The Board of Directors
     SCOR U.S. Corporation:

       We have reviewed the consolidated balance sheet of SCOR U.S. Corporation
     and subsidiaries (the Company) as of June 30, 1994, and the related
     consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity and cash flows
     for the three month and six month periods ended June 30, 1994 and 1993. 
     These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the
     Company's management.

       We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the
     American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim
     financial information consists principally of applying analytical
     procedures to financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible
     for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope
     than an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the
     objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial
     statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an

       Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that
     should be made to the consolidated financial statements referred to above
     for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

       We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted
     auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet of SCOR U.S. Corporation
     and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1993, and the related consolidated
     statements of operations, stockholders' equity and cash flows for the year
     then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated February 1,
     1994, except for Note 15, as to which the date was February 10, 1994, we
     expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial

       As discussed in Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for the
     three month and six month periods ended June 30, 1994, the Company changed
     its method of accounting for multiple year retrospectively rated
     reinsurance contracts and for the adoption of the provisions of the
     Financial Accounting Standards Board's Statement of Financial Accounting
     Standards No. 113,"Accounting and Reporting of Short-Duration and Long-
     Duration Contracts," in 1993. 

                                        KPMG Peat Marwick

     New York, New York
     August 2, 1994 

                                SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                    (in thousands)

                                                    June 30, December 31,
																																																							1994         1993  

       Fixed maturities:
         Available for sale, at fair value
          (amortized cost: $585,826 and $558,882)  $ 569,422    $ 581,104
         Held to maturity, at amortized cost                
          (fair value: $19,977 and $27,109)           19,849       24,876
       Equity securities, at fair value
          (cost: $14,483 and $15,581)                 15,043       18,951
       Short-term investments, at cost                55,157       90,642
       Other long-term investments                     1,200        1,081
                                                     660,671      716,654

     Cash                                             13,994       17,096
     Accrued investment income                        10,275       10,169
     Premiums receivable                             109,975       80,319
     Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses:
       Affiliates                                     12,216        9,498
       Other                                          43,672       27,329
     Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses:
       Affiliates                                    125,463      134,154
       Other                                          98,605       87,689
     Prepaid reinsurance premiums:
       Affiliates                                     10,407       14,578
       Other                                          12,033       11,839
     Deferred policy acquisition costs                25,609       24,140
     Deferred Federal income tax benefits             38,280       11,894
     Investment in affiliates                         11,048       10,789
     Other assets                                     42,455       37,963
                                                 $ 1,214,703  $ 1,194,111

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                    (in thousands)

                                                    June 30, December 31,
                                                       1994         1993 


       Losses and loss expenses                   $  622,829   $  562,209
       Unearned premiums                             121,633      114,376
       Funds held under reinsurance treaties:
         Affiliates                                    3,719       21,777
         Other                                        19,485       17,825
       Reinsurance balances payable:
         Affiliates                                    9,898       18,196
         Other                                        59,825       42,037
       Convertible subordinated debentures            86,250       86,250
       Notes payable                                  20,000       20,000
       Commercial paper                               10,954       10,721
       Other liabilities                              13,309       10,031 
                                                     967,902      903,422

       Preferred stock, no par value, 5,000
         shares authorized; no shares issued             -0-          -0-
       Common stock, $0.30 par value,
         50,000 shares authorized;
         18,299 and 18,299 shares issued               5,490        5,490
       Additional paid-in capital                    112,894      112,670
       Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
        of investments                               (10,299)      16,634
       Foreign currency translation adjustment          (269)          12
       Retained earnings                             140,452      157,532
       Treasury stock, at cost(158 and 190 shares)    (1,467)      (1,649)
                                                     246,801      290,689
                                                 $ 1,214,703  $ 1,194,111
     See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                     (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                                          Three Months Ended        
                                                       June 30,                      June 30,     
                                                   1994         1993         1994             1993



     Net premiums earned                     $   54,983   $   56,722  $   117,668    $     110,482
     Net investment income                       10,208       10,866       20,206           20,898
     Net realized investment gains                  413        2,029          736            5,357
                                                 65,604       69,617      138,610          136,737


     Losses and loss expenses, net               42,991       37,770      113,498           71,744
     Commissions, net                            14,356       14,489       31,875           27,769
     Other underwriting and
      administration expenses                     5,980        6,866       12,787           13,006
     Other expenses                               1,062          978        1,475            1,928
     Interest expense                             2,204        2,349        4,528            3,521
                                                 66,593       62,452      164,163          117,968
     Income (loss) from operations before
     Federal income taxes and cumulative
      effect of accounting changes                 (989)       7,165      (25,553)          18,769
     Federal income taxes (benefit)              (1,592)       1,292      (11,738)           4,123
     Income (loss) from operations                  603        5,873      (13,815)          14,646
     Cumulative effect of accounting changes        -0-          -0-          -0-           (2,600)
     Net income (loss)                       $      603   $    5,873  $   (13,815)   $      12,046

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                     (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                                          Three Months Ended        
                                                Six Months Ended   
                                                       June 30,                    June 30,       
                                                   1994         1993         1994             1993



     Average common and common
      equivalent shares outstanding              18,191       18,472       18,125           18,483

     Income (loss) from operations           $     0.03   $     0.32  $     (0.76)   $        0.79

     Cumulative effect of accounting changes        -0-          -0-          -0-            (0.14)

     Net income (loss)                       $     0.03   $     0.32  $     (0.76)   $        0.65


     Average common and common
      equivalent shares outstanding              18,191       21,742       18,125           20,152

     Income (loss) from operations           $     0.03   $     0.31  $     (0.76)   $        0.77

     Cumulative effect of accounting changes        -0-          -0-          -0-            (0.13)

     Net income (loss)                       $     0.03   $     0.31  4     (0.76)   $        0.64

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

                              Six Months Ended June 30,
                        (in thousands, except per share data)
                                                         1994        1993
     Balance at beginning of year                    $  5,490    $  5,453
     Issuance of common stock                             -0-          37
     Balance at end of period                           5,490       5,490

     Balance at beginning of year                     112,670     112,068
     Issuance of common stock                             179       1,416
     Change in unpaid stock options exercised              45        (787)
     Balance at end of period                         112,894     112,697

       OF INVESTMENTS                                        
     Balance at beginning of year                      16,634      11,416
     Change in unrealized appreciation                (26,933)      7,012
     Balance at end of period                         (10,299)     18,428

     Balance at beginning of year                          12         254
     Change in foreign currency
       translation adjustment                            (281)        (45)
     Balance at end of period                            (269)        209
     RETAINED EARNINGS                                       
     Balance at beginning of year                     157,532     138,002
     Net income                                       (13,815)     12,046
     Dividends ($.18 and $.16 per share)               (3,265)     (2,899)
     Balance at end of period                         140,452     147,149
     TREASURY STOCK                                          
     Balance at beginning of year                      (1,649)     (1,077)
     Net (purchases) reissuance of treasury stock         182          (4)
     Balance at end of period                          (1,467)     (1,081)
     TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY AT END OF PERIOD    $ 246,801   $ 282,892

     Common stock shares                                     
     Balance at beginning of year                      18,299      18,176
     Issuance of common stock                             -0-         123
     Balance at end of period                          18,299      18,299
     Treasury stock shares
     Balance at beginning of year                         190         153
     Net purchases (reissuance) of treasury stock         (32)          1
     Balance at end of period                             158         154

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.         


                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                (in thousands)

                                                                                                                           Three Mon

                                                     Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended 
                                                          June 30,                  June 30,   
                                                             1994      1993      1994      1993



     Net income (loss)                                    $   603 $   5,873  $(13,815) $ 12,046
        Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
        to net cash provided by (used in) 
        operating activities:
          Cumulative effect of accounting changes             -0-       -0-       -0-     2,600
          Realized investment gains                          (413)   (2,029)     (736)   (5,357)
          Changes in assets and liabilities:
             Accrued investment income                       (162)   (1,976)     (106)     (280)
             Premium balances, net                        (23,384)   (4,177)  (20,166)   (8,144)
             Prepaid reinsurance premiums                   2,295     3,894     3,977    (5,944)
             Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses        (5,669)   (2,048)  (19,061)    7,068
             Deferred policy acquisition costs                (51)      685    (1,469)   (1,910)
             Losses and loss expenses                       7,453   (10,339)   60,620     1,617
             Unearned premiums                             (1,189)     (351)    7,257     9,078
             Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses       6,375     2,658    (2,225)  (14,353)
             Funds held under reinsurance treaties            123    (2,328)  (16,398)     (491)
             Federal income taxes                          (1,592)   (1,007)  (13,538)    9,324
             Other                                            431       582       201       712
     Net cash provided by (used in) operating             (15,180)  (10,563)  (15,459)    5,966

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                (in thousands)

                                                                                                                           Three Mon

                                                      Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                                                          June 30,                     June 30,  
                                                             1994      1993      1994      1993



     Sales, maturities or redemptions
      of fixed maturities                                  98,862    70,454   138,788   183,097
     Sales of equity securities                             2,145     3,435     4,516     4,953
     Net sales (purchases) of
      short-term investments                               (7,520)   63,401    36,734   (42,990)
     Investments in fixed maturities                      (80,865) (112,295) (159,668) (225,819)
     Investments in equity securities                        (486)   (3,536)   (2,215)   (4,368)
     Other                                                 (1,808)   (2,339)   (2,980)   (3,594)
     Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities   10,328    19,120    15,175   (88,721)


     Dividends paid                                        (1,632)   (1,452)   (3,265)   (2,899)
     Proceeds from issuance of convertible
      subordinated debentures                                 -0-       -0-       -0-    85,172
     Proceeds from issuance of commercial paper-net             6        16        27        57
     Proceeds from stock options exercised                     27       837        45       960
     Other                                                    282      (747)      375       297
     Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities   (1,317)   (1,346)   (2,818)   83,587

     Net increase (decrease) in cash                       (6,169)    7,211    (3,102)      832
     Cash at beginning of period                           20,163    13,999    17,096    20,378
     Cash at end of period                              $  13,994 $  21,210 $  13,994 $  21,210

     See notes to consolidated financial statements.



          1. GENERAL

               SCOR U.S. Corporation ("SCOR U.S." or "Company") is a
          holding company, the principal operating subsidiaries of which
          are SCOR Reinsurance Company ("SCOR Re"), General Security
          Insurance Company ("GSIC"), The Unity Fire and General Insurance
          Company ("Unity Fire") and General Security Indemnity Company

               The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides property
          and casualty insurance and reinsurance to primary insurance
          companies on both a treaty and facultative basis.  SCOR Re
          specializes in underwriting treaties covering non-standard
          automobile, commercial and technical risks and provides property,
          casualty and special risk coverages on a facultative basis.  SCOR
          Re writes treaty business almost exclusively through reinsurance
          intermediaries.  SCOR Re writes facultative business directly
          with primary insurance companies and through reinsurance
          intermediaries.  GSIC and Unity Fire provide property and
          casualty insurance on both a primary and excess basis,
          specializing in alternative risk market coverages.  GSIND
          provides commercial property and casualty coverages on a surplus
          lines basis.

               The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements
          have been prepared on the basis of Generally Accepted Accounting
          Principles ("GAAP") and in the opinion of management, reflect all
          adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring adjustments)
          necessary for a fair presentation of results for such periods. 
          The results of operations for any interim period are not
          necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

               These consolidated financial statements should be read in
          conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and
          related notes in the Company's 1993 Annual Report on Form 10-K as
          filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          2. PER SHARE DATA

               Primary earnings per share are based on the weighted
          average number of common shares outstanding during the period
          and, if dilutive, common shares assumed to be outstanding which
          are issuable under stock option plans.  Fully diluted earnings
          per share are based on the additional assumption that the
          Debentures (as defined in Note 6) are converted into common
          shares, if dilutive.


               Effective as of December 31, 1993, the Company adopted
          Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115 "Accounting
          for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" ("SFAS
          115").  SFAS 115 addresses the accounting and reporting for
          investments in equity securities that have readily determinable 


          fair values and for all investments in debt securities.  Under
          SFAS 115, investments are classified into three categories.  Debt
          securities that management has the positive intent and the
          ability to hold to maturity are classified as "held to maturity"
          and reported at amortized cost.  Debt and equity securities that
          are bought and held for the purpose of selling them in the near
          term are classified as "trading securities" and reported at fair
          value with unrealized gains and losses included in earnings. 
          Debt and equity securities not classified as either of the above
          categories are classified as "available for sale securities" and
          reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported
          as a separate component of stockholders' equity.  The adoption of
          SFAS 115 did not have any effect on the Company's financial
          position or its results from operations.

               The FASB's Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") reached a
          consensus on July 22, 1993 regarding Issue No. 93-6, "Accounting
          for Multiple-Year Retrospectively-Rated Contracts by Ceding and
          Assuming Enterprises" ("EITF 93-6").  EITF 93-6 has had an impact
          on certain of the Company's retrocessional agreements. As a
          result of the Company's implementation of the change in
          accounting method, as of January 1, 1993, $2.6 million, or $0.14
          per share (after-tax), is included as a reduction to income as a
          cumulative adjustment.  The effect of this change, excluding the
          cumulative adjustment, for the three months and six months ended
          June 30, 1993 was to increase net income by $19,000, or $0.00 per
          share, and $1.3 million, or $0.06 per share, respectively.

               In the first quarter of 1993, the Company adopted Statement
          of Financial Accounting Standards No. 113 "Accounting and
          Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration and Long-Duration
          Contracts" ("SFAS 113").  The significant provisions of SFAS 113
          require grossing-up the balance sheet to eliminate the reporting 
          of assets and liabilities relating to reinsured contracts net of
          the effects of reinsurance, establish the conditions for a
          contract to be accounted for as reinsurance, require the deferral
          and amortization of any gain from retroactive contracts as
          defined in SFAS 113, and provide guidance in assessing transfer
          of insurance risk in reinsurance.  The adoption of SFAS 113 did
          not have a material effect on the Company's financial position or
          its results from operations.

          4. INCOME TAXES

               The Company's effective income tax rate differs from the
          current statutory federal income tax rate of 35% principally due
          to tax-exempt interest income and dividends received deductions.


          The effect of ceded reinsurance on the Statement of Operations for the
     three and six months ended June 30, 1994 and 1993 are as follows (in

                           THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1994
                                                              and Loss
                                      Premium     Premium     Expenses
                                      Written      Earned     Incurred

     Direct                        $    2,365  $    3,017    $   2,536
     Assumed                           66,833      67,370       43,632
     Ceded- affiliate                  (6,052)     (7,286)      (2,285)
     Ceded - other                     (7,057)     (8,118)        (892)
     Net                           $   56,089  $   54,983    $  42,991

                           THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1993

     Direct                        $    2,336  $    1,679    $     141
     Assumed                           72,690      73,698       55,170
     Ceded - affiliate                 (9,102)     (7,844)     (10,031)
     Ceded - other                     (5,659)    (10,811)      (7,510)
     Net                           $   60,265  $   56,722    $  37,770

