12 South Main
                     Minot, ND  58701
                     (701) 852-1756

                    OF SHAREHOLDERS

     Notice is hereby given to the Shareholders of Investors
Real Estate Trust that the 26th Annual Meeting of
Shareholders will be held in the Executive Room, 
International Inn, in Minot, North Dakota, at 7:00 P.M. on
Wednesday, August 21, 1996, for the following purposes:

1.  To elect ten trustees of the Trust.
2.  To ratify or reject the selection of Brady, Martz &
    Associates, P.C. as Independent Certified Public
    Accountants for the Trust; and
3.  To transact such other business as may properly come
    before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The date fixed by the Board of Trustees as the record
date for the determination of Shareholders entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting is the close
of business on May 31, 1996.

     You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting
in person.

     Shareholders who do not expect to be present personally
at the meeting are urged to fill in, date, sign, and return
the accompanying proxy in the enclosed envelope. It is
important that your shares be represented and voted at the
meeting. The Board of Trustees sincerely hopes that all 
Shareholders are able to attend the Annual Meeting.

     By order of the Board of Directors this 1st day of
August, 1996.

                                         Timothy P. Mihalick

                  YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

     Please indicate your voting instructions on the
enclosed proxy. Date, sign, and return it in the stamped 
envelope provided. To avoid additional expense of further
solicitation, we ask your cooperation in mailing your proxy

                       PROXY STATEMENT

                       12 South Main
                      Minot, ND  58701


     The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of
Trustees of Investors Real Estate Trust in connection with
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on August 21,
1996, and it may be revoked by you at any time prior to its
use. The shares represented by the proxies received will be 
voted at the meeting by the representative of the Board of
Trustees. This proxy statement is expected to be mailed on 
August 1, 1996, to Shareholders of record as of May 31, 1996.

     As of May 31, 1996, there were issued and outstanding
13,365,393 shares of Beneficial Interest of Investors Real
Estate Trust and each such outstanding share of Beneficial
Interest is entitled to one vote. To the Trust's knowledge,
no person is the beneficial owner of 5% or more of the 
outstanding shares of Beneficial Interest of the Trust.

     Only stockholders of record on the books of the Trust
at the close of business on May 31, 1996, will be entitled
to vote at the meeting.

     All expenses in connection with the solicitation of 
this proxy will be paid by the Trust.

     Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation and 
received by the Annual Meeting will be voted as specified in
such proxy. If no instructions are given, proxies will be 
voted FOR the election of the nominees listed below, FOR the
ratification of the appointment of Brady, Martz & Associates
P.C. as independent certified public accounts for the 
Trust's fiscal year ending April 30, 1997, and, in the
direction of the proxies, on any other matter properly 
brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. You
may revoke the proxy by giving written notice thereof to the
secretary of the meeting, by executing a later proxy or by
attending the meeting and voting your shares in person.


     It is intended that the proxies received will be voted
for the election of the nominees named below, nine of whom 
are presently members of the Board of Trustees of Investors
Real Estate Trust. Thomas A. Wentz, Sr. will not stand for
re-election and his son, Thomas A. Wentz, Jr., has been
nominated to succeed him. Although the Board does not contemplate
that any of the nominees will be unable to serve, in the 
event any nominee is unable or declines to serve as a 
trustee at the time of the Annual Meeting, the proxy will be
voted for any nominee who shall be designated by the present
Board of Trustees to fill such vacancy. The term of office 
for which trustees are elected is until the next Annual
Meeting of Shareholders and until their successors are 
elected or appointed. The tabulation below shows information
concerning each nominee for Trustee and the Trust's advisor.

WITH TRUST               DURING PAST 5 YEARS              SINCE        OWNED AS OF 5/31/96

C. Morris Anderson;      Director of Dakota Boys Ranch     
age 67                   (25 yrs.); President of North
Trustee                  Hill Bowl, Inc.; Director of
                         International Inn, Inc. and
                         Norwest Bank - Minot, N.A. 
                         and a Partner in Magic City
                         Realty, Ltd.                       1970            11,164 (1)

Ralph A. Christensen;    Retired rancher; Director of
age 67                   First Bank - Minot, N.A.;
Trustee and Chairman     Chairman of IRET		                	1970            40,361 (2)

John D. Decker;
age 79
Trustee                  Investor                           1970            40,352 (3)

