The management of FIserv, Inc. assumes responsibility for the integrity and
objectivity of the information appearing in the 1994 Annual Report. This
information was prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles and necessarily reflects the best estimates and judgment of
management.  To provide reasonable assurance that transactions authorized by
management are recorded and reported properly and that assets are safeguarded,
the Company maintains a system of internal controls.  The concept of reasonable
assurance implies that the cost of such a system is weighed against the benefits
to be derived therefrom.

Deloitte & Touche LLP, certified public accountants, audit the financial
statements of the Company in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Their audit includes a review of the internal control system, and
improvements are made to the system based upon their recommendations.

The Audit Committee ensures that management and the independent auditors are
properly discharging their financial reporting responsibilities.  In performing
this function, the Committee meets with management and the independent auditors
throughout the year.   Additional access to the Committee is provided to
Deloitte & Touche LLP on an unrestricted basis, allowing discussion of audit
results and opinions on the adequacy of internal accounting controls and the
quality of financial reporting.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer