Adopted: September 6, 1986
                                             Amended: March 17, 1988
                                        Amended: March 16, 1989
                                             Amended: September 26, 1989   
                                             Amended: June 26, 1990
                                             Amended: June 11, 1992
                                             Amended: June 16, 1994

                                       BY LAWS


                                SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

                                      ARTICLE I


                    SECTION  1.  Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting of the
          stockholders of SCOR  U.S. Corporation (the "Corporation")  shall
          be held  on a day  and at a  place and time  set by the  Board of
          Directors sometime during the calendar year or as to the Board of
          Directors.   Any business may be transacted at an annual meeting,
          except as otherwise provided by law or by these by-laws.

                    SECTION  2.   Special Meeting.   A  special  meeting of
          stockholders  may be called upon  the request of  the Chairman of
          the  Board or  the  Board of  Directors,  who shall  convene  the
          stockholders at  a meeting to be held  at the principal office of
          the  Corporation or such place  and time as  may be designated in
          the notice of meeting.

                    SECTION  3.  Notice.  The President or Secretary of the
          Corporation  shall notify  each stockholder  of  the date  of the
          annual  or special  meetings at  least ten  (10) days  in advance
          thereof  by depositing in any  post office in  the United States,
          such  notice properly  directed  to the  person  for whom  it  is
          intended  at  the   last  post  office   address  shown  on   the
          Corporation's record of stockholders.

                    Any stockholder who  wishes to  conduct business  which
          has not been  brought before a stockholder's meeting by or at the
          direction of  the  Board of  Directors  must give  prior  written
          notice to the Secretary  of the intention to bring  such business
          before the meeting.   In all cases, to be  timely, notice must be
          received by the  Corporation not less than 70  days nor more than
          90 days prior to the meeting (or if fewer than 80 days' notice or
          prior  public disclosure of the meeting date  is given or made to
          stockholders, not later than  the tenth day following the  day on
          which the  notice of the date  of the meeting was  mailed or such
          public disclosure was made).

                    Any stockholder  who wishes to nominate  any person for
          the  position of  director shall  provide notice  in a  similarly
          timely  manner.   Such notice  shall contain  certain information
          about  that  person,  including   age,  business  and   residence
          addresses, principal  occupation, the class and  number of shares
          of the corporation beneficially  owned and such other information

          as  would be  required  to  be  included  in  a  proxy  statement
          soliciting proxies for the election  of the proposed nominee, and
          certain  information about the  stockholder proposing to nominate
          that person.

                    SECTION 4.   Quorum.   Except as otherwise  provided by
          law,  a quorum at all  meetings of stockholders  shall consist of
          the holders  of record  of at  least a majority  in value  of the
          shares entitled to vote thereat, present in person or by proxy.

                    SECTION  5.    Record  Date.     The  record  date  for
          determining  stockholders  qualified to  vote  at  any annual  or
          special  meeting of stockholders shall  be the date  on which the
          notice of  meeting is  mailed to  stockholders,  except in  those
          cases  where the  Board of  Directors shall  (a) order  the stock
          transfer  books  be  closed for  a  stated  period preceding  the
          meeting,  or  (b)  fix  a  date  as  the  record  date  for  such
          determination of stockholders qualified.

                    SECTION 6.  Proxies.   At all meetings of stockholders,
          a stockholder may vote  either in person or by  proxy executed in
          writing by the stockholder or by his duly authorized attorney-in-
          fact.   Such proxies  shall be  filed with  the Secretary  of the
          Corporation before or at the time of the meeting.  No proxy shall
          be valid after eleven (11) months from the date  of its execution
          unless  otherwise provided  in the  proxy.   Each proxy  shall be
          revocable unless expressly provided therein to be irrevocable and
          in no event shall it remain irrevocable for a period of more than
          eleven (11) months.

                    SECTION 7.   Meetings.   Stockholder meetings  shall be
          presided over  by the  Chairman of  the Board, or,  if he  is not
          present, a Vice  Chairman, or, if a Vice Chairman is not present,
          the President of the  Corporation shall preside.  In  the absence
          of such persons, the stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting
          present in person or by proxy, shall elect a  chairman to preside
          at the meeting.