Mike F. Dolan;           
age 84
Trustee and Vice-
  Chairman               Investor; Vice-Chairman of IRET    1978           224,867 (4)

J. Norman Ellison, Jr;   Businessman; Managing Partner of
age 73                   Ellison Realty Co.; Former 
Trustee                  Director of First Bank - Minot, 
                         N.A.                               1970            18,067 (5)

Daniel L. Feist;         Realtor, Broker, Real Estate
age 64                   Developer, Builder, General
Trustee                  Contractor, President-Owner Feist
                         Construction & Realty, Investor,
                         Businessman, Director of First
                         Bank System - Minot, N.A., Director
                         N.D. Holdings, Inc. - Minot        1985           275,314 (6)

Patrick G. Jones;        Investor; former President of
age 48                   Central Venture Capital, Inc.;
Trustee                  former Manager and Director of
                         Minot Daily News                   1986            74,392 (7)

Jeff L. Miller;          Investor; Businessman; President
age 52                   M&S Concessions, Inc. and
Trustee and Vice-        former president of Coca-Cola
  Chairman               Bottling Co. of Minot; Director
                         of First Bank - Minot              1985           129,401 (8)

Roger R. Odell;          Realtor; President of IRET;
age 70                   Partner in Odell-Wentz &
Trustee and President    Associates (Advisor of IRET);
                         Director of Investors
                         Management & Marketing, Inc.
                         and Inland National Securities,
                         Inc.; Partner in Magic City
                         Realty, Ltd.                       1970           143,866 (9)

Thomas A. Wentz, Jr.;    Attorney, Pringle & Herigstad,
age 30                   P.C.; Sole General Partner of
                         Wenco, Ltd.                                       162,672 (10)

  (1) Owned by Mr. Anderson and his wife as Joint Tenants.

  (2) Includes shares held in Mr. Christensen's IRA, and
      also his wife's IRA, which is comprised of 567 shares.
      The balance is owned by Mr. Christensen and his wife
      as Joint Tenants. Mr. Christensen's children own
      16,679 shares as to which Mr. Christensen does not 
      have beneficial ownership or any dispositive powers.

  (3) Owned by Mr. Decker with his wife as Tenants in
      Common. Mr. Decker's children own 3,384 shares as to 
      which Mr. Decker does not have beneficial ownership or
      dispositive powers.

  (4) Mr. Dolan's children own 12,428 shares, as to which
      Mr. Dolan disclaims beneficial ownership or 
      dispositive powers.

  (5) Includes 4,416 shares held by Mr. Ellison's wife.
      Mr. Ellison disclaims beneficial ownership of such

  (6) Includes 34,372 shares held in Mrs. Feist's name and 
      in her IRA, of which Mr. Feist disclaims beneficial
      ownership. Also includes shares held in Mr. Feist's
      IRA's. Mr. Feist's children own 74,913 shares as to
      which Mr. Feist does not have beneficial ownership or
      dispositive powers.

  (7) Includes 37,112 shares held by Mrs. Jones and in her 
      IRA. Mr. Jones disclaims beneficial ownership of such
      shares. Also includes shares held in Mr. Jones'
      IRA. Mr. Jones' children own 10,925 shares as to
      which Mr. Jones disclaims beneficial ownership.

  (8) 42,764 of such shares are owned by Mr. Miller's wife.
      Mr. Miller disclaims beneficial ownership of such
      shares. Also includes shares held in Mr. Miller's IRA.

  (9) Includes 9,275 shares owned by Magic City Realty and
      19,548 shares owned by Investors Management & 
      Marketing, Inc. Also includes shares held in 
      Mr. Odell's IRA, and 67,897 shares owned by 
      Mr. Odell's wife, as to which shares Mr. Odell
      disclaims beneficial ownership. Mr. Odell's children
      own 64,317 shares as to which Mr. Odell does not have
      beneficial ownership or dispositive powers.

 (10) Includes 161,680 shares owned by Wenco, Ltd., of 
      which Mr. Wentz, Jr. is Sole General Partner.
     As of May 31, 1996, all of the above trustees as a 
group owned or held voting control of 1,120,456 shares of
Beneficial Interest of IRET, representing 8.38% of the 13,365,393 
shares then outstanding.

     During the fiscal year ending April 30, 1996, there 
were twelve regular meetings of the Board of Trustees. All
of the trustees attended 75% or more of the meetings held
during said fiscal year.