                            SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1994
                                                              and Loss
                                     Premiums    Premiums     Expenses
                                      Written      Earned     Incurred

     Direct                        $    5,955  $    6,823    $   5,636
     Assumed                          157,986     149,861      163,045
     Ceded - affiliate                (16,930)    (20,933)     (25,679)
     Ceded - other                    (18,109)    (18,083)     (29,504)
     Net                           $  128,902  $  117,668    $ 113,498

                            SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1993

     Direct                        $    4,833  $    4,157    $   6,144
     Assumed                          155,827     147,427      110,801
     Ceded - affiliate                (22,039)    (21,020)     (23,081)
     Ceded - other                    (25,007)    (20,082)     (22,120)
     Net                           $  113,614  $  110,482    $  71,744



               On March 29, 1993, SCOR U.S. sold at par $86.25 million of
          5.25% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due April 1, 2000
          ("Debentures") through a private offering.  The Debentures are
          not redeemable by the Company prior to April 3, 1996 and are
          convertible into approximately 3.4 million shares of SCOR U.S.
          common stock at a conversion price of $25.375 per share. 
          Expenses incurred in the offering of approximately $1.8 million
          were deferred and are being amortized over the life of the
          Debentures.  The Company contributed $50 million of the net
          proceeds to SCOR Re.




               SCOR U.S. Corporation ("SCOR U.S." or the "Company") is a
          holding company, the principal operating subsidiaries of which
          are SCOR Reinsurance Company ("SCOR Re"), General Security
          Insurance Company ("GSIC"), The Unity Fire and General Insurance
          Company ("Unity Fire") and General Security Indemnity Company

               The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides property and
          casualty insurance and reinsurance to primary insurance companies
          on both a treaty and facultative basis.  SCOR Re specializes in
          underwriting treaties covering non-standard automobile,
          commercial and technical risks and provides property, casualty
          and special risk coverages on a facultative basis.  SCOR Re
          writes treaty business almost exclusively through reinsurance
          intermediaries.  SCOR Re writes facultative business directly
          with primary insurance companies and through reinsurance
          intermediaries.  GSIC and Unity Fire provide property and
          casualty insurance on both a primary and excess basis,
          specializing in alternative risk market coverages.  GSIND
          provides commercial property and casualty coverages on a surplus
          lines basis.

               The operating results of the property and casualty insurance
          and reinsurance industry are subject to significant fluctuations
          due to competition, catastrophic events, general economic
          conditions, interest rates and other factors such as changes in
          tax laws and regulations.  The operating results of SCOR U.S.
          have been influenced by these cycles. 


               The underwriting results of a property and casualty insurer
          or reinsurer are discussed frequently by reference to its loss
          ratio, underwriting expense ratio and combined ratio.  The loss
          ratio is the result of dividing losses and loss expenses incurred
          by net premiums earned.  The underwriting expense ratio is the
          result of dividing underwriting expenses by net premiums written
          for purposes of Statutory Accounting Practices ("SAP") and net
          premiums earned for purposes of Generally Accepted Accounting
          Principles ("GAAP").  The combined ratio is the sum of the loss
          ratio and the underwriting expense ratio.  A combined ratio under
          100% generally indicates underwriting profits and a combined
          ratio exceeding 100% generally indicates underwriting losses. 
          Underwriting profit is only one element of overall profitability,


          which also includes investment results, interest expense and the
          effects of income taxation.  Accordingly, the combined ratio
          alone should not be used to measure overall profitability.  The
          ratios discussed below have been calculated on a GAAP basis.

               The following table sets forth the Company's GAAP combined
          ratios and the components thereof for the periods indicated, and
          the SAP combined ratio for the Company's insurance and
          reinsurance subsidiaries.  The GAAP ratios include the operating
          expenses of the holding company and the non-insurance
          subsidiaries, in addition to the operating expenses of the
          insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries.  The SAP expense ratios
          include only the operating expenses of the insurance and
          reinsurance subsidiaries.  In addition, the GAAP loss ratio takes
          into consideration recoveries under certain retrocessional
          agreements with SCOR S.A., the Company's majority shareholder,
          whereas these recoveries are included in other income for SAP

                                        Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended
                                           June 30,           June 30, 
                                         1994   1993      1994      1993

          GAAP RATIOS 
          (Total Company)

          Loss ratio                     78.2%  66.6%     96.5%     64.9%

          Commission ratio               26.1%  25.5%     27.1%     25.1%
          U/W, admin. and other
          expense ratio                  12.8%  13.8%     12.1%     13.5%
          Expense ratio                  38.9%  39.3%     39.2%     38.6%

          Combined ratio                117.1% 105.9%    135.7%    103.5%

          SAP RATIOS* 

          Combined ratio                114.0%  98.1%    130.1%    106.5%

          * Reinsurance and insurance subsidiaries only.