                    SECTION 8.  Voting of  Shares.  Each outstanding  share
          entitled  to vote upon a matter submitted  to a vote at a meeting
          of stockholders shall be entitled to one (1) vote on such matter,
          except  as  may  otherwise  be   specified  in  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation  of  the   Corporation.     Cumulative  voting   by
          stockholders for directors is prohibited.

                                      ARTICLE II

                                  Board of Directors

                    SECTION  1.  Number and  Term of Office.   The business
          and property of the  Corporation shall be managed  and controlled
          by the  Board  of  Directors,  and subject  to  the  restrictions
          imposed  by law, by the Certificate of Incorporation, or by these
          by-laws, it may exercise all the powers of the Corporation.

                    The Board of Directors shall consist of  not fewer than
          three  (3) members, and shall  be divided into  three classes, in


          which membership  shall be as equal  in number as possible.   The
          number of directors may be  increased or decreased (provided such
          decrease  does not shorten  the term  of any  incumbent director)
          from time to time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

                    Each director shall hold office  for the term for which
          he is elected and until his successor shall have been elected and
          qualified.   Terms of directors shall be staggered by class, with
          classes being elected  for successive terms, so that  a different
          class  of directors shall be elected at each election.  Directors
          need  not  be stockholders,  and they  need  not be  residents of
          Delaware.   Any  director  may  be  removed  from  office  by  an
          affirmative vote  of two-thirds  of the stockholders  entitled to
          vote  for election of directors at  any meeting at which a quorum
          of stockholders is present.

                    Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors  may be
          filled by the  affirmative vote  of a majority  of the  remaining
          directors though less than a quorum of the Board of Directors.  A
          director  elected  to fill  a vacancy  shall  be elected  for the
          unexpired term of his predecessor in office.

                    No  individual  shall be  elected  or  re-elected as  a
          member of the Board of  Directors subsequent to his/her attaining
          the age of seventy-two (72).

                    SECTION 2.   Meetings of Directors.  The  directors may
          hold their  meetings and  have an  office and  keep books of  the
          Corporation,  except as  otherwise provided  by statute,  in such
          place or places as the  Board of Directors may from time  to time
          determine.  The directors shall keep a full and correct record of
          their  transactions  to  be open  during  business  hours  to the
          inspection of stockholders and others interested therein.

                    Directors  may  receive  a  fee for  their  service  as
          directors,  and, in addition, by resolution of the Board, a fixed
          fee and expense  reimbursement may be  allowed for attendance  at
          such  regular or special meetings  of the Board  or any committee
          thereof;  provided   that  nothing  contained  herein   shall  be
          construed to  preclude any director from  serving the Corporation
          in any other capacity or receiving compensation therefor.

                    SECTION  3.   Regular  Meetings.   In  addition  to the
          annual  meeting of  the Board  of Directors,  at least  three (3)
          regular meetings shall be held in each year at the time and place
          designated  by the  Chairman  of the  Board  for the  purpose  of
          transacting  any  business within  the  powers  of the  Board  of
          Directors.  Notice of  such regular meeting or meetings  shall be
          given  as  provided herein,  but failure  to  give notice  of any
          regular  meeting shall not invalidate  the meeting or  any of the
          proceedings thereat.

                    SECTION  4.  Special Meeting.   Special meetings of the
          Board  of Directors shall be held whenever called by the Chairman
          of the Board  or the President, whenever he deems it necessary or
          whenever requested  to do  so in  writing or by  a quorum  of the


                    SECTION 5.  Notice.  The Secretary shall give notice of
          each regular and special  meeting upon giving at least  five (5),
          but  no more than thirty (30)  days notice before such meeting to
          each director.  In case of a special meeting the  purpose of such
          meeting  shall be specified in the notice and only such specified
          business shall be transacted at the meeting.  The attendance of a
          director  at any meeting shall  constitute a waiver  of notice of
          such meeting, except where  a director attends a meeting  for the
          express  purpose of objecting  to the transaction  of business on
          the grounds that the meeting was not lawfully called or convened.

                    SECTION 6.   Quorum.   A majority of  the directors  in
          office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,
          but if  at any meeting  of the Board  of Directors there  be less
          than  a  quorum  present, a  majority  of  those  present or  any
          directors solely present  may adjourn  the meeting  from time  to
          time  without  further notice.   The  act  of a  majority  of the
          directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is in attendance
          shall be the act  of the Board of Directors, unless the  act of a
          greater the number  is required by the  articles of incorporation
          or by these by-laws.