     There are no separate audit, nominating or compensation
committees of the Board of Trustees, which duties are 
performed by the Board as a whole.

     The last shareholder meeting at which trustees were
elected was held on August 9, 1995, at which meeting
shareholders owning 60.59% of the shares of IRET entitled to
vote were present in person, or by proxy. The ten nominees
received 100% of the total shares voted at such meeting.


     The following tabulation shows the cash compensation 
paid by IRET to its trustees and officers during its fiscal
year ending April 30, 1996. The Trust has no retirement,
bonus, or deferred compensation plan and no other
compensation will accrue, directly or indirectly, to any of
the trustees except as noted below.

                                                       CASH COMPENSATION
                              CAPACITY IN              FOR YEAR ENDING
NAME                          WHICH SERVED              APRIL 30, 1996
C. Morris Anderson       Trustee                          $ 6,816.50

Ralph A. Christensen     Trustee & Chairman                 8,794.25

John D. Decker           Trustee                            6,916.50

Mike F. Dolan            Trustee & Vice-Chairman            7,806.00

J. Norman Ellison, Jr.   Trustee                            7,216.50

Daniel L. Feist          Trustee                            7,116.50

Jeff L. Miller           Trustee & Vice-Chairman            7,806.00

Patrick G. Jones         Trustee                            7,016.50

Thomas A. Wentz, Sr.     Trustee & Vice-President               (1&2)

Roger R. Odell           Trustee & President                      (1)

  (1) Mr. Odell is a partner in Odell-Wentz & Associates,
      the Advisor to the Trust. Under the Advisory
      Contract between IRET and Odell-Wentz & Associates,
      IRET pays an Advisor's fee based on the net assets
      of the Trust and, in addition, a percentage fee for
      investigating and negotiating the acquisition of new
      investments. For the year ending April 30, 1996, 
      Odell-Wentz & Associates received compensation and
      reimbursement of disbursements under said Agreement
      of $516,036.46. The terms of said Advisory Agreement
      are explained below. Investors Management & 
      Marketing, Inc., a firm in which Mr. Odell is a 
      minority shareholder, also furnishes real estate
      management services to the Trust and receives as
      compensation four percent (4%) of rents received from
      such real estate. For the fiscal year ending April 30,
      1996, Investors Management & Marketing, Inc. received
      $281,716.64 as real estate management commissions. In
      addition, Inland National Securities, Inc., a
      corporation in which Mr. Odell and members of his 
      family are shareholders, acts as a broker-dealer for
      the sale of Trust securities. During the fiscal year 
      ending April 30, 1996, the Trust paid Inland National
      Securities, Inc. $269,656.36 as security sales fees.

  (2) Mr. Wentz, Sr., is a partner in Odell-Wentz &
      Associates. He is also a member of the law firm of 
      Pringle & Herigstad, P.C., counsel for the Trust.
      During the fiscal year ending April 30, 1996, the
      Trust paid Pringle & Herigstad, P.C. the sum of
      $23,487.54 for legal services rendered and 
      disbursements made on behalf of the Trust.

                      ADVISORY AGREEMENT

     Roger R. Odell has served as advisor to IRET since its
formation in 1970. As of January 1, 1986, a revised Advisory
Agreement was entered into between IRET and Odell-Wentz &
Associates, a partnership of Roger R. Odell and Thomas A.
Wentz, Sr.. Mr. Odell serves as president and Mr. Wentz, Sr.
serves as vice-president of IRET. Mr. Wentz, Sr. has also 
served as attorney for IRET since its formation as a member 
of the law firm of Pringle & Herigstad, P.C.

     Under the Advisory Agreement, the advisor has the 
following duties and responsibilities:

        Advisor, at its expense, shall provide suitable
        office facilities for IRET in Minot, North Dakota,
        and shall provide sufficient staff and other
        equipment to conduct the day-to-day operations of
        IRET. Advisor shall furnish a computer and all 
        other office equipment necessary to conduct the
        operations of IRET and shall pay for all routine
        supplies, postage, and other costs of operating
        said office. IRET shall be billed by the Advisor
        for stationery and other forms and documents 
        printed especially for IRET, the printing of the
        annual report and quarterly reports and other
        communications to Shareholders and also for the
        postage for mailing reports, checks and other
        documents to Shareholders.