               Gross premiums written for 1994 decreased 8% to
          $69.2 million from $75.0 million in 1993.  Net premiums written
          for 1994 decreased 7% to $56.1 million from $60.3 million for
          1993. The decrease in premium volume was attributable principally
          to the continued withdrawal from certain property and casualty
          lines of business where the Company believes rates and/or
          conditions are inadequate.  More specifically, throughout 1994


          the Company has been reducing its property business written on a
          pro rata basis.  A combination of an acceleration in the
          reduction of this business and fewer attractive opportunities in
          targeted lines of business caused the reduction in 1994 premium

               Net losses and loss expenses incurred increased 14% in 1994
          to $43.0 million from $37.8 million in 1993.  The loss ratio was
          78.2% for 1994 as compared with 66.6% for 1993.  During 1993 the
          Company incurred $3.0 million of net losses ($4.0 million of
          gross losses) resulting from property catastrophe events,
          primarily the World Trade Center bombing and the East Coast
          blizzard, which adversely affected the loss ratio by 5.5 points. 
          The Company did not experience any material amount of incurred
          losses from property catastrophe events in the second quarter of
          1994. The Company experienced an increase in non-catastrophe
          related treaty incurred losses during the second quarter of 1994.

               During 1994 and 1993, the Company ceded $15.4 million and
          $18.7 million of earned premiums, respectively.  The Company
          recovered from retrocessionnaires $3.2 million and $17.5 million
          of losses during 1994 and 1993, respectively.  

               Commission expenses decreased 1% to $14.4 million in 1994
          from $14.5 million in 1993.  The commission ratio was 26.1% for
          1994, compared with 25.5% for 1993.  

               Underwriting, administration and other expenses decreased
          10% in 1994 to $7.0 million from $7.8 million in 1993.  The
          underwriting and other expense ratio was 12.8% for 1994 as
          compared with 13.8% for 1993.  

               The combined ratio was 117.1% for 1994, compared with
          105.9% for 1993.  The effect of property catastrophe events on
          the 1993 combined ratio was 5.5 points.

               Net investment income for 1994 decreased 6% to $10.2
          million from $10.9 million in 1993.  Net investment income (pre-
          tax) has been affected adversely by the high level of claim
          payments made since mid-1992 related to catastrophic events and
          the Company's managed shift toward a greater percentage of tax-
          exempt securities.  Offsetting the above factors was an increase
          in investment income related to the proceeds of the issuance by
          the Company in March, 1993 of $86.25 million of 5.25% Convertible
          Subordinated Debentures due April 1, 2000 ("Debentures") (see
          Liquidity and Capital Resources).  On an after-tax basis, net
          investment income decreased 4% to $8.1 million for 1994, compared
          with $8.3 million in 1993.  Net realized investment gains for
          1994 were $400,000, compared with $2.0 million for 1993.

               Interest expense decreased 6% to $2.2 million in 1994 from
          $2.3 million in 1993.  


               The Company's net income for 1994 was $600,000, or $0.03
          per share, on a primary basis, compared with $5.9 million, or
          $0.32 per share, for 1993.  The 1993 results were affected by
          after-tax charges to operations, net of reinsurance, of $1.9
          million, or $0.11 per share for property catastrophe events. 
          Average common and common equivalent shares outstanding (on a
          primary basis) for 1994 were 18.2 million, compared with 18.5
          million for 1993.


               Gross premiums written for 1994 increased 2% to
          $163.9 million from $160.7 million in 1993.  Net premiums written
          for 1994 increased 13% to $128.9 million from $113.6 million for
          1993.  Gross premiums written and net premiums written for 1994
          were increased by $800,000 and reduced by $5.4 million,
          respectively, of additional premiums to reinstate catastrophe
          reinsurance protections subsequent to the January 1994 Northridge
          earthquake. Excluding these reinstatement premiums, gross
          premiums written and net premiums written for 1994 increased by
          2% and 18%, respectively, compared with 1993. The increase in
          premium volume was attributable principally to the first quarter
          effect of new and increased participations in treaty business
          from targeted market segments such as nonstandard automobile. 
          Offsetting most of the Company's premium growth was the continued
          withdrawal from certain property and casualty lines of business
          where the Company believes rates and/or conditions are

               Net losses and loss expenses incurred increased 58% in 1994
          to $113.5 million from $71.7 million in 1993.  The loss ratio was
          96.5% for 1994 as compared with 64.9% for 1993. During 1994 the
          Company incurred $31.5 million of net losses ($61.0 million of
          gross losses) resulting from property catastrophe events, which
          added 29.7 points to the loss ratio.  Of these amounts, the
          January 1994 Northridge, California earthquake accounted for
          $26.1 million of net incurred losses and $54.8 million of gross
          incurred losses. During 1993 the Company incurred $9.0 million of
          net losses ($12.1 million of gross losses) resulting from
          property catastrophe events, primarily the World Trade Center
          bombing and the East Coast blizzard, which adversely affected the
          loss ratio by 8.1 points.  

               During 1994 and 1993, the Company ceded $39.0 million and
          $41.1 million of earned premiums, respectively.  The Company
          recovered from retrocessionnaires $55.2 million and $45.2 million
          of losses during 1994 and 1993, respectively.  Ceded premiums in
          1994 included $6.0 million of reinstatement premiums paid by the
          Company.  Ceded losses in 1994 included $29.5 million of losses
          resulting from property catastrophe events.


