by adding
new  clauses  (iv) and (v) to each that follow the timing patterns of awards for
prior  years,  while making specific provision for corresponding timing for 2003
and 2004 awards, and provide as follows:

(iv)  Any bonus that is awarded for the 2003 calendar year shall be made as

     (x)  fifty percent (50%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before March
          31, 2004;

     (y)  twenty-five percent (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
          March 31, 2005; and

     (z)  twenty-five percent (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
          March 31, 2006.

(iv)  Any bonus that is awarded for the 2004 calendar year shall be made as

     (x)  fifty percent (50%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before March
          31, 2005;

     (y)  twenty-five percent (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
          March 31, 2006; and

     (z)  twenty-five percent (25%) of the bonus shall be paid on or before
          March 31, 2007.  [text omitted]