                    SECTION  7.   Election  of Officers.    At each  annual
          meeting of the Board  of Directors, said Board shall  convene for
          the purpose of organization and the transaction of business, if a
          quorum be present, and shall proceed to electing such officers as
          are provided for in Article 3, Section 1.

                    SECTION  8.   Presiding  Officers  and  Secretary.   At
          meetings of the  Board of  Directors, the Chairman  of the  Board
          shall preside, and in the absence of the Chairman of the Board, a
          Vice  Chairman  shall preside,  and in  the  absence of  all such
          persons, a chairman shall be chosen  by the Board from among  the
          directors present.

                    The Secretary of the Corporation shall act as secretary
          of all meetings of the Board of Directors, but in  the absence of
          the Secretary,  the Presiding Officer  may appoint any  person to
          act as secretary of the meeting.

                    SECTION 9.   Payment of  Dividends.  Subject  always to
          the provisions of  law and the Certificate  of Incorporation, the
          Board of Directors  shall have  full power  to determine  whether
          any, and if so, what part, of the funds legally available for the
          payment of dividends shall  be declared in dividends and  paid to
          the  stockholders of the Corporation in cash or property.  Record
          dates for determining the eligibility  of stock to participate in
          any cash or stock dividend shall be set by the directors.

                    SECTION  10.    Executive  Committee.    The  Board  of
          Directors of the Corporation, by  resolution passed by a majority
          of the Board of  Directors, may designate from among  its members
          three (3) or more directors to constitute an Executive Committee,
          which  Committee, except  insofar as  limited  by law  or further
          limited by resolution of  the Board of Directors, shall  have and
          may  exercise all  of the  authority of  the Board  of Directors;
          provided, however,  that  no person  shall  be elected  a  Senior
          Officer of the Corporation by the Executive Committee unless such


          person  is  first nominated  for office  by  the Chairman  or the

                    Two  (2)  members  of  the  Executive  Committee  shall
          constitute a quorum.  Regular meetings of the Executive Committee
          shall  be held  at such  times and  places as  the  committee may
          determine  and  no notice  of such  meetings shall  be necessary.
          Special meetings  of the Executive  Committee shall be  called by
          the Secretary  whenever the  Chairman of the  Executive Committee
          shall so request, and may be called at  any time by any member of
          the  Committee.    Reasonable  notice  shall  be  given  of  such
          meetings,  but  the  action  of  a  majority   of  the  Executive
          Committee, at any meeting  at which a quorum is present  shall be
          valid, notwithstanding any defect in the notice for such meeting.

                    SECTION 11.  Finance Committee.  The Board of Directors
          of the Corporation,  by resolution  passed by a  majority of  the
          Board  of Directors, may elect three (3) or more Directors, among
          whom  shall be the  Chairman of  the Board  of Directors  and the
          President  to constitute  a Finance  Committee, which  committee,
          except  insofar as further limited by the resolution of the Board
          of Directors or by law, shall have and may exercise the following

                    (1)  Supervise  the investment  program as  directed by
                         the Board of Directors.

                    (2)  Provide advice  to the Board of  Directors of Scor
                         Reinsurance   Corporation  concerning   Scor  Re's
                         investment decisions.

                    (3)  Designate by appropriate  resolution the  officers
                         who shall be authorized and empowered to buy, sell
                         and/or exchange any stock  and/or bonds and/or any
                         other  securities or commercial paper now owned by
                         or  that  may   hereafter  be  acquired  by   this
                         Corporation and to make,  execute and deliver,  in
                         the name of  this Corporation as its  act and deed
                         and under its corporate  seal, any and all written
                         instruments  necessary  and proper  to  carry into
                         effect  any  and  all  such  purchases,  exchanges
                         and/or sales.