        The Advisor, under the direction of trustees, 
        shall be responsible to conduct all operations
        of IRET including:

          Collection of rent, contract and mortgage
            payments and depositing the same in IRET
            bank accounts;

          Payment of bills;

          Disbursements of dividends;

          Preparing monthly reports to the trustees;

          Preparing quarterly and annual reports to

          Preparing notices of Shareholders' meetings
            and proxies and proxy statements; and

          Advising the trustees as to investment 
            decisions including acquisition and 
            disposition of real estate and other
            permissible investments.

     For providing the above services, the Advisor is
compensated as follows:

     BASIC COMPENSATION. Advisor shall receive monthly as 
its basic compensation for the above described services a
percentage of the "net invested assets" of IRET held on 
the last day of the month for which the payment is made as

          1/12th of .9% of net invested assets up to
            $10,000,000; and

           1/12th of .8% of net invested assets over
            $10,000,000 but not less than $20,000,000; and

          1/12th of .7% of net invested assets in excess of

For the purpose of this agreement, "net invested assets"
shall be determined as follows:

          Add:      +total assets at cost

                    +depreciation reserve

                    +unearned contract receivable discount

                    +deferred gain account

          Subtract: -cash

                    -marketable securities, less margin

                    -total liabilities

     ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. For its services in 
investigating and negotiating the acquisition of real estate
equities, mortgages or contracts for deed by IRET, the 
Advisor shall receive a fee of 1/2 of 1 percent of the first
$2,500,000 of value of any such asset which is recommended 
to and acquired by IRET, except on new construction projects
for which the fee is 1/2 of 1 percent of the total cost.

     LIMITATION. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the total
compensation received by the Advisor set forth above during
any one fiscal year of IRET when added to trustees' fees and
other administrative costs of IRET shall not exceed the 
lesser of the following: 2 percent of net invested assets
(as set forth above) or 25 percent of the net taxable income
of IRET for such fiscal year.

     Said Advisory Agreement is for a term of one year to
continue for successive terms on the same conditions until
terminated by written notice of either party and is also
subject to a 60 day termination by either party and by the
Shareholders holding a majority interest in IRET.


     Brady, Martz & Associates, P.C., Minot, North Dakota,
has served as the independent certified public accountant
for IRET since its formation in 1970. This firm has examined
and reported on IRET's financial statements for all of its
fiscal years including the fiscal year ending April 30, 

     The Board of Trustees of IRET has selected Brady, Martz
& Associates, P.C., as the independent certified public
accountant for IRET for its fiscal year ending April 30, 
1997, subject to ratification or rejection by the 
Shareholders. IRET is advised that neither Brady Martz &
Associates nor any of its professional members has any
direct or indirect material financial interest in IRET.

     It is expected that a representative of Brady, Martz &
Associates will be present at the Annual meeting.

     The Board of Trustees recommends that the Shareholders
vote FOR the ratification of the selection of Brady, Martz &
Associates as the independent certified public accountant 
for IRET.


     A proposal submitted by a Shareholder for action at
IRET's 1997 Annual Meeting must be received by IRET at its
offices at 12 South Main, Minot, North Dakota 58701, not
later than May 31, 1997, in order to be included in IRET's
proxy statement for the 1997 Annual Meeting. It is 
suggested that proposals be submitted by certified mail,
return receipt requested. 

                      OTHER MATTERS

     The trustees do not know of any other business which 
will be presented for consideration at the meeting. If any
other business properly comes before the meeting or any
adjournment thereof, the proxy holders will vote in regard
thereto according to their discretion insofar as proxies
are not limited to the contrary.

                                       Timothy P. Mihalick


     The table below provides an indicator of the cumulative
total shareholder returns for the Trust as compared to the
S&P 500 Stock Index and a Peer Group (1). The comparison
assumes the investment of $100 in the stock of IRET and in 
each of the indices, and the reinvestment of all dividends.

         March 1,   March 1,   March 1,   March 1,   March 1,   March 1,
           1991       1992       1993       1994       1995       1996
IRET       100        113        127        142        162        182

S&P        100        116        128        139        149        200

Peer       100        108        144        155        152        184

   (1) The Peer Group consists of the real estate investment
trusts included by the National Association of Real Estate
Investment Trusts in its "Equity REIT Index." IRET is 
classified by NAREIT as an equity real estate investment
trust (more than 75% of assets invested in real estate
equities), but is not included in said statistical index.