               Commission expenses increased 15% to $31.9 million in 1994
          from $27.8 million in 1993.  The commission ratio was 27.1% for
          1994, compared with 25.1% for 1993.  The increase in the
          commission ratio for 1994 is primarily attributable to the effect
          of net reinstatement premiums related to the property catastrophe
          events, which added 1.1 points to the 1994 commission ratio.

               Underwriting, administration and other expenses decreased
          4% in 1994 to $14.3 million from $14.9 million in 1993.  The
          underwriting and other expense ratio was 12.1% for 1994 as
          compared with 13.5% for 1993.  The effect of net reinstatement
          premiums related to the property catastrophe events added 0.5
          points to the 1994 ratio.  The decrease in the underwriting and
          other expense ratio in 1994 was principally caused by the higher
          growth rate of net premiums earned as compared with the 4%
          decline in expenses.

               The combined ratio was 135.7% for 1994, compared with
          103.5% for 1993.  The effect of property catastrophe events on
          the 1994 and 1993 combined ratio was 31.3 points and 8.1 points,

               Net investment income for 1994 decreased 3% to $20.2
          million from $20.9 million in 1993.  Net investment income (pre-
          tax) has been affected adversely by the high level of claim
          payments made since mid-1992 related to catastrophic events and
          the Company's managed shift toward a greater percentage of tax-
          exempt securities.  Offsetting the above factors was an increase
          in investment income related to the proceeds of the issuance by
          the Company in March, 1993 of the Debentures.  On an after-tax
          basis net investment income for 1994 was virtually unchanged at
          $16.1 million.  Net realized investment gains for 1994 were
          $700,000 compared with $5.4 million for 1993.

               Interest expense increased 29% to $4.5 million in 1994 from
          $3.5 million in 1993.  The increase was principally attributable
          to six months of interest expense recognized on the Debentures in
          1994 compared with three months of interest expense in 1993.

               The Company's net loss for 1994 was $13.8 million, or $0.76
          per share, on a primary basis, compared with net income of $12.0
          million, or $0.65 per share, for 1993.  The 1994 results were
          affected by after-tax charges to operations, net of reinsurance,
          of $23.8 million, or $1.31 per share for property catastrophe
          events.  The 1993 results were affected by after-tax charges to
          operations, net of reinsurance, of $5.9 million, or $0.32 per
          share for property catastrophe events.  Average common and common
          equivalent shares outstanding (on a primary basis) for 1994 were
          18.1 million, compared with 18.5 million for 1993.


          INCOME TAXES

               Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109
          requires the establishment of a valuation allowance for deferred
          income tax benefits where it is more likely than not that some
          portion of the deferred income tax benefits will not be realized. 
          Management believes, based on the Company's historical record of
          generating taxable income and its expectations of future
          earnings, that the Company's taxable income in future periods
          will be sufficient to realize the net deferred income tax
          benefits reflected on its consolidated balance sheet as of June
          30, 1994.  The Company also has the ability to recover certain
          income taxes paid on capital gains if capital losses were to be
          realized. In addition, management believes certain tax planning
          strategies exist, including its ability to alter the mix of its
          investment portfolio to taxable investments from tax-exempt
          investments, which could be implemented if necessary to ensure
          sufficient taxable income to realize fully its net deferred
          income tax benefits. Accordingly, SCOR U.S. has not established a
          valuation allowance with respect to its net deferred income tax


               SCOR U.S. is a holding company.  Its principal sources of
          cash are cash dividends from its operating subsidiaries,
          borrowings, and the issuance of equity securities.  Generally,
          dividends that can be paid, without prior approval of the New
          York Insurance Superintendent, by insurers domiciled in New York
          State, including SCOR Re, are limited for any twelve-month period
          to the lesser of 10% of statutory surplus or adjusted net
          investment income (as defined by New York Insurance Law) for the
          previous twelve months.  During the twelve months ended June 30,
          1994, $19.1 million of dividends were declared to SCOR U.S.  At
          June 30, 1994, the aggregate statutory surplus of the SCOR U.S.
          operating subsidiaries was $240.5 million.

               On March 29, 1993, SCOR U.S. sold at par $86.25 million of
          5.25% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due April 1, 2000
          through a private offering.  The Debentures are not redeemable by
          the Company prior to April 3, 1996 and are convertible into
          approximately 3.4 million shares of SCOR U.S. common stock at a
          conversion price of $25.375 per share.  Expenses incurred in the
          offering of approximately $1.8 million were deferred and are
          being amortized over the life of the Debentures.  The Company
          contributed $50 million of the net proceeds to SCOR Re.

               On October 1, 1990 SCOR U.S. renewed a $20.0 million note
          which was payable on that date.  The new note is due and payable
          on October 3, 1995 and bears interest at a fixed annual rate of
          9.575%.  The Company has entered into an interest rate swap


          agreement on this note with a commercial bank.  The swap
          agreement has a maturity date of October 1, 1995 and provides for
          the Company to make floating rate payments in exchange for fixed
          rate payments to be made by the counter party.

               SCOR U.S. has established a commercial paper program which
          allows it to raise up to $50.0 million.  At June 30, 1994, $11.0  
          million of commercial paper was outstanding.

               SCOR U.S. has a $30.0 million revolving line of credit with
          a bank which serves as a backstop for its commercial paper
          program.  No borrowings have been made under this facility.

               At June 30, 1994, the amount remaining under the Company's
          existing stock repurchase program is approximately $1.4 million,
          which may be utilized as market conditions permit.  The Company
          has not repurchased any shares during 1994.

               The primary sources of liquidity for the SCOR U.S.
          insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries are net cash flow from
          operating activities, the maturity or sale of investments, and
          capital contributions from SCOR U.S.  Net cash used in operating
          activities was $15.5 million for 1994 compared with cash provided
          by operations of $6.0 million for 1993.  Cash flow from operating
          activities during 1994 was adversely affected by continued
          property catastrophe paid loss activity as well as the payment of
          several large previously reserved casualty claims.  The Company
          has not suffered any adverse effect due to the recent catastrophe
          activity in the timing of recoveries or credit worthiness of
          retrocessionnaires.  Loss payments associated with the recent
          catastrophe activity are not expected to have an adverse material
          effect on the Company's short-term or long-term liquidity.

               During 1993, the Company incurred $9.4 million of capital
          expenditures, which primarily related to the development of
          information systems.  At June 30, 1994, the Company had no
          significant commitments for capital expenditures.

               Effective January 1, 1991, SCOR Re and certain of the
          Company's other operating subsidiaries operate under a
          reinsurance pooling agreement pursuant to which the net amounts
          under all new and renewal business written by each such company
          are pooled.  The net balances of the pool are then distributed to
          each company in accordance with established proportions.

               At June 30, 1994, total investments and cash at carrying
          value were $674.7 million compared with $733.8 million at
          December 31, 1993.  The decreased level of investments and cash
          is primarily attributable to the decrease during the period in
          the fair value of investments carried at fair value and the
          negative cash flow from operations during the period.  SCOR U.S.
          fixed maturity investments are substantially all investment


          grade, liquid securities with a weighted average maturity of 7
          years.  Approximately 98% of the fixed maturity portfolio is
          rated A or better.  SCOR U.S. does not have any investment in
          real estate or high yield bonds.  At June 30, 1994, the Company
          did not have any non-income producing investments.

               SCOR U.S. believes that cash and short-term investments are
          maintained at an adequate level for payment of claims and
          expenses as they become due.  In addition, SCOR U.S. maintains a
          maturity distribution profile of fixed maturity investments
          sufficient to fund anticipated loss and loss expense obligations
          as they become due.  The Company's long-term obligations
          primarily consist of the Debentures and the claims liabilities of
          the principal operating subsidiaries, which at June 30, 1994
          averaged approximately 4.5 years.

               The Company may be subject to gains and losses resulting
          from currency fluctuations because some of its investments are
          denominated in currencies other than United States dollars, as
          are some of its net loss reserve liabilities.  The Company makes
          investments denominated in foreign currencies to mitigate, in
          part, the effects of currency fluctuations on its results of
          operations.  Investments denominated in foreign currencies 
          do not constitute a material portion of the Company's investment
          portfolio and, in the opinion of management, are sufficient to
          meet its foreign currency obligations.  Net gains (losses)
          resulting from foreign currency transactions during the six month
          periods ended June 30, 1994 and 1993 were $ 200,000 and
          (200,000), respectively.

               Stockholders' equity at June 30, 1994 was $246.8 million, a
          decrease of $43.9 million over December 31, 1993.  This decrease
          resulted primarily from the net loss of $13.8 million for the
          period, unrealized depreciation of investments carried at fair
          value, net of tax effect, of $26.9 million, and cash dividends
          declared of $3.3 million.

               The ratio of net premiums written to surplus, sometimes
          referred to as "insurance exposure", relates to the amount of
          risk to which an insurer's statutory capital and surplus can be
          exposed, as measured by the amount of premiums written in
          relation to such surplus.  Insurance practice and regulatory
          guidelines suggest that property and casualty insurance companies
          maintain a net premiums written to surplus ratio of less than 3
          to 1.  For the reinsurance industry, a ratio of 2 to 1 or less is
          generally considered prudent.  SCOR U.S.'s net premiums written
          to surplus ratios were 1.08 to 1 and 0.81 to 1 for 1994 and 1993,



               The National Association of Insurance Commissioners
          ("NAIC"), an organization that assists state insurance regulators
          in achieving regulatory objectives, established minimum capital
          requirements, referred to as risk based capital, by adopting a
          risk-based capital formula for property and casualty companies in
          December 1993.  The risk based capital formula will be applied to
          statutory financial statements beginning for the year ending
          December 31, 1994.  The essential elements of these requirements
          focus on a company's types of business, historical loss
          development patterns and asset quality.  Based on the preliminary
          assessment of the requirements, however, SCOR U.S. believes that
          the statutory surplus of each of its operating subsidiaries will
          be sufficient to meet these risk based capital requirements and
          to conduct its respective operations.