                    The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the ex-
          officio Chairman of the Finance Committee; in case of his absence
          from  any meeting of the  Committee, the President shall preside;
          in case of  the absence of the named Officers,  a Chairman may be
          chosen  by the  Committee to  preside.   Two  (2) members  of the
          Finance Committee shall constitute a quorum.  Regular meetings of
          the  Committee shall  be held  at such  times and  places  as the
          Committee shall determine and no notice of such meetings shall be
          necessary.  Special  meetings shall  be called  by the  Secretary
          whenever the Chairman of the Finance Committee shall  so request,
          and  may be called  at any time  by any member  of the Committee.
          Reasonable notice shall be given of such meetings, but the action
          of a majority  at any meeting at which a  quorum is present shall
          be valid,  notwithstanding  any defect  in  the notice  for  such


                    SECTION  12.  Audit Committee.   The Board of Directors
          of the Corporation,  by resolution  passed by a  majority of  the
          Board  of Directors,  may elect  three (3)  or more  directors to
          constitute an Audit Committee, which committee, except insofar as
          further limited by the resolution of the Board of Directors or by
          law, shall have and may exercise the following powers:

                    (1)  Supervise  the  audits  to  be  conducted  by  the
                         Corporation's    independent   certified    public
                         accounting firm.

                    (2)  Periodically review the Corporation's policies and
                         practices and make recommendations to the Board of
                         Directors and the management of the Corporation.

                    Two (2) members of the Audit Committee shall constitute
          a quorum.  Regular  meetings of the Audit Committee shall be held
          at such times and places  as the committee shall be held  at such
          times and places as the committee may determine  and no notice of
          such  meetings shall be necessary.  Special meetings of the Audit
          Committee shall be called by the Secretary  whenever the Chairman
          of the Audit Committee shall so request, and may be called at any
          time by any member of the  Committee.  Reasonable notice shall be
          given of such meetings, but the action of a majority of the Audit
          Committee at  any meeting at  which a quorum is  present shall be
          valid, notwithstanding any defect in the notice for such meeting.

                    SECTION  13.   Compensation  Committee.   The Board  of
          Directors of the Corporation, by  resolution passed by a majority
          of the Board of Directors, may elect three  (3) or more directors
          to  constitute a Compensation  Committee, which committee, except
          insofar  as further  limited by  the resolution  of the  Board of
          Directors  or by law, shall  have and may  exercise the following

                    (1)  Administer the Corporation's  stock option  plans,
                         including,  but not  limited to,  the  granting of
                         options and the entering into of option agreements
                         pursuant thereto.

                    (2)  Review  and   approve  the  compensation   of  all
                         individuals at or to  be elected to Vice President
                         rank or above and/or  who have current or proposed
                         salary of $100,000 or above.

                    (3)  Review   the  employee  benefit  programs  of  the
                         Corporation and its subsidiaries.

                    (4)  Recommend   to  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
                         Corporation as to changes in, or establishment of,
                         incentive  plans, thrift plans  and retirement and
                         deferred compensation plans  for the employees  of
                         the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

                    (5)  Recommend  to   the  Board  of  Directors   as  to
                         reasonable compensation of  Directors for  service
                         to the Company.


          Two (2) members  of the Compensation Committee shall constitute a
          quorum.  Regular meetings of  the Compensation Committee shall be
          held at such times and places as the Committee  may determine and
          no  notice of such meetings shall be necessary.  Special meetings
          of the  Compensation Committee shall  be called by  the Secretary
          whenever  the Chairman  of  the Compensation  Committee shall  so
          request,  and may  be called  at any  time by  any member  of the
          Committee.   Reasonable notice shall  be given of  such meetings,
          but the action of a majority of the Compensation Committee at any
          meeting  at   which  a   quorum  is   present  shall  be   valid,
          notwithstanding any defect in the notice for such meeting.

                                     ARTICLE III


                    SECTION 1.   Number, Titles  and Term of  Office.   The
          Officers of the Corporation shall be a Chairman of the Board, two
          Vice  Chairman of  the  Board, a  President,  and Executive  Vice
          President, a Secretary, a Treasurer,  and such other officers  as
          the Board  of Directors  may from time  to time elect  or appoint
          (such  as Executive  Vice  Presidents,  Senior  Vice  Presidents,
          Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers, etc.).  Each officer
          shall hold office for the term for which he is  elected and until
          his successor shall have been duly elected and qualified or until
          his death  or until he shall resign or shall have been removed in
          manner hereinafter provided.   Any two (2) or more offices may be
          held by the same person, except that the President shall not hold
          the office of Secretary.  The Chairman of  the Board of Directors
          and  the  President shall  be directors,  but  none of  the other
          officers need be a Director.

                    SECTION 2.  Removal.   Any officer or agent  elected or
          appointed by the Board  of Directors may be removed by  the Board
          of  Directors whenever in its  judgment and the  best interest of
          the Corporation  will be served thereby;  provided, however, that
          no director can be removed from his position as a director except
          as provided  for in Article II, Section 1.  Such removal shall be
          without prejudice to the  contract rights, if any, of  the person
          so removed.  Election or appointment of an officer or agent shall
          not of itself create contract rights.

                    SECTION  3.  Vacancies.   Any vacancy in  the office of
          any officer may be  filled by vote of a majority of  the Board of

                    SECTION  4.  Powers and  Duties of the  Chairman of the
          Board.  The Chairman of  the Board shall preside at  all meetings
          of  the stockholders and of the Board  of Directors and have such
          other powers and duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of

                    SECTION 5.  Powers  and Duties of the Vice  Chairmen of
          the Board.   Each  Vice Chairman  shall, in  the  absence of  the
          Chairman of  the Board of Directors,  or at the direction  of the
          Board of Directors or its Chairman, serve  as the Chairman of the


          Board  of Directors,  with  all of  the  powers and  duties  that
          attache thereto, a provided in Section 4.

                    SECTION  6.  Powers and  Duties of the  President.  The
          President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation
          and,  subject to  the  guidance and  direction  of the  Board  of
          Directors,  shall  be   primarily  responsible  for   determining
          Corporation policy and shall have general charge of  the business
          of the Corporation and control of its affairs; in the  absence of
          the Chairman of the Board and a Vice Chairman he shall preside at
          all meetings of the  stockholders and of the Board  of Directors;
          shall have  authority to execute all  legal instruments necessary
          for the transaction  of the Corporation's  business, he may  sign
          all certificates for shares  of capital stock of the  Corporation
          make  reports to the stockholders and the Board of Directors; act
          as ex-officio member of  all committees unless otherwise directed
          by  the Board  of  Directors; prescribe  duties for  officers and
          employees  which are not otherwise  defined in the  by-laws or by
          the  Board  of Directors,  including  the  power  to  employ  and
          discharge  such employees  as  may be  necessary  for the  proper
          conduct of the business of the corporation, and may delegate such
          powers with such  restrictions as he may deem proper to the other
          officers to the extent that such powers affect the performance of
          the officers' duties  in their respective departments.   He shall
          also have such other powers and duties as may be  assigned to him
          by the Board of Directors.

                    SECTION 7.   Powers and Duties  of the Vice  President.
          Each Vice President  shall have such powers and duties  as may be
          assigned to him by the Board of Directors  and shall exercise the
          powers of the President during the officer's absence or inability
          to act.  Any action taken  by a Vice President in the performance
          of  the duties of the  President shall be  conclusive evidence of
          the absence or inability to act of the President at the time such
          action was taken.

                    SECTION  8.  Powers and  Duties of the  Treasurer.  The
          Treasurer shall have custody  to all the funds and  securities of
          the corporation which  come into  his hands.   When necessary  or
          proper  he  may  endorse,  on  behalf  of  the  Corporation,  for
          collection, checks, notes and other obligations and shall deposit
          the same to the credit  of the Corporation in such bank  or banks
          or depositories as shall  be designated in the  manner prescribed
          by the Board  of Directors; he may sign all receipts and vouchers
          for payments  made to  the Corporation, either  alone or  jointly
          with  such other  officer  as  is  designated  by  the  Board  of
          Directors.  Whenever required by the Board of Directors, he shall
          render a statement of his cash accounts; he shall enter all costs
          to  be entered  regularly in the  books of the  Corporation to be
          kept  by him  for that  purpose for  an accurate  account  of all
          moneys  received and paid on account of the Corporation; he shall
          perform all acts incident to the position of Treasurer subject to
          the control of the Board of Directors.