               The NAIC is currently developing an Investments of Insurers
          Model Act, which, if adopted by state regulatory authorities,
          would establish uniform limitations upon the type and amounts of
          investments insurers may hold.  Based upon the current proposals
          of this Model Act, which are subject to review and change, the
          Company does not believe a uniform standard would significantly
          affect the current investment mix or operations of its insurance
          and reinsurance subsidiaries.


               Effective as of December 31, 1993, the Company adopted
          Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115 "Accounting
          for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" ("SFAS
          115").  SFAS 115 addresses the accounting and reporting for
          investments in equity securities that have readily determinable
          fair values and for all investments in debt securities.  Under
          SFAS 115, investments are classified into three categories.  Debt
          securities that management has the positive intent and the
          ability to hold to maturity are classified as "held to maturity"
          and reported at amortized cost.  Debt and equity securities that
          are bought and held for the purpose of selling them in the near
          term are classified as "trading securities" and reported at fair
          value with unrealized gains and losses included in earnings. 
          Debt and equity securities not classified as either of the above
          categories are classified as "available for sale securities" and
          reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported
          as a separate component of stockholders' equity.  The adoption of
          SFAS 115 did not have any effect on the Company's financial
          position or its results from operations.

               The FASB's Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") reached a
          consensus on July 22, 1993 regarding Issue No. 93-6, "Accounting
          for Multiple-Year Retrospectively-Rated Contracts by Ceding and
          Assuming Enterprises" ("EITF 93-6").  EITF 93-6 has had an impact


          on certain of the Company's retrocessional agreements. As a
          result of the Company's implementation of the change in
          accounting method, as of January 1, 1993, $2.6 million, or $0.14
          per share (after-tax), is included as a reduction to income as a
          cumulative adjustment.  The effect of this change, excluding the
          cumulative adjustment, for the three months and six months ended
          June 30, 1993 was to increase net income by $19,000, or $0.00 per
          share, and $1.3 million, or $0.06 per share, respectively.

               In the first quarter of 1993, the Company adopted Statement
          of Financial Accounting Standards No. 113 "Accounting and
          Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration and Long-Duration
          Contracts" ("SFAS 113").  The significant provisions of SFAS 113
          require grossing-up the balance sheet to eliminate the reporting
          of assets and liabilities relating to reinsured contracts net of
          the effects of reinsurance, establish the conditions for a
          contract to be accounted for as reinsurance, require the deferral
          and amortization of any gain from retroactive contracts as
          defined in SFAS 113, and provide guidance in assessing transfer
          of insurance risk in reinsurance.  The adoption of SFAS 113 did
          not have a material effect on the Company's financial position or
          its results from operations.


                             PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION


          SCOR Re, GSIC, Unity Fire and GSIND are each a party to various
          lawsuits arising in the normal course of their business.  SCOR
          U.S. does not believe that any of the litigation to which SCOR
          Re, GSIC, Unity Fire or GSIND is currently a party will have a
          material adverse effect on the operating results or financial
          condition of SCOR U.S. and its subsidiaries.


          At the June 6, 1994 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of SCOR
          U.S. ("Meeting"), held in New York City, the stockholders voted
          to elect the nominated slate of three directors, each to serve
          until the Annual Meeting in 1997, to approve amendments to the
          Stock Option Plan for Directors and to ratify the appointment of
          KMPG Peat Marwick ("Peat Marwick") as independent auditors of
          SCOR U.S. for 1994.

          Holders of record of the Company's common stock as of April 18,
          1994 were entitled to vote at the Meeting.  On April 18, 1994,
          there were 18,140,835 shares of common stock outstanding and
          entitled to vote, and 17,596,616 of such shares were represented
          at the Meeting.  Each of the directors received at least 99.9% of
          the shares cast in favor of his election.  The shares cast for
          each director are as follows:  Raymond H. Deck: 17,592,104 shares
          for and 4,512 shares withheld; Richard M. Murray: 17,591,238
          shares for and 5,378 shares withheld; and Serge M.P. Osouf:
          17,581,039 shares for and 15,577 shares withheld.

          With respect to the approval to amend the Stock Option Plan for
          Directors, the shares cast were 17,312,874 for, 267,701 shares
          against and 16,041 shares in abstention.

          With respect to the ratification of the appointment of Peat
          Marwick, the shares cast were 17,582,703 for, 2,212 shares
          against and 11,701 shares in abstention.  There were no broker
          non-votes for any of the matters voted upon at the Meeting.


          a)   Exhibits

                    dated as of June 6, 1994 among SCOR Reinsurance
                    Company, SCOR U.S. Corporation and the Voting Trustees


                    as amended by vote of the stockholders at the Annual
                    Meeting of Stockholders held on June 16, 1994.

          11        Computation of Earnings per Share

          15        Letter re Unaudited Interim Financial Information

          b) Reports on Form 8-K


          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
          1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
          its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        SCOR U.S. Corporation

          Dated: August 11, 1994        Jeffrey D. Cropsey
                                        Senior Vice President and
                                        Chief Financial Officer