                    SECTION  9.  Powers and  Duties of the  Secretary.  The
          Secretary  shall attend  all  meetings of  the stockholders,  the
          Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and shall prepare
          and  maintain  as  permanent  records  the  minutes  of  all such


          meetings.  he shall  attend  to the  giving  and serving  of  all
          notices;  he  may  sign  with  the  President  the  name  of  the
          Corporation on contracts of the corporation and affix the seal of
          the  Corporation  thereto;  he   shall  direct  the  issuance  of
          insurance policies and the collection of premiums thereon; he may
          sign  with  the President  all  certificates  for shares  of  the
          capital stock of  the Corporation;  he shall have  charge of  the
          certificate  books, transfer  books and  stock ledgers,  and such
          other books  and papers as the Board  of Directors may direct all
          of which shall at  all reasonable times be open  to inspection of
          any Director  upon application to  the office of  the Corporation
          during business hours; and he shall in general perform all duties
          incident  to the office of  Secretary, subject to  the control of
          the Board of Directors.

                    SECTION 10.  Other Duties of Officers.  The officers of
          the Corporation  shall perform such  other and further  duties in
          addition to those specifically named as  may from time to time be
          required  of them by the  Chairman of the  Board, President, Vice
          President or Board of Directors.

                    SECTION  11.   Absence or Disability  of Officers.   In
          case  of  the  absence  or  disability  of  any  officer  of  the
          Corporation  and of any person  hereby authorized to  act in this
          place during such period  of absence or disability, the  Board of
          Directors  may  from time  to time  delegate  the powers  and the
          duties of  such officer to any other officer, or any director, or
          any other person whom it may select.

                    SECTION 12.   Compensation  of Officers and  Employees.
          The  compensation  of  all   officers  under  contract  with  the
          Corporation shall be  fixed by  the Board of  Directors.   Unless
          otherwise  provided by  law,  the compensation  of all  employees
          shall be fixed by the President.

                                      ARTICLE IV

                              Indemnification Provisions

                    SECTION 1.   Indemnification.   Each director  and each
          officer or former director or officer of this Corporation or each
          person  who may  have  served at  its  request as  a  director or
          officer of  another  Corporation  in  which it  owned  shares  of
          capital stock or of which it is a creditor, may be indemnified by
          the Corporation against liabilities imposed upon him and expenses
          reasonably  incurred by  him in  connection with  any claim  made
          against him, or any action, suit or proceeding to which he may be
          a  party by reason of his being,  or having been such director or
          officer, and against such sums as independent counsel selected by
          the  Board of  Directors shall  deem reasonable  payment made  in
          settlement  of  any  such   claim,  action,  suit  or  proceeding
          primarily  with  a  view  of  avoiding  expenses  of  litigation;
          provided,  however,   that  no  director  or   officer  shall  be
          indemnified  with  respect to  matters as  to  which he  shaLl be
          adjudged  in such  action, suit  or proceeding  to be  liable for
          negligence or misconduct in performance of duty,  or with respect
          to any matters which such indemnification would be against public


          policy.  Such indemnification  shall be in addition to  any other
          rights to which directors or officers may be entitled.

                    SECTION  2.   Fiduciary  Duty.   No  director  shall be
          personally  liable to  the  Corporation or  its stockholders  for
          monetary  damages for  breach of  fiduciary duty  as a  director,
          except that this provision shaLl not eliminate the liability of a
          director (i) for any breach of the director's  duty of loyalty to
          the corporation or  its stockholders, (ii) for acts  or omissions
          not  in good faith or  which involve intentional  misconduct or a
          knowing violation of law, (iii) under  Section 174 of Title 8  of
          the Delaware code,  or (iv)  for any transaction  from which  the
          director derived an improper personal benefit.

                                      ARTICLE V

                                    Capital Stock

                    SECTION 1.   Certificate  of Shares.   The certificates
          for  shares of the capital  stock of the  Corporation shall be in
          such  form and shall be approved by  the Board of Directors.  The
          certificates  shall be  signed  by  the  President  or  any  Vice
          President and also by  the Secretary or the Treasurer and  may be
          sealed  with the seal of this Corporation or a facsimile thereof.
          Where  any such certificate is countersigned  by a Transfer Agent
          or registered by a Registrar,  either of which is other  than the
          Corporation  itself  or  an  employee  of  the  Corporation,  the
          signatures of any such President  or Vice President and Secretary
          or Treasurer  may  be facsimiles.   They  shall be  consecutively
          numbered and shall be entered in the books of the  Corporation as
          they  are  issued and  shall exhibit  the  holder's name  and the
          number of shares.

                    SECTION 2.  Transfer of Shares.  The shares of stock of
          the  Corporation shall be transferable  only on the  books of the
          Corp[oration  by the  holders thereof  in person  or by  the duly
          authorized attorneys or legal representatives, upon surrender and
          cancellation  of certificates for a  like number of  shares.  The
          person  surrendering the  said  certificates, in  the absence  of
          notice  to the contrary, shall be conclusively presumed to be the
          owner  thereof;  and  after  the transfer  and  delivery  of  new
          certificate or certificates the title of the holder thereof shall
          not  be  subject  to  question  against  the  Corporation by  any
          previous holder thereof.

                    SECTION 3.  Regulations.   The Board of Directors shall
          have power and authority  to make all such rules  and regulations
          as  it  may deem  expedient  concerning the  issue,  transfer and
          registration or the replacement of certificates for shares of the
          capital stock of the Corporation.

                                      ARTICLE VI

                               Miscellaneous Provisions


                    SECTION 1.  Voting  Securities Held by the Corporation.
          Unless ordered  by the  Board of  Directors, the  President shall
          have full power  and authority  on behalf of  the Corporation  to
          attend, to act, and  to vote for whatever management  suggests is
          its position in  the proxy  material at any  meeting of  security
          holders of other  corporations in which the  Corporation may hold
          securities,  except in  the  case of  securities of  corporations
          controlled  by  the  Corporation,  in  which  case  the Board  of
          Directors shall exercise  any and all rights and  powers incident
          to  the ownership of such  securities which the Corporation might
          have possessed and exercised if it  had been present.  The  Board
          of Directors may, from time to  time, confer like powers upon any
          other person or persons.

                    SECTION  2.   Appointment  of  Attorneys-In-Fact.   The
          President may, from time to time. appoint by written certificates
          attorneys-in-fact  to act  on  behalf of  the Corporation  in the
          execution  of policies  of  insurance,  bonds, undertakings,  and
          other obligatory instruments of  like nature.  Such attorneys-in-
          fact, subject  to the limitations  set forth in  their respective
          certificates of  authority,  shall have  full power  to bind  the
          Corporation  by  their  signature   and  execution  of  any  such
          instruments and  to attach the  seal of the  Corporation thereto.
          The President, any Vice  President or the Board of  Directors may
          at  any time revoke all  power and authority  previously given to
          any attorney-in-fact.

                    SECTION 3.   Resolutions.  Every  resolution heretofore
          or  hereafter passed by the Board of Directors or stockholders of
          this  Corporation with reference to any of the several matters in
          each respectively set forth, when to inconsistent with these  by-
          laws or  subsequent resolution of  the Board of  Directors, shall
          remain  in  full  force  and  effect  until  repealed,  modified,
          amended, or changed  by a subsequent  resolution or a  subsequent
          amendment to these by-laws.

                    SECTION  4.   Fiscal  Year.   The  fiscal year  of  the
          Corporation shall be from  January 1 through December 31  of each

                    SECTION 5.  Seal.  The seal of the Corporation shall be
          such  as  from time  to  time  may b  approved  by  the Board  of
          Directors.  The  Secretary shall  have custody  of the  corporate
          seal and shall affix the same to all instruments requiring it.

                    SECTION  6.  Notice and Waiver of Notice.  Whenever any
          notice whatever is required  to be given under the  provisions of
          these  by-laws, said notice shall  be deemed to  be sufficient if
          given by  depositing the same in  a post office box  in a sealed,
          postpaid wrapper addressed to the person entitled thereto at this
          post   office  address,  as  it  appears  on  the  books  of  the
          Corporation, and such notice  shall be deemed to have  been given
          on the  day of such mailing.   A waiver of notice,  signed by the
          person  or persons  entitled to  said  notice, whether  before or
          after  the  time  stated  therein,  shall  be  deemed  equivalent


                                     ARTICLE VII


                    These  by-laws may  be  altered, amended  or  repealed,
          except as provided in  Article II, Section 1, by  the affirmative
          vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding stock at any
          annual  meeting, or  at  any special  meeting  if notice  of  the
          proposed amendment  be contained  in the notice  of such  special
          meeting, or  by the  affirmative vote  of  a quorum  of Board  of
          Directors at any  regular or special meeting,  provided notice of
          said proposed amendment be contained in the notice of meeting